17 / 15500 Results
  • November 5, 1994

    Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at...

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  • October 14, 1994

    Hamas extends deadline for release of 200-300 prisoners by 24 hrs. Within 1 hr., based on information from Arafat, IDF raids West Bank house where IDF soldier is being held. Kidnapped soldier, 1...

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  • September 1, 1994

    Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office...

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  • July 21, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Secy of State Christopher in Gaza, appeals for economic assistance beyond $2.4 b. pledged by international donors to avert "starvation and the humiliation and frustration"...

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  • July 14, 1994

    Israel lifts ban on entry of PNA officials into Gaza, Jericho after 4 Palestinians it holds responsible for 1974 Maalot massacre return to Egypt.  Due to enter are Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh, Ahmad Qurai...

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  • July 13, 1994

    Israel expels fr. Gaza 4 frmr. PLO guerrillas, including 2 linked to 1974 Maalot massacre, for past attacks on Israelis.  Officials charge PLO Chmn. Arafat tried to infiltrate them with his 13-mbr...

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  • July 7, 1994

    Arafat, Rabin end 2 days of mtgs. in Paris, both sides agreeing to continue talks on expanding Palestinian self-rule.  Talks to resume 7/11 in Cairo.  2 sides plus Jordan and Egypt to organize...

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  • July 5, 1994

    Arafat arrives in Jericho fr. Gaza on Egyptian helicopter that overflies Israel.  Palestine National Authority, including Arafat and 12 cabinet members, sworn in, holds 1st official mtg.  Arafat...

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  • May 11, 1994

    Palestinian police take over Dayr alBalah town and al-Maghazi police station in Gaza Strip. Police cmdr. Maj. Gen. Nasr Yusuf says priority of Gaza force will be disarming Palestinian civilians....

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  • May 8, 1994

    Weapons for Gaza police force brought in fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, but officers remain on Egyptian side of border. Police also wait at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)

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  • May 4, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin sign 186-page Gaza-Jericho self-rule accord after 6-hr. negotiating session. Cairo ceremony presided over by Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak; 2,500 attendees...

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  • April 11, 1994

    17-mbr. advance TIPH team arrives in Hebron, meets Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha, local IDF cmndrs. Opposition to Danish-Italian-Norwegian force expressed by Hamas spokesman Taysir Tamimi, settler...

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  • April 5, 1994

    23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

    9 Palestinians...

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  • February 21, 1994

    PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan.  Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions.  (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)...

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  • January 25, 1994

    Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG...

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  • January 10, 1994

    PLO-Israel talks resume in Taba, Egypt. Israeli delegation led by IDF Maj. Gen. Amnon Shahak, PLO by Nabil Shaath. Shaath estimates 3 weeks required for sides to reach Gaza-Jericho withdrawal...

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  • January 5, 1994

    WT reports Israel has returned to Egypt 100 boxes of artifacts unearthed by archaeologists in Sinai during Israeli occupation of region. Shipment is 2d since 1992 accord btwn. Egyptian and Israeli...

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Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at Orient House in East Jerusalem. (MM 11/4; WT 11/5, 11/6; QY, RMC, VOP 11/6 in FBIS 11/7; MM 11/7; MM 11/8; JP 11/12)

Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Lebanese Pres. Hrawi meet in Damascus to discuss Israeli PM Rabin's 11/1 remarks on southern Lebanon. (SARR 11/5 in FBIS 11/7; JP 11/12)

Israeli Dep. DM Gur says Israel will consider direct talks with Lebanon on phased pullout fr. southern Lebanon if Lebanese present viable plan ensuring total cessation of violence. (JP 11/12)

PNA announces Egypt will open representative office in Gaza, consulate in Jericho; Arafat names Zuhdi al-Qidrah as PNA representative to Cairo. (MENA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)

Israeli study shows Fateh has not made any lethal attacks on Israelis since autonomy agmt. was signed in May. (QY 11/6 in FBIS 11/8; WT 11/8)

Hamas extends deadline for release of 200-300 prisoners by 24 hrs. Within 1 hr., based on information from Arafat, IDF raids West Bank house where IDF soldier is being held. Kidnapped soldier, 1 other soldier killed, 12 wounded by kidnappers; 3 Hamas mbrs. killed, 2 arrested. Location of soldier in Israeli o.t. embarrasses PM Rabin, who swore he was in PNA controlled Gaza. Rabin vows to resume talks with PNA as soon as possible. (ITV, QY 10/14 in FBIS 10/17; NYT, WP, WT 10/15; CSM, MM 10/17; JP 10/22)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, PLO Chmn. Arafat hold talks in Cairo; discuss aid transfers, Hamas, other obstacles to peace. (MENA, RE 10/13 in FBIS 10/14, MM 10/14)

Multilateral arms control seminar on threat assessment closes in Paris. Positions presented, no draft document signed, but gaps btwn. parties "narrow significantly." Teams leave for Germany to attend military maneuvers. (Davar 10/14 in FBIS 10/17)

Israel gives PNA power to collect customs tariffs, conduct searches at Allenby Bridge. (VOP 10/14 in FBIS 1021)

PFLP's George Habbash, DFLP's Hawatmeh announce they want to unify the 2 groups into 1, inc. administration, finance, military, intelligence. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office in Gaza, but diplomatic contacts with PNA will still go through Tunis. (MM 9/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/2; NYT 9/4; WJW 9/8)

Israeli FM Peres tells Arafat that Pakistani PM Bhutto may enter Gaza after all. Pakistan say it is too late to reschedule visit. (MM 8/31; QY 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; JP 9/10)

Schools open for classes in West Bank under PNA control. (NYT, WT 9/2)

Palestinian police release last 4 Hamas mbrs. being held for 8/14 attack. (AFP 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Secy of State Christopher in Gaza, appeals for economic assistance beyond $2.4 b. pledged by international donors to avert "starvation and the humiliation and frustration" of Palestinians, asserts Palestinian authority over Muslim holy places in Jerusalem.  Christopher says U.S. feels a "special responsibility" for helping Palestinians, urges PLO to adopt modern accounting procedures.  (NYT, TJT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/22)

Israeli-Jordanian talks conclude with discussion of free-trade zone, development of Wadi `Araba.  Plans are to be presented to King Hussein, PM Rabin at 7/25 summit.  U.S. officials say Jordan, Israel to announce state of nonbelligerency.  (MM 7/21; RJ 7/21 in FBIS 7/22; WSJ, WT 7/22)

Israeli FM Peres visits Cairo to brief Egyptian Pres. Mubarak on Israel-Jordan talks.  (MM 7/21; MENA 7/21 in FBIS 7/22)

Palestinian police apprehend suspects in 7/19 Rafah ambush of IDF patrol that killed 1 Israeli.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/21 in FBIS 7/21)

Lebanese court convicts Namiq Ahmad Kamal of complicity in 1976 kidnapping, murder of U.S. Amb. Francis Meloy, sentences him to 4 yrs.' hard labor.  Attack blamed on PFLP; assassin remains at large.  (RL 7/21 in FBIS 7/22; WT 7/22)

Israel lifts ban on entry of PNA officials into Gaza, Jericho after 4 Palestinians it holds responsible for 1974 Maalot massacre return to Egypt.  Due to enter are Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh, Ahmad Qurai`.  (MM 7/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, U.S. AID Administrator J. Brian Atwood cut ribbon on U.S.-funded $6.9 m. apt. complex in Jabaliya r.c., Gaza Strip, marking start of international aid to Palestinian self-rule areas.  Atwood also tours U.S.-funded sewage, urban-renewal projects.  (MM 7/14; WP, WT 7/15)

Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights petitions PM Rabin to allow ICRC access to Khiyam prison in southern Lebanon's "security zone."  (MM 7/14)

Israeli FM Peres tells United Kibbutz Movement "Israel recognized Syrian sovereignty over the Golan Heights,"  saying an agreement with Syria would entail withdrawal to international border, demilitarization of Golan, and unrestricted flow of Jordan River.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/14, 7/15)

Israel expels fr. Gaza 4 frmr. PLO guerrillas, including 2 linked to 1974 Maalot massacre, for past attacks on Israelis.  Officials charge PLO Chmn. Arafat tried to infiltrate them with his 13-mbr. entourage 7/12.  A 5th is sought; Israel bars entry of further PNA officials until he is found.  Israel closes Gaza-Egypt, West Bank-Jordan crossings; Gaza-Israel, Jericho-Israel crossings remain open.  (MM 7/13; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/14; TJT 7/15)

PLO, ICRC sign memorandum of understanding on ICRC role in Palestinian self-rule areas.  MOU, signed by PLO Political Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi and ICRC Pres. Cornelio Sommaruga, permits ICRC to visit prisoners held by Palestinian police.  (ICRC release 7/13; MM 7/14)

Multilateral talks steering comm. completes 6th mtg. in Tabarka, Tunisia.  (Jordan TV 7/14 in FBIS 7/15)

Federal District Court in NY sentences Jordanian Bilal Alkaisi, 5th and final defendant in 2/93 World Trade Center bombing, to 20 mos.' imprisonment for lying to immigration officials.  (NYT 7/14)

Arafat, Rabin end 2 days of mtgs. in Paris, both sides agreeing to continue talks on expanding Palestinian self-rule.  Talks to resume 7/11 in Cairo.  2 sides plus Jordan and Egypt to organize conference on 1967 refugees.  Arafat pledges to convene PNC in Gaza "in the very near future" to repeal PLO charter provisions calling for Israel's elimination.  (MM 7/7; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/8)

17-yr.-old Israeli girl killed, father wounded by Palestinian gunmen in drive-by shooting nr. Hebron; IDF soldier found shot, stabbed to death in Kufr Aqab, West Bank, north of Jerusalem, in separate incident.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/8; JP 7/16)

Arafat arrives in Jericho fr. Gaza on Egyptian helicopter that overflies Israel.  Palestine National Authority, including Arafat and 12 cabinet members, sworn in, holds 1st official mtg.  Arafat pledges establishment of Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital.  1 PNA appointee, Labor Min.-designate Samir Ghawsha, not sworn in due to Israeli objections.  Crowd estimated at 5-10,000.  Israel denies barring Palestinians fr. Jericho.  (MM 7/5; Israeli Govt. Press Office release 7/5 in FBIS 7/6; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/6; TJT 7/8)

Nazareth Mayor and Hadash MK Tawfiq Ziyad killed in car crash while returning fr. mtg. Arafat in Jericho.  (MM 7/6; TJT, WP 7/8; JP 7/16)

Palestinian prisoner held by PLO police in Gaza Central Prison on suspicion of collaboration with Israel dies in custody after being beaten.  (NYT 7/10; CSM 7/11)

Israel and Morocco establish official direct telephone link.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/5 in FBIS 7/6)

Palestinian police take over Dayr alBalah town and al-Maghazi police station in Gaza Strip. Police cmdr. Maj. Gen. Nasr Yusuf says priority of Gaza force will be disarming Palestinian civilians. 2d group of 150 officers later crosses into Gaza fr. Egypt. (MM 5/11; NYT, WP, WT 5/12)

PLO police cmndrs. tour Jericho with IDF officers to prepare for next day's initial deployrnent. IDF closes Jericho to journalists, fires rubber bullets and tear gas at demonstrating Palestinians. (NYT 5/12)

Knesset approves Gaza-Jericho agreement by vote of 52-0 after stormy debate in which 2 Likud MKs ejected fr. chamber for interrupting FM Peres. (MM 5/11; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/12)

Israeli. govt. agrees to guarantee Gaza municipality's $12 m. debt to Israel's electric company. Power authority had threatened to cut off Gaza's power. (CSM 5/11; MM, WP 5/12)

Asst. Secy of State Robert Pelletreau, in Bahrain, says U.S. has pledged $500 m. to Palestinian National Authority and is providing Palestinian police with vehicles. Later in Kuwait, reasserts U.S. opposition to Arab boycott of Israel and says he is "satisfied" with Gulf response to his efforts on boycott. (MM 5/11, 5/12)

Weapons for Gaza police force brought in fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, but officers remain on Egyptian side of border. Police also wait at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)

TIPH force of 117 arrives in Hebron, does not intervene inclashes btwn. IDF, local students. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)

Aharon Yariv, chief of IDF intelligence in 1967 war, dies at 74. Yariv also founded and directed Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. (NYT, WP, WT 5/9)

U.S. officially informs Jordan of decision to end naval inspections of Aqaba-bound shipping. (MM 5/9)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin sign 186-page Gaza-Jericho self-rule accord after 6-hr. negotiating session. Cairo ceremony presided over by Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak; 2,500 attendees include Secy. of State Christopher, Russian FM Andrei Kozyrev, Norwegian FM Bjorn Tore Godal, FMs of Japan, South Korea, Morocco, and Jordan. Arafat balks at signing maps accompanying accord, saying size of Jericho area not agreed upon, and ceremony stops for 35 minutes until Arafat reassured issue subject to further negotiation. Arafat asks for 3-week delay in withdrawal to allow PLO to prepare for taking power. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/4, 5/5; CSM 5/5)

Simultaneous with signing, Israel permits return of 15 Palestinian exiles, releases over 200 Palestinian prisoners, and allows entry into Gaza of 19 PLO police cmndrs. (MM 5/4; NYT, WP, WT 5/5)

Settlers attempt to occupy Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho, staging prayer vigil. IDF remove settlers, detains 400 at Jericho base. Palestinian celebration in Jericho broken up by IDF with tear gas, percussion grenades. PLO officials arriving in Jericho in IDF jeeps stoned by local youths. (MM 5/4;NYT, WT 5/5; NYT 5/6)

Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawsha says group will not use force against Palestinian supporters of Gaza-Jericho agreement, but says Palestinian police should not try to stop attacks by opposition factions on settlers, IDF. (MM 5/4)

DFLP head Nayif Hawatmah, PFLP chief George Habash issue statements rejecting Gaza-Jericho accord, calling for continued resistance to occupation and new elections to PNC. (MM 5/4)

17-mbr. advance TIPH team arrives in Hebron, meets Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha, local IDF cmndrs. Opposition to Danish-Italian-Norwegian force expressed by Hamas spokesman Taysir Tamimi, settler spokesman Yehiel Leiter. Center Hebron opened to Palestinians for 6 hours while team visits, but curfew reimposed afterward. Clashes break out btwn. Palestinians, IDF after curfew restored; 4Palestinians wounded. (MM 4/11; WP, WT 4/12)

PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath says in Cairo mtg. 4/13 deadline for Israel-PLO autonomy agreement, IDF withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will be "impossible," accepts proposal by FM Peres to set target date at end 4/94. (CSM, NYT, WT 4/12)

"Security sources" report killing in 'Ayn al-Hilwa r.c., Lebanon, of Lt. Col. Husayn Abu Zayd, 4th Fateh loyalist to be killed in Lebanon since 9/13/93. (CSM 4/12)

U.S. Defense Dept. notifies Congress of plans to sell 25 McDonnell Douglas F-151 fighter-bombers to Israel for $2.4 b. Initially, deal announced 1/94 had involved 20 planes, valued at $2 b. Package includes 25 Martin Marietta Corp.-manufactured LANTIRN navigation and targeting pods, 11 spare Pratt & Whitney engines. DoD also announces sale of 70 MK-46 torpedoes worth $40 m., 32 Harpoon missiles worth $57 m. to Egypt. (NYT, WT 4/12; DoD releases)

23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

9 Palestinians wounded by IDF in clashes as Israelis continue evacuation of Jericho, Gaza IDF HQs. 3 of the wounded are in Jericho. (WT 4/6)

Danish, Italian, and Norwegian officials go to Israel from Cairo to discuss role of Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) contingents. (MM 4/5)

Pres. al-Asad holds 3d mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, returns to Syria. (MM 4/5)

PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan.  Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions.  (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)

UN holds talks in Geneva with France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom on training Palestinian police force.  (MM 2/24)

FM Peres, speaking to Knesset Economics Comm. names Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Tunisia as Arab countries working to end Arab boycott of Israel.  Peres observes "the Arab boycott is the Arab world's problem, no less than ours."  (MM 2/21; Qol Yisra`el 2/21 in FBIS 2/24)

Syrian Interior M Muhammad Harba, speaking to Damascus conference on drug trafficking, says Syria rejects Israeli proposal for secret negotiations, calls Israeli proposal for referendum on Golan Heights an obstacle to peace.  (MM 2/21)

Settlers block West Bank roads with rocks, burning tires in continuing protests over killing of Zipporah Sasson.  Blockade coincides with "rush hour" of Palestinians going to work in Israel.  IDF prevents clashes by turning away Palestinian cars before they reach settler roadblocks.  Ballistics tests reportedly link weapon in Sasson killing to killing of Shin Bet officer previous week and 4 Israelis in 12/93.  (MM 2/21; CSM 2/22)

Lawyer for imprisoned Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin says his client's "life is under threat," but Israeli Prisons Authority spokesman says "there is no deterioration" in Yasin's condition.  Yasin is serving 15-yr. sentence in prison nr. Netanya for ordering killings of collaborators.  (MM 2/21)

Hamas issues leaflet warning Druze, Bedouin citizens of Israel to leave IDF "which has killed the sons of your people."  Hamas claims IDF replacing Jewish units in Gaza with Druze- and Bedouin-manned units.  (MM 2/21)

Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG Uri Savir. (MENA 1/25 in FBIS 1/25, 1/26)

PLO and Egypt sign 5-yr. economic and technical cooperation agreement giving each side most-favored-nation status, supporting local industry, and exploring joint projects, including free zone at Rafah. (MM 1/25)

Molodet figure Shaul Gutman announces formation of breakaway body, called "Peace Guard," to pursue platform of "transfer." (Qol Yisra'el 1/25 in FBIS 1/25)

PLO-Israel talks resume in Taba, Egypt. Israeli delegation led by IDF Maj. Gen. Amnon Shahak, PLO by Nabil Shaath. Shaath estimates 3 weeks required for sides to reach Gaza-Jericho withdrawal agreement (MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WT 1/10; CSM, WP 1/11)

"Kahane Chai" mbrs. assault U.S. journalist Robert Friedman, visiting West Bank settlement of Tapuah. Group holds Friedman responsible for "witch hunt" against late Rabbi Meir Kahane, murdered in New York in 1990. (WP 1/11; WT 1/12)

3 U.S. congressional staffers tour villages nr. Sultan Ya'qub, Lebanon, in search for evidence of IDF soldiers missing since 1986. (RL, VOL 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; WT 1/11)

U.S.-Israel Joint Political-Military Group begins 20th session of talks on U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation with mtg. of military affairs. subcomm. Plenum, chaired by Israeli DMin. DG David Ivry and U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Robert Galluci, to meet 1/12. (MM 1/10)

"Damascus Declaration" countries (GCC states, Egypt, Syria) issue statement on upcoming Clinton-al-Asad summit "affirming their strong backing for Pres. Asad." (MM 1/10)

WT reports Israel has returned to Egypt 100 boxes of artifacts unearthed by archaeologists in Sinai during Israeli occupation of region. Shipment is 2d since 1992 accord btwn. Egyptian and Israeli antiquities authorities. (WT 1/5)

IDF shoots dead lyad Hinnawi, 20, during disturbances at Jabaliya camp, Gaza. Witnesses say Hinnawi threw 1 stone before being shot. (Qol Yisra'el 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; MM, WT 1/6)

Bombs left at New York offices of New Israel Fund and Americans for Peace Now are defused by police. Notes with bombs signed by "David Maccabee Squad" accuse Rabin govt. of "selling out the Jewish people." (MM 1/5; WP 1/6; NYT 1/8; WJW 1/13)