38 / 15500 Results
  • December 28, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Ministry clears P.M. Shamir of complicity in the 1984 killing of 2 captured Arab bus hijackers and subsequent cover-up [NYT 12/...

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  • December 22, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities ban distribution of al-Fajr Arabic daily on the W. Bank and Gaza for 2 weeks on charges that the newspaper...

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  • December 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs....

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  • December 18, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 300 Arabs and Jews demonstrate in Haifa in solidarity with the residents of the occupied territories [FJ 12/25].


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  • December 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's...

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  • December 12, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Authorities demolish 2 Arab houses in Sakhnin and Jisr al-Zarqa village, claiming the buildings violated construction laws [FJ 12/19]....

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  • December 1, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir...

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  • November 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government acknowledges transferring arms to Iran at U.S. request but denies any financial role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP...

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  • November 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres defends Israel's role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/25]. Authorities demolish mosque and private Arab house in Galilee...

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  • November 22, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli sources acknowledge that at least 7 shiploads of military supplies have been sent to Iran since 1979 in addition to the U.S.-...

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  • October 22, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Radio announces Israeli occupation authorities have appointed fourth Arab mayor, Tahir Hijazi, as mayor of 'Anabta municipality...

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  • October 20, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yitzhak Shamir is sworn in as PM, replacing Peres according to 1984 rotation agreement; he will serve 25 months; wins 82-17 confidence...

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  • October 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Transfer of Israeli premiership, scheduled for today, is delayed because of quarreling over cabinet appointment (NYT, WP 10/16).


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  • October 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Minister David Levy inaugurates two new Jewish settlements in Gaza Strip, bringing total to 15 (NYT 10/9). Funeral of...

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  • October 7, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Second Israeli settler in ten days is stabbed in Gaza market. Settlers demonstrate with chants of "Death to Arabs" and throw rocks at...

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  • September 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Justice Ministry lawyers have been refusing to cooperate with Shin Bet's legal department to protest fact that two top Shin Bet...

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  • September 15, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots...

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  • September 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Birzeit University administration and employees reach agreement, end strike (FJ 9/12). Poll in West Bank and Gaza conducted by ...

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  • August 12, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes two left-wing Arab newspapers, al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, for allegedly supporting PFLP [LT 8/13].


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  • August 3, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously...

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  • July 31, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli court appointees raid 3 offices of Jerusalem Electricity Company in unsuccessful attempt to confiscate JEC funds they claim were...

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  • May 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other...

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  • May 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Margaret Thatcher arrives in Jerusalem, first official visit by British P.M. to Israel [NYT 5/24].

    Arab World: King Hussein...

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  • May 9, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres and the Israeli army chief of staff issue separate statements indicating that Israel has no intention of beginning a war with...

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  • April 17, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations...

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  • April 11, 1986

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border patrol kills 1 Arab infiltrator, captures another near the Jordanian border; the 2 were said to be carrying weapons [NYT 4/14]. ...

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  • March 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands attend Land Day protests held in Taybah village, Dayr Hanna, Kafr Saba, and Tel Sheva, in the Negev; rallies were organized by...

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  • March 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8...

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  • March 23, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign...

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  • March 13, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Ministry clears P.M. Shamir of complicity in the 1984 killing of 2 captured Arab bus hijackers and subsequent cover-up [NYT 12/29]. Journalist Akram Haniyyah is deported to Algeria by way of Geneva [FJ 1/9; LAT 12/29]. Mordechai Vanunu pleads innocent to charges of treason and espionage [LAT, NYT 12/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound 2 Palestinians in Ramallah during series of violent demonstrations protesting Akram Haniyyah's expulsion [LAT, NYT 12/29].

Arab World: Beirut refugee camp battles between Amal and PLO leave at least 4 dead, 27 wounded [BG 12/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities ban distribution of al-Fajr Arabic daily on the W. Bank and Gaza for 2 weeks on charges that the newspaper violated censorship regulations [FJ 12/25]. Israeli police and border guards demolish 5 Arab houses in al-Khawalid in Galilee, leaving -more than 30 homeless. Several residents who were trying to block the demolitions are arrested [FJ 12/25]. Israeli soldiers shoot and wound Bayt Sahur youth suspected of firebombing an army bus [FJ 12/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs. No arms found; 1 man is arrested [PI 12/20]. Israeli military court in Gaza sentences 7 members of an "armed cell" to long prison terms [FJ 12/25]. After numerous charges of abuse, "Ansar II," a makeshift detention center in Gaza, is closed. Most detainees are released [FJ 12/25].

Arab World: Egyptian authorities arrest 6, accusing them of plotting to kill Israelis in the al-Ma'adi suburb of Cairo [FJ 12/25].

Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan names Lawrence Walsh as independent counsel to investigate the arms sales to Iran and diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan contras [PI 12/20].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal continue their fight around Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps [GU 12/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 300 Arabs and Jews demonstrate in Haifa in solidarity with the residents of the occupied territories [FJ 12/25].

Other Countries: White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan publicly denies Pres. Reagan approved August 1985 Israeli arms shipment to Iran, contradicting testimony from former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane [LAT 12/19]. Britain pledges aid for Jordan's W. Bank and Gaza Strip development project UP 12/19].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian troops take Sami Turk, a commander of Sunni fundamentalist group known as Tawhid (Islamic Unification Movement), into custody. Tawhid members kill 15 Syrian soldiers in protest. Leftist Lebanese parties join with Syrian forces in 36-hour battle, which leaves over 200 dead [WP 1/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's violence. The demonstration, organized by the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, is the largest protest inside the green line since 1982 [FJ 12/19]. Twenty prominent Palestinians issue statement condemning stabbing of an elderly Israeli in Jerusalem on 12/12 [NYT 12/15]. Court orders Justice Minister Avraham Sharir to explain his decision not to extradite William Nakash, a French Jew convicted of murdering an Arab in France [NYT 12/16]. Authorities order confiscation of land in Kufr al-Libbad village. Residents plan to take their protest to Israeli High Court [FJ 12/19].

Military Action

Arab World: Fateh refuses Iran-mediated plan requiring PLO to withdraw from Maghdushah. Fighting between PLO and Amal continues; at least 6 killed in Beirut camps [WP, NYT 12/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Authorities demolish 2 Arab houses in Sakhnin and Jisr al-Zarqa village, claiming the buildings violated construction laws [FJ 12/19].

Other Countries: In testimony before U.S. House Armed Services Com., NATO commander indicates there is evidence that U. S. arms sold to Iran may have been taken from army stocks in Europe [NYT 12/13]. The Boston Globe reports that U.S. will cut interest rates for Israeli and Egyptian arms purchases from 11.5% to 7% [BG 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir denies Israel knowingly helped channel funds to Nicaraguan rebels [NYT 12/3].

Other Countries: W. German reports indicate 2 Arabs found guilty of bombing at W. Berlin club in March may have been double agents working for Israel [WP 12/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops, attempting to control demonstration at UNRWA Teachers Training Center in Ramallah, shoot and wound a student in the head. At least 15 others are arrested in protests in the W. Bank 11/30 and 12/1 marking anniversary of the 1947 Palestine partition plan. Four colleges are ordered closed for a week [FJ 12/5].

Arab World: Amal, Sixth Lebanese Army Brigade, and Syrian commandos unite to launch major offensive against Shatila refugee camp. Palestinian forces hold off attackers [FJ 12/5]. Forty-six are killed, 111 wounded in heavy fighting between PLO and Amal forces in Beirut and S. Lebanon. One-day general strike in Sidon protests the on-going battle in that city [BG 12/2]. The Amal and the PNSF are reported to reach agreement on cease-fire in S. Lebanon [JP 12/2]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government acknowledges transferring arms to Iran at U.S. request but denies any financial role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/26, 11/27; NYT 11/26]. Israeli and Palestinian writers gather in Jaffa to express solidarity with journalist Akram Haniyyah and opposition to his deportation order [FJ 11/28]. Israeli troops arrest approximately 150 villagers in Bayt Hanun after a firebomb isthrown at an army jeep [FJ 12/5].

Other Countries: W. German court convicts a Jordanian and a Palestinian of bombing the German Arab Friendship Society on 3/29. Syrian ambassador in E. Berlin denies any Syrian involvement [NYT 11/27].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal militia continue to fight in W. Beirut and S. Lebanon [NYT 11/27]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres defends Israel's role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/25]. Authorities demolish mosque and private Arab house in Galilee village of Kammani. Government does not recognize Kammani and claims mosque was built illegally [FJ 11/28].

Other Countries: Representatives of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, U.S., and Turkey meet to discuss U.S. policy on water resources in the Middle East at conference sponsored by Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies [WP 12/15].

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinians break through Amal lines near Sidon. At least 50 are killed, 85 wounded in the battle [WP, NYT 11/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli sources acknowledge that at least 7 shiploads of military supplies have been sent to Iran since 1979 in addition to the U.S.-sponsored sales [LAT 11/22]. Anwar Nusseibeh, a leading Palestinian, dies in Jerusalem after a long illness UP 11/29].

Arab World: Jordan's King Hussein calls U.S. arms sales to Iran an "insult to all Arabs" during summit meeting with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak [WP 11/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Radio announces Israeli occupation authorities have appointed fourth Arab mayor, Tahir Hijazi, as mayor of 'Anabta municipality in Tulkarm district (FBIS 10/24). Jerusalem Post reports total of four Palestinians have been arrested in connection with 10/15 Jerusalem bombing (JP 10/22).

Arab World: In Lebanon, kidnappers release Lebanese Christian AUB professor after five month detention (NYT 10/23).

Other Countries: Car bomb in Athens kills high-ranking PLO official Munthir Abu Ghazalah (NYT 10/22).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yitzhak Shamir is sworn in as PM, replacing Peres according to 1984 rotation agreement; he will serve 25 months; wins 82-17 confidence vote in Knesset (WP, NYT 10/21). Two Gaza residents are attacked by three Israelis posing as policemen a day after an Arab is stabbed in Ashdod (FJ 10/24).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Transfer of Israeli premiership, scheduled for today, is delayed because of quarreling over cabinet appointment (NYT, WP 10/16).

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee ends two-day meeting in Baghdad with a call to Arabs to end attacks on Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and a condemnation of Israel's appointment of three mayors in West Bank (FJ 10/15).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Minister David Levy inaugurates two new Jewish settlements in Gaza Strip, bringing total to 15 (NYT 10/9). Funeral of slain Israeli settler in Gaza erupts into anti-Arab demonstration; crowdshout "Death to Arabs," military authorities close dozens of Arab shops in Gaza City (NYT, WP 10/9).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Second Israeli settler in ten days is stabbed in Gaza market. Settlers demonstrate with chants of "Death to Arabs" and throw rocks at Arab-owned vehicles (WP 10/8).

Arab World: In Beirut, prominent Sunni cleric Shaykh Subhi al-Salih, moderate and vice president of Council of Islamic Jurisprudence, is slain by unknown gunmen (NYT 10/8). PLO Chairman Arafat confirms PLO's military command posts will be shifted from Tunis to Yemen and Iraq, but deniestrains with Tunisian government (NYT 10/9).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Justice Ministry lawyers have been refusing to cooperate with Shin Bet's legal department to protest fact that two top Shin Bet lawyers, pardoned for role in Shin Bet cover-up, were allowed to keep jobs (NYT 9/30). Jordan says it will resume payment of salaries of 280 lawyers and judges in West Bank who boycott Israeli legal system in show of solidarity with Palestinians (JP 10/1).

Other Countries: Mordechai Vanunu, former Israeli nuclear reactor employee, disappears in London after giving story to Sunday Times about Israeli nuclear weapon factory (5 October) (WP 11/10). French Minister of Cooperation cites evidence linking Syria with terrorist bombing groups but stops short of accusing Syria of backing terrorists (NYT 10/1).

Military Action

Arab World: In S. Lebanon, IDF kill two Arabs (FBIS 10/1).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots and kills 30-year-old mother, Muyassar Jamil al-Hih, at Hebron Mosque (Fl 9/15).

Arab World: In Beirut, group called "Arab Revolutionary Cells-'Umar al-Mukhtar Forces" claims responsibility for Beirut kidnapping of Frank Reed and Joseph Ciccippio (NYT 9/16).

Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli P.M. Peres meets President Reagan at White House, de-emphasizes endorsement of international conference, stresses need for direct negotiations at bilateral level with each of parties concerned in peace process (NYT 9/16). Amnesty International of London announces ithas compiled allegations of torture at Khiyam detention center in S. Lebanon (run by SLA with Israeli supervision), including detailed account of torture of West Bank resident; group says it is publicizing charges because Israel has failed to respond to its appeals for an independent probe (WP 9/17). In Paris, bomb explodes in police station, killing one and wounding 51 (NYT 9/16).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Birzeit University administration and employees reach agreement, end strike (FJ 9/12). Poll in West Bank and Gaza conducted by Newsday (US), al-Fajr, and Australian Broadcasting Corp. shows 93 percent of Palestinians favor PLO, while 78 percent favor "acts of force" in pursuit of Palestinian cause (NYT 9/9; WP 9/9). Israeli military censor threatens action against al-Fajr for not submitting poll results for censorship (FJ 9/12).

Other Countries: Turkey upgrades rank of its envoy to Israel. New representative is now ambassador in Turkish Foreign Ministry. In Paris, bomb explodes in post office at city hall, kills one, and injures 19; "Committee of Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners" claims responsibility. Group wants suspected terrorists released from French jails, including Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah, under investigation for assassination of U.S. military attache in 1982 (WP 9/9).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes two left-wing Arab newspapers, al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, for allegedly supporting PFLP [LT 8/13].

Military Action

Arab World: In southern Lebanon, Amal battles with UNIFIL: 3 dead, 17 wounded [NYT 8/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously involved in peace process, to discuss plans to appoint Arabs from the occupied territories to head various departments of the Israeli military govemorates in the occupied territories and to give these officials powers to run daily affairs; Peres also suggests Arabs may be appointed mayors to West Bank cities which are currently run by Israeli officers [BG, JTA 8/4; FJ 8/8]. Chicago Tribune reports that P.M. Peres and Defense Minister Rabin approved plan to send $2 billion worth of weapons to Iran, in violation of U.S. policy [CT 8/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli court appointees raid 3 offices of Jerusalem Electricity Company in unsuccessful attempt to confiscate JEC funds they claim were being spent without proper approval from its court-appointed guardian, the Israeli Electric Company [FJ 8/8].

Arab World: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jordan suggests meeting between P.M. Peres and King Hussein. Suggestion rejected by Jordan [LT 8/1].

Other Countries: Reagan administration will funnel $4.5 million in American development aid for Palestinians living in the occupied territories through Jordan; the decision is expected to make it more difficult for Israel to determine how American money is spent in the occupied territories [NYT 8/1]. (The U.S. is already providing $14 million to enhance the "quality of life" of the Palestinians in the territories) [NYT 8/1].

Military Action

Arab World: An Israeli soldier and 2 unidentified Arabs are killed in a gun battle in S. Lebanon according to an Israeli army spokesman [WP 8/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other negotiating representatives of Palestinian people must be found; says "ultimate solution" to Palestinian problem is federation of Jordan, West Bank, and Gaza [WP 5/28]. In Knesset, P.M. Peres survives four votes of no-confidence over Shalom crisis [LT 5/29]. Six hundred Palestinian prisoners in Junayd prison near Nablus go on hunger strike to protest conditions [FJ 5/30].

Arab World: Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam arrives in Moscow to discuss possible attack against Syria and PLO bases by Israel and U.S. Syrian Pres. al-Asad ends Greek visit; joint communique with P.M. Papandreou states Greece will initiate actions within EEC to start dialogue on M.E. solution.

Other Countries: Italian judicial officials issue warrants for arrest of 14 alleged Arab terrorists, including Abu Nidal, in connection with terror incidents in Italy last year [WP 5/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Eight killed and 60 wounded in Amal-Palestinian gunfight at Burj al-Burajinah [LT 5/28].

Other Countries: In London, PLO representative Faisal 'Awayda condemns Thatcher's visit and wams of terror attacks if PLO is left out of peace process [MG 5/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Margaret Thatcher arrives in Jerusalem, first official visit by British P.M. to Israel [NYT 5/24].

Arab World: King Hussein travels to Damascus to meet Syrian President alAsad, aiming to reconcile Syria and Iraq, isolate Fateh [LT, JP 5/26; MG 5/28]. Yasir Arafat travels to Algeria to discuss steps for intra-Palestinian reconciliation. PLO in Tunis launches appeal to "halt the new plot in which certain Arab parties are implicated againsthe Palestinian people and their camps in Lebanon."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres and the Israeli army chief of staff issue separate statements indicating that Israel has no intention of beginning a war with Syria and they see no immediate evidence that the Syrians are planning a war with Israel [NYT 5/10].

Other Countries: Yasir Arafat arrives in Togo, last stop on his 7-nation African tour in which he is discussing "Arab-African issues" [LAT 5/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations the 40th anniversary of Syria's independence; busloads of sympathizers from the occupied territories areturned back at roadblocks [JP 4/18].

Other Countries: Ecuador, a member of OPEC, recently repaid a $5 million debt to Israel in oil despite an embargo by OPEC on sales to Israel, according to a report in Ha'Aretz [JC 4/17].

Military Action

Arab World: Bodies of 1 kidnaped American, Peter Kilburn, and 2 kidnaped Britons, Philip Padfield and John Leigh Douglas, are found near Beirut with note stating they were killed in retaliation for Britain's role in the U.S. bombing raids on Libya; note is signed by "Arab Fida'iyyin Cells" [NYT, WP, FT 4/18; LT. 4/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border patrol kills 1 Arab infiltrator, captures another near the Jordanian border; the 2 were said to be carrying weapons [NYT 4/14]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands attend Land Day protests held in Taybah village, Dayr Hanna, Kafr Saba, and Tel Sheva, in the Negev; rallies were organized by Rakah Communist party, National Committee of Arab Mayors, and the National Committee for the Protection of the Land [MG 3/31; JTA 4/1]. Palestinian shopkeepers in East Jerusalem close shops to commemorate 10th anniversary of Land Day, which coincided with Easter this year [LAT, TS 3/31].

Military Action

Arab World: Fighting continues for 3rd day between Palestinian and Shi'ite gunmen around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps; 6 Palestinians and 4 Shi'ites have been killed, and 40 people wounded [TS, NYT, BG 3/3 1]. Two UNIFIL, 1 SLA soldier die in 3 separate clashes over the weekend [JP 3/30; JTA 3/31]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8 Israelis; most of the suspects are said to belong to Fateh cells active in the Jerusalem and Ramallah areas, to have been responsible for series of bombings since last September [JP, JTA 3/24].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat repeats PLO offer to trade acceptance of UN resolutions 242 and 338, and therefore acceptance of Israel, in return for guarantees by the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council of the Palestinians' rights to selfdetermination [BG 3/25]. Morocco's King Hasan proposes a summit conference between a chosen Arab leader and P.M. Peres to hear Israel's views on the Fez peace plan [JP 3/25].

Other Countries: U.S. is reportedly pressuring Israel to sell arms to Iraq, including Israeli "drone" reconnaissance aircraft and Soviet weapons captured by Israel during past wars with Arab neighbors [DT 3/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanese state radio reports Israeli forces shelled Nabatiyyah, killing 3 civilians and wounding 22 [NYT 3/25]. Jerusalem Post reports the SLA shelled Nabatiyyah in response to 12 katyusha rockets that landed in "security zone" in early morning [JP 3/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign Minister Shamir, due to take place in October [NYT, MG 3/24].

Arab World: East Jerusalem newspaper al-Mithaq reports Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad has outlined terms under which he would be willing to begin dialogue with Fateh organization: (1) PLO must issue statement in Arafat's name praising Syrian army's role in 1982 Lebanon war; (2) statement must contain apology for media campaign PLO has conducted against Syria since its evacuation from Beirut; (3) statement must praise Syria's rejection of "capitulatory" solutions to M.E. conflict, affirm Syria's efforts to prevent cantonization of Lebanon; (4) statement must criticize "reactionary" Arab efforts to pressure PLO to accept UN Security Council Resolution 242 [JP 3/24]. Yasir Arafat states it is up to the U.S. to break the deadlock in M.E. peace efforts that followed the collapse of Jordanian efforts to bring the Palestinians into the talks with Israel [BG 3/24]. Arafat states he has sent new proposals for a M.E. peace settlement to the U.S., awaits a response [PI 3/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry expresses official dissatisfaction with Egypt's report on Ras Burqa massacre [JP 3/14].

Other Countries: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper, states during visit to Washington, D.C. he is exploring possibility of an international conference without preconditions, in which individual Palestinians would be part of a single Arab delegation [JTA 3/13]. Pakistani Pres. Zia al-Haq urges PLO to recognize Israel's right to exist, supports peace plans put forward by King Fahd and King Hussein UP 3/14]. U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy ends visit to Tunis, Cairo, and Jerusalem with no significant progress made [JP 3/14].