Occupied Palestine/Israel: Occupation officials indicate 71% real tax increase (over prior period) from Arab residents in W. Bank [JP 12/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Occupation officials indicate 71% real tax increase (over prior period) from Arab residents in W. Bank [JP 12/13].
Military Action
Arab World: RPG fired at IDF convoy, shots fired at SLA vehicle near Tyre, S. Lebanon; mine explodes near convoy in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4-day curfew lifted in Dheisheh camp. Dheisheh resident Isa Abed Rabu formally charged with murder of 2 Israelis (10/22); defendant...
Other Countries: Jordanian officials hold talks with French DM Hemu in Paris, reportedly finalize major arms deal. Pres. Reagan promotes 1st rabbi (Israel Drazin)...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min.of Police Bar Lev refuses Jewish terror suspects' request for prison leave over Jewish holidays.
Arab World: In Damascus,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency announces plan to spend $30 million on settlement projects in Galilee, Negev & Wadi al-Araba.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog grants Peres 21-day extension to form coalition gov't. 4 MKs arriving for inspection tour at Tel Mond prison beaten by Kach...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Under military authority, Israeli Electric Co. annexes western section of Nablus Electric Co.'s concession. Central Bureau of Statistics...
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus prison inmates begin hunger strike to protest prison conditions. Kahane's incitement turns rite to bury Jewish religious articles in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abu Dis village mukhtar 'Issa Jaffal dismissed by occupation authorities for refusing to urge villagers to drop suit against...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects recent USSR peace proposal based on Brezhnev plan. Jerusalem mayor Kollek tells news conference of drive against Kach and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mtg. of national institutions in Jerusalem to endorse reconciliation agreements reached in Aden.
Arab World: Lebanese Army takes...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 5 of 9 passengers seized from ferry Alizur Blanco hijacked on 6/29. Nablus authorities renew town arrest of al-Quds...
Other Countries: In Wall Street Journal interview, Israeli DM Arens expresses hope to sell new Lavi jet to US.
Military Action
Arab World:...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1st Jewish suspect in 4/26/84 bus bombing plot admits membership in Jewish "terrorist organization." One suspect in Aisha Bahash murder...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Arab nurses fired from Tel Aviv hospital on charge of "using terrorist tactics" on Jewish patients. Police order 13 al-Shayah/Ras '...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pal. Women's Work Committee holds 3rd annual conference in Jerusalem under slogan "Toward a Unified Popular Women's Movement." Gush...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now...
Arab World: General strike from Tyre to Sidon to protest Israeli-backed death-squad killing of Shi'ite leader Raghib Harb (2/16/84).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon announces intention to run for leadership of Herut Party and seek nomination for PMship. BZU students hold 4-hour rally protesting...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.
Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Occupation officials indicate 71% real tax increase (over prior period) from Arab residents in W. Bank [JP 12/13].
Military Action
Arab World: 2 injured in attack on IDF convoy near Tyre, S. Lebanon; IDF stages raid in 8 Shi'ite villages east of Tyre; 50 detained, 3 killed [WP 12/14, JTA 12/14].
Military Action
Arab World: RPG fired at IDF convoy, shots fired at SLA vehicle near Tyre, S. Lebanon; mine explodes near convoy in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO insignia. Settlers pass out leaflets at Dheisheh calling on residents to evacuate. Histadrut tacitly approves basic food price increases for December. Energy Min. spokesman claims Israeli-occupied Golan section of TAPline belongs to ministry.
Arab World: 120 delegates at PNC in Amman petition to expel Libyan-backed PFLP-GC's Ahmed Jibril for "high treason."
Other Countries: 26 US congressmen issue letter to Pope John Paul II calling for Vatican relations with Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: 2 al-Bas refugee camp (Tyre) residents, believed to be collaborators with IDF, killed by Lebanese resistance fighters. SLA soldier wounded by sniper fire near Nabatiya.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4-day curfew lifted in Dheisheh camp. Dheisheh resident Isa Abed Rabu formally charged with murder of 2 Israelis (10/22); defendant claims act of vengence for Shin Bet killing of his brother 2 yrs. ago. UNRWA closes Tira Teachers Seminary (al-Bireh) after 1-mo.-closure threat from authorities if student disturbances continue. Halhoul Local Council elects Hasan Hijazi as mayor. S. African FM Botha arrives in Tel Aviv for 3-day visit.
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat speaks before 15th Arab Lawyer's Federation in Tunis.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petrol bomb hurled at Israeli vehicle near Ramallah market; no damage.
Arab World: IDF soldier wounded by light weapons fire on IDF outpost in S. Lebanon; 4 SLA wounded by light weapons fire near Nabatiya; grenade thrown at SLA patrol in Tyre, no injuries.
Other Countries: Jordanian officials hold talks with French DM Hemu in Paris, reportedly finalize major arms deal. Pres. Reagan promotes 1st rabbi (Israel Drazin) to Brigadier Gen. in US Army.
Military Action
Arab World: Roadside bomb explodes near IDF patrol east of Tyre; no injuries.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min.of Police Bar Lev refuses Jewish terror suspects' request for prison leave over Jewish holidays.
Arab World: In Damascus, Democratic Alliance calls for convening PNC.
Other Countries: US envoy Murphy arrives in Tel Aviv to discuss with PM Peres possible mediation between Israel and Syria over IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Israeli FM Shamir meets Egyptian FM Abd al-Meguid in New York. US threatens withdrawal from Intl. Atomic Energy Agency if it does not recognize Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF and SLA patrols come under light arms fire near Jezzine and in Tyre, S. Lebanon. 1 IDF soldier & 1 Shin Bet agent killed, 1 soldier wounded in ambush near Mishki village, eastern Beqaa.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency announces plan to spend $30 million on settlement projects in Galilee, Negev & Wadi al-Araba.
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat in Kuwait for official talks.
Other Countries: Texas investor Leroy Brenna launches "Strategic Israeli Fund Inc.," mutual fund for investing in Israeli companies.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF shoot Shiite villager near Tyre for "acting in a suspicious manner." Light arms fire directed at IDF patrol in Jbaa village; no casualties reported.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog grants Peres 21-day extension to form coalition gov't. 4 MKs arriving for inspection tour at Tel Mond prison beaten by Kach demonstrators; 40 mins. later police arrive, delivering Interior Min. Burg's orders barring MKs' entrance.
Arab World: Walid Jumblatt calls for negotiations with Israel to end IDF occupation of S. Lebanon.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF reportedly kill 2 resistance fighters near Tyre; IDF position attacked by Katyusha fire near Lake Karoun.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands (near Bethlehem) owned by local families and recently confiscated by Israel as "state lands." Military court sentences 5 Village League members to 2 yrs. for arson and attacks on Palestinian nationalists in West Bank. Central Bureau of Statistics reports unemployment over past 9 mos. rose from 27,000 to 85,000. Israel radio reports caretaker gov't. plans to press US for early remittance of 1984 financial aid balance.
Arab World: Palestine National Alliance issues statement in Damascus criticizing PDA-Fateh proposal (8/19/84) to convene National Council before reaching national consensus.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF close only crossing point between S. Lebanon and rest of country for 3 days. Passing car fires grenades on IDF patrols near Nabatiya. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes Deir Kanoun. IDF vehicle at Burj Shemali refugee camp near Tyre ambushed with grenades and automatic weapons. [Casualty figures unavailable].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers from inflation.
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and Palestinian Democratic Alliance (PDA) issue joint statement in Algiers proposing to convene 1 7th National Council session before mid-Sept.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF shoot Jabaliya camp (Gaza) resident on suspicion of stone-throwing, wounding him in leg.
Arab World: 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Jezzine. Lebanese resistance fighters ambush IDF vehicle S. of Lake Karoun. Katyushas fired on IDF position near Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Under military authority, Israeli Electric Co. annexes western section of Nablus Electric Co.'s concession. Central Bureau of Statistics reports July inflation rate 12.4%.
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, hundreds of Palestinians in 'Ain al-Hilweh camp protest continued shooting and abduction of camp residents [2 killed by IDF gunfire this week, and camp raided daily by IDF and/or Israeli-trained "South Lebanon Army"]. IDF storm and seal off Maarake village E. of Tyre, arresting residents after stone-throwing incident. Beirut Jewish community leader Salim Jamus kidnapped by 3 unidentified gunmen.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: "Civil Guards" attack Palestinians randomly during night patrols in Jaffa.
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus prison inmates begin hunger strike to protest prison conditions. Kahane's incitement turns rite to bury Jewish religious articles in Hebron into rally for massive settlement of "greater Israel." Israel Treasury source says aid request from US for 1985 will be $5 billion.
Arab World: Addressing African-Arab Solidarity Conference in Tunis, Chrmn. Arafat calls for rigorous opposition to US policies in Middle East & Africa. IDF called mtg. of Tyre fishermen to ration out 400 fishing licenses.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20 Gilo settlers evict nearby Salman family at gunpoint from their home, then bulldoze it. 62-yr.- old Palestinian woman dies of heart attack while pleading with IDF soldiers tying to trees and beating 3 of her relatives working in Heletez settlement.
Arab World: IDF bulldozers seal off Adloun village surrounding it with earthen wall.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abu Dis village mukhtar 'Issa Jaffal dismissed by occupation authorities for refusing to urge villagers to drop suit against confiscation of 2500 dunums of their land. Beitunia College students strike, hold peaceful march protesting Village League members vandalizing, firing and hurling stones at student dormitories over past week. Israel's foreign reserves fall $351 million in July to just over $2.6 billion. Ministerial Economic Committee decides to cut all gov't. contracts to 25% over next 3 mos. Pres. Herzog urges Shamir and Peres to meet to consider joint rule proposals. Herzog refuses to invite Meir Kahane for customary post-election consultations. Umm al-Fahm Village Council conference at Tel Aviv Press Club disrupted by Kach members.
Arab World: In Le Monde inteview, Syrian Pres. Assad rules out linkage between IDF withdrawal and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem municipal employees assault Palestinian women selling vegetables at Damascus Gate, then destroy produce. Arab World: Israeli helicopters, F-16s & gunboats shell and drop experimental phosphorous & helium bombs on Nahr al-Bared camp, N. Lebanon where 16,000 Palestine refugees live; [casualty figures unavailable]. IDF kill 2 suspected of planting roadside bomb near Sidon. Grenade tossed at SLA patrols in Tyre; no injuries reported; IDF close Tyre port.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects recent USSR peace proposal based on Brezhnev plan. Jerusalem mayor Kollek tells news conference of drive against Kach and Meir Kahane with appeal to support anti-racism bill. Defendents Amjad Rabaya and Wafiq Sawalha tried for armed attack on W. Jerusalem street (4/2/84) admit charges, insisting on POW status. Najah student sentenced to 10 mos. charged with membership in Palestinian organization. Police summon head of Gaza Citrus Producers' Union, warning of legal retaliation against Union for assisting farmers to obtain financialid.
Other Countries: USSR calls for renewal of Geneva Middle East peace talks including USSR, US, Israel, PLO & Arab states.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-made bomb thrown at Shefa 'Amr home; no injuries. Kach members beat up 2 Palestinian laborers; victims hospitalized in serious condition.
Arab World: IDF units attacked by rocket fire near Jezzine and S. of Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mtg. of national institutions in Jerusalem to endorse reconciliation agreements reached in Aden.
Arab World: Lebanese Army takes control of Beirut with "march of salvation" through city.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dheisheh camp under curfew after stone-throwing incidents occasioned by border police shooting at 5 Bethlehem students (7/3).
Arab World: IDF attacked by small arms fire near Tyre and in Adaiseh village.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 5 of 9 passengers seized from ferry Alizur Blanco hijacked on 6/29. Nablus authorities renew town arrest of al-Quds joumalist Moh'd. Amireh & lawyer Ghassan Shaka'a. Luxury hotel workers strike for higher wages. Interior & Religious Affairs Minister Burg says massive settlement of West Bank vital to security, will be carried out despite economic crisis.
Other Countries: 70 delegates from 15 countries attend 2-day Brussels seminar on "Freedom of Trade with Israel."
Military Action
Arab World: Light arms fire directed at IDF near Kafr Kuk, S. Lebanon. IDF reopens Sidon & Tyre ports after weeklong closure.
Other Countries: In Wall Street Journal interview, Israeli DM Arens expresses hope to sell new Lavi jet to US.
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon: IDF raid al-Sharqiya village, setting houses on fire; in clashes near Amiq, IDF kill 2, 1 IDF soldier wounded; Katyusha fired at IDF near Ansariya, RPGs fired at IDF near Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1st Jewish suspect in 4/26/84 bus bombing plot admits membership in Jewish "terrorist organization." One suspect in Aisha Bahash murder (2/8/84) released on bail. 13,464 West Bank students take tawjihi exams; only 54% pass. Jurists' Union calls 2-day warning strike. Agricultural com. formed in Gaza to assist farmers with licenses for growing their crops. Israel prevents Hebron soccer team from attending Amman tournament.
Other Countries: Attending Italian CP chief Berlinguer's funeral in Rome, Chrmn. Arafat meets Italy's FM Andreotti. On pastoral visit to Switzerland, Pope John-Paul II meets Swiss Jewish leaders in Freibourg who urge Vatican relations with Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: 6 IDF troops injured in bomb blast near Bazuriya, E. of Tyre. IDF conducts campaign of arrests in Arab Salim, S. Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Arab nurses fired from Tel Aviv hospital on charge of "using terrorist tactics" on Jewish patients. Police order 13 al-Shayah/Ras 'Amoud families to vacate in 21 days homes built on land claimed sold to Israel in 1928. Arab World: In Beirut mtg. with UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar, Lebanese Pres. Gemayel and PM Karami urge Israel's speedy withdrawal from Lebanon; De Cuellar offers UN as mediating body in negotiations, but rejects Sharon's suggestion that UN troops act as buffer between Syria and IDF in Beqaa.
Other Countries: Demonstrators in Colombo protest presence of Mossad counterinsurgency advisors in Sri Ianka at Pres. Jayewardene's request.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF command post in Tyre comes under light arms fire; RPGs fired on IDF in N. Sidon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pal. Women's Work Committee holds 3rd annual conference in Jerusalem under slogan "Toward a Unified Popular Women's Movement." Gush Emunim's Rabbi Levinger justifies Jewish terror by blaming gov't. for weakness. 200 Palestinian Christian Labor Party members protest for better position for their candidate Tawfiq Toubi on election slate.
Other Countries: Before Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement mtg., Chrmn. Arafat endorses UN-sponsored conference toward settling Palestine-Israel conflict. US House of Representatives defeats amendment sponsored by Rep. Rahall to eliminate US funding of Israeli's Lavi aircraft.
Military Action:
Arab World: In S. Lebanon: Sidon resident drives car through downtown roadblock, killing 1 IDF soldier; IDF kills driver; 1 Israeli soldier killed in grenade attack on IDF patrol near Nabatiya; IDF raid Ma'arakeh village south of Tyre, villagers respond with hail of stones, IDF opens fire, injuring at least 1.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now members end conference with decision to follow Labor Party platform in July elections. Israel Discount Bank announces 1983 loss of $17.2 million.
Arab World: Lebanese cabinet holds inauguration mtg. in absence of National Salvation Front leaders Berri, Jumblatt and Abdullah Rassi.
Other Countries: Israel asks US help in securing return of 3 Israelis seized yesterday in Syrian-held territory in Lebanon; claims they are diplomats. Before US Senate Appropriations Com., US amb. to UN Kirkpatrick slams criticism of Israel in Security Council. Addressing B'nai B'rith Caribbean District convention in Panama City, Costa Rican Pres. Monge responds to int'l. criticism for moving embassy to Jerusalem, vowing not to "give in to diplomatic terrorism."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF-trained Kiryat Arba settlers arrested in connection with 4/27/84 bombing plot confess to attack on Hebron Islamic College where 4 Arab students were killed and 33 wounded; 3rd man reportedly sought. Arab World: Syria reports 3 Israelis arrested (5/1/84) held in Syria. Israeli soldiers kill 1 and wound another suspected of planting roadside bomb south of Tyre.
Arab World: General strike from Tyre to Sidon to protest Israeli-backed death-squad killing of Shi'ite leader Raghib Harb (2/16/84).
Arab World: LAF officials say "at least 3,000 Palestinian fighters" in Bhamdoun; Israel F-15s bomb Bhamdoun, Mansuriya and Rweisat; Syrian gunners repell attackers. Ambush on Israeli patrol claims 1.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon announces intention to run for leadership of Herut Party and seek nomination for PMship. BZU students hold 4-hour rally protesting IDF closure of university.
Arab World: Lebanese opposition leaders meet in Damascus; remain divided over whether or not Gemayel should resign. UN HQ in Nakoura, Lebanon files complaint to IDF of S. Lebanon militias, formerly under Saad Haddad, attacking UNIFIL forces.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Katyusha rockets fired from S. Lebanon hit near Metulla within Israeli border.
Arab World: US destroyers fire into Beirut hills for second day. Roadside bombs blast personnel carrier and IDF patrol south of Tyre; IDF patrol comes under light arms fire near Nabatiya.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.
Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri, calls on Muslim cabinet ministers to resign and Muslim LAF soldiers to quit army.
Arab World: IDF position at Sidon port and patrol 8 miles north of Tyre subject to light weapons ambushes.