Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say...
Military Action:
IDF postpones withdrawal from Chouf to prevent massacre of Druze; Lebanese Army sends 3 tanks, 20 soldiers to join 30 soldiers stationed in Kfar Matta.
Military Action:
Fighting continues between Phalange and Druze in Chouf area (mainly Kfar Matta, Abey, Bahourta), including artillery exchanges but no shellings; IDF moves into area;...
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...
Military Action:
Massacre continues in refugee camps by Phalange and Haddad militia (allowed into camps by IDF), eyewitnesses say Phalangists enter camps from access road formerly...
Military Action:
Sounds of gunfire come from Sabra and Shatila camps throughout day; IDF encounters resistance, cordons off part of city, begins systematic searches; IDF fires on Marine...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army takes over more positions vacated by PLO near luxury hotels and in Fakhani district; Murabitun turns over more weaponry to Lebanese Army.
Military Action:
Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including...
Military Action:
IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan...
Military Action:
Sporadic small arms and artillery fire and mock IDF air raids; Alexandre Hotel in East Beirut jolted by bomb explosion (apparent reprisal for hitting of Commodore;...
Military Action:
IDF warships pound PLO positions and residential areas in Manara, Ramlet el-Baida areas of West Beirut as cease-fire collapses (artillery duel between PLO units in southern...
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6,...
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire...
Military Action:
IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland...
Military Action:
IDF shelling and blockade maintained for fifth day as negotiations deadlocked; water and electricity are partially restored; IDF artillery and gunboats blast Palestinian...
Military Action:
In the fourth day of the blockade, IDF armored units are concentrated near checkpoints, move to port road as well; new fight-ing erupts, with Presidential Palace, US...
Military Action:
IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food,...
Military Action:
IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward...
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed...
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF...
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around...
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery...
Military Action:
Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join...
Military Action:
Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks...
Military Action:
Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable...
Military Action:
IDF enters Phalange-held areas of Beirut; Israeli jets make reconnaissance flights over city for first time in 3 days; sporadic fighting around Sidon; Israeli Cabinet...
Military Action:
Israel fortifies position around Beirut, capturing Lebanese University science campus; uncovers arms caches in Tyre and elsewhere; IDF fails to capture USSR-supplied T-72...
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new fighting; Israeli sources report new Soviet jets and tanks pouring into Syria; IDF patrol attacked with grenades near Shuweifat.
Shops close in West Beirut as Jumblatt and Druze allies bury bodyguard killed in yesterday's carbombing (3 others reported killed, 28 wounded); UNRWA says 11 employees seized by Lebanese Army in past few weeks, another 1 12 Palestinian employees detained by IDF in South Lebanon; IDF release 240 from Ansar camp (number of detainees at camp now put at 15,000); 2 detainees killed, 4 wounded at Ansar when security officer's gun "discharges accidentally."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel charges Israeli Army reservist Yitzhak Shor with flying secretly to Damascus, passing information on IDF troops positions and own service to Syrians; Israeli journalists report Israel to sell $18 m. in arms to Zaire to double Mobutu's palace guard.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel makes "urgent appeal" to the US through Draper to pressure Israel to withdraw from Chouf, seeks to deploy units of Lebanese Army in area.
Arab Governments: King Hussein and foreign ministers of 5 Arab governments meet with Soviet leader Andropov (is first known visit by Saudi envoy to USSR); Mubarak says Habib seeks simultaneous withdrawal of all armies by end of month.
US and Other Countries: Habib discusses Lebanon's request to expand multinational peacekeeping force with Italian foreign minister Emilio Colombo in Rome; NATO communique says US, on consultation with allies, should take action outside north Atlantic region to protect vital Western interests, including Mideast.
UN: US withholds regular $20.5 m. contribution to UNRWA pending report on use of schools as PLO training bases.
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say immediate purpose is to prevent celebration of Independence Day and denounce Gemayel administration; later leave city hall but retain control of and rename central square after Khomeini, set up checkpoints, express support for Islamic state similar to Iran; Chouf area tense but calm.
Israeli military commission report, approved by Cabinet, says Tyre building collapse was accident caused by unexplained leaking of bottled gas on first floor of building and faulty construction, although original Army report had cited booby-trapped car as cause.
Political Responses:
IsraeL/ Occupied Territories: Defense Ministry drops demand that foreigners teaching in Occupied Territories sign anti-PLO "loyalty pledge" (instead, will issue one-year work permits to be withdrawn if holder "gives aid or support to the PLO or any other hostile organization"); Molotov cocktail thrown at Israeli fuel tank in Jenin; 21 Palestinians arrested after bomb blast near railway station north of Tel Aviv wounds one IDF soldier; Bruce Kashdan, foreign ministry representative in Beirut, tells Commission of Inquiry that US envoy Draper had warned him Friday, September 17, of "horrible results" if Phalange forces entered West Beirut, that he received a second call from Draper at 10 AM Saturday, September 18, telling him a massacre had occurred at Shatila and Sabra camps and asking a message be passed to Sharon that "You must stop the massacres. They are obscene. I have an officer in the camp counting the bodies. You ought to be ashamed. This situation is rotten and terrible. They are killing children. You are in absolute control of the area and therefore responsible for that area," that Draper's second call was first information about massacre and that he passed information on to Sharon's office, that the IDF claimed Phalange entered camps from north and not through IDF lines, that he passed his and Draper's reports to Ariel Kenet and David Kimche; Lt. Col. Azriel Nevo, Begin's military secretary, denies having received call from Hanan Bar-On on Friday evening, backing up Begin's assertion of no knowledge of massacre until late Saturday; Agriculture Minister Aharon Uzan, in interview, says he favors unilateral iDF withdrawal from Chouf and to 30-mile line from border (follows similar position adopted last week by Energy Minister Modai); Cabinet sources reaffirm these as minority views, claim they undermine Israel's negotiating stance.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Ahmed Sidki Dajani, after meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali, who gives conditional approval for first visit in five years, says Arafat plans to visit Egypt in near future; Gemayel, in address to soldiers on eve of Independence Day, calls for vigilance toward dangers of dissidence; Saeb Salam meets Habib to discuss withdrawal of foreign forces; Jumblatt meets Habib to discuss increasing violence in Chouf.
Arab Governments: Syrian Information Minister Iskandar says Syrian forces will not withdraw until after last IDF soldier does.
US and Other Countries: Pentagon team, headed by Andrew Marshall, Defense Department's Director of Assessment, arrives in Tel Aviv to meet with Sharon, Eitan and other senior officers to finalize agreement on sharing information, evaluating performance of US/USSR weapons and lessons gained from Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF postpones withdrawal from Chouf to prevent massacre of Druze; Lebanese Army sends 3 tanks, 20 soldiers to join 30 soldiers stationed in Kfar Matta.
600 IDF soldiers reportedly suffered mental breakdowns during Lebanon invasion (100 still undergoing treatment); Israeli Minister Meridor, inspecting camps at Sidon and Tyre, charges UNRWA rejects Israeli offers to help prepare refugee camps in south for winter.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Parliament backs Begin's West Bank policy with 56-50 vote of confidence; Commission of Inquiry formally launches probe into role of IDF and Cabinet; Attorney-General Zamir says Uri Avnery will not be prosecuted for interview with Arafat; Israeli officials reportedly dismayed at Gemayel's UN speech calling Israel withdrawal prerequisite for peace in Lebanon, endorsing Palestinian self-determination, and appealing for UNIFIL to remain; hundreds of Israeli Druze protest outside Begin's home claiming Israeli attempt to create massacre of Druze in Chouf region.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, in 2 hour meeting with Reagan, requests increase in size of US peacekeeping unit, strongly endorses peace initiative (later meets with Shultz, World Bank head Clausen, and Weinberger); Lebanese official says official investigation of massacre continuing.
UN: USSR backs effort to expel Israel from UN agencies but not General Assembly; vote on Israeli expulsion delayed.
Military Action:
Fighting continues between Phalange and Druze in Chouf area (mainly Kfar Matta, Abey, Bahourta), including artillery exchanges but no shellings; IDF moves into area; atmosphere tense as Druze villagers express fear of another massacre; Information Minister Shikhani says Lebanese Army will not move into area as IDF still occupies it; Army takes up positions around Baabda presidential palace.
Lebanese Army reports 1,441 detained in 10 days, 23,000 forged identity papers. seized, 972 still detained, others released; explosion in Marjayoun market kills 3, wounds 19; 2 IDF soldiers wounded by sniper fire near Kfar Kuk in East Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials report Sharon sent letter to Weinberger inviting Pentagon team to examine captured Soviet weaponry; Jerusalem Post poll gives only 49 percent support for Begin policies; Commission of Inquiry appoints three investigators; dozens of Palestinian refugees allowed to visit Israel under special IDF permission refuse to return to Lebanon when their permits expire and are hiding in Arab villages.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Mounir Abu Fadel, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, appeals for multinational force or Lebanese Army to occupy Chouf area.
US and Other Countries: Shamir and Shultz meet for 4 hours, set up working group to consider withdrawal proposals (agree on need for early IDF withdrawal); Israel suggest US troops replace IDF in South Lebanon, White House rejects; Israel argues for strong Haddad role.
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.
Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.
Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.
US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.
Military Action:
Massacre continues in refugee camps by Phalange and Haddad militia (allowed into camps by IDF), eyewitnesses say Phalangists enter camps from access road formerly controlled by IDF, spray houses with machinegun fire while bulldozers bury victims under rubble as quickly as possible; houses in camps bulldozed, dynamited into rubble, often with inhabitants inside; many refugees flee north into Hamra district through IDF lines; 20 US and European doctors and nurses removed from Gaza Hospital by Phalange, forced to abandon patients and march through camps, see 400 civilians held by Phalangists, freed only after IDF intervention; eyewitnesses say units dressed in Haddad militia uniforms involved in Shatila massacre, Haddad, in Beirut, denies involvement; thousands reported missing or removed from camps by militiamen; IDF claims Phalangists slipped into camps without IDF knowledge (two days earlier, IDF claimed control of "all key points" in Beirut, all refugee camps "encircled"); Phalange units withdraw from camps through IDF lines with truckloads of Palestinian prisoners; Drori orders IDF into Fakhani neighborhood north of Shatila; late in day, IDF seals off access to Shatila.
ICRC reports hundreds of bodies litter camp streets, doctors and patients kidnapped, some patients killed in their hospital beds, victims include babies, whole families; Washington Post correspondent counts 46 bodies, UPI correspondent counts 100 bodies; large pit excavated near southern entrance to camp feared to be mass grave.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel denies responsibility for killings, says IDF prevented more deaths; Foreign Ministry "strongly condemns" massacre; Begin claims he first learned of massacres from radio report; Labor Party demands special parliamentary session to discuss incident; Najah University condemns expulsion of 9 lecturers for refusing to sign anti-PLO pledge, fears another 20 expulsions.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO's UN representative Terzi calls for dispatch of UN troops; Arafat, in Damascus, appeals to USSR, White House, Vatican to intervene to prevent further massacres, blames Israel and US; Saeb Salam blames US, Israel and Christian forces for massacre.
US and Other Countries: Reagan, expressing "outrage and revulsion," blames Beirut killings on IDF, demands their immediate pull-back; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets Shultz.
UN: Secretary General announces Israeli and Lebanese agreement on Lebanese Army entering camps on Sunday to prevent further massacre; in Security Council, Jordan proposes sending 5,000 UN peacekeeping troops to protect West Beirut civilians; US, France, Italy advance plan to immediately send observers to scene of massacre; two UN observer teams reach Sabra, find clusters of bodies killed in groups of 10 to 20.
Military Action:
Sounds of gunfire come from Sabra and Shatila camps throughout day; IDF encounters resistance, cordons off part of city, begins systematic searches; IDF fires on Marine guarding US Embassy, occupies several embassies including USSR; Drori contacts Phalange liaison officer, orders halt to Phalange operations inside camps around 11 AM; at 4:30 PM, Drori and Eitan agree that Phalange can stay in camps until Saturday morning but no additional Phalange forces can enter.
Reports of murders by Phalange/ Haddad forces spread, film crew at Palestine Red Crescent's Gaza Hospital sees children and elderly badly hurt by shrapnel and gunfire; one doctor estimates 1,000 killed or wounded in camps in past two days; several Acre Hospital medical staff killed by grenades while showing white flag; Danish TV crew films soldiers, identified as Haddad's men, herding Palestinian women and children into trucks near Shatila; Norwegian envoy sees bulldozers loading scoops of bodies into trucks near gate to Shatila; IDF announces 1 Israeli soldier killed, 46 wounded in past 24 hours; Haaretz military correspondent Zeev Schiff hears of massacre from IDF officers, relays information to Communications Minister Zippori who queries Shamir, Shamir asks Foreign Ministry about reports, is told Ministry knows nothing; IDF loudspeakers tell merchants to close shops, others to stay home; IDF orders all men to come into streets for interrogation; 6 PM to 6 AM curfew imposed across city.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, awakened by phone call from ITV military correspondent Ben Yishai telling of massacre, replies "Happy New Year!"; Shamir meets Draper in Jerusalem around noon, does not mention massacre reports; Israeli officials say IDF is willing to meet with Lebanese Army to discuss pullback; IDF radio broadcast says Army sent Phalange militia into camps to carry out "purging operations."
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Muslim leaders protest that US has broken pledge; National Liberal Party nominates 82-year-old leader Camille Chamoun for presidency; Raymond Edde of National Bloc Party is third candidate; Salam says IDF makes "laughing stock" of US honor and credibility.
Arab Govemments: Egypt and Saudi Arabia condemn IDF thrust into West Beirut as violation of Habib cease-fire agreement.
UN: Security Council unanimously passes resolution condemning Gemayel assassination, Israeli occupation of West Beirut, and demands immediate IDF withdrawal.
Military Action:
Lebanese Army takes over more positions vacated by PLO near luxury hotels and in Fakhani district; Murabitun turns over more weaponry to Lebanese Army.
Eight missing IDF soldiers still unaccounted for; 23 IDF soldiers injured when bus caught fire south of Tyre; traffic police return to West Beirut as well as other municipal services as heavy traffic flows into area; Fuad Chehab Bridge reopens.
Political Responses:
israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel drops request to resume autonomy talks because of difficulties posed by Reagan proposals; Sharon tells Lebanese Israel wants peace treaty or security belt; Shamir urges military links with new Lebanese government in talk to EEC, rejects UN role on border; Begin popularity higher than ever in Jerusalem Post poll (Sharon's popularity begins decline); Sharon holds Syrians responsible for eight captured IDF soldiers; Sharon warns IDF forces will advance unless LNM militia with-draws from outskirts of Beirut; West Bank university staff being forced to sign formal renunciation of PLO as condition for employment.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat leaves Tunis for Morocco talks; Foreign Minister Butros fears failure of Fez summit may further weaken Arab resolve, unity of action; after meeting at Salam's house Lebanese "Muslim Conference" issues list of principles and demands as basis for negotiating with Gemayel-list rejects incorporation of militias into Lebanese Army, calls on Gemayel to guarantee rights, preserve "Arab" character of Lebanon (head of Murabitun and former Prime Minister Karami refuse to attend, demand that Gemayel presidency be boycotted).
Arab Governments: Arab League talks start in Morocco; Egypt sharply criticizes Israel's settlement plans.
US and Other Countries: Soviet Union criticizes Reagan plan; IDF soldier who refused to serve in Lebanon has been named "prisoner of conscience" by Amnesty International; Hungary protests IDF occupation of its Beirut embassy.
Military Action:
Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including Speaker Kamal Assad, who participated in election, are burned or blown up; explosions heard throughout city; 1,000 PLO members sail for South Yemen (transport to port held up by car bomb 1 mile away); IDF reinforces Central Lebanon forces with 220 tanks; Syrians reinforce men and ammuntion, send in an estimated 400 tanks.
IDF says 3 Palestinians killed while trying to infiltrate IDF lines near Aimmiq; IDF soldier dies from wounds received yesterday; 5 IDF soldiers wounded in ambush near Tyre.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's congratulation to Gemayel on election is addressed to "my dear friend"; Sharon indicates he had several clandestine visits to East Beirut to prepare for invasion months in advance.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 34-year old Bashir Gemayel, leader of Phalange militia, elected to 6-year term as Lebanon's president on second Parliamentary ballot (one-third of deputies do not vote, voting delayed 2 hours until Bashir's brother Amin rounds up 6 missing delegates for legal quorum); Jumblatt denounces Gemayel as "stooge of Israel"; Jumblatt and Muslim leaders meet at Salam's house in West Beirut to consider rejecting election, later issue statement demanding "ironclad guarantees" to preserve consensus politics; Salam and others agree to seek meeting with Phalange leaders; Pierre Gemayel calls election a victory for Lebanon and a "commando operation" because of risks getting to it; Bashir Gemayel, on radio, calls election a "big achievement for our democracy"; Murabitun radio calls election "day of shame" and "nomination of military governor for Lebanon by Zionist decree thanks to Israeli tanks"; PLO officials in Syria express concern for future of Palestinian civilians in Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syria reacts with anger to election, fears new strife.
US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials view election as "positive development" that could facilitate withdrawal of all foreign troops; Reagan sends congratulations to Gemayel and to Parliament; Harris poll finds support for Israel in US still high, but criticism of casualty levels growing; USSR parliamentary delegation arrives in Syria for "working visit." President Spadolini of Italy, addressing troops, says peace will rest on "reciprocal recognition between Israel and the PLO."
Military Action:
IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan's office; fighting rages near race track as IDF gains a block; IDF tank positions now in heart of residential areas of East Beirut; gunfire reported at nightfall in southeast part of West Beirut; IDF attacks shortly follow Wazzan announcement of "virtual agreement" on evacuation plan; Sharon visits East Beirut; IDF gunboats fire at residential areas swollen with Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; car bomb explodes outside devastated building, injuring and killing rescuers.
Casualties estimated at 10 (Red Cross) to 250 (PLO); Beirut radio puts toll at 100-150 (many of bodies pulled from rubble were women and children); thousands continue to flee West Beirut; damage to city water main limits water to East Beirut; 64 Syrian soldiers killed, wounded in fighting in Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel continues to insist PLO leave Lebanon before international peacekeeping force arrives; Begin reportedly rejects US proposal for IDF pullback in letter to Reagan; Israeli official says any US sanctions could backfire, produce stronger IDF actions.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan announces "virtual agreement" between US, Lebanese, PLO negotiators on terms of withdrawal; Butros, Wazzan, Sarkis confer with Habib; PLO reportedly asks Syria to accept PLO evacuees.
Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia issues first implicit criticism of US support for Israel since invasion began, saying it "denounces" powers supporting, backing Israel; Hussein of Jordan reportedly willing to offer amnesty to PLO guerrillas expelled in 1970 to facilitate peaceful resolution of Beirut crisis (100 Jordanian women prevented from delivering petition to US embassy protesting IDF siege of Beirut); Egypt's ambassador returns to Tel Aviv.
US and Other Countries: French officer arrives to study logistics of deploying French troops.
UN: USSR calls for urgent meeting of Security Council, proposes resolution to impose arms ban on Israel (US vetoes, UK abstains, France and Japan support resolution).
Military Action:
Sporadic small arms and artillery fire and mock IDF air raids; Alexandre Hotel in East Beirut jolted by bomb explosion (apparent reprisal for hitting of Commodore; international phone, telex communications from East Beirut cut).
Thousands of residents flee W. Beirut despite calm (traffic jams at crossing points, many journalists leave, heavy damage along Corniche Mazraa and near Museum, many streets impassable).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet rejects Security Council order to pull back troops in Beirut, permit additional UN observers into area (as Cabinet meets, over 2,000 anti-war demonstrators protest outside Begin's offices); Israel slashes subsidies for basic commodities by up to 36 percent to finance war (bread rises 15 percent in price, bus fares 25 percent, milk 36 percent); several Cabinet members want to restrict Sharon, claiming he is bypassing government in ordering major IDF tactical advances.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam announces plan for withdrawal, new timetable, as breakthrough in negotiations expected; Lebanese politicians optimistic about new proposals offering US guarantees for physical safety of departing PLO.
Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd telephones Reagan, asks him to prevent an all-out attack on Beirut; Yemeni ambassadors meet in Libya, following meetings in Syria and Saudi Arabia, to gain agreement for Arab leaders' meeting on Lebanon; meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers scheduled for next Tuesday in Tunisia; Kuwaiti parliament members press government to sever relations with the US, suspend oil shipments and withdraw funds from US banks (Saudi Arabia threatened to withdraw $100 b. from US banks last month).
US and Other Countries: US asks Israel to yield advances won Wednesday, withdraw to Sunday cease-fire lines, accept two-week total cease-fire to aid negotiations (Israel rejects appeal, official reports that Reagan feels misled by Begin); International Commission of Jurists ask that captured PLO members be given prisoner of war status; USSR praises PLO resistance; French Embassy evacuates to E. Beirut.
UN: US expected to veto any call for sanctions against Israel for rejecting UN call for pull-back; Secretary General cancels trip to Mideast after Begin refuses to meet with him if he meets with Arafat; Security Council members complain of slow US responses in UN discussions (Kirkpatrick reportedly unable to delegate responsibilites).
Military Action:
IDF warships pound PLO positions and residential areas in Manara, Ramlet el-Baida areas of West Beirut as cease-fire collapses (artillery duel between PLO units in southern suburbs and IDF units in hills); PLO prepares for worst, bolsters defenses.
IDF turns on water but continues to blockade other goods from West Beirut; gas selling for $30 per 20 liters; ICRC files official complaint with Israel over phosphorus shell which landed on roof of ICRC offices and continuing IDF artillery attacks on hospitals (PLO-run Gaza Hospital hit twice yesterday; Beirut police report 38 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians killed, 56 wounded); one IDF soldier killed, one wounded in eastern region.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Butros expects final negotiations on PLO withdrawal to begin within 24 hours; Butros, Wazzan, Sarkis and Habib meet; Salam claims Israel does not want PLO out of Beirut but desires to destroy it as military and political force; Arafat cables leaders of France, USSR, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and the UN, "stressing gravity of the situation"; Wazzan proposes to Habib that fuel, water, food be brought in from donor countries by ships escorted by the Sixth Fleet; Wazzan's wife heads sit-in at American University of Beirut by 20 women to protest continuing blockade.
US and Other Countries: "Grim-faced" Reagan says "bloodshed must be stopped" in Lebanon.
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6, 2 guerrillas captured; IDF troops trade fire with PLO south of Beirut; IDF jets fly more mock raids over Beirut; reports of IDF build-up east and south of the city; IDF artillery barrages resume late tonight; IDF ammunition trucks sighted along coastal road, as well as dozens of rocket launchers.
Several hundred Muslims march through W. Beirut up to Green Line demanding an end to the siege; 5 IDF soldiers killed, 8 wounded in PLO ambushes near Tyre and in the Bekaa.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon rules out temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon; official expresses strong disapproval of any US recognition of the PLO on whatever basis; Begin is briefed by US Ambassador Lewis on Reagan's meeting with Saud and Khaddam; Avneri tells press conference that PLO initiative to gain US recognition started before invasion, says Haig personally involved; Foreign Affairs Committee discusses "serious erosion" in US determination to oppose recognition of PLO; Yitzhah Rabin warns of possible "war of attrition" developing in the Bekaa valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam meets with Arafat, calls for Arab summit to resolve problem of where PLO guerrillas are to go; Habib meets with Sarkis to report on Reagan meeting; PLO officials optimistic on talks with Reagan, but fear new fighting with IDF.
Arab Governments: Iran-Iraq conflict escalates, deflects attention from Lebanese conflict.
US and Other Countries: US cautiously explores new plan with other governments; USSR criticizes Arab countries for failing to act in unison over the Lebanese crisis; Mayor Andrew Young of Atlanta calls Israeli invasion "unjustified."
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire around southern suburbs; 6 artillery rounds land near IDF checkpoint in Beirut port, interrupting activities on the docks.
Fuel seems to be the only commodity in short supply in W. Beirut; South Lebanon increasingly "Israelized" as Hebrew road signs multiply, El Al offices are set up; Beirut police now estimate 354 people have died in the capital since the June 25 air strikes, bringing known dead to 10,207 (excluding Syrian casualties along highway, casualties from battles around Aley, many hospital casualties).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Leaders of Druze community in Golan Heights call off 5-month strike protesting Israeli annexation of the area; Shamir makes secret 2-day visit to Europe; Israeli official projects 150 percent increase in number of active duty reservists until March 1983; four percent compulsory "loan," based on earnings, announced by Israeli government to pay for invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO and Lebanese police join in search for abducted AUB acting president; negotiations on PLO withdrawal suspended as participants await outcome of Washington talks.
Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers send Arafat message saying that if PLO accepts UN Resolution 242, US will recognize PLO; Saudi foreign minister, in Washington, says Lebanese situation can be defused by pushing Palestinian self-determination and pledging to protect countries that take PLO guerrillas from attack by Israel; Syrian Information Minister Iskander calls on US to end its military and political support for the Israeli invasion.
US and Other Countries: Non-Aligned Movement fails to gain access for committee to Beirut; Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers meet with Reagan, outline plan for temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon before evacuation to other Arab countries; stress any agreement on evacuation must be endorsed by Arab League, scheduled to meet in a few days; envoys reportedly want US to guarantee IDF withdrawal; USSR endorses use of UN force to end Beirut impasse.
Military Action:
IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland resort hotel, damages embassies of Kuwait, Iran, Iraq and UAE; PLO shells injure guard at presidential palace, land near residence of US Ambassador; IDF jets drop flares; 8 IDF shells hit Beirut racetrack; Phalangists resume blockade of food and fuel from West Beirut after IDF eased blockade yesterday; IDF units report capture of 600-700 PLO fighters, mainly in the Chouf mountains in the past week; IDF soldiers patrol villages in the area to prevent violence between Druze and Christian villagers.
Nine IDF soldiers reportedly wounded in past 24 hours; private Lebanese radio station reports 12 Palestinians killed, 18 wounded; Israeli Economy Minister Meridor, heading aid program in southern Lebanon, claims only 10 Sidon buildings damaged beyond repair (Sidon's mayor says hundreds); 50-60 people are being arrested each week in the Sidon area alone on suspicion of being PLO members/ sympathizers; ICRC still denied access to IDF's "civilian detainees" except for 18 injured being held in an Israeli hospital; refugee estimates of civilian dead in Ain el-Hilweh run to "thousands"; despite reports by IDF Druze unit which attacked camp with little PLO resistance, large areas of camp were devastated, hundreds buried under the rubble; death toll for Beirut alone since June 4 put at 2,683.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel reportedly sent Reagan documents indicating "mercenaries" from Asia/Africa fought with PLO and that M-16 rifles sold by the US to Saudi Arabia were found in southern Lebanon; Sharon says all PLO and Syrian forces must leave Lebanon before IDF will withdraw; Israel rejects use of multinational force as "buffer" between IDF and PLO forces; Foreign Ministry official Kimche and Israeli military intelligence officer Saguy meet with Habib in Beirut; several cabinet ministers opposed to IDF assault on Beirut even if negotiations fail; 300 IDF reservists in Tel Aviv call for an end to the war in Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations make little headway as PLO insists on political concessions, protection for Palestinian refugees in return for evacuation; PLO also reported to insist on retaining heavy as well as light weapons; Habib meets with Wazzan, Sarkis, Butros; Salam accuses Sharon of ordering Friday bombardment to sabotage talks; Wazzan insists US and other peacekeeping troops be deployed in W. Beirut before the PLO evacuation to protect Muslims from possible reprisals by Phalangists; Habib suggests PLO evacuation by sea using French, Canadian, Belgian or Greek navy escort; PLO's Khalaf predicts IDF will take Beirut "bit by bit."
Arab Governments: Syria continues to refuse to accept more than PLO leadership.
US and Other Countries: France agrees "in principle" to send peacekeeping troops to Beirut if all parties to the conflict and the UN agree; Draper, in Syria, fails to persuade it to accept PLO guerrillas; White House officials say the US "would welcome" use of French troops in Lebanon; USSR warns France not to submit to Washington's "dangerous plans"; Habib sets August 1 as date to begin PLO evacuation; Greece offers ships to facilitate PLO evacuation; Pope sends message to president of Israel urging honorable treatment of defeated Palestinians.
UN: UNIFIL spokesman says the number of persons in the UNIFIL area has doubled with the influx of refugees fleeing fighting in the north, many with no roof over their heads.
Military Action:
IDF shelling and blockade maintained for fifth day as negotiations deadlocked; water and electricity are partially restored; IDF artillery and gunboats blast Palestinian neighborhoods, setting fires, with high casualties (other non-Palestinian areas hit); evening gunner duels mark IDF attempts to advance; IDF officers say IDF broke fifth cease-fire in retaliation for deaths of 5 IDF soldiers the night before; shells fall on US Ambassador's residence in Yarze; IDF shell hits nylon factory, igniting long fire and explosions; Israeli jets zoom over Beirut.
Beirut police estimate 22 killed, 38 wounded in the night (Beirut casualties now 2633 killed, 3612 wounded); appeals made for blood; 2 IDF soldiers found killed (armored personnel carrier hit near Tyre); even after water turned on again in West Beirut, so much of the pipeline is damaged, many residents still must get water in pails; one 23-ton shipment of foodstuffs by World Vision allowed in (no explanation of why others kept out); some Palestinians being allowed to return to camps in the south (mostly women and children, most men are in detention); 7000 new refugees reportedly have fled to Baalbek; 25-30,000 Shiites reportedly returning to Nabatiyeh area; water is still problem in South Lebanon (IDF destroyed water pumping station serving 120 villages in Tyre area, repairs to take 3 months); in Beirut, despite 5 centers for potable water distribution set up by UN, problem is dwindling gasoline for water trucks; IDF damage to Zahrani refinery will take 3 months to repair; ICRC estimates needs for next 3 months at $18 million, says 75 doctors/medical technicians have arrived to aid Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) and Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS); doctors say they are dealing with injuries hitherto unseen (dead to wounded ratio normally 1-5, now 50-50).
PLO displays to reporters extensive IDF anti-personnel weapons, most with US markings, including cluster bombs, canisters of hydrogen cyanide used against Syrians and in Burj al-Barajneh camp and neighborhood (other weapons used in Sabra and Shatila camps and Shia suburb of Ouzai); displayed also is slab of nougat with Hebrew markings, part of car bomb found in Beirut port area.
Israeli Cabinet spokesman Meridor says 331 Lebanese civilians killed, says IDF told him 1200 PLO "terrorists" and civilians killed in fighting in refugee camps (claims not much international aid needed, that international bodies agree with Israeli government figures, that Israeli ambulances sent to help wounded have come back to Israel as not needed); detention camps set up by IDF in southern Lebanon (fences, guard towers, earth embankments at Ansar, west of Nabatiyeh); Meridor says detainees will be treated as criminals, not POWs.
UN High Commission for Refugees, in Vienna, says IDF invasion has set back work in Lebanon by 32 years, destroying schools, camps, warehouses, clinics, leaving 175,000 of 237,000 registered refugees in urgent need of aid.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet hints PLO might be allowed to stay in Tripoli; government accepts only 7 of 9 points of reported US plan; Cabinet allows more time for negotiations; aide to Begin insists all PLO members must leave Beirut; Cabinet hears report from Sharon; Abba Eban disagrees with government rejection of political role for PLO; Kimche meets with Habib, who then calls Wazzan to contact Arafat; Mayor of Gaza warned that he and other elected town council members may be dismissed if they continue to refuse to cooperate with Israeli civil administration; IDF soldiers surround Bir Zeit campus, use tear gas, arrest 100 students in fourth day of protests against invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib informs Wazzan that US will not send US Marines until PLO leaves Beirut (Wazzan reported shocked, asks what good are troops at that point); PLO still insisting on some political presence in Beirut, armed units attached to Lebanese Army; Lebanese landowners who rented to Palestinians after 1948 are asking IDF governor of Sidon to evict Palestinians; in Tyre, Lebanese landowners are evicting Palestinian residents, forcing them to live on beaches, in groves.
US and Other Countries: US fears troops may get caught in crossfire and changes plan not to allow Marines to be sent until after PLO evacuates; US Congressional resistance to use of US troops grows; Jewish Affairs magazine issues public statement demanding removal of IDF troops, ending of US aid to Israel; US position reportedly is no PLO troops should remain, but political/informational office is OK; USSR warns US against military intervention in Lebanon; Pakistan president sends telegrams to Reagan, other members of the UN Security Council asking them to force IDF to withdraw; Turkey calls for IDF withdrawal, but reportedly cooperates with Israel on captured Turks and Armenians fighting with the PLO.
UN: UN Secretary General says UN must rethink "peacekeeping" role in wake of IDF invasion (and Cyprus incident several years ago).
Military Action:
In the fourth day of the blockade, IDF armored units are concentrated near checkpoints, move to port road as well; new fight-ing erupts, with Presidential Palace, US embassy hit; shelling begins in afternoon, continues into night; IDF bombardment by tanks/ artillery hits PLO ammunition dump in Burj al-Barajneh camp, also target near UNESCO building; USSR compound badly damaged (Syrian outpost nearby); cease-fire called at end of day.
Political and military groups organize garbage removal, flour deliveries to small bakeries, creation of small clinics (only 10 days of flour on hand in W. Beirut; oxygen in short supply, gas almost unavailable); World Council of Churches says hundreds of Lebanese civilians have disappeared, apparently to Israeli internment centers (also charges obstruction of relief efforts, delaying shipping, documentation, unloading and distribution of supplies); after initial denial, IDF admits cutting water/ electricity to W. Beirut (only revealed after journalists found IDF soldiers inside switching station); Lebanese Red Cross calls for intervention to spare the people of Beirut; International Commission of Jurists calls on Israel to grant POW status to estimated 4000 Palestinians taken prisoner; Israeli government considers appointment of Arye Eliav to head rehabilitation efforts for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon (Eliav tentatively accepts pending government decision); suffering of Lebanese civilians from IDF invasion reportedly significantly higher than PLO; danger of cholera/ typhoid epidemics grow in W. Beirut; 3 IDF soldiers wounded at Baabda by PLO shelling.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli sources report US willingness to station US troops in Beirut (US government later agrees "in principle" to send US troops as PLO escort, but opposition from Congressional leaders grows); Telem faction joins Begin government, giving Likud Bloc one more vote; government reportedly sets July 9 as deadline for diplomatic solution; Sharon, in speech near Tel Aviv, says invasion pre-empted Syrian war plans against Israel; Cabinet rejects 2 parts of US plan (continued PLO political role and 2 PLO units to be attached to Lebanese Army); government dismisses elected mayor and towni council of Jenin (sixth pro-PLO West Bank mayor ousted since November 1981), reportedly for failure to cooperate with new Israeli administrators; tear gas used to disperse Bir Zeit students protesting invasion; curfew imposed on Balata refugee camp near Nablus after bus carrying IDF soldiers stoned; 3 people in Idna near Hebron detained on suspicion of inciting workers to strike.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects PLO evacuation under US supervision or via Sixth Fleet (however, other PLO spokespeople say US/French troops will separate PLO and IDF units, allow PLO evacuation to east); Arafat refers to Habib's "blackmail"; Phalange calls up 2500-3000 high school graduates of 1982 to boost armed strength; Greek Catholic bishop and two priests abducted in the Bekaa area (apparent retaliation for ab-duction of Iranian charge d'affaires on Sunday).
Arab Governments: Syria rejects participation in US plan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan agrees "in principle" to US troops being sent to Lebanon, key Congressional leaders voice concern, opposition to plan; US appeals for restoration of water, electricity to Beirut.
UN: Discussion of French/Egyptian resolution continues.
Military Action:
IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food, gasoline, medical shortages and brings negotiations to a halt; Wazzan says all water, electricity cut and all roads into W. Beirut closed; IDF tanks try to move on airport (4 vehicles hit in fierce PLO resistance); 2 shells land near Presidential Palace at Baabda; Lebanese officials say IDF forces 3 engineers to remove key piece of pumping machinery from water works serving West Beirut; fifth cease-fire called at 4 PM by IDF, though shelling continues beyond deadline (last cease-fire June 25); IDF forces advance to edge of airport runways; IDF only advances block by block against fierce PLO resistance (despite pleas, no PLO members surrender); now an estimated 90,000 IDF troops in Lebanon; Phalange cuts off port road on IDF orders.
Four cars of ICRC and convoy of 14 food trucks turned back from W. Beirut; residents of city line up at stores in panic buying of food; gasoline scarce; American University Hospital has only 2 days of oxygen; gunfights at gasoline stations reported; few of W. Beirut's estimated 200,000 Lebanese and Palestinian residents leave; ICRC protests lack of protection for and access to prisoners; severe housing shortage develops at Nabatiyeh as refugees arrive from north.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: BenPorat of Telem joins Cabinet; Sharon, Kimche, Habib reportedly meet; Mapam Secretary-General calls for end to water and food blockade (joined by Labor Party's Yossi Sarid); special regulations passed around June 9 reportedly allow for 3 months detention with no provisions for legal counsel or informing detainees' families; 6 wounded outside Hebron by Village League members; Vatican-sponsored Bethlehem University reopens (closed since June 11 after student protests of invasion).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Groundswell of Lebanese resentment of IDF and support for Wazzan reported; PLO reported to send contribu-tion to Nicaragua for children affected by May floods; Lebanese officials protest IDF cutoff of water.
Arab Governments: Egypt accepts Iraq's invitation to summit meeting in September (after 3-year total isolation); Egypt says US role in Lebanon vital, that Israeli invasion is under-mining peace process and stability of region; PLO, Moroccan, Kuwaiti leaders meet USSR leaders; Syrian President Assad returns after talks with Saudi King Fahd; only Algeria and Syria reportedly willing to take PLO.
US and Other Countries: US officials say cease-fire essential to negotiations, pressures IDF to ease pressure on Beirut, following strong message from Saudi Arabia; USSR Foreign Minister Gromyko rules out military involvement in Lebanon; Arab women begin silent vigil outside White House; Nicaragua says it is sending solidarity mission to Beirut.
Military Action:
IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward Burj al-Barajneh; all traffic barred except for Lebanese doctors, police, as water and food intercepted; IDF fires at buildings, apartment complexes in Lailake and camp areas; joint IDF/Phalange checkpoints along coast as Phalange takes over security operations; IDF officers tell UN up to 1000 PLO guerrillas are at large in South Lebanon.
WAFA releases names of 381 IDF killed in war (100 higher than Israeli government figures)-compiled from private death notices published in 2 Israeli newspapers; ICRC recalls Lebanese delegate and sends temporary replacement (dispute over casualty estimates); 2 senior Fateh commanders killed recently in Sidon; 2 IDF wounded near Lake Karoun by mine.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet rejects peace proposal allowing any future political role for PLO in Lebanon, but will allow more negotiating time; Peres says Labor Party will support continuing negotiations after briefing by Begin; D. Kimche reports to Cabinet on weekend trip to Beirut (first time Israel has become directly involved in negotiations); Cabinet says it will ignore anti-war protests organized by Peace Now and Mapam; team appointed to assess whether Avnery meeting with Arafat was a brelch of state security; Agriculture Minister asks Sharon to investigate, prosecute IDF officers who engage in Peace Now activities while on active duty; West Bank Palestinians stage general strike to protest Beirut siege (9 injured, some by IDF gunfire); 2 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded in clashes near Ramallah between villagers protesting invasion and Israeli-backed Village League members; marches in Nablus and Ramallah against the war; headquarters of the Federation of Pales-tinian Working Women, observing a two-day strike to protest the invasion, raided by Israeli soldiers, 7 arrested, cultural exhibits damaged and confiscated.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan threatens to boycott negotiations unless siege lifted, refuses to cross checkpoint manned by IDF; Salam says Israeli rejection of PLO withdrawal proposal is prelude to thrust on Beirut.
Arab Governments: Morocco reportedly rejects PLO transfer to Algeria, fearing their support for the Polisario; Libyan leader Qaddafi says PLO should fight to the death in Beirut (provokes Arafat rebuke of Qaddafi's "despair" and a failure to support PLO); Syria strengthens its forces in eastern Lebanon (new observation posts set up); Mubarak receives Reagan's letter.
US and Other Countries: Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda visit IDF position to watch shelling of Beirut after visiting IDF soldiers (Hayden says invasion justified by PLO refusal to recognize Israel); USSR officials meet with PLO Kaddoumi and Arab League officials.
UN: Security Council approves resolution asking Israel to allow shipment of essential items to West Beirut (US votes for proposal by Jordan).
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.
Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.
Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed); Muslim/Christian conflicts around Tripoli; 2 Israeli generals visit Jumblatt's center, demand that his forces surrender artillery and mortars; Phalange moves into Chouf and Sidon, replacing Lebanese gendarmerie; Israeli jets hold mock battles over Beirut, dropping flares over Palestinian refugee camps; PLO bolsters positions inside W. Beirut; Phalange shoot from behind IDF lines.
Israeli government developing plans for security of southern Lebanon not involving international help (arms and uniforms given to villagers); observers report more physical damage in Tyre than Sidon (where casualties higher); Lebanese bankers protest IDF attempt to violate bank secrecy in Sidon; IDF asks Druze/Phalange leaders to stop fighting between followers (Phalange reportedly using arms against Druze; IDF caught in cross-fire); villages of Jumblatt refuse to be disarmed (Druze Likud Knesset member asks Sharon to restrain Phalangists "who draw their strength from the Defense Minister").
UNRWA reports that 50 percent of houses in 6 Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon/Tyre are destroyed, 40 percent of refugees have fled, UNRWA convoy scheduled to leave Jerusalem for Tyre today (draws on stocks in Gaza and West Bank); two-thirds of two camps near Tyre destroyed (no clear report on third camp); Ain el-Hilweh reportedly "virtually wiped out," Rashidiyeh suffers less damage; 200,000 tons of aid from France, West Germany, Denmark waiting in Cyprus for IDF permission to ship; Canadian physician who worked in Sidon says 50 percent of 10,000 killed by IDF invasion were children under 13 (his hospital was bombed 4 times, he saw pellet bombs dropped on refugee camps, and saw Palestinian prisoners beaten with clubs and metal-tipped whips).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin disagrees with message from Haig that PLO should be allowed token political presence in Lebanon if Lebanon agrees (says that despite his statement in the US that Israel had no intention of entering Beirut, with IDF on Beirut's periphery "it was another matter," and urges Beirut residents to "flee for your lives"); Israeli Cabinet agrees to give negotiations more time, extends "deadline"; officials indicate Saudi plans for airlift might be acceptable; Foreign Ministry condemns EEC call for involvement of PLO in negotiations; Labor Alignment resolution opposing military action in Beirut gets 47 votes (Likud resolution gets 60, reference to multinational policing of 28-mile zone conspicuously absent); cost of war put at $2.5 billion for Israel ($1 b. in direct costs, $1.5 b. in indirect costs from resultant economic slowdown; equals 10-15 percent of GNP); IDF service extension for those essential for war effort being discussed; officials claim PLO takes advantage of peace negotiations; 200 protest Israeli invasion near Prime Minister's office (including 15 reservists back from Lebanon, who say they have signatures of 200 soldiers opposed to the war); trial of 20 Palestinian youths for guerrilla actions begins in Lydda and Ramal-lah; Israeli Druze leader asks Begin to restrain Phalange attacks on Lebanese Druze.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange party plans to nominate Bashir Gemayel for Lebanese President; negotiations stall as no Arab countries indicate willingness to accept all PLO fighters; Lebanese continue to flee Beirut, leaving streets deserted; Wazzan puts civilian deaths at 15,000 (IDF Colonel Kadar says deaths number only a few thousand-in excess of 440 civilian deaths cited by Begin last week); Wazzan, after meeting with Habib, rejects Israeli conditions; PLO forces in Tripoli vow to fight on regardless of any settlement in-volving PLO forces in Beirut; PLO privately reiterates willingness to leave Lebanon (form of evacuation and surrender of arms left un-resolved); PLO meets with Salam.
Arab Govemments: Saudis reported active diplomatically; Arab League representatives meet in Taif to continue discussion of common approach to IDF invasion (includes Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, PLO, Algerian and Kuwaiti envoys).
US and Other Countries: Reagand enies giving Israel "green light" for invasion, says it resulted from PLO rocket attacks on Israel; Senator Percy says IDF invasion of W. Beirut would be "unacceptable" because of civilian casualties; State Department official warns of risk of renewed fighting if PLO and Lebanon do not come to terms soon; Haig sends message saying PLO should be allowed some political presence in Lebanon if Lebanese authorities agree; French Foreign Minister Cheysson, after meeting with Egyptian envoy Ghali, speaks of PLO as representing Palestinian people; Greek Ministry of Culture supervises huge concert in Athens to aid Palestinian children; Nigerian parliament passes resolution condemning Israel; protests held in cities in USSR; USSR accuses Israelis of using chemical weapons in Lebanon supplied by US.
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Hundreds live in Beirut parks, lacking food, water, medicine and basic hygiene; garbage piles up in West Beirut streets (most trucks are in East Beirut); more shops close throughout city as fear of IDF attack grows; Baalbek now has 35,000 refugees; Palestinian refugees reportedly receive less aid than Lebanese; Israeli unsubsidized prices for sales to Lebanon about 3 times Lebanese prices.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Israeli military intelligence, in US, says casualty figures inflated; Israeli Knesset debate ends with Likud/Labor parties agreeing not to vote against each other's resolutions, only to vote for their own; Begin offers to let PLO leave with personal weapons (claims Reagan said USSR might intervene if there were a war with Syria); Sharon says he informed Haig, Weinberger that IDF invasion of Lebanon was virtually inevitable 2 weeks before actual invasion; Sharon announces 271 Israelis killed, 1470 wounded, 13 missing; government charges UN schools used by PLO for training, as arsenals; reports that IDF used new anti-tank weapon similar to US Sadarm; Sharon speaks at Knesset on scope/aims of war (Peres strongly opposes any entry into Beirut); government officials accuse Habib of false optimism; Israeli Cabinet ratifies June 27 ultimatum, but softens departure possibilities (by land or sea); 4 reservists call on Sharon to resign, call on other released soldiers to join their vigil; 600 demonstrate in favor of war; 30 protest effect of war on the poor in Israel; petition with signatures of 40 who fought in Lebanon printed opposing war; Supreme Islamic Council of Jerusalem states support for PLO, denounces silence of Arab regimes.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Wazzan, Butros; Lebanese disagree on whether PLO leaders can return to Lebanon to visit; Lebanese papers attack USSR, accusing it of complicity with US; Druze leader Jumblatt expects attack on Beirut within 24- 36 hours, predicts coexistence of Muslims, Christians in Lebanon is finished; Bashir Gemayel predicts Israel and Syria will have full-scale war; reports of de facto strike in Sidon area following Israeli mistreatment; Phalangists reject plan to incorporate PLO units into Lebanese Army, Phalangist troops enter Aley, threaten to kill 12 Druze (Druze leader is killed by Phalange members, allegedly mistakenly); PLO stiffens demands as talks deadlocked over timing and method of PLO withdrawal (PLO seeks own police in refugee camps, PLO units attached to Lebanese Army); Arafat addresses PLO rally; Fateh Central Committee reportedly says no more concessions.
Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia reportedly explores flying PLO out of Lebanon; Egypt sends Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ghali to Paris for talks.
US and Other Countries: US expressed satisfaction with cease-fire; former US envoy to Lebanon, Dean Brown, says US blessed IDF invasion, that Reagan does not know much about the Mideast and "probably does not want to know"; EEC calls for PLO to be involved in peace negotiations, asks immediate IDF withdrawal (arms sales informally suspended to Israel); Austrian Jewish group presents open letter to Israeli Ambassador decrying invasion, asking for peace negotiations with Palestinians; International Socialist delegation, headed by former Portuguese prime minister Soares, visits mayor of Bethlehem; EEC refuses to sign £22 million financial protocol with Israel (does not agree on trade sanctions); Habib requests formal guidance from Washington for negotiations, Haig drafts 9-point proposal in response.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF reconnaissance flights over Beirut continue; Syrian Army withdrawing from western parts of highway (some tanks commandeered by Phalangists).
IDF says 269 Israelis killed, 1255 wounded; 4 IDF soldiers injured east of Damour; captured Israeli pilot, in interview from Beirut, asks Israel not to invade Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government says only few days will be allowed to see if PLO will accept its offer of safe passage from Beirut; military spokesman of northern command says IDF used cluster bombs; government bans video transmissions originating in West Beirut via Israeli facilities; Israeli soldiers demonstrate against war in Jerusalem (some of their relatives sign peace petitions); IDF soldiers skeptical of their own military news, reportedly increasingly listen to Lebanese radio; land confiscation near Bethlehem brings protests; Jewish Agency announces 10 new settlements in West Bank, 5 in Gaza Strip, 4 in Golan and 4 in Jordan Valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Political negotiations continue as diverse proposals exchanged (key issues: removing PLO presence, number that would leave, status of remaining Palestinian refugees); senior Israeli officials hold discussions with Phalange leaders in Beirut (wariness, some distrust reportedly growing between Israelis, Phalangists); PLO leaders reportedly pleased that Israeli government demands Sunday seemed addressed to PLO directly; Arafatr eportedlyd emands US/ USSR/ Gemayel guarantees of safe passage, continues to insist on IDF pullback; officers of Haddad's army complain Israel is ignoring their enclave in discussing future of Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: UK closes embassy in West Beirut.
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around Beirut; IDF units skilled in urban fighting reportedly brought up from Golan; IDF and Syrians reinforcing units.
Fathi Arafat estimates 35,000 killed or wounded since June 4; in Beirut, people buried in mass graves; urgent appeals made for doctors, medical supplies; bodies rot in some buildings; refugees line up at social centers; Berbir Hospital (on Green Line) reports whole families killed, tnostly civilians; some patients victims of cluster bombs, burned by phosphorous and many amputations necessary; Bhamdoun casualties high, with 70 or more bodies along the highway; 2-day toll put at 300 killed, 2000 wounded; Lebanese newspaper shows babies burned by phosphorous, and elderly who are wounded and unable to flee fighting; most Beirut businesses, banks closed in western section; milk and eggs scarce and water low; "Begin amputations" commonplace in hospitals as a result of high-velocity projectiles which smash muscles, bones from pressure without break-ing skin; Islamic hospital hit, houses 850 elderly and mentally retarded.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Eitan, visiting highway taken by IDF, says he is "going to Damascus"; Sharon admits, in TV interview, IDF "exploited" cease-fire violations by Syrians to take highway; Rabin urges indirect talks with PLO to get them out of Beirut.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese and PLO meet to discuss US plan; Habib meets Sarkis; PLO jubilant at Haig departure as Arafat tours Fakhani district; PLO reports strong backing by USSR, France, Saudis (says Saudis threatened oil cutoff, withdrawal of Saudi investment in US, opening of diplomatic relations with USSR); PLO rejects Habib proposals, characterizing them as demanding unconditional surrender, not providing safety guarantees for withdrawing forces; Haddad forces stopping Palestinians at checkpoints, in joint work with IDF.
Arab Governments: Arab League meets in Tunis, fails to agree; Hussein in USSR on state visit; Egypt opposes forced disarming of PLO.
UN: US vetoes Security Council resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal; US and Israel are only countries voting against General Assembly resolution calling for IDF withdrawal and possible sanctions should it refuse; UN team formed to assess relief needs; 2 UN convoys reach Beirut with supplies (first relief shipments since Beirut encircled).
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery shells Syrian positions above town; 10 miles of Damascus highway reportedly in IDF hands; jets fly missions throughout the day before new 8 PM cease-fire called by IDF; Syrian brigade north of highway retreating eastward; IDF sources report Lebanese Phalangists join battle, capturing Jamhur; IDF jets, gunboats, artillery wage non-stop barrage of W. Beirut, heaviest since invasion; estimated 100,000 IDF troops inside Lebanon; Syria takes security measures around Palestinian refugee camps near Damascus; big IDF build-up on outskirts of Beirut (500 tanks, 1200 armored personnel carriers, 60 howitzers); Israeli and Phalangist forces coordinate actions via special phone system, as Israeli officers seen frequently visiting Phalangist headquarters; UK embassy, American University of Beirut hit by IDF fire.
ICRC looking after 12,000 refugees in Bekaa; Israel changes mind, says relief efforts will be for both Palestinians and Lebanese; thousands of refugees flee south along coastal road, creating huge traffic jams; Lebanese po-lice estimate 100 killed, 250 injured in day-long barrage; 30 Israelis killed, over 200 wounded in fighting along highway.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories:S haron says IDF coming close to total elimination of PLO and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon; Israel bans satellite broadcast of all footage from Lebanon by 3 US TV networks; Jerusalem Post raises issue of what Israeli war aims are; Abba Eban questions why war was not ended when original 25-mile goal reached; Sharon predicts IDF will stay in Lebanon beyond 10 weeks.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan, denouncing new fighting, resigns (calls IDF attacks a form of "blackmail," accuses Habib of collusion with Israel in attempting to force PLO into unconditional surrender); two other Muslim Cabinet ministers also resign as Lebanese government close to collapse; Jumblatt announces withdrawal from Council, says withdrawing from political life (accuses Sarkis of wanting to finish PLO, says there is a plan to install Bashir Gemayel as Lebanese President); Gemayel, Arafat speak by phone; PLO supports French proposals at UN.
Arab Governments: Saudis exert strong pressure on US to halt Israelis, reportedly considers oil shutoff, opening relations with USSR if W. Beirut attacked.
US and Other Countries: Several sources indicate US is sending somewhat contradictory diplomatic signals to Riyadh and to Habib, the Lebanese and PLO; General Haig resigns as US Secretary of State, replaced by George Shultz (disagreement within the Administration over Lebanon reportedly a major factor); Indians ransack US library in Calcutta to protest US support for Israel.
UN: Security Council debates French proposal; Secretary General appeals for cease-fire; General Assembly debates resolution condemning Israeli invasion.
Military Action:
Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join fighting near Aley; major tank battle in eastern Bekaa clashes around Lake Karoun, fires burn out of control along highway; Israeli jets hit PLO/Syrian positions near Beirut airport as IDF gunboats hit W. Beirut, IDF continues bombings past new 6 PM cease-fire; car bombs in Beirut kill 50 near seafront, others along Hamra shopping district; fighting focused in Mansouriya area as Israelis try to take heights; IDF takes Bhamdoun.
High casualties as Palestinian areas between airport and city limits take heavy pounding; Acre Hospital in Sabra camp takes direct hits; garbage piles up in Beirut and food prices have doubled in many cases; Rashidiyeh refugees reject clothes offered by IDF, demand their detained sons; 48 IDF soldiers wounded in clashes with Syrians.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects PLO proposal, insists on expulsion of PLO "core" to country not bordering Israel; Sharon argues camps are outside Beirut city limits and exempt from Cabinet restrictions; Israeli leaders fear France too friendly to PLO; Women's Committee Against the War in Lebanon demonstrates outside Knesset; Ziad Abu Ein, extradited from US to Israel for trial, gets life sentence; Begin, returning from US, rules out UN presence in southern Lebanon, Mapam opposes entry into Beirut, but supports war.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib gives US proposal to Wazzan to relay to PLO, Jumblatt characterizes proposal as asking for complete surrender of PLO; no new meetings of Council planned; Jumblatt says US refused to make guarantees against IDF assault on Beirut; Lebanese Ambassador to the UN Tueni makes bitter address at UN Special Session on Disarmament; Bashir Gemayel reportedly talks to Arafat by phone.
Arab Governments: Hussein of Jordan leaves for visit to USSR, reportedly angry at US support for Israel.
US and Other Countries: US embassy closes, ships arrive to evacuate nationals of US, UK, FRG; Senator Biden (D-Del) supports cut-off of aid to Israel if it continues to build settlements on West Bank.
UN: West Beirut headquarters of UN closed, moved to East Beirut.
Military Action:
Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers); Palestinian camps, residential areas bombarded in first Israeli jet action over Beirut in 9 days; Lebanese government says IDF about to cut high-way in several places as IDF gains 4-5 miles; Syrian tank losses heavy, but Syrian troops restrain responses in effort to contain fighting; "wall-to-wall" Israeli tanks reported south of Beirut; two Israeli troop buses come under fire south of Tyre; Israeli artillery continues through night; IDF closing in on Aley; 50 Syrian tanks move across Syrian border to reinforce units in Lebanon; PLO units return Israeli gunfire from Burj al-Barajneh; general military mobilization in Syria.
Lebanese police estimate 27 killed, 80 wounded in new IDF bombing of Beirut; Israeli demolition teams dynamite buildings in Rashidiyeh refugee camp as all males are rounded up in Tyre; remaining residents of Rashidiyeh without food or medical care as Tyre residents refuse to help them; no walls higher than a few feet left in Rashidiyeh; Israeli officials announce Palestinian refugees are being denied tents because they fear a "temporary" solution will become permanent; 200,000 Palestinian refugees are in southern Lebanon, mainly around Sidon and Tyre.
Mobile bank units offer IDF all services, including facilitating purchase/ sale of securities on Tel Aviv stock market.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel agrees to new cease-fire after Habib request; divisions within Labor Party between doves, hawks sharpen; 150 demonstrate against invasion in front of Knesset and Peace Now sends telegram asking no extension of the war; Labor Alignment opposes all military penetration of Beirut; Begin defends invasion before 36 angry US Senators who question use of cluster bombs; Israel denies ABC use of satellite in Israel because it broadcast interview with Arafat; Begin meets Haig.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: National Salvation Council meets, makes some progress on plani including IDF withdrawal from Beirut, PLO withdrawal into camps, Lebanese Army posted inside city; highway reopening; possible use of French troops being discussed; PLO denounces USSR for only symbolic support; Jumblatt accuses Habib of "hot di-plomacy"; Phalangists state opposition to any Syrian presence in Lebanon and, for first time, allow unarmed non-Lebanese civilians to evacuate Beirut; Lebanese government tells UN and Arab League it will not renew mandate for Syrian troops after July 19.
US and Other Countries: US embassy advises all Americans to move to E. Beirut (ship due in Jounieh to evacuate Americans); UK, West Germany also advise nationals to leave; PM Thatcher rules out use of British troops in Lebanon; Greek Premier meets with PLO's Kaddoumi; Dutch parliament condemns Israeli invasion, 144-6; Norwegian leaders re-ject Israeli invitation to visit Lebanon.
UN: UNIFIL says it will concentrate on helping civilians.
Military Action:
Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable shopping area, hospital, near Commodore Hotel; Israeli and Syrian troops trade fire along highway, Israelis claim to de-stroy 4 Syrian tanks; artillery duels continue all day; WAFA says IDF attempting to push down hillsides toward 3 Palestinian camps, provoking response; massive IDF buildup continues as 70 Israeli tanks move toward Khalde; Israeli patrol ambushed outside Beirut.
Two Palestinian hospitals hit, killing 8, wounding 22; scores of casualties from Sabra and Burj al-Barajneh camps; mass graves in Sidon; 50,000 flee Beirut southward to escape expected fighting; high civilian casualties in Bekaa (possibly 1,200 dead) and Baalbek schools house 25,000 refugees; telephone lines in Bekaa cut by Israelis and many civilians attacked along highway by Israeli jets; at Aley, hotels are burned out, hospital hit by 4 Israeli bombs; many suffering from effects of cluster bombs; refugees begin returning to Ain el-Hilweh.
Israel says voluntary agencies can resume work in Lebanon; Israel withholding aid from civilian Palestinians; Eitan says prison camp to be set up in Lebanon for PLO members; ICRC asks to visit after being allowed to see 18 Syrian prisoners; Israel says Lebanese economy will take 6 months to one year to recover, says refinery, which supplies 40 percent of Lebanese oil needs, will be operational in 60 days.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reportedly lobbying Israeli Cabinet for permission to storm Beirut; one of several MKs, visiting IDF in Beirut, says attack on PLO headquarters in Beirut "almost inevitable"; Begin tells US audiences the war in Lebanon is almost over, as Sharon says the IDF has not achieved all its objectives; 13 Israeli Cabinet ministers tour parts of Lebanon (Beaufort Castle; near Lake Karoun; Tyre; Sidon; outskirts of Beirut airport); El Al reports 15 percent slump in bookings as a result of the invasion; Begin encounters sharp criticism from US Congress, claims Israeli approach endorsed by Reagan.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Sarkis, Wazzan with Arafat; Arafat attacks US role in backing Israeli "slaughter"; PLO seeks to retain political presence in Lebanon; Salam calls on Reagan to keep IDF from attacking, and to give time for Arafat to persuade PLO militants to disarm; Lebanon says 1 1 Arab countries agree to attend summit on Lebanon; Danny Chamoun, son of Camille Chamoun, in New York says invasion "overdue," meets with administration figures.
Arab Governments: Syrian Cabinet meets on crisis; Arab and non-aligned countries consider convening emergency session of UN General Assembly, reach no decision.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger makes veiled criticism of Haig policies; State Department says UN resolution 509, demanding immediate Israeli withdrawal, no longer relevant; National Security Council reportedly disagrees with Haig's conciliatory attitude toward IDF invasion; Reagan reportedly supports Israeli demands for Syrian troop withdrawal and creation of demilitarized zone, does not take position on US troop involvement in peacekeeping force.
Military Action:
IDF enters Phalange-held areas of Beirut; Israeli jets make reconnaissance flights over city for first time in 3 days; sporadic fighting around Sidon; Israeli Cabinet agrees to extend 48-hour cease-fire requested by Habib; Syrians/PLO abandon airport terminal to shorten lines; PLO takes journalists on tour of defenses near airport; tension high in Beirut; Syrians reposition artillery near Lake Karoun.
In Sidon, main shopping district was oblit-erated and one quarter of city totally destroyed; bodies remain buried under rubble; still no electricity; water only 1 hour per day; Lebanese government says 1,100 killed in Sidon; IDF use Sidon informants to identify potential PLO suspects (suspicious Lebanese marked with black X on back, suspected PLO members with white, some Lebanese charge old grudges being settled by informants); many Palestinian refugees remain on Sidon beaches as they have nowhere to go; Tyre reported two-thirds destroyed, with port damage heavy.
Israel explores reviving bank, rail links in Lebanon; Israeli Trade Minister says 3 proposed banking and customs centers would aid Israeli exports to Lebanon; 4 Norwegians, 1 Canadian doctor released by Israel; Israel offers to help repair Sidon refinery.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: 4 Israeli professors attack invasion, ask Israeli soldiers to refuse to serve beyond Green Line in Beirut; Israel says invasion is open-ended and excludes negotiations with the PLO; Begin calls for international peacekeeping force in Lebanon with US troops; Sharon says Israeli aims will not be met until PLO headquarters in Beirut are eliminated; Begin says participants in multilateral force would have to make detailed, individual agreements with Israeli, Lebanese governments.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Lebanon's National Salvation Council, in first meeting, makes no progress-Gemayel, Sarkis, Wazzan, Butros reportedly demand PLO surrender, Jumblatt rejects; PLO asks for IDF pull-back, guarantees of PLO safety in return for allowing Lebanese Army to enter West Beirut.
Arab Governments: Syria rejects Sarkis' request for troop withdrawal, saying it is made under duress, instead suggests joint US/USSR peacekeeping force under UN auspices to get Israelis out; Iraq announces unilateral withdrawal from Iranian territory, following June 10 unilateral cease-fire; South Yemen demands strong Arab stand against US support for Israel; Mubarak supports idea of PLO government in exile, would allow it temporary home in Egypt, if it restricted itself to political activities; Kaddoumi in Geneva, says Egyptian offer not being considered now.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger says US investigating possible violations of US law by Israelis using US arms in Lebanon; Greeks show support for Palestinians with strike, protests, blood donations; Greece is the only EEC member to offer diplomatic recognition to the PLO.
Military Action:
Israel fortifies position around Beirut, capturing Lebanese University science campus; uncovers arms caches in Tyre and elsewhere; IDF fails to capture USSR-supplied T-72 tanks but claims huge numbers of fighters taken; IDF claims Phalangist forces took university (denied by Gemayel); Phalangist artillery used to pound Burj al-Barajneh Pales-tinian camp. Port access to Beirut cut for 8 days, roads for 5, air access cut. Arafat tours PLO military positions in Beirut; PLO opens 12 new medical facilities in last 10 days, with 2,000 beds, to deal with casualties.
80 bodies uncovered under Sidon building hit by Israeli shelling; 400 Sidon residents reported killed; Lebanese sources estimate over 25,000 casualties and 250,000 displaced persons (1 of 16 living in Lebanon); Israeli government claims only 70,000 home-less in Lebanon as result of fighting; IDF administrator in Sidon says IDF plans to bury bodies in pits where they lay; ICRC negotiates with IDF to fly 2 planes from Cyprus to Beirut; most Beirut businesses closed. 30-vehicle relief convoy leaves Israel for southern Lebanon for 2-week stay; Israeli banks set up mobile units inside Lebanon for Israeli soldiers (will also service local Lebanese); Israeli Trade Minister Patt says Lebanese merchants wishing to buy Israeli goods may place orders through military commanders (to be filled in 24 hours); Israel claims 6,000 guerrillas captured, 60 Syrians.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Begin, in New York, tells Israeli Cabinet to disregard US pressures in setting war policy; Shimon Peres claims military actions lacked necessary Cabinet approval, calls for meeting of foreign affairs committee; Israeli Cabinet reportedly orders Sharon not to enter Beirut; Israeli government claims possession of documents showing PLO hosting of groups "such as" the Japanese Red Army, Italian Red Brigade, and German Baader-Meinhoff Gang; public criticism surfaces on conduct of war and casualty levels.
Palestinians/Lebanese: PLO's Hani Hassan urges direct US-PLO talks; former Lebanese Premier Salam meets Habib to convey PLO views on fighting; Phalangists deny cooperating with Israelis during fighting; some Lebanese Christians reported cooling toward Israeli presence.
Arab Governments: Saudis urge US pressure to force Israelis to withdraw, suggest arms embargo to Vice-President Bush, Senator Percy, Defense Secretary Weinberger (in Saudi Arabia for funeral of late Saudi King).
US and Other Countries: Reagan delays sending Congress formal notice of long-planned sale of 75 F-16s to Israel; Israeli reassurance that IDF would not enter Beirut reportedly ensures Begin meeting with Reagan; US rejects PLO request for direct talks; UK Prime Minister Thatcher says PLO office can stay in UK; USSR reportedly replenishing Syrian supplies.