7 / 15500 Results
  • August 20, 1994

    Arafat meets with UAE Pres. Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayan in Geneva to discuss financial hurdles facing self rule. (MM 8/22)

    PNA Local Affairs M Sa'eb Erakat presents draft law for...

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  • July 20, 1985


    Other Countries: Tass denies Soviets approached Israelis in Paris with diplomatic deal [BG 7/20].

    Military Action

    Arab World: Sunni and Shi'...

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  • October 18, 1983

    Military Action:

    LAF and unidentified gunmen battle near airport, main highway access closed; artillery duels between LAF and PSP forces around Souq al-Gharb; LAF bombards sniper position...

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  • September 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb, with anti-government forces, reportedly including Hitten and Yarmouk brigades of PLA, using tanks and smokescreens; artillery and...

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  • October 31, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800...

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  • September 13, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israel launches all-day air strikes against Syrian, PLO and LNM artillery and anti-aircraft positions in Central and East Bekaa; units of PLA led by Syrian officers take...

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  • August 27, 1982

    Military Action:

    1,300 Syrian-controlled Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) troops travel to Syria in first overland evacuation (760 PLO guerrillas leave by sea for Tartus); US Marines patrol...

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Arafat meets with UAE Pres. Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayan in Geneva to discuss financial hurdles facing self rule. (MM 8/22)

PNA Local Affairs M Sa'eb Erakat presents draft law for Palestinian legislative elections to Arafat, announces PNA has started training 5,000 Palestinians to organize elections, says talks are underway with opposition groups regarding elections. Legislative council would include 100 mbrs. who will simultaneously become PNC reps. Exec. council of 24 mbrs. (12 from legislative council) will then be formed. (MENA 8/19, VOP 8/21 in FBIS 8/22)

Brig. Gen. Muhammad Qudisiyya, cmdr. of the al-Badr Forces of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), announces King Hussein will begin supplying, paying salaries of all PLA forces in Jordan. (Jordan Times 8/20, Al-Ra'y 8/21 in FBIS 8/30)

Palestinian police kill 1 Palestinian, wound 1 in Rafah. Palestinian police officials detain 5 officers, promise full investigation. (MM, WP, WSJ 8/22; UNRWA News 8/24)

Israeli undercover unit kills 1 Palestinian, wounds 8 in Ramallah during Mulid al-Nabi celebrations mistaken for demonstration. (WT 8/21; MM 8/22; JP 8/27)

Ghazi Jabali, cmdr. of Palestinian police in Gaza City, says police will not disarm Hamas activists, reaffirms they will confiscate unlicensed weapons after legislation is passed, grace period lapses. (QY 8/10 in FBIS 8/22; JP 8/27) (see 8/16)

IDF shells Arab Salim, southern Lebanon kills 1 Lebanese civilian, wounds another. (MEI 8/26)


Other Countries: Tass denies Soviets approached Israelis in Paris with diplomatic deal [BG 7/20].

Military Action

Arab World: Sunni and Shi'ite leaders in Sidon announce confiscation of large arms shipments last week intended for Palestinian camps of 'Ain al-Hilweh and Mieh Mieh. Four pro-Arafat guerrilla leaders carrying large sums of money were also detained; their 7-day grace period to leave the city expires today. Order to leave was issued by People's Liberation Army (Sunni), Amal, prominent Sunnis in Sidon, and Palestine National Salvation Front. Southem Lebanese pledge not to allow Palestinians to rebuild presence in south following Israeli withdrawal. Amal has checkpoints in Tyre to prevent Palestinian arms from reaching the camps there [NYT 7/21]. In Beirut, the 7/9 Syrian-sponsored cease-fire is holding; the 7/16 agreement between pro-and anti-Jumayyil Christian forces in East Beirut is also holding [CSM 7/23].

Military Action:

LAF and unidentified gunmen battle near airport, main highway access closed; artillery duels between LAF and PSP forces around Souq al-Gharb; LAF bombards sniper position in Bun al-Barajneh; US officials say snipers appear to be from pro-Iranian Hisballah faction; IDF position in Sidon attacked with RPGs and bazookas; 3 Katyushas fired south of Zahrani river.


2 LAF soldiers, 2 civilians killed near airport; 2 IDF border police killed, 1 wounded in Sidon.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh Central Committee ends 2-day meeting in Kuwait, says it will seek Arab-wide support to reconcile factional differences; commander of PLA forces in Syria defects to PLO rebels; Lebanese government announces start of reconciliation talks at Beirut airport tomorrow, PSP says site is completely unacceptable.

US and Other Countries: Joint Chiefs of Staff begin review of rules governing operations of Marines in Lebanon; Reagan meets National Security Council to review Middle East policy.

Military Action:

Fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb, with anti-government forces, reportedly including Hitten and Yarmouk brigades of PLA, using tanks and smokescreens; artillery and rocket fire hits Yarze and Baabda areas; US ships fire salvos for third consecutive day; Gemayel tours LAF positions along Souq al-Gharb-Kaifun ridge.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir, with majority in Knesset, is invited to form new government, extends invitation to Labor Alignment to join government of national unity; Sharon calls on US to send Marines into Chouf, use naval and air power to stop Druze forces, send warning to Syria and Soviet Union; Israeli acting mayor cancels Hebron council's successful petition to High Court for injunction against expansion of Jewish settlements in town's center.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says Marines' participation in MNF is absolutely crucial to ending Soviet-sponsored aggression against Lebanon; House Appropriations Committee votes 20-16 to cut off funds for Marines in MNF on December 1 unless Reagan invokes War Powers Act.

Military Action:

Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800 Lebanese Army soldiers in East Beirut delayed by tensions in Chouf area; new fighting flares before IDF reimposes curfew; fighting in Aley erupts day after Druze militiamen ambush Lebanese Army soldiers; artillery battles break out after gunmen fire on car in village of Kaifoun; gunbattles continue in village of Souk el-Gharb; IDF jeep comes under fire in village of Bchamoun; explosion in West Beirut flat kills 2, wounds 8; Sidon placed under tight IDF control following 2 attacks on IDF soldiers in past week, allegedly by newly-formed Lebanese National Patriotic Front.


One Lebanese Army soldier killed, 3 wounded in ambush; some Palestinians released from Answar have been rearrested in past few days; 6 Israeli soldiers captured by PLO are interviewed by ICRC team in camp near Barr Elias in eastern Bekaa.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir warns that Syrian missile attacks may delay withdrawal of foreign forces; Meridor says Israel willing to make political commitment to welfare of Palestinian refugees in upcoming negotiations with Lebanese, will seek guarantee that Lebanese will not tear down houses built by refugees who lost their homes in the fighting; Mapam leader Shemtov says PLO willingness to dialogue with Israel should not be ignored; Israeli Cabinet says Israel will agree to negotiate Taba issue only if Egypt resumes talks on all outstanding issues between two countries and ends diplomatic freeze; Israeli Ambassador to US Moshe Arens proposes 6-month moratorium on new settlements, but Begin rejects request and Arens is heavily criticized in Jerusalem; Drori testifies that he did not know of hundreds of civilian deaths until Saturday afternoon, yet feared mass civilian killings by Phalange, may have been told of Eitan decision to let Phalange enter camps only at time Phalange learned of it, and says Phalange asked IDF for tractors, were given one with IDF markings removed.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Information Minister Roger Shikhani warns press of need for "wisdom" in deciding what they print to avoid imposition of censorship; Lebanese Cabinet endorses plan to use existing military liaison committee for future talks, expanded to include at least one civilian legal expert and US representatives; PLO's Abu Jihad says PLO will not withdraw until IDF does first and Lebanese Government signs written guarantee of safety of civilians, says US guarantee no longer reliable after massacre, PLO uninterested in Draper negotiations and will deal with Lebanese separately, would like to retain PLO military presence in Lebanon, perhaps through Lebanese PLA unit; PLO official Khalid al-Hassan, in New York, says establishment of Palestinian state a prerequisite to PLO acceptance of US peace plan.

Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to delay opening of luxury hotel at Taba.

Military Action:

Israel launches all-day air strikes against Syrian, PLO and LNM artillery and anti-aircraft positions in Central and East Bekaa; units of PLA led by Syrian officers take over some Syrian positions in Bekaa and North Lebanon; IDF forces truck in cold-weather gear, conduct lessons on driving in snow, preparing for winter in Lebanon.


Lebanese radio reports 40 people killed, wounded in IDF air raids on Bwarej, Saad Nayel, Chtaura, Taalabaya, Mureijat, Hazarta, Tarshish in Bekaa.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says security arrangement with Lebanon independent of departure of IDF troops; Sheli calls on Sharon to dissolve West Bank Civil Administration, return deposed mayors to their elected posts; West Bank delegation visits Vatican's Jerusalem office to express gratitude for Pope's willingness to meet Arafat; 30,000 dunums of land near Hebron declared "state lands" by military authorities.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia gives Syria over $500 m. in recent days; Assad resists withdrawing troops from Lebanon in face of PLO opposition; Hussein praises Reagan peace proposals, says Palestinian-Jordanian federation possible.

US and Other Countries: US expresses concern at renewed fighting, stresses need for early pullout of foreign forces from Lebanon.

UN: Morris Draper consults with UN in New York about expanding scope of UNIFIL in South Lebanon.

Military Action:

1,300 Syrian-controlled Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) troops travel to Syria in first overland evacuation (760 PLO guerrillas leave by sea for Tartus); US Marines patrol port; PLO turns over weaponry to LNM forces in Beirut; Lebanese Army redeployment delayed by continued Muslim opposition to Gemayel.


2 IDF soldiers wounded by stray bullets during evacuation; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded by land mine explosion under their bus near Tyre; Radio Beirut reports 1 Lebanese soldier, 3 civilians wounded near Green Line.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon continues fundraising in US, meets with Weinberger and Shultz (indicates Israeli unwillingness to share military information with US while sanctions imposed); Israeli police violently disperse Palestinian women demonstrating in front of US Consulate in East Jerusalem to protest US involvement in Lebanese war (several arrested, including an Israeli woman journalist); Israeli judge exempts Israeli companies from paying income tax on their operations in the occupied territories.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat praises PLO resistance; Gemayel, Sarkis praise Arafat agreement on evacuation, discipline of evacuation; West Beirut Muslims continue to refuse cooperation with Gemayel unless he prioritizes Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, returns to consensual decision-making.

Arab Governments: Foreign Ministers conference begins preparations for September 6 Arab summit; Libya charges Arab summit aims to recognize Israel. 

US and Other Countries: US reaffirms commitment to Jordanian sovereignty, security; White House announces Defense Secretary Weinberger to visit Lebanon, Israel, Egypt next week; Senator Percy, in visit to Beirut, meets Habib, Sarkis, Gemayel.