Arafat meets with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, invites him to attend Bethlehem 2000 celebrations. (WP 6/13; WJW 6/18)
June 12, 1998
May 24, 1998
PM Netanyahu, Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas meet secretly at Netanyahu's home for brief talks on the peace process before Netanyahu leaves for China. (MM 6/12)
To mark Jerusalem Day, Israel...
February 16, 1998
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with...
February 2, 1998
In Cairo, Mubarak adviser Baz is briefed by Israeli Cabinet Secy. Nave, Netanyahu adviser Uzi Arad on Netanyahu's mtg. with Secy. of State Albright and, separately, by PA Local Government M Erakat...
November 29, 1997
Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)
King Hussein gives...
August 23, 1997
Arafat claims that his intelligence show that Israel is planning commando raids in area A as it threatened after the 7/30 suicide bombings. Netanyahu aide Bar-Ilan says no raids are imminent, but...
August 12, 1997
U.S. special envoy Ross announces that Israel, the PA have resumed security cooperation, result will make or break long-term peace efforts. (MM 8/12; AFP 8/12 in WNC 8/13; MM, WP, WT 8/13; MM, CSM...
March 20, 1997
PC holds the 1st mtg. of its 2d session. Mbrs. reelect (62-20) Ahmad Qurai` as PC speaker. (PR 3/28)
In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak holds separate mtgs. with Arafat, Israeli PM Netanyahu's adviser...
March 18, 1997
1,000 IDF soldiers guard Israeli construction workers as they begin construction at Har Homa. Israeli police, border guards beat back Palestinian protesters with fists, boots, rifles. IDF snipers...
January 6, 1997
U.S. special envoy Ross spends the day shuttling btwn. Arafat in Bethlehem, Netanyahu in Jerusalem, trying to bridge the gap on further redeployment. (Israel says that it wants to postpone the 3d...
December 6, 1996
PA negotiators say 3-way summit btwn. Egypt, Israel, PA to clinch a deal on Hebron may occur 12/7, though no date has been set. Arafat, Netanyahu say they are willing to meet. (WT 12/7; JP 12/14...
September 25, 1996
In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in...
May 16, 1996
In Bethlehem, 2-day Palestinian Council (PC) mtg. closes. (PBC, VOP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; PR 5/24)
Israeli television reports that the PA's Yasir Arafat suffered a minor stroke earlier in the...
December 21, 1995
IDF completes withdrawal fr. Bethlehem. (MM 12/21; QY, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/22; JP 12/30)
At PISMC mtg. in Jerusalem, PA demands Israel withdraw immediately fr. Abu-...
December 15, 1995
Arafat issues presidential decree concerning the distribution of legislative council seats. One new seat is added to Nablus, allocated to the Samaritans, bringing total number of seats to 83. (PR...
October 21, 1995
As part of a 5-day series of mtgs with world leaders on the sidelines of the UN 50th anniversary celebration, Arafat meets with Czech Pres. Vaclav Havel, Jordanian King Hussein, Saudi Defense M...
July 5, 1995
FM Peres says 7/4 agmt. calls for phased Israeli pullout fr. West Bank over 2 yrs, starting with 4 towns (Jenin, Nablus, Qalqiliyya, Tulkarm), adding Ramallah, Bethlehem after bypass roads are...
June 27, 1995
In Washington, Syria, Israel reopen negotiations with military advisers. Israel ask Syria to make several confidence-building gestures, but Syria rejects taking such measures before signing an...
June 1, 1995
IDF sets 11/1 date for starting withdrawal fr. West Bank, clashing with PA plans to hold elections by late 9/95. PA rejects Israeli proposal to pull troops out of only six West Bank towns (...
May 31, 1995
In Cairo, PA-Israeli talks on expanding self-rule close. Sides form permanent comms. to discuss labor, communications; agree on 95% of articles for communications accord but reach no final agmts...
August 29, 1994
Early empowerment accord signed by PNA's Shaath, Israel's Rothschild at Erez checkpoint in Gaza; PNA assumes control of schools in Hebron, Bethlehem. (CSM, NYT, WP 8/30; JP 9/3, 9/10) (see 8/24)...
July 1, 1994
PLO Chmn. Arafat returns to Palestine, entering Gaza Strip at Rafah border crossing and proceeding to Gaza City. 3,000 Palestinian police detailed to provide security for 3-day visit. Arafat...
December 25, 1993
PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin selected, along with South African leaders F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela, as Time magazine's "Men of the Year." (WP, WT 12/26)
December 24, 1993
Christmas Eve celebrated in Bethlehem with display of Palestinian flag, message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat. (NYT, WP, WT 12/25)
IDF It. col. killed, 2 IDF soldiers wounded in ambush by...
August 29, 1990
White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8...
April 30, 1990
In speech marking 42nd anniversary of Israeli statehood Shamir says he will not "accept every proposal or idea of an American secretary of state." U.S. State Dep't. spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler...
March 28, 1990
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London...
November 22, 1989
Arab World: Lebanese President Rene Moawad is assassinated when an explosion destroys his car; 23 others are also killed. Moawad was in office only 17 days [FBIS...
October 6, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats...
September 21, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only...
Arafat meets with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, invites him to attend Bethlehem 2000 celebrations. (WP 6/13; WJW 6/18)
PM Netanyahu, Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas meet secretly at Netanyahu's home for brief talks on the peace process before Netanyahu leaves for China. (MM 6/12)
To mark Jerusalem Day, Israel stages largest military parade (13,000 troops) through West Jerusalem since 1973, attended by U.S. congressional delegation. Groups of right-wing Israelis try to enter al-Aqsa Mosque, march on Orient House. IDF bans Palestinian entry into Jerusalem for the day, sparking clashes btwn. IDF, Palestinians in Bethlehem. (al-Dustur, RJ 5/24 in WNC 5/27; WT 5/25; PR 5/29; MEI 6/5)
In Amman, Israeli FMin. Dir. Gen. Eytan Bentzur, Jordanian FM Fayiz Tarawnah discuss Israeli proposal for conditional withdrawal fr. s. Lebanon. Jordan stresses need for Israel to unconditionally implement UN Res. 425. (JT, al-Quds, al-Ra'i 5/25 in WNC 5/27)
In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak briefs Arafat on his trip to France. Arafat then heads to Saudi Arabia to discuss possible Arab summit. (MENA 5/24, RE 5/26 in WNC 5/27)
Syria asks Iran's help in constructing steel mills. Both countries agree to expand cultural, art exchanges to pave way for closer bilateral relations. (IRNA 5/24, 5/25 in WNC 5/27)
In Damascus, Hamas's Shaykh Yasin meets with Pres. Hafiz al-Asad. (AFP, al-Majd 5/25 in WNC 5/27) (see 5/23)
1st Lebanese municipal elections since 1963 begin. Elections are held on 4 consecutive Sundays. (RL 5/25, 5/26 in WNC 5/27; MM 5/26; al-Safir 5/27 in WNC 6/1; WP 6/1; MEI 6/5)
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with Netanyahu adviser Yitzhak Molho. (QY, YA 2/17, YA 2/18 in WNC 2/21; IGPO 2/18)
Israel's Ciechanover Comm., charged with investigating Mossad's attempted assassination of Hamas mbr. Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25/97, reports its findings to PM Netanyahu. (MM, WP, WT 2/16; ITV 2/16, JT 2/17 in WNC 2/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 2/17; IGPO 2/17 in WNC 2/24; NYT 2/18; WJW 2/19; JP 2/21)
Jordan announces arrest of 5 Hizballah mbrs. who infiltrated fr. Syria, allegedly to carry out attacks on Israeli, U.S. targets in Amman. (MM 2/17)
PA police in Bethlehem force closure of Shepherds Television station for airing report on pro-Iraqi demonstrations in West Bank. (LAW 2/19; NYT 2/20; IGPO 3/1) (see 2/14)
Israeli, Palestinian activists hold demonstration outside U.S. consulate in Jerusalem to protest U.S. threats to strike Iraq. (PR 2/20)
Following talks with UK and France 2/14, U.S. cabinet mbrs. draw up guidelines to limit any diplomatic compromise UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan might offer Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. U.S. Amb. to the UN Bill Richardson carries U.S. position to the UN, where Annan holds 3d mtg. with UN Security Council (UNSC) permanent mbrs., who fail to reach consensus on substance of the message that Annan should carry to Iraq. Meanwhile, U.S. envoy David Newton arrives in Cairo on 1st leg of regional tour to explain the U.S. position on Iraq; he will also visit Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. (MM 2/16; MENA 2/16 in WNC 2/21; MM, NYT 2/17; MM 2/19)
In Cairo, Mubarak adviser Baz is briefed by Israeli Cabinet Secy. Nave, Netanyahu adviser Uzi Arad on Netanyahu's mtg. with Secy. of State Albright and, separately, by PA Local Government M Erakat on Arafat's mtg. with Albright. Erakat then heads to Amman to brief Jordanian FM Tarawnah. (JTV, MENA, RE 2/2 in WNC 2/4; IGPO 2/3)
In Damascus, EU special envoy Moratinos, Syrian FM Shara` discuss peace process. (SATN 2/2 in WNC 2/4)
Palestinian Nasir al-Hurub dies in PA custody just hours after his arrest. He is at least the 16th Palestinian to die in PA custody. (LAW 2/3; WT 2/4; MEI, PR 2/13)
Palestinian clashes with IDF continue at entrance to Bethlehem. (NYT 2/3)
After 7 hrs. of talks with Secy. of State Albright, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdallah agrees only to say that if the U.S. strikes Iraq, it would be Saddam Hussein's fault. (MM, NYT, WP 2/3; MEI 2/13)
UN Secy. Gen. Annan asks the UNSC to raise to $5.2 b. fr. $2 b. the amount of oil Iraq is allowed to sell in the next 6 mos. of the oil-for-food program. (NYT 2/8) (see 1/31)
UN extends mandate of UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for 6 mos. (RL 2/2 in WNC 2/4)
Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)
King Hussein gives speech inaugurating Jordan's new parliament in which he reaffirms support for the Palestinians, including their right to have the capital of a Palestinian state "in Jerusalem." Jordanian opposition parties criticize the phrase as an acceptance of partition. (JTV 11/29 in WNC 12/7; MM 12/17)
Across the West Bank, Palestinians hold demonstrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the UN partition res., which created Israel. In Bethlehem, the IDF opens fire with rubber bullets on 5,000 Palestinians marching to demand Israel release Palestinian prisoners, injuring 40 (including a PA policeman), making today the worst single day of Palestinian-Israeli clashes in mos. In contrast, few Israelis celebrate the anniversary. (NYT, WP, WT 11/30; WP 12/1; MEI 12/5)
In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bombs, killing 3 SLA mbrs., wounding 5 IDF soldiers. (RL 11/29 in WNC 12/9; WP 11/30)
Arafat claims that his intelligence show that Israel is planning commando raids in area A as it threatened after the 7/30 suicide bombings. Netanyahu aide Bar-Ilan says no raids are imminent, but Israel retains the right to carry out such operations if the PA does not break the Islamists' infrastructure. (NYT 8/24)
In Bethlehem, Palestinians protesting the continued closure occasionally skirmish with IDF troops manning checkpoints around the city. (NYT 8/24)
Car bomb kills mid-level Amal mbr. Khalil al-Musawi in Beirut. (VOL 8/23 in WNC 8/26)
U.S. special envoy Ross announces that Israel, the PA have resumed security cooperation, result will make or break long-term peace efforts. (MM 8/12; AFP 8/12 in WNC 8/13; MM, WP, WT 8/13; MM, CSM, NYT 8/14)
In Nablus, 10,000 Palestinians march to protest U.S., Israeli efforts to press Arafat to crack down on anti-Israeli militants in the West Bank, Gaza. Palestinians in Gaza stage a smaller rally. (CSM, WP, WT 8/13)
Syria formally rejects an Israeli proposal for a new formula to resume negotiations. (MM 8/13; YA 8/13 in WNC 8/14; YA 8/14 in WNC 8/15)
MEPFA expires, forcing the PLO to close its office in Washington. The U.S. will continue diplomatic contacts with the PA. U.S. assistance to Palestinian projects will not be interrupted. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13; MM, WP 8/14; PR 8/15) (see 8/1)
PA military court finds 3 Force 17 mbrs. guilty of treason for "spying for the Israeli intelligence service"; condemns 1 to death, 1 to life with hard labor, 1 to 15 yrs. with hard labor. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13) (see 7/19)
Israel eases restrictions on produce crossing fr. the West Bank and Gaza, allowing 3 trucks of eggplants into Israel. (IDF Radio 8/12 in WNC 8/13; WT 8/13)
Nr. Bethlehem, 2 Palestinian cousins sneak through the IDF blockade of the city--1 to get heart medication, 1 to get money owned him by his employer nr. Jerusalem. They are caught, severely beaten by the IDF, sent back to a hospital in Bethlehem. (WP 8/16)
Palestinian woman gives birth at an IDF checkpoint outside Ramallah after soldiers refuses to let her into the PA-controlled city to reach a hospital. (WT 8/13)
SLA vacates 7 Lebanese villages s. of Sidon, turning them over to the Lebanese army. (RL 8/12 in WNC 8/13)
Israel releases Joseph, Jean Nahra, who were kidnapped in s. Lebanon by the IDF 7/9, taken to al-Khiyam prison. Israel has never explained their detention. (WT 8/13) (see 8/7)
PC holds the 1st mtg. of its 2d session. Mbrs. reelect (62-20) Ahmad Qurai` as PC speaker. (PR 3/28)
In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak holds separate mtgs. with Arafat, Israeli PM Netanyahu's adviser Dore Gold, Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri, Syrian FM Shara` on the Har Homa situation and Netanyahu's 3/19 proposal for skipping the interim negotiations. (MM 3/20; RE, RL 3/20 in WNC 3/21; SATN 3/20 in WNC 3/21; WP 3/21; RE 3/21 in WNC 3/24)
In Bethlehem and Bayt Omar, 100s of stone throwing Palestinians protesting the Har Homa construction clash with IDF troops, who respond with rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannons, sound grenades. PA security forces sporadically attempt to hold back demonstrators, beating them with batons. (WP, WT 3/21; NYT 3/22)
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) holds a large rally in al-Yarmuk r.c. in Damascus to protest Israeli construction in East Jerusalem. (QPAR 3/20 in WNC 3/21)
5 Jewish families seize, move into a Palestinian building in Silwan under the protection of heavily-armed private security guards. The Israeli government says it is legal for settlers to "acquire" home in the area. 9 Palestinian homes have been taken by settlers over the past 6 yrs. (PR 3/28)
1,000 IDF soldiers guard Israeli construction workers as they begin construction at Har Homa. Israeli police, border guards beat back Palestinian protesters with fists, boots, rifles. IDF snipers, other soldiers with belt-fed machine guns take up firing positions nr. the demonstrators. IDF seals Bethlehem, Hebron to prevent protests. Arafat calls on Palestinians not to resort to violence; Netanyahu claims that the PA "has prepared the ground for violence that [it] would initiate," U.S. says no proof exists. (MM 3/18; ITV 3/18, RE, SA 3/19 in WNC 3/20; NYT, WP, WT 3/19; MEI 3/21; TJT 3/21 in WNC 3/25)
Italian PM Prodi arrives in Lebanon for talks with PM Hariri, Speaker Nabih Birri regarding the peace process, economic issues. (RL, VOL 3/18 in WNC 3/19; RAI Televideo [Rome], SATN 3/18, RL 3/19 in WNC 3/20)
Iranian FM Velayati arrives in Qatar on a tour to the Gulf to improve Iranian-Gulf ties. (MM 3/19)
Jordanian police prevent 120 mbrs. of the Jordan Engineers Association fr. marching to the Daqamsa home to show solidarity with the soldier, his family. (WT 3/19; MEI 3/21) (see 3/17)
In Ankara, the Joint Iraqi-Turkish Comm. hold talks on economic, diplomatic relations. (INA 3/18 in WNC 3/19)
Saudi Arabian citizen Hani `Abd al-Rahim Sayigh is detained in Canada at U.S.'s request for extradition in connection with the al-Khobar barracks bombing in Saudi Arabia 6/25/96. (WP 3/24; MM 3/26; WP 3/27-29; NYT 3/31, 4/3; WP 4/5; MM 4/18) (see 11/24/96, 1/10/97)
U.S. special envoy Ross spends the day shuttling btwn. Arafat in Bethlehem, Netanyahu in Jerusalem, trying to bridge the gap on further redeployment. (Israel says that it wants to postpone the 3d and final stage of further redeployment fr. the West Bank until spring 1999.) All parties now cite 1/10, the beginning of Ramadan, as their target date for concluding a Hebron agmt. (IDF Radio, ITV 1/6 in WNC 1/7; MA 1/6, al-Quds 1/7 in WNC 1/9; MM, NYT, WP 1/7; CSM, MM, WT 1/8; WP 1/9; MEI, MM, PR 1/10; JP 1/18)
PA negotiators say 3-way summit btwn. Egypt, Israel, PA to clinch a deal on Hebron may occur 12/7, though no date has been set. Arafat, Netanyahu say they are willing to meet. (WT 12/7; JP 12/14)
In Damascus, EU special envoy Miguel Angel Moratinos delivers Pres. Asad a message fr. PM Netanyahu, saying that Israel is interested in resuming negotiations, easing tensions. (MM 12/6; SATN 12/6 in WNC 12/10; MEI 1/24)
In Karak, Jordanian PM Kabariti issues an unprecedented public apology to Iraq for accusing Iraq of instigating the 8/16-18 bread riots. (MEI 12/20)
4 Africans are officially nominated to succeed UN Secy. Gen. Butros-Ghali: Mauritania's Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, Niger's Hamid Algabid, Ghana's Kofi Annan, Ivory Coast's Amara Essy. (NYT, WT 12/7)
IDF lifts ban prohibiting Israelis fr. entering the PA self-rule area of Bethlehem. The ban has been in place since the 9/24-28 clashes. (JP 12/14)
PA military court sentences Palestinian guard Assam Jalaita, who shot to death prisoner Fityani 12/3, to life in prison with hard labor. (NYT 12/7; JP 12/14)
U.S. Court of Appeals rules (8-2) that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) misapplied the federal campaign finance law in a 1992 decision that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) did not fall under the FEC's jurisdiction, suggesting that AIPAC should register as a political action comm. (PAC) rather than a lobby. The FEC has 90 days to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, find another reason why AIPAC should not be registered as a PAC, or declare AIPAC a PAC. (WJW 12/12, 12/19)
In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in firefight. 7 Palestinians are killed, 100s (incl. 2 EA mbrs., the mufti of Jerusalem) wounded; 8 IDF soldiers are injured by rocks, bottles; Ramallah is declared closed military zone; West Bank, Gaza are sealed. Clashes also occur in Bethlehem (wounding 12 Palestinians, 2 Israelis), East Jerusalem. In Ramallah, Bethlehem fighting dies down when officers fr. IDF, PA negotiate cease-fire, pullback. PM Netanyahu, Israel officials accuse PA of instigating violence. PA says outbursts were spontaneous reaction to 9/24 tunnel opening, months of closure. (MM 9/25; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, JTV, al-Quds al-Arabi, RMC 9/25 in WNC 9/27; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/26; MM 9/27; TJT 9/27 in WNC 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak receives phone calls fr. Arafat, Netanyahu, appealing to Egypt to intervene to calm the situation in the territories; suggests holding Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. in Cairo. Mubarak adviser Baz holds urgent phone conversations with U.S. special envoy Ross. (RE 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; MBC 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
PM Netanyahu arrives in Paris, meets with Pres. Jacques Chirac, leaves for Bonn. (WP 9/26)
At the UN, Israeli FM Levy signs Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, briefs U.S. special envoy Ross on events in West Bank, Gaza. Ross says U.S. demands that Israel "make a gesture" concerning the tunnel. (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27; ITV 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak invites fmr. PM Peres to visit Cairo. Peres accepts but sets no date. (IDF Radio 9/25 in WNC 9/27)
Tel Aviv district court extends for 3 mos. the remand of Hizballah's Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid (abducted fr. Lebanon in 7/89), fmr. Amal leader Mustafa al-Dirani (abducted fr. Lebanon 5/21/94). (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27) (see 2/23)
ILMG opens 3d day of mtgs. to discuss issues raised 9/24 and new Lebanese complaints concerning Israel's expulsions 9/22, repeated Israeli attacks; releases statement stressing that firing fr. populated areas endangers civilians, Hizballah should refrain fr. carrying out attacks fr. or nr. villages. Lebanese FM Buwayz complains of U.S. bias toward Israel in ILMG. (RL 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; RL 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
In Damascus, Iranian, Syrian cultural attachés discuss expanding cultural ties. (IRNA 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
In Bethlehem, 2-day Palestinian Council (PC) mtg. closes. (PBC, VOP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; PR 5/24)
Israeli television reports that the PA's Yasir Arafat suffered a minor stroke earlier in the wk., while in Cairo. PA says he collapsed fr. a severe case of the flu, exhaustion. (ITV 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; AFP 5/19 in FBIS 5/20; Rose al-Yusuf 5/20 in FBIS 5/30)
Israel asks the PA to extradite 4 Palestinians serving sentences in PA jails for attacks inside Israel. PA says that since the men have been tried, convicted, and are serving time for the crimes under PA custody, the PA has no legal obligation to turn them over to Israel. (QY 5/16)
IDF tightens closure on West Bank, Gaza. Only Palestinians working in the Erez industrial zone may go to their jobs. Goods, produce may go through Qarni, Sufa crossing points. 50 Palestinian reporters will be allowed in to cover the run-up to the 5/29 Israeli elections. (QY 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; MEI 5/24) (see 5/13)
IDF declares Ramallah a closed military zone for Arafat's visit, meaning no Israeli traffic may enter the city. An identical closed military zone order for Nablus is lifted (see 5/15). (IDF Radio 5/16 in FBIS 5/17)
In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. end a wk. of talks on the Israeli-Lebanese cease-fire monitoring group; agree on draft for monitoring procedures, send it to their respective capitals for approval. (MM 5/16; RL, RMC, SARR 5/16, QY 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; MM 5/17; WP 5/18; VOL 5/17, RL 5/19 in FBIS 5/20; MEI 5/24) (see 5/15)
In Ankara, Jordanian King Hussein, Turkish Pres. Suleyman Demirel hold 1-day mtg. on bilateral issues, incl. water, Iraq. Demirel assures king that Turkey's military cooperation agmt. with Israel does not harm Jordan's security. King Hussein says talks are positive, sides agree on all issues. (al-Dustur, RJ 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; MM 5/17)
Israeli authorities release information on man involved in the 4/12 East Jerusalem hotel explosion. They say the man, Husayn Maqdad, is a Lebanese Hizballah operative who was plotting a plane hijacking; claim he spent time at the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Hizballah denies having contact with him. (MM 5/16; AFP, QY 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; IDF Radio 5/16, QY 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17; PR 5/24; JP 5/25) (see 4/14)
In Nazareth, Israeli PM Shimon Peres meets with Israeli Arab voters to build their support, weakened by the closure of the territories and Israel's 4/96 assault on Lebanon. (NYT 5/18)
Israel launches its 1st commercial satellite, AMOS-I. (MM 5/16; JP 5/25)
IDF completes withdrawal fr. Bethlehem. (MM 12/21; QY, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/22; JP 12/30)
At PISMC mtg. in Jerusalem, PA demands Israel withdraw immediately fr. Abu-Dis, Sawahirah villages nr. Jerusalem, both part of Bethlehem municipality under Oslo II. Israel says there was a mistake on the Oslo II maps, incorrectly placing the 2 villages in the withdrawal zone; it expects the PA to agree to the corrected maps that exclude them fr. the municipality. (QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22)
Samiha Khalil, fmr. gen. secy. of the General Union of Palestinian Women and head of a respected West Bank charity, announces she will run against Arafat for the presidency as an independent in 1/20 elections. A PNC mbr., she says she will vote against amending the PLO covenant. (WT 12/28; CSM 1/4; WP 1/19)
PA, Hamas closed 4 days of their 1st formal, high-level reconciliation talks in Cairo, agree talks were positive but fail to reach accord. Hamas refuses to sign pledge to participate in Palestinian elections, cease attacks on Israeli targets, but agrees not to call for election boycott. (MM 12/18; MENA, VOP 12/18, MENA 12/19 in FBIS 12/19; CSM, WT 12/19; MENA, VOP 12/19 in FBIS 12/20; MM 12/20; MBC, RE, VOP 12/20, MENA, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/21; MENA, RMC, VOP 12/21, RE, SA 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT 12/22; al-Quds 12/22 in FBIS 12/26; JP 12/30) (see 11/18)
Likud MK and fmr. DM Ariel Sharon announces that he will not run for PM, endorses party chmn. Benjamin Netanyahu. (QY 12/21, JP 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; JP 12/30)
Ahmad Tibi, Arafat adviser and head of the Israeli Islamic Movement, says his movement has created a party, the Arab Movement for Change, to participate in the 10/96 Knesset elections. (ITV 12/21 in FBIS 12/22) (see 9/10)
In s. Lebanon, IDF clashes with Amal, killing 3 Amal mbrs. (WT 12/26)
Arafat issues presidential decree concerning the distribution of legislative council seats. One new seat is added to Nablus, allocated to the Samaritans, bringing total number of seats to 83. (PR 12/15; VOP 12/15 in FBIS 12/18; MM 1/2)
Arafat makes his 1st visit to Nablus since IDF troops withdrew 12/11. IDF prevents 500-mbr. Jordanian delegation fr. entering territories to attend festivities. (MM 12/15; JTV, VOP 12/15, JT, VOP 12/16 in FBIS 12/18; NYT, WT 12/16)
Due to delays in constructing bypass roads, IDF postpones completion of Bethlehem redeployment until 12/21. (VOP 12/15 in FBIS 12/18)
Secy. of State Christopher meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus; then meets with King Hussein in Aqaba, Arafat in Jericho, PM Peres in Jerusalem. (MM 12/15; SARR 12/15 in FBIS 12/15; NYT, WT 12/16; SARR 12/15, RJ 12/16 in FBIS 12/18)
Lebanon, UN sign agmt. regulating the status of UNIFIL with the Lebanese government. UNIFIL has been operating without such an agmt. since it was established more than 17 yrs. ago. (RL 12/16 in FBIS 12/18)
10's of Israeli rabbis issue rabbinical ruling forbidding transfer of parts of "Greater Israel." Justice M Liba'i criticizes rabbis for issuing decrees on political, not religious, matters. (MM 12/15)
As part of a 5-day series of mtgs with world leaders on the sidelines of the UN 50th anniversary celebration, Arafat meets with Czech Pres. Vaclav Havel, Jordanian King Hussein, Saudi Defense M Prince Sultan, a group of American business executives, Palestinian-American leaders. (NYT 10/23)
In New York, Secy. of State Christopher, Israeli PM Rabin discuss talks with Syria. (JP 10/22 in FBIS 10/23; CSM 10/23; JP 10/28)
In Bethlehem, 100s of Palestinians rally, demanding release of prisoners. (ITV 10/21 in FBIS 10/23)
FM Peres says 7/4 agmt. calls for phased Israeli pullout fr. West Bank over 2 yrs, starting with 4 towns (Jenin, Nablus, Qalqiliyya, Tulkarm), adding Ramallah, Bethlehem after bypass roads are built; elections to be held end of 1995. PA official says initial pullout will begin 4 wks after agmt. is signed, end 25 days before elections. IDF would temporarily pullout of Bethlehem, Hebron, Ramallah during voting. PLO will amend charter. Peres warns 7/25 date for signing agmt. might be delayed several wks. Israel's Savir, PA's Qurai` meet in Jerusalem to compose subcomms. to address individual issues. (MM 7/5; HA, VOP 7/5 in FBIS 7/6; WP, WSJ, WT 7/6; PR 7/9) (see 6/27)
In Cairo, technical comm. on Palestinian refugees opens 2d mtg. (MENA 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)=
Arafat, UN Sec. Gen. Butros Butros Ghali meet in Jericho to discuss international presence, joint Israeli-PA patrols in West Bank during interim phase, possibility of Arafat speaking at UN's 50th anniversary conference. (VOP 7/6 in FBIS 7/7)
Addressing the Israeli-American Chamber of Commerce in Tel Aviv, U.S. Amb. to Israel Indyk demands Israel abolish import barriers that discriminate against U.S. imports; notes that, while the U.S. gives Israel $3 b./yr. in loans, grants, $10 b./5 yrs in loan guarantees as incentive to by U.S. products, Israel last yr. ran $1-b. trade surplus with the U.S. and a $7.5-b. trade deficit with the EU. (MM, WSJ 7/6; MM 8/2)
In protest over 7/4 agmt., Jewish settlers begin work on new 600 unit West Bank settlement 6 miles w. of Ramallah. (WT 7/6)
100s of women march in Ramallah, demanding Israel free Palestinian prisoners. Clashes erupt with Israeli border police. (WP 7/6)
Israeli Dep. FM Beilin arrives in Russia for talks aimed at dissuading Russia fr. concluding nuclear arms deal with Iran. (QY 7/5 in FBIS 7/6)
In Washington, Syria, Israel reopen negotiations with military advisers. Israel ask Syria to make several confidence-building gestures, but Syria rejects taking such measures before signing an agmt. (FT, MM, WP, WT 6/28; SARR, 6/27, MA 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; WT 6/29; MEI 7/7; MEI 7/21)
In Cairo, PA, Israeli talks on transfer of authority reopen. Sides say Arafat has agreed to accept partial Israeli troop pullback in the West Bank, to be followed by elections and further withdrawal but is still calling for binding timetable. 1st pullout would be fr. Jenin, followed by Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyya by 11/15. Elections would be held within 22-35 days. 2d stage of withdrawal covering Ramallah, Bethlehem would take place 4-5/96. Areas of IDF, PA control would follow 6/17 zones proposal. No agmt. reached on size of proposed council. (JT, MENA 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; VOP 6/28, MENA, QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/30)
Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu submits to the Knesset what he claims to be a copy leaked to him of Israeli position paper on the Golan to be given to the Syrian delegation in talks in Washington. PM Rabin, FM Peres believe text to be a working paper drafted by the army, not given to Gen. Shahak. (MM 6/27; QY 6/27, 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; MM 6/28; ITV 6/28, QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/29; MM 6/29)
IDF sets 11/1 date for starting withdrawal fr. West Bank, clashing with PA plans to hold elections by late 9/95. PA rejects Israeli proposal to pull troops out of only six West Bank towns (Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus, Qalqiliyya, Ramallah, Tulkarm). (MM 6/1; CSM 6/3) (see 3/28, 5/6)
State Dept. issues semiannual compliance report evaluating PA performance as required by the Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (MEPFA). (WJW 6/8; JP 6/10; WP 6/14)
In Tunis, Fatah Central Comm., chaired by Arafat, approves continued PA negotiations with Israel in light of 7/1 deadline. Arafat then briefs PLO Exec. Comm. on talks, economy, relations among Palestinian factions. PPP boycotts. (al-Quds 5/31, ITV, VOP 6/1 in FBIS 6/2; MENA, QY 6/2 in FBIS 6/5; WT 6/3)
In Cairo, PA-Israeli talks on expanding self-rule close. Sides form permanent comms. to discuss labor, communications; agree on 95% of articles for communications accord but reach no final agmts. (MENA 5/30 in FBIS 5/31; MM 5/31; MENA 5/31 in FBIS 6/1; CSM 6/1; PR 6/4)
In Cairo, talks on elections and redeployment close. PA, Israel agree East Jerusalem Palestinians can vote, but Israel says voting stations must be outside of Jerusalem. Talks continue on size of elected council. (MM 5/31; QY 5/31 in FBIS 6/1)
At close of 2-day visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss Jerusalem land issue, Arafat says King Fahd has promised the PA $21 m. in aid. (MM 5/31; VOP 5/31 in FBIS 5/31; NYT 6/1; PR 6/4)
Israeli undercover unit kills 2 Palestinians (a "wanted" man and his companion) north of Jerusalem. (Birzeit Human Rights Record 3/95)
Shin Bet say it has detained 30 Hamas mbrs. in Bethlehem in recent days under suspicion of plotting anti-Israeli attacks. (ITV 5/31 in FBIS 6/1; NYT 6/6; JP 6/10)
Following PA protests against Hamas activity in Amman, Jordan ordered 2 Hamas leaders, Musa Abu Marzuq and `Imad al-`Alami, to leave the kingdom by 6/1; their families must leave by end of the scholastic yr. (ITV, RMC 5/31 in FBIS 6/1; MM 6/2; al-Ra`y 6/3 in FBIS 6/5)
Early empowerment accord signed by PNA's Shaath, Israel's Rothschild at Erez checkpoint in Gaza; PNA assumes control of schools in Hebron, Bethlehem. (CSM, NYT, WP 8/30; JP 9/3, 9/10) (see 8/24)
Israeli Industry and Trade M Yosi Snir, Dir. of PNA Econ. and Trade Min. Samir Hulaylah announce agmt. for PNA to issue import licenses for food, construction materials, chemicals, electric appliances. (JP 8/29)
Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) mtg. is canceled due to conflict over PM Bhutto's planned trip to Gaza. Arafat says Israeli decision to deny Pakistani delegation entry violates peace agmts. Bhutto postpones visit. (MENA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30; MM, NYT, WP 8/30)
PLO mbr. Salah Salah criticizes Lebanese Refugee Affairs M Junblat's plan for refugee housing as an attempt to resettle Palestinians but PLO Political Dept. head al-Qaddumi praises Junblat's efforts, says PLO leaders in Lebanon should coordinate with the government. (MENA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30) (see 8/24)
Jordan, Israel resume talks on security, water, environment, trade, tourism, energy, civil aviation, communications. (CSM 8/30)
IDF soldier 13th killed in southern Lebanon this yr., 2 others wounded in ambush by Hizballah. (QY 8/30 in FBIS 8/30; MM 8/30)
PLO Chmn. Arafat returns to Palestine, entering Gaza Strip at Rafah border crossing and proceeding to Gaza City. 3,000 Palestinian police detailed to provide security for 3-day visit. Arafat addresses crowd of 30-100,000 in Gaza City's Square of the Unknown Soldier, honoring intifadah casualties, Arab states, declaring intention to expand Palestinian self-rule in West Bank. Arafat vows to seek release of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin. (MM 7/1; NYT, WP, WT 7/2; JP 7/9)
WSJ reports that Bethlehem is now Muslim, and mosques in once-predominantly Christian city fr. 5 to 70 since 1970. (WSJ 7/1)
East Jerusalem Palestinian found shot to death. "Sword of David" group claims responsibility, citing revenge for killing of Israeli, opposition to Arafat visit. (NYT 7/3)
JP publishes poll showing 33.8 % of Israelis oppose all settlements, 25.2 % support them. Poll also shows 59 % support continued talks with PLO. (MM 7/1)
PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin selected, along with South African leaders F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela, as Time magazine's "Men of the Year." (WP, WT 12/26)
Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem attended by 20,000, largest attendance since start of intifada. In nearby Bayt Sahur, 1,000 Israelis and Palestinians hold torchlight parade for peace, call for release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. (WP 12/26)
Christmas Eve celebrated in Bethlehem with display of Palestinian flag, message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat. (NYT, WP, WT 12/25)
IDF It. col. killed, 2 IDF soldiers wounded in ambush by Palestinians, presumed mbrs. of Hamas, in Gaza Strip. In separate incident, masked Palestinian stonethrower killed by IDF in Bayt 'Umar, nr. Bethlehem. (Qol Yisra'el 12/24 in FBIS 12/27; NYT, WP, WT 12/25)
Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd al-Majid sends letter to U.S. Congress saying boycott of Israel will be lifted only after Israeli withdrawal fr. o.t. (MENA 12/24 in FBIS 12/27)
White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8/29; LAT, CSM 8/30; WT 8/31; MET 9/11].
On tour of Gulf states, British defense secretary Tom King says he's sending 4 additional warships - 3 mine-hunters and 1 destroyer - to the Gulf [LAT 8/30].
U.S. C-5 military transport aircraft carrying supplies to Gulf troops crashes shortly after takeoff in W. Germany, killing 12 soldiers [MEM 8/29; NYT, LAT, WT, CSM, WP 8/30].
10 of 13 OPEC nations, meeting in Vienna, endorse temporary production increase to make up for supplies lost because of Gulf crisis; Iran opposes agreement, Libya and Iraq are absent [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP 8/30; CSM 8/31].
21-member World Islamic Council denounces Saudi Arabia for inviting "anti-Islamic U.S. troops" into Middle East [INRA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].
Speech read on behalf of Yasir Arafat to meeting of UN nongovernmental organizations in Geneva says PLO does not take sides in Gulf crisis, links Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait to other "occupied" lands-Lebanon, Golan, and Palestine [AVP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].
Qatar has expelled 20 PLO officials since beginning of Gulf crisis, according to Yasir Abd Rabbo [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30]; Abd Rabbo also states that breaking the economic blockade against Iraq is an Arab responsibility [RAY 8/30 in FBIS 8/31].
Hamas distributes leaflet in O.T. calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Kuwaiti self-determination; UNLU also issues leaflet continuing its demand for withdrawal of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and calls for strike on 9/26 "in solidarity with the Iraqi people" [JPD 8/30 in FBIS 8/30].
Japan unveils aid package to help finance international effort against Iraq, but package draws criticism from U.S. because of absence of tangible aid to military buildup. Japanese program offers loans to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan; sending 100 doctors, refrigeration equipment, and water to region (cf. 8/31) [MEM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30].
Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij says he supports UN formula for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, believing it to be the only way to head off a new disaster for Palestinians [WP 8/301.
In speech marking 42nd anniversary of Israeli statehood Shamir says he will not "accept every proposal or idea of an American secretary of state." U.S. State Dep't. spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler responds: "saying yes to Sec. Baker's questions meant saying yes to the gov't. of Israel's plan" [WP, WT, LAT 5/1].
Plans to build road in Cairo through ancient Jewish cemetery has provoked outcry. Pres. Mubarak, eager to preserve relations with world Jewish community, agrees to study alternatives that would keep Al Basatin cemetery intact [WT 5/ 1].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to seek Pres. Mubarak's support for an Arab summit in May [MET 5/8-14].
U.S. hostage Frank Reed is freed in Beirut after 43 months of captivity [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/1].
Pres. Bush thanks Syria and Iran for help in securing freedom for 2 Americans in past 9 days. Robert Pohill delivers private message from his captors to Pres. Bush [WP, WT, LAT 5/1].
U.S. State Dep't. releases annual report "Pattern of Global Terrorism," which lists Syria and Iran as chief sponsors of state terrorism [WP, WT 5/1].
Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij, visiting New York, says 4/11 occupation of St. John's Hospice by Jewish settlers was "not an isolated incident" but "the beginning of a premeditated effort" by Jewish settlers to obtain control of Christian properties [NYT 5/6].
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London discover 40 American-made trigger devices for nuclear weapons that were being smuggled into Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 3/29]; U.S. intelligence sources report Baghdad is installing Soviet-built medium-range ballistic missiles [WT 3/29].
Yasir Arafat meets with Nobel laureate Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa says she will try to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem this year [LAT 3/29].
U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee approves provision to Israel's request for $400 million loan for Soviet Jewish housing. Provision reduces loan origination fee from usual 1% of loan to .25% of loan, saving Israel $3 million. Other legislation reduces annual service charges [WT 3/30].
Hungarian official says the national airline, Malev, soon will resume flying Soviet Jews to Tel Aviv from Budapest on its regular flights. Hungary suspended direct and charter flights of emigrant Jews on 3/ 21; the official says the charter flights will not be resumed (cf. 4/1) [WT 3/29; NYT 3/30].
Arab World: Lebanese President Rene Moawad is assassinated when an explosion destroys his car; 23 others are also killed. Moawad was in office only 17 days [FBIS 11/22; NYT, WP, LAT 11/23].
Other Countries: President Bush has received personal message from Arafat, delivered through U.S. embassy in Tunis; contents are not divulged; Bush does not plan reply [NYT, WP 11/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bodies of 2 Palestinians suspected of collaboration are found; number of suspected collaborators killed during intifada stands at 144 [MET 12/5].
Military orders 2 Bethlehem houses destroyed. Authorities deport 5 Palestinians to Jordan, saying they lacked family reunification permit [FJ 11/27].
General strike called by Hamas is observed in O.T. At least 13 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF [FBIS 11/29]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats proposal [FBIS 10/6; NYT, WP 10/7; LAT 10/8].
Other Countries: General Assembly votes on an Arab proposal condemning Israel for human rights violations in the O.T.; 140 in favor, 2 (U.S., Israel) against [NYT 10/7; LAT 10/8]. 39 members of the U.S. House of Reps. send letter to Baker urging him to reject visa for Arafat [Oct. MEPARC].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army prevents multi-national European investigative group from entering Bayt Sahur [FBIS 10/10]; places Bayt Sahur under curfew. Army closes 18 Nablus schools, imposes curfews on 7 W. Bank refugee camps, declares Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah closed military zones. IDF forceshoot, kill Palestinian in clash in Battir village [FBIS 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only joking . . . There is no element in the Arab world willing to give us peace." Shamir aides call on Mubarak to "stop preaching" [LAT, NYT 9/22].
Arab World: After meeting with President Mubarak, PLO leader Arafat says he endorses "open talks" with Israel, and urges citizens to help him resisthe controversial I. D. cards required of O.T. residents. [LAT, NYT 9/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians stone bus carrying West German tourists through Bethlehem, injuring two [LAT 9/22; MET 10/3].
Arab World: 16 pro-Iranian Shiite Kuwaitis are publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia in connection with bombing during the annual pilgrimage in July [NYT, WP, LAT 9/22]. Lebanese Muslim member of parliament, Nazem Kaderi, 73, is assassinated in West Beirut [LAT, NYT 9/22]. Israeli troops attack Hizballah positions north of the "security zone" in Lebanon [MET 10/ 3].