Pentagon reportedly tells Pres. Bush that the dominant view held by American military officials is that U.S. troops will not be ready for offensive action against Iraq on 1/15, and that any attack...
December 24, 1990
December 13, 1990
Federal District Court judges rule against 54 Democratic members of Congress who had sought an order forbidding Pres. Bush from going to war without first seeking con- gressional approval, but...
November 18, 1990
Iraq announces it will release all foreign hostages over 3 months starting Christmas Day "if nothing happens to disturb the atmosphere of peace." U.S. calls offer "cynical manipulation" [BADS 11/...
October 30, 1990
1 Palestinian is killed, 2 others injured, while constructing bomb near Tel Aviv, and 2 Palestinians are shot dead in W. Bank, as Israeli gov't puts into effect new regulations that permanently...
September 10, 1990
After 2 days of talks in Iran, Iraqi delegation under F.M. Aziz (1st high-level visit since 1979 revolution) announces it will restore full diplomatic ties [NYT, LAT 9/11].
Sec. Baker calls...
August 27, 1990
Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)...
August 13, 1990
New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over...
June 24, 1990
Ariel Sharon, new housing minister, promises Israel will make no special effort to settle Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T.: "We do not divert and we do not send any Russian immigrants or any Jew...
June 18, 1990
P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO...
May 30, 1990
Israeli soldiers thwart 2 boats off Tel Aviv coast carrying guerrillas of Palestine Liberation Front (PLF); 4 attackers are killed in firefight, 12 captured [WP, LAT, WT, NYT 5/31]; Israel calls...
May 26, 1990
Compromise proposal under which UN Sec. Council would send special envoys to investigate violence in O.T. falls through as U.S. supports Israel's opposition to proposal [WP 5/27].
April 19, 1990
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including...
April 7, 1990
Yasir Arafat arrives in Morocco to attend meeting on status of Jerusalem hosted by Islamic Conference Organization. King Hassan of Morocco called meeting of Jerusalem Committee to discuss Soviet...
April 6, 1990
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied...
April 1, 1990
Hungarian airline Malev resumes direct flights for Soviet Jews from Budapest to Tel Aviv [WP 4/2].
Estimated 120,000 people demonstrate outside UN in New York in support of Soviet Jewish...
March 28, 1990
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London...
February 19, 1990
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD...
February 10, 1990
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...
February 3, 1990
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow,...
Pentagon reportedly tells Pres. Bush that the dominant view held by American military officials is that U.S. troops will not be ready for offensive action against Iraq on 1/15, and that any attack should be deferred until February at earliest (cf. 12/26) [NYT, WP 12/25].
Iraq recalls its ambassadors from major European capitals, Washington, and Tokyo for consultations over deadlock in Gulf crisis [NYT, LAT, WP 12/25].
Saddam Hussein reportedly says Tel Aviv will be his 1st target in the event war breaks out; Israel promises swift and terrible retribution if attacked [LAT, WT, WP 12/25].
The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie's statement from hidden location affirms his Muslim faith, says he will not publish paperback version of book (cf. 12/26) [LAT, WT 12/25].
Israel in 1990 received highest number of immigrants in one year since 1949; about 187,000 people, mostly Soviet Jews, have arrived to date, and authorities expect 200,000 by year's end [LAT, WT, WP 12/25].
Housing Minister Ariel Sharon announces gov't.'s plan to locate 2,500 more houses for Jewish settlers in o.t., almost certainly including new Soviet immigrants, despite past assurances new immigrants would not be settled in o.t. [WP 12/26; FJ 12/31].
W. Bank and Gaza observe general strike called for by UNLU; signs of Christmas are noticeably absent in Bethlehem [NYT, WT, WP 12/25].
Newly-appointed Lebanese P.M. Omar Karami forms 30-man pro-Syrian cabinet, half-Christian and half-Muslim. Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea refuses post because of cabinet's pro-Syrian tilt [BVL, BDS 12/24, AFP 12/25 in FBIS 12/26; AFP 12/24, BVL 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; NYT, WP 12/25].
Federal District Court judges rule against 54 Democratic members of Congress who had sought an order forbidding Pres. Bush from going to war without first seeking con- gressional approval, but also rule Congress could force Bush to seek declaration of war if it chooses [NYT, WP 12/14].
Last U.S.-sponsored evacuation flight out of Iraq and Kuwait arrives in Frankfurt, carrying U.S. ambassador to Kuwait and 31 other Americans [AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; ADS, INA 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; NYT, WP 12/4; LAT 12/15].
American official says U.S. wants to keep some UN sanctions against Iraq in place even if Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; sanctions would continue to ensure Saddam "can't keep up his massive military machine" [NYT 12/14]; U.S. officials accuse Saddam of stalling on setting dates for talks [WP 12/14].
New York Times/CBS News poll finds 45% of respondents believe U.S. should start military actions against Iraq if it does not leave Kuwait by 1/15; 48% say U.S. should wait for sanctions to work; 62% say sending troops to Saudi Arabia was correct thing to do [NYT 12/14].
Concluding 2-day meeting, OPEC ministers in Vienna agree to maintain present production levels and reinstate production ceiling of 22.5 million barrels per day once Gulf crisis is over [IRNA, AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13].
French F.M. Roland Dumas says Iraqi pledge to leave Kuwait would not be enough to satisfy UN, but it could move Gulf crisis towards peaceful solution [MEM 12/14].
Tel Aviv military court convicts Col. Yaacov Sadeh of causing death by negligence of Palestinian teenager during clash 17 months ago [MEM 12/14].
Labor party leader Shimon Peres says P.M. Shamir's gov't. has moved into W. Bank and Gaza hundreds of new trailer homes imported to ease housing shortage [JTS 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MET 12/25].
Iraq announces it will release all foreign hostages over 3 months starting Christmas Day "if nothing happens to disturb the atmosphere of peace." U.S. calls offer "cynical manipulation" [BADS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; LAT, NYT, WT, WP, MEM 11/19; CSM 11/20; MET 11/27].
In Rome for audience with Pope John Paul 11, Soviet Pres. Gorbachev says he is "convinced" Gulf crisis could be solved without war [NYT 11/19].
In Tel Aviv address, P.M. Shamir speaks of the need "to keep the land of Israel from the sea to the Jordan for the generations to come . . . " (cf. 11/19, 11/20, 11/21, 11/26) [JDS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; WT, MEM 11/19; CSM 11/20; FJ 11/26].
After meeting with King Fahd in Jeddah, Soviet envoy Belonogov arrives in Damascus for unscheduled talks with Pres. Asad [TASS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; AFP 11/18 in FBIS 11/20; WT 11/19; MET 11/27].
Following brief meeting in Germany on Gulf crisis with Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Pres. Bush arrives in Paris, discusses crisis with Pres. Mitterrand [WP, MEM 11/19].
Israeli cabinet announces establishment of interministerial committee for Jerusalem, to be headed by P.M. Shamir. The committee, which must be approved by full Knesset, will replace just-established interministerial panel on "Temple Mount," which was advocated by Zamir Commission inquiry into 10/8 killings [MEM 11/19].
1 Palestinian is killed, 2 others injured, while constructing bomb near Tel Aviv, and 2 Palestinians are shot dead in W. Bank, as Israeli gov't puts into effect new regulations that permanently bar any W. Banker or Gazan with a record of security offenses from entering Israel [JDS 10/30 in FBIS 10/30; MEM 10/30, 10/31; NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].
Congressional leaders urge Pres. Bush to move slowly on any military activity against Iraq, while Saddam orders his generals to put Iraq's forces on "extreme alert" against possibility of U.S. attack [NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].
10 U.S. soldiers are killed in boiler room accident on USS Iwo Jima; 43 American servicemen have died since deployment in Gulf began [NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].
Arab nations are discussing PLO proposal to end efforts made since 1982 to expel Israel from the UN at this year's Gen. Assembly; instead they are reportedly considering alternative measure that would reaffirm Israel's obligation to obey UN resolutions [NYT 10/31].
Amal and Hizballah troops agree to cease-fire and say they will allow Lebanese Army regulars to deploy in S. Lebanon, where most of Shiite fighting has occurred. PLO rep. says Fateh force in Lebanon will not leave until dialogue of Lebanese-Palestinian relations is started [BVL 10/30, BDS 10/31 in FBIS 10/31; NYT 11/1].
After 2 days of talks in Iran, Iraqi delegation under F.M. Aziz (1st high-level visit since 1979 revolution) announces it will restore full diplomatic ties [NYT, LAT 9/11].
Sec. Baker calls on NATO members to send ground-based forces to join U.S. units in Saudi Arabia; announces he will visit Syria [LAT, NYT, WT, WP 9/11].
General Federation of Trade Unions in O.T. estimate 56,675 Palestinians have been deported from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, but urge them to try to return to their jobs as little work is available in O.T. [LAT, MEM 9/11; FJ 9/17].
In gesture to break embargo, Saddam Hussein offers free oil to developing nations that defy armada of international warships in the region [NYT, WT, MEM, WP 9/11; MET 9/18].
After much debate, foreign ministers of 12 of 21 Arab League members agree to move Arab League's headquarters to Cairo from Tunis (Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, Jordan, Yemen, and PLO boycott meeting); 5-member committee supervising relocation given 60 days to complete move [MENA 9/9 in FBIS 9/11; WT, MEM 9/11; CSM 9/12; FJ 9/17; MET 9/18].
Military sources report Syrian air force has issued orders to allow NATO spy planes leaving British bases in Cyprus to overfly Syria as they monitor Iraqi troop positions [AVP 9/10 in FBIS 9/11].
3-day meeting of International Islamic Conference opens in Mecca; King Fahd sends message to conference stating foreign troops will be asked to leave Saudi Arabia after the crisis has ended (cf. 9/12) [RTS 9/11, SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/13].
Trial of former IDF reservist Ami Popper, accused of murdering 8 Palestinians in Gaza on 5/20, opens in Tel Aviv [MET 9/18].
Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)
[MENA 8/28 in FBIS 8/28]; Sen. Nunn calls for more Arab military involvement in Gulf [WP 8/28].
Saddam meets with Arafat at Arafat's residence in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis [BADS 8/27 in FBIS 8/28]; PLO reports Arafat and Saddam have agreed on plan to solve Gulf crisis within Arab framework [MET 9/4].
Sources says P.M. Shamir is "concerned" and "astonished" over Washington's refusal as of yet to give Israel $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet immigrants. U.S. wants assurances that no immigrants will be settled beyond the green line [HAM 8/27 in FBIS 8/28].
Jerusalem Post reports Gaza lawyers are informed by Civil Admin. that all prisoners under age 16 will be released from detention centers [JPD 8/28 in FBIS 8/30].
Bush admin. expels 36 of Iraq's 55 embassy staffers in Washington, urges 34 other nations with embassies in Kuwait to take similar steps [LAT, WT, WP 8/28; MEM 8/29; MET 9/11].
State Dep't white paper supports Israeli charges that Libya gave "crucial support" to PLF attempted raid on 5/30, but concludes the operation was directed primarily at Tel Aviv beaches and not at military targets, as Israel had claimed [LAT 8/28].
New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over PLO's "very negative" image in Gulf states [NYT 8/14]; Los Angeles Times reports PLO "may have written themselves out of the diplomatic script" by supporting Iraq, stance will make it nearly impossible for resumption of U.S.-PLO dialogue [LAT 8/14].
Gulf crisis has strengthened P.M. Shamir's gov't., political right seen as gaining supporters in Israel; many Israelis are purchasingas masks in event of Iraqi chemical attack. Israeli official says "the mood of Israelis is that there is no point negotiating with Palestinians who support a leader like Saddam Hussein, who wants to wipe us off the face of the earth" [LAT 8/13].
U.S. ass't. sec. of state, John Kelly, meets in Cairo with F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 8/ 13 in FBIS 8/13]; then Kelly flies to Damascus to meet with Syrian officials [SANA 8/13 in FBIS 8/14].
Hamas leaflet distributed in O.T. calls on Palestinians to take their battle to Israeli soil, and for Baghdad to attack Tel Aviv if Iraq is attacked by Western powers [WT 8/14].
Ariel Sharon, new housing minister, promises Israel will make no special effort to settle Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T.: "We do not divert and we do not send any Russian immigrants or any Jew who comes from Russia" to O.T. (cf. 6/25) [IDF 6/24 in FBIS 6/25; WP, LAT, NYT 6/25; CSM 6/27].
Knesset announces plans to allow armed civilian units to patrol perimeters of O.T. settlements; creation of settlers' Civil Guard comes under fire [MEM 6/ 25].
East German president of parliament Sabine Bergmann-Pohl and her West German counterpart Rita Suessmuth visit Israel apparently to allay Israeli concerns about a unified Germany. Bergmann-Pohl says she hopes she "will be able to assist in speeding up the creation of diplomatic relations between the two countries" [WT 6/26].
Israeli transport minister Moshe Qatzav suspends inauguration of direct commercial flights between Tel Aviv and Prague because of dispute over security arrangements in Czech capital UPD 6/25 in FBIS 6/28].
Inspector general of Israeli police, Yaakov Turner, warns Palestinian residents of E. Jerusalem that more of them would be killed if they continue demonstrations that began on 6/20 [JDS 6/24 in FBIS 6/28; NYT 6/25].
Hanna Siniora, editor of Al-Fajr, says of U.S. decision to suspend dialogue with PLO that "the whole area is slipping toward a bottomless pit of hatred and suspicion." Editorials say suspension of dialogue has "put the whole region on a powder keg" and amount to reward for Shamir's intransigence [CSM 6/25].
King Hussein calls on U.S. to reassess its Middle East policy and open door for Soviet Jews who wish to settle in U.S. rather than Israel [WSJ 6/25]
Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid flies to Washington hoping to avert crisis in U.S.-Arab relations and reassert Egypt's role in peace process [LAT 6/25].
Hadashot reports since Arye Bibi, commander of Jerusalem district police, assumed his post, 5 Arabs have been killed by police or border guard fire in the district. Under Bibi's predecessor Yosef Yehuday, no one was killed by police gunfire; due to relative quiet in O.T., Jerusalem is becoming intifada's frontline [HAD 6/25 in FBIS 6/28].
P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO dialogue [WP, NYT, LAT 6/19; JTS 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].
White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater says Pres. Bush has written "lengthy" letter sent to Shamir over past few days offering congratulations on new gov't. and discussing U.S.-Israeli relations [WP, WT 6/19; MEM 6/22 (details of letter in MEM 7/27)].
Tel Aviv court charges Israeli Ami Popper, 21, with the 5/20 murders of 7 Palestinians. Five-man psychiatric panel rejects notion that Popper is "derranged," as Israeli authorities had first claimed [IDF 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; LAT 6/ 19].
Cairo declines Shamir's 6/15 call for Israeli-Egyptian summit, saying Egypt expects "concrete actions towards peace and establishment of dialogue in Cairo with Palestinians and not mere messages conveying good intentions" [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].
In letter to Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog released today, Theo Klein, former head (1983-89) of France's 700,000-strong Jewish community, says Israel should meet PLO [MEM 6/19].
Israeli soldiers thwart 2 boats off Tel Aviv coast carrying guerrillas of Palestine Liberation Front (PLF); 4 attackers are killed in firefight, 12 captured [WP, LAT, WT, NYT 5/31]; Israel calls on U.S. to end dialogue with PLO [WP 5/13]; U.S. State Dep't., White House issue sharp criticism; continuance of U.S.-PLO dialogue is questioned [LAT 5/13].
Concluding 3-day meeting, Arab League issues statement condemning emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel, finding U.S. responsible because of aid to Israel [TASS 5/30; WP, NYT, LAT, WT 5/31; CSM 6/1]; Sec.-Gen. Chedli Klibi delivers to U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau Arab League memorandum responding to earlier U.S. memorandum [MEM 6/8; QNA 6/8 in FBIS 6/13].
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak stops in Syria after Baghdad summit; meets with Pres. Asad to discuss summit resolutions [MENA 5/30 in FBIS 5/31].
Compromise proposal under which UN Sec. Council would send special envoys to investigate violence in O.T. falls through as U.S. supports Israel's opposition to proposal [WP 5/27].
UNLU issues call no. 57 condemning 5/20 Rishon le Zion killings [BVP 5/26 in FBIS 6/5].
Estimated 50,000 Israelis and Palestinians organized by Peace Now gather in Tel Aviv to protest Rishon le Zion killings [FJ 6/4].
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, criticize Dole for straying from the party's "unwavering commitment to Israel" [NYT, WT 4/20].
Former nat. sec. advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski endorses notion of cutting foreign aid to Israel and other top recipients, saying "It is simply an absurd situation in which one single country has come to view American aid for itself to be a permanent entitlement" [WT 4/20].
PLO officials, Soviet Jewish organizations, and members of Jewish intelligentsia meet in Moscow to discuss settling of Soviet Jews in O.T. [MTS 4/19 in FBIS 4/23].
Tear gas canister is thrown into Agudat Israel party meeting near Tel Aviv [LAT 4/20; JDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/20; WP 4/23].
Rabbi Avraham Verdiger, 1 of 2 party members who withdrew support for Shimon Peres at vote on 4/11, reverses his position, says he will support Peres in future vote [NYT, LAT, WT 4/20].
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine stalls release of American hostage, apparently due to U.S. refusal to send high-ranking diplomat to Syria to work out unspecified details [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/20].
Arafat arrives in Baghdad on state visit [BVP 4/19 in FBIS 4/20].
Israeli air force bombs PFLP-GC bases in S. Lebanon [jDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/19].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Morocco to attend meeting on status of Jerusalem hosted by Islamic Conference Organization. King Hassan of Morocco called meeting of Jerusalem Committee to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel (cf. 4/8) [RDS 4/7 in FBIS 4/10; MET 4/17- 23].
Representatives of PLO factions meet in Amman to discuss potential reorganizing of PNC [JTE 4/8 in FBIS 4/11].
As many as 100,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv to demand change in national electoral system following dealing-making and backroom politics employed by party leaders trying to form new gov't. [WP 4/8].
Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council, which on 4/6 announced its intention to release 3 Western hostages, calls for release of 2 Swiss Red Cross workers who were kidnapped in Sidon on 10/6 (cf. 4/10) [NYT 4/8].
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied territories." White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater agrees Israel should give such assurances, adding "We oppose settlements in the occupied territories" [LAT 4/7].
Responding to appeal by Libyan leader Qadhafi, spokesperson for Abu Nidal's Revolutionary Council says the group will release 3 European hostages in next few days (cf. 4/7, 4/10) [NYT, LAT 4/7].
After Vatican meeting with Pope John Paul II, Arafat tells reporters that D.M. Rabin and P.M. Shamir have sent emissaries with messages to Pope [NYT, LAT 4/7].
Hungarian airline Malev resumes direct flights for Soviet Jews from Budapest to Tel Aviv [WP 4/2].
Estimated 120,000 people demonstrate outside UN in New York in support of Soviet Jewish emigration, call for direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv [WT 4/ 2].
Israeli Tourism Ministry reports 1,425,000 people visited Israel in 1989, an increase of 9.7% over 1988 [MET 4/ 10-16].
PLO has rebuilt its military strength in Lebanon to 11,000 troops, more than the 8,000 who were forced out by 1982 Israeli invasion [NYT 4/2].
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London discover 40 American-made trigger devices for nuclear weapons that were being smuggled into Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 3/29]; U.S. intelligence sources report Baghdad is installing Soviet-built medium-range ballistic missiles [WT 3/29].
Yasir Arafat meets with Nobel laureate Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa says she will try to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem this year [LAT 3/29].
U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee approves provision to Israel's request for $400 million loan for Soviet Jewish housing. Provision reduces loan origination fee from usual 1% of loan to .25% of loan, saving Israel $3 million. Other legislation reduces annual service charges [WT 3/30].
Hungarian official says the national airline, Malev, soon will resume flying Soviet Jews to Tel Aviv from Budapest on its regular flights. Hungary suspended direct and charter flights of emigrant Jews on 3/ 21; the official says the charter flights will not be resumed (cf. 4/1) [WT 3/29; NYT 3/30].
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
5 Knesset members announce reestablishment of Likud faction Liberal Party, which had previously merged with Herut movement [JDS 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
High-level Palestinian delegation, sent by Yasir Arafat, arrives in Beirut to meet with Gen. Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea [MENA 2/20 in FBIS 2/21].
Under pressure from Arab gov'ts., Soviet Union rejects U.S. appeal to allow direct flights for Soviet Jews from Moscow to Tel Aviv [NYT 2/20].
Soviet ambassador to Cairo, Gennadiy Zhuravlev, has stressed USSR readiness to host Israeli-Palestinian talks; denies this undermines Egypt's role [RYF 2/19 in FBIS 2/28].
Israeli air force bombs DFLP bases near Kfar Jarah, 4 miles east of Sidon in Lebanon; one person reported killed [LAT 2/ 20; IDF 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].
Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].
Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].
IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].
Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow, despite commercial agreement of 2 months ago [NYT 2/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes 3 schools in the Hebron area for stone throwing at IDF vehicles [FJ 2/12].
IDF arrests at least 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area in 24-hour sweep [FJ 2/12].
Arab World: At least 25 people are killed in intra-Christian fighting in Beirut. [NYT 2/4].
Israeli and Palestine Liberation Front forces clash on S. Lebanon; each side claims to have killed several of the other [FBIS 2/5; MET 2/13].