33 / 15500 Results
  • December 24, 1992

    FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, PLO, conclude meeting in Cairo, issue statement urging UN to give Israel a deadline to repatriate 12/17 Palestinian deportees, imply peace talks in jeopardy...

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  • November 30, 1992

    Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

    Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center...

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  • November 15, 1992

    Palestinians demonstrate throughout o.t on 4th anniv. of declaration of the State of Palestine, are dispersed by IDF using tear gas and gunfire in Ramallah, Gaza, and Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el 11/...

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  • November 2, 1992

    Rabin govt. defeats 4 no-confidence motions in Knesset by vote of 59 to 51. The ultra-Orthodox SHAS party agreed to stay in coalition in exchange for an apology from outspoken secularist ed. min....

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  • October 27, 1992

    Palestinian delegation presents Israel with lengthy memo detailing human rights violations in the o.t., issuing 12 demands: closing Ansar III prison, lifting Gaza nighttime curfew, halting illegal...

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  • October 11, 1992

    Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike for one week after Israeli official promise to begin investigation of their demands 10/12. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13; MM, WP 10/12)


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  • October 1, 1992

    Israeli FM Shimon Peres invites Pres. Asad to meet with PM Rabin in speech to UN General Assembly. Rabin says summit is very desirable, but premature atthis point. (IDF Radio 10/1 in FBIS 10/2;...

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  • September 2, 1992

    Israeli and Arab delegations agree to adjourn negotiations from 9/4 to 9/14, to reconvene then until 9/24. (MM 9/2; GPO 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

    Israeli delegation presents Palestinian delegation...

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  • August 18, 1992

    PLO spokesman Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh says Palestinians will "postpone their participation" in the upcoming (8/24) round of talks unless the Arab parties receive assurances from the U.S. that all...

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  • August 1, 1992

    IDF kills Fateh mbr. in Khan Yunis, Gaza. Three soldiers are wounded in the clash; IDF imposes curfew on the town. (IDF Radio 8/2 in FBIS 8/4; WP 8/3)

    PLO criticizes Jordanian lower house...

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  • July 22, 1992

    Secy. of State Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, then travels to Damascus to meet with Pres. Asad, FM Faruk al-Shara'. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 7/22 in FBIS 7/22; WP 7/23)


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  • July 16, 1992

    Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of...

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  • July 13, 1992

    PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy....

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  • July 5, 1992

    Arye Bar, Israeli construction and housing min. dir. gen. meets with Fin. Min. Yitzhak Modai on behalf of hospitalized Housing Min. Ariel Sharon; Modai instructs treasury to approve construction...

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  • June 14, 1992

    Former Soviet Pres. Gorbachev arrives in Israel, meets with PM Shamir, attends dinner at Pres. Herzog's residence. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14, 6/15 in FBIS 6/15)

    At Erez Crossing, Gaza, Israeli...

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  • June 10, 1992

    IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

    Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is...

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  • June 2, 1992

    Iranian FM 'Ali Akbar Velayati meets with Lebanese FM Fans Buwayz in Beirut (first Iranian FM to visit Lebanon since 1979 Iranian revolution); Lebanon seeks Iranian help in restraining Islamic...

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  • May 27, 1992

    Steering committee of multilateral peace talks begins meeting in Lisbon to discuss results of 5 sets of talks held during May. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/28)

    France announces it will...

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  • May 24, 1992

    Gunbattle in Gaza City leaves 3 Palestinians, 1 Border Guard dead; a second Israelis wounded. IDF imposes 3-day travel ban on Gaza. Curfew clamped on Nusayrat, Maghazi refugee camps and Sabra,...

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  • May 13, 1992

    Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for...

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  • May 4, 1992

    Chmn. Arafat, Fateh leaders meet with PFLP Asst. Gen. Secy. Abu al-'Ali Mustafa and other PFLP leaders in Tunis to discuss differences in advance of upcoming PLO Central Council meeting. (al-Ray 5...

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  • April 27, 1992

    Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for...

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  • April 21, 1992

    State Dept. announces all parties to peace negotiations have agreed to hold future, sixth round of talks in Rome. No date has yet been set [upcoming fifth round will take place 4/27 in Washington...

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  • April 16, 1992

    German PM Helmut Kohl notifies FM Levy that Germany cannot provide the amount of additional aid to resettle Soviet Jews which Israel had requested [among other items, Israel had requested $10...

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  • April 2, 1992

    State Dept. indicates all parties to peace negotiations have agreed to resume talks 4/27 in Washington and have given the U.S. lists of proposed sites for the sixth round of talks. (WP 4/3)

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  • April 1, 1992

    Meeting in Beirut, for. ministers of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, PLO approve Arab participation in upcoming round of peace talks in Washington. (MM 4/2)

    U.S. Congress passes foreign aid bill...

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  • March 30, 1992

    State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to...

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  • March 27, 1992

    Ateret Cohanim seminary announces housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon, has given it land to build some 200 homes in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. Housing project would represent the largest...

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  • March 22, 1992

    IDF reopens Gaza after forbidding Palestinians in Gaza from traveling to Israel 3/20. (MM 3/23)

    Leaders of the Palestinian community in Israel decide to send a delegation to the UN to seek...

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  • March 20, 1992

    U.S. inspection team arrives in Israel to investigate charges that Israel improperly delivered Patriot missile technology to China. (MM 3/20)

    IDF closes Gaza, forbids Palestinians from...

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FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, PLO, conclude meeting in Cairo, issue statement urging UN to give Israel a deadline to repatriate 12/17 Palestinian deportees, imply peace talks in jeopardy. (NYT 12/25)

Chmn. Arafat says "I would have caught the murderer of the soldier [kidnapped 10/13 by Hamas and found dead 10/15] and killed him!" in interview on deportations, peace talks. (Davar 12/27 in FBIS 12/28)

Palestinian-Israeli delegation including MKs and local council heads, makes deportees-solidarity visit to Red Cross HQ in Gaza, which turns into large demonstration. (ITV 12/24 in FBIS 12/30)

Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center releases poll of 1,000 o.t. residents on peace process. 68% said the negotiations have "a chance" for achieving peace; 25% see no hope in negotiations, whatever the terms. 76% accept autonomy if it leads to Palestinian sovereignty, 61% say rejectionists have no reliable agenda to confront the peace process. (al-Fajr 12/1 in FBIS 12/3)

Peace Now releases o.t. demographic survey, concluding that settlement movement in o.t. has failed, with inflated govt. investment over the years resulting in a small number of settlers who only provoke violence. Yesha Council (of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza) charges Peace Now with tailoring facts to fit their political orientation. (IDF Radio 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; MM 12/1)

Al-Quds al-Arabi publishes interview with Chmn. Arafat criticizing Syria for "adopting" the ten rejectionist factions, Iran and the Gulf states for supporting Hamas. (MM 12/1)

Katyusha rocket fired at IDF post in "security zone" (first such firing since 11/12), followed by bombardment of SLA positions north of zone. Israel, SLA shells Iqlim al-Tuffah region. (Radio Lebanon, VOL 12/1 in FBIS 12/1)

Palestinians demonstrate throughout o.t on 4th anniv. of declaration of the State of Palestine, are dispersed by IDF using tear gas and gunfire in Ramallah, Gaza, and Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

IDF uses antitank missiles to destroy 9 houses near Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (Hadashot 11/16 in FBIS 11/19) 

Israeli FM Shimon Peres meets with Pres. Mubarak, FM 'Amr Musa in Cairo. (MENA, Qol Yisra'el 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Likud Cent. Comm. votes to hold primary to elect its leader and next PM candidate next March. Move is seen as a political gain for Benyamin Netanyahu and David Levy, who campaigned for the primary, at the expense of Benny Begin. (WT 11/17) 

Israel begins withdrawal of armor and artillery from "security zone," S. Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Rabin govt. defeats 4 no-confidence motions in Knesset by vote of 59 to 51. The ultra-Orthodox SHAS party agreed to stay in coalition in exchange for an apology from outspoken secularist ed. min. Shulamit Aloni, more influence in public school curricula, and restrictions on import of non-kosher meat (see 10/28). (NYT 11/3)

Palestine National Salvation Front condemns 10/28 Israeli-Jordanian agenda for talks as a sellout of Palestinian rights and a legalization of Israeli aggression. (QPAR 11/3 in FBIS 11/3)

General strike in Gaza, early business closures in W. Bank, and widespread disturbances throughout o.t. mark 75th anniv. of Balfour Declaration. (al-Fajr 11/9)

Israel shells, machine-guns Litani River basin, Jabal Safi, western Biqa' regions in Lebanon. Lebanese army fires at Israeli planes overflying Tyre at low altitudes. (Radio Lebanon 11/2 in FBIS 11/3)

Palestinian delegation presents Israel with lengthy memo detailing human rights violations in the o.t., issuing 12 demands: closing Ansar III prison, lifting Gaza nighttime curfew, halting illegal tax collection, granting free travel to Jerusalem and around the W. Bank and Gaza, among others. (al-Dustur 10/28 in FBIS 10/28)

Hizballah fires Katyusha rockets into "security zone," killing 2 Lebanese, and into northern Israel, killing a 14-year-old recent Russian immigrant in Kiryat Shimona. Israel retaliates with air strikes and shelling of Hizballah, DFLP targets north of "security zone" and in Biqa' Valley, killing 4. Israel amasses tanks in "security zone" for possible advance north. (IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el, VOL 10/27 in FBIS 10/27, 10/28; MM, NYT, WP 10/27, 10/28)

Palestinian gunmen shoot, wound Israeli couple in Janin, W. Bank. Palestinian attacks Israeli farmer with an axe in Gaza Strip settlement. (Qol Yisra'el 10/27 in FBIS 10/29; NYT, WP 10/28)

MKs Benyamin Netanyahu (Likud) and Rafael Eitan (Tsomet) call for suspension of peace talks due to violence in S. Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el 10/27 in FBIS 10/27)

One thousand settlers stage angry protest outside PM Rabin's residence. (WP 10/28)

Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike for one week after Israeli official promise to begin investigation of their demands 10/12. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13; MM, WP 10/12)

Palestinian delegation head Faisal Husseini "rejects" conditions Israel is trying to place on Palestinians participating in multilateral negotiations (see 10/8). (al-Quds 10/12 in FBIS 10/14)

Hamas announces it will meet with PLO Chmn. Arafat in Khartoum 11/10 in attempt to curtail intra-Palestinian violence. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 10/12 in FBIS 10/19)

Israeli visiting a Gaza settlement is killed by unidentified assailant; IDF troops kills 2, wound 40 in clash with stonethrowers in Nusayrat camp, Gaza. Curfew clamped on Gaza City, Khan Yunis, Rafah, and 3 camps in the Strip. (MM, WP 10/12; ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13)

IDF shoots, kills 2 infiltrators from Jordan, armed with knives, north of Jericho. Jordanian sourcesay the 2 were 17-year-old Palestinians from Hebron living in Amman. (MM 10/12; Qol Yisra'el, RMC 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)

U.S. officials elaborate on acting Secy. of State Eagleburger's 10/1 letter to American Jewish leaders announcing new efforts to end Arab boycott against Israel, saying U.S. ambs. in the Middle East (mostly in the Gulf ) have-been instructed to encourage Arab govts. to make gestures that could boost the peace process (see 9/24, 10/1). (WP 10/12)

Over 80 PNC mbrs. living in Amman sign memo to PLO Central Council supporting the intifada, the delegation and negotiation process, and resolutions of the 19th PNC, and calling for Palestinian and Arab unity in the peace process. (Sawt al-Sha'b 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)

Israeli FM Shimon Peres invites Pres. Asad to meet with PM Rabin in speech to UN General Assembly. Rabin says summit is very desirable, but premature atthis point. (IDF Radio 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; WSJ 10/2)

IDF shoots, kills Palestinian youth near Janin, and wounds 2 trying to disperse demonstration of 1,500 Palestinians at Gaza military HQ. Strikes, protests, marches, and sit-ins throughout the o.t. have been staged and expanded since 9/27 in solidarity with 5,000 prisoners on hunger strike in 10 Israeli jails. Faisal Husseini says PLO discouraged the strike. (Qol Yisra'el 10/1 in FBIS 10/8; MM 10/1, 10/2)

Acting U.S. Secy. of State Eagleburger sends letter to Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations announcing arenewed U.S. campaign to end the Arab boycott againstrade with Israel, to be coordinated with similar European efforts. Letter follows 9/24 meeting between Conference leaders and White House Chief of Staff James Baker (see 10/11). (WP 10/12)

Qatar suspends 1965 border agreement with Saudi Arabia, reports that Saudi forces have seized the disputed border post of al-Khafus. Saudi Arabia denies seizure. (MM 10/1; SPA, AFP, Radio Qatar 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 10/2)

Israeli and Arab delegations agree to adjourn negotiations from 9/4 to 9/14, to reconvene then until 9/24. (MM 9/2; GPO 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

Israeli delegation presents Palestinian delegation with 6-point discussion agenda, proposes establishment of 2 working groups on human rights, legal issues. (Qol Yisra'el 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

Palestinian delegation tries to admit East Jerusalem lawyer Raja Shehadeh to the talks as legal advisor, says his inclusion would have no symbolic value vis-a-vis status of Jerusalem. Israel refuses, citing Madrid framework for delegation membership. (MM 9/3; IDF Radio 9/3 in FBIS 9/3)

Acting Secy. of State Eagleburger meets separately with heads of Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian delegations. (VOL 9/3 in FBIS 9/4)

Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza dispute housing min.'s 6/1 figures, claim 296 units have been sold in the o.t. since 7/20. Official ministry reaction stands by original figure of 2 units sold. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 9/3 in FBIS 9/4)

Jerusalem policy planning unit issues report on potential building in Jerusalem: 39,880 units in Jewish neighborhoods, 15,260 in "non-Jewish" neighborhoods. (Ha'Aretz 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

PM Rabin says Israel must find a solution to "the problem of the Gaza Strip," because it is not going to "sink into the sea," in remarks to Washington Institute for Near East Policy conference in Jerusalem. Palestinians "can forget about" Israel changing its policy. "We are in control of the territory, and we will not move an inch." (MM 9/3; Ha'Aretz, Davar 9/3 in FBIS 9/3)

Palestinian-Israeli council heads end 11- day protest outside PM Rabin's office, agree to open schools in response to grant of NIS 70 million for development budgets, NIS 10 million for schools. Ethiopian immigrants clash with police in Jerusalem. (MM 9/2; Qol Yisra'el 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

PM Rabin announces Israel will not actively oppose U.S. sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia. (WP 9/3)

Senior PLO officer Lieut. Col. Hani Zuhayr al-Dubayky is assassinated in Beirut. (VOL 9/2 in FBIS 9/3; NYT 9/4)

PLO spokesman Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh says Palestinians will "postpone their participation" in the upcoming (8/24) round of talks unless the Arab parties receive assurances from the U.S. that all settlement activity in the o.t. will cease as a condition of U.S. provision of loan guarantees to Israel. (Reuters 8/16 in MM 8/24)

Fin. Min. Avraham Shochat orders settler group Ateret Cohanim to return within 10 days a NIS 5.6 million loan given it 4 years ago to finance mortgages in Jerusalem, as it has failed to provide any names of mortgage recipients as required under the terms. (MM 8/18)

IDF captures commander of PFLP-affiliated Red Eagles in Rafah camp, Gaza, last of 8-member group to be arrested in recent crackdown. (Qol Yisra'el 8/18 in FBIS 8/19)

IDF kills Fateh mbr. in Khan Yunis, Gaza. Three soldiers are wounded in the clash; IDF imposes curfew on the town. (IDF Radio 8/2 in FBIS 8/4; WP 8/3)

PLO criticizes Jordanian lower house for not mentioning "the sole legitimate representative," or calling strongly for an independent Palestinian state in its 7/30 statement. PNC "rejects" statement as Jordanian "interference in internal Palestinian affairs." (Jordan Times, Sawt al-Sha'b (quoting WAFA) 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

UNLU issues call no. 85, calling for general strike 8/9, strike in Jerusalem 8/13. (Sanaa VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/3; Al-Fajr 8/10)

Israel, SLA shells Malita, Jabal Safi, Jarju', Kafr Rumman regions, S.Lebanon. (Voice of the Mountain 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

Secy. of State Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, then travels to Damascus to meet with Pres. Asad, FM Faruk al-Shara'. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 7/22 in FBIS 7/22; WP 7/23)

Peace Now reports there are 10,443 housing units under construction in W. Bank and Gaza Strip, 8,000 of which are in advanced stages. Population of these units could add 50,000 settlers to the current total of about 120,000. (WP 7/23)

Political committees in o.t. headed by Sari Nusseibeh issue statement warning against "excessive optimism" in Palestinian approach to negotiations. (ITV 7/22 in FBIS 7/24)

Mahmud Abu Hasan al-Zarini, "no. 2 fugitive in the o.t." and leader of Fateh-affiliated Black Panthers in Janin, is shot dead by undercover Border Police in Janin. Suspected collaborator and his father are killed in Kafr Ra'i, near Janin, by Palestinian militants. (MM 7/23; Qol Yisra'el 7/23 in FBIS 7/24)

IDF squad breaks into, searches Gaza home of Palestinian delegation mbr. Zakariya al-Agha. IDF later states that his home was not searched, but that the roof was needed as a temporary lookout post. (Al-Agha, who lives on the 2nd floor of a 4-story building, asserted that soldiers entered and remained only in his apartment.) (Qol Yisra'el 7/22 in FBIS 7/23)

IDF upholds restriction of Gazan laborers under the age of 20 from travelling to Israel for work, stating most violence is committed by those under 20. (Ha'Aretz 7/22 in FBIS 7/24)

After meeting with Gaza Strip farmers, Israeli ag. min. upholds ban on marketing Palestinian goods in Israel, but says Israel must better facilitate Gazan exports to EC. (HaAretz 7/23 in FBIS 7/24)

United Torah Jewry submits motion of no-confidence in Rabin govt. to protest appointment of Shulamit Aloni as education min. (Qol Yisra'el 7/22 in FBIS 7/22)

General Electric Co. pleads guilty to charges of fraud and corrupt business practices in connection with its sale of military jet engines to Israel in the 1980s, agreeing to pay nearly $70 million in fines. A GE manager had conspired with Israeli Gen. Rami Dotan to divert $27 million in U.S. military aid with fraudulent vouchers. Dotan is now serving 13 years in Israel, which refuses to hand him over to U.S. investigators. (WP 7/23)

Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of new roads in o.t. About 3,000 units in early stages in o.t. are affected by the freeze, and govt. is still unsure about what to do with 4,000 completed units unattached to infrastructure, 12,000 in various stages of construction, and about 500 completed units that have been populated in the o.t. About 60% of these 16,500 scheduled units are in "political settlements." Financial incentives encouraging settlement will be ended. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; MM, NYT, WP 7/17)

The Jerusalem Report states that 100 of the 142 settlements in the o.t. are "political settlements" according to PM Rabin, and can therefore expect significant cuts in govt. aid. These include all 16 settlements inthe Gaza Strip, as well as large W. Bank settlements of Qedumim, Elqana, and possibly Ariel. (Likud MK and Ariel mayor Ron Nahman claims freeze will have "opposite result" in his settlement, plans to increase its pop. from 11,000 to 20,000 in a year.) (Al Hamishmar 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; HaAretz 7/17 in MM 7/17)

Fateh gunman shoots, wounds 3 unarmed Hamas supporters in Rafah, Gaza. Hamas gunmen shoot, wound 1 unarmed Fateh supporter. Some 1,000 Fateh supporters then raid mosque in Yibna camp, Hamas gunmen inside open fire, wound 8. IDF troops impose curfew on Yibna. Two-week total for Fateh-Hamas violence is 1 dead, about 150 wounded. (MM, WP 7/17)

Palestinians throughout o.t. stage commercial strike called for by PLO-backed UNLU to protest seige at al-Najah University. Palestinian-Israeli leaders including all 6 MKs meet to discuss strategy, form delegation to meet with PM Rabin concerning al-Najah. Some 250 prominent Palestinians begin hunger strike in Nablus to protest siege. (MM 7/16, 17; Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

U.S. State Dept. calls for "restraint" from Israel in its handling of situation at al-Najah University, Nablus. IDF soldiers continue to surround campus, searching all students who leave; students refuse to leave until army withdraws. (WP 7/17)

Faisal Husseini announces Israeli defense establishment proposal to deport wanted men in al-Najah University for 3 years as step to lifting siege; Palestinians are drafting counter-proposal, and have sent a letter to PM Rabin to lift siege and curfew of Nablus. (Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

PLO representative calls on UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali to provide int'l. protection for Palestinians in o.t., implementation of res. 681 to deal with siege at al-Najah University. (Radio Algiers Network 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

PM Rabin agrees to meet with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo after U.S. Secy. of State Baker's upcoming visit; meeting would be first such visit since 1986. (WP 7/17)

Palestinian "rejectionist" groups - Hamas and the Palestine National Salvation Front (PFLP-GC, Fateh Uprising, Communist Revolutionary Party, and Sa'iqa) - meet in Damascus to discuss strategy of blocking the peace process and escalating the intifada. (MM 7/16)

King Hussein arrives in Damascus for visit with Pres. Asad. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

Islamic Resistance attacks Israeli, SLA roadblock in Kafr Huna, S. Lebanon. Israel overflies Arqub region, strengthens positions in al-Qantara, al-Tayyiba with armored vehicles. (Radio Lebanon 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

Syrian VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam says Syria will not withdraw to eastern Lebanon in September, states that Taef accord requires withdrawal within 2 years of constitutional adoption of political reforms. (VOL 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy. Yitzhak Shamir addresses Knesset, offers praise for old admin., warnings and criticism for the new. Knesset approves new cabinet by a vote of 67 to 53, 17 new cabinet mbrs. sworn in. Pres. Bush congratulates Rabin, invites him to Kennebunkport, Maine, announces Secy. of State. Baker will travel to the region to meet with Rabin, Arab leaders. (ITV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; NYT, WP 7/14)

Faisal Husseini, not considered part of the Palestinian negotiating team by PM Rabin because he is from Jerusalem, and therefore not among Rabin's 7/13 "invitees," offers counter-invitation fr Rabin to call him at home in Jerusalem. Husseini's position is seen as direct challenge to Syria, which sees Rabin as "carbon copy" of Shamir. (MM 7/14)

Fateh and Hamas sign new, more elaborate agreement to end violence in Gaza Strip as a result of NRC mediation (see 7/8, 10). Eightteen committees have been set up to enforce the agreement. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)

Israeli undercover unit disguised as Arabs infiltrate, join 20 Hamas marchers in Gaza city. Hamas activist attacks 1 soldier, IDF opens fire; in ensuing confusion, 1 Hamas activist dies (from IDF bullets) as Hamas reportedly believes undercover IDF are Fateh activists. (Qol Yisra'el 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/22)

Pres. Asad meets with Lebanese Pres. Ilyas al-Hirawi, joined later by VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam and FM Faruk al-Shara' in Damascus. (Syrian Arab TV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14)

SLA commander Antun Lahd categorically rejects Lebanese elections given current circumstances. (MM 7/14)

Israel, SLA shells Hizballah target, UNIFIL village of Yatar killing 1 civilian, in response to Islamic Resistance mortaring of "security zone" village of Bayt Lif. (MM 7/13; Radio Lebanon 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; WP 7/14)

Arye Bar, Israeli construction and housing min. dir. gen. meets with Fin. Min. Yitzhak Modai on behalf of hospitalized Housing Min. Ariel Sharon; Modai instructs treasury to approve construction of 4,000 new housing units in Israel and o.t. (Modai had earlier approved 2,000 of the housing min.'s 4,500-unit request.) Housing min. announces more than 16,000 housing units are in various stages of construction in o.t. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 7/5 in FBIS 7/6)

Hamas members storm houses of Fateh members in Khan Yunis, wounding several. IDF opens fire on residents of Jabaliya, Dayr al-Balah camps, Gaza, wounding 3. (AFP 7/5 in FBIS 7/6)

Hizballah attacks Israeli intelligence position in Bint Jubayl (inside S. Lebanon "security zone"); Israel shells Litani River basin. Armed dispute in 'Ayn al-Hilwa camp near Sidon kills 2. (VOL, Voice of the Oppressed 7/6 in FBIS 7/6)

Israel releases 4 Palestinians into custody of Red Cross in Tyre, Lebanon. The 4 "Fateh activists" had served out sentences at Asqalan prison following their arrest 12/20/90 on a "suspicious vessel" (embarked in Cyprus) off the Lebanese coast. (Qol Yisra'el 7/5 in FBIS 7/6; AFP 7/5 in FBIS 7/7)

Arab League Council concludes 2-day emergency meeting in Cairo to discuss situation in S. Lebanon; endorses 2 draft resolutions urging an end to Israeli aggression and promoting reconstruction, as well as a statement urging UNSC to resort to Chapter VII of UN Charter to halt Israeli aggression, implement res. 425. (MENA 7/5 in FBIS 7/7; MM 7/6)

Jordanian parliament passes law legalizing independent political parties; first multiparty elections since 1954 will be held in 11/93. (MM 7/6)

Former Soviet Pres. Gorbachev arrives in Israel, meets with PM Shamir, attends dinner at Pres. Herzog's residence. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14, 6/15 in FBIS 6/15)

At Erez Crossing, Gaza, Israeli troops fire warning shots and drop gravel from a helicopter to disperse crowd of Pal. workers who rioted after being blocked from entering Israel for work. (WP 6/15)

Israeli long-range artillery inside the "security zone" heavily bombard villages in Iqlim al-Tuffah region, S. Lebanon; Israeli aircraft stage mock raids over Sidon refugee camps. (Radio Lebanon 6/14 in FBIS 6/15)

Russia agrees to allow Jewish immigrants to fly to Israel aboard regular El Al and Aeroflot flights. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14 in FBIS 6/16)

Israeli air force chief Maj. Gen. Herzl Bodinger on ITV calls for "disruption" of Iranian nuclear effort;ells reporters this means "international political action, and aggressive action, if needed." (WP 6/15)

IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is buried beside his mentor Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) in Tunis, after Egypt reportedly turndown his mother's request that he be buried in Cairo. (MM 6/11)

Amid thousands of mourners, IDF troops force their way into Basaysu's home in Gaza, remove pictures from the walls. (MM 6/10)

U.S. amb. in Beirut Ryan Crocker announces U.S. will donate $3 million to help rebuild American University of Beirut's College Hall, which was destroyed ina car bomb attack 11/8/91. (MM 6/10)

Israel and China sign memo of understanding on economic relations in Beijing, prelude to a trade agreement to be signed when Chinese officials make reciprocal visit to Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 6/10 in FBIS 6/11)

Iranian FM 'Ali Akbar Velayati meets with Lebanese FM Fans Buwayz in Beirut (first Iranian FM to visit Lebanon since 1979 Iranian revolution); Lebanon seeks Iranian help in restraining Islamic Resistance forces in south, fearing Israeli reprisals. (MM 6/3; AFP 6/4 in FBIS 6/5)

UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali expresses concern about fate of Palestinians in Gaza, which has been closed by IDF since 5/24. Butrus Ghali calls on Israel to "abide scrupulously" by Fourth Geneva Convention. (MM 6/3, 4)

Israel initiates unilateral direct-dial telephone service to Syria, Iraq, Libya. (MM 6/3)

Steering committee of multilateral peace talks begins meeting in Lisbon to discuss results of 5 sets of talks held during May. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/28)

France announces it will provide $500 million in loan guarantees to Israel to assist in infrastructural development. (MM 5/28)

Police arrest 150 Jewish rioters in Bat Yam as anti-Arab riots continue. Rioters burn tires in the streets, attack police; 7 persons are injured. Faisal Husseini denounces 5/24 killing of Jewish girl which sparked the riots. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27, 5/28 in FBIS 5/28)

Gazan from Dayr al-Balah stabs and kills settler in Kfar Darom, Gaza. Settlers later rampage in Dayr al-Balah, damaging Palestinian crops and attacking residents. IDF evacuates schoolchildren after settlers besiege an elementary school. More than 100 settlers are arrested. IDF imposes curfew on Dayr al-Balah and extends travel ban imposed 5/24 for another 3days. (WP 5/28)

Bomb attack on IDF convoy near Arnun, S. Lebanon (near Beaufort Castle), kills 1 Israeli soldier. 3 guerrillas killed in subsequent gunbattle. Lebanese National Resistance Front claims associated fighters from PFLP, Syrian Social Nationalist Party-Higher Council (Da'ud Baz faction) carried out attack. IDF continue shelling S. Lebanese villages. (ITV 5/27, Radio Lebanon, AFP 5/27 in FBIS 5/28; WP 5/28)

Fateh, Hamas supporters clash in Qalqiliya, W. Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 5/28 in FBIS 5/28) Israel, Sierra Leone reestablish diplomatic relations. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/27)

Gunbattle in Gaza City leaves 3 Palestinians, 1 Border Guard dead; a second Israelis wounded. IDF imposes 3-day travel ban on Gaza. Curfew clamped on Nusayrat, Maghazi refugee camps and Sabra, Shaykh Radwan neighborhoods of Gaza City. Palestinian from Gaza later stabs, kills Jewish girl in Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv, triggering anti-Arab riot by Jewish residents. PM Shamir states assailant should have been killed at the scene. (ITV 5/24 in FBIS 5/26; WP 5/25, 5/28; MM 5/26)

In statement published in Egyptian press, Yemeni official asserts Yemeni Jews are free to travel anywhere but Israel (Housing Min. Ariel Sharon stated 5/19 that Israel is trying to arrange for emigration of remaining Jews in Yemen to Israel). (MENA 5/24 in FBIS 5/27)

Syria reinforces troop concentrations in Biqa' Valley following 5/21 Israeli attack on Hizballah position near Lebanese-Syrian border. (Arab Republic of Egypt Radio 5/24 in FBIS 5/24; WP 5/26)

Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for repatriation of refugees or compensation. Israel boycotts talks. (MM 5/12)

Responding to 5/12 U.S. statement regarding right of Palestinian refugees to return, PM Shamir states "There is only a Jewish 'right of return' to the Land of Israel." State Dept. clarifies 5/12 statement, reaffirming U.S. support for Res. 194 and Sec. Council Res. 237 (adopted 14 June 1967) regarding return of Palestinian refugees but adding that this remains a matter to be negotiated between Palestinians and Israel. (NYT, MM 5/14)

Multilateral talks on water open in Vienna with more than 30 delegations attending. (WP 5/14)

Palestinian negotiators Zakariyal-Agha, 'Abd al-Rahman Hamad are refused entry into Gaza by Israeli authorities at Rafah border crossing point for a second time after they again refused to allow border guards to search documents they were carrying [see 5/12]. (MM 5/15)

Annual assembly of World Health Organization passes resolution criticizing Israel for health conditions in o.t. (MM 5/14)

In Jerusalem, Jordanian-controlled Higher Islamic Council warns against intervention by "foreign or international bodies" in repair work to Islamic holy sites in E. Jerusalem, an apparent reference to Saudi attempts to finance repairs of shrines in coordination with UNESCO [Jordan has traditionally been responsible for shrines' maintenance] [see 4/29, 5/5, 5/11, 5/12]. (MM 5/13; NYT 5/14)

Shaykh Ishaq Idris Sakhouta, head of Cairo-based and Saudi-financed World Islamic League, begins visit to Israel and o.t. After praying at al-Aqsa mosque in E. Jerusalem, Sakhouta praises Israel's handling of Islamic shrines in Jerusalem during meeting with Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek [Sakhouta's visit is being financed by an Israeli tourist company which seeks to increase Muslim tourism to Islamic holy sites in o.t.] (MM 5/14)

IDF kill "wanted" Palestinian in Immatin, near Tulkarm. Separate gun battle between IDF and 3 Palestinians leaves 1 Palestinian wounded. (Qol Yisra'el 5/14 in FBIS 5/14

Chmn. Arafat, Fateh leaders meet with PFLP Asst. Gen. Secy. Abu al-'Ali Mustafa and other PFLP leaders in Tunis to discuss differences in advance of upcoming PLO Central Council meeting. (al-Ray 5/6 in FBIS 5/6)

Israel, Nigeria restore diplomatic relations suspended by Nigeria in 1973. (MM 5/5)

Disturbances break out in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp in Gaza after IDF arrests 3 "wanted" suspects. At least 9 Palestinians were injured. (HaAretz 5/5 in FBIS 5/6)

Responding to attacks from Islamic resistance, IDF, SLA artillery barrages kill 5, wounds 4 in Mashghara, S.Lebanon, northeast of Israeli "security zone." Bombardment of 5 villages in Iqlim al-Tuffah region wounds additional 11. (NYT 5/5)

Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for continued negotiations regarding Palestinian autonomy. Israeli-Jordanian talks center on water use. (MM 4/28; WP 4/29; NYT, MM 4/30; Jordan Television 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)

U.S., Russia issue invitations for upcoming third round, multilateral talks. Meetings dealing with five different topics are scheduled to be held in May in different world capitals: arms control, 5/11 in Washington; economic development, 5/11 in Brussels; water, 5/12 in Vienna; refugee problems, 5/13 in Ottawa; environmental issues, 5/18 in Tokyo. (NYT 4/29)

State Dept. announces Syria has informed U.S. it has lifted travel ban and restrictions on purchase and sale of property formerly applied to Syrian Jews [see 4/13]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Israeli state comptroller issues report criticizing mismanagement, waste, and corruption in numerous government agencies. Report recommended criminal investigations in several instances of corruption within housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon [atty. gen. began investigating housing ministry 4/26 after comptroller informed him in advance of report's findings]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Supporters of Hamas win all 10 seats in elections for student council of a teachers' academy in Ramallah. Hamas also calls on merchants in o.t. to observe strike in protest of resumption of peace talks. Strike observed in some localities in Gaza; in W. Bank, only shops in Hebron were closed. (MM 4/27, 4/29)

IDF states it has apologized for disturbing church services in Ramallah 4/24, but continues to dispute priests' account of what happened [see 4/24]. (MM 4/27)

Palestinian Popular Struggle Front's Central Committee ends meeting in Damascus [begun 4/25] in which it deposed Secy. Gen. Samir Ghawsha and replaced him with Khalid 'Abd al-Majid. (Radio Free Lebanon 4/28 in FBIS 4/29; al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 4/29 in FBIS 4/30; Sawt al-Kuwait 5/1, al-Hayat 5/2 in FBIS 5/8; INA 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

State Dept. announces all parties to peace negotiations have agreed to hold future, sixth round of talks in Rome. No date has yet been set [upcoming fifth round will take place 4/27 in Washington]. (NYT 4/22)

First Israel-Gaza water pipe is opened in refugee camps in central Gaza. (Israel Television Network 4/21 in FBIS 4/22)

Undercover unit dressed as Arabs shoots and wounds 3 Palestinians painting slogans on a wall in Tura, near Hebron. Controversy erupts over what actually occurred. IDF claims soldiers called upon youths to halt and fired warning shots before shooting them. An Israeli couple who witnessed event, however, state soldiers fired without warning. In separate incident, undercover unit shoots, kills Palestinian in 'Illar, W. Bank. (MM 4/21, 4/22, 4/27; NYT 4/22)

German PM Helmut Kohl notifies FM Levy that Germany cannot provide the amount of additional aid to resettle Soviet Jews which Israel had requested [among other items, Israel had requested $10 billion in loan guarantees and an increase in amount of loans annually provided by Germany to Israel]. Germany is reportedly ready to provide compromise figure of $1 billion in loan guarantees, but Israel refuses. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 4/17 in FBIS 4/17; Ha'Aretz 4/19 in FBIS 4/21)

Israel, Angola establish diplomatic relations. (Qol Yisra'el 4/16 in FBIS 4/17)

Commemoration of Khalil Wazir's death continues as Palestinians throughout o.t. stage marches, rallies [see 4/15]. Numerous demonstrators are injured in confrontations with security forces in Shati', Jabaliya, Burayj, and Dayr al-Balah refugee camps in Gaza. (MM 4/16)

State Dept. indicates all parties to peace negotiations have agreed to resume talks 4/27 in Washington and have given the U.S. lists of proposed sites for the sixth round of talks. (WP 4/3)

State Dept. also announces 17-member U.S. inspection team that traveled to Israel found no evidence that Israel improperly transferred technology relating to U.S.-built Patriot missiles to China. Dept. indicates inspectors found all missiles supplied to Israel intact, but had no way of determining if photos or other information had been supplied to China. (WP 4/3)

Israel denies 4/1 State Dept. report suggesting it improperly transferred U.S. military technology to third countries. (MM 4/2)

Hundreds of Palestinians clash with security forces in Jabaliya, Burayj refugee camps in Gaza as protests over 4/1 killings in Gaza break out. At least 35 Palestinians are injured by security forces' gunfire. Rafah and nearby camps are curfewed. PLO announces it has requested the UN Sec. Council meet to discuss ways of protecting o.t. residents and that it has called on UN Secy. Gen. Ghali to dispatch observers to the o.t. (AFP, MM 4/2; MM 4/3)

Unified National Command of the Intifada issues proclamation no. 81 urging unity of Palestinian ranks and calling for a "revival" of the Old City of E. Jerusalem. (Voice of Palestine 4/2 in FBIS 4/3, 4/7)

16 IDF troops from a special unit established to combat the intifada desert their post in Rafah, Gaza, to protest conditions. (NYT 4/2; MM 4/3)

Meeting in Beirut, for. ministers of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, PLO approve Arab participation in upcoming round of peace talks in Washington. (MM 4/2)

U.S. Congress passes foreign aid bill for rest of fiscal year which does not include $10 billion in loan guarantees to Israel. (MM 4/3)

State Dept. inspector general issues report stating that the department has failed to heed intelligence reports suggesting that an important U.S. ally-widely understood to be Israel-was making unauthorized transfers of U.S. military technology since about 1983. (NYT 4/2, WP 4/3)

EC "troika" arrives in Beirut for talks with Lebanese leaders on regional issues, upcoming multilateral economic talks [Lebanon has already announced it will not participate in multilateral talks]. (Radio Monte Carlo 4/1 in FBIS 4/2)

Security forces kill at least 4 Palestinians and wound 50 in Rafah, Gaza-most serious clash in o.t. in months. Rafah is curfewed shortly thereafter. In separate incident, 13 year-old boy is killed during confrontation with IDF in Tarqumiya, near Hebron. (NYT, MM 4/2; IDF Radio 4/5 in FBIS 4/6)

State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to make a commitment to moving the negotiations to a venue closer to Middle East. (WP 3/31)

Israel's Palestinian citizens mark annual commemoration of Land Day with a "national holiday" instead of the traditional protests and strikes. Rally is staged in Ramiya, a village which the government does not officially recognize and whose inhabitants face eviction [see 3/22]. Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) organizes Land Day strikes in Gaza, but security forces curfew most areas. (MM 3/30)

EC "troika" arrives in Amman for discussions with Jordanian, PLO officials on peace talks, upcoming multilateral economic talks. (Radio Jordan 3/31 in FBIS 4/1)

PFLP, DFLP-Hawatima faction, Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Popular Struggle Front issue statement in Damascus confirming their support for 1988 Palestine National Council decision calling for confederation between Jordan and an independent Palestinian state. (Radio Monte Carlo 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)

Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan is released from prison [see 3/291. (MM 3/31)

Ateret Cohanim seminary announces housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon, has given it land to build some 200 homes in Muslim Quarter of E. Jerusalem. Housing project would represent the largest block of Jewish housing in the Muslim Quarter. Spokeswoman for Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek states Kollek opposes the proposed move. (MM 3/30)

EC "troika," traveling inthe region to discuss peace process, arrives in Gaza. (Republic of Egypt Radio 3/27 in FBIS 3/30)

International Monetary Fund approves $250 million loan to Israel to help it overcome damage suffered by economy during Gulf war. (Qol Yisra'el 3/27 in FBIS 4/1)

IDF reopens Gaza after forbidding Palestinians in Gaza from traveling to Israel 3/20. (MM 3/23)

Leaders of the Palestinian community in Israel decide to send a delegation to the UN to seek international support for residents of Ramiya, near Umm al-Fahm, after supreme court refused to rescind eviction orders facing the villagers [Jewish town of Karmi'el intends to evict the residents and build homes on the land, which was confiscated by Israeli authorities in 1976]. Leaders also called for Palestinians in Israel to strike on 3/30 in commemoration of Land Day. (MM 3/23)

Israeli undercover forces shoot and kill a Palestinian wanted by security forces as he played soccer near Tulkarm. (MM 3/23, 4/16)

U.S. inspection team arrives in Israel to investigate charges that Israel improperly delivered Patriot missile technology to China. (MM 3/20)

IDF closes Gaza, forbids Palestinians from traveling to Israel in wake of 3/17 attack on civilians in Jaffa by a Gaza resident. (NYT 3/21)

U.S. appeals court in Washington upholds life sentence of Jonathan Pollard, the American convicted for spying on behalf of Israel, following an appeal lodged by Pollard. (WP 3/21)

IDF kills Palestinian in Silwad, near Ramallah. A Palestinian youth shot 3/19 in Janin refugee camp dies of his wounds. (MM 3/20)