20 / 15500 Results
  • November 22, 1997

    Arafat discusses peace process with Egyptian FM `Amr Musa in Cairo on his way home fr. India. (MENA 11/22, 11/23 in WNC 11/26)

    Families of 17 Jordanian prisoners still held in Israeli...

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  • October 28, 1997

    In Amman, Russian FM Primakov meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JT, RJ 10/28 in WNC 10/29; MM 0/19; RJ 10/29 in WNC 10/30)

    Iraq, Syria hold water talks in...

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  • October 25, 1997

    Russian FM Primakov begins 2-day visit to Syria, meets with Pres. Asad, FM Shara`. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], SANA 10/25, SANA 10/26; Interfax [Moscow] 10/27 in WNC 10/29)

    Jordan, PA hold talks...

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  • October 17, 1997

    Israeli police announce arrest of 10 Jewish building contractors for illegal posession of 200 kg. of explosives. Contractors say they were planning to sell explosives to Palestinian quarries....

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  • September 17, 1997

    EU special envoy Moratinos arrrives in Jordan after 2-day visit to Egypt. (RE, RJ 9/18 in WNC 9/19)

    Moskowitz vows to go ahead with plans to build 130 apartments for Jews at Ras al-Amud....

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  • September 13, 1997

    Secy. of State Albright stops briefly in Egypt to meet with Pres. Mubarak before heading to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd, urges both countries to participate in the 11/97 Doha economic...

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  • September 2, 1997

    After a weekend mtg. with Pres. Asad in Damascus, EU special envoy Miguel Moratinos says that Syria wants to rejoin the peace process. (WT 9/3)

    Israel, Turkey, U.S. announce plans to hold...

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  • August 25, 1997

    Arafat, Pres. Mubarak hold talks on the peace process in Alexandria. (RE 8/25 in WNC 8/26; RE 8/26 in WNC 8/27)

    PM Netanyahu arrives in Japan. (IDF Radio, Kyodo [Tokyo] 8/25 in WNC 8/26; MM...

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  • August 16, 1997

    In Gaza, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Yasir Arafat meets with Yitzhak Molho, personal atty. and adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyhau. No details about the mtg. are released. (WT 8/18)

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  • August 11, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross continues shuttling btwn. Netanyahu, Arafat; says that as the 1st step toward salvaging the peace talks, Israel, the PA must work together to determine the identity of the...

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  • June 11, 1997

    In Washington, Pres. Clinton urges Qatar's emir Shaykh Hamad to move ahead with plans to host the Middle East-North Africa economic summit in 11/97. The emir criticizes the 6/10 House decision,...

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  • May 15, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross, PM Netanyahu meet in Tel Aviv. Later, Arafat refuses to meet Ross, stating that he is unhappy with the U.S. mediating role, Israeli delay tactics; sends letter to Pres....

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  • May 9, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross holds separate mtgs. with Israeli DM Mordechai, PA's Arafat; makes no progress. (AFP 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MEI 5/16)

    PSF, Shin Bet, CIA representatives meet in Tel Aviv...

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  • May 6, 1997

    FBI begins investigating whether a "senior U.S. government official" has been passing highly sensitive information to Israel. U.S. officials say that in 1/97, the National Security Agency...

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  • April 25, 1997

    The UNGA passes (134-3, with 11 abstentions) a resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. (NYT, WT 4/26; ITV 4/26, SANA 4/27 in WNC 4/29; MM 4/28, 4/29; MEI 5/2)

    In New York,...

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  • April 16, 1997

    Israeli police formally call for PM Netanyahu's indictment on charges of "fraud and breach of trust" in connection with the Bar-On affair. Israeli state atty. Edna Arbel, atty. gen. Elyakim...

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  • April 15, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East; holds talks in Gaza with Arafat, in Jerusalem with Netanyahu. (WP 4/15; CSM, WP 4/16)

    EU-Mediterranean business conference opens in Malta...

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  • March 27, 1997

    After separate 2-hr. mtgs. with Arafat, King Hassan in Rabat, Morocco, U.S. special envoy Ross heads to Israel where he holds 3-hr. talks with PM Netanyahu, gives no details of the mtgs. (MM, WT 3...

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  • March 18, 1997

    1,000 IDF soldiers guard Israeli construction workers as they begin construction at Har Homa. Israeli police, border guards beat back Palestinian protesters with fists, boots, rifles. IDF snipers...

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  • January 9, 1997

    Palestinian Council closes 2 days of debate on a draft civil service law without approving the draft. Deliberations focus on the scales for promotions, allowances for employees. (PR 1/17)


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Arafat discusses peace process with Egyptian FM `Amr Musa in Cairo on his way home fr. India. (MENA 11/22, 11/23 in WNC 11/26)

Families of 17 Jordanian prisoners still held in Israeli custody stage sit-in outside Jordanian PM's office, calling for government action. (JT 11/23 in WNC 11/26)

IDF searches the West Bank town of Rafah after a Palestinian chemistry teacher dies in an explosion. IDF believe he was making a bomb. (WP 11/23; JP 11/29)

In East Jerusalem, an unidentified attacker stabs an Israeli rabbinical student, wounding him, prompting scuffle btwn. Arab, Jewish youths. (NYT, WP 11/23; JP 11/29) (see 11/20)

Outside Bethlehem, Israeli police fire on a car whose driver allegedly ignored signals to stop for a checkpoint, killing a Palestinian passenger in the car. Police find nothing suspicious in the car. (NYT, WP 11/23; LAW 11/24)

In s. Lebanon, 4 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in skirmish with IDF. (NYT, WP 11/24)

In Amman, Russian FM Primakov meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JT, RJ 10/28 in WNC 10/29; MM 0/19; RJ 10/29 in WNC 10/30)

Iraq, Syria hold water talks in Damascus, again urge Turkey to join in 3-way discussion. (INA 10/28 in WNC 10/30; al-Thawra 10/31 in WNC 11/6) (see 10/22)

At the close of 4 days of mtgs., Iran, Lebanon have signed 4 agmts. covering land and maritime transport, dual taxation, boosting trade, encouraging investment btwn. the 2 countries. Iran also agrees to request to provide Lebanon with crude oil at preferential prices. (SA 10/29 in WNC 10/30; see also MM 10/27, IRIB Television [Tehran] 10/27 in WNC 10/29)

PC mbr. Musa Abu Sabha is detained by Israeli police at Gaza checkpoint for driving a car reported stolen in Israel. PA atty. gen. demands that Abu Sabha's immunity be lifted, but PC Legal Council refuses, saying that he cannot be tried while in Israeli detention, he must be extradited to PA. (PR 11/7)

IDF demolishes 3 Palestinian homes nr. Bethlehem. (LAW 10/29)

IDF clashes with Hizballah in s. Lebanon, leaving at least 2 Hizballah mbrs. dead. (ITV 10/28 in WNC 10/29)

Russian FM Primakov begins 2-day visit to Syria, meets with Pres. Asad, FM Shara`. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], SANA 10/25, SANA 10/26; Interfax [Moscow] 10/27 in WNC 10/29)

Jordan, PA hold talks on water, Jordan Valley development. (RJ 10/25 in WNC 10/29; MM 10/27) (see 10/20)

Lebanese PM Hariri arrives in Iran for 4 days of talks on expaning economic, political ties. (RL 10/25 in WNC 10/29; IRNA 10/25, 10/28 in WNC 10/29; MM 10/27; SA 10/29 in WNC 10/30)

In Bethlehem, Israeli police clash with Palestinians demonstrating in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, injuring 11. Israel currently is holding some 3,000 political prisoners, a third of whom have never been tried. (WT 10/26)

Israeli police announce arrest of 10 Jewish building contractors for illegal posession of 200 kg. of explosives. Contractors say they were planning to sell explosives to Palestinian quarries. Israel says explosives confiscated are same type used in recent suicide bombings. (IDF Radio 10/17 in WNC 10/20)

IDF shells Hizballah targets in s. Lebanon, wounding 1 civilian. (RL 10/17 in WNC 10/20; VOL 10/17 in WNC 10/22)

EU special envoy Moratinos arrrives in Jordan after 2-day visit to Egypt. (RE, RJ 9/18 in WNC 9/19)

Moskowitz vows to go ahead with plans to build 130 apartments for Jews at Ras al-Amud. Ateret Cohanim prepares plans to move "thousands" of supporters to the neighborhood. Several MKs threaten to resign if the government forces an eviction. Meanwhile, 100s of Israelis, Palestinians protest at the heavily guarded site. At one point, Israeli police charge Palestinian protesters, beating them with batons, injuring several. (MM 917; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/18; MEI 9/26) (see 9/16)

IDF says that regular, reserve units have begun training for the 1st time for the prospect of "large-scale guerilla warfare" in the West Bank, Gaza. (WT 9/18)

Secy. of State Albright stops briefly in Egypt to meet with Pres. Mubarak before heading to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd, urges both countries to participate in the 11/97 Doha economic summit. (MENA 9/13, RE 9/15 in WNC 9/16; NYT, WP, WT 9/14; al-Thawra 9/14 in WNC 9/17; MM 9/15; WP 9/18; MEI 9/26)

Israel's urban planning commission approves plans by American Jewish developer Irving Moskowitz to build 70 housing units for Jews in the Palestinian neighborhood of Ras al-Amud in East Jerusalem. Under heavy police protection, 50 Jewish settlers (3 families, plus armed guards) fr. the radical group Ateret Cohanim move into 2 buildings, which purportedly were purchased by Moskowitz fr. local Palestinians. Israeli police say the occupation is legal. Netanyau condemns the action but says little can be done to reverse it. (RL 9/13, ITV 9/14, IDF Radio 9/15 in WNC 9/16; LAW 9/14; WP 9/15; WT 9/16; CSM 9/17; WJW 9/18; PR 9/19; MEI, PR 9/26)

After a weekend mtg. with Pres. Asad in Damascus, EU special envoy Miguel Moratinos says that Syria wants to rejoin the peace process. (WT 9/3)

Israel, Turkey, U.S. announce plans to hold joint naval exercises in the Mediterranean 11/15-25. Egypt, Syria protest; Turkey says that they may send observers if they like. (MM 9/4)

In Hebron, Jewish settlers throw stones at Palestinian laborers, lay down in the street to distrupt work on a U.S.-financed project to renovate al-Shuhada street, which was outlined in the Agreed Minute attached to the Hebron Protocol. David Muirhead, the American overseeing the project, says that the Israel police responded to the needs of the settlers only, did not come to the aid of the Palestinians, beat him and others, threw him into a van and detained him until the U.S. Consulate intervened. State Dept. calls on Israel to ensure security for the workers, calls incident"simply unacceptable." (NYT, WT 9/3; PR 9/12; JP 9/13)

In s. Lebanon, an Israeli explosive device detonates, injuring 2 Lebanese civilians. (RL 9/2 in WNC 9/4)

Arafat, Pres. Mubarak hold talks on the peace process in Alexandria. (RE 8/25 in WNC 8/26; RE 8/26 in WNC 8/27)

PM Netanyahu arrives in Japan. (IDF Radio, Kyodo [Tokyo] 8/25 in WNC 8/26; MM 8/26; MM, WP, WT 8/27, CSM 9/3, JP 9/6) (see 8/24)

Saying that the Oslo process must be "redefined," Israeli mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert promises to build additional housing projects, including some in disputed territories. (WT 8/26)

In Bethlehem, the IDF fires tear gas, rubber bullets at Palestinians protesting the continued internal closure. When troops move closer to the PA-controlled area, PA police take up postitions behind walls, baracades. Only when troops pull back, do they intervene to disperse the protesters. (WP, WT 8/26)

IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes nr. Bethlehem, 2 nr. Jerusalem for allegedly being built without permits. (LAW 8/25; WP, WT 8/26; IDF Radio 8/26 in WNC 8/27; PR 8/29)

Israeli police, Shabak agents break into the Golan Heights home of Ilham Abu Salih--a Druze who heads a student organization at Damascus University, representing 400 Golani Druze students; arrest her on suspicion of being a Syrian spy. Druze in Majdal Shams stage protests, burning tires, waving Syrian flags. Syria complains to the UN. (al-Anwar 8/29 in WNC 9/4; NYT, WP 9/4; JP 9/6)

After much critism, Labor Chmn. Barak reverses the dismissal of Labor party personnel announced 8/21, saying he erred in abruptly laying off the workers. (MA 8/29 in WNC 9/2; JP 9/6)

As fighting continues in Lebanon, IAF fires rockets at PFLP-GC targets s. of Beirut, causing no injuries. Hizballah detonates a roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, injuring 1 SLA mbr. (QPAR 8/25 in WNC 8/26; CSM, WP 8/26)

In Gaza, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Yasir Arafat meets with Yitzhak Molho, personal atty. and adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyhau. No details about the mtg. are released. (WT 8/18)

The PA says it will match Israel's freeze (imposed since the 7/30 bombings) on transfers of monies owed the PA with a selective boycott of Israeli goods, calls for national unity talks with Palestinian groups opposed to the Oslo process. (NYT, WT 8/17; CSM, NYT 8/18; PR 8/22)

Jordanian Amb. to Israel Umar al-Rifa`i submits offical complaint to Israel, stating that he, Jordanian writer Nasir al-Din al-Nashashibi were harassed at an Israel checkpoint into Israel. (al-Dustur 8/17 in WNC 8/20)

PA police arrest 3 Palestinian car thieves who murdered an Israeli taxi driver in Jericho 8/14. Within hrs. the 3 men are tried, convicted to long prison terms. Israeli police praise the move, but government says cooperation in criminal matters does not prove that the PA is cracking down on "terrorism." (WT 8/17; NYT 8/18; CSM, WP 8/19; IGPO 8/28 in WNC 9/4)

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attack Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) bases in s. Lebanon, drawing fire fr. the Lebanese army. No injuries are reported. (RL 8/16, 8/17 in WNC 8/20)

U.S. special envoy Ross continues shuttling btwn. Netanyahu, Arafat; says that as the 1st step toward salvaging the peace talks, Israel, the PA must work together to determine the identity of the 2 men responsible for the 7/30 bombings; says some progress has been made toward this end. In the evening, U.S., PA, Israeli security officials meet. (MM 8/11; ITV 8/11 in WNC 8/12; CSM, NYT, WP 8/12; MA 8/12 in WNC 8/12; JP 8/16)

During a brief confrontation, Palestinian youths angry over the closure clash with IDF troops at a checkpoint in Ramallah. (NYT 8/12)

1 Israeli injured in the 7/30 bombing dies, bringing death toll to 16, including the 2 bombers. (WP 8/12)

In Jerusalem, 150 Conservative, Reform Jewish men, women attempt to pray together at the Western Wall. They are jeered by Orthodox Jews, who call them "terrorists," "Hamas," "Christians"; are forcibly removed fr. the wall by Israeli police. (NYT 8/12)

Israel encourages Germany to take action against Hamas supporters suspected of operating in Berlin, Aachen. Israel charges that some 70 Hamas supporters have been fundraising in Germany since 1994. (Der Spiegel 8/11 in WNC 8/12)

Fmr. Jordanian FMin. official Muhammad al-Khalili announces the founding of Voice of Peace, a new newspaper to be published in Arabic, English, Hebrew. Israeli authors will be among the contributors. (al-Quds 8/11 in WNC 8/14)

IDF prevents an Amnesty International team fr. visiting al-Khiyam prison in s. Lebanon. (RL, VOL 8/11 in WNC 8/12)

After 40 hrs. of talks, ILMG recesses without taking a decision, plans to resume discussions 8/12. (RL 8/12 in WNC 8/13)

In Washington, Pres. Clinton urges Qatar's emir Shaykh Hamad to move ahead with plans to host the Middle East-North Africa economic summit in 11/97. The emir criticizes the 6/10 House decision, calls on the U.S. to review its dual containment policy. (MM 6/11; al-Rayah [Doha] 6/17 in WNC 6/19; al-Ahram 6/18 in WNC 6/24; Intelligence Newsletter 6/26)

House passes Res. 1757, a version of the State Dept. Authorization Bill that earmarks $100 m. for the transfer of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (Near East Report 6/12)

At the close of a 2-day mtg., donor, host governments pledge $4.1 m. to the UNRWA general fund for 1997. (UNRWA press release 6/12, 6/19) (see 5/26)

Jordan, Saudi Arabia open new border post at Aqaba+nal-Dirri+nHaql area. (RJ 6/10 in WNC 6/11)

At the Western Wall, Orthodox Jews, angered by men and women praying together, attack Conservative Jews, then attack Palestinians nr. the Old City, spray tear gas at Israeli police who try to stop them. (NYT 6/13; WT 6/16; JP 6/21)

U.S. special envoy Ross, PM Netanyahu meet in Tel Aviv. Later, Arafat refuses to meet Ross, stating that he is unhappy with the U.S. mediating role, Israeli delay tactics; sends letter to Pres. Clinton, asking him to intervene personally to save the peace process. Israel accuses Arafat of manufacturing a crisis. (IDF Radio 5/15 in WNC 5/16; PR 5/16; AFP 5/16 in WNC 5/19; NYT, WP, WT 5/17; JP 5/24)

In Jerusalem, Norwegian FM Godal meets with PM Netanyahu. (QY 5/15 in WNC 5/16)

Israeli police detain 2 Palestinians, one of whom is a PA police officer, in connection with Bashiti's murder 5/9. (IDF Radio, QY 5/15 in WNC 5/16; IGPO 5/15 in WNC 5/19; NYT 5/16; JP 5/24)

3 IDF soldiers are killed, 7 are wounded in a clash with Hizballah in s. Lebanon. 2 Hizballah mbrs. also are killed. (AFP 5/15, IDF Radio, VOL 5/16 in WNC 5/19; MM, WT 5/16; NYT 5/17)

U.S. special envoy Ross holds separate mtgs. with Israeli DM Mordechai, PA's Arafat; makes no progress. (AFP 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MEI 5/16)

PSF, Shin Bet, CIA representatives meet in Tel Aviv to discuss resuming Israeli-PA security cooperation. Shin Bet head Ami Aylon refuses to attend the mtg. in anger over PA claims that the Shin Bet was behind 2 suicide bombings 4/1 (see 5/4). (AFP, IDF Radio 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MM 5/13; NYT 5/17)

In Ramallah, Farid Bashiti, an East Jerusalem Palestinian accused of selling Arab homes and land to Jews, is found dead. Israeli police open an investigation. At Friday prayers at al-Aqsa, the PA-appointed mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrima Sabri, says Bashiti must not be prayed over or buried in a Muslim cemetery. (NYT, WP, WT 5/10; WT 5/11; IDF Radio 5/11 in WNC 5/13; WJW 5/15; MEI, PR 5/16; WJW 5/22) (see 5/5)

IDF destroys the foundations of a new UNRWA school in Abu-Dis, says the building permit was granted by mistake. The construction project is funded by donor countries. (PR 5/16)

In Amman, PM Majali, Iraqi dep. PM Aziz discuss bolstering bilateral relations, forming a united Arab stand on the peace process. (al-Dustur 5/10 in WNC 5/13)

In Beirut, a Lebanese court sentences Samir Ja`Ja` to life with hard labor for the attempted murder of Michel al-Murr in 3/91. 3 accomplices are each given 20 yrs. with hard labor. 2 others are acquitted. (RL 5/9 in WNC 5/13)

FBI begins investigating whether a "senior U.S. government official" has been passing highly sensitive information to Israel. U.S. officials say that in 1/97, the National Security Agency intercepted a transmission btwn. 2 Israeli intelligence officers in Washington and Tel Aviv, discussing a request by Israeli Amb. to the U.S. Eliahu Ben-Elissar to activate a alleged mole code-named Mega to obtain the secret letter of assurances fr. fmr. Secy. of State Christopher to Arafat, which was attached to the Hebron protocol and has never been made public. The transmission suggests that Mega has provide information to Israel in the past. Israel denies spying. (WP 5/7; NYT, WP 5/8; MM 5/8; IDF Radio, ITV, YA 5/8 in WNC 5/9; MM, WP, WT 5/9; SANA 5/12 in WNC 5/13; MEI 5/16; JP 5/17)

Arafat, Israeli pres. Weizman meet in advance of U.S. special envoy Ross's arrival 5/8. (MM, WT 5/6; ITV 5/6 in WNC 5/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 5/7; AFP, YA 5/7 in WNC 5/8; WJW 5/8; JP 5/10; MM 5/12)

After Arafat-Weizman mtg., an Israeli-PA-U.S. security mtg. is held to discuss resuming coordination. (MM 5/7; ITV 5/7 in WNC 5/8)

Egyptian pres. Mubarak accepts Iran's invitation to attend the 12/97 OIC mtg. in Tehran but says that Egypt is not considering resuming diplomatic relations with Iran (severed after Egypt signed its peace treaty with Israel in 1979). (WT 5/7)

Iran's FM Velayati arrives in Beirut for mtg. with FM Buwayz. (VOL 5/6 in WNC 5/7; IRNA 5/7 in WNC 5/8)

Israeli police forcibly evacuate 30 Jewish settlers fr. a shack they had set up nr. Nablus in an attempt to expand Yitzhar settlement. (MM, NYT 5/7; IDF Radio 5/7 in WNC 5/8; PR 5/16)

IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem, Ramallah for being constructed without a permit. (LAW 5/6; PR 5/16) (see 5/5)

A bomb explosion in s. Lebanon blamed on Israel kills 2 civilians, injures 2. A 2d bomb at the same site is dismantled. In a separate incident, Israeli planes attack suspected Hizballah targets in the Biqa` Valley, injuring 1 civilian. (RL, VOL 5/6 in WNC 5/7; WP 5/7)

The UNGA passes (134-3, with 11 abstentions) a resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. (NYT, WT 4/26; ITV 4/26, SANA 4/27 in WNC 4/29; MM 4/28, 4/29; MEI 5/2)

In New York, Hamas political leader Abu Marzuq signs an agmt. that he will not contest the terrorism charges against him, will give up his residency status; in return, the U.S. will drop exclusion proceedings, release him to Jordan, which has agreed to grant him asylum. (AFP, RJ 4/30 in WNC 5/1; NYT, WP 5/1; NYT 5/2; WP 5/9) (see 4/22)

Israeli police find bodies of 2 Israeli women in a West Bank nature reserve nr. Jerusalem, suspect Palestinian assailants, but offer no proof. (WP 4/26; MM 4/28; WJW 5/1; JP 5/10)

Israeli court extends by 10 days the remand of businessman Manbar while it considers whether to charge him with selling arms to Iran. (ITV 4/25 in WNC 4/28) (see 3/27)

For 3d time, Iraq violates the U.S. no-fly zone to ferry pilgrims fr. Saudi Arabia to Iraq. (WP 4/26; CSM, MEI 5/2) (see 4/23)

In Miami, Palestinian refugee fr. Lebanon who hijacked an Iberian plane fr. Madrid to Miami on 7/26/96 is found guilty of federal air piracy charges, will be sentenced 8/11/97. (WT 4/26) (see also 7/30/96)

2 IDF soldiers are wounded by mortar fire nr. the Israeli, s. Lebanon border. IDF claims soldiers were hit while in Israeli territory; Lebanon, SLA claim soldiers were in s. Lebanon. (MM 4/25; RL 4/26 in WNC 4/29)

Israeli police formally call for PM Netanyahu's indictment on charges of "fraud and breach of trust" in connection with the Bar-On affair. Israeli state atty. Edna Arbel, atty. gen. Elyakim Rubinstein must now decide whether to file the charges. Labor leader Peres urges Netanyahu to step down, call new elections. (MM 4/16; IDF Radio, ITV 4/16, IDF Radio, MA, YA 4/17 in WNC 4/18; ITV 4/16 in WNC 4/29; MM, NYT, WP, WP 4/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/18; WT 4/19; WP 4/20; MEI 5/2) (see 4/15)

U.S. special envoy Ross meets with PM Netanyahu, who rejects his suggestion that Israel make gestures toward the Palestinians to regain their confidence, demands PA show proof it is fighting "terrorism." (NYT, WT 4/17; IDF Radio 4/18 in WNC 4/21)

On the 1st leg of his regional tour, Russian dep. FM Posuvalyuk meets with Lebanese PM Hariri in Beirut, discusses the peace process. (RL 4/16 in WNC 4/17)

Israel reseals the West Bank after warning of possible Palestinian attack. (WT 4/16)

IDF demolishes home of a relative of suicide bomber Ghanimat in Surif, leaving 12 people homeless. (WP 4/17; LAW 5/6) (see 3/31)

Death toll in Mina fire (see 4/15) rises to 343. (NYT, WP 4/17)

SLA mbr. wounded in the 4/13 attack dies. (RL 4/16 in WNC 4/17)

U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East; holds talks in Gaza with Arafat, in Jerusalem with Netanyahu. (WP 4/15; CSM, WP 4/16)

EU-Mediterranean business conference opens in Malta. Arafat, Israeli FM Levy meet on the sidelines in the highest level contact since talks broke down in 3/97. (CSM, MM, WT 4/15; Radio France Internationale [Paris] 4/15 in WNC 4/16; CSM, MM 4/16; De Volkskrank [Amsterdam], SANA 4/16 in WNC 4/17; CSM, NYT, WP 4/17; MEI, PR 4/18)

On the sidelines of the Malta conference, Jordanian FM Tarawnah, Syrian FM Shara` discuss improving bilateral relations. (al-Dustur 4/23 in WNC 4/24)

In Surif, 3 critically ill Palestinians die when IDF troops enforcing curfew deny them access to medical treatment. (NYT 4/16)

Israeli police recommend felony indictments in the Bar-On affair be sought against Justice M Hanegbi, chief of staff Avigdor Lieberman, Netanyahu political ally and Shas head Arye Deri. (ITV 4/15 in WNC 4/16; MM, WP, WT 4/16; YA 4/16 in WNC 4/17) (see 2/28)

In Mina, Saudi Arabia, an estimated 210 Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani pilgrims participating in the Hajj are killed, 800 are injured when canisters of cooking fuel ignite tents. At least 70,000 tents are destroyed, leaving 100,000s of pilgrims temporarily without shelter. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/16; MM 4/22, 4/24; MEI 5/2)

SLA releases 7 detainees fr. al-Khiyam prison in s. Lebanon to mark the end of Ramadan. (RL 4/15 in WNC 4/16)

After separate 2-hr. mtgs. with Arafat, King Hassan in Rabat, Morocco, U.S. special envoy Ross heads to Israel where he holds 3-hr. talks with PM Netanyahu, gives no details of the mtgs. (MM, WT 3/27; ITV, SANA 3/27 in WNC 3/28; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 3/28; MA 3/28 in WNC 3/31)

Israel sends tanks, troop reinforcements to surround PA self-rule areas in the West Bank. Palestinian protests throughout the territories continue. (MM 3/27; ITV 3/27 in WNC 3/28; NYT, WT 3/28; NYT 3/30)

Jordan's military investigation comm. into the 3/13 shooting of 7 Israeli girls concludes its interrogation of Pvt. Daqamsa, turns the case over to the military court. Daqamsa's lawyer claims that Daqamsa opened fire on the spur of the moment after the girls laughed at him while he was praying. (WP, WT 3/28; al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 3/28 in WNC 3/31) (see 3/22)

2 explosive devices are found in a drainage pipe nr. al-Aqsa Mosque, are disarmed by Israeli police. No one claims responsibility. (PR 4/4)

Israel arrests Israeli businessman Nahum Manbar on suspicion of selling chemical weapons parts to Iran. In a 12/95 interview, Manbar admitted selling arms to Iran, but denied that he sold any weapons that could harm Israel. (WT 4/17; NYT 4/18; JP 4/26)

1,000 IDF soldiers guard Israeli construction workers as they begin construction at Har Homa. Israeli police, border guards beat back Palestinian protesters with fists, boots, rifles. IDF snipers, other soldiers with belt-fed machine guns take up firing positions nr. the demonstrators. IDF seals Bethlehem, Hebron to prevent protests. Arafat calls on Palestinians not to resort to violence; Netanyahu claims that the PA "has prepared the ground for violence that [it] would initiate," U.S. says no proof exists. (MM 3/18; ITV 3/18, RE, SA 3/19 in WNC 3/20; NYT, WP, WT 3/19; MEI 3/21; TJT 3/21 in WNC 3/25)

Italian PM Prodi arrives in Lebanon for talks with PM Hariri, Speaker Nabih Birri regarding the peace process, economic issues. (RL, VOL 3/18 in WNC 3/19; RAI Televideo [Rome], SATN 3/18, RL 3/19 in WNC 3/20)

Iranian FM Velayati arrives in Qatar on a tour to the Gulf to improve Iranian-Gulf ties. (MM 3/19)

Jordanian police prevent 120 mbrs. of the Jordan Engineers Association fr. marching to the Daqamsa home to show solidarity with the soldier, his family. (WT 3/19; MEI 3/21) (see 3/17)

In Ankara, the Joint Iraqi-Turkish Comm. hold talks on economic, diplomatic relations. (INA 3/18 in WNC 3/19)

Saudi Arabian citizen Hani `Abd al-Rahim Sayigh is detained in Canada at U.S.'s request for extradition in connection with the al-Khobar barracks bombing in Saudi Arabia 6/25/96. (WP 3/24; MM 3/26; WP 3/27-29; NYT 3/31, 4/3; WP 4/5; MM 4/18) (see 11/24/96, 1/10/97)

Palestinian Council closes 2 days of debate on a draft civil service law without approving the draft. Deliberations focus on the scales for promotions, allowances for employees. (PR 1/17)

Two pipe bombs explode in Tel Aviv, wounding 13 Israelis. No one takes responsibility. PM Netanyahu breaks off a mtg. with U.S. special envoy Ross; says that if the bombing proves to have been staged fr. the PA areas, he would suspend negotiations, respond with "great severity." Israeli police say that bombs were small, unsophisticated; they have not determined a motive for the attack. (IDF Radio, ITV, QY 1/9 in WNC 1/13; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/10; JP 1/18)

IDF says that the number of attacks on Israeli troops in s. Lebanon dropped significantly in 1996 (414 attacks), compared to 1995 (584 attacks). (MA 1/9 in WNC 1/10)

3 Amal mbrs., 1 IDF soldier are killed in clash in s. Lebanon. (RL 1/9 in WNC 1/10; CSM 1/10)