Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].
Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].
Other Countries: Jordanian officials hold talks with French DM Hemu in Paris, reportedly finalize major arms deal. Pres. Reagan promotes 1st rabbi (Israel Drazin)...
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Kafr Kuk; light weapons fired at patrol in Sidon; IDF patrol hits land mine 2 km south of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In campaign to repress leadership in occupied territories, Israeli authorities place Communist Party leader George Hazboun under 6-mo....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. unity talks stall over issues of settlement & negotiations with Jordan. Actual foreign currency reserve losses in July...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abu Dis village mukhtar 'Issa Jaffal dismissed by occupation authorities for refusing to urge villagers to drop suit against...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In radio interview, MK Sharon dissociates himself from Meir Kahane's words and deeds, but warns movements on left far more dangerous. No...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political prisoners in Hebron prison end 11-mo. hunger strike after officials promise improved conditions. Justice Ministry reveals...
Social/Economic/ Political:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens denies reports that Israel is amassing troops in Beqaa for attack on Syria.
Other Countries: NBC television broadcast...
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops seal off entrances to Arroub refugee camp after firebomb incident.
Arab World: IDF patrol vehicle hit by remote-control...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman says 6,000 technicians needed to man increasingly sophisticated war equipment. Despite agreement with Gaza Islamic U....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 21 women inmates begin new hunger strike to protest rights violations at Neve Terza prison.
Arab World: Gemayel announces plan...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 settlers from southern kibbutzim demonstrate before PM's office in Jerusalem for immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Occupation...
Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police defuse bomb in Netanya [LAT 12/4].
Arab World: IDF sends armored patrol north of Awali River after Druze-Christian fighting, despite pledge of non-interference there [LAT 12/5]. 3 IDF soldiers wounded by mine near Madosha, S. Lebanon. Grenade thrown at 2 SLA vehicles in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/5].
Other Countries: Jordanian officials hold talks with French DM Hemu in Paris, reportedly finalize major arms deal. Pres. Reagan promotes 1st rabbi (Israel Drazin) to Brigadier Gen. in US Army.
Military Action
Arab World: Roadside bomb explodes near IDF patrol east of Tyre; no injuries.
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Kafr Kuk; light weapons fired at patrol in Sidon; IDF patrol hits land mine 2 km south of Nabatiya.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In campaign to repress leadership in occupied territories, Israeli authorities place Communist Party leader George Hazboun under 6-mo. town arrest in Bethlehem. Labor Party ratifies agreemento form national unity gov't. with Likud. Finance Minister Cohen-Orgad says Israel will ask for extra $750 million to $1 billion in emergency aid from US next year [for total $3.5 billion].
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat visits Baghdad, continues to Kuwait.
Other Countries: Israeli Laser Industries Ltd. buys remaining 50% of Metalworking Lasers International Ltd. through its US branch, Locke Technology Corp. US and Israeli agents bust $100 million counterfeiting ring, arresting 3 in NY and 7 in Israel, in plot to distribute "high quality" forged $10, $20 and $100 notes.
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli warplanes attack positions in Bhamdoun, S. Lebanon; DFLP Maj. Abu Kassim reported killed, 2 wounded. IDF soldier injured by roadside bomb near Ansariya, another injured by landmine near Medouha, S. Lebanon. Israeli troops raid Jbaa village, S. Lebanon, arrest several residents after grenade and machine-gun attack on IDF position there, killing 1, wounding 2.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local Palestinians and Jewish sympathizers; police intervene to forestall violence.
Arab World: Pierre Gemayel dies of heart attack in Lebanon.
Other Countries: UN Security Council hears Lebanon's case against Israeli actions in S. Lebanon.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF reveals new upgraded Soviet T-54 & T-55 tanks adapted from those captured in wars with Arab armies.
Arab World: IDF armored convoys advance north of Awali River in new offensive against resistance. 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Marjayoun.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands (near Bethlehem) owned by local families and recently confiscated by Israel as "state lands." Military court sentences 5 Village League members to 2 yrs. for arson and attacks on Palestinian nationalists in West Bank. Central Bureau of Statistics reports unemployment over past 9 mos. rose from 27,000 to 85,000. Israel radio reports caretaker gov't. plans to press US for early remittance of 1984 financial aid balance.
Arab World: Palestine National Alliance issues statement in Damascus criticizing PDA-Fateh proposal (8/19/84) to convene National Council before reaching national consensus.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF close only crossing point between S. Lebanon and rest of country for 3 days. Passing car fires grenades on IDF patrols near Nabatiya. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes Deir Kanoun. IDF vehicle at Burj Shemali refugee camp near Tyre ambushed with grenades and automatic weapons. [Casualty figures unavailable].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers from inflation.
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and Palestinian Democratic Alliance (PDA) issue joint statement in Algiers proposing to convene 1 7th National Council session before mid-Sept.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF shoot Jabaliya camp (Gaza) resident on suspicion of stone-throwing, wounding him in leg.
Arab World: 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Jezzine. Lebanese resistance fighters ambush IDF vehicle S. of Lake Karoun. Katyushas fired on IDF position near Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. unity talks stall over issues of settlement & negotiations with Jordan. Actual foreign currency reserve losses in July reportedly exceed $700 million; official $351 million figure created by bookkeeping maneuver [see 8/1]. Speaking at National Defense College, DM Arens charges communications media give "distorted" reports of S. Lebanon situation.
Other Countries: House Ways & Means Trade Subcom. members predict Congress will pass "free trade pact" with Israel before October. US Pres. Reagan tells World Jewish Congress leaders he will cancel US participation in Nairobi UN Conference on Women (1985) if it adopts measure equating Zionism with racism.
Military Aciton
Arab World: Israeli jets bomb supposed Palestine guerrilla camp E. of Bar Elias in Beqaa Valley; casualty reports contradictory; later, roadside bomb explodes near Jezzine, wounding 3 Israelis.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abu Dis village mukhtar 'Issa Jaffal dismissed by occupation authorities for refusing to urge villagers to drop suit against confiscation of 2500 dunums of their land. Beitunia College students strike, hold peaceful march protesting Village League members vandalizing, firing and hurling stones at student dormitories over past week. Israel's foreign reserves fall $351 million in July to just over $2.6 billion. Ministerial Economic Committee decides to cut all gov't. contracts to 25% over next 3 mos. Pres. Herzog urges Shamir and Peres to meet to consider joint rule proposals. Herzog refuses to invite Meir Kahane for customary post-election consultations. Umm al-Fahm Village Council conference at Tel Aviv Press Club disrupted by Kach members.
Arab World: In Le Monde inteview, Syrian Pres. Assad rules out linkage between IDF withdrawal and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem municipal employees assault Palestinian women selling vegetables at Damascus Gate, then destroy produce. Arab World: Israeli helicopters, F-16s & gunboats shell and drop experimental phosphorous & helium bombs on Nahr al-Bared camp, N. Lebanon where 16,000 Palestine refugees live; [casualty figures unavailable]. IDF kill 2 suspected of planting roadside bomb near Sidon. Grenade tossed at SLA patrols in Tyre; no injuries reported; IDF close Tyre port.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In radio interview, MK Sharon dissociates himself from Meir Kahane's words and deeds, but warns movements on left far more dangerous. No. 2 man in Kach party & dual US-Israeli citizen Yehuda Richter found guilty of attack on Palestinian bus (3/4/84), injuring 6; charges of arson against Arab homes and property still outstanding. New 15% tax imposed on Israelis traveling abroad who buy dollars or overseas tour packages.
Other Countries: In London, Marwan al-Banna, Nanof al-Rosan & Hussein Said sentenced to 30 to 35 yrs. for attempted assassination of Israeli amb. to UK Argov in June 1982; their appeals rejected.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF kill 1 Lebanese suspected of laying roadside bomb near Sidon; shoot 2 motorcyclists failing to halt at Sidon roadblock. 2 IDF troops wounded when grenade thrown at patrol in Nabatiya.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political prisoners in Hebron prison end 11-mo. hunger strike after officials promise improved conditions. Justice Ministry reveals names of 22 Jewish terror suspects; most linked with Gush Emunim. Com. For Prisoners spokesman Meir Indor claims Israeli gov't. approved terror undergound. Shekel devalued by 1.5% against US dollar.
Arab World: Syrian VP meets with Lebanese leaders in Beirut. Other Countries: American Jewish Com., American Jewish Congress & ADL of B'nai B'rith issue joint statement urging US to maintain oil reserves.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bomb found and defused in Kiryat Gat, Negev, bus station. Arab World: In S. Lebanon IDF kill 3 suspected of planting roadside bomb.
Social/Economic/ Political:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi Levinger released and Rabbi Waldman (also of Kiryat Arba) arrested for alleged links with Jewish terrorists. Za'el Issa Harashe, 34, of Bani Na'im released after 17-yr. imprisonment on security-related charge. Saleh Baransi released from custody. Residents of Deir al-Hatab fight fire destroying 300 dunums of trees and crops; arson suspected. Military court sentences Sharhabil Farajeh of Halhoul to 6 mos. prison on political charge upon return from studies in Jordan. Abd al-Basit of Daboriyah given 6 mos. prison on charge of PLO membership.
Arab World: Lebanese PM meets with US, Soviet and UK ambs. to seek help ending Israeli human rights violations in S. Lebanon; later Soviet amb. strongly condemns Israel's "inhuman" acts.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces bulldoze homes of Qasem, Ali & Majed Sweitat in Izzedin near Jenin, West Bank, claiming they are built on "state land." Mine explodes near Biddu village, killing 10 sheep. Bomb planted in Bir Sab'a Beduin market defused; no arrests.
Arab World: Israeli planes bomb Bar Elias village in Beqaa Valley. 4 Israelis wounded by roadside bomb near Ansariya, S. Lebanon.
Other Countries: US Defense Sec. Weinberger discloses US assisting Israel to develop Saar 5 attack missile patrol boat.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now members end conference with decision to follow Labor Party platform in July elections. Israel Discount Bank announces 1983 loss of $17.2 million.
Arab World: Lebanese cabinet holds inauguration mtg. in absence of National Salvation Front leaders Berri, Jumblatt and Abdullah Rassi.
Other Countries: Israel asks US help in securing return of 3 Israelis seized yesterday in Syrian-held territory in Lebanon; claims they are diplomats. Before US Senate Appropriations Com., US amb. to UN Kirkpatrick slams criticism of Israel in Security Council. Addressing B'nai B'rith Caribbean District convention in Panama City, Costa Rican Pres. Monge responds to int'l. criticism for moving embassy to Jerusalem, vowing not to "give in to diplomatic terrorism."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF-trained Kiryat Arba settlers arrested in connection with 4/27/84 bombing plot confess to attack on Hebron Islamic College where 4 Arab students were killed and 33 wounded; 3rd man reportedly sought. Arab World: Syria reports 3 Israelis arrested (5/1/84) held in Syria. Israeli soldiers kill 1 and wound another suspected of planting roadside bomb south of Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens denies reports that Israel is amassing troops in Beqaa for attack on Syria.
Other Countries: NBC television broadcast reports Israel supplies 25% of arms to rebels in Nicaragua.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestinle/Israel: 2 Israelis slightly injured in roadside bomb explosion near Qalqilya.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops seal off entrances to Arroub refugee camp after firebomb incident.
Arab World: IDF patrol vehicle hit by remote-control explosive device near al-Ghaziya village, S. Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman says 6,000 technicians needed to man increasingly sophisticated war equipment. Despite agreement with Gaza Islamic U. officials that no arrest be made if students dispersed peacefully, 10 students given 1-3 mos. prison sentences and IS35,000- 50,000 fines by military court for participation in Land Day demonstrations. Tehiya and Rafael Eitan's Tzomet decide to run jointly in July elections.
Other Countries: Soviet CP officials begin talks with Lebanese Muslim leaders in Beirut. Canadian Progressive Conservative leader Mulroney tells Israel Bonds audience Israel must help solve the Palestinians' plight.
Military Action:
Arab World: Israeli artillery units shell Bar Elias area of N. Beqaa. At least 2 Israeli patrolmen injured in roadside bomb explosion in Sidon. IDF outpost near Baalul in Beqaa Valley attacked by automatic weapon fire.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli ties before World Affairs Council, Washington, DC.
Other Countries: On Middle East fact-finding mission, UN Undersec. Gen. Urquhart told by Shamir of Israel's opposition to UNIFIL troops in S. Lebanon. Israel claims smuggled Palestinian vegetables from West Bank & Gaza sold on Israeli market.
Military Action:
Arab World: 1 IDF soldier killed, 1 wounded in roadside bomb blast near Sarafand, S. Lebanon; IDF conducts house-to-house search, arresting several "suspects."
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 21 women inmates begin new hunger strike to protest rights violations at Neve Terza prison.
Arab World: Gemayel announces plan to meet opposition representatives at Lausanne. Syrian cabinet resigns at Pres. Assad's request.
Other Countries: From Brussels, Spain's PM Felipe Gonzalez Marquez expresses interest in diplomatic relations with Israel, and hope it might contribute to peaceful solution in Middle East; reveals that, on recent visit to Riyadh, Saudi gov't. applied no pressure not to recognize Israel. US Federal Communications Commission rejects petition by "Americans for a Safe Israel" to deny license renewal of 7 NBC stations in New England for "distorting" news of Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bullet-filled petrol bomb thrown at Israeli patrol near Ramallah; no injuries. Petrol bomb thrown at home of Kalandiya village mukhtar. 1 passenger slightly wounded on Egged bus stoned near Eizariya near Jerusalem.
Arab World: Lebanese man shot dead by IDF invaders, forcing way into Qana, S. Lebanon [HQ of Fijian UNIFIL battalion] amidst villager's protests. Israeli DM Arens inspects Sidon harbor area. IDF convoy carrying MK Sharon ambushed near Sidon; Sharon narrowly escapes injury as remote control device explodes.
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 settlers from southern kibbutzim demonstrate before PM's office in Jerusalem for immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Occupation authorities ban Al-Fajr journalist from entering West Bank for 1 year and Gaza for 6 months; no explanation given. [The journalist recently served 4 mos. in jail for possession of "banned printed material."]
Arab World: 2 grenades thrown at IDF patrols in central Sidon; 1 in Nabitiya; roadside bomb explodes by remote control as IDF passes near Ansar.