Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].
Arab World: Arab League...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violence erupts against Arabs in Jerusalem after stabbing death of Jewish seminary student on 11/15. Three Palestinians have been...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports F.M. Shamir knew that Shin Bet chief approved killing of two men arrested in April 1984 bus attack (JP 9...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Shamir's office denies Shamir is to be questioned in connection with Shin Bet investigation (FBIS 9/1).
Other Countries:...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 300 Israeli soldierseal off village of Midiya, near Ramallah, before dawn and destroy 4,000 olive trees [FJ 6/27, 7/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states Israel has engaged in "quiet diplomacy" with Jordan since King Hussein's break with the PLO in February [BG, WP 4/29...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Retired Israeli General Avraham Bar-Am, arrested 4/22 in Bermuda for alleged conspiracy to sell U.S. arms to Iran, states the Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells 21-member Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, that Israel is willing for Gaza Strip residentso be given Jordanian...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party approves moderate foreign policy program which emphasizes necessity of interim arrangements in the occupied territories,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: An Israeli army intelligence report dated 6/30/48 has recently surfaced which states more than 70 percent of the Palestinian exodus from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Saih Baransi, head of the Cultural Heritage Center in Taybah village, is placed under town arrest. (Baransi received his last town...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's violence. The demonstration, organized by the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, is the largest protest inside the green line since 1982 [FJ 12/19]. Twenty prominent Palestinians issue statement condemning stabbing of an elderly Israeli in Jerusalem on 12/12 [NYT 12/15]. Court orders Justice Minister Avraham Sharir to explain his decision not to extradite William Nakash, a French Jew convicted of murdering an Arab in France [NYT 12/16]. Authorities order confiscation of land in Kufr al-Libbad village. Residents plan to take their protest to Israeli High Court [FJ 12/19].
Military Action
Arab World: Fateh refuses Iran-mediated plan requiring PLO to withdraw from Maghdushah. Fighting between PLO and Amal continues; at least 6 killed in Beirut camps [WP, NYT 12/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].
Arab World: Arab League foreign ministers begin emergency meeting in Tunis to discuss Amal-PLO fighting in Lebanon.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill 12-year-old Palestinian boy, wound 6 [FJ 12/12; WP 12/9]. Preliminary reports indicate shot which killed the Balatta camp youth was not from army issue gun [FJ 12/12]. Shops closed in E. Jerusalem for third straight day [LAT 12/9]. Students at Hebrew University condemn the use of tear gas to disperse demonstrators, call for release of arrested students. Authorities close al-Najah University and old campus of Birzeit University. Al-Najah will reopen 12/16. Old BZU campus will open after Christmnas holiday [FJ 12/12].
Arab World: Continuing clashes between PLO and Amal forces at Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps leave 2 dead, 8 wounded. PLO holds off Amal attack at Maghdushah. Syrian, Iranian, and Libyan mediators urge PNSF to call for acease-fire [LAT 12/9]. Cease-fire is broken less than 24 hours after going into effect, but Fateh announces 4-point plan to end fighting [BG 12/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violence erupts against Arabs in Jerusalem after stabbing death of Jewish seminary student on 11/15. Three Palestinians have been charged with the murder [BG 11/18; JP 11/29]. Members of International Federation of Journalists meet with P.M. Shamir to request release of Palestinian journalist Akram Haniyyah and revocation of his expulsion order [FJ 11/21].
Arab World; Syrian Pres. al-Asad denies British and U.S. accusations of Syrian involvement in failed attempt to bomb El Al jet [NYT 11/17].
Other Countries: The Sunday Times (London) reports that then-P.M. Peres ordered Mossad in September 1986 to capture Mordechai Vanunu and return him to Israel [LT 11/16]. (Vanunu is a former nuclear technician who sold secrets related to underground atomic bomb factory in the Negev to The Times.) Pres. Herzog's visit to Singapore draws angry protest from Southeast Asian Muslims [LT 11/17].
Military Action
Arab World: Two Israeli bombers attack PLO bases near Sidon. Fateh reports heavy casualties and property damage [NYT 11/17]. Witnesses claim 2 PLO members were killed and 5 others wounded in the raid [PI 11/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).
Other Countries: Le Monde reports that Syria helped France reach "truce" with group believed to have exploded bombs in Paris. "Truce" will last until February when Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah is to stand trial. Meanwhile, Saudi newspaper publishes interview with French interior minister saying Syrian and French secret services were involved in "real cooperation" to prevent terrorist bombings (NYT, WP 10/30).
Military Action
Arab World: In Lebanon, Palestinian Amal rocket and artillery battles spread to Beirut suburb Burj al-Barajinah, which has been quiet since the summer when 200 were killed in Palestinian camps. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt warns Palestinians against using south Lebanon for "military adventurism." AP reports UN and Palestinian sources estimate 3,500 Palestinian guerrillas have returned to refugee camps in Lebanon in past six months (NYT, WP 10/30). Syria begins formation of joint leftist force to fight Fateh in the Lebanese camps. Force would comprise fighters from Druze Progressive Socialist party, Lebanese Ba'th, Syrian Social Nationalist party, and Lebanese Communist party (JP 10/30).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports F.M. Shamir knew that Shin Bet chief approved killing of two men arrested in April 1984 bus attack (JP 9/6).
Other Countries: Two gunmen kill 22 during prayers in Istanbul's Neve Shalom synagogue, wound three, then kill themselves (NYT 9/6). In Prague, DFLP, Fateh, and PCP publicly announce PLO withdrawal from 11 February 1985 pact with Jordan (FJ 9/12).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Shamir's office denies Shamir is to be questioned in connection with Shin Bet investigation (FBIS 9/1).
Other Countries: Representatives of DFLP, Palestinian Communist party, and Fateh meet in Prague to repair differences (FBIS 9/3). PLO Deputy Chairman Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) tells al-Qabas (Kuwait) joint Soviet-Algerian mediation effort with Palestinian factions to hold PNC meeting was a success (FBIS 9/3). Eighth nonaligned movement conference opens in Harare, with representatives of 101 nations participating. PLO is represented by Chairman Arafat, who speaks at opening session (Fl 9/5).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and demarcation of boundaries of 700-meter beach [NYT, WP 8/11].
Arab World: In Baghdad, PLO Executive Committeends 2-day meeting with statement condemning U.S., Israeli, and jordanian plans to improve conditions in West Bank and Gaza as attempts to perpetuate Israeli occupation, calls for unity among all Palestinian factions [NYT 8/11; FJ 8/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF conducts military exercises on Golan Heights [JTA 8/11].
Arab World: IDF helicopter gunships attack Fateh and Abu Musa faction positions at 'Ain al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh refugee camps in S. Lebanon following rocket attacks from S. Lebanon into Galilee [NYT, WP 8/111. Rivals for control of the Christian militias in Lebanon strike each other: Lebanese Forces rebel against leader Samir Ja'ja' and seize control of East Beirut [PI 8/11], hold it for 24 hours [LT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 300 Israeli soldierseal off village of Midiya, near Ramallah, before dawn and destroy 4,000 olive trees [FJ 6/27, 7/18].
Arab World: Fateh Revolutionary Council publishes communique calling on Jordan to end its hostile acts towards PLO.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muhammad Abu Ghuzlan, known for his ties to Israeli authorities, is killed by an unidentified assailant in Tulkarm; Israeli troops curfew the city [FJ 6/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel Emanuel Wald, former head of IDF planning, had accused the army on Israel TV of having buried his 700-page report on IDF weaknesses. Four men and 2 women, all of Nablus, are indicted by military court for kidnap-murder of Israeli soldier David Manos and membership in Fateh. Ibrahim 'Abdallah of Dayr Ballut is named ringleader [JP, JTA 5/21]. Italian Foreign Minister Andreotti meets deposed Hebron Deputy Mayor Mustafa Natshah, Gaza lawyer Fayez Abu Rahmah, deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa, and al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora [FJ 5/23].
Arab World: King Hussein orders arrest of leadership of Jordanian Communist party [NYT 5/21].
Military Action
Arab World: In suburban Beirut, Amal militiamen fight Palestinians for control of Burj al-Burajinah refugee camp, killing 2 and wounding 33. (Camp population: 11,000) [CSM 5/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states Israel has engaged in "quiet diplomacy" with Jordan since King Hussein's break with the PLO in February [BG, WP 4/29]. Syrian army deserter captured by Israeli army in S. Lebanon says on Israel TV that he and 2 other Syrian deserters were recruited and paid by Fateh to infiltrate Israel, take hostages at Kibbutz Manara, take the French ambassador to Israel hostage, and demand safe passage out of the country to Jordan, Egypt, or Tunisia; he states Fateh has many Syrian, Pakistani, and Iraqi recruits for similar missions [JP 4/29].
Arab World: Spokespersons for Yasir Arafat's Fateh, the DFLP, and the PFLP denounce Jordanian regime for secret contacts with Israeli government officials [FJ 5/2]. Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council claims responsibility for 4/27 shooting of British tourist in East Jerusalem, states it was in reprisal for U.S. air raid on Libyand British "collusion" in the attack, states Briton shot was an intelligence agent [WP, PI 4/29]. Egypt, which supplies Israel with one quarter of its oil, has reduced prices by approximately 25%, saving Israeli Treasury over $50 million a year [JTA 4/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Retired Israeli General Avraham Bar-Am, arrested 4/22 in Bermuda for alleged conspiracy to sell U.S. arms to Iran, states the Israeli defense establishment knew of his actions [WP, CT 4/24]. Palestinian political prisoners in Hebron prison suspend 8-day hunger strike after achieving some of their demands [FJ 4/25].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat meets with PLO's Supreme Military Council in Baghdad, they unanimously decide to dismiss 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im) from his position as assistant chief of staff of PLO armed forces and from his membership in the Palestine National Council [TS, MG, JP 4/25].
Military Action
Arab World: Christian radio station Voice of Lebanon reports 3 bombs explode in Syrian port of Tartus, killing 1 and wounding 20; 73 persons are arrested, including 15 from the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmuk, near Damascus, among them 2 Fateh officers [JP 4/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells 21-member Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, that Israel is willing for Gaza Strip residentso be given Jordanian passports, states that the "only framework" that holds promise for peace between Israel and its neighbors and for solving the Palestinian problem is "direct negotiations between a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and an Israeli delegation" [JP 4/23]. Israeli army sources state there have been 67 incidents of shooting, planting explosive devices, and throwing hand grenades and gasoline bombsince January of this year, compared with 104 during the period between August to December of 1985 [JP 4/23].
Arab World: PLO officials inAmman state Jordan has deported 7 Fateh officers from the Karameh force who sided with Yasir Arafat in conflict with 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im) [BG 4/23; JP 4/24]. Reports from Amman indicate that 40 to 100 more Palestinians may be facing deportation as well [FJ 4/25]. Jordan has increased its restrictions on the entry of prominent pro-Fateh Palestinians from the West Bank and is turning them back at the bridges; Jordanian authorities have begun bureaucratic harassment, confiscation of passports at the border, and lengthy questioning of Fateh supporters [JP 4/23].
Other Countries: Seventeen people, including a retired Israeli general, are indicted in New York on federal charges of conspiring to sell Iran more than $2 billion worth of American weapons, in violation of U.S. arms embargo; Israeli embassy denies Israeli govt. involvement in the matter [WP, WSJ 4/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bus driver Shlomo Hatuka, injured in 4/12 attack on his bus near Ramallah, dies of gunshot wounds suffered in the incident [WP, JP 4/23].
Arab World: Two members of PLO are wounded during shoot-out at PLO office in Amman; reports say 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im) tried to shoot his way into his office after finding it locked [WP, MG 4/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party approves moderate foreign policy program which emphasizes necessity of interim arrangements in the occupied territories, Labor party's willingness to meet with all representatives of the territories, but rejects the prospect of a Palestinian state [JP 4/11]. Two thousand people mark 40th day after death of former Nablus Mayor Zafir al-Masri, stage a pro-PLO demonstration [JP 4/11].
Arab World: Salah Khalaf tells Kuwaiti newspaper that Yasir Arafat's Fateh faction has decided to dismiss 7 of its Jordan-based members, including Abu Za'im, formerly a member of the Fateh Central Committee, after they formed asplinter group [JP, FJ 4/11]. Algeria offers to host a conference of all Palestinian factions to settle differences and reunite leadersip; PFLP and DFLP welcome the offer; PLO spokesman in Tunis states the welcome which the PLO representative inAlgeria gave to the offer does not necessarily represent the view of the organization [JP 4/11]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8 Israelis; most of the suspects are said to belong to Fateh cells active in the Jerusalem and Ramallah areas, to have been responsible for series of bombings since last September [JP, JTA 3/24].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat repeats PLO offer to trade acceptance of UN resolutions 242 and 338, and therefore acceptance of Israel, in return for guarantees by the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council of the Palestinians' rights to selfdetermination [BG 3/25]. Morocco's King Hasan proposes a summit conference between a chosen Arab leader and P.M. Peres to hear Israel's views on the Fez peace plan [JP 3/25].
Other Countries: U.S. is reportedly pressuring Israel to sell arms to Iraq, including Israeli "drone" reconnaissance aircraft and Soviet weapons captured by Israel during past wars with Arab neighbors [DT 3/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Lebanese state radio reports Israeli forces shelled Nabatiyyah, killing 3 civilians and wounding 22 [NYT 3/25]. Jerusalem Post reports the SLA shelled Nabatiyyah in response to 12 katyusha rockets that landed in "security zone" in early morning [JP 3/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign Minister Shamir, due to take place in October [NYT, MG 3/24].
Arab World: East Jerusalem newspaper al-Mithaq reports Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad has outlined terms under which he would be willing to begin dialogue with Fateh organization: (1) PLO must issue statement in Arafat's name praising Syrian army's role in 1982 Lebanon war; (2) statement must contain apology for media campaign PLO has conducted against Syria since its evacuation from Beirut; (3) statement must praise Syria's rejection of "capitulatory" solutions to M.E. conflict, affirm Syria's efforts to prevent cantonization of Lebanon; (4) statement must criticize "reactionary" Arab efforts to pressure PLO to accept UN Security Council Resolution 242 [JP 3/24]. Yasir Arafat states it is up to the U.S. to break the deadlock in M.E. peace efforts that followed the collapse of Jordanian efforts to bring the Palestinians into the talks with Israel [BG 3/24]. Arafat states he has sent new proposals for a M.E. peace settlement to the U.S., awaits a response [PI 3/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: An Israeli army intelligence report dated 6/30/48 has recently surfaced which states more than 70 percent of the Palestinian exodus from Palestine by June 1948 was caused by Jewish military attacks [JP 3/2]. In last 3 days, Israeli security forces have freed 32 Palestinians held under administrative detention orders because 6-month detention period had ended; freed detainees were asked to sign document sating they would not commit future offenses; some refused to sign [JP 3/3]. Israel has agreed to allow Golan Heights Druze to export apples to Syria, possibly through Jordan or directly; P.M. Peres also favors renewing family reunions between Golan and Syrian Druze, which were stopped by Syrians several years ago [JP 3/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed Palestinian mayor of Nablus, Zafir alMasri, is shot dead by a single, unidentified assailant. In Damascus, the PFLP claims responsibility; in Beirut, a telephone caller claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal group) [NYT, PI, CT 3/3]. Nablus city council appoints Deputy Mayor Hafiz Tuqan mayor [CSM 3/3].
Arab World: Israeli army patrol north of the S. Lebanon "security zone" intercepts guerrilla squad, kills 1 [JP, JTA 3/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate mayors in 3 major West Bank towns, would consider easing restrictions on travel to Jordan [NYT 2/27]. Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Levy states 170 people were arrested during 6-day sweep in S. Lebanon, some have been transferred toprisons in Israel [NYT, TS 2/27].
Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo broadcasts statements by Nayif Hawatmah, general secretary of the DFLP, and a representative of the Palestine Communist party outlining conditions for rapprochement with Yasir Arafat's Fateh faction: (1) cancellation of the 11 February Amman agreement; (2) convening of the PNC; (3) creation of a collective leadership in the PLO [FJ 2/28].
Military Action
Arab World: Car bomb explodes outside entrance to 'Ain al-Hilwah refugee camp, near Sidon, killing driver and wounding 10; explosion occurred a half-hour before Palestinian students were to join a march to commemorate a slain Sidon leader [NYT, WP, CT 2/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: General Secretary of the DFLP Nayif Hawatmah issues public appeal to Yasir Arafat to abrogate 11 February agreement reached last year with King Hussein; representatives of DFLP and Arafat's Fateh organization are reported to have met in Prague during past week to discuss healing rift in PLO [NYT 2/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thirteen Israelis, including 5 soldiers, were wounded in at least 7 bombing incidents in the occupied territories and Israel last week [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: Israel calls off 6-day military operation north of its "security zone" in S. Lebanon, states it will still try to find 2 missing soldiers [BG 2/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Saih Baransi, head of the Cultural Heritage Center in Taybah village, is placed under town arrest. (Baransi received his last town arrest order in 9/83, which was lifted so he could receive medical treatment) [FJ 1/17]. Israeli authorities announce Jordan has approved negotiations between a few West Bank families and Israel over establishing a lending bank in West Bank; approval falls short of Palestinian request for full-service commercial bank [JP 1/13, 17].
Arab World: PFLP and Abu Musa faction of Fateh both claim responsibility for 1/12 shooting of border policeman in Nablus [PI 1/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100 Palestinians are now under administrative dtention [NYT 1/2]. Demonstrations are held throughout Gaza Strip to mark 21st anniversary of founding of Fateh. Israeli troops use clubs, tear gas, water cannon, live ammunition to break up protests; curfew is imposed on entire Gaza Strip [FJ 1/3; DW 1/4]. One Palestinian is shot and wounded by Israeli troops in Nablus [FJ 1/3]. Israel completes switch to new shekel, equal to 1,000 of the old shekels [WP 1/2].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Fateh's Force 17 commando unit moved headquarters to Cairo last month. (Unit originally relocated to Amman in 11/85, was ordered out by King Hussein) [JP 1/1]. Col. Qadhdhafi warns any Israeli or American reprisal for the Rome and Vienna airport attacks would lead to full-scale war [NYT, WP 1/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Body of second Lebanese Jew killed by Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth is found, following group's statement he was killed in revenge for 12/31 SLA raid on S. Lebanese village of Kunin [WP, NYT 1/2].