Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities appoint Palestinian Zafir al-Masri mayor of Nablus, the first new West Bank mayor since elections were held in 1976...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities appoint Palestinian Zafir al-Masri mayor of Nablus, the first new West Bank mayor since elections were held in 1976...
Arab World: Arafat deputy Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad) states Cairo Declaration means PLO retains right to use violence in all territories occupied by Israel, including...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Three Palestinians are deported to Jordan: Amin Ramzi Dawish Maqbul, of Nablus; Walid Ahmad Mahmud Nazzal, of Jenin district; and Bahjat...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin fails to persuade 3 MKs occupying apartment in Hebron to end illegal sit-in [WP 8/20]. Peres says...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Four houses in 'Ain Beit al-Ma' refugee camp near Nablus are sealed. Israeli spokesman says houses belong to families of youth accused...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A military court in Ramallah upholds 7/31 administrative detention order against Ziad Abu 'Ain. Abu 'Ain's lawyer, Jonathan Kuttab, is...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah University is ordered closed for two months, following 7/31 raid in which army officials say they found "inciting" material [FJ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ziad Abu 'Ain is rearrested and held in solitary confinement in Hebron prison without charges under six-month administrative dtention...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Seventy Palestinian detainees at Fara's detention center in Nablus go on twenty-four-hour hunger strike to demand better conditions:...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government announces economic austerity program: 18.8 percent devaluation of shekel, 24 percent price increases in governments-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres proposes alternative peace plan to King Hussein's, based on "direct talks" with Jordanians and non-PLO Palestinians...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres opposes "preliminary talks" between U.S. and joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation [JP 6/10]. Eleven Palestinian women...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of Balata refugee camp near Nablus demonstrate against harassment and arrests; stone military vehicles; smash window of one...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand protesters demonstrate for and against clemency for Jewish underground defendants [JP 5/28]. Settlers post "wanted"...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. official Nachman Shai admits Israel obtained US-made krytron timing devices in violation of US export laws (devices can be...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In visit to settlers in Katif, DM Rabin asserts Gaza "must remain an inseparable part of the state of Israel" [JTA 3/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20,000 demonstrate at Peace Now gathering in Tel Aviv, demand immediate withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon [JP, JTA 3/17]. MK Meir Cohen-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deposed Ramallah mayor Karim Khalaf supports 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [deposed Nablus mayor Bassam al-Shak'a, Abna' al-Balad movement...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF court in Nablus refuses bail for 6 of the Dheisheh camp residents arrested 2/1 and incarcerated in al-Fara'a prison [FJ 2/15]. High...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics announces Arab residents now outnumber Jews in Galilee district [1st time since 1948] [JW 2/1]. W. Bank...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: For. Ministry official Kimche calls together foreign ambassadors, warns them of danger of massacres in wake of IDF withdrawal from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities appoint Palestinian Zafir al-Masri mayor of Nablus, the first new West Bank mayor since elections were held in 1976. (Nablus has been run by Israeli mayor since dismissal of elected council in 1982.) Al-Masri is chairman of Nablus Chamber of Commerce [CSM, NYT 11/27; FJ 11/29]. Two leading Israeli newspapers name Rafael Eitan, former adviser on terrorism to P.M. Menachem Begin, as the man who purportedly handled Jonathan Pollard's spying for Israel [NYT, LAT 11/27].
Other Countries: The Guardian reports Pres. Reagan signs into law a compromise Senate resolution postponing $1.9 billion in arms sales to Jordan until 3/1/86 unless King Hussein starts directalks with Israel [MG 11/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide bomber Hamziyyah Mustafa drives car with explosives into SLA checkpost, killing herself. Pro-Syrian Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims responsibility [LAT 11/27].
Arab World: Arafat deputy Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad) states Cairo Declaration means PLO retains right to use violence in all territories occupied by Israel, including Israel proper [FT 11/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian is killed when bomb he is making explodes in his hands; military refuse to release name of victim, from Nakhlin village near Bethlehem [NYT 11/12]. Palestinian student, 17, is shot and wounded in confrontation with Israeli settler after students stone his car in Nablus; Israeli military close Qadri Tuqan school in Nablus and arrest 17 Palestinian students [NYT 11/12; JTA 11/13].
Other Countries: Newsweek reports combined unit of Israeli and SLA troops last week forced their way through Norwegian UNIFIL roadblock, exchanged gunfire and seized a jeep and machine gun. Norway filed an official protest with Israeli ambassador in Oslo, sent fact-finding team to Israel to investigate [NWK 11/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].
Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].
Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at discrediting PLO as participant in M.E. peace process. Paper states PLO planned or carried out 380 attacks since 11 February Hussein-Arafat agreement was concluded, killing 19 and injuring over 100 [LAT, LT 10/19]. P.M. Shimon Peres states Israel will accept Jordan's proposal for an international conference provided Israel is not required to sit down with nations which do not have diplomatic relations with it [LAT, BG 10/19]. Palestinian political prisoners inJnayd prison end hunger strike begun 10/8 [FJ 11/1].
Other Countries: U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State John C. Whitehead travels to Italy and Egypt in attempt to smooth relations following Achille Lauro affair [WP 10/19]. Senate Republican leaders warn Sec. of State Shultz admin. will face opposition in proposed arms sale to Jordan; White House will at best have to accept conditions on sale to avoid embarrassing defeat [WP, CT 10/19]. Sen. Edward Kennedy announces 43 Democrats and 28 Republicans, three-quarters of the Senate, have agreed to cosponsor measure prohibiting the sale [BG 10/19]. Jewish Press reports U.S. Sec. of Def. Weinberger attempted to talk Pres. Reagan out of the plan to intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers [JWP 10/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tour guide is stabbed by 3 unidentified men while showing 3 Danish tourists around ruins near Nablus. Area is curfewed: no arrests are reported [NYT 10/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Three Palestinians are deported to Jordan: Amin Ramzi Dawish Maqbul, of Nablus; Walid Ahmad Mahmud Nazzal, of Jenin district; and Bahjat Mustafa Hasan al-Biyadi Jayyusi, of Tulkarm district. Nazzal is accused of being a senior leader in the DFLP, Maqbul of being a Fateh leader for the Nablus area, and Jayyusi of incitement and stone throwing [JP 10/3]. Students in Gaza, W. Bank demonstrate in support of PLO, against Tunis raid; Palestinian flag raised, Arafat's photo raised, tires bumed, stones thrown. Soldiers shoot to disperse crowds. Passenger on Israeli bus injured by breaking glass [NYT 10/3]. Israeli settler Yosef Hamoi, from Elon Moreh settlement, is convicted of manslaughter in the 1983 killing of an 8-year-old Nablus girl, and of causing grievous bodily harm to her sister. Settler Ephraim Segal, with Hamoi at the time, is convicted of trying to subom witnesses, and Pinhas Mahrabis convicted of destroying evidence. Sentencing will follow [JP 10/3].
Arab World: PLO officials estimate 67 dead, over 100 wounded in Tunis attack; hospital reports 47 dead, 65 wounded [NYT 10/3]. Anti-American demonstration in Tunis draws 7,000 [LAT 10/3].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan expresses his "sincere condolences" to Tunisia for Israel's 10/1 raid on PLO headquarters there. White House spokesman Larry Speakes says the Israeli attack is "understandable as an expression of self-defense," but "cannot be condoned" [CT, NYT 10/3; TI 10/14].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA patrol is attacked by gunfire in the security zone. SLA troops later direct mortar and tank fire at Shi'ite village of Kafra north of security zone [JP 10/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered closed for 2 months after Israeli car is stoned nearby [FJ 9/20]. Over 50 women stage sit-in protest at Nablus Red Cross offices protesting administrative detention and other restrictive measures [FJ 9/20].
Arab World: King Hussein arrives unexpectedly in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak on strategies for the M.E. peace process [LAT 9/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and vetoes another suggested Palestinian delegate Nabil Sha'th. Peres expresses confidence in King Hussein's desire for peace, says Israel wants to open negotiations with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation immediately [JP 9/6]. Negev Bedouin given o.k. to elect 15-member delegation to the soon-to-be-established regional committee on Bedouin affairs [JP 9/6].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S. administration is considering sending Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy to meet with Jordanian-Palestinian delegation that would include Nabil Sha'th, a close personal advisor to Arafat. Israel vehemently protestshe proposal [WP 9/3, 9/7]. Jerusalem Post reports Reagan administration iformed Congress in July in classified 17-page report that Israel's "qualitative" military edge over the Arabs is "secure and likely to grow stronger, under present policy, at least through the rest of this decade" [JP 9/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli truck driver Moshe Fitusi, 28, is critically stabbed in Gaza City; Israeli settlers torch Palestinian home in the West Bank in retaliation. Gaza City sealed off and 500 residents reportedly detained by army for questioning. Home of Palestinian exprisoner freed in 5/20 prisoner exchange set afire in Dura village by Israeli settlers, home of another painted with threatening slogans and its windows smashed in Balata refugee camp near Nablus. Groups of armed settlers reported roaming streets of Ramallah and Nablus. Israeli authorities briefly detain 9 Tehiya members who squat at Tel Rumeida in Hebron [CSM, PI, NYT, JP 9/6; JTA 9/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin fails to persuade 3 MKs occupying apartment in Hebron to end illegal sit-in [WP 8/20]. Peres says govemment will remain sole body to authorize timing and location of settlement in occupied territories. Four more MKs join the protest sit-in: Yuval Ne'eman, Tehiya; Haim Druckman, Morasha; Benny Shalita and Dov Shilansky, Likud [JP 8/20]. Reports indicate Fara'a prison near Nablus has stepped up use of torture and intimidation. Water is often cut and quality of food is deteriorating. Overcrowding continues [FJ 8/23]. West Bank land dealer Moshe Zar submits defense in 9-month-old suit brought against him by 9 Beersheba residents who say he failed to deliver on IS 54 million of land purchases [JP 8/20]. Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of Jewish Defense League, states he has resigned as group's leader, in move to save chances of getting visa to the U.S. since Knesset passed bill 7/31 outlawing MKs from having dual citizenship, which Kahane now has. Irv Rubin, 40, is appointed new leader [NYT 8/20].
Other Countries: Pope John Paul II, speaking in Casablanca, Morocco during an unprecedented visit to a Muslim country, states the status of Jerusalem, now under Israeli control, should be reviewed [WP 8/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb is thrown at Israeli military vehicle in Gaza Strip between Gaza City and Jabalya refugee camp. No casualties reported [FJ 8/23].
Arab World: SLA militia, trying to retaliate against Shi'ite attacks, mistakenly shell Irish UNIFIL post, narrowly miss killing troops [FT 8/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Four houses in 'Ain Beit al-Ma' refugee camp near Nablus are sealed. Israeli spokesman says houses belong to families of youth accused of several recent gasoline bomb attacks [FJ 8/23]. Balata refugee camp near Nablus is put under curfew following 8/15 shooting of the mukhtar. Residents are subjected to 48 hours of continuous search, harassment, and interrogation [FJ 8/23]. Foreign Min. Shamir, speaking at a public meeting in Ganei Tikva, says prosecution of individuals involved in fraudulent land deals in the occupied territories should not be allowed to challenge entire settlement process [JP 8/18]. Jewish Week reports 70,000 Palestinians from the occupied territories work inside the green line and as many as 50,000 of them sleep inside the green line without proper authorization from the labor exchanges, according to testimony presented to Knesset Interior Committee [JW 8/16]. The Washington Post reports Egyptian tour groups have started visiting Israel; Egyptian businessmen are being granted import licenses for Israeli goods for the first time since 1982 [WP 8/17]. Honduras announces it will send resident ambassador to Israel. Israel is reported to be planning aid to Honduras. Israeli officials state Honduras has not asked for military aid [JWP 8/16].
Arab World: The Economist reports on conditions in Sabra, Shatila, and Burj al-Barajinah, as observed by the British charity group Medical Aid for Palestinians, following the siege: of 70,000 original inhabitants of the camps, nearly 18,000 have fled to makeshift shelters in other parts of Beirut; 14,000 have moved to southern Lebanon; 1,500 were captured; Palestinians inside the camps have buried 638, mostly civilians; Gaza Hospital was bumed; there are only 9 Palestinian doctors and less than 20 foreign medical assistants left; water and food are being let through, but there is no protection for the Palestinians [EC 8/16]. U.S. special envoy Richard Murphy arrives in Egypt to confer with President Husni Mubarak on latest attempts to revive stalled Middle East peace negotiations [LAT, NYT 8/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hand grenade is thrown at military car parked next to city hospital in Ramallah. Curfew is imposed, several youths are arrested [FJ 8/23].
Arab World: Fighting in Beirut spreads from southern Beirut to engulf the whole city; 19 killed and 82 wounded [NYT 8/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [FJ 8/9]. The Jerusalem Post reports Gush Emunim has decided not to build new settlements but to expand existing ones, starting with Eli, on the Nablus-Ramallah road [JP 8/8]. Peres wams Jordan against continuing to harbor Palestinian fighters [JP 8/9]. P. M. Peres tells U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead Israel would like to start direct peace negotiations with Jordan and the Palestinians immediately. Foreign Min. Yitzhak Shamir stresses Irael's objections to any meeting between Murphy and the Palestinian delegates now proposed [JP 8/8]. Israeli authorities arrest Khalil Abu Ziad, bookstore owner from Azzariya, and announce they have issued a deportation order against him [MG 8/9]. Abu Ziad is charged with involvement in "subversive activities" and representing Fateh. Abu Ziad is appealing the order in Israeli court [NYT 8/9]. Israeli army reports arrest of several Palestinians suspected in the gasoline bomb attack on border guard patrol near Nablus [JTA 8/9]. Education Minister directs ministry's religious education division to ignore instruction of 8/7 forbidding social meetings between Israelis and Palestinians [JTA 8/9].
Other Countries: President Reagan signs $25.4 billion foreign aid bill, which provides $3 billion for the next two years to Israel, plus a one-time infusion of $1.5 billion in emergency economic aid. Egypt gets $2.1 billion for the next 2 years, plus $500 million in emergency economic aid [JP 8/9].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb is thrown at army truck on the outskirts of Tulkarm; no injuries or arrests are made [JP 8/9].
Arab World: Israeli jets bomb PFLP-GC base in the Biqa'; no casualty reports given [NYT, JP 8/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures include deportation of "persons who constitute a security risk," indefinite "administrative detention" without charges for Palestinians suspected of security offenses, an increase in prison capacity in the West Bank, and closing Palestinian newspapers that violate censorship regulations [LAT 8/5]. Forty-three Palestinian local councils in Israel and their employees hold rally outside Israeli prime minister's office to protest government failure to provide promised funds to alleviate their financial difficulties. They demand budgets equal to those of Israeli local councils. The 43 councils have an accumulated debt of $10 million; some have not been able to pay employees for 3 months [FJ 8/2, 8/9]. Public opinion poll by Pori Research Institute published in Ha'Aretz shows 10.6 percent of those who voted for Likud in last Knesset elections would now vote for Kach. Another poll by the Modi'in Ezrachi Institute shows Kahane would increase his Knesset seats to 5 if elections were held now [JTA 8/5].
Arab World:The Sunday Times reports testimony of British doctor on conditions in the 3 Beirut refugee camps besieged 2 months ago. According to Dr. Swee Chai Ang, over 1,500 Palestinians are missing, feared to have been kidnapped or killed. Palestinians are still being killed, although war of the camps technically ended in June and the camps of Sabra, Shatila, and Burj al-Barajinah are now protected by Lebanese army and internal security forces [LT 8/4]. Libya, which had threatened toboycott Arab summit, sends senior official [WSJ 8/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petrol bomb hurled at a border police patrol outside 'Ain Beit al-Ma', near Nablus injures 2 policemen. Curfew is imposed [JP 8/5]. Another petrol bomb incident is reported in Azzariya, near Jerusalem; no injuries reported [JP 8/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A military court in Ramallah upholds 7/31 administrative detention order against Ziad Abu 'Ain. Abu 'Ain's lawyer, Jonathan Kuttab, is not allowed to speak during the hearing [FJ 8/9]. Four-day curfew in Nablus is lifted [NYT 8/4].
Arab World: South Yemen and Algeria announce they will not attend the upcoming Arab summit meeting in Casablanca [CT 8/5]. Syria announces it will punish "traitors" who attend [JP 8/4].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA troops kill three guerrillas in a clash near Quneitra [LAT 8/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah University is ordered closed for two months, following 7/31 raid in which army officials say they found "inciting" material [FJ 8/9]. Chinese government spokesman denies reports about secret arms deal between China and Israel [NYT 8/3]. Israeli sources confirm top-ranking Israeli diplomat last month paid "private" visit to the Soviet Union [JTA 8/2]. Police at military roadblock outside Jenin detain 12 Kach supporters apparently on their way to Arrabuna, home of three Palestinians suspected of killing two Israeli schoolteachers [JP 8/2]. Curfew on Nablus continues {JP 8/4].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli warplanes destroy headquarters of Syrian Socialist Nationalist party in the Biqa' Valley; group claimed responsibility for suicide car bomb attacks against Israeli troops in security zone. Members of SSNP say some leaders escaped, 2 killed, and 4 injured [NYT 8/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ziad Abu 'Ain is rearrested and held in solitary confinement in Hebron prison without charges under six-month administrative dtention order. Abu 'Ain begins a hunger strike [WP 8/2]. Nablus remains under curfew as search continues for killer of Albert Buchris. Residents are allowed two-hour reprieve to shop [JTA 8/2]. Israeli military censor orders printing press of al-Sha'ab newspaper closed for 3 days for publishing stories 7/30 on the death of 2 Nablus residents; censor said stories harmed investigation [JP 8/2]. Arab Journalists Association in the West Bank and the International Association of Journalists condemned closure order. Israel Press Association did not comment [FJ 8/9]. Israeli police break into site of planned Palestinian heritage festival in Tireh, confiscate IDs of 5 volunteers [FJ 8/9]. Arab local councils in Israel and their employees go on a one-day warning strike to protest government failure to provide promised funds to ease their financial problems [FJ 8/2, 8/9]. Jewish Press reports Egypt will lower the price of fuel sold to Israel by up to $2 a barrel, a savings of $100 million annually for Israel [JP 8/1]. The Washington Post reports Israeli government plans to entice estimated 175,000 Israeli emigrants living abroad back to the country by offering lucrative job contracts to the highly skilled, free shipping of household goods, and free air fares to Israel [WP 8/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu 'Ain spent less than 3 months at home following his release in the 5/20 prisoner exchange) [FJ 8/9]. Nablus remains under curfew following 7/30 murder of Albert Buchris. Five hundred police and a helicopter monitor his funeral [JTA 8/1]. Army enters al-Najah University and raids student council offices; preparations had been underway for student elections [JP 8/2]. Knesset passes bill requiring anyone running for Knesset to give up second citizenship [WP, PI, JTA 8/1]. Israeli police break into the site of preparations for the second annual Palestinian heritage festival in Tireh, order volunteers to stop work on the basis they do not have building permits [FJ 8/9]. Funeral is held in Afula for Israeli shot to death in West Bank. Riot police disperse crowd outside police station [PI 8/1]. Mayor Shalom Wach of Kiryat Arba cancels plan to dismiss all Palestinian workers employed by the municipality following Attorney General Zamir's ruling the plan is illegal UTA 8/1]. New American Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering assures P. M. Peres there has been no change in U.S. policy towards the PLO; U.S. will engage in talks with a Palestinian-Jordanian delegation only if convinced it will lead to direct talks with Israel; U.S. is ready, if requested, to help Israel and Egypt resolve Taba dispute [JTA 8/1]. The Jerusalem Post reports charges of corruption have been made against several Israeli companies and individuals operating in the black "homeland" of Ciskei; contracts with the trade commissioners in Israel have been terminated; all commercial relations with Israel have been cut [JP 7/31, JTA 8/5].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide car bomb attack against an Israeli armored patrol in the security zone kills at least 3 Lebanese, including the driver, wounds unknown number of others, including Israeli soldiers. Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility, saying its member, 'Ali Ghazi Talib, 22, carried out the attack [NYT 8/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice Minister Moshe Nissim bans election lists which reject the legitimacy of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people." Progressive List for Peace and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Israeli Communist party) abstained in Knesset vote; PLP spokesman Kamil Dahir submits resignation in protest of abstention vote. Two Palestinians are found dead near car in West Bank village of Tubas, in what police say was apparently an accidental detonation of a car bomb [WP 7/31]. Palestinian sources speculate they may have been murdered [FJ 8/2]. U. S. Asst. Defense Sec. Richard Perle announces Israel agrees to participate in Strategic Defense Initiative research [BG 7/31]. Jane's Defence Weekly reports that Israel's clandestine arms sales to China have bolstered its international weapons trade to $1.2 billion annually [MJ 8/16].
Arab World: Jordanian and PLO officials say 2 Palestinians acceptable to Israel - Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh - are intended only as "consultants" to joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 7/31]. Al-Fajr English newspaper reports sources in Tunis say PLO condemns new West Bank committee set up by local pro-Jordanian figures to lobby for joint Jordanian-Palestinian moves [FJ 8/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Albert Buchris, 32, from Afula, shot to death in Nablus market. Nablus and 2 nearby refugee camps put under curfew; residents are teargassed, house-to-house searches are conducted for the weapon used in the killing. Al-Najah University is closed [WP, LAT 7/31, JTA 8/1].
Arab World: Syria delivers 50 Soviet-made T-54 tanks to Amal in south Beirut [DT 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Seventy Palestinian detainees at Fara's detention center in Nablus go on twenty-four-hour hunger strike to demand better conditions: more and better food, more exercise, access to TV and radio, and end to brutality by guards. Al-Ittihad reported last week that Palestinian inmates of Hebron prison went on hunger strike in support of detainees at Jnayd prison in Nablus, who went on hunger strike to protest brutal treatment from their guards [FJ 7/19].
Arab World: PLO gives Jordan list of 10 to 15 Palestinians who have its approval to participate in talks with U.S. under Hussein peace initiative [NYT 7/14]. Names are not disclosed.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government announces economic austerity program: 18.8 percent devaluation of shekel, 24 percent price increases in governments-subsidized products, dismissal of 9,000 government employees, government spending cut of $750 million, and three-month wage and price freeze [NYT 7/2, LAT 7/17]. Government predicts incomes will be reduced 30 percent. Riots follow the announcement [LAT 7/17]. Israeli authorities prevent Bank of Palestine in Gaza from selling 100,000 new shares in Gaza, Ramallah, and Nablus [FJ 7/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres proposes alternative peace plan to King Hussein's, based on "direct talks" with Jordanians and non-PLO Palestinians, with U.S. participation [NYT 6/11]. Nablus village of Bidya and neighboring villages placed under curfew by IDF following hand grenade attack on Israeli military vehicle [FJ 6/14].
Arab World: SLA captures French colonel involved in negotiations for release of Finns; he's later released: Gen. Antoine Lahd calls seizure a "mistake" [NYT 6/10].
Military Action
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports IDF recently destroyed 8 homes of southem Lebanese thought to have fired rockets at IDF and SLA positions in security zone UP 6/10]. Last IDF combat battalion withdraws from Lebanon; undisclosed number of patrols, advisers, and observers remain [NYT 6/11]. Rockets hit settlements in northern Israel [LT 6/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres opposes "preliminary talks" between U.S. and joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation [JP 6/10]. Eleven Palestinian women political prisoners at Neve Tertza prison near Ramleh begin work strike to protest decision to integrate them with criminal prisoners [FJ 6/14]. Women punished by being held in cells 23 hours a day. Israeli military officials announce that starting 6/10 no joumalists will be permitted to enter southern Lebanon from Israel [WP 6/10]. IDF declare Hebron village of Raq'ah closed military area; impose curfew after 6/4 grenade attack on military vehicle [FJ 6/14].
Arab World: At urging of PLO Chairman Arafat, Arab League meets in Tunis to discuss three-week-old crisis [NYT 6/10]; declines to conduct inquiry into massacres of Palestinians in camps [LT 6/10]. Syrian-sponsored peace talks are deadlocked: Palestinians refuse to surrender arms to Amal [LAT 6/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petrol bomb is thrown into Israeli bus in Nablus, West Bank; no injuries. Tourist bus stoned near Hebron. Shots fired at IDF truck in Gaza [JP 6/10].
Arab World: Palestinian fighters in Druzec-ontrolled hills east of Beirut bombard Shi'ite militia attacking three Palestinian camps [NYT 6/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of Balata refugee camp near Nablus demonstrate against harassment and arrests; stone military vehicles; smash window of one and injure driver. Several youths arrested [FJ 6/14]. Administrators of Bir Zeit U. announce cancellation of semester following violence between student political groups [FJ 6/14].
Arab World: IDF complete three-stage withdrawal from southem Lebanon. Amal chief Nabih Birri says Amal would join forces with Palestinian fighters if Israel kept troops in southern Lebanon and retained a security zone north of its border [NYT 6/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand protesters demonstrate for and against clemency for Jewish underground defendants [JP 5/28]. Settlers post "wanted" posters depicting some of former prisoners released 5/20 in Hebron, Nablus [JP 5/28].
Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat claims Amal, Lebanese Army's 6th Brigade troops massacred 60 Palestinian civilians on 5/26 in Sabra camp, Beirut [LT, MG 5/28].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bombs thrown at Israeli bus near Dura; no injuries. 2nd bus stoned near Am'ari camp [JP 5/28].
Arab World: Continued heavy fighting between Shi'ite, Palestinian forces in Beirut halts Red Cross attempt to evacuate wounded in camps; at least 8 killed, 35 wounded [NYT, LAT 5/28]. 5 IDF troops wounded by resistance action in Majdal Salim area, S. Lebanon [JP 5/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. official Nachman Shai admits Israel obtained US-made krytron timing devices in violation of US export laws (devices can be used for nuclear weapons) [NWK 5/12, WP 5/14]. Border Police fine, dismiss officer for granting privileges to Jewish underground defendants; MK Meir Kahane states he will pay officer's fine [NYT 5/13, LT 5/14, JP 5/24]. Jewish underground defendant Yehuda Etzion admits participation in 1980 bombing against Nablus Mayor Bassam Shak'a; describes plot to destroy al-Haram al-Sharif as "cleansing" of a Jewish holy site [JTA 5/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 bombs explode in Jerusalem; no injuries. Police defuse 4th bomb near hotel in which US Sec. of State Shultz is residing; Abu Musa faction of Fateh, pro-Arafat Force 17 [based in S. Yemen] both claim responsibility [LAT MG 5/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate accused Jewish underground defendants now in custody will be released on 48-hr. leave for Passover holiday; 5 held for murder will not be released [JP 4/4]. New IDF SLA liaison chief asserts predecessor, Col. Avraham Hido (killed in 2/19 clash with resistance in S. Lebanon), may have been killed "in error" by SLA troops traveling with him UP 4/4]. Fight breaks out between Palestinian, Jewish students at Haifa U. (scene of several recent incidents) [P 4/4].
Other Countries: US State Dept. states Israel violated Articles 49, 76, 77 of 4th Geneva Convention in its 4/2 transfer of 1,100 Ansar inmates to Israel [NYT 4/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police shoot and injure 18-yr.-old Sameh Sha'ar in Nablus during mock funeral for Karim Khalaf [PI 4/4, FJ 4/5].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF release 752 Ansar prisoners near Tyre [NYT, WP 4/4]. IDF raid Shihabiya; several arrested [NYT 4/4]. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Douer; 1 injured. 2 IDF soldiers wounded by roadside bomb near al-Bazouriya. Katyusha, RPGs, shots directed at IDF liaison HQ, Nabatiya; no report of casualties. RPG fired at IDF HQ, Tyre; no reported injuries. IDF raid Deir Zabna [JP 4/4].
Other Countries: Anti-tank rocket fired at building housing Jordanian embassy in Rome; Black September claims responsibility [WP 4/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In visit to settlers in Katif, DM Rabin asserts Gaza "must remain an inseparable part of the state of Israel" [JTA 3/22].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan indicates US willingness to meet with joint PalestinianJordanian delegation (as proposed by Pres. Mubarak) as long as it contains no PLO members; reiterates opposition to direct US role in peace talks [WP, WSJ 3/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Car stoned in Nablus; no injuries [JP 3/22].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF cross 1st-stage withdrawal line, raid Humin al-Tahta, Jabaa, Sarba, Jal al- 'Arab, Rumin, Ankun, Kafr Malki, Kafr Fila; 23 killed, including CBS journalists Tawfiq Ghazawi, Bashir Matni (killed when IDF tank fired upon their car, marked as a camera car); 32 homes destroyed; resistance forces engage IDF; 1 Israeli wounded. IDF also raid Srifa, Janata. IDF soldier wounded 3/8 dies [NYT, JTA, WP 3/22, NYT 3/23]. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles near Ma'roub, 'Arab Salim, al-Bazouriya; no injuries. SLA patrol fired upon near Jarjoura; no casualties [JTA 3/22].
Other Countries: Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines offices in Rome, Athens, Nicosia bombed; 5 employees injured; Black September claims responsibility [TS 3/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20,000 demonstrate at Peace Now gathering in Tel Aviv, demand immediate withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon [JP, JTA 3/17]. MK Meir Cohen-Avidov, supporters disrupt opening of Jewish-Palestinian anti-occupation art exhibit in Haifa [FJ 3/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: After stones were thrown at Israeli vehicle in Ramallah, IDF seals off central part of city. IDF set up roadblocks on way to Bir Zeit U. to prevent demonstrations against 3/8 closing of part of campus. Stone thrown at Israeli car in Nablus injures passenger [JP 3/17].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 3, wound 3 during raid on Toura [FJ 3/22]. IDF raid Burj Rahhal; 5 arrested. RPGs fired at IDF unit near Hmairi; no injuries reported [NYT 3/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deposed Ramallah mayor Karim Khalaf supports 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [deposed Nablus mayor Bassam al-Shak'a, Abna' al-Balad movement oppose agreement] [FJ 2/22]. 25 women prisoners end hunger strike [begun 2/12] at Neve Tertza prison after receiving promises of better treatment [FJ 2/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bus stoned near al-Amari camp; one passenger injured; authorities close furniture shop in vicinity [JP 2/18]. After High Court of Justice refuses 2 stays of deportation, authorities deport Fateh figure 'Abd al-'Aziz Shahin to Lebanon [imprisoned in 1967 for "armed infiltration;" released in 1982, he was forced to live incommunicado in Dahaniya, Gaza strip until his deportation] [JP 2/18, FJ 2/22].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: assassinations of collaborators continue in wake of Israeli withdrawal from Sidon area [NYT 2/18]. Roadside bomb kills IDF soldier, wounds 3, in al-Bazouriya UP 2/18]. IDF soldier killed in ambush near Nabatiya [WP 2/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF court in Nablus refuses bail for 6 of the Dheisheh camp residents arrested 2/1 and incarcerated in al-Fara'a prison [FJ 2/15]. High Court forbids Israeli Yakir company from further building on disputed land in Bidya [FJ 2/15].
Other Countries: US pres. Reagan "optimistic" about reports of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [WP 2/14].
Military Action
Arab World: 6 IDF troops wounded when RPGs, shots fired at their post near Nabatiya, S. Lebanon. Similar attack directed at IDF position near Adweir and IDF liaison office in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon; no casualties [JTA 2/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics announces Arab residents now outnumber Jews in Galilee district [1st time since 1948] [JW 2/1]. W. Bank settlers threaten vigilante action unless security forces half attacks on settlers [NYT 2/3]. Local councils of Sakhnin, 'Arrabeh, Deir Hanna strike to protest recent attempts to seize agricultural land in al-Mill (Area 9) [FJ 2/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sttler injured 1/25 by gasoline bomb dies of wounds [JP 2/1]. Similar bomb thrown at Nablus office of Bank Leumi; no injuries [JP 2/1]. Military court in Ramallah sentences 2 teenagers to 7 and 8-year prison sentences respectively for throwing gasoline bombs last October; no damage or injuries had occurred [LAT 2/9].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: reports indicate pro-Syrian Palestinian commandos entering Kharroub region near Sidon, preparing to enter refugee camps subsequent to IDF withdrawal [PI 1/31]. Antitank missile fired at IDF liaison unit HQ in Nabatiya; no injuries. Bomb explodes near Border Police patrol in vicinity of al-Qalila [JP 2/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: For. Ministry official Kimche calls together foreign ambassadors, warns them of danger of massacres in wake of IDF withdrawal from Lebanon [PI 1/31]. Ha'aretz publishes findings of Haifa U. study among Israeli schoolchildren indicating "kidnapper, murder, terrorist, criminal" 4 words most immediately associated with Arabs [LT 1/31]. IDF remove fence errected by settlers on Tal Rumeida [JP 1/31].
Other Countries: Geneva-based Intl. Commission of jurists charges IDF with mistreatment of prisoners at al-Fara'a prison near Nablus; DM Rabin, in Washington, dismisses charges as "total nonsense" [WP 1/31]. White House announces Pres. Reagan will recommend $1.8 billion next year in military grants for Israel, increase of $400 million [WSJ 1/31]; also announces freeze on new arms sales to Middle East pending review of relationship between US arms sales and regional stability [NYT 1/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Israelis wounded as bus fired upon near Bethlehem [WP 1/31, 2/3].