10 / 15500 Results
  • January 6, 1995

    PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League...

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  • October 13, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

    Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt,...

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  • October 11, 1993

    PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and...

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  • October 10, 1993

    PLO Central Council opens meeting in Tunis to debate approval of PLO-Israel DoP. PFLP and DFLP (Hawatmah faction) boycott meeting, as do PPSF and PLF. (SARR 10/10 in FBIS 10/13; WP 10/11)


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  • June 10, 1992

    IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

    Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is...

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  • October 14, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Five Palestinians are sentenced to life imprisonment for alleged kidnap, torture, and murder of Dani Katz, 15, in December 1983 [LT 10/...

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  • October 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state Egyptian responsible for killing Israelis in the Sinai was a soldier, not a police, man, and therefore was in...

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  • October 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for...

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  • July 30, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice...

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  • March 10, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel-sponsored Federation of Village Leagues formally dissolved.

    Arab World: Lebanese rival leaders arrive in Lausanne for...

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PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League treasurer Zakariyya Talmas complains only 3 journalist qualify for cards under PA rules "and they are dead." (Jerusalem Times 1/6 in FBIS 1/9)

Mtg. of all Arab FMs in Tunis ends. Parties recommend countries donate funds on bilateral basis, turn down PA request to recognize validity of Palestinian passports, fail to reach agmt. on aid for Palestinian police. PA delegation angered. (MM 1/6)

Jerusalem district director for Israeli Housing Min., Rina Zamir, says construction of 10,000 housing units in and around East Jerusalem will begin this yr. (MM 1/6; JP 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/16)

Arafat loyalists, opponents clash in `Ayn Hilwa r.c. in southern Lebanon after Arafat announces 400 Palestinians will be transferred to Gaza shortly. No casualties reported. PLO says Israel approved the transfer of 2,000 post-1948 refugees fr. Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Tunisia; Lebanon's quota is 470. (RL, VOL 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; VOL 1/6, Voice of the South 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; Al-Hayat 1/7 in FBIS 1/11) (see 12/19)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` visits Tehran to give Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani message fr. Pres. al-Asad about improving relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30)

Israel denies giving any U.S. technological information to China. (WT 1/7) (see 1/4)

U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Egypt for 2-day visit, talks with Pres. Mubarak about Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT, promises to defend aid to Egypt in Congress. (MENA 1/6 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/9; MEI 1/20)

1 settler shot dead, 1 wounded in West Bank nr. Ramallah. PFLP claims responsibility in revenge for killings on 1/4. (MM 1/6; QY 1/6 in FBIS 1/6;  AFP 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; WJW 1/12; JP 1/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt, as Palestinian-Israeli DoP enters into force. PLO delegation headed by Nabil Shaath; Israeli, by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak. Talks center on size of Jericho autonomous region, size and powers of Palestinian police force, redeployment of Israeli troops, control over water resources, and security of Israeli settlers in o.t. Palestinians contend Jericho includes entire 133 sq. mi. Jericho district, while Israelis assert only town of Jericho, about 10 sq. mi., is to be handed over to Palestinians. PLO security official Amin al-Hindi excluded fr. Palestinian delegation over Israeli protests he was responsible for murder of Israeli athletes at 1972. Munich Olympics. Simultaneously, Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas meet in Cairo, agree on 5 steps for future negotiations including setting up liaison comm. and ministerial-level economic comm. Two sides urge "early resumption" of Arab-Israeli talks in Washington. (NYT, WP 10/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat dismisses Fateh cmdr. in Lebanon Munir al-Maqdah, who had been critical of DoP and called for Arafat's resignation (see 8/23). (VOL 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

General strike in o.t. called by Palestinian factions opposed to DoP observed throughout West Bank and Gaza Strip with exception of Jericho. (MM 10/13; CSM 10/15)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz, in interview with WT, faults DoP for not affirming Palestinian right of return, says "It is not fair to solve the Palestinian problem to create a Lebanese one.... implanting 400,000 Palestinians in Lebanon will create political, confessional, religious problems." (WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin, in Beijing, admits Israel has sold arms to China, denies Israel broke U.S. laws against technology transfers and disputes CIA estimate that Israel-China arms trade amounts to billions of dollars a year, saying 1992-93 trade totaled $60 m. Rabin says "we have never done anything against American law" and asserts, "We are not stupid enough to endanger" U.S. aid to Israel. Rabin's 4-day visit to China includes meeting with Chinese DM Chi Haotian, tours of Chinese arms plants, and visit to Shanghai. (NYT, WT 10/14)

PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and DFLP, who boycott meeting, and several opponents of the accord who were not invited or barred fr. entering Tunisia, including Fateh mbr. Hani al-Hasan. Meeting also adopts resolution establishing Palestinian National Authority under Arafat to assume powers transferred by Israel. Turmoil surrounding meeting points to power struggle among Arafat loyalists as PLO figures contend for positions in nascent Palestinian administration in Gaza and Jericho. (WT 10/12; CSM, NYT, WP 10/13)

Applications for the Palestine Central Security Force (Palestinian police) reportedly far outstrip vacancies, with 30,000 applications issued for the 17,000-strong force. 4,000 forms are filled out in Hebron, while 10,000 are submitted in Gaza for 3,800 vacancies. (WT 10/11)

CIA informs Senate Govtl. Affairs Comm. that Israel has been providing China with advanced military technology for over a decade, including fighter aircraft, missiles, and tanks. Report estimates Israel-China weapons trade amounts to "several billion dollars," notes that Israeli weapons companies are expanding presence in China. Report asserts "the Chinese seek fr. Israel advanced military technology that U.S. and Western firms are unwilling to provide." Israeli embassy denies Israel has transferred U.S. technology to China, spokeswoman saying, "Israel adheres to all of its commitments to the United States with regard to its relationship with China." (NYT, WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin meets in Beijing with Chinese PM Li Peng, toasts new Israeli-Chinese pacts on consular affairs, aviation. (MM 10/11; WT 10/12)

PLO Central Council opens meeting in Tunis to debate approval of PLO-Israel DoP. PFLP and DFLP (Hawatmah faction) boycott meeting, as do PPSF and PLF. (SARR 10/10 in FBIS 10/13; WP 10/11)

Israeli PM Rabin departs for China, says he will stick by agreement with PLO despite upsurge in violence. (NYT 10/11)

IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is buried beside his mentor Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) in Tunis, after Egypt reportedly turndown his mother's request that he be buried in Cairo. (MM 6/11)

Amid thousands of mourners, IDF troops force their way into Basaysu's home in Gaza, remove pictures from the walls. (MM 6/10)

U.S. amb. in Beirut Ryan Crocker announces U.S. will donate $3 million to help rebuild American University of Beirut's College Hall, which was destroyed ina car bomb attack 11/8/91. (MM 6/10)

Israel and China sign memo of understanding on economic relations in Beijing, prelude to a trade agreement to be signed when Chinese officials make reciprocal visit to Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 6/10 in FBIS 6/11)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Five Palestinians are sentenced to life imprisonment for alleged kidnap, torture, and murder of Dani Katz, 15, in December 1983 [LT 10/15]. Israeli military asks SLA to stop harassing UNIFIL troops in Lebanon following reports of serious incidents involving the SLA [JP 10/15].

Arab World: The Times quotes senior PLO official as saying the organization is near bankruptcy because Arab countries have not met their financial commitments [LT, MG 10/14]. U.S. State Dept. spokesman says body of man washed up near Syrian port of Tartus may be that of Leon Klinghoffer [NYT 10/15]. Tunis branch of the Palestine Liberation Front issues statement acknowledging the real target of the hijackers of the Achille Lauro was the Israeli port of Ashdod [WP 10/15]. Pres. Mubarak demands public apology from the U.S. to "all Egyptians" for interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers [WP, LAT 10/15].

Other Countries: Britain calls off talks with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation on M.E. peace process, saying the Palestinian members of the delegation refused to sign a previously agreed upon statement renouncing "terrorism" and explicitly recognizing Israel's right to exist. The Palestinians state they had not seen the statement before and could not sign it unless it had already been approved by the entire PLO Executive Committee. British For. Sec. Geoffrey Howe states he is "very disappointed and surprised" by the PLO delegates' refusal to do so [NYT, WP, DT 10/15]. The EEC announces its decision to cancel scheduled talks with the joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation following Britain's decision [DT 10/15]. UN General Assembly averts U.S. boycott by dropping invitation to Yasir Arafat to attend 40th anniversary commemoration [NYT, WP 10/15]. The Times reports China and North Korea have denied entry to Kozo Okamoto, only survivor of the Japanese Red Army attack on Lod airport in 1972, who was released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [LT 10/14]. The Guardian reports Spanish police are nearly positive the corpses of 2 Israelis found in Barcelona were members of Mossad [MG 10/14]. President of Ivory Coast announces his country is prepared to renew ties with Israel [JP 10/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli bus near Ramallah slightly injures 1 passenger [JP 10/15].

Arab World: Israeli fighter bombers fly deep into Jordanian territory at dawn; no attacks reported [NYT 10/15]. Syria states a shoulder-held missile was recently fired at an Israeli jet near the Golan Heights but missed its target. Syria sent a formal apology to Israel for the attack, saying it was ordered by a junior-level commander and did not reflect a change in Syria's adherence to the cease-fire. Israel reportedly accepted the explanation [NYT, WP 10/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state Egyptian responsible for killing Israelis in the Sinai was a soldier, not a police, man, and therefore was in the area in violation of the 1978 Camp David accords. Israelis also state Egyptians prevented medical help from reaching the victims in time [NYT, WP, LAT, 10/7]. Egyptian officials state the gunman will be court-martialed by the police force [BG 10/7]. Israelis demand a full report on the incident within 48 hours [FT 10/7]. Chicago Tribune reports Israel is quietly developing trade ties with China in hopes of establishing diplomatic relations with that country [CT 10/6].

Arab World: Egyptian students mark the 12th anniversary of the 1973 October War with demonstrations against the Israeli air raid on Tunis and calls for Pres. Mubarak to expel the Israeli ambassador [LT 10/7].

Other Countries: U.S. authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Califomia scientist Richard Smyth, 55, of Milco International Company in Huntington Beach, which, according to a Los Angeles grand jury indictment, illegally exported to Israel over a 2-year period 15 shipments of krytrons, tiny electronic triggering devices necessary in constructing nuclear warheads. Smyth and his wife Emilie jumped bail and disappeared before his trial was scheduled to begin; he is presumed to be in Israel [LT 10/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for case for 10/6 [FJ 10/4].

Arab World: King Hussein meets with key U.S. congressmen to discuss proposed U.S. arms sale to Jordan [WP 10/2].

Other Countries: Pentagon officials meet Israeli diplomats, ask for list of U.S. weapons used in Tunis air raid [DT 10/4]. EEC countries empower their president to meet a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation, following Britain's decision to invite the delegation, including 2 prominent PLO members, to London for talks [JP 10/2].

Military Action

Arab World: Israel bombs PLO headquarters in Tunis, claiming retaliation for Lamaca killings and W. Bank violence; 61 Palestinians and 12 Tunisians killed, over 100 injured. 8 U.S.-made F-15s and 8 F- 16s used in the attack, raising speculation Israel may have violated U.S. Arms Export Control Act. White House spokesman Larry Speakes describes attack as a "legitimate response" to "terrorist atacks" [NYT, JP 10/2]. Jordan and Egypt condemn raid, vow to continue peace process. Egypt suspends Taba discussions in protest [NYT 10/2]. Saudi Arabia calls for UN sanctions against Israel. England, Greece, Czechoslovakia, China, Rumania, France, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Jewish leaders condemn raid [NYT 10/2; MG, LT 10/3]. Washington claims no advance knowledge of the attack [NYT 10/2]. Three SLA soldiers killed by unidentified gunmen in the security zone [JP 10/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice Minister Moshe Nissim bans election lists which reject the legitimacy of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people." Progressive List for Peace and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Israeli Communist party) abstained in Knesset vote; PLP spokesman Kamil Dahir submits resignation in protest of abstention vote. Two Palestinians are found dead near car in West Bank village of Tubas, in what police say was apparently an accidental detonation of a car bomb [WP 7/31]. Palestinian sources speculate they may have been murdered [FJ 8/2]. U. S. Asst. Defense Sec. Richard Perle announces Israel agrees to participate in Strategic Defense Initiative research [BG 7/31]. Jane's Defence Weekly reports that Israel's clandestine arms sales to China have bolstered its international weapons trade to $1.2 billion annually [MJ 8/16].

Arab World: Jordanian and PLO officials say 2 Palestinians acceptable to Israel - Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh - are intended only as "consultants" to joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 7/31]. Al-Fajr English newspaper reports sources in Tunis say PLO condemns new West Bank committee set up by local pro-Jordanian figures to lobby for joint Jordanian-Palestinian moves [FJ 8/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Albert Buchris, 32, from Afula, shot to death in Nablus market. Nablus and 2 nearby refugee camps put under curfew; residents are teargassed, house-to-house searches are conducted for the weapon used in the killing. Al-Najah University is closed [WP, LAT 7/31, JTA 8/1].

Arab World: Syria delivers 50 Soviet-made T-54 tanks to Amal in south Beirut [DT 7/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel-sponsored Federation of Village Leagues formally dissolved.

Arab World: Lebanese rival leaders arrive in Lausanne for reconciliation talks. Soviet 1st dep. premier Aliyev begins 3- day talks with Syrian leaders in Damascus.

Other Countries: Arafat meets with Chinese Pres. Li Xiannian in Amman, accepting invitation to visit China in April. PLO sports and youth organization in Tunis announces hopes for Palestinian team participation in Los Angeles Olympics.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli public works engineer dies of injuries suffered in ambush while working for IDF in S. Lebanon.