Labor Party holds first-ever primary elections to determine who will run on the party's slate in upcoming elections. Success of younger "doves" surprises observers, as they must now run on slate...
March 31, 1992
March 30, 1992
State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to...
March 29, 1992
EC "troika" meets with FM Levy to discuss peace process and question of Israel's membership in EC. Levy states Israel objects to EC participation in upcoming multilateral talks on arms control and...
March 28, 1992
EC "troika" meets with Faisal Husseini in Jerusalem to discuss peace process, upcoming multilateral talks, Europeans later meet with Palestinian economists to discuss economic aid for o.t....
March 27, 1992
Ateret Cohanim seminary announces housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon, has given it land to build some 200 homes in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. Housing project would represent the largest...
March 26, 1992
U.S. investigatory team ends its inspection of Israeli Patriot missile batteries. (NYT 3/27)
Ateret Cohanim seminary opens four stores in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. (MM 3/27)
March 25, 1992
Fateh's Revolutionary Council concludes contentious meeting [begun 3/21] in which PLO decision to participate in peace talks on terms set by U.S., Russia, came under strident attack from Hani al-...
March 22, 1992
IDF reopens Gaza after forbidding Palestinians in Gaza from traveling to Israel 3/20. (MM 3/23)
Leaders of the Palestinian community in Israel decide to send a delegation to the UN to seek...
March 21, 1992
Fateh's Revolutionary Council begins meeting in Tunis, debates internal issues and questions about peace process [several leading Fateh figures recently signed petition criticizing PLO policy...
March 20, 1992
U.S. inspection team arrives in Israel to investigate charges that Israel improperly delivered Patriot missile technology to China. (MM 3/20)
IDF closes Gaza, forbids Palestinians from...
March 19, 1992
UN Secy. Gen. Ghali states UN Sec. Council Res. 242 is "not binding." He later corrects himself, stating he meant to say it was "unenforceable" because it was not adopted under Chapter 7of the UN...
March 18, 1992
In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first...
March 17, 1992
Pres. Bush rejects Senate compromise plan on loan guarantees to Israel [see 3/13]. Bush continues to push for an outright freeze on settlement activity; plan did not require settlement freeze but...
March 16, 1992
DM Arens meets with U.S. Secy. of Defense Richard Cheney in Washington. Cheney shows Arens intelligence findings indicating Israel illegally exported Patriot missile technology to China. Speaking...
March 15, 1992
Israeli govt. spokesman Benjamin Netanyahu calls recent reports that Israel transferred Patriot missile technology to China a "deliberate campaign" to "slander Israel" by certain American quarters...
March 14, 1992
117 mbrs. of Palestine National Council deliver memorandum to PLO leadership expressing reservations over course of peace negotiations, including PFLP Gen. Secy. George Habash and Fateh leader...
March 13, 1992
Pres. Bush meets with aides to discuss recent compromise plan for providing loan guarantees to Israel proposed by Sens. Patrick Leahy and Robert Kasten of the Senate Foreign Operations...
March 12, 1992
U.S. administration confirms it has begun investigating intelligence reports suggesting that Israel supplied China with technical data from Patriot missile system. On a visit to U.S., DM Arens...
March 11, 1992
State Dept. spokesman declines comment on report that Israel may have given China access to U.S. Patriot missile technology or perhaps even one of the Patriot missiles themselves [U.S. provided...
March 10, 1992
PLO issues open statement by Chmn. Arafat to the Palestinian people in which he defends peace talks, urges Palestinians to support the peace delegates. (MM 3/11)
Israeli diplomats in Cairo...
March 9, 1992
Former PM Menahem Begin dies in Tel Aviv. (WP 3/9)
Nayif Hawatima, head of one faction using the name DFLP, states in interview published in German press that he favors opening an "...
March 8, 1992
Representatives from the Arab Democratic Party (led by 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha) and Progressive List for Peace (Muhammad Mi'ari) meet to discuss terms under which the two parties would campaign...
March 7, 1992
Bomb kills Israeli diplomat in Ankara, Turkey. Victim was first Israeli diplomat killed since 1985. Islamic Revenge Organization eventually claims responsibility. (NYT 3/8)
March 6, 1992
Police arrest another Palestinian citizen of Israel in connection with attack which killed 3 IDF troops. 8 Palestinians have now been arrested in connection with the killings [see 2/26, 3/31. (MM...
March 5, 1992
Gun battle in Bani Suhayla, Gaza leaves 1 Palestinian, 1 IDF soldier dead; 8 Palestinians were arrested. (MM 3/6)
March 4, 1992
Fourth round of peace negotiations ends in Washington. (Qol Yisra'el 3/5 in FBIS 3/5)
Hamas supporters win 10 of 11 contested seats in Ramallah chamber of commerce elections. Elections were...
March 3, 1992
Palestinian negotiators present plan for holding elections in o.t. by 10/29/92 to elect a 180-seat parliament to guide the territories during period of interim self-rule. Plan also proposes...
March 2, 1992
EC for. ministers decide not to begin dispersing $120 million in aid to Lebanon until two German hostages held in Lebanon are freed. (MM 3/3)
March 1, 1992
Labor party leader Yitzhak Rabin promises that if elected prime minister in June, he will reach agreement with Palestinians on autonomy in o.t. within "six to nine months" after election. (Qol...
Labor Party holds first-ever primary elections to determine who will run on the party's slate in upcoming elections. Success of younger "doves" surprises observers, as they must now run on slate headed by recently chosen "hawkish" party leader, Yitzhak Rabin [see 2/191. (MM 3/31, 4/1, 4/2)
EC "troika" arrives in Syria for talks with Syrian leaders about the upcoming multilateral economic talks and other issues, even though Syria has declared it will not attend the multilateral talks. (Radio Monte Carlo 4/1 in FBIS 4/2)
State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to make a commitment to moving the negotiations to a venue closer to Middle East. (WP 3/31)
Israel's Palestinian citizens mark annual commemoration of Land Day with a "national holiday" instead of the traditional protests and strikes. Rally is staged in Ramiya, a village which the government does not officially recognize and whose inhabitants face eviction [see 3/22]. Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) organizes Land Day strikes in Gaza, but security forces curfew most areas. (MM 3/30)
EC "troika" arrives in Amman for discussions with Jordanian, PLO officials on peace talks, upcoming multilateral economic talks. (Radio Jordan 3/31 in FBIS 4/1)
PFLP, DFLP-Hawatima faction, Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Popular Struggle Front issue statement in Damascus confirming their support for 1988 Palestine National Council decision calling for confederation between Jordan and an independent Palestinian state. (Radio Monte Carlo 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)
Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan is released from prison [see 3/291. (MM 3/31)
EC "troika" meets with FM Levy to discuss peace process and question of Israel's membership in EC. Levy states Israel objects to EC participation in upcoming multilateral talks on arms control and refugee affairs. (IDF Radio 3/29, Al Hamishmar 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)
FM Levy later announces he will resign from government in wake of friction between him and other Likud leaders. (NYT 3/30)
Pres. Haim Herzog cuts 12 months from the 18-month sentence which peace activist Abie Nathan is currently serving in prison. Nathan, convicted for violating Israeli law forbidding contact with PLO officials, began his sentence in October 1991. (NYT 3/30)
EC "troika" meets with Faisal Husseini in Jerusalem to discuss peace process, upcoming multilateral talks, Europeans later meet with Palestinian economists to discuss economic aid for o.t. promised by EC. (Davar 3/29 in FBIS 3/31)
Palestinian dies as IDF fires on car carrying "wanted" persons outside al-Fari'a refugee camp near Nablus. (MM 3/30)
Ateret Cohanim seminary announces housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon, has given it land to build some 200 homes in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. Housing project would represent the largest block of Jewish housing in the Muslim Quarter. Spokeswoman for Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek states Kollek opposes the proposed move. (MM 3/30)
EC "troika," traveling inthe region to discuss peace process, arrives in Gaza. (Republic of Egypt Radio 3/27 in FBIS 3/30)
International Monetary Fund approves $250 million loan to Israel to help it overcome damage suffered by economy during Gulf war. (Qol Yisra'el 3/27 in FBIS 4/1)
U.S. investigatory team ends its inspection of Israeli Patriot missile batteries. (NYT 3/27)
Ateret Cohanim seminary opens four stores in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. (MM 3/27)
EC "troika" [three European for. ministers who comprise the EC's presidency] arrives in Cairo for talks on peace process and upcoming multilateral talks with Egyptian, Arab League officials. (Republic of Egypt Radio 3/26 in FBIS 3/26)
Israel allows direct-dial telephone service to 10 Arab countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen). Jordan's national telecommunications company states it will block incoming calls from Israel, asserting no bilateral treaty establishing communications has yet been signed. Decision to initiate service was made in Dec. 1991. (NYT 3/28)
Fateh's Revolutionary Council concludes contentious meeting [begun 3/21] in which PLO decision to participate in peace talks on terms set by U.S., Russia, came under strident attack from Hani al-Hasan and other senior Fateh figures. (al-Ray 3/28, Voice of Palestine 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; MM 3/26, 3/30, 5/7)
IDF reopens Gaza after forbidding Palestinians in Gaza from traveling to Israel 3/20. (MM 3/23)
Leaders of the Palestinian community in Israel decide to send a delegation to the UN to seek international support for residents of Ramiya, near Umm al-Fahm, after supreme court refused to rescind eviction orders facing the villagers [Jewish town of Karmi'el intends to evict the residents and build homes on the land, which was confiscated by Israeli authorities in 1976]. Leaders also called for Palestinians in Israel to strike on 3/30 in commemoration of Land Day. (MM 3/23)
Israeli undercover forces shoot and kill a Palestinian wanted by security forces as he played soccer near Tulkarm. (MM 3/23, 4/16)
Fateh's Revolutionary Council begins meeting in Tunis, debates internal issues and questions about peace process [several leading Fateh figures recently signed petition criticizing PLO policy toward negotiations. See 3/14]. (MM 3/30)
U.S. inspection team arrives in Israel to investigate charges that Israel improperly delivered Patriot missile technology to China. (MM 3/20)
IDF closes Gaza, forbids Palestinians from traveling to Israel in wake of 3/17 attack on civilians in Jaffa by a Gaza resident. (NYT 3/21)
U.S. appeals court in Washington upholds life sentence of Jonathan Pollard, the American convicted for spying on behalf of Israel, following an appeal lodged by Pollard. (WP 3/21)
IDF kills Palestinian in Silwad, near Ramallah. A Palestinian youth shot 3/19 in Janin refugee camp dies of his wounds. (MM 3/20)
UN Secy. Gen. Ghali states UN Sec. Council Res. 242 is "not binding." He later corrects himself, stating he meant to say it was "unenforceable" because it was not adopted under Chapter 7of the UN Charter, which allows the UN to enforce decisions through sanctions and use of force. (MM 3/20, 3/23)
In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first scheduled elections after that would be in 1996]. The law also lowers number of votes needed to bring down government from 70 to 61, and gives Knesset authority to approve cabinet. (WP, MM 3/19)
State Dept. announced Bush administration has issued a proposal to Israel whereby U.S. would grant $10 billion in loan guarantees over six years providing that Israel restrict settlement activity to completing housing started before 1/1/92. $300 million would be provided immediately under the plan, but the rest would be contingent upon a settlement freeze. Announcement also indicated that the administration is calling for a freeze on settlements throughout 1967 territories, the first time that the administration has used language suggesting that it seeks to halt settlement activity in E. Jerusalem as well as in W. Bank and Gaza. (WP 3/19)
In Beirut, Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for 3/17 bombing of Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires to avenge Israel's 2/16 assassination of Hizballah leader 'Abbas Musawi. (WP 3/19)
Leaflet allegedly distributed in Ramallah by PFLP calls for inclusion of Hamas in Unified National Command of the Intifada (Al Hamishmar 3/19 in FBIS 3/20)
IDF kills 3 Palestinians in three incidents in Gaza, West Bank. (MM 3/19)
Pres. Bush rejects Senate compromise plan on loan guarantees to Israel [see 3/13]. Bush continues to push for an outright freeze on settlement activity; plan did not require settlement freeze but merely called for a reduction in amount of guarantees annually dispersed to Israel corresponding to amount Israel spends on new settlement activity. Bush also threatens to veto any foreign aid legislation authorizing guarantees without calling for a settlement freeze. (NYT 3/18)
Powerful car bomb completely destroys Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. 3 other buildings, including a church and a school, are also destroyed. At least 32 killed, over 240 wounded, including children from the school. Israeli officials call it the most serious attack ever mounted on an Israeli diplomatic facility. (NYT 3/18, 3/19)
Gazan wielding knives kills Jewish woman, wounds 19 other persons in Jaffa. Attacker also kills Palestinian citizen of Israel who tries to stop him, but is himself killed by a policeman. (NYT 3/18)
Announcement made that Emile Habibi, ex-communist writer and leading figure in the Palestinian community in Israel, will be awarded the Israel Prize for Literature, Israel's most prestigious civilian honor. Habibi, who received a similar literary prize from the PLO in Cairo in 1990, is the first Palestinian citizen of Israel to receive the award. (MM 3/19; NYT 5/7)
DM Arens meets with U.S. Secy. of Defense Richard Cheney in Washington. Cheney shows Arens intelligence findings indicating Israel illegally exported Patriot missile technology to China. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Arens again denies charge and states Israel will cooperate with U.S. experts who will travel to Israel to investigate the reports. (NYT 3/17)
Palestinian peace delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi states no consensus currently exists among Palestinians regarding Jordanian-Palestinian cofederation. (Voice of Palestine 3/17 in FBIS 3/18)
Unified National Command of the Intifada issues addendum to proclamation no. 80 [see 3/3] urging Palestinians in o.t. to resist Israeli attemptso foster internecine divisions. (Voice of Palestine 3/16 in FBIS 3/17)
Israeli govt. spokesman Benjamin Netanyahu calls recent reports that Israel transferred Patriot missile technology to China a "deliberate campaign" to "slander Israel" by certain American quarters. (WP 3/16)
Responding to recent press reports that Jordan and the PLO have been discussing a plan forJordanian-Palestinian confederation [see 3/12], Nabil Sha'th, political advisor to Chmn. Arafat, states that the Palestine National Council already agreed to confederation at the Algiers meeting in November 1988. He also states that such plans presuppose existence of an independent Palestinian state. (Tunisian Republic Radio 3/15 in FBIS 3/16)
Mayor of Petah Tikva informs police he will soon put a fence around the Geha Junction in Petah Tikva to prevent Palestinian workers from congregating each morning looking for work. The mayor claims the action is to forestall possible terrorist attack against city residents. (MM 3/16)
IDF kills 3 Palestinians during gunbattle in 'Askar refugee camp near Nablus. (NYT 3/16)
117 mbrs. of Palestine National Council deliver memorandum to PLO leadership expressing reservations over course of peace negotiations, including PFLP Gen. Secy. George Habash and Fateh leader Hani al-Hasan. Document also calls for PLO to insist upon certain conditions for continued Palestinian participation, including recognition of PLO and call for halt in settlement activity. (RMC 3/15, 3/16 in FBIS 3/16;Jordan Times, al-Ray, 3/16 in FBIS 3/17; MM 3/26)
Pres. Bush meets with aides to discuss recent compromise plan for providing loan guarantees to Israel proposed by Sens. Patrick Leahy and Robert Kasten of the Senate Foreign Operations Subcommittee [the committee isryesponsible for preparing draft legislation authorizing U.S. foreign aid expenditures in 1992]. The proposal would grant Israel $1 billion in guarantees immediately followed by an additional $1 billion later in the year. Israel would receive an additional $2 billion annually for the next five years but subject to presidential approval. Each dispersement would also be subject to the "Leahy deduction," a figure representing the amount Israel spends on new settlement construction [named after Sen. Leahy, who first proposed adopting such a deduction]. (NYT 3/14)
Israeli officials state they will allow U.S. to inspect Patriot missile batteries in Israel to determine if any are missing or have been tampered with. (WP 3/14)
U.S. administration confirms it has begun investigating intelligence reports suggesting that Israel supplied China with technical data from Patriot missile system. On a visit to U.S., DM Arens strongly denies charge. The controversy comes at a time when the State Dept.'s inspector general has formulated draft report [reported 3/13 in U.S. press] criticizing the department's bureau of politico-military affairs for failing to act on reports that Israel has been improperly transferring U.S.-made weapons to third countries. (WT 3/13; WP 3/14)
King Hussein meets with Pres. Bush in Washington, discusses possibility of announcing formation of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation to help Palestinian delegates in their negotiations with Israel. Hussein also agrees that Jordan will "do its part" to enforce UN sanctions against Iraq. (NYT, WP 3/13; WP 3/17)
Pres. Asad accuses Israel of asking the U.S. to intercept N. Korean ship reportedly carrying Scud-C missiles to Syria [see 3/9]. Asad denied the vessel was transporting missiles. (WP 3/13)
IDF kills Palestinian in Janin, arrests dozens others. Army states all were members of the Black Panthers organization. (MM 3/12; WP 3/13; NYT 4/12)
State Dept. spokesman declines comment on report that Israel may have given China access to U.S. Patriot missile technology or perhaps even one of the Patriot missiles themselves [U.S. provided Israel with two Patriot batteries during the 1991 Gulf war on condition that Israel not share system's technology with other countries]. (WT 3/12)
IDF releases 180 Gazans detained in Ketziot-Ansar 3 detention camp following 3/10 announcement that some 300 Palestinians would be released to mark the Islamic holy month of Ramadan [see 3/101. (ITN 3/11 in FBIS 3/12)
PLO issues open statement by Chmn. Arafat to the Palestinian people in which he defends peace talks, urges Palestinians to support the peace delegates. (MM 3/11)
Israeli diplomats in Cairo indicate FM Levy recently told Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa that Egypt should either charge 4 Israeli citizens held in Egypt for espionage or release them [3 Arabs of Libyan origin and 1 Jew, were detained in early February. Israel has denied spying on Egypt]. (AFP 3/10 in FBIS 3/11)
Detainee Muhammad 'Abd al-Fattah al-Hawrani, member of the steering committee of the Palestinian delegation to peace talks who was detained in February, is released from Ketziot-Ansar 3 detention camp [see 2/17]. Commander of Ketziot announces 300 prisoners will be released early during coming week to mark Islamic holy month of Ramadan. (MM 3/11; al-Nahar 3/11 in FBIS 3/12)
IDF kills Palestinian in Gaza City after he accidentally ran into army checkpoint. (MM 3/10)
Former PM Menahem Begin dies in Tel Aviv. (WP 3/9)
Nayif Hawatima, head of one faction using the name DFLP, states in interview published in German press that he favors opening an "immediate dialogue" with Yitzhak Rabin and the Labor party. (Berliner Zeitung 3/9 in FBIS 3/18)
N. Korean ship which U.S. officials thought might be transporting ballistic missiles (Scud-1D missiles, also called Scud-C) from N. Korea to Syria and Iran docks at Bandar 'Abbas, Iran, after eluding U.S. naval search for the vessel [U.S. Defense Dept. officials state navy had been searching for the ship after receiving Israeli intelligence reports]. Incident is most recent example of growing Western readiness to intercept arms shipments to Syria, Iran. In October 1991, another N. Korean ship carrying equipment for Scud missiles turned back before reaching Syriafter Israel indicated it might stop it [see also 1/29 and 2/3]. (NYT, WP 3/11)
Lebanese police issue first official casualty report from Lebanese civil war. Report states 144,240 died and 197,506 were wounded during fighting from 1975-90. An additional 17,415 are missing and presumed dead, including 13,968 kidnapped by various militias. The figures did not include an additional 6,630 Palestinians killed and 8,000 wounded in related conflicts. (NYT, MM 3/10)
Palestinian youth killed in 'Asirat al-Qibliyya near Nablus. Palestinians claim he was shot by a settler and not by IDF. A second youth killed by soldiers during clash in 'Arrub refugee camp near Hebron. (MM 3/10)
Representatives from the Arab Democratic Party (led by 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha) and Progressive List for Peace (Muhammad Mi'ari) meet to discuss terms under which the two parties would campaign for. the upcoming Knesset elections as a unified electoral list. (MM 3/9)
Settler sentenced to life imprisonment for 1990 killing of a Palestinian woman to avenge the earlier slayings of 2 Israelis. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 3/9 in FBIS 3/11)
Bomb kills Israeli diplomat in Ankara, Turkey. Victim was first Israeli diplomat killed since 1985. Islamic Revenge Organization eventually claims responsibility. (NYT 3/8)
Police arrest another Palestinian citizen of Israel in connection with attack which killed 3 IDF troops. 8 Palestinians have now been arrested in connection with the killings [see 2/26, 3/31. (MM 3/6)
Gun battle in Bani Suhayla, Gaza leaves 1 Palestinian, 1 IDF soldier dead; 8 Palestinians were arrested. (MM 3/6)
Fourth round of peace negotiations ends in Washington. (Qol Yisra'el 3/5 in FBIS 3/5)
Hamas supporters win 10 of 11 contested seats in Ramallah chamber of commerce elections. Elections were the first chamber elections in Ramallah in 25 years. (MM 3/4)
Palestinian negotiators present plan for holding elections in o.t. by 10/29/92 to elect a 180-seat parliament to guide the territories during period of interim self-rule. Plan also proposes creating a Palestinian executive and judiciary. Israel rejects the plan. (WP, MM 3/4; Qol Yisra'el 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; NYT 3/6)
Unified National Command of the Intifada issues proclamation no. 80. (Voice of Palestine 3/3 in FBIS 3/6)
Police arrest 2 more Palestinian citizens of Israel in connection with attack which killed 3 IDF soldiers [see 2/26]. (Israel Television 3/4 in FBIS 3/5)
EC for. ministers decide not to begin dispersing $120 million in aid to Lebanon until two German hostages held in Lebanon are freed. (MM 3/3)
Labor party leader Yitzhak Rabin promises that if elected prime minister in June, he will reach agreement with Palestinians on autonomy in o.t. within "six to nine months" after election. (Qol Yisra'el 3/1 in FBIS 3/2)
MAPAM party central committee approves electoral platform of "MERETZ-Democratic Israel," a joint electoral list comprised of three leftist parties: MAPAM, Citizens' Rights Movement, and Shinui. (Qol Yisra'el 3/1 in FBIS 3/2)
Undercover troops ambush and kill two men in Shabur refugee camp, Gaza. Another Palestinian is killed, over 20 wounded in clashes with IDF following the ambush. (MM 3/2)