Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yuri Heller, leader of radical settler group, declares intent to build Jewish settlement in S. Lebanon; states S. Lebanon part of "Land...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yuri Heller, leader of radical settler group, declares intent to build Jewish settlement in S. Lebanon; states S. Lebanon part of "Land...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank lawyers group announces intention to challenge extensive Israeli "Road Plan 50" before World Court; plan would expropriate 46,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed mayor of Rafah (Gaza) [10/3, after Mayor Qishta's assassination], Suleiman Zo'rub arrested on charges of drug...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem & Bir Zeit U.s closed in mourning for death of Sharif Taibe (killed 1 1/21). Proceedings of PNC mtg. broadcast in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects requests to allow West Bank & Gaza delegates to attend PNC mtg. in Amman and to early end to al-Najah U. closure....
Arab World: Jordan agrees to host 17th Palestine National Council mtg. in Amman.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces capture...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nuseirat camp (Gaza) man sentenced to 5 1/2 yrs. for selling weapons. 1st Palestinian judge appointed to "Judea & Samaria" Judicial...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: High Court issues order nisi blocking military demolition of 2 Jabaliya camp (Gaza) homes for being built without license.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Miitary coordinator for occupied territories Shmuel Goren, directing commentso MKs who support Palestinian rights, says he will not...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha. Renewed talks produce basic agreement on bipartisan Israeli government. High Court refuses to make public...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza military court charges 2 Israeli officers with 5/1/84 attack & blinding of Gaza man M. H; Abu Amra.
Arab World: 3...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 30 Israeli artists make solidarity visit to family of Gaza artist Fathi Ghabin imprisoned since 5/9/84. Gov't. activities coordinator in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli political parties begin negotiating for coalition partners. Kach party members celebrate Meir Kahane's win, stage violent march...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gal and Ya'e Yaqir construction companies' bulldozers uproot 60 trees in Bidya village in defiance of court order (4/83) prohibiting...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 22 Jewish terror suspects begins in Jerusalem with defense request for 3-mo. adjournment; defendents' supporters attempt to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense commission inquiry reports 2 commandos, Subhi and Majdi Abu Juma'a, captured (4/12/84) in bus hijacking were bludgeoned to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza fishermen's catch wasted as Israeli tax officials prevent delivery to merchants for non-payment of illegal VATs. Al-Bireh's Family...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem's Palestinian theater and art complex Nuzha-al-Hakawati Center opens. Popular Gaza artist Fathi Ghabin sentenced to 6 mos....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unity is central theme as Palestinian workers commemorate International Workers Day in rallies and celebrationsponsored by local trade...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In special session, military court considers charge that confession of Abd al-Aziz Qablawi, 16, to stone-throwing at IDF vehicles was...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-run Hebron municipality serves orders to Palestinian shopowners in building near Sultan's Pool to vacate as city is "...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli...
Social Economic/Political:
Arab World: Participants in Lebanon reconciliation talks agree all political prisoners of Lebanon's warring factions be released. IDF reopens Sidon port after 10-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military sources announce plans to expel Palestinian leader Abu Ali Shahin held incommunicado for past 11 months on charges of...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli military court in Nablus sentences Nayef Sweitat to 9 mos. prison on charges of contact with PLO. Israeli National Insurance Institute...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yuri Heller, leader of radical settler group, declares intent to build Jewish settlement in S. Lebanon; states S. Lebanon part of "Land of Israel" [TS 12/29]. W. Bank & Gaza teachers employed by UNRWA issue statement protesting planned UNRWA budget cuts including halt in salary increases [FJ 1/4].
Arab World: 2 youths reported arrested in Quneitra, Golan Hts., for displaying Palestinian, Syrian flags over public bldgs. on politically significant dates [JP 12/28]. Jordan sentences 15 W. Bank landowners to death in abstentia for land sales to Israelis [NYT 12/29]. Kuwait-based Independent Palestinian Committee for Comprehensive Natl. Talks, comprised of representatives of major PLO groups and independents, issues statement urging unity, rejecting creation of alternative PLO; calls on signatories to July 1984 Aden-Algiers agreement to abide by its articles [FJ 1/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli road workers fired upon near 'Aboud; one injured [JP 12/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank lawyers group announces intention to challenge extensive Israeli "Road Plan 50" before World Court; plan would expropriate 46,000 dunums, freeze development of further 78,000 [JP 12/20].
Other Countries: Israeli delegation in Washington seeks record $4.85 billion in US aid [PI 12/20]; US indicates Irael will not receive full amount [JTA 12/20]. US Defense Sec. Weinberger, State Dept. official Dam defend Reagan Plan as basis for future initiatives [JP 12/20]. US Commerce Dept. states 59 US firms fined $1.6 million for complying with Arab boycott of Israel [JP 12/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Press reports indicate Israeli security forces seize 6 Gaza residents with grenade, target list including US embassy [LAT 12/19].
Arab World: Toura, S. Lebanon villagers claim IDF killed woman, girl in raid previous week [MG 12/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed mayor of Rafah (Gaza) [10/3, after Mayor Qishta's assassination], Suleiman Zo'rub arrested on charges of drug trafficking. IDF issues report showing it uses 8-10% of all fuel imported into country.
Arab World: PNC votes Khalid Fahoum out of office as Speaker [207-7, 47 abst.], elects Sheikh 'Abd al-Hamid Sayeh as replacement.
Other Countries: UN Gen. Assembly passes resolution (105-17, 9 abst.) condemning Israel for aggression in Lebanon.
Military Action
Arab World: 2 Israelis wounded in ambush of IDF patrol near Haboush village, S. Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem & Bir Zeit U.s closed in mourning for death of Sharif Taibe (killed 1 1/21). Proceedings of PNC mtg. broadcast in Palestine via Jordanian TV.
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat convenes 17th PNC with 257 delegates [251 needed for quorum] in Amman, evoking theme of "eternal continuity"; King Hussein gives opening speech urging Palestinian-jordanian initiative for peace talks based on "territory for peace." 41st anniversary of Lebanese Republic.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot & kill Ramallah demonstrator Bakr Abdullah, wound another during stonethrowing incident there; officers refuse ambulance. Other stone-throwing incidents reported in Nablus & Jelaila camp (Gaza).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects requests to allow West Bank & Gaza delegates to attend PNC mtg. in Amman and to early end to al-Najah U. closure. West Bank military govt. bans journalist Raymonda Tawil from leaving Palestine. S. African FM Botha meets FM Shamir; tells Jerusalem Post there are "striking comparisons" between problems faced by S. Africa and Israel.
Arab World: Jordan agrees to host 17th Palestine National Council mtg. in Amman.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces capture of Fateh leader Ali Khalil Riba'i at Dura, south of al-Khalil (Hebron). Gaza man Abulrahman Darabiya shot & wounded by unknown gunman; later, PFLP (in Damascus) claims victim is Israeli agent.
Arab World: 3 commandos killed, 3 Israelis wounded in clash along Awali River; 4 more commandos reported killed by IDF in Jabal Baroukh area.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nuseirat camp (Gaza) man sentenced to 5 1/2 yrs. for selling weapons. 1st Palestinian judge appointed to "Judea & Samaria" Judicial Appointments Com. Histadrut Exec. Com. mtg. turns into brawl as MK Ran Cohen calls MK Sharon "criminal." PM Peres says he will decline US offer to defer for 90 days $500 million loan now due. US and Israeli officials discuss joint Central America & Third World development & other programs.
Arab World: In special session, Lebanese cabinet meets to discuss deteriorating economic situation. Lebanese Pres. Gemayel flies to Libya for mtg. with Col. Qadhafi.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Israelis found slain in valley between Bethlehem & Jerusalem; Dheisheh resident held suspect.
Arab World: Lebanese Army 6th Brigade surrounds Bourj al-Barajneh camp, Beirut in response to reported PFLP-DFLP shoot-out there.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: High Court issues order nisi blocking military demolition of 2 Jabaliya camp (Gaza) homes for being built without license.
Military Action
Arab World: 200 new SLA recruits [half of them Shi'ite] begin training at Majadiya, S. Lebanon [current 2,100-man force is 60% Christian, 17% Shi'ite, 15% Druze, 8% Sunni].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Miitary coordinator for occupied territories Shmuel Goren, directing commentso MKs who support Palestinian rights, says he will not hesitate "to stop any activity of Israeli parties in the West Bank & Gaza which might affect general order."
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha. Renewed talks produce basic agreement on bipartisan Israeli government. High Court refuses to make public Zorea Com. report regarding killing of Palestinian commandos in Gaza (4/12/84). Shattah prison (Nazareth) inmates find worms in food, stage hunger strike. Jnaid prison (Nablus) inmates strike after guards attack prisoners with tear gas in their cells, hospitalizing 4. Bank Hapoalim announces $8.2 million profit for 1st half of 1984.
Other Countries: In New York pre-trial hearing in his $50 million suit against Time, Ariel Sharon castigates its 2/21/83 issue's implication that he encouraged Sabra & Shatila massacres (9/82) as "blood libel."
Military Action
Arab World: IDF transfers responsibility for security in Nabatiya to South Lebanon Army; sends patrols north of Awali River. Israeli DM Arens meets SLA Gen. Lahd, expresses satisfaction with SLA performance. Former Lebanese PM Selim al-Hoss escapes remote-control bomb blast; 4 killed, 25 wounded.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza military court charges 2 Israeli officers with 5/1/84 attack & blinding of Gaza man M. H; Abu Amra.
Arab World: 3 Palestinian Nat'l. Action leaders in Jordan voice opposition to PNC mtg. before agreement between all PLO groups. Lebanese Pres. Gemayel meets Pres. Assad in Damascus for talks on security and political reforms. Palestine Higher Military Council meets in Tunis, endorses Aden-Algiers agreement (6/27). Chrmn. Arafat meets with Algerian (FLN) officials.
Other Countries: Nigerian gov't. sanctions chiefs Oba Sijuade II and Alhaji Ado Bayero for recent visit to Jerusalem for talks with Israeli officials. Israel Aircraft Industries recruits 10 engineers from Lear Fan plant in Belfast, N. Ireland to accelerate production of Lavi jets. France's Chief Rabbi Rene Sirat condemns Kahane as "contrary to all ideals of Judaism." Venezuelan Confederation of Jewish Associations denounces Pan American Gymnastics Federation support for Palestine's membership in International Gymnastics Federation.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel gov't. rejects King Hussein's UN peace negotiations proposal. Finance Ministry refuses income tax amendment protecting workers from inflation.
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and Palestinian Democratic Alliance (PDA) issue joint statement in Algiers proposing to convene 1 7th National Council session before mid-Sept.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF shoot Jabaliya camp (Gaza) resident on suspicion of stone-throwing, wounding him in leg.
Arab World: 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Jezzine. Lebanese resistance fighters ambush IDF vehicle S. of Lake Karoun. Katyushas fired on IDF position near Tyre.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 30 Israeli artists make solidarity visit to family of Gaza artist Fathi Ghabin imprisoned since 5/9/84. Gov't. activities coordinator in occupied territories visits newest settlement Tal Rumeida in heart of Hebron.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli political parties begin negotiating for coalition partners. Kach party members celebrate Meir Kahane's win, stage violent march through Jerusalem, toting pistols and shouting "death to the Arabs." Arab press editorials express pessimism over election as augur of Zionist extremism.
Arab World: IDF reopens single road between Beirut & S. Lebanon; IDF governor at Sidon links S. Lebanon blockade policy to Karami's decision to close IDF liaison office.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 bombs hurled at IDF patrols in Jabaliya refugee camp, Gaza; no injuries.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gal and Ya'e Yaqir construction companies' bulldozers uproot 60 trees in Bidya village in defiance of court order (4/83) prohibiting work on the Arab-owned land. Cabinet authorizes immediatestablishment of 4 settlements in West Bank, 1 in Golan. Kawkab residents boycott ceremony installing Israeli-backed local council. 2 Jabaliya camp (Gaza) youths sentenced to 1/2 & 2 yrs. for possession of grenades.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF ambushed near Sidon, 3 troops wounded.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 22 Jewish terror suspects begins in Jerusalem with defense request for 3-mo. adjournment; defendents' supporters attempt to eject attending attorney Darwish Nasser from courtroom as "PLO presence." Election officials ban Meir Kahane's Kach party from upcoming elections. 6 Palestinian prisoners escape Rafah prison, Gaza; 1 rearrested.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb discovered and defused at Beit Safafa soccer field before game.
Arab World: Jordan's King Hussein announces willingness to send troops to aid Iraqi war effort.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli bulldozers destroy 7 dunums of cucumbers in Rafah; authorities claim Palestinians must sign rental contract with state to farm village land. Nablus court sentences Jenin resident to 31/2 yrs. for throwing stones, writing slogans. Gaza farmers complain to Israeli tax dep't. for exacting monthly taxes in advance. Settlers break into Sa'ir secondary school, shooting in air, arresting 2 students on stone-throwing charge. As acting DM in Arens' absence, PM Shamir outlaws Arab-Jewish "Progressive Slate for Peace" (formed 5/31/84). Following Zorea Commission report, Att.-Gen. Zamir appoints civilian-military committee to investigate murder of commandos (4/12/84). Bank of Israel estimates Israel's war in Lebanon has cost $900 million to date (Haaretz). Military occupation authorities issue order No. 1 108 increasing sentence for stone-throwing to maximum 20 yrs.
Other Countries: The Jewish Press donates $26,000 to defense of the Jewish terrorist suspects.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense commission inquiry reports 2 commandos, Subhi and Majdi Abu Juma'a, captured (4/12/84) in bus hijacking were bludgeoned to death by Israeli security men, full report censored and classified; DM Arens says neither he nor CoS Moshe Levy directly responsible, and "legal action" will be taken against those found responsible. Bulldozers working at night uproot olive trees belonging to Salah Abu Rajab, destroy wall of nearby Hajariyeh school. WZO Settlement co-chrmn. Drobles proposes new plan to attract Jews from Palestine coast to settle around Jerusalem and restrict Arab development, which he calls a "cancer." Jenin area melon growers report export permit delays caused 30% crop loss. Gaza military gov. orders 2450 dunums citrus groves closed to Beit Lahiya owners.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab-owned cars in Halhoul & Habil Riyah, Hebron vandalized in night. Firebomb hurled at Kiryat Arba garbage truck, no injuries.
Arab World: Israeli troops sweep through several east Beqaa villages, arresting, cuffing and blindfolding scores of people, driving them off toward Galilee. Israeli patrol fired upon from speeding car in S. Lebanon, 1 Israeli wounded.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza fishermen's catch wasted as Israeli tax officials prevent delivery to merchants for non-payment of illegal VATs. Al-Bireh's Family Rehabilitation Society graduates 16th class of 198 students.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jihad Shaqr of Gaza attacked and killed by masked assailants.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem's Palestinian theater and art complex Nuzha-al-Hakawati Center opens. Popular Gaza artist Fathi Ghabin sentenced to 6 mos. prison on charge of "incitement through his painting." Israeli police investigate complaint by prisoner Nasir Ibrahim of torture while imprisoned in Shefa 'Amr after arrest for demonstrating without permit during Shimon Peres visit to Kabul (4/8/84). In Bethlehem U. Student Council elections, Students' Progressive Front Bloc wins 8 seats, Youth Bloc wins 1. Jerusalem police arrest 4 American-Israeli Jews for planting at least a dozen booby-trapped grenades at churches, mosques and Arab homes in recent months; police announce these arrests wrap up "TNT" case investigations. In radio interview, Science & Development Min. Ne'eman says the 1980 car bombings of Palestinian mayors "had a positive effect." Herut elects Sharon to fourth-place position in party. 2 new settlements inaugurated: "Tel Haim" [see 3/29/30], and "Ma'aleh Levona" on Nablus-Ramallah road.
Other Countries: US State Dep't. spokesman indicates US will not support any resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon that does not also call for secure northern border for Israel. Simon Wiesenthaler Center in New York requests papacy investigate possible Catholic Church role in sheltering former Nazi Walter Rauff, after Israeli gov't. failure to extradite him from Chile.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unity is central theme as Palestinian workers commemorate International Workers Day in rallies and celebrationsponsored by local trade unions.
Arab World: In Nouvel Observateur interview, Chrmn. Arafat proposes mutual recognition and talks with Israel under UN auspices. 3 Israeli members of Israeli-Lebanese Liaison Com. arrested by Lebanese Army near Berbara, central Lebanon; Israeli spokesman explains the 3 were "apparently lost."
Other Countries: US House Foreign Affairs Subcom. hears 7 public witnesses on issue of embassy relocation to Jerusalem. Egypt warns of break in relations with US if Washington decides to relocate embassy.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: After arguing with Israeli soldiers ordering him to demolish his home in Gaza, Hassan Abu Amra is arrested, beaten and rendered blind in one eye.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In special session, military court considers charge that confession of Abd al-Aziz Qablawi, 16, to stone-throwing at IDF vehicles was untrue and extracted by torture at Fara'a prison.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4 Arab men demanding release of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons commandeer Egged bus from Tel Aviv to Gaza with about 10 hostages; Shin Bet storms bus, kill commandos Jamal Qablan & Mohammed Barakeh (1 passenger killed and 7 wounded by stray gunfire), take Ahmed & Subhi Abu Jama'a into custody, bludgeoning them to death later; DM Arens on scene confirms only 2 killed in operation. IDF then destroys Gaza home of the 4, orders their families not to rebuild, places home villages under curfew. Arab World: Suicide car-bomber hits IDF armored personnel carrier, wounding at least 4 troops near Deir Qanoun.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-run Hebron municipality serves orders to Palestinian shopowners in building near Sultan's Pool to vacate as city is "repossessing" it. Israeli bulldozers begin work on access road to Elon Moreh site through Palestinian-owned land. Poll by Jewish-Arab center of Haifa U. shows 55% of Israeli Jews support preventing Arabs becoming majority in Palestine again; 49% urge gov't. to encourage Arabs to leave; 64% urge tightened control over Arabs; 65% believe Arabs can't be trusted. In response to reports of Iraq's use of chemical weapons, Min. of Science Neeman asserts "Arabs have always been known to have no scruples about using unconventional weapons."
Arab World: Syria expells UNRWA director in Damascus without explanation.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unknown assailant reportedly throws bomb at demonstrators in Gaza; 3 IDF soldiers, 7 Palestinians injured; local residents claim Arab victims shot by soldiers.
Arab World: Israeli troops open fire on car at road block near Saksakiyah, S. Lebanon, killing driver.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli ties before World Affairs Council, Washington, DC.
Other Countries: On Middle East fact-finding mission, UN Undersec. Gen. Urquhart told by Shamir of Israel's opposition to UNIFIL troops in S. Lebanon. Israel claims smuggled Palestinian vegetables from West Bank & Gaza sold on Israeli market.
Military Action:
Arab World: 1 IDF soldier killed, 1 wounded in roadside bomb blast near Sarafand, S. Lebanon; IDF conducts house-to-house search, arresting several "suspects."
Social Economic/Political:
Arab World: Participants in Lebanon reconciliation talks agree all political prisoners of Lebanon's warring factions be released. IDF reopens Sidon port after 10-day closure.
Other Countries: In response to remarks by King Hussein, Reagan admin. says "there is no possibility of progress toward peace" unless Jordan and other Arab countries change their attitude and agree to negotiate with Israel; White House sends cable to US amb. Viets in Amman, demanding explanation why Washington not alerted to Hussein's seeming abrupt loss of confidence; State Dep't. suggests Syrian-backed extremism provoked his rejection of Reagan "peace initiatives."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Home-made bomb hurled at IDF patrol near Gaza; no casualties.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military sources announce plans to expel Palestinian leader Abu Ali Shahin held incommunicado for past 11 months on charges of illegal residence in Gaza. After 2-week study, IMF delegation endorses Israel Treasury policies. Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Amin Tarif criticizes Golani Druze for demonstrating in Nabi Shu'eib against Israeli occupation. French national Henri Eichholtzer given 4-year sentence for passing informaiton to PLO; evidence convicting Eichholtzer allegedly found among documents looted from Beirut by IDF. Suspended al-Najah U.'s Council of Deans issues statement of concern over restriction on academic life.
Arab World: In New York Times interview, King Hussein rules out direct negotiations with Israel in near future and says US lost all credibility as mediator by its lopsided policy.
Other Countries: At New York fundraiser, MK Sharon warns arms sold to Jordan will only aim at Israel, and US "must stop immediately the dangerous arms race in the Middle East." Greek police arrest Palestinian Alani Abdul Rahim charged with assassination attempt on Israeli diplomatic mission head in Athens.
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli military court in Nablus sentences Nayef Sweitat to 9 mos. prison on charges of contact with PLO. Israeli National Insurance Institute releases figures indicating 10% of Israel's population lives below poverty level. Brigadier Shlomo Ilya, head of Israeli "civil administration" in West Bank, resigns in connection with military police investigation of corruption. Israel government workers stage warning strike in support of wage increases; public services, including radio and television broadcasts disrupted. High Court order nisi challenges Gaza military court decision to demolish 24 Palestinian homes in Jabaliya refugee camp.
Arab World: Several leaders of Palestine Liberation Front in Damascus reportedly kidnapped by rival members of PLF.
Arab World: Villages from Iqlim al- Kharrub to Souq al-Gharb resist LAF mass arrests and imposition of "mourning curfew" by IDF forces after Saad Haddad's death.