26 / 15500 Results
  • November 5, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fierce fighting continues in north, Nahr al-Bared camp surrounded, occupied by anti-Arafat forces; bomb explodes near Beirut TV station; IDF reinforces positions throughout...

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  • October 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    3 US ships carrying standby Marine force of 2000 leave coast of Lebanon, head for US by way of Indian Ocean.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories...

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  • September 13, 1983

    Military Action:

    1200 LAF troops resist 4 assaults by PSP militia at Souq al-Gharb; fighting between LF and PSP militias continues south of Beirut around Mishref, Barja and Saadiyat;...

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  • July 14, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze residents of Aley resist Lebanese Army patrol on reconnaissance mission.


    2 Druze killed by army vehicle, 4 Druze, 14 Lebanese soldiers...

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  • May 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US...

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  • May 13, 1983

    Military Action:

    Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


    16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near...

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  • May 12, 1983


    Armed Phalangists enter Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp in Sidon, force adults and schoolchildren to make blood donations.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied...

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  • May 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy fighting continues in Chouf; residents of Burj al-Shamali refugee camp near Tyre resist IDF patrol trying to enter orphans' training center.


    Read more
  • May 3, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF tank detonates mine in Bekaa, no injuries reported; radio-controlled bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Nabrah, in Chouf.


    3 IDF soldiers...

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  • April 28, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF...

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  • April 26, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian forces fire on IDF tractor and APC in Bekaa Valley.


    Suspect in assassination of Bashir Gemayel handed over to Lebanese judicial authorities...

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  • April 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport...

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  • March 27, 1983


    PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.


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  • March 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian Army halts battle after Lebanese Army unit is ambushed by Amal militia and Iranian Revolutionary Guards near Baalbek; National Guard of 40 armed men formed at Ain el...

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  • March 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF strengthens positions in Bekaa Valley within 2 miles of Syrian frontlines; Haddad forces complete deployment in the Bekaa Valley; Lebanese National Resistance attacks...

    Read more
  • February 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most...

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  • February 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF patrol confronts Lebanese Army at checkpoint east of Beirut; French and Italian soldiers take up positions in East Beirut alongside Lebanese Army; Foreign Minister...

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  • February 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    4000 soldiers of Lebanese Army take control of East Beirut without incident as Phalange removes its heavy weapons to hills; Haddad, accompanied by Israeli officers, places...

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  • February 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.


    3 injured, 14 houses damaged by...

    Read more
  • January 26, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon and Shamir address US and Canadian Jews at Israel Bonds conference, both reject Reagan plan, cite differences with US on Lebanon,...

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  • January 23, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says purpose of surveillance station in South Lebanon is to prevent return of PLO terrorists, if other means are available Israel...

    Read more
  • January 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing...

    Read more
  • January 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF ambushed in Tyre.


    Some IDF wounded in Tyre; Ansar review committee recommends release of 150, 1,100 cases heard out of 5,400 detainees, review...

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  • January 13, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: US envoy Habib and Prime Minister Begin hold 90 minute meeting during which Habib presents Begin with letter from Reagan; Defense Minister...

    Read more
  • January 12, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister's office reacts angrily to reports that US may postpone Begin's visit if no progress is made in Lebanon peace talks; Eitan...

    Read more
  • January 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-...

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Military Action:

Fierce fighting continues in north, Nahr al-Bared camp surrounded, occupied by anti-Arafat forces; bomb explodes near Beirut TV station; IDF reinforces positions throughout South Lebanon.


Deaths from yesterday's bombing in Tyre now put at 32 Palestinians and Lebanese, including detainees and workers, 28 IDF personnel, and 32 wounded; 3 killed in Beirut bomb blast; bridges, highways in South Lebanon closed as IDF conducts intensive search; IDF evicts Lebanese administrators, gendarmes, from municipal building in Sidon; Tripoli casualties put at 50 dead, 100 wounded, total over past three days is 145-240 dead, 500+ wounded; hundreds of refugees flee Baddawi camp; Beirut radio says 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians in northern Lebanon are without food and electricity.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF reportedly will reduce reliance on Haddad militia in South Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese PM Wazzan protests IDF measures to seal off South Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Saudi cabinet calls on Arab states, primarily Syria, to use influence to end Tripoli fighting.

Military Action:

3 US ships carrying standby Marine force of 2000 leave coast of Lebanon, head for US by way of Indian Ocean.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet devalues shekel 23%, now worth approx 80 to $1 [2 months ago it was 53 to $1]; food subsidies cut 50%, bread and dairy prices rise 50%, gasoline rises 23%, panic buying ensues; government to make $ lb in budget cuts, offers plan to protect commercial bank stockholders.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Jumblatt rejects presidential palace as meeting site, proposes Greek ship anchored inside Lebanese waters; LAF Chief of Staff travels to Jumblatt's village, meets Druze defectors, delays return to his command; IDF reportedly establishing new militias in South Lebanon; Haddad cites medical reasons, relinquishes command of his militia.

Military Action:

1200 LAF troops resist 4 assaults by PSP militia at Souq al-Gharb; fighting between LF and PSP militias continues south of Beirut around Mishref, Barja and Saadiyat; British jets fly reconnaissance missions; grenades thrown at Haddad militia office in South Lebanon; rocket fired at IDF position north of Tyre; IDF commando unit lands on beach near Tripoli, fires mortars at PLO positions.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens says Lebanese Druze have responsibility to prevent PLO forces from participating in Chouf battles or approaching IDF lines along Awali river.

US and Other Countries: Marines in Lebanon are authorized to call on US naval and air power to assist LAF and other MNF units if they are being attacked in a way that endangers Marines.

Military Action:

Druze residents of Aley resist Lebanese Army patrol on reconnaissance mission.


2 Druze killed by army vehicle, 4 Druze, 14 Lebanese soldiers wounded in Aley; 3 shops selling Israeli produce blown up in Nabatieh; IDF wounds civilian curfew breaker; US Marines report incidents of harassment during patrols of Shi'ite neighborhoods; Ansar prisoners begin hunger strike.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor Party leadership endorses proposal for 2-stage IDF withdrawal, an immediate pullback from Beirut and Chouf mountains, followed by complete withdrawal in 2-3 months, with Haddad and MNF forces occupying security strip.

UN: Secretary-General tells Security Council that recruitment and arming of village militias by IDF poses major problem for UNIFIL.

Military Action:

Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US Marine positions near Beirut airport.


1 UNIFIL soldier killed, IDF denies Haddad's forces responsible; IDF casualty figures since last June show 490 killed, 2951 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: National Police HQdenies Army radio report that police want to use dogs to control West Bank demonstrations; 2000 attend rally outside Knesset to call for withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon, organized by Parents Against Silence group; Housing and Construction Ministry warns prospective purchasers of West Bank land to check ownership and registration.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones Fateh Revolutionary Council meeting, tours PLO positions in northern Lebanon.

Military Action:

Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near Kfar Mishki in southern Bekaa; at least 10 IDF soldiers reportedly killed or wounded in Sidon attacks.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Levy issues new, more explicit and restrictive IDF guidelines for dealing with West Bank and Gaza Palestinians; 15 Israeli women from Parents Against Silence group join vigil outside Prime Minister's house calling for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; Nazareth police chief bans meeting between Ibna al-Balad, other nationalist organizations and Israeli Communist Party; Sharon releases Lebanon security plan, says Haddad's role must be streng- thened, Lebanese Army must displace Druze and PLO forces in Chouf, UN troops in South should be redeployed as buffer between IDF and Syrians, Shultz plan should be scrapped and replaced by realistic diplomacy, Syria will not leave Bekaa Valley because it would lose $500m a year in taxes levied on hashish trade; January-April trade deficit in Israel up 35% over same period last year.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US meeting at Netanya to review text of withdrawal agreement; PLO officials in Damascus say negotiations with Lebanon for withdrawal of PLO forces must settle question of security for Palestinian civilians; PLO Chairman Arafat makes first visit to Lebanon since August last year, travels from Damascus to Bekaa Valley to deal with dissident PLO officers.

Arab Governments: Syrian Foreign Minister says Syria rejects the withdrawal agreement in form and substance, calls it a grave danger to Syria's security; Syrian envoys meet with former Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh, and former Prime Minister Rashid Karami reportedly to establish national front in opposition to withdrawal agreement.

US and Other Countries: US Defense Secretary Weinberger says there is no reason why US-Israel memorandum of agreement cannot be revived, expects Reagan Administration will provide all technological information Israel requests for its development of the Lavi fighter; Secretary of State Shultz says Syrian position on troop withdrawal agreement is not a rejection; largest British film and TV union general council modifies its position on members working in Israel, will allow members to work there but will provide union backing to those who decide to boycott.


Armed Phalangists enter Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp in Sidon, force adults and schoolchildren to make blood donations.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Ministry officials meet Habib to discuss clarifications of agreement; after funeral of Netivot resident shot in Gaza, 5 bakery workers from Gaza beaten by Jews in Netivot; Beit Sahour mayor meets head of Israeli Civil Administration, breaking national consensus of non-cooperation; senior police officer says that in West Bank there is a see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil attitude among Jews about Jewish vigilantism; Deputy Attorney General Y. Karp, head of a Justice Ministry committee investigating Jewish vigilantism, reportedly resigned last month because no action taken in year on recommendations for stricter law enforcement, including criticism of intervention by politicians on behalf of arrested suspects and the dependence of the police on the Military Government; Foreign Minister Shamir on tour of West Bank settlement says the Green Line has been erased in political consciousness and on the ground.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem meets President Assad in Damascus; Lebanese Cabinet discusses agreement, gives no formal endorsement of it; Lebanese Parliament extends Cabinet's emergency powers until end of September, extends its own life by 18 months to end of 1984; Haddad calls on IDF to disarm Phalange and Guardians of the Cedars militias operating in his area to carry out death sentences against Palestinians; 34th tripartite session of withdrawal talks takes place at Netanya to work out final wording of agreement.

Arab Governments: Syrian Air Force and Soviet advisers reportedly complete sophisticated 230-mile long anti-aircraft missile defense system stretching from Latakia in north to Jordanian border in south; Jordanian minister of health says he cannot fully accept results of WHO inquiry into West Bank illnesses, even if it is psychological pressure this is a poison of the mind.

US and Other Countries: US Defense Secretary Weinberger meets Saudi Defense Minister Abdel Aziz in Paris, reportedly asks Saudi assistance to persuade Syria to withdraw its forces from Lebanon, US considering direct talks with Syria on troop withdrawal; State Dept. letters show US knew last September that 300-600 armed PLO fighters remained in Beirut in violation of August cease-fire agreement.

UN: WHO assembly votes 65 to 17, with 25 abstentions, for direct supervison of health services in Israeli occupied territories, expresses great concern over epidemic.

Military Action:

Heavy fighting continues in Chouf; residents of Burj al-Shamali refugee camp near Tyre resist IDF patrol trying to enter orphans' training center.


Lebanese student killed, 7 injured wnen IDF fires at demonstration in Burj al-Shamali.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet agrees in principle to draft withdrawal agreement, Sharon and Ne'eman oppose; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israel still seeks substantive changes in role of Haddad, designated in agreement as deputy commander in South Lebanon; public opinion poll shows that Labor Alignment would defeat Likud bloc 41.4% to 37.1% in election held now; West Bank land seizures reported during last week include 11,000 dunums from 4 villages in Nablus area, 1300 dunums from Kufur Sur, several dozen dunums from Rafat in Ramallah area, 1000 dunums from Beitunia, near Ramallah.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials say Syria opposes virtually every major clause of withdrawal agreement; Haddad says he will not be an obstacle to any agreement between Lebanon and Israel.

US and Other Countries: Secretary Shultz meets King Hussein in Amman, says Hussein gives his full backing to withdrawal agreement; Shultz indicates Reagan will lift the embargo on the sale of F-16s to Israel; US reportedly has provided secret letter of assurance to Israel as part of withdrawal agreement; 133 Jewish law students at Harvard, Yale and NYU send letter to Begin protesting invasion of Lebanon and treatment of Palestinians in occupied territories, urge halt to settlements; 8 US and Canadian mayors begin 4 day visit to West Bank, Gaza and Galilee under sponsorship of Association of Arab-American University Graduates.

Military Action:

IDF tank detonates mine in Bekaa, no injuries reported; radio-controlled bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Nabrah, in Chouf.


3 IDF soldiers wounded in Chouf attack; ICRC delegates visit 2 Israeli POWs held in Syria.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Lawyers representing Bidya residents send protest telegram to Defense Minister Arens, say border police failed to protect residents who held court orders enjoining developers from working on the land; Supreme Court refuses appeal by Ziad Abu Ein, extradited to Israel from US in December 1981, against conviction and life imprisonment for bomb attack in Tiberias in 1979.

Palestinians/ Lebanese-PLO Chairman Arafat and Syrian President Assad meet formally for first time since September, reportedly agree to coordinate military resources against IDF in Bekaa Valley; Haddad says he will accept no post other than commander of Lebanese forces in South Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Jordan restricts West Bank Palestinians entering Jordan to one month permits.

US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Jerusalem, then returns to Beirut, says he thinks agreement possible by end of week, meets with Gemayel, Salem; Senate subcommittee hearing on US aid to Syria postponed after Reagan Administration expresses concern it could complicate Shultz mission.

UN: At WHO congress in Geneva, Israel blocks Kuwaiti-Libyan motion to put issue of mass illness on West Bank on agenda for full scale plenum debate.

Military Action:

IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF and Haddad forces; explosion on Sidon-Nabatiyeh road as IDF vehicle passes; Druze and Phalange in Chouf exchange artillery and rocket fire; extraordinary security precautions maintained at Beirut airport and in city during Shultz visit.


4 IDF soldiers wounded in Sidon; body of Ain el-Hilweh resident found in central Sidon square; 2 Druze wounded in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel's external debt has risen 25% in past 2 years, at end of 1982 was $28b. gross, $15.5b. net, $2b. higher than 1981; curfews imposed on Balata and al-Aza refugee camps after stones thrown at IDF and civilian vehicles, 1 soldier wounded near al-Aza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO representative in Beirut says if Israeli forces withdraw according to specific timetable, PLO and Syrian forces will also.

US and Other Countries: Secretary Shultz meets Begin, proposes indepth discussion of overall US-Israeli relations while Shultz is in the region; Shultz travels to Beirut, visits damaged US Embassy, meets Gemayel and other Lebanese officials, returns to Jerusalem; Senate Foreign Relations Committee tentatively agrees to $2.61b. aid level for Israel, $460m. more than proposed by Reagan Administration, $60m. more than approved by House committee.

Military Action:

Syrian forces fire on IDF tractor and APC in Bekaa Valley.


Suspect in assassination of Bashir Gemayel handed over to Lebanese judicial authorities by Phalange militiamen holding him since September; IDF separates Lebanese and Palestinian detainees at Ansar detention camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Government reportedly plans to move thousands of residents out of West Bank refugee camps, will offer them grants to build homes on land placed at their disposal by government, seeks financial support for plan from other governments and from international Zionist organizations; 2 women in Galilee village of Arraba arrested on security charges; British Ambassador in Israel summoned to Foreign Ministry for severe condemnation of recent British statements on Middle East and meeting between Foreign Office Minister and PLO official in Tunis; 350 dunums of land seized at Umar, West Bank village near Gush Emunim settlement of Migdal Oz; West Bank Union of Chambers of Commerce defies High Court decision, will not collect value added tax.

US and Other Countries: After 4-hour meeting with Mubarak, Shultz says US and Egypt hold identical views on withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon; State Dept. official says Israel and Lebanon have agreed on 95% of a withdrawal plan, Haddad's role is main obstacle; 3,000 attend memorial service in Washington for Americans killed in Beirut Embassy, at least 7 CIA employees reportedly among those killed in the explosion.

Military Action:

IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport facilities at Sidon, fortified posts in Arkoub and Bekaa Valleys, logistics HQ near Marjayoun; Syrian forces and IDF exchange artillery fire in Bekaa; Haddad says he must formally be made military governor of South Lebanon.


9 suspects indicted for grenade attack that wounded 5 US Marines on March 16.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF seals 4 Dahariya homes of Palestinians who reportedly admitted to attacks in Hebron area, including stone-throwing that killed Israeli woman in January; IDF orders West Bank schools to remain closed until April 19, Jenin schools closed indefinitely; Umm Safa and Gibya residents report thousands of dunams seized for nearby Ateret settlement; molotov cocktail thrown at border police patrol in Bethlehem; Jerusalem Mayor Kollek warns civic and religious leaders of Shufat and Beit Hanina if they don't stop stone-throwing along road to Neve Ya'acov settlement then police and army will; Peace Now begins protests near site of proposed Upper Nablus settlement; court orders Ministry of Defense to pay compensation of IS2m. to family of Palestinian woman shot by Israeli soldier in April 1982, soldier given 5 months suspended sentence; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman offers 3,939 apartments and building plots in West Bank and Gaza, announces campaign to expand 68 settlements, increase Jewish population in occupied territories 30-50,000 in next 18 months; Chief of Staff Eitan, in farewell statement to Cabinet, says there should be 10 new Jewish settlements for each stone-throwing incident, when Israelis have settled the land all the Arabs will be able to do about it is scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle; 2 Likud MKs recommend that soldiers be instructed to aim higher if shooting at demonstrators' legs doesn't stop stone-throwing; Israeli Electric Corporation completes 4-year project to supply electricity to West Bank settlements and villages at cost of IS360m.; Association for Civil Rights says ban on section of '83 film is attack on freedom of expression, asks for its revocation.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO stresses importance of continuing relations and dialogue with Jordan; Habib participates for first time in troop withdrawal negotiations at Netanya.

Arab Governments: Mubarak says it is imperative PLO join Jordan to facilitate negotiations; Moroccan sources say proposed Arab summit later this week likely to be postponed; Jordan reportedly considering reducing ties to West Bank; King Hussein meets British Foreign Secretary; Syria says Hussein's refusal to enter talks shows US does not hold key to Middle East peace.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says there is no alternative to the Reagan plan, suggests PLO should lose its 1974 Arab League mandate as sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people if this authority is not exercised constructively; House Foreign Affairs subcommittee links sale of advanced US weapons to Jordan to commitment to recognize Israel and enter into direct negotiations with it, increases Reagan's requests for economic aid to Israel from $785m. to $850m., all grants, increases grant portion of military aid from $550m. to $850m. out of $1.7b. total, and approves same amount for FY 1985 in largest single legislative package of aid for Israel ever approved; CIA director Casey reportedly travelled secretly to Israel last week to convince Israelis that Lebanese Army can control South Lebanon.


PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Senior IDF officers receive Peace for Galilee campaign ribbon, Yesh Gvul (There's a Limit) movement holds demonstration, calls ribbon mark of Cain; Sharon attacks Arens' Lebanon negotiating position in Cabinet meeting, says Israel is conceding too much for too little, other ministers call for unilateral withdrawal to Awali river; foreign and defense ministers tell Habib there can be no agreement unless Haddad forces play key security role; 300-480 children, mostly girls, in 5 Jenin schools taken ill with dizziness, headaches, fainting spells and stomach pains, Jenin Mayor SI wki suspects settlers of spreading poison gas, government accuses radical Palestinian factions, Civil Administration medical officer says victims definitely inhaled poison gas; Jenin under curfew after stone-throwing demonstrations; border police jeep assaulted near Sakhnin, 4 youths arrested.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones visit to Amman, has talks with King Fahd in Riyadh.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia says it will support any PLO-Jordanian agreement.

US and Other Countries: NY businessman creates special legal defense fund, supported by private American contributions, for settlers accused of violating Israeli law when retaliating against attacks by Palestinians.

Military Action:

Syrian Army halts battle after Lebanese Army unit is ambushed by Amal militia and Iranian Revolutionary Guards near Baalbek; National Guard of 40 armed men formed at Ain el-Hilweh camp, led by Mossad-trained Palestinian Abdullah Nassar; fighting in Chouf maintains near Nabrah, IDF meets with rival leaders to restore 3 week-old cease-fire.


6 Lebanese Army soldiers killed, 12 wounded, 3 militiamen killed, 5 wounded in Bekaa Valley fight; villages in South Lebanon ordered by IDF and Haddad forces to pay thousands of Lebanese pounds for protection, and to obtain release of villagers held at Ansar detention camp; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says that 300,000 illegal aliens, mostly Palestinians, will eventually have to be removed from the country.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bomb found and dismantled at entrance of al-Aqsa mosque, 16 detained for questions, Jewish extremist group suspected; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israel will not freeze settlements as a condition for King Hussein's joining peace talks; Foreign Ministry denies reports that Israel signed agreement to sell arms to Ciskei bantustan; Israeli Journalists Association instructs members to boycott February 24 press conference on treatment of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners at Ansar camp, called by Israeli Committee Against the War in Lebanon; central Ramallah under curfew after stone-throwing incidents; 24-hour guard on deposed Nablus Mayor Bassam Shakaa lifted; 300 women representing Women's Work Committees on West Bank hold 2nd annual conference in Jerusalem; Village League and Civil Administration open private electricity generating system in Bil'in in violation of Jerusalem Electricity Company concession.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says if Lebanon errs in the area of normalization with Israel it could lose its existence, Lebanon will not close 22 frontiers to open one; special envoy Habib presents latest compromise proposals on Lebanese-Israeli negotiation to Foreign Minister Shamir, then leaves for US.

Arab Governments: Jordan announces it will not enter any peace negotiations without PLO approval.

US and Other Countries: Unnamed UK oil prospecting company to sign contract with Israel to carry out Mediterranean offshore exploration.

Military Action:

IDF strengthens positions in Bekaa Valley within 2 miles of Syrian frontlines; Haddad forces complete deployment in the Bekaa Valley; Lebanese National Resistance attacks IDF position near Khalde, claims 2 killed, others wounded; IDF vehicle destroyed by remote controlled mine east of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Police discover group of settlers, mostly new immigrants from US, who plan to terrorize Hebron residents and force them to emigrate; two members of (Rabbi Kahane's) Kach settlement Al-Nakam remanded for week on charges of shooting at Palestinians; armed settlers break into Nablus' el-Farouk secondary school, fire shots above students' heads; in Yatta, armed settlers chase youths after being stopped at roadblock of burning tires, kidnap two high school students; in Ramallah and Nablus, students set up road blocks, burn tires; Dheisheh camp under curfew after stones thrown at Israeli traffic; bomb found in car of Hebron merchant; security forces reveal a bomb was found and defused last Friday next to the house of a Palestinian living near Jewish settlement of Beit Hadassah in center of Hebron; military command orders investigation of complaint that soldiers entered home of woman in Nablus, overturned furniture, beat her son; IDF soldiers and civil administrators confiscate keys to Hebron Village League offices after deposed head M. Nasr holds meeting there to reject his dismissal; IDF sentences three soliders to jail for refusing to serve in Lebanon and increases penalties; Military Intelligence Director Saguy and Beirut division commander Yaron, cited by Kahan commission, resign their posts but remain in military; Foreign Minister Shamir says Jordan should not feel apprehensive when Israeli leaders say Jordan is Palestine, it is merely a statement of geographic and demographic facts.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Israel rejects latest Habib compromise proposals, accepted by Lebanese; Habib flies to Cairo to brief Mubarak; Lebanese-Israeli negotiations continue at Khalde; IDF announces Hebrew language courses to be offered to Lebanese, with first course to be held for doctors, merchants, lawyers and teachers in Hasbaya.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Mervin Dymally (D-CA) reports that US aid to Israel during 1974-82 was $22.6 b, more than twice sum given to all Africa, and 25% more than Latin America; Time magazine stands by February 21 story over which Ariel Sharon has fifed libel suit.

Military Action:

Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most Israeli position in Bekaa valley; IDF increases patrols in Sidon area; IDF APC detonates mine near Khamed al-Luz in northern Bekaa, no injuries.


3 bodies found earlier this week in Sidon area; PLO says Israel has offered, through Austrian mediation, to release 800 prisoners for 8 IDF captured in Lebanon; IDF says it holds 293 Syrian prisoners, 5,099 Palestinians and Lebanese at Ansar.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir criticizes Reagan for use of word homeland with reference to resolution of Palestinian question, says it is not by accident that this term does not appear in the Camp David accords; 3 Israeli officers, including a Captain, and three soldiers are currently serving prison terms for refusing to serve in Lebanon; police detain 6 persons for harassing Peace Now demonstration on February 10; members of Ramallah area Village League to face charges of aggravated assault and illegal detention and interrogation as a result of complaints by Ramallah residents over incident occurring a year ago.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 18th session of Lebanese-Israeli-US talks in Khalde results in initial agreement on security arrangements; Habib meets with President Gemayel and other Lebanese leaders.

Arab Governments: Jordanian Foreign Minister, after talks in Beirut with President Amin Gemayel, says Israel must first withdraw from Lebanon and agree to settlement freeze before comprehensive negotiations can take place; Saudi Arabia, principal export market for Lebanon, bans all imports to prevent flow of Israeli goods.

US and Other Countries: Defense Secretary Weinberger denies Israeli reports that US Marines ordered not to have direct liaison with IDF, but says current system of liaison through a military council is satisfactory; Weinberger also says number of Marines in MNF may have to be increased if withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces is achieved; Shultz rejects Israeli position, reiterated yesterday by Arens, that a Palestinian state and homeland exists already in Jordan; US Gallup Poll taken in January 1983 finds American public sympathy toward Israel has returned to level of July 1981, following sharp drop after Beirut massacre.

Military Action:

IDF patrol confronts Lebanese Army at checkpoint east of Beirut; French and Italian soldiers take up positions in East Beirut alongside Lebanese Army; Foreign Minister Salem says army under orders to. shoot anyone who tries to obstruct its operations in Beirut, announces army will be increased to 40,000 men from present 22,000 by summer; car bomb explodes in Antelias, Phalange controlled suburb of Beirut; Haddad forces move in Hasbaya region of Bekaa valley; IDF reports explosive device defused near roadside in Sidon.


2 killed, 1 injured by car bomb in Antelias; 2 IDF killed, 2 injured in ambush while on patrol near Ayn Zhalta, southeast of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin government defeats no confidence motions brought by Labor, Communist and Shinui parties, in single vote, 64 to 56; 1,466 signatures collected on petition denouncing war in Lebanon by Yesh Gvul ("There's a Limit") organization; High Court issues temporary injunction to prevent eviction of 2,000 residents of refugee settlement near Rafah; fire bomb thrown at Israeli bus near village of Arabe in Jenin district, village placed under curfew.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: At PNC, PLO Political Department head Farouk Kaddoumi calls Reagan plan another Camp David; Jibril says PFLP-GC will quit PLO and PNC if Fez resolution is endorsed; PNC Chairman Khaled al-Fahoum tells press conference we do not want to destroy any state in the region, says Palestinian state will be established in West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital; in Lebanon negotiations Israel seeks five "twarning stations" manned by 150 soldiers each at Mount Baruk, Hasbaya, Nabatiyeh, Sidon, and south of Sidon; Phalangist militia leader Fadi Frem says that Israel is installing Haddad's forces as second option if negotiations fail; Lebanese Foreign Minister denies Israeli report that agreement reached on accepting Haddad into Lebanese army.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says he is willing to increase number of Marines in Lebanon if it were key to speeding foreign troop withdrawal; Reagan invites Defense Minister Arens to White House meeting prior to his departure for Israel.

Military Action:

4000 soldiers of Lebanese Army take control of East Beirut without incident as Phalange removes its heavy weapons to hills; Haddad, accompanied by Israeli officers, places garrison in Nabatiyeh and parades tanks and armored vehicles.


IDF kills 3 men attacking roadblock 5km east of Beirut; about 100 prisoners reportedly released from Ansar.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Habib meets Foreign Minister Shamir to report on talks with Lebanese; public opinion poll shows Likud bloc winning ten more seats than it presently holds if elections held now; members of National Committee for the Protection of Arab Land and Arab local authority heads meet in Sakhnin to discuss Israeli Interior Ministry plan to assign 100,000 dunums of Palestinian land to new regional council of Misgav; grenade and automatic rifle ambush of Israeli vehicles near West Bank village of al-Khader; Army permits convoy of 100 Jewish settlers to drive through Dahariya refugee camp to warn that Jewish blood would not go unavenged after death of IDF welfare officer hit by rock near Dahariya; curfew kept on old Nablus market; Dheisheh refugee camp placed under curfew; 100 foreign faculty members at West Bank universities considering compromise wording on work permit applications regarding support for PLO.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: At PNC meeting, Arafat reportedly clashes with PFLP-GC's Jibril, who does not attend plenary session; PNC votes to expand size of body from 360 to 400.

Arab Governments: Mubarak urges Palestinians meeting in Algiers to unify their position with King Hussein to search for settlement based on Reagan plan.

US and Other Countries: State Dept. says it will hold Israel responsible for safety of Palestinians and other inhabitants of South Lebanon; Shultz tells Senate Foreign Relations Committee that large scale aid to Lebanon from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states is dependent on US efforts to get withdrawal of foreign forces; US expenditure for humanitarian purposes in Lebanon since Israeli invasion totals $112 million, with $150 million in supplemental aid requested for current fiscal year; London Times Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk receives award as "Foreign Correspondent of the Year" for coverage of Israeli invasion of Lebanon; Israeli Embassy in London refuses to accept petition signed by 3,000 British academics protesting deportations of foreign lecturers from West Bank universities.

Military Action:

Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.


3 injured, 14 houses damaged by bombs at Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Report of Commission of Inquiry concludes that only Phalangist forces carried out Sabra and Shatila massacre, provides evidence that Israeli military personnel knew of killings within one hour of Phalangists entering camps, says Israeli civilian and military leaders bear indirect responsibility, accuses Begin of indifference, recommends Sharon's resignation or dismissal, accuses Army Chief of Staff Eitan of breach of duty and dereliction of duty, censures Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, IDF commander in Beirut Yaron, and Northern Commander Drori; Sharon, in speech to 600 members of the Jabotinsky Lodge in Tel Aviv, praises four officers criticized in Report; co-chairman of the Council of Torah Sages says Report would be best ignored; Peres says Alignment faction will oppose Sharon continuing in any ministerial capacity; Israeli government plans to hand over to Muslim community additional Waqf assets frozen since 1948.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Commission of Inquiry Report important but incomplete, calls for international court to investigate Israeli and American involvement; Wadi Haddad, senior advisor to President Gemayel, ends visit to Washington; Phalange party paper Al-Amal says that Sharon has ordered IDF troops to help Druze forces in Chouf; Lebanese investigator of Sabra and Shatila massacres, Assad Germanos, says his report will be ready in March or April but government will decide whether to publish it; Saad Haddad reported planning to double or triple size of his militia.

Arab Governments: Syria may be preparing third SA-5 missile site at al-Suwayda near Jordanian border.

US and Other Countries: Official US response to Commission of Inquiry Report is cautious, emphasizes that it is internal problem; State Department annual report on human rights says settlements in West Bank exacerbate human rights problems and expects that confrontation between the inhabitants of the territories and the occupation authorities is likely to remain at the same level as in recent years.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon and Shamir address US and Canadian Jews at Israel Bonds conference, both reject Reagan plan, cite differences with US on Lebanon, raise 5 conditions (1. no PLO guerrillas or political operatives, nor any forces in Lebanon from countries without relations with Israel; 2. PLO forces leave Lebanon first, then Israelis and Syrians simultaneously; 3. security zone in South patrolled by Saad Haddad; 4. within security zone, 3 temporary Israeli anti-terror supervision stations, with 250 IDF each, until Lebanese security police sufficiently strong to take over anti-terror operations; 5. Lebanon and Israel estab- lish peaceful, normal relations including open borders and trade).

Arab Governments: President Mubarak arrives in US, after stopping off in Paris for talks with Foreign Minister Cheysson, where he will meet with Reagan, Shultz, Weinberger, Habib, members of Congress, Jewish leaders, and US officials, plans to ask for increase in US aid from $1.3 billion to $1.7 billion.

US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan aide denies plans to suspend US aid or arms deliveries to Israel; in London Court, 2 Jordanians and 1 Iraqi plead not guilty to attack on Israeli Ambassador Argov last June.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says purpose of surveillance station in South Lebanon is to prevent return of PLO terrorists, if other means are available Israel will study them but so far none have been presented; Sharon at Cabinet meeting says Lebanon must pay a price for having allowed Palestinians to operate at will in previous years, that US must change position on future arrangements and security in Lebanon or Israel will consider other ways of obtaining an agreement with Lebanon, that Saad Haddad must play a role in security along border, and that survelliance stations will be military bases manned by a company each; Begin, Shamir and Sharon meet for 90 min. with Habib who then returns to US; Bethlehem Mayor Freij dismisses Deputy Mayor George Hazboun then leaves for Amman and Cairo for 3 week trip, saying there must be peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians and a halt to West Bank settlements.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali meets with Israeli Ambassador Moshe Sasson in Cairo; ministers of Syria, Iran and Libya meet in Damascus, agree to support Lebanon financially and materially to end Israeli occupation.

Military Action:

IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing to 100 total casualties in 9 weeks in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says Israelis will not become involved in any fighting while in Zaire, Israel hopes to expand ties with Zaire to include economy, diplomatic cooperation and agriculture; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai announces planned 800 megawatt hydro-electric plant at Dead Sea will be postponed, but construction of Med-Dead canal will continue, that Israel plans coaland nuclear-powered plants in the Negev; security forces arrest Najah University lecturer Sami Kilani, still hold 9 student council members, impose curfew on Nablus market area after protests over effective closure of Najah by daily roadblocks.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with King Hassan in Marrakesh; Lebanese Government agrees to US troops in surveillance stations in South, seeks to end current border anarchy of Israeli goods entering Lebanon; Saad Haddad tells Lebanese press he's willing to withdraw if it's in best interests of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Syrian Chief of Staff Gen. Hikmat Chehabi goes to Saudi Arabia with message from Assad for King Fahd; Syrian budget reportedly $4.6 billion, of which 54% or $2.6 billion goes to Ministry of Defense; President Mubarak, Prime Minister Kamal Hassan Ali, Undersecretary Osama el-Baz meet with Habib in Cairo; King Fahd meets with Habib in Riyadh.

Military Action:

IDF ambushed in Tyre.


Some IDF wounded in Tyre; Ansar review committee recommends release of 150, 1,100 cases heard out of 5,400 detainees, review committee established under the Fourth Geneva Convention on civilians as Israel does not recognize detainees as POWs covered under Third Geneva Convention.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, Shamir and chief negotiator David Kimche meet for 2 hours with Habib and Draper, discussion focuses on 3 main differences between US and Israel (surveillance stations, UNIFIL, role of Saad Haddad); Commission of Inquiry completes 3?/2 months of investigation covering 49 witnesses, 152 eyewitnesses, 65 hours of testimony, 17,703 pages of transcript, closing with oral arguments of lawyers for 9 senior officials (Sharon, Eitan, Drori, Yaron, Dudai and Mossad head); Begin meets with head of Association for Prevention of Emigration, agrees to consider setting up ministerial committee to combat emigration (now 200,000 Israelis in the US alone); Israeli Foreign Ministry paying $5,000 per month rent on Saudi-owned villa along Beirut-Damascus high-way as Lebanon headquarters; Education Ministry setting up a committee to review curriculum in Arab schools and examine educational, psychological and social causes for growing extremism among Palestinian Israeli youth; Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Rakah) candidates win election of Arab student committees in Tel Aviv and Haifa universities; army uses tear gas and warning shots to disperse demonstrators in Hebron protesting arrest on Jan. 13 of 50 students, including entire student council, from Islamic University; Cabinet settlement committee votes to set up 2 new settlements in West Bank near Hebron, and 2 across green line in same area, approves referral center for prospective settlers.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee, chaired by Arafat, meets in Damascus to plan for PNC; Walid Jumblatt criticizes compromise agenda in talks as concession to Israeli and US terms; Lebanese Forces Commander Fadi Frem urges Government to sign peace treaty with Israel to liberate Lebanon from psychological and political domination of Syria.

Arab Governments: Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmad Taleb Ibrahimi says Alteria purchased $20 million worth of arms direct from USSR for PLO in June, and later sent another 2 planeloads from Algiers; Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries reportedly removing British firms from list of eligible contractors due to dispute over PLO representative in Arab League delegation; Saudi Crown Prince Abdallah in Damascus for talks with Assad.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: US envoy Habib and Prime Minister Begin hold 90 minute meeting during which Habib presents Begin with letter from Reagan; Defense Minister Sharon postpones departure to Zaire, takes 100 Herut Party members on tour of Israeli military positions in Lebanon, Sharon meets Saad Haddad in Marjayoun, says any peace agreement will have a role for Haddad as he is trustworthy friend of Israel; Sharon holds afternoon press conference in Kiryat Shemona, simultaneously with official press conference announcing agreement on Lebanon talks agenda, creating tension with Foreign Minister Shamir, Sharon notes de facto normalization has preceded diplomatic normalization, that since Nov. 15, 12,000 people and 1,100 vehicles have entered Ilsrael from Lebanon and 1,100 Israeli vehicles transported goods to Lebanon; Labor Party political bureau approves Histadrut companies involvement in construction of settlements in occupied territories; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai urges strong posture on US pressure, says control of Judea and Samaria is vital for security; Civil Administration declares as state land 20,000 dunums in Dahariya, south of Hebron, gives Palestinians 21 days to appeal, area planned for land reserve along 1967 green line; 30 Kach members break into Hebron home of Moshe Levinger, demanding that Meir Kahane's Kach settlement nearby receive support and services from Kiryat Arba as does Levinger's group in Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat in Moscow press conference releases communique that Soviet Union shows understanding of the PLO position on confederation on the basis of voluntarity between an independent Palestinian state and Jordan; following Habib-Begin meeting, Israel and Lebanon, in talks held in Kiryat Shemona, agree on agenda for talks (including concurrent discussion on "termination of the state of war; security arrangements; framework for mutual relations, including issues such as liaison, ending hostile propaganda, the movement of goods, products and persons, communications, etc.; program of complete withdrawals, conditions for Israeli withdrawal, within the context of the evacuation of all foreign forces; possible guarantees"); Lebanese Parliament delegation visits Amman seeking Jordanian support in talks with Israel.

Arab Governments: Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, at non-aligned conference in Nicaragua, says Syria will resist any agreement which does not call for Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories and does not recognize inalienable rights of Palestinians.

US and Other Countries: Pentagon refuses to sign draft agreement on US access to Israeli military data due to unreasonable restrictions; secret plan revealed for mini-Rapid Deployment Force in Jordan to guard internal stability, respond to emergencies in friendly Gulf States, and possible use in inter-Arab wars; Henry Kissinger says Lebanon crisis has consequences helpful to prospects for peace, shows USSR can supply arms but not solutions, rout of PLO restores US military credibility; Representative Council of French Jewry protests French Middle East policy, says Foreign Minister Cheysson's recent statements show anti-Israel bias, asks government to close PLO Paris office and expel PLO representative Ibrahim Suss.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister's office reacts angrily to reports that US may postpone Begin's visit if no progress is made in Lebanon peace talks; Eitan is criticized by Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for comments on Lebanon yesterday; former military intelligence chief Shlomo Gazit, now President of Ben Gurion University in Beersheba, says Arafat's success is the large number of men Israel keeps mobilized to prevent terrorism, that security forces should not be kept on alert in the West Bank; El Al airlines resumes operations after 4 month strike over issue of flights on Sabbath and Jewish holidays; Minister for Science and Development Yuval Ne'eman, acting chair of Cabinet settlement committee, issues communique that settlements in West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights will continue despite US criticism; Israeli military experts reported organizing Zairian army; military roadblock around Najah University effectively implementing Order 854 which requires students from other districts to have special permit to attend university; Civil Administration says it is not involved in land dispute over Hebron municipality electricity pylons torn down by Kiryat Arba residents, that IDF is responsible; military authorities declare Hebron closed military area to prevent 50 Peace Now members from assisting Hebron residents re-erect and guard electricity pylons.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat meets with CPSU Secretary-General Yuri V. Andropov and Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, Arafat and Andropov declare that US shares full responsibility for Israel's criminally aggressvie actions because it gives Israel all the assistance it needs; Lebanese Government states preference for expanded role for UNIFIL throughout Lebanon after withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces; Dany Chamoun visits Saad Haddad in Marjayoun and Christian notables in Klea.

Arab Govemnments: King Fahd confers in Riyadh with Walid Jumblatt; Morocco retracts announcement on Arab League delegation, saying no decision will be made until Arab foreign ministers meet in Marrakesh; President Assad tells visiting Arab news agencies' directors that Syria rejects current Middle East peace plans, but would attend an Arab summit to map out collective action.

US and Other Countries: 500 at United Jewish Appeal luncheon addressed by Israeli President Navon, who says both Labor and Likud parties agree that a return to 1967 borders is not acceptable, PLO is a terrorist organization, a West Bank Palestinian state would be a security threat to Israel and base for Soviet intervention in the region, that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, but he says that Israel would take into consideration any change in the PLO covenant; Italian General Confederation of Labor meets with leaders of Rome's Jewish community to formulate plans to combat anti-Semitism.

Military Action:

IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-Barajneh to Lailaki; fighting continues in Bab Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli.


9 killed in Tripoli; 40-50 detained by Lebanese Army.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli, Lebanese and US negotiators meet at Kiryat Shemona, fail to agree on draft agenda proposed by US delegate Draper; Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Soviet SA-5 missiles in Syria are not a military threat, but of major political significance, as could be manned by Soviet personnel, and confirms that Syria is undergoing intense military expansion to have 2 additional armored divisions by 1984, all its artillery self-propelled, most tanks to be T-72s, more commando battalions; President Navon in Washington, says consensus within Israel is opposed to Palestinian state and returning to 1967 borders; Yesh Gvul ("There's A Limit") demonstration in front of Defense Ministry demands rights for conscientious objectors and freedom for those in jail; Costa Rican Minister of Public Security Angel Edmondo Solano Calderon and wife visit Israel as guests of Defense Minister Sharon; Kiryat Arba local council tears down 4 electricity poles providing electricity to 25 Palestinian families, claiming land is allocated to Givat Harsina settlement; military authorities close Nablus technical school for I week; American Principal of Ramallah Friends Girls School summoned by military governor, but refuses (along with 4 US teachers) to sign work permit containing anti-PLO clause.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says in interview he will set up government in exile once the US recognizes the Palestinians' right to self-determination; Lebanese militia and political leaders meet in Tripoli to try to stop fighting.

US and Other Countries: Actress Elizabeth Taylor in Israel on a mission of peace and understanding decides not to go to Lebnon as Lebanese Government cannot guarantee her security, but Saad Haddad goes to Tel Aviv to meet Taylor.