7 / 15493 Results
  • January 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF vehicle ambushed near Kfar Sil; shelling between Aitat and Souk el-Gharb in morning, sniping during afternoon between Druze and Phalange forces, which IDF makes no...

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  • November 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say...

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  • October 8, 1982

    Militarv Action:

    Lebanese Army announces 200 tons of munitions uncovered in first 2 days of security sweep; Lebanese Army tanks accompany bulldozers into squatter neighborhood of Haret al-...

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  • July 17, 1982

    Military Action:

    Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.


    Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for...

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  • July 1, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...

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  • June 15, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli and Syrian forces fight along highway seeking better positions; Syrian, Pha-langist clashes reported as Israeli column, al-lowed through Phalangist territory, moves...

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  • June 14, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda;...

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Military Action:

IDF vehicle ambushed near Kfar Sil; shelling between Aitat and Souk el-Gharb in morning, sniping during afternoon between Druze and Phalange forces, which IDF makes no attempt to stop; rocket, artillery and rifle exchanges in Tripoli between pro and anti-Syrian forces.


2 IDF wounded in ambush; 30 killed in Tripoli; heavy rains cause flooding in Beirut refugee camps.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Some Negev Bedouin from Tel Malhata remain past December 31 deadline for evacuation from their land due to proposed new air force base of Nevatim; restriction order on Ibrahim Dakkak, chair of the West Bank Engineer's Association, renewed for third 6 month period; year-old restriction order on Abed Abu Diab of the Jerusalem Electric Company, renewed another year; art exhibit opens in west Jerusalem, featuring prominent Palestinian and progressive Israeli artists.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 18th anniversary of Fateh celebrated in Algiers; Palestinian women and children place wreaths on graves in cemetery in Beirut and march through camp; Lebanese Army harasses journalists trying to cover march; Walid Jumblatt and Nabih Berri demand disarming of Phalange.

US and Other Countries: Cardinal Terence Cooke celebrates mass with US Marines in Beirut.

Military Action:

Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say immediate purpose is to prevent celebration of Independence Day and denounce Gemayel administration; later leave city hall but retain control of and rename central square after Khomeini, set up checkpoints, express support for Islamic state similar to Iran; Chouf area tense but calm.


Israeli military commission report, approved by Cabinet, says Tyre building collapse was accident caused by unexplained leaking of bottled gas on first floor of building and faulty construction, although original Army report had cited booby-trapped car as cause.

Political Responses:

IsraeL/ Occupied Territories: Defense Ministry drops demand that foreigners teaching in Occupied Territories sign anti-PLO "loyalty pledge" (instead, will issue one-year work permits to be withdrawn if holder "gives aid or support to the PLO or any other hostile organization"); Molotov cocktail thrown at Israeli fuel tank in Jenin; 21 Palestinians arrested after bomb blast near railway station north of Tel Aviv wounds one IDF soldier; Bruce Kashdan, foreign ministry representative in Beirut, tells Commission of Inquiry that US envoy Draper had warned him Friday, September 17, of "horrible results" if Phalange forces entered West Beirut, that he received a second call from Draper at 10 AM Saturday, September 18, telling him a massacre had occurred at Shatila and Sabra camps and asking a message be passed to Sharon that "You must stop the massacres. They are obscene. I have an officer in the camp counting the bodies. You ought to be ashamed. This situation is rotten and terrible. They are killing children. You are in absolute control of the area and therefore responsible for that area," that Draper's second call was first information about massacre and that he passed information on to Sharon's office, that the IDF claimed Phalange entered camps from north and not through IDF lines, that he passed his and Draper's reports to Ariel Kenet and David Kimche; Lt. Col. Azriel Nevo, Begin's military secretary, denies having received call from Hanan Bar-On on Friday evening, backing up Begin's assertion of no knowledge of massacre until late Saturday; Agriculture Minister Aharon Uzan, in interview, says he favors unilateral iDF withdrawal from Chouf and to 30-mile line from border (follows similar position adopted last week by Energy Minister Modai); Cabinet sources reaffirm these as minority views, claim they undermine Israel's negotiating stance.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Ahmed Sidki Dajani, after meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali, who gives conditional approval for first visit in five years, says Arafat plans to visit Egypt in near future; Gemayel, in address to soldiers on eve of Independence Day, calls for vigilance toward dangers of dissidence; Saeb Salam meets Habib to discuss withdrawal of foreign forces; Jumblatt meets Habib to discuss increasing violence in Chouf.

Arab Governments: Syrian Information Minister Iskandar says Syrian forces will not withdraw until after last IDF soldier does.

US and Other Countries: Pentagon team, headed by Andrew Marshall, Defense Department's Director of Assessment, arrives in Tel Aviv to meet with Sharon, Eitan and other senior officers to finalize agreement on sharing information, evaluating performance of US/USSR weapons and lessons gained from Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Militarv Action:

Lebanese Army announces 200 tons of munitions uncovered in first 2 days of security sweep; Lebanese Army tanks accompany bulldozers into squatter neighborhood of Haret al-Gharwami on edge of Burj al-Barajneh camp, encounter resistance from Shiite Muslim residents.


2 wounded in Army-Shiite confrontation in Haret al-Gharwami; Shiite group Amal charges that Lebanese government plans to remove as many as 300,000 squatters in West Beirut area, forcing them to return to south Lebanon and Bekaa; Israeli Government figures indicate $20 m. worth of Israeli goods exported to Lebanon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon blames US for failure of Lebanon and Israel to work out treaty; reports that Israel has asked US for $3 billion in economic and military aid for FY 1983-4 (equals $770 for every Israeli; officials deny they are asking US to share war costs); Israel reaffirms that PLO must leave Lebanon before IDF will withdraw (contradicts Shamir statement at UN on willingness to consider simultaneous withdrawal of all forces); Israeli sentenced to 3 1/2 years in jail for looting in Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Draper returns to Beirut from Israel for talks with government on troop withdrawals; Amal leader Nabih Berri meets Gemayel to discuss squatter evictions, seeks government help to resettle them in areas not controlled by Phalange; Wazzan holds first cabinet meeting; Arafat accuses Lebanese Army of "campaign of annihilation" against Palestinians, asks intervention of Arab governments, condemns peacekeeping force for failing to condemn violence against Palestinians in Beirut.

US and Other Countries: Italy asks US, France to join in demanding strengthening of peace-keeping authority in Beirut, expresses concern over round-up of Palestinians, seeks guarantees of due process, fuller information from Lebanese authorities.

Military Action:

Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.


Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for poorer Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; much of fresh produce is from Israel, resold to Lebanese middlemen; Phalangists at checkpoints bribed to let goods through; some vegetable prices have increased 300-400 percent; Baalbek refugee center in eastern Lebanon out of food; 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinians fled to Baalbek area to escape fighting elsewhere in Lebanon; relief supplies being sent by ICRC and other groups from Damascus; polio, measles, and scabies reported in region; IDF reportedly lifts blockade somewhat; ICRC officials scheduled to begin interviewing thousands of detainees at Israel's new Anzal prison; every third house in Rashidiyeh lies in ruins, as journalists allowed in for first time since invasion; 4 PLO members killed near Lake Karoun; 1 IDF soldier wounded near airport.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: David Kimche visits Habib in Beirut for briefing; Begin, at large pro-government rally in Tel Aviv, suggests possible Israeli confederation with Jordan, offers to meet with Hussein after peace treaty with Lebanon signed; Sharon offers temporary asylum to PLO guerrillas who renounce the PLO; Uri Avnery, in US, urges Reagan administration to recognize the PLO.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis wants "global and final" resolution to Palestinian issue in Lebanon, opposes temporary regroupment; Bashir Gemayel and Walid Jumblatt meet at presidential palace in effort to revive National Salvation Council, seen by some as part of Gemayel's effort to win Lebanese presidential election; Gemayel meets with Salam and Berri; Gemayel denouces PLO delay in leaving.

Arab Governments: Jumblatt visits Damascus to persuade Syrians to accept PLO evacuees.

US and Other Countries: Meeting of 69 Non- Aligned States' foreign ministers, called at Arafat's request, convenes in Cyprus, urges UN sanctions against Israel, forms peace committee to help resolve crisis.

Military Action:

Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.


Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.

Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).

US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.

Military Action:

Israeli and Syrian forces fight along highway seeking better positions; Syrian, Pha-langist clashes reported as Israeli column, al-lowed through Phalangist territory, moves to dislodge Syrians from mountains overlooking coast and Bekaa valley; all roads into Beirut and coastal areas are reported held by Israelis; all resistance at Ain el-Hilweh near Sidon crushed (40-50 guerrillas reported taken); PLO bulldozes embankments around camps for anti-tank obstacles, mines; pockets of guerrillas halt Israeli vehicles, near Sidon.


More refugees pour into Beirut; chief sur-geon at Gaza Hospital in Sabra refugee camp says mortality rate is 30-50 percent (only 15-20 percent in 1978 fighting) because of weapons being used by Israel; high casualty estimates for Tyre (15,000 suffering effects of fighting, 8,000 Palestinians living in the open), Sidon (300,000 residents said to flee port city; streets full of bodies), Jezzine (normally 20,000, it now has 200,000 refugees), Damour (empty of life as Israeli tanks drive through); 73 dead in bombing of apartment building in working-class Lebanese district; Gaza and Acre Hospital administrators say 90 percent of patients are civilian, 60 percent women and children.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israel demands Syrians quit Beirut (Syrians refuse, citing Arab Deterrent Force mandate); Begin flies to US to sell idea of Christian-led government in Lebanon; Gen. Sharon reported to meet clandestinely with Phalangist leaders; Begin says Egypt's ties with Israel pass "test"; Nahum Goldman reported to condemn Israeli invasion last week; legal problems raised by 6,000 Palestinian detainees (some hold foreign nationalities, some are under age); Peace Now speaks out against the war, calls on the Israeli government to invite Palestini-ans to the peace process..

Palestinians/Lebanese: Bashir Gemayel claims ignorance of Israeli intention to drive through his territory; pressure mounts to have Lebanese Army move into Beirut; Berri refuses to serve on National Salvation Council unless Jumblatt does.

Arab Governments: Al-Ahram calls on Egyptians to boycott Israel for its "Nazi genocidal war," asks firm stand against invasion by government; Egypt plans to send medical supplies to Lebanon via ICRC.

US: Habib meets with Lebanese leaders to discuss solution; US asks dependents and officials to leave the country.

UN: Lebanese government asks UN for food/relief supplies for 600,000 people for 6 months.

Military Action:

Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda; Beirut radio says IDF, with Phalangist support, moves to coast north of Beirut; Israeli navy closes Beirut port; Sharon visits Beirut for meetings with Phalangist leaders.

PLO leaders tour camps, hospitals, troop positions in Beirut; fighting flares between IDF and Syrians near highway; Phalangist officers, dressed in Israeli uniforms, are seen giving directions to Israeli tanks.


Reports from Tyre indicate no buildings untouched by shrapnel (Israeli military governor estimates only 30 percent of buildings destroyed); Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital in Sidon reports many patients dismem-bered in fighting (only one doctor remains to tend 58 patients after Israelis arrest Canadian, Norwegian, Palestinian doctors); all Sidon men aged 17-55, required to report to IDF for permits, many are arrested after going to IDF headquarters; 90 busloads of Palestinians reportedly taken away for questioning; Lebanese police report 9,583 killed, 16,608 wounded since Israeli air raids began 11 days ago (dead in Beirut estimated at 750); Israel now controls about half of Lebanon; Nabatiyeh reported "sanitized" by IDF before foreign correspondents allowed in; Israelis report 170 Israelis killed, 700 wounded, 10 captured, and 6,000 Palestinian guerrillas and 60 Syrians held; UK embassy advises nationals to leave.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defense Minister Sharon says IDF has "no intention" of taking Beirut; General Eitan says IDF mission is to smash PLO's political and military nerve center; Begin leaves for the US; Israeli agencies plan relief for Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO vows to stand and fight; Lebanese President Sarkis, meeting with 10 Cabinet ministers at Presidential Palace (Israeli tanks 200 metres away), calls for setting up a Council of National Salvation; 3 appointees to Council, however, refuse to attend; Habib delivers Israeli withdrawal terms to Sarkis, and US Ambassador Dillon sends limousine to fetch Walid Jumblatt; Jumblatt demands wider representation of Lebanese leftists on Council-other members are Gemayel (Maronite Phalangist), Berri (Shiite Amal), Maalouf (Catholic), Foreign Minister Butros (Greek Orthodox), Prime Minister Wazzan (Sunni), and Presi-dent Sarkis (Maronite); Christians in Baabda reportedly welcome Israelis, guide them; Bashir Gemayel reportedly pushed as future president of Lebanon (election of new Lebanese president by Parliament scheduled for late August); Haddad tours southern Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Egypt relays Palestinian request for cease-fire in Beirut area to Israel; Mubarak meets with Saudi King Fahd (first contact since 1973 peace treaty signed).