40 / 15493 Results
  • November 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM...

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  • October 23, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon states in TV interview that P.M. Shimon Peres has been holding "more than (secret) contacts" with Jordanian, Palestinian,...

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  • September 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]....

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  • July 31, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu...

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  • July 30, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice...

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  • July 29, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on...

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  • July 28, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces arrest of 3 West Bankers in alleged kidnap-slaying of two Afula teachers. The three, aged 17-19, are arrested at...

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  • July 27, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of policemen and border police are sent to Afula to prevent another outbreak of violence. UP 7/28].

    Arab World: King...

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  • July 26, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police find the bodies of 2 Afula schoolteachers missing since 7/21-Yosef Eliahu, 35, and Lea Elmakais, 19-in a cave in northern Israel...

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  • July 16, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Peres meets secretly with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj and ex-speaker of Jordanian Parliament Hikmat al-Masri of...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM 11/4].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Israeli military expels 4 leading Druze shaykhs from village of Hasbaya in security zone in S. Lebanon [JP 11/3]. Israeli settlers in the Golan Heights block bridges leading there, stage demonstrations against their poor financial situation; settlements there owe $20 million to Northern Moshavim Purchasing Association [JP 11/3; JTA 11/4]. Institute for Strategic Studies in London annual report, Survey of Military Balances, states that Syria has almost 3 times as many troops in regular army as Israel [JP 11/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Afula (5th in recent weeks); no injuries. Palestinians are rounded up for questioning [JP 11/4]. Bomb goes off at bus stop near French Hill; no injuries [JP 11/4]. Katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no casualties [JTA 11/4].

Arab World: Three people trying to smuggle explosives into 'Aysha village in S. Lebanon using a donkey are killed when SLA militiamen open fire on them, detonating the explosives [JP 11/4]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon states in TV interview that P.M. Shimon Peres has been holding "more than (secret) contacts" with Jordanian, Palestinian, and U.S. leaders and has been holding actual "talks"; Sharon claims Peres should have reported this "process" to the government [JP 10/24]. P.M. Shimon Peres meetsecretly with Sri Lankan P.M. Jayawardene in Paris; there are no diplomatic relations between 2 countries, but 15-year-old trade ban between 2 countries was lifted this July, Israel has trained Sri Lankan police in "anti-terrorist" techniques [JP 10/29]

Arab World: PLO headquarters in Tunis condemns Israel's proposals for direct negotiations with Jordan, says PLO involvement is necessary for peace in the M. E. [PI 10/24]. King Hussein welcomes the "spirit" of Peres' 10/21 negotiations proposal at the UN although says it did not "meet the needs of the moment" [NYT 10/24].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan, facing overwhelming congressional pressure, endorses resolution barring arms sale to Jordan until 1 March 1986 unless Jordan begins "direct and meaningful peace negotiations" with Israel before then [NYT, WP, LAT, BG 10/24]. Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports Canada has refused to grant entry visa to MK Meir Kahane, who is in U.S. on fund-raising tour [JTA 10/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two bombs explode in market in Afula, injuring 5Israelis including a baby; 80 Palestinians are rounded up for questioning. Bombs are the 3rd and 4th in 4 days inside the green line [WP, JTA 10/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]. In the last 6 weeks there have been 26 attacks on Israelis inside the green line and in the occupied territories, with 6 Israelis killed [BG 9/8]. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis attend antiracism rally in Afula, scene of riots one month ago when 2 local schoolteachers were found murdered. Rally ends peacefully, despite counterrally staged by the Kach movement [JP 9/8]. Israeli censors ban a play at the Haifa municipal theater which depicts brutality by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank [LT 9/7].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports PLO spokesmen in Tunis claim responsibility for the 9/6 bomb in the Israeli market in Jerusalem [JP 9/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: A hand grenade is thrown at the military govt. building in Mas'ada in the Golan Heights; no injuries are reported [JP 9/9]. Settlers attack the house of Zuhira al-Atrash, 65, widow and mother of 5, mistaking it for the house of an ex-prisoner released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu 'Ain spent less than 3 months at home following his release in the 5/20 prisoner exchange) [FJ 8/9]. Nablus remains under curfew following 7/30 murder of Albert Buchris. Five hundred police and a helicopter monitor his funeral [JTA 8/1]. Army enters al-Najah University and raids student council offices; preparations had been underway for student elections [JP 8/2]. Knesset passes bill requiring anyone running for Knesset to give up second citizenship [WP, PI, JTA 8/1]. Israeli police break into the site of preparations for the second annual Palestinian heritage festival in Tireh, order volunteers to stop work on the basis they do not have building permits [FJ 8/9]. Funeral is held in Afula for Israeli shot to death in West Bank. Riot police disperse crowd outside police station [PI 8/1]. Mayor Shalom Wach of Kiryat Arba cancels plan to dismiss all Palestinian workers employed by the municipality following Attorney General Zamir's ruling the plan is illegal UTA 8/1]. New American Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering assures P. M. Peres there has been no change in U.S. policy towards the PLO; U.S. will engage in talks with a Palestinian-Jordanian delegation only if convinced it will lead to direct talks with Israel; U.S. is ready, if requested, to help Israel and Egypt resolve Taba dispute [JTA 8/1]. The Jerusalem Post reports charges of corruption have been made against several Israeli companies and individuals operating in the black "homeland" of Ciskei; contracts with the trade commissioners in Israel have been terminated; all commercial relations with Israel have been cut [JP 7/31, JTA 8/5].

Military Action

Arab World: Suicide car bomb attack against an Israeli armored patrol in the security zone kills at least 3 Lebanese, including the driver, wounds unknown number of others, including Israeli soldiers. Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility, saying its member, 'Ali Ghazi Talib, 22, carried out the attack [NYT 8/1]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice Minister Moshe Nissim bans election lists which reject the legitimacy of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people." Progressive List for Peace and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Israeli Communist party) abstained in Knesset vote; PLP spokesman Kamil Dahir submits resignation in protest of abstention vote. Two Palestinians are found dead near car in West Bank village of Tubas, in what police say was apparently an accidental detonation of a car bomb [WP 7/31]. Palestinian sources speculate they may have been murdered [FJ 8/2]. U. S. Asst. Defense Sec. Richard Perle announces Israel agrees to participate in Strategic Defense Initiative research [BG 7/31]. Jane's Defence Weekly reports that Israel's clandestine arms sales to China have bolstered its international weapons trade to $1.2 billion annually [MJ 8/16].

Arab World: Jordanian and PLO officials say 2 Palestinians acceptable to Israel - Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh - are intended only as "consultants" to joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 7/31]. Al-Fajr English newspaper reports sources in Tunis say PLO condemns new West Bank committee set up by local pro-Jordanian figures to lobby for joint Jordanian-Palestinian moves [FJ 8/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Albert Buchris, 32, from Afula, shot to death in Nablus market. Nablus and 2 nearby refugee camps put under curfew; residents are teargassed, house-to-house searches are conducted for the weapon used in the killing. Al-Najah University is closed [WP, LAT 7/31, JTA 8/1].

Arab World: Syria delivers 50 Soviet-made T-54 tanks to Amal in south Beirut [DT 7/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on spot where two Afula schoolteachers were murdered is presented to Zionist Executive by Jewish Agency Settlement Department Cochairman Nissim Zvilli [JP 7/29]. Shimon Barda, head of the "Lifta Gang," is convicted by the Jerusalem district court of conspiring to blow up the Dome of the Rock. Sentencing will follow [JP 7/30]. Knesset finance committee freezes IS 354 million for Kiryat Arba's local council until Attomey General Zamir gives legal opinion on council's proposal to dismiss Palestinian workers [JP 7/30]. Knesset appoints seven-minister committee to make recommendations regarding punishment of those convicted of politically motivated killings [BG 7/29]. Voice of America reports Israel seeks American banks to operate in Israel, to boost ailing Israeli banking system; at least one is reportedly interested [JTA 7/3 1]. Koterit Rashit reports Israeli firms are studying 70 proposed business projects in China, including construction of 2 hotels and an airport. The Daily Telegraph cites report in Jane's Defence Weekly stating secret military links were opened between Israel and China in 1979, a $3 billion arms deal was recently concluded, and Israeli military advisers have served with Chinese ground and air force units [JC, DT 7/29].

Arab World: The United Arab Emirates is second state to confirm attendence at upcoming Arab summit meeting. Syria, Lebanon, and South Yemen will not attend [FT 7/30, LT 8/2]. Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt back the summit call [JP 7/30, FT 7/31].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli planes attack Palestinian base used by the PFLP-GC in eastern Lebanon; no casualty reports [WP 7/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces arrest of 3 West Bankers in alleged kidnap-slaying of two Afula teachers. The three, aged 17-19, are arrested at their homes in the village of Arabbuna, near Jenin. Homes of their families are demolished. Arabbuna is placed under curfew [WP 7/29]. Kach movement members along with Temple Mount Faithful group attempt to enter al-Aqsa Mosque compound to pray. Police refuse to allow Kach members in, allow Temple Mount Faithful in on condition they not pray. One man prays near the Dome of the Rock and is forcibly expelled [FJ 8/2]. Israeli newspaper Ha'Aretz finds 70 percent of Israelis favor death penalty for those convicted of politically motivated killings. Minister without Portfolio Moshe Arens, Foreign Minister Shamir, and Deputy Prime Minister David Levy also favor death penalty for such killings [LAT 7/29]. Two Afula teachers are buried; 1,000 extra police and border guards are mobilized to keep the peace. Three police are injured by angry protesters at the funeral [LAT 7/29].

Arab World: Walid Jumblatt and Nabih Birri announce new pact of cooperation called the "National Front," ending 3- month feud; vow to support each other if fighting erupts with pro-Arafat Palestinian factions [CT, MG 7/29]. Artillery and sniper fire break out between East and West Beirut. Car bomb explodes in Shi'ite suburb of Beirut, injuring three [MG 7/29]. King Hussein is first Arab leader to confirm attendence at the upcoming Arab summit meeting in Casablanca [CT 7/29]. A high-level Palestinian delegation led by Faruq al-Qaddumis reported to have arrived in Tripoli, Libya [JP 7/29].

Other Countries: Manila newspaper Bulletin Today reports Israelis are giving military training to young Filipinos on Palawan Island [JP 7/29].

Military Action

Arab World: Two SLA soldiers are killed and 8 taken prisoner in dawn attack by Amal in security zone [LT 7/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of policemen and border police are sent to Afula to prevent another outbreak of violence. UP 7/28].

Arab World: King Hasan II of Morocco announces first Arab summit meeting in three years will be held in Casablanca 8/7. Meeting will cover ways of "remedying the Arab situation" and the Palestinian question, "in all its aspects" [NYT 7/28, MG 7/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two katyusha rockets apparently fired from security zone land in the Galilee panhandle; there are no injuries [JP 7/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police find the bodies of 2 Afula schoolteachers missing since 7/21-Yosef Eliahu, 35, and Lea Elmakais, 19-in a cave in northern Israel; Eliahu had been shot. Police say deaths do not appear to be politically motivated. An anti-Arab rampage breaks out in Afula. A number of Palestinians are hospitalized. Cars are stoned and property is damaged. Twenty rioters are arrested [NYT 7/27]. Hakawati Theater in East Jerusalem is closed for 3 days. Authorities state women's group which rented the theater is connected,to a PLO faction. Fifty women hold sit-in strike outside the theater [JP 7/28, FJ 8/2]. Al-Fajr English weekly reports many would-be pilgrims to Mecca were prevented from leaving by new Israeli restrictions. Muslims under 35 were not allowed to make the pilgrimage; 150 applicants were tumed down. [FJ 7/26].

Arab World: King Hussein calls on Arab governments to form working group to address critical problems confronting the region; stresses Jordan and the PLO will not submit additional names of Palestinian delegates if U.S. rejects first list. U.S. administration officialsay 3 names are acceptable, do not specify which ones [NYT 7/27].

Other Countries: After 5 hours of negotiations, compromise isreached on the wording of the final document of the UN Decade for Women Conference; "Zionism" is replaced by "and all other forms of racism." The nonbinding document will be referred to UN General Assembly for approval [NYT, WP 7/27]. House-Senate committee passes worldwide U.S. foreign aid bill, including amendment requiring President Reagan, in proposing any sale of advanced arms to Jordan, to certify Jordan has made "a public commitment to the recognition of Israel" [JP 7/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Four Palestinians loyal to Arafat are found murdered outside Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon. Bodies show signs of torture. Notes pinned to them call them Israeli collaborators. Patrols are stepped up around camps following the murders [PI 7/27, WP 7/28]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Peres meets secretly with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj and ex-speaker of Jordanian Parliament Hikmat al-Masri of Nablus. Furayj describes meeting as "a general discussion" [LT 7/18]. Israel Radio reports Israeli Amb. to France Ovadia Sofer met secretly in Paris with Soviet Amb. Yuli Varontsov [NYT 7/19, LT 7/20]. Six hundred Ethiopian Jews march from Afula to Tel Aviv to protest the process of ritual immersion to verify their Jewishness [NYT, LT 7/17]. Bethlehem U. Student Council publishes statement in al-Mithaq denouncing Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj's attendance at university's 7/13 graduation ceremonies; withdraws recognition of Furayj as head of the board of trustees for the university [FJ 7/26]. All-night negotiations between Israeli government and Histadrut labor federation avert general strike. Government foregoes emergency decrees to implement austerity program [LT 7/17].