9 / 15493 Results
  • February 17, 1993

    Faisal Husseini and 40 delegation associates visit area in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, where homes were leveled by IDF 2/11 to offer sympathy, rally support for negotiations. Hamas and PLO supporters...

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  • November 21, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lod military court sentences 2 West Bank Palestinians to life for murder of Jewish couple near Jerusalem [WP, TS 11/22].


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  • April 17, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem court convicts David Ben-Shimol of murder in 10/28/84 rocket attack on Palestinian bus near Jerusalem, 9/22/84 grenade attack...

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  • November 6, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has...

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  • September 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jnaid inmates begin hunger strike against poor prison conditions. Israeli govt. imposes additional taxes up to 2% on private cars, boats...

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  • September 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus Chamber of Commerce submits memorandum to "civil administration" outlining city's urgent social and economic problems; no...

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  • December 5, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews...

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  • September 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    US Marines, Army officers make first reported visit to LAF positions at Souq al-Gharb, gather intelligence, consult on target coordinates; LAF adds 2 battalions to 4...

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  • September 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues at Souq al-Gharb, Aley, Beit Eddine and Deir al-Qamar; PSP forces capture Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall in Khaldeh, Yarze, Baabda and other suburbs...

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Faisal Husseini and 40 delegation associates visit area in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, where homes were leveled by IDF 2/11 to offer sympathy, rally support for negotiations. Hamas and PLO supporters chant allegiance. (MM 2/17)

Pres. Mubarak meets with Chmn. Arafat in Cairo. (WT 2/20; MENA 2/17 in FBIS 2/17)

Israeli Aircraft Industries announces U.S. Def. Dept. has awarded them and American co. TRW a $240m contract to build 56 unmanned airplanes. Sen. Daniel Inouye (DHI) announces U.S. has budgeted $57m to improve Haifa port, which will serve as U.S. Navy's major regional anchorage. But as chmn. of Senate def. appropriations subcomm., he tells Israeli officials that they should prepare for a possible cut in U.S. foreign aid. (MM 2/17; WT 2/18)

Jordan appoints Shaykh Sulayman al-Jabari Mufti of Jerusalem. (MM 2/19)

Israeli justice min. announces that Shin Bet agent in charge when Mustafa 'Akkawi died under 2/4/92 interrogation has been disciplined. (WT 2/18)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinian youths dead in West Bank; another shot dead, while fleeing, 10 minutes after curfew, in Gaza City. (NYT 2/19)

Hizballah and Israeli, SLA forces engage in largest artillery battle of the year, killing 3 Islamic fighters, 2 other Lebanese. Israel shells up to 30 villages, including Nabatiyya. (MM, NYT 2/18)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lod military court sentences 2 West Bank Palestinians to life for murder of Jewish couple near Jerusalem [WP, TS 11/22].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat and top aides, meeting in Baghdad, reiterate rejection of UN resolutions 242 and 338 [TS 11/22; MG 11/23].

Other Countries: Jonathan Jay Pollard, counterintelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, is arrested by FBI on charges of spying and selling classified code information to Israel [NYT, WP 11/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Transmitters of the Christian Missionary Middle East Television station in S. Lebanon are blown up for second time in several months [JTA 11/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem court convicts David Ben-Shimol of murder in 10/28/84 rocket attack on Palestinian bus near Jerusalem, 9/22/84 grenade attack on E. Jerusalem coffeehouse; sentenced to life imprisonment [WP 4/18]. US Navy Sec. John Lehman indicates US to build submarines, missiles, patrol boats in coordination with Israel [JP 4/18]. Occupied territories observe Prisoners Day with meetings, visits to families of prisoners [FJ 4/19]. Democratic Front for Peace and Equality calls for closure of al-Fara'a prison in W. Bank [FJ 4/19].

Arab World: Lebanese Cabinet resigns in wake of fighting between Murabitoun, Palestinian fighters and Amal, PSP militias in Beirut [NYT 4/18]. UNRWA closes Beirut office in wake of fighting [MG 4/18].

Other Countries: UN Sec. Council approves (13-0, 2 abst.) extension of UNIFIL mandate in S. Lebanon until 10/19 [BG 4/18].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Amal, PSP militias engage in heavy fighting with Murabitoun, Palestinian fighters in Beirut; Marabitoun effectively destroyed [NYT 4/19]. IDF planes bomb DFLP base in Bar Elias; no report of casualties [NYT, PI 4/18]. 3 IDF troops injured by roadside bomb near Kafr Kanna [MG 4/18]. Mine blast wounds 3 IDF soldiers in western occupation sector. IDF kill 3 resistance fighters in eastern occupation sector. IDF raid Shabriha, Shuhur; at least 4 arrested [JP 4/18]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has abandoned idea of achieving political gains with IDF in Lebanon. Foreign Min. announces plan to send relief supplies to hunger-stricken Africa with financing by US Presidential Task Force on Intl. Private Enterprize.

Arab World: Rebel Palestinian guerrilla leader Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) dies of heart attack in Baghdad. Palestine National Fund meets in San'a'. Egypt permits 1st nuclear-powered US Navy ship to pass through Suez Canal.

Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan wins reelection by landslide. Military Action: Lebanese & Palestinian fighters ambush "national guard" leader Mahmoud Tabajah in Ghassab Tadmin, S. Lebanon, killing him & 2 aides for working with IDF.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jnaid inmates begin hunger strike against poor prison conditions. Israeli govt. imposes additional taxes up to 2% on private cars, boats, aircraft, business inventories, commercial bldgs. and equipment. Finance Min. Modai announces plan to cut basic food and fuel subsidies.

Arab World: 3 US Navy vessels arrive off Beirut as US Asst. Sec. of State Murphy arrives to investigate embassy annex bombing (9/20), then leaves for official visit to Damascus.

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanese resistance forces ambush IDF patrol near al-Rihan village, S. Lebanon; IDF patrol kills 3 suspected assailants. 5 commandos in rubber dinghy attack IDF post at Awali River bridge; 6 Israelis injured, 3 commandos killed by IDF tank fire, 2 captured. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus Chamber of Commerce submits memorandum to "civil administration" outlining city's urgent social and economic problems; no response from authorities. 19 Palestinians arrested for stone-throwing during MK Kahane's attempted entry into Umm al-Fahm (8/29). Israeli troops raid Qalandiya refugee camp, detain several youths suspected of commandeering bulldozer from nearby quarry and flattening Israeli-built barrier at camp entrance.

Arab World: Druze leaders meet in Majd al-Shams (Golan) to demand dismissal of 30 teachers accepting Israeli ID cards. Chrmn. Arafat meets with French FM Cheysson in Tunis.

Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat cables Chrmn. Truong Chinh on occasion of Vietnam's nat'l. day. 2nd anniversary of Reagan Middle East peace initiative. US Navy announces Israel will lend 12 Kfir jets on no-cost 4-yr. lease for use in combat training; Israel Aircraft Ind. will maintain jets for "firm fixed price."

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinian & Lebanese resistance detonate remote-control bomb as IDF patrol near Marjayoun, S. Lebanon, destroying jeep, wounding occupants.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest corner-stone-laying ceremony at Emmanuel religious settlement; block 16 buses of Agudat Israel Party supporters planning to attend. In address to Israeli Federation of Contractors and Builders convention in Jerusalem, Shamir urges private builders to develop West Bank. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. report new ultra-rightwing underground, stockpiling arms and planning to take over part of territories. Labor Federation leader Shehadeh Minawi released on IS5,000 bail after held for 24 hrs. on charges of arranging illegal conference in Jerusalem. About 20 S. Lebanon merchants meet with Israeli Industry and Trade Director in Jerusalem to discuss ways of improving trade.

Arab World: PLO Political Dep't. head Qaddoumi refuses proposal by some PLO Executive Com. members to replace Arafat. Mubarak warns new "strategic cooperation" will spell disaster for American friends in Arab world; other official Arab sources concur.

Other Countries: UK Labor Party dep. sec. Hattersley says his party admires Israel as "one of the greatest events of the 20th century," adding Labor's recent pro-PLO resolutions were only attempts to introduce "realism into the romantic." North American Palestinian community mtg. in Newark, NJ publicizes declaration reaffirming support for PLO and Arafat leadership.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent exchanges in Jerusalem between extremist Zionist cells injerusalem, Birkat Avraham, Torat Kohanim and Shuva Banim yeshivot and Arab residents of Muslim Quarter when several students spray tear gas in eyes of young Palestinian man near his shop; neighbors retaliate with barrage of stones.

Arab World: 24 US jets strike in Chouf mountains and Metn region, hit 6 villages; US claims retaliation for Syrian anti-aircraft fire against yesterday's US flights over Lebanon; 2 US planes downed, 1 airman killed, 1 captured by Syria. US Navy spokesman says US reevaluating Syrian military capabilities. 

Military Action:

US Marines, Army officers make first reported visit to LAF positions at Souq al-Gharb, gather intelligence, consult on target coordinates; LAF adds 2 battalions to 4 already at Souq al-Gharb, US ships fire 40+ rounds at anti-government artillery and rocket batteries east of Yarze; SAM-5 reportedly fired at US Navy F-14 on reconnaissance flight over Beirut, no damage; Amal militia continues attack on LAF units south of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF reportedly will intervene in Lebanon fighting if PLO seeks to gain foothold south of Damour River line.

US and Other Countries: Reagan administration and Congressional leaders of both parties agree on compromise formula to authorize Marines to remain in Lebanon for further 18 months under War Powers Act, no change in number, role or deployment; US names new ambassadors to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia; Italy positions warplanes at British base on Cyprus to support its MNF contingent; British naval task force begins assembling in eastern Mediterranean.

Military Action:

Fighting continues at Souq al-Gharb, Aley, Beit Eddine and Deir al-Qamar; PSP forces capture Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall in Khaldeh, Yarze, Baabda and other suburbs, and around airport, near US Marine positions; LAF engages Shi'ite militiamen in Beirut district of Chiah; US Navy warship fires first rounds of 5-inch shells at PSP artillery position near Chemlan, southeast of Beirut, Marines also return fire; US jet overflies village of Deir al-Qamar; IDF patrol crosses Awali River, removes roadblock at village of Amayle.


LAF reports 2 killed, 6 wounded; PSP accuses Phalange militiamen of killing 40 Druze civilians in Abey, near Qabr Chamoun; bomb destroys Islamic lUnification Movement sports club in Tripoli, 5 killed, 25 wounded.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: McFarlane meets Gemayel, Wazzan in Beirut, Jumblatt in Damascus; Jumblatt says PSP forces will not fire on targets endangering MNF units.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia renews its diplomatic efforts toward a ceasefire, sends Prince Bandar Ibn Sultan to Damascus.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Clarence Long (D-MD) says he will seek legislative cut-off of funds for US MNF contingent unless Reagan seeks formal Congressional authorization under 1973 War Powers Act.