25 / 15500 Results
  • October 1, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebron observes the first day of 3-day strike to protesthe 9/ 30 killing of 2 residents. In Dannabah a curfew enters its 29th day [FJ 10...

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  • September 29, 1988


    Other Countries: A letter signed by 51 U.S. senators calls upon State Dept. to deny Yasir Arafat a visa if he is invited to speak at the UN [NYT 9/30]. An...

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  • August 13, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Troops shoot, kill 12-year old boy from Jenin camp and 52-year-old from Rafah camp; 6 are wounded [FJ 8/21, LAT 8/15]. In the Dhahriyyah Detention Center...

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  • August 10, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking before the Knesset P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir says any attempt to establish independent Palestinian state on the W. Bank will be met...

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  • August 6, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah first day of two-day strike is observed in protest of killing of a Palestinian youth last week [FJ 8/14].


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  • August 2, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in W. Bank remain closed for second day in protest against deportations of Palestinians [WP 8/3]. Left-wing legislators call...

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  • July 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF orders W. Bank schools closed for 3 days [WT 7/5, FJ 7/10]. A general strike is observed in Ramallah to protest Israeli digging near...

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  • June 25, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The United States and Israel conclude an agreement that will allow for joint monitoring of human rights practices in the occupied...

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  • May 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in occupied territories strike in response to call for "day of confrontation" [WP 5/5]. Israel appoints 'Ali Jarrar acting...

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  • April 21, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel celebrates its fortieth anniversary [WP 4/22]. U.S. and Israel sign "memorandum of agreement" formalizing U.S.-Israel military,...

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  • April 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds talks with P.M. Shamir, F. M. Peres, and Defense Ministry officials [WP 4/5]. Police arrest 8 Kach movement...

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  • April 2, 1988

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, 3 Palestinians are killed and 2 soldiers slightly injured: army claims soldiers were trying to rescue alleged collaborator from mob...

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  • March 27, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu is sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for selling Israeli nuclear secrets to the Sunday...

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  • March 26, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamzah Turkmani resigns as mayor of Gaza City [WP, NYT 3/27]. Palestinian shot by Israeli troops 3/25 in clash in Zawata village near...

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  • March 16, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike continues in occupied territories. Def. Min. Rabin threatens to introduce additional sanctions in W. Bank and Gaza Strip...

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  • March 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz flies from Tel Aviv to Damascus to Cairo, presents P.M. Shamir, Pres. al-Asad, and Pres. Mubarak with letters...

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  • February 21, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres confirms he wrote Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III in 1985 about Iraqi oil pipeline project [LAT 2/22]. Peres states continued...

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  • February 16, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit...

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  • February 14, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several cars are set afire in Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem [WP 2/15]. Palestinian dies of injuries resulting from army beating in...

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  • January 31, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, firebomb attack on car seriously injures Jewish settler [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Commercial strike in E. Jerusalem, W.Bank, and...

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  • January 15, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 1,000 regular and border police are deployed in Jerusalem as Palestinians in E. Jerusalem and occupied territories hold day of...

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  • January 14, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet agents arrest 10 prominent Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem; 4 are released after questioning [CSM 1/15]. At...

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  • January 11, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W. Bank town of Baytin, 2 prominent Jewish settlers open fire on demonstrators whose barricade blocks road, killing 1 and wounding...

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  • January 9, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Koteret Rashit, Israeli weekly, reports police investigators have written report on circumstances surrounding death while under custody...

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  • January 5, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs David Mellor meets with P. M. Shamir [WP 1/6]. Journalist Hanna Siniora, Birzeit U. Prof....

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebron observes the first day of 3-day strike to protesthe 9/ 30 killing of 2 residents. In Dannabah a curfew enters its 29th day [FJ 10/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Bethlehem troops shoot 4 Palestinians with rubber bullets. Troops shoot 5 Palestinians in Rafah. During clashes in Beach camp 2 Palestinians are shot. In Nusayrat 2 Palestinians are shot [FJ 10/11]. UNRWA expresses concern over the rising number of Palestinian injuries in Gaza. Whereas 107 Palestinians were injured in Gaza during August, 760 Palestinians were injured in September. Of the 760, 445 were injured by gunfire, 66 by rubber bullets or tear gas, and 249 by beatings [FJ 10/11].


Other Countries: A letter signed by 51 U.S. senators calls upon State Dept. to deny Yasir Arafat a visa if he is invited to speak at the UN [NYT 9/30]. An intemational arbitration panel finds in favor of Egypt in its dispute with Israel conceming sovereignty over Taba, a resort on the Gulf of Aqaba [WP 9/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza troops use tear gas in confronting over 1,000 Palestinians attending the funeral of Rashad al-Shawwa. Troops shoot Palestinians in Bethlehem, Nablus, Artas, and al-Maghazi [FJ 10/2].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Troops shoot, kill 12-year old boy from Jenin camp and 52-year-old from Rafah camp; 6 are wounded [FJ 8/21, LAT 8/15]. In the Dhahriyyah Detention Center 21-year-old Palestinian is found dead in his cell. In Ramallah troops use tear gas, live bullets to break up disturbances. Demonstrations occur in Khan Yunis, Gaza City, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyyah, Hebron, Bethlehem [FJ 8/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking before the Knesset P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir says any attempt to establish independent Palestinian state on the W. Bank will be met with "iron fist" [WP 8/11]. Shamir also says Israel "possesses rights in all spheres concerning Judea, Samria, and Gaza" [NYT 8/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: During demonstrations near Nablus troops shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian [NYT 8/11, FJ 8/14]. Ramallah is declared closed military zone after two firebombs damage military vehicle, injure driver [FJ 8/14]. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, live ammunition to quell demonstrations in Beach, Jabalya camps [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Burayj, Bethlehem, Gaza City [FJ 8/14]. The curfew in Burayj enters its 3rd week [FJ 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah first day of two-day strike is observed in protest of killing of a Palestinian youth last week [FJ 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 16-year-old boy from Kafr Haris dies from wounds suffered previous day. In Duhayshah troops shoot 2 demonstrators. Tear gas is used to break up demonstrations in Bethlehem. Demonstrations erupt in Jabalya and Beach camps. Husan, Qabatiyyah and al-Burayj and Beach camps are under curfew [FJ 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in W. Bank remain closed for second day in protest against deportations of Palestinians [WP 8/3]. Left-wing legislators call special meeting of the Knesset to discuss King Hussein's severing of ties with W. Bank; right-wing legislators will ask for extension of Israeli law to territories [NYT 8/3].

Arab World: In Baghdad PLO spokesman announces emergency session of Palestine National Council will be held to discuss King Hussein's surrendering of sovereignty over the W. Bank [WP 8/3]. Jordanian interior minister Raja'i Dajani says it is too early to comment on effects of King's move on administration of West Bank [WP 8/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus troops kill 18-year-old Palestinian, wound 2 more [WP 8/3, FJ 8/7]. In Kafr Thulth 100 olive trees are destroyed. Tear gas is used to break up riots in Bethlehem and Beach camp. Clashes also occur in Burayj, Jabalya, Qalqiliyyah camps [FJ 8/7]. Arab World: Lebanese fighters attack South Lebanon Army position killing 1 SLA fighter [FJ 8/7]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF orders W. Bank schools closed for 3 days [WT 7/5, FJ 7/10]. A general strike is observed in Ramallah to protest Israeli digging near al-Aqsa [FJ 7/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use tear gas to break up demonstrations i Bethlehem [WT 7/5]. F.M. Shimon Peres states that the uprising has cost the Defense Ministry more than $162 million; Israel's economy is in danger if uprising continues [WT 7/5]. Israeli police commissioner David Krausstates that Arab nationalists are responsible for 114 of the 210 fires set inside the green line [WT 7/5]. In Husan settlers uproot scores of trees owned by Arabs [FJ 7/10]. In Hebron troops and soldiers fire on stone throwers; 2 are shot [FJ 7/10].

Arab World: Fighting kills at least 24, wounds 67, in Burj al-Barajinah camp in Beirut. Since 1 May at least 151 people have been killed, 594 wounded in inter-Palestinian fighting in the camps outside of Beirut [LAT 7/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The United States and Israel conclude an agreement that will allow for joint monitoring of human rights practices in the occupied territories [NYT 6/26].

Other Countries: Transtech Corporation halts tear gas sales to Israel in response to Arab-American pressure and reports of misuse [NYT 6/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police use tear gas to break up demonstrations in Jerusalem and near Bethlehem [FJ 7/3]. In Kharabatha, villagers clash with settlers trying to bum crops and trees [FJ 7/3]. The army uses rubber bullets to break up demonstrations in Nablus [FJ 7/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in occupied territories strike in response to call for "day of confrontation" [WP 5/5]. Israel appoints 'Ali Jarrar acting mayor of Qabatiyyah, near Jenin [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Baghdad sources report PLO Executive Com. has elected Mahmud 'Abbas (Abu Mazin) to replace Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) as chairman of Palestinian delegation to joint Palestinian-Jordanian com. on occupied territories affairs [FJ 5/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Strip, 2 Palestinians are shot dead, another dies from tear gas during fierce clashes in Beach and Jabalya camps. Demonstrations erupt during funerals in spite of curfews; many are injured by tear gas, iron bars. In Salim village, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded. Balatah camp is put under curfew. Demonstrations are reported in Ramallah district village of Silwad, Am'ari camp, Jenin, Bani Na'im, Bethlehem, and Tulkarm [FJ 5/8]. Army blocks 5 entrances to 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' refugee camp with concrete-filled barrels [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Israeli troops attack Lebanese village of Maydun and nearby villages, killing more than 40 Hizballah fighters, before pulling back to S. Lebanon security zone to end "Operation Law and Order"; 3 Israeli soldiers are killed and 17 wounded in fighting [WP 5/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel celebrates its fortieth anniversary [WP 4/22]. U.S. and Israel sign "memorandum of agreement" formalizing U.S.-Israel military, security, and economic relationships [CSM 4/22]. Palestinians in occupied territories observe general strike [WP 4/22]. Gaza Strip telephone lines are cut. Water is shut off in Beach refugee camp [FJ 4/24].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports Israeli cabinet approved assassination of Khalil al-Wazir during 4/13 meeting; operation was planned by Mossad, army, navy, and air force [WP 4/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF seals off most of territories; 23 camps are under curfew. Palestinians are barred from entering Israel. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition after firebomb is thrown at military vehicle in Bethlehem [WP 4/22]. In Jerusalem-area village of 'Isawiyyah, soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets in clash with villagers after Palestinians refuse to remove Palestinian flags and black banners. Scattered demonstrations continue in Hebron and Ramallah regions. Army uses bulldozer and graveler in fierce clash in village of Hussan, west of Bethlehem [FJ 4/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds talks with P.M. Shamir, F. M. Peres, and Defense Ministry officials [WP 4/5]. Police arrest 8 Kach movement members attacking Umm al-Fahm [WP 4/5]. Israeli authorities demolish Palestinianowned house in Umm al-Fahm because it was built without a license [FJ 4/10]. General strike is observed throughout occupied territories [WP 4/5]. Al-Haq says Raji Surani, Gaza lawyer being held at Kitziot Prison, reports "harsh and inhuman" conditions at newly opened prison [LAT 4/6]. Palestinian from Bani Suhaylah in Gaza Strip dies from wounds sustained 3/30 [FJ 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops kill Palestinian youth in W. Bank town of Bani Na'im; 2 others are injured. In Balatah refugee camp near Nablus, 1 Palestinian and 1 soldier are injured [WP 4/5]. Balatah ordered under curfew [FJ 4/10]. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to disperse several demonstrations in Nablus. At least 2 youths are injured in clashes in Idna village. In Khadir village, near Bethlehem, at least 3 are injured by rubber bullets [FJ 4/10]. Dayr 'Ammar, Kafr Sayla, and Kafr Ni'mah villages are sealed. Jalazun is still under curfew after 22 days. Am'ari camp is also under curfew [FJ 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, 3 Palestinians are killed and 2 soldiers slightly injured: army claims soldiers were trying to rescue alleged collaborator from mob and opened fire in self-defense; Palestinians claim family members were coming to rescue youth being arrested when troops opened fire, killing 3 and wounding 1 [WP 4/3]. In Bethlehem violent demonstration erupts after soldiers attempto break commercial strike; soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to disperse youths throwing rocks, bottles, and Molotov cocktails; Palestinian is shot, wounded, and later dies. Protesters rally in streets after funeral, smashing windows at municipality building and demanding Mayor Ilyas Furayj's resignation [WP 4/3]. Two Palestinians are shot dead by soldiers in Ramallah-area villages of Bayt Liqya and Dayr Sudan [WP 4/3]. Gaza Strip's Jabalya, Beach, and Nusayrat camps are under curfew. Curfew continues in Jalazun camp [FJ 4/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu is sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for selling Israeli nuclear secrets to the Sunday Times (London) [WP 3/28]. Israeli soldier is sentenced to 18 months in military prison and 18 months suspended for fleeing his post during 11/25 hang glider attack on Israeli army base [WP 3/28; LAT 3/29].

Arab World: PLO statement terms meeting between U.S. sec. of state Shultz and 2 Palestinian American professors an "important political step" [WP 3/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians use axes, iron bars, stones, and cars in attack on Israeli troops conducting early morning raid in village of Maythalun, north of Tubas; 3 Palestinians are shot dead. At least 1 Palestinian youth is killed in Salfit; Israeli sources claim youth was killed when soldiers came to aid of tour bus that had mistakenly entered village [WP 3/28; FJ 4/3]. Army uses tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstration in Ramallah. There are also demonstrations inHebron, Bethlehem, Bayt Sahur village, and Burqa village. In Gaza Strip, Palestinians protest in Gaza City, Rafah camp, and Khan Yunis camp. Curfews are in force in Rafah, Beach, Dayr al-Balah, and Khan Yunis camps [FJ 4/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamzah Turkmani resigns as mayor of Gaza City [WP, NYT 3/27]. Palestinian shot by Israeli troops 3/25 in clash in Zawata village near Nablus dies of wounds [WP, NYT 3/27]. Military administration orders all government and UNRWA schools in Gaza Strip closed [FJ 4/3].

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz meets with 2 PNC members, Prof. Edward W. Said and Prof. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, to discuss his peace proposals [WP 3/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah Israeli soldiers fire tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to disperse Palestinian protesters demanding city council resign [WP 3/27]. Troops clash with Palestinian demonstrators in Kafr Thulth village near Nablus; 2 Palestinians are shot dead [WP, NYT 3/27]. At least 3 Palestinians are wounded by army gunfire in clash at Dhahariyyah. UN officials report at least 6 children suffered fractured limbs in Burayj refugee camp [WP 3/27]. Curfew continues in Balatah refugee camp. Palestinian sources report demonstrations also erupted in Bethlehem and Nablus [FJ 4/3].

Arab World: Battles between Fateh and Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal organization) forces continue in S. Lebanon's 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp; Lebanese police report 5 have been killed, 4 wound in clashes [NYT 3/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike continues in occupied territories. Def. Min. Rabin threatens to introduce additional sanctions in W. Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli authorities close Hebron National Bus Co. for 1 week for honoring strike. Palestinian American political activist Mubarak 'Awad is arrested in Jerusalem on charges of organizing an illegal demonstration [WP 3/17]. Israel cuts phone lines to W. Bank, Gaza Strip [NYT 3/17]. Jews from Teqoa settlement attack Bethlehem-area village of Za'tara after demonstration; settlers bulldoze walls, damage water pipes, and smash windows of houses and cars before troops intervene [FJ 3/20].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan stresses that U.S. will not change or abandon peace proposals in talks with Israeli p.m. Shamir [CSM, WP 3/17]. Shamir suggests ceremonial opening for Arab-Israeli peace talks at U.S. -Soviet summit in Moscow [LAT 3/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Tulkarm bum tires, block roads, and throw rocks at soldiers; troops respond with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition, killing 3 and wounding at least 12. Palestinian is shot dead in West Bank village of Ya'bad [WP 3/171. Violent clashes are also reported in Gaza Strip's Khan Yunis and Nusayrat camps, Bethlehem's Duhayshah camp, Jalazun camp, and Jib village, near Ramallah [NYT 3/17]. Military curfews are in force in Qalqiliyyah, Jalazun camp, Tulkarm, Tulkarm camp, 'Azzun, and Nur Shams camp; Qabatiyyah and Yamun are sealed off [FJ 3/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz flies from Tel Aviv to Damascus to Cairo, presents P.M. Shamir, Pres. al-Asad, and Pres. Mubarak with letters formally detailing U.S. peace proposal. Shultz asks leaders to reply by 3/16 [WP 3/5]. Jerusalem police defuse car bomb found outside hotel where Shultz is staying [NYT 3/5; LAT 3/6].

Arab World: Two British Oxfam workers disappear from Sidon after visiting 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp [WP 3/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers use live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrators blocking roads and stoning cars in village of Khadir near Bethlehem; 1 is killed. Injuries from Israeli army gunfire are reported in W. Bank village of Burqa, Balatah refugee camp, Jenin, and Gaza's Burayj refugee camp [WP, NYT 3/5]. In 'Arrab village, near Jenin, army intervenes to prevent demonstrators from buming house of alleged collaborator; soldiers use tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowd; 1 Palestinian is killed [FJ 3/13]. IDF bars joumalists from 5 major W. Bank cities and parts of Gaza [WP 3/5; LAT 3/6]. In Gaza Strip, bomb attack injures 4 Israeli soldiers [NYT 3/5]. Israeli authorities close Salah al-Din mosque in Gaza City [FJ 3/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres confirms he wrote Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III in 1985 about Iraqi oil pipeline project [LAT 2/22]. Peres states continued support for intemational conference but rejects role for U.S.S.R. [LAT 2/22]. UN officials charge Jerusalem police and border guards conducted 2 extensive raids in Shu'fat 2/20 and 2/21, beating residents and damaging property [WP 2/22]. Police reinforcements are deployed in Jerusalem in preparation for Sec. of State Shultz's visit [LAT 2/22]. Palestinian youth from Galilee is fined IS 1,500 and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for raising Palestinian flag and participating in illegal demonstration 12/21 [FJ 2/28].

Arab World: According to diplomats in Cairo, PLO has withdrawn threat to abandon Cairo declaration (promising not to attack Israelis outside of Israel and the occupied territories) [NYT 2/22].

Other Countries: Palestinian journalist Hanna Siniora travels to Rome to meet with PLO officials about lifting ban on talks with Shultz [NYT 2/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dayr 'Ammar refugee camp near Ramallah, Palestinian is shot, killed; army says shots may have been fired by settlers [LAT 2/22]. Israeli soldiers shoot, wound Palestinian during apparent knife attack on Israeli patrol in Nablus; youth also allegedly involved in attack is killed and 4 others wounded. Army drops tear gas from helicopters to break up crowds at funeral [FJ 2/28]. At least 6 Palestinians are wounded by live ammunition during clashes in Jenin-area town of Qabatiyyah and Gaza's Khan Yunis camp [WP, LAT 2/22]. Khan Yunis is ordered under curfew. Gaza hospital officials report treating 50 for gunshot wounds, beating injuries [FJ 2/28]. Curfew remains in force in Idna; curfews are imposed in Faradis, Za'tara, and Ta'amrah villages in Bethlehem area [FJ 2/28].

Arab World: IDF units raid S. Lebanon village of Bayt al-Siyad in attempt to locate Lt. Col. William Higgins, U.S. marine kidnaped 2/17 [LAT 2/22]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit on amount of money that can be brought into W. Bank from Jordan [NYT 2/17]. Maj. Gen. Ehud Barak, Israel's deputy chief of staff and Def. Min. Rabin confirm soldiers buried 4 Palestinians alive 2/5 [WP 2/17]. Rabin announces his intention to establish military appeals court in occupied territories [CSM 2/17]. In Tel Aviv, 800 attend conference organized by Israeli intellectuals demanding Israeli government begin peace talks with Palestinians [NYT 2/18]. Israeli High Court upholds army order banning distribution of al-Quds newspaper in occupied territories [FJ 2/21]. Jewish settlers raid 'Azzah refugee camp near Bethlehem, shoot and wound 1 youth [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: UNRWA announces the suspension of all activities in Lebanon requiring intemational staff, and transfer of operations from Lebanon to Syria [FJ 2/21].

Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir ends 2-day visit to Italy [WP 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli riot police halt bus carrying Palestinian high school students from Haifa to Umm al-Fahm; several students are beaten. At least 1 Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash with Israeli soldiers in Jenin. In Qabatiyyah, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded when soldiers open fire on demonstrators [WP 2/17]. Army seizes 3 school buildings for military posts in Nablus [FJ 2/21]. Palestinian demonstrators bum tires and throw stones at entrance to Gush Qatif settlement in Gaza. In Rafah camp 4 are wounded in clash with soldiers [FJ 2/21]. In Sura and Majd villages, near Hebron, protesters bum Israeli buses. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstration in Fawwar refugee camp, wounding 9. Protests are held in Jenin refugee camp, Duhayshah camp and Bani Na'im village [FJ 2/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several cars are set afire in Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem [WP 2/15]. Palestinian dies of injuries resulting from army beating in Gaza City [NYT 2/16]. Seventh leaflet signed by PLO and Unified National Command for the Uprising in the Occupied Territories begins circulating in occupied territories [FJ 2/21].

Other Countries: In Washington meeting to discuss new U.S. peace proposal, Israeli envoy Ehud Olmert warns U. S. State Dept. official Charles Hill that P. M. Shamir will never accept land for peace principle [WP 2/16]. In Cypriot port of Limassol, bomb blast kills 3 PLO officials [NYT 2/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Majdal Shams, 1,600 police use tear gas to disperse stonethrowing Druze demonstrating to protest 1982 Israeli annexation of Golan Heights; about 20 are arrested [WP 2/15]. Scattered demonstrations are reported in Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Jenin [WP 2/15; FJ 2/21]. Military seals off Nablus-area village of Burin following clash between villagers, settlers, and soldiers. Curfews are imposed in Halhul and Hebron [FJ 2/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, firebomb attack on car seriously injures Jewish settler [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Commercial strike in E. Jerusalem, W.Bank, and Gaza Strip continues [FJ 2/7]. Hebron U. reopens [FJ 2/7]. Other Countries: Charles Hill, executive assistant to U.S. Sec. of State Shultz, holds talks with Nimrod Novik, senior advisor to F. M. Peres [NYT 2/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up rockthrowing demonstrations i Bethlehem, Hebron, Gaza Strip, and E. Jerusalem. Dayr al-Balah and Balatah are placed under curfew [LAT 2/2]. At least 42 Palestinians are shot, injured by soldiers during fierce battles in Nablus. Curfew isimposed on Nablus and Jalazun, 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma', and old and new 'Askar camps. Village of Ithna, near Hebron, is declared closed military area. Violent demonstrations are reported in Ramallah, al-Birah, Bayt Sahur, and Am'ari camp [FJ 2/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 1,000 regular and border police are deployed in Jerusalem as Palestinians in E. Jerusalem and occupied territories hold day of mourning to commemorate victims of recent violence. Israel confirms deaths of 2 Palestinians inearlier clashes [NYT 1/16]. General strike is observed in W. Bank [FJ 1/17].

Arab World: In Biqa' Valley village of Kasara, 4 deported W. Bank Palestinians set up tents across from International Com. of the Red Cross office, begin hunger strike [WP 1/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 70 Palestinians are injured by tear gas, clubs, and rubber bullets when Israeli police, border police attack worshipers at al-Haram al-Sharif. Reports indicate tear gas is fired into Dome of the Rock, al-Aqsa Mosque. [NYT 1/16] In Gaza Strip's al-Shaykh 'Ajlin soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian who stabs soldier in leg [WP, NYT 1/17]. Family says youth is shot at home after quarrel with soldiers [FJ 1/17]. Military-imposed curfew continues for 6 W. Bank and 7 Gaza Strip refugee camps [WP, NYT 1/16]. Israeli forces fire rubber bullets to disperse crowd of Palestinians surrounding UN envoy Marrack Goulding in Balatah refugee camp [WP 1/17]. On W. Bank, roadblocks and clashes between soldiers and protesters occur in Ramallah and al-Birah. Al-Fajr reports demonstrations in 'Arrub, Fawwar, Balatah, and 'Azzah refugee camps, Bayt Fajjar, Bethlehem, Kissan, and Nablus. At least 2 are injured by Israeli army gunfire in Nablus-district town of Salfit, and at least 7 are wounded in Qalqiliyyah [FJ 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet agents arrest 10 prominent Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem; 4 are released after questioning [CSM 1/15]. At press conference in Jerusalem, Gabi Baramki, acting pres. of Birzeit U., Sari Nusaybah, BZU professor, and Rev. 'Awdah Rantisi, deposed mayor of Ramallah, present list of 14 Palestinian demands [FJ 1/17]. Commercial strike continues in most cities and towns although some stores open briefly [FJ 1/17].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat says he would recognize Israel's righto exist if Israel and U.S. would agree to an international conference with PLO participation [LAT, CSM 1/15].

Other Countries: U.S. abstains in UN Security Council vote calling on Israel to cancel deportations of 5 Palestinians and to allow return of 4 Palestinians deported 1/13 [NYT, WP 1/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Hebron barricade roads, throw stones [CSM 1/15]. In Nusayrat camp, demonstrators protest arrest of 5 camp residents; soldiers respond with tear gas; 1 Palestinian dies from gas. Violent clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli troops also take place in 'Abasan and Bani Suhaylah. New detention camp (Ansar 4) and large military camp have been erected in Rafah. Siege of refugee camps continues. Many injuries are reported in Beach camp after army raid [FJ 1/17]. At least 13 camps are under curfew. Israel Radio reports 1 Palestinian isshot, killed in clash with troops in Ramallah. Numerous demonstrations are reported in the W. Bank and E. Jerusalem. Most are dispersed with tear gas, rubber bullets; live ammunition in Qalqiliyyah, Tulkarm, and Tubas. In Kissan, village near Bethlehem, Palestinian is shot while trying to prevent confiscation of 500 sheep from village [FJ 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W. Bank town of Baytin, 2 prominent Jewish settlers open fire on demonstrators whose barricade blocks road, killing 1 and wounding another [CSM, WP 1/12]. F. M. Shimon Peres meets with UN Undersec. Gen. Marrack Goulding [WP 1/12]. Rafah resident shot 1/8 and Khan Yunis resident also wounded in earlier clash die in Israeli hospital [FJ 1/17]. General strike is observed in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and Gaza Strip [FJ 1/17]. Reports indicate 4 Palestinians ordered deported have withdrawn their appeals because their lawyers have been denied access to files [FJ 1/17]. Heads of private schools decide to remain closed until 1/18 [FJ 1/17].

Other Countries: Abraham Sofaer, legal adviser to U.S. State Dept., says closing PLO's UN observer mission would violate international law [NYT 1/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops clash with 20 Palestinian women protest ng in front of Qalandiya refugee camp UN office [CSM 1/12]. Khan Yunis demonstrator who allegedly tried to grab soldier's gun is shot dead [WP 1/12]. Balatah refugee camp and Nablus-area village of Bayt Hilma are placed under curfew. Soldiers use tear gas and rubber bullets against crowds waving Palestinian flag at Qalandiya refugee camp. Clashes are also reported in Duhayshah and Tulkarm camps, Bethlehem and 'Azzariyyah (Bethany) [WP 1/12; FJ 1/17]. Palestinian sources report a Khan Yunis resident is beaten to death. Demonstrations are reported in Gaza City, Bayt Hanun, and Jabalya camp. Curfews are imposed on 5 Gaza Strip refugee camps: Khan Yunis, Dayr al-Balah, Maghazi, Nusayrat, and Burayj. Strip is declared closed military zone [FJ 1/17]. Military imposes curfew on 'Askar camp [FJ 1/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Koteret Rashit, Israeli weekly, reports police investigators have written report on circumstances surrounding death while under custody of Salam Hamdan to enable attorney general to close case withoutrial [NYT 1/10]. Total commercial strike closes shops in E. Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus, and Bethlehem [FJ 1/10]. General Federation of Labor Unions in the W. Bank issues statement condemning Israeli threats to prevent striking Palestinian workers from entering Israel and to hire foreigners to replace strikers [FJ 1/31].

Arab World: PLO leaders call for UN force to protect Palestinians in Israelioccupied W. Bank and Gaza Strip [NYT 1/10].

Other Countries: Spanish officials returning from visit to occupied territories condemn military trials of Palestinians accused of demonstrating [CSM 1/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to break up march from Bani Suhayla to Khan Yunis; at least 1 protester iskilled, 4 others wounded [NYT 1/10]. Numerous clashes between demonstrators and Israeli troops are reported throughout W. Bank and Gaza zones [WP 1/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs David Mellor meets with P. M. Shamir [WP 1/6]. Journalist Hanna Siniora, Birzeit U. Prof. Sari Nusaybah, Nablus attorney Ghassan Shaka'ah, and nonviolent activist Mubarak 'Awad announce nonviolent civil disobedience campaign against Israel, call for boycott of Israeli products [CSM, NYT 1/6].

Arab World: In Cairo, about 200 Egyptian lawyers burn Israeli flag; 'Ayn Shams University students demonstrate against Israeli tactics in occupied territories [LAT 1/6].

Other Countries: UN Security Council unanimously approves resolution condemning Israel's plan to deport 9 Palestinians from occupied territories [WP, NYT 1/6]. In Pakistan, 5 Palestinians on trial for hijacking Pan American airliner in 1986 state they intended to release passengers, blow up plane over Israel after securing release of Palestinian prisoners [WP, LAT 1/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Khan Yunis, supporters of Hasan Ghanim Abu Shaqra, Muslim leader ordered deported by Israel, throw stones, burn tires. Israeli troops respond with water cannon, tear gas, then open fire when demonstrators try to march from Abu Shaqra's home to mosque; 1 demonstrator is killed, 4 others wounded. In separate Khan Yunis clash, soldiers shoot, wound 3 protesters; 1 other is wounded in Gaza City confrontation. Palestine Press Service reports another Palestinian killed in the Khan Yunis clashes. Scattered violence is reported in East Jerusalem and W. Bank towns of Bethlehem, Bir Zeit, Tulkarm, and Qalqiliyyah [NYT, WP 1/6]. Tulkarm and 'Azzah refugee camps are placed under curfew following protests. Women demonstrating in front of Nablus military court are attacked by Israeli soldiers [FJ 1/10].

Arab World: In Cairo, students at 'Ayn Shams University stage anti-Israel demonstration. Lawyers burn Stars of David in front of Egyptian bar association [WSJ 1/8].