54 / 15500 Results
  • December 29, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Shamir says he hopes to start peace talks with Arab governments, Palestinians in next 2 months; he expects Egypt to broker...

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  • December 27, 1988


    Arab World: PLO Exec. Committee declares that Arafat's statements in Geneva recognizing Israel's right to exist, rejecting terrorism are "in harmony with" recent...

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  • December 14, 1988


    Other Countries: After Arafat clarifies UN speech, U.S. announces it will begin talks with the PLO [NYT 12/15]. U.S. vetoes Security Council resolution condemning...

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  • December 4, 1988


    Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S., Israel had secret agreement authorizing joint anti-terrorist operations in 1985-86; the operations were supervised...

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  • November 22, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Am'ari camp remains under curfew for 3rd day [FJ 11/28].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops open fire...

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  • October 24, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The director of the U.S. SDI program announces that Israel has been awarded over $165 million in SDI contracts, more than any foreign...

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  • October 20, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities order the W. Bank offices of the Arab Bank to close [FJ 10/30].

    Arab World: King Hussein of Jordan...

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  • August 24, 1988


    Other Countries: UNRWA announces that 60 of its workers are being detained by Israel [WP 8/25].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 50-year-...

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  • August 9, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14]....

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  • August 2, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in W. Bank remain closed for second day in protest against deportations of Palestinians [WP 8/3]. Left-wing legislators call...

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  • July 13, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority,...

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  • June 23, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sixty Israeli Arabs meet to discuss the formation of an Arab political party to compete in Israeli elections [CSM 6/23]. The telephone...

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  • June 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military...

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  • June 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The L.A. Times reports that in May only 86 of 1,145 Soviet Jewish emigres with visas for Israel arrived in Israel. Most went to...

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  • May 25, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the occupied territories. Several demonstrations areheld on 40-day anniversary of the death of Abu Jihad...

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  • May 24, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In order to show "Jewish presence" MKs Dov Shilansky and Ovadiya Eli tour Temple Mount [WT 5/25, FJ 5/29]. It is announced that an...

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  • May 20, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli pres. Chaim Herzog reduces to 15 years the sentences of 3 members of the Jewish Underground serving life sentences for the...

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  • May 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in...

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  • May 16, 1988


    Arab World: Algeria and Morocco restore diplomatic relations after 12 years of disputes. The need for Arab unity in support of the uprising is cited as one of the...

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  • May 10, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza residents begin registering to receive new identity cards; residents must pay taxes in order to receive new cards [WP, NYT 5/11]....

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  • May 5, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In field between W. Bank village of Turmus Ayah and Jewish settlement of Shillo, Jewish settler shoots Palestinian shepherd to death,...

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  • May 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in occupied territories strike in response to call for "day of confrontation" [WP 5/5]. Israel appoints 'Ali Jarrar acting...

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  • May 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elderly Palestinian wounded in earlier clash dies [FJ 5/8]. Israeli authorities uproot olive trees in villages of Ras Karkar and al-...

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  • May 2, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Teenager from W. Bank village of Bayt Wazin is electrocuted while trying to hang Palestinian flag from power cable. Commercial strike...

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  • April 30, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command calls for commercial strike, confrontation with Israeli troops, and attacks on Israeli-appointed mayors [WP 5/1...

    Read more
  • April 28, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in occupied territories [FJ 5/1].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah...

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  • April 27, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army report on 4/6 killing of settler youth in Bayta is released; report concludes Israeli guard accidentally shot girl, places primary...

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  • April 26, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tells Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. that 4,912 people are being detained in Israeli jails [WP 4/27]....

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  • April 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel expels 8 Palestinians, including 6 Bayta residents, to Lebanon. Cabinet minister Ezer Weizman denounces 4/16 assassination of PLO...

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  • April 12, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Ehud Barak says army reserve duty will be lengthened from 40 to 62 days [CSM 3/13].

    Arab World: In...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Shamir says he hopes to start peace talks with Arab governments, Palestinians in next 2 months; he expects Egypt to broker the talks [NYT 12/30]. While touring northern settlements IDF chief of staff Shomron states that recent wave of attempted border infiltrations are being carried out by groups seeking to undermine Arafat [NYT 12/30]. Shamir says infiltrations are encouraged by U.S. decision to open talks with PLO [LAT 12/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City troops shoot, kill 2 Palestinians during what IDF describes as pre-emptive raid to arrest firebombers [NYT 12/30]. In Nablus at least 5 Palestinians are injured during clashes with soldiers. Troops fire tear gas to break up demonstrations in E. Jerusalem. Clashes in Burayj leave several Palestinians injured [FJ 1/2].

Arab World: Israeli helicopter gunships attack Amal positions in S. Lebanon in retaliation for attempted border infiltrations; UN officials state that 8 Arabs are wounded in attack [LAT 12/30].


Arab World: PLO Exec. Committee declares that Arafat's statements in Geneva recognizing Israel's right to exist, rejecting terrorism are "in harmony with" recent PNC resolutions [WP 12/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Abwayn troops shoot, kill 20-year-old Palestinian [NYT 12/28, FJ 1/2]. In Tulkarm soldiershoot, wound 3 Palestinians. In Balatah 1 Palestinian is shot by Israeli troops. In Nusayrat 8 Palestinians are shot by army. In Khan Yunis 3 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with troops. In Beach camp 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded [FJ 1/2]. Israeli troops shoot, kill 3 Palestinians trying to infiltrate Israel through Negev [LAT 12/29, NYT 12/30].

Arab World: Israeli troops in S. Lebanon shoot, kill 3 Palestinians trying to cross border into Israel [LAT 12/29].


Other Countries: After Arafat clarifies UN speech, U.S. announces it will begin talks with the PLO [NYT 12/15]. U.S. vetoes Security Council resolution condemning Israel's 12/9 raid into Lebanon [NYT 12/ 15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Khan Yunis soldiers shoot, wound 14-year-old boy. In 'Anabtah youth is shot, injured by troops during clash. Palestinians are injured in clashes in Nablus and in Tulkarm, 'Askar camps. In Bil'in IDF destroys building housing town's only medical clinic [FJ 12/ 19]. Israel deports 3 Palestinians from Gaza to southern Lebanon [NYT 12/15].


Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S., Israel had secret agreement authorizing joint anti-terrorist operations in 1985-86; the operations were supervised by Oliver North, Amiram Nir [WP 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Yamun 75- year-old man dies after exposure to tear gas. Soldiers raid 3 schools in Jabalya camp; several people are injured. At least 4 Palestinians are wounded on W. Bank [FJ 12/12]. Arab World: Israel shells Lebanese village of Habush killing 2, injuring 3 [FJ 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Am'ari camp remains under curfew for 3rd day [FJ 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops open fire during demonstration in Nablus, wound 3 Palestinians. In Kafr al-Dik 1 Palestinian is shot. In 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' 3 Palestinians are shot, wounded. In Khan Yunis troops open fire, wound 2 Palestinians [FJ 11/28].

Arab World: IDF planes attack Force 17 positions in Lebanon, kill 7 Palestinians, wound 9 [FJ 11/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The director of the U.S. SDI program announces that Israel has been awarded over $165 million in SDI contracts, more than any foreign country [WP 10/25].

Arab World: The PLO reiterates statements by Chairman Arafat that Israeli Arabs and Jews should vote for "forces that represent the real peace choice" [NYT 10/ 25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reuters reports the existence of Israeli undercover "death squads" on W. Bank and Gaza Strip; military spokesman denies that Israel assassinates wanted men [WT 10/24]. In Far'ah refugee camp soldiers shoot, kill 17-yearold Palestinian [NYT 10/25, FJ 10/30]. In Nablus 3 Palestinians are shot, injured by Israeli soldiers. In Nusayrat camp 4 Palestinians are injured during clashes with troops. At Beach camp soldiers shoot, injure 2 Palestinians [FJ 10/30].

Arab World: Israeli warplanes strike Syrian Social Nationalist Party base in south Lebanon. One person is wounded [NYT, WP 10/25]. In south Lebanon Israeli troops capture 7 Palestinian guerrillas trying to cross the Lebanese-Israeli border [WP 10/ 25]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities order the W. Bank offices of the Arab Bank to close [FJ 10/30].

Arab World: King Hussein of Jordan announces willingness to attend a Middle East peace conference as part of a Palestinian-Jordanian delegation if asked by the PLO [LAT 10/21]. PLO announces that the PNC will meet 12-14 November in Algiers [WP 10/20]

Other Countries: The Committee to Protect Journalists and Article 19, a British group combating censorship, release report denouncing Israel's treatment of Palestinian press [WT 10/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya troops fire to break up demonstrations; 2 Palestinians are injured. At Beach camp 2 Palestinians are injured during clashes with Israeli troops. In Silwad troops injure 3 Palestinians during clashes. In Salim 2 Palestinians are injured during clashes. In Bayt Furik troops destroy 4homes [Fl 10/ 23].

Arab World: Israeli artillery strikes 3 Lebanese villages in response to 10/19 attack on Israeli forces [WP 10/21].


Other Countries: UNRWA announces that 60 of its workers are being detained by Israel [WP 8/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 50-year-old Palestinian dies while under Israeli detention [FJ 8/28]. Israeli soldiers shoot, kill 29-year-old Palestinian in Zawiya [NYT 8/ 26].

Arab World: Israeli troops ambush, kill 5 Hizballah fighters insouth Lebanon. Six Israeli soldiers are wounded. The troops were on a search-and-destroy mission. According to the army command the clash was followed by artillery exchanges [WP 8/ 25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14].

Arab World: Assistant Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets with officials in Jordan and Egypt, declines to meet with Palestinians; two Palestinians he was to have met are close to PLO chairman Yasir Arafat. [WP 8/10]. In an interview in al-Sharq al-Awsat PLO chairman Yasir Arafat refuses to state whether he supports Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10]. In Damascus George Habash, leader of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, endorses formation of Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill 14-year-old in Qalqiliyyah [NYT 8/10, FJ8/14]. In Qalqiliyyah 8 others are shot, 9 seriously affected by tear gas [FJ 8/14]. In Jenin 4 Palestinians are shot; in Bayt Rima 5 Palestinians are shot, in Gaza 5 Palestinians are shot [NYT 8/10]; in Jenin 2 Palestinians are shot [FJ 8/14]. In Tel Aviv 2 Palestinians are killed, 1 injured after the shack they were sleeping in was set afire [FJ 8/14]. At Beach camp 13 Palestinians are treated for exposure to tear gas [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Tulkarm, Khan Yunis, Jabalya, Nusayrat, and Beach camps and Gaza City, Hebron, Dayr Ghassanah.

Arab World: Israeli Air Force bombers attack positions in S. Lebanon knocking out radio station used to broadcast PLO messages to the territories; 3 people are killed, 5 wounded. It was the 12th Israeli air raid into Lebanon this year; police estimate that over 60 people have been killed, 120 wounded [NYT 8/10]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in W. Bank remain closed for second day in protest against deportations of Palestinians [WP 8/3]. Left-wing legislators call special meeting of the Knesset to discuss King Hussein's severing of ties with W. Bank; right-wing legislators will ask for extension of Israeli law to territories [NYT 8/3].

Arab World: In Baghdad PLO spokesman announces emergency session of Palestine National Council will be held to discuss King Hussein's surrendering of sovereignty over the W. Bank [WP 8/3]. Jordanian interior minister Raja'i Dajani says it is too early to comment on effects of King's move on administration of West Bank [WP 8/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus troops kill 18-year-old Palestinian, wound 2 more [WP 8/3, FJ 8/7]. In Kafr Thulth 100 olive trees are destroyed. Tear gas is used to break up riots in Bethlehem and Beach camp. Clashes also occur in Burayj, Jabalya, Qalqiliyyah camps [FJ 8/7]. Arab World: Lebanese fighters attack South Lebanon Army position killing 1 SLA fighter [FJ 8/7]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority, according to Ha'Aretz [JPS 7/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 2 Palestinian teenagers die from wounds sustained earlier in the uprising [FJ 7/17]. Troops destroy 2 homes, seal 4 others on the W. Bank [NYT 7/14, FJ 7/17]. In Ramallah and al-Birah troops use rubber bullets, live ammunition to break up demonstrations [FJ 7/17]. Rabin says army will not be able to purchase all weapons it had planned this year because of cost of uprising [NYT 7/14].

Arab World: Previously unknown Palestinian group, Organization of the Martyrs of the Popular Revolution of Palestine, claims responsibility for 11 July attack on Greek tourist ship; spokesman for Fateh condemns the attack [NYT 7/14]. The Islamic Resistance Movement attacks Israeli, SLA positions in S. Lebanon near Kawkaba, 3 Islamic fighters and 1 Israeli soldier are killed [7/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sixty Israeli Arabs meet to discuss the formation of an Arab political party to compete in Israeli elections [CSM 6/23]. The telephone lines in Tulkarm are cut by the authorities [FJ 6/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian stonethrowers injure 13 Israeli bus passengers [FJ 6/26]. Clashes are reported in Duhayshah, Balatah camps, Hebron, Nablus, Yatta, Salim, Sebastiya, 'Iraq Burin, Bidya, Bayt 'Awwa [FJ 6/26].

Arab World: In S. Lebanon Israeli soldiers capture 4 Palestinian guerrillas trying to cross into northern Israel.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military governor of the W. Bank meets with merchants from Ramallah trying to find ways to improve commerce [LAT 6/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot, wound 21-year-old man near Nablus [LAT 6/20, FJ 6/26]. Soldiers uproot 5 dunums of olive trees in Salim [FJ 6/26].

Arab World: The New York Times reports that PLO forces in southem Lebanon have doubled in the past six months [NYT 6/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The L.A. Times reports that in May only 86 of 1,145 Soviet Jewish emigres with visas for Israel arrived in Israel. Most went to U.S. [LAT 6/3]. Palestinians start a 3-day strike to protest the arrival of Sec. of State George Shultz in the region [NYT 6/4].

Arab World: Sec. of State George Shultz visits Cairo to promote his peace proposals [NYT 6/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 20-year-old Arab is shot, killed by Israeli settlers near Hebron [NYT 6/4 Fl 6/5]. Ma'ariv reports the attack was carried out by members Meir Kahane's Kach in retaliation for 6/2 stabbing death of an Israeli religious student in West Jerusalem [FJ 6/12]. In Safa a Palestinian man is shot, killed by Israeli officer. Several areas in the West Bank and Gaza are declared closed military areas [FJ 6/5].

Arab World: Amal announces that it is disbanding its military apparatus in all but the south of Lebanon. Amal leader, Nabih Berri, told the fighters they should go south to fight Israel [NYT 6/4]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the occupied territories. Several demonstrations areheld on 40-day anniversary of the death of Abu Jihad. Several refugee camps are placed under curfews [NYT 5/26, FJ 5/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers injure 58 Palestinians during clashes in jabalya. The military uproots 150 trees in the village of Bayt Iba [FJ 5/29].

Arab World: Israeli air power and artillery aid the South Lebanon Army's attack on a Hizballah stronghold in S. Lebanon. Israeli helicopter gunships attack Palestinian refugee camp near Sidon. Amal announces it will join Hizballah in the fight against the Israelis. Amal also claims to have shot down an Israeli helicopter over Lebanon [NYT 5/26]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In order to show "Jewish presence" MKs Dov Shilansky and Ovadiya Eli tour Temple Mount [WT 5/25, FJ 5/29]. It is announced that an Israeli consular delegation will visit the Soviet Union for the first time in 21 years. [WP 5/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burayj Palestinian man is shot dead by Israeli troops. A curfew is imposed, 30 people arrested in 'Anabta. One person is shot in Bayt Furik. During demonstrations in Gaza 39 people are injured [FJ 5/29].

Arab World: Large contingent of Israeli forces moves into central sector of Israeli iimposed "security zone" in S. Lebanon to stop "terrorists" from crossing the border. UN spokesman claims Israeli troops in southem Lebanon fired on UNIFIL armored car with rifles and artillery. Three Syrian soldiers are killed while manning a check point near Shatila [WT 5/25]. Israel expels 15 Lebanese from S. Lebanon for refusing to cooperate with newly formed "civil administration" [FJ5/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli pres. Chaim Herzog reduces to 15 years the sentences of 3 members of the Jewish Underground serving life sentences for the assault on Hebron University in 1983 in which 3 Palestinians were killed [WP 5/21].

Arab World: U.S. ambassador to UN Vemon Walters arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. Asad. Walters tries to win release of the 18 foreign hostages held in Lebanon. [NYT 5/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 21 Palestinians are injured during clashes at Beach and jabalya camps. Curfew is imposed on Beach refugee camp. Army seals off roads to Jerusalem to stop Palestinians from going to Jerusalem for Friday prayers [FJ 5/22].

Arab World: Palestinian factions clash in Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps. Arafat loyalists are flushing out Palestinian dissidents. Fighting isaimed at securing better positions before impending entry of Syrian forces. [WP 5/20, NYT 5/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in Lebanon for fear it may endanger the lives of the hostages held in Beirut [LAT 5/20].

Arab World: Egyptian foreign minister 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid arrives in Moscow; is expected to sign a major, five-year economic and trade agreement with the U.S.S.R. [WT 5/20].

Military Actio

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews in 'Anabta and Tulkarm enter sixth day, army prevents food, medical supplies from entering [FJ 5/22]. In the village of Salim, IDF uproots almond and olive trees along the main road [FJ 5/22]. In Hebron P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir says that Israel was on the way to restoring "anormal situation" in the occupied territories UP 5/21].


Arab World: Algeria and Morocco restore diplomatic relations after 12 years of disputes. The need for Arab unity in support of the uprising is cited as one of the reasons [NYT 5/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces shoot, kill 2 and wound 11 demonstrators in the occupied territories [WP 5/17, FJ 5/22]. At least 20 others are injured in demonstrations throughout the territories [FJ 5/22]. Israeli military court sentences 2 Hizballah fighters toprison for acts committed againsthe SLA in Lebanon [WP 5/17] Body of a 41-year-old Palestinian is found in a chicken coop in the Beit Meir settlement; authorities state he died of natural causes; relatives claim there were signs of strangulation [FJ 5/22].

Arab World: In Shatila and Burj al-Baranjinah camps Fateh fighters are winning battle against PLO dissidents.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza residents begin registering to receive new identity cards; residents must pay taxes in order to receive new cards [WP, NYT 5/11]. General strike is observed in occupied territories [FJ 5/15]. Trials begin for Qabatiyyah residents charged in connection with 2/24 lynching of collaborator [FJ 5/15]. Water supplies restored to village of Bayt Fajjar, near Bethlehem [FJ 5/15]. Resident of Ta'amrah village shot in 3/30 clash dies [FJ 5/15].

Arab World: Speaking in Baghdad, PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat charges U.S. has threatened to assassinate PLO leaders if PLO attacks U.S. targets [WP 5/11].

Other Countries: U.S. vetoes UN Security Council resolution condemning 2-day Israeli sweep in S. Lebanon [WP 5/1 1]. F. M. Peres holds talks with 2 Soviet officials in Madrid [MET 5/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In village of Till near Nablus, 4 Palestinians are wounded by army gunfire when residents protest military raid [FJ 5/15]. Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse demonstrators in village of Ramin, near Tulkarm. Several army raids of W. Bank villages are reported. Ramallah-area village of Kafr Malik is still sealed. Curfews remain in force in Duhayshah refugee camp, Irtas village, and Balatah refugee camp [FJ 5/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In field between W. Bank village of Turmus Ayah and Jewish settlement of Shillo, Jewish settler shoots Palestinian shepherd to death, seriously wounds another; settlers allege shepherds threw stones. Army orders all stores in W. Bank closed for 3 days as punishment for 5/4 commercial strike. Jerusalem police detain Ilyas Zananiri, managing editor of Palestine Press Service and Arabic edition of al-Awdah [LAT 5/6]. Mubarak 'Awad, Palestinian American activist, is arrested and ordered deported [WP 5/7].

Other Countries: Trans Technology, U.S. tear gas manufacturer, says it will stop its sales to Israel [WP 5/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Scattered demonstrations are reported in W. Bank and Gaza Strip. Soldiers prevent merchants from opening shops in moming in Ramallah; military orders all stores in occupied territories closed during moming. Curfew continues in Balatah refugee camp [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: In final stage of Israel's "Operation Law and Order," SLA troops destroy about 60 houses in S. Lebanon village of Maydun [LAT 5/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in occupied territories strike in response to call for "day of confrontation" [WP 5/5]. Israel appoints 'Ali Jarrar acting mayor of Qabatiyyah, near Jenin [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Baghdad sources report PLO Executive Com. has elected Mahmud 'Abbas (Abu Mazin) to replace Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) as chairman of Palestinian delegation to joint Palestinian-Jordanian com. on occupied territories affairs [FJ 5/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Strip, 2 Palestinians are shot dead, another dies from tear gas during fierce clashes in Beach and Jabalya camps. Demonstrations erupt during funerals in spite of curfews; many are injured by tear gas, iron bars. In Salim village, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded. Balatah camp is put under curfew. Demonstrations are reported in Ramallah district village of Silwad, Am'ari camp, Jenin, Bani Na'im, Bethlehem, and Tulkarm [FJ 5/8]. Army blocks 5 entrances to 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' refugee camp with concrete-filled barrels [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Israeli troops attack Lebanese village of Maydun and nearby villages, killing more than 40 Hizballah fighters, before pulling back to S. Lebanon security zone to end "Operation Law and Order"; 3 Israeli soldiers are killed and 17 wounded in fighting [WP 5/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elderly Palestinian wounded in earlier clash dies [FJ 5/8]. Israeli authorities uproot olive trees in villages of Ras Karkar and al-Janiyyah, west of Ramallah [FJ 5/8]. Physicians at Shifa Hospital in Gaza protest the arrest of Dr. Zakariya al-Agha [FJ 5/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Bani Na'im village, near Hebron, 2 Palestinians are shot dead after protesters allegedly attacked army patrol. Palestinian is killed by army gunfire in Balatah refugee camp [WP 5/4]. Soldiers raid houses in Duhayshah refugee camp, clash with residents. In Beach camp, protesters block roads, bum tires. Protests erupt in Jabalya, Maghazi, and Dayr al-Balah camps [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Syrian forces in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley are put on alert as Israeli troops continue house-to-house search for Palestinian commandos in S. Lebanon; UN officials estimate between 1,500 and 2,000 Israeli soldiers are in S. Lebanon [WP 5/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Teenager from W. Bank village of Bayt Wazin is electrocuted while trying to hang Palestinian flag from power cable. Commercial strike continues in W. Bank. Israeli officials order al-Awdah, Arabic and English weekly magazine, closed. Government announces it will begin cutting water and electricity to W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns that do not pay their bills [NYT 5/3]. Dr. Zakariya al-Agha, head of the Arab Medical Association, is arrested, placed under administrative detention for 6 months [FJ 5/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several Balatah camp residents are arrested after military lifts curfew. Soldiers respond with live ammunition and rubber bullets to demonstration in 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' camp. Several Palestinian protesters are injured by gunfire in 'Askar camp. Scattered demonstrations are reported in Bethlehem region, Ramallah region, and Gaza Strip. Army imposes curfew in 'Arrub camp [FJ 5/8].

Arab World: Led by tanks and helicopters, up to 2,000 Israeli troops cross into Lebanon in search of Palestinian commandos [WP 5/3]. Followers of Abu Musa battle Arafat loyalists in Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps; 10 have been killed and 40 wounded in 3 days of fighting [WP 5/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command calls for commercial strike, confrontation with Israeli troops, and attacks on Israeli-appointed mayors [WP 5/1]. Settlers from Kiryat Arba clash with Palestinian youths; settlers open fire, injuring 1. Also in Hebron, 6 Israelis are injured when their car is firebombed [NYT 5/1; FJ 5/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, wound Palestinian protester in Nablus. Protester and Israeli soldier are wounded during clash in nearby Balatah refugee camp; camp placed under curfew. Students bum tires, block roads in Gaza City demonstration [NYT 5/1]. Israel orders 2 schools closed following demonstrations [FJ 5/8]. Palestinians protest in Haram al-Sharif [WP 5/1]. In Nablus, soldiers clash with camera crew for U.S. network [LAT 5/2].

Arab World: Israeli troops raid 2 S. Lebanon villages, interrogate residents [WP 5/1]. Fateh fighters battle supporters of Abu Musa in Shatila refugee camp [FJ 5/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in occupied territories [FJ 5/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah district village of Kafr Malik, soldiers use live ammunition to break up protesting crowd; bystander is killed. Demonstrations are also reported in Nablus-region village of Salim, Hebron, Duhayshah camp, and Shuwaykah village, near Tulkarm. In Gaza Strip's Jabalya refugee camp, residents attack military post. At least 30 are injured in clashes in the strip [FJ 5/1].

Arab World: Israeli troops raid several villages on slopes of S. Lebanon's Mt. Hermon, arresting 13 [NYT 5/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army report on 4/6 killing of settler youth in Bayta is released; report concludes Israeli guard accidentally shot girl, places primary blame for incident on villagers. Report confirms 1 of 13 houses demolished after incident was destroyed by mistake; owners will be compensated [WP 4/28]. Palestinian girl dies from gunshot wounds suffered during 4/26 clash in Kafr al-Dik village, near Ramallah [NYT 4/28].

Other Countries: Italy suspends sale of grapefruits after waming they had been poisoned as protest against Israel [NYT 4/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot dead 2 Palestine Liberation Front guerrillas who wounded Israeli truck driver after crossing into northern Israel from Lebanon [WP, NYT 4/28]. Village of Salim is placed under curfew following violent clashes between soldiers and residents [FJ 5/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tells Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. that 4,912 people are being detained in Israeli jails [WP 4/27]. Israeli govemment suspends official accreditation of 2 American reporters for not submitting stories about assassination of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) to military censor [WP 4/27]. Bulldozers uproot olive trees in Qatannah village, north of Jerusalem; village is under 2-day curfew [FJ 5/1]. In E. Jerusalem, shopowners strike to protest 4/25 arrest of 14 merchants [FJ 5/1].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat leaves Damascus. PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi remains in Syria for further talks with govemment officials [CSM 4/28]. In Damascus, DFLP leader Nayif Hawatmah threatens more attacks on Israel from S. Lebanon [NYT 5/1]. National Resistance Front also claims responsibility for attack on Israel [WP 4/27].

Other Countries: In The Hague, World Court rules U.S. must submit to arbitration over legislation ordering PLO to close its observer mission to UN [WP 4/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrol kills 3 Palestinian guerrillas who entered Israel across Lebanese border; 2 Israeli soldiers are killed [WP 4/27; NYT 4/28]. In Gaza Strip, student demonstrators stone soldiers in Gaza City and Jabalya, Beach, and Khan Yunis camps. Soldiers respond with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition. In Sha'jiyyah quarter of Gaza City, authorities seal 6 rooms; 2 houses in Dayr al-Balah camp are also sealed [FJ 5/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel expels 8 Palestinians, including 6 Bayta residents, to Lebanon. Cabinet minister Ezer Weizman denounces 4/16 assassination of PLO military leader Khalil al-Wazir [WP 4/20]. Palestinian wounded in 4/18 clash in Faqu'ah village, near Jenin, dies [WP 4/20; FJ 4/24]. General strike is observed in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 4/24]. Hafiz Tuqan, Israeli-appointed major of Nablus, resigns his post [FJ 4/24]. All Gaza Strip schools are ordered closed until 4/23 [FJ 4/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military curfews are in effect in 17 towns and refugee camps [WP 4/20]. Scattered demonstrations and clashes continue in W. Bank [FJ 4/24]. Gaza Strip is declared closed military zone [FJ 4/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Ehud Barak says army reserve duty will be lengthened from 40 to 62 days [CSM 3/13].

Arab World: In Kasara, Lebanon, 8 Palestinians deported 4/11 announce they will stage sit-in strike at Red Cross offices [NYT 4/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in occupied territories protest expulsion of 8 Palestinians 4/11. Curfews are imposed in Beach and Jabalya camps after clashes in which tear gas, gravel, and marbles were fired on demonstrators from army helicopter; 1 Palestinian is wounded by army gunfire in Jabalya. UN and hospital officials in Gaza City report treating 42 Palestinians for injuries from beatings, rubber bullets, and tear gas inhalation [NYT 4/13; FJ 4/17]. In W. Bank village of Asirah al-Shamaliyyah, 3 Palestinians are injured by live ammunition. In Ramallah-district village of Kafr Malik, soldiers raid houses during night; 5 are shot, wounded in violent clash. Army uses bulldozers to block village entrances with rocks. Several hundred are detained in mass arrests in occupied territories [FJ 4/17].