36 / 15500 Results
  • December 28, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Ministry clears P.M. Shamir of complicity in the 1984 killing of 2 captured Arab bus hijackers and subsequent cover-up [NYT 12/...

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  • December 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Los Angeles Times-Yediot Aharonot poll shows Israelis are significantly more supportive than Americans of the U.S.-...

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  • December 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's...

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  • December 9, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former...

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  • December 1, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir...

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  • November 30, 1986


    Other Countries: The Sunday Times (London) reports retired U.S. Air Force general, working in London, arranged sale of arms to Iran [LT 11/30].


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  • November 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government acknowledges transferring arms to Iran at U.S. request but denies any financial role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP...

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  • November 23, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...

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  • November 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr, is charged with violating censorship laws related to a 1985 television interview and the 1986...

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  • November 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unrest in West Bank marks anniversary of Balfour Declaration (NYT 11/3).

    Arab World: Islamic Jihad frees American hostage David...

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  • October 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).


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  • October 7, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Second Israeli settler in ten days is stabbed in Gaza market. Settlers demonstrate with chants of "Death to Arabs" and throw rocks at...

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  • October 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres calls Sunday Times report on Israeli nuclear bomb factory "sensationalist" and repeats longstanding Israeli policy...

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  • September 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Ministry Director Sasson Shila says Israel wants to double number of housing units in settlements in occupied...

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  • September 23, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year...

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  • September 15, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots...

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  • September 12, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: For past three days, Jerusalem municipal workers have prevented Palestinian farmers from selling their produce in Jerusalem market,...

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  • September 9, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taba agreement, condition for Egyptian-Israeli talks, incomplete, jeopardizing Peres-Mubarak talks, scheduled for 9/11 (WP 9/10)....

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  • August 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Eight West Bank families obtained an order nisi from the Israeli High Court this week barring the authorities from demolishing or...

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  • August 10, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and...

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  • August 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are...

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  • July 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jerusalem meets 18 West Bank and Gaza Palestinians, most of them known to be pro-Jordanian, who urge U.S. to recognize...

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  • July 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army command refuses to comment on reports that a major in IDF intelligence (reportedly an Israeli Druze) is on trial in Haifa...

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  • July 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinian nationalists in Gaza Strip end fighting after general meeting of representatives at the Lawyer's...

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  • June 20, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli civil administration bans distribution of al-Fajr for three days for violations of censorship [JP 6/20]. Al-Fajr...

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  • June 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF erects roadblocks at al-Najah University at Nablus to prevent entry after 6/3 raid [MG 6/5].

    Other Countries: Former U.S....

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  • May 20, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel...

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  • April 17, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations...

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  • April 3, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tension between Jews and Muslims over control of the Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount) flares as Jerusalem police block an attempt by the ...

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  • March 26, 1986

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military spokespersons tell reporters armed attacks in the northern West Bank have nearly doubled in the past year, while attacks in the...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Ministry clears P.M. Shamir of complicity in the 1984 killing of 2 captured Arab bus hijackers and subsequent cover-up [NYT 12/29]. Journalist Akram Haniyyah is deported to Algeria by way of Geneva [FJ 1/9; LAT 12/29]. Mordechai Vanunu pleads innocent to charges of treason and espionage [LAT, NYT 12/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound 2 Palestinians in Ramallah during series of violent demonstrations protesting Akram Haniyyah's expulsion [LAT, NYT 12/29].

Arab World: Beirut refugee camp battles between Amal and PLO leave at least 4 dead, 27 wounded [BG 12/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Los Angeles Times-Yediot Aharonot poll shows Israelis are significantly more supportive than Americans of the U.S.-Iran arms negotiations. Americans are also more "suspicious of Tel Aviv's motives" in mediating the deal; 38% say that American aid to Israel should be decreased as a result [LAT 12/16].

Other Countries: Church of England envoy Terry Waite denies engaging in "any dealings in arms or money" in connection with the release of American hostages in Beirut [WP, IN 12/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers surround Nablus campus of al-Najah U. and use tear gas to disperse peaceful marchers. The troops refuse to allow students to return home until evening [FJ 12/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 10,000 demonstrators from inside the green line gather in Nazareth to protest force used by Israeli troops in last week's violence. The demonstration, organized by the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, is the largest protest inside the green line since 1982 [FJ 12/19]. Twenty prominent Palestinians issue statement condemning stabbing of an elderly Israeli in Jerusalem on 12/12 [NYT 12/15]. Court orders Justice Minister Avraham Sharir to explain his decision not to extradite William Nakash, a French Jew convicted of murdering an Arab in France [NYT 12/16]. Authorities order confiscation of land in Kufr al-Libbad village. Residents plan to take their protest to Israeli High Court [FJ 12/19].

Military Action

Arab World: Fateh refuses Iran-mediated plan requiring PLO to withdraw from Maghdushah. Fighting between PLO and Amal continues; at least 6 killed in Beirut camps [WP, NYT 12/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former mayor of Nablus. Rappaport surrendered to police when he returned from 3-year stay in U.S. [WP 12/10].

Arab World: Egypt accuses Israel of using "violent repressive measures" against Palestinian protestors in occupied territories [BS 12/10; FJ 12/12].

Other Countries: Before the House Foreign Affairs Com., former U.S. National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane testifies that Israeli official David Kimche supplied him with a list of more than 800 "moderate" Iranian leaders. Vice Adm. John Poindexter, Lt. Col. Oliver North, and retired Air Force Gen. Richard Secord refuse to answer questions before the committee [WSJ 12/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 1,000 students and faculty members hold peaceful march from Birzeit U.'s new campus to the closed old- campus. Israeli troops force businesses in Ramallah, al-Birah, and Nablus to open [FJ 12/12]. Israeli military spokesman says troops fired in self-defense and student demonstration was "prepared in advance" [JP 12/10]. Palestinian youth is shot and seriously wounded in fight with Israeli soldier in Gaza; another is wounded when soldiers fire at stone-throwing marchers. Four Palestinians have been killed, at least 27 wounded in the last 6 days of Arab rioting [NYT, WP 12/10].

Arab World: Soviet ambassador in Beirut says his government is trying to mediate in battle between Amal and PLO [BS 12/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir denies Israel knowingly helped channel funds to Nicaraguan rebels [NYT 12/3].

Other Countries: W. German reports indicate 2 Arabs found guilty of bombing at W. Berlin club in March may have been double agents working for Israel [WP 12/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops, attempting to control demonstration at UNRWA Teachers Training Center in Ramallah, shoot and wound a student in the head. At least 15 others are arrested in protests in the W. Bank 11/30 and 12/1 marking anniversary of the 1947 Palestine partition plan. Four colleges are ordered closed for a week [FJ 12/5].

Arab World: Amal, Sixth Lebanese Army Brigade, and Syrian commandos unite to launch major offensive against Shatila refugee camp. Palestinian forces hold off attackers [FJ 12/5]. Forty-six are killed, 111 wounded in heavy fighting between PLO and Amal forces in Beirut and S. Lebanon. One-day general strike in Sidon protests the on-going battle in that city [BG 12/2]. The Amal and the PNSF are reported to reach agreement on cease-fire in S. Lebanon [JP 12/2]. 


Other Countries: The Sunday Times (London) reports retired U.S. Air Force general, working in London, arranged sale of arms to Iran [LT 11/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound Ramallah student [FJ 1/2].

Arab World: PLO forces halt Amal offensive in Beirut and advance in S. Lebanon. More than 100 are killed, 269 wounded in the two battle areas. The PLO in Tunis calls for Arab League meeting to discuss fighting [WSJ, GU 12/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli government acknowledges transferring arms to Iran at U.S. request but denies any financial role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/26, 11/27; NYT 11/26]. Israeli and Palestinian writers gather in Jaffa to express solidarity with journalist Akram Haniyyah and opposition to his deportation order [FJ 11/28]. Israeli troops arrest approximately 150 villagers in Bayt Hanun after a firebomb isthrown at an army jeep [FJ 12/5].

Other Countries: W. German court convicts a Jordanian and a Palestinian of bombing the German Arab Friendship Society on 3/29. Syrian ambassador in E. Berlin denies any Syrian involvement [NYT 11/27].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal militia continue to fight in W. Beirut and S. Lebanon [NYT 11/27]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].

Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr, is charged with violating censorship laws related to a 1985 television interview and the 1986 al-Fajr diary [FJ 11/21].

Other Countries: W. German government states it will not break diplomatic relations with Syria despite evidence that Syria was involved in terrorist activity in Germany [WP 11/20]. U.S. Congress begins inquiries into the arms sales to Iran [BS 11/20]. U.S. Pres. Reagan says U.S. never condoned Israeli arms shipments to Iran but later states a third country was involved in the "secret project" [WP, NYT 11/20]. The Washington Post reports Israeli arms dealer Ya'acov Nimrodi arranged the U.S.-Iran arms sale [WP 11/19]. Turkey allows Syrian intelligence agent implicated in assassination of a Jordanian diplomat in Ankara to leave the country quietly [IN 11/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Rival PLO factions unite to defend the Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp against Shi'i forces. Eight are killed, 38 wounded in the fighting near Beirut. The Lebanese pound hits a record low against foreign currencies [WT, NYT 11/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unrest in West Bank marks anniversary of Balfour Declaration (NYT 11/3).

Arab World: Islamic Jihad frees American hostage David Jacobsen after 17 months' captivity in West Beirut. Six Americans remain missing, two held by Islamic Jihad (NYT, WP 11/3).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).

Other Countries: Le Monde reports that Syria helped France reach "truce" with group believed to have exploded bombs in Paris. "Truce" will last until February when Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah is to stand trial. Meanwhile, Saudi newspaper publishes interview with French interior minister saying Syrian and French secret services were involved in "real cooperation" to prevent terrorist bombings (NYT, WP 10/30).

Military Action

Arab World: In Lebanon, Palestinian Amal rocket and artillery battles spread to Beirut suburb Burj al-Barajinah, which has been quiet since the summer when 200 were killed in Palestinian camps. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt warns Palestinians against using south Lebanon for "military adventurism." AP reports UN and Palestinian sources estimate 3,500 Palestinian guerrillas have returned to refugee camps in Lebanon in past six months (NYT, WP 10/30). Syria begins formation of joint leftist force to fight Fateh in the Lebanese camps. Force would comprise fighters from Druze Progressive Socialist party, Lebanese Ba'th, Syrian Social Nationalist party, and Lebanese Communist party (JP 10/30).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Second Israeli settler in ten days is stabbed in Gaza market. Settlers demonstrate with chants of "Death to Arabs" and throw rocks at Arab-owned vehicles (WP 10/8).

Arab World: In Beirut, prominent Sunni cleric Shaykh Subhi al-Salih, moderate and vice president of Council of Islamic Jurisprudence, is slain by unknown gunmen (NYT 10/8). PLO Chairman Arafat confirms PLO's military command posts will be shifted from Tunis to Yemen and Iraq, but deniestrains with Tunisian government (NYT 10/9).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres calls Sunday Times report on Israeli nuclear bomb factory "sensationalist" and repeats longstanding Israeli policy on nuclear weapons (i.e., Israel "will not be the first to introduce" them) (WP, NYT 10/7).

Other Countries: In London, trial opens of Nizar Hindawi, Jordanian accused of trying to blow up El Al jumbo jet with 375 passengers on board on 4/17 by giving girlfriend suitcase with bomb inside. Prosecution says Hindawi told British investigators that Syrian military intelligence officers gave him money, passport, explosives, and bomb training (NYT, WP 10/7). Israeli diplomatic mission in Geneva announces name of third Taba arbitrator: Gunnar Lagergren of Sweden. Other two are Pierre Bellet of France and Dietrich Schindler of Switzerland (JP 10/7).

Military Action

Arab World: Eight Israeli jets attack PFLP training camp and ammunition dump north of Tripoli, ten miles from Syrian border; nine are wounded-seven guerrillas and two civilians. First Israeli bombing activity in north Lebanon in 15 months, but 12th in Lebanon this year (WP, NYT 10/7). Video recordings of three French hostages are received in West Beirut news agency office (NYT 10/7).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Ministry Director Sasson Shila says Israel wants to double number of housing units in settlements in occupied territories from 60,000 now under construction (Fl 10/3).

Arab World: Former Jordanian P. M. Ahmad 'Ubaydat and 12 former Jordanian ministers send cable to Egyptian President Mubarak denouncing Egyptian-Israeli summit, which issued joint statement with no mention of Palestinian rights (FBIS 9/25).

Military Action

Arab World: In S. Lebanon, gunmen attack two Nepalese UNIFIL posts, wound one soldier (raising to 35 the number of UNIFIL soldiers wounded in last month) (NYT, WP 9/25). Underground group announces it has kidnapped Frenchman from East Beirut (NYT 9/25).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year for "security reasons," alleging groups are linked to PFLP (Fl 9/26).

Arab World: Egypt's ambassador to Israel assumes functions in Tel Aviv (WP 9/24).

Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on Israel to withdraw troops from S. Lebanon and to permit UNIFIL to move up to border. U.S. abstains; 14 members of council vote in favor of resolution (WP 9/24).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF warplanes bomb Palestinian targets in Druze-controlled Shuf mountains southeast of Beirut, the tenth airstrike in Lebanon this year; two women are wounded. New York Times reports five wounded, four Druze villages bombed (NYT 9/24). Defense Minister Rabin tours SLA outposts before raid, vows to crush attempts to attack SLA which has lost 16 men in recent weeks. French continue to evacuate positions for safer ground (NYT, WP 9/23). Shamir says Israel is not planning an invasion (NYT 9/24).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots and kills 30-year-old mother, Muyassar Jamil al-Hih, at Hebron Mosque (Fl 9/15).

Arab World: In Beirut, group called "Arab Revolutionary Cells-'Umar al-Mukhtar Forces" claims responsibility for Beirut kidnapping of Frank Reed and Joseph Ciccippio (NYT 9/16).

Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli P.M. Peres meets President Reagan at White House, de-emphasizes endorsement of international conference, stresses need for direct negotiations at bilateral level with each of parties concerned in peace process (NYT 9/16). Amnesty International of London announces ithas compiled allegations of torture at Khiyam detention center in S. Lebanon (run by SLA with Israeli supervision), including detailed account of torture of West Bank resident; group says it is publicizing charges because Israel has failed to respond to its appeals for an independent probe (WP 9/17). In Paris, bomb explodes in police station, killing one and wounding 51 (NYT 9/16).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: For past three days, Jerusalem municipal workers have prevented Palestinian farmers from selling their produce in Jerusalem market, giving advantage to Israeli growers (Fl 9/19).

Arab World: In West Beirut, Joseph Ciccippio, American deputy controller of American University of Beirut, is kidnapped, bringing to 18 the number of foreigners missing in Lebanon after being kidnapped (NYT, WP 9/13). In Alexandria, Egypt and Israel end summit, issue joint statement declaring 1987 "a year of negotiations and peace," but two sides fail to agree on Palestinian issue (NYT, WP 9/13). Israeli P.M. Peres says international conference should be convened and that Israel and Egypt agree to set up preparatory committee for this purpose (NYT 9/16). In Tunis, French F.M. Claude Cheysson meets PLO Chairman Arafat on marketing of Palestinian produce from occupied territories (Fl 9/19).

Other Countries: In Paris, bomb explodes in cafeteria in Paris suburb, wounding 41. "Committee in Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners" claims responsibility (NYT, WP 9/13).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF aircraft bomb Palestinian checkpoint four miles south of Sidon and wound four (AFP 9/12; WP 9/13).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taba agreement, condition for Egyptian-Israeli talks, incomplete, jeopardizing Peres-Mubarak talks, scheduled for 9/11 (WP 9/10). Spanish F.M. Francisco Ordonez visits Israel, stresses Spain's commitment to Palestinian right to self-determination during dinner hosted by F.M. Shamir; calls for international conference on Mideast (FBIS 9/11).

Arab World: Frank Reed, American director of private West Beirut school, is kidnapped by Islamic Jihad in West Beirut (WP 9/10).

Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of Defense Weinberger says Karachi Pan Am hijack-massacre looks like work of Abu Nidal, but Defense Department says there is "no connection to Syria or Lebanon here" (WP 9/10).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF warplanes again strike at alleged headquarters of Palestinian Popular Struggle Front near Sidon; at least three are killed (MEI 9/12).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Eight West Bank families obtained an order nisi from the Israeli High Court this week barring the authorities from demolishing or sealing their homes before the court hears the cases against 10 of their sons and daughters arrested in early August for alleged membership in Fateh and military actions against the occupation [FJ 8/14].

Other Countries: Spain grants official representation to PLO: ambassadorial-level recognition [PI 8/15].

Military Action

Arab World: Car bomb is exploded in East Beirut, kills 20, wounds 100 [WP 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and demarcation of boundaries of 700-meter beach [NYT, WP 8/11].

Arab World: In Baghdad, PLO Executive Committeends 2-day meeting with statement condemning U.S., Israeli, and jordanian plans to improve conditions in West Bank and Gaza as attempts to perpetuate Israeli occupation, calls for unity among all Palestinian factions [NYT 8/11; FJ 8/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF conducts military exercises on Golan Heights [JTA 8/11].

Arab World: IDF helicopter gunships attack Fateh and Abu Musa faction positions at 'Ain al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh refugee camps in S. Lebanon following rocket attacks from S. Lebanon into Galilee [NYT, WP 8/111. Rivals for control of the Christian militias in Lebanon strike each other: Lebanese Forces rebel against leader Samir Ja'ja' and seize control of East Beirut [PI 8/11], hold it for 24 hours [LT 8/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are arrested and placed under 6-month administrative detention, without being charged or tried [FJ 8/8]. Egyptian-Israeli talks on Taba open [NYT 8/11].

Other Countries: Reagan administration says 8 Israeli officials in New York are contesting subpoenas issued in investigation of whether Israel illegally exported cluster bomb technology to Israel [NYT 8/5]. Soviet Union announces it will start discussions with Israel this month on the opening of consulates [NYT 8/5].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian and Lebanese soldiers deploy in Shi'ite suburbs of Beirut [NYT 8/5]. Bomb kills 2, wounds 28 in East Beirut cafe [BG 8/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jerusalem meets 18 West Bank and Gaza Palestinians, most of them known to be pro-Jordanian, who urge U.S. to recognize the PLO [NYT 7/30, FJ 8/1, 8/8]. Israeli Central Planning Committee hears objections by 7 West Bank villages to an Israeli plan to confiscate 3,500 dunums of village land for constructing a highway linking Jerusalem with the village of Kufr Qasim [FJ 8/1].

Military Action

Arab World: Car bomb explodes in Muslim West Beirut, killing 25 and wounding 180, while mass funeral is being held in East Beirut for the victims of 7/28 bombing [NYT, WP 7/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army command refuses to comment on reports that a major in IDF intelligence (reportedly an Israeli Druze) is on trial in Haifa on charges of spying for Syria [WP 7/5].

Military Action

Arab World: About 150 armed Syrian troops man checkpoints in Beirut, for first time since 1982, while 1,000 Lebanese troops patrol W. Beirut as part of Syrian-backed plan to enforce cease-fire; Syrians have closed several militia offices and arrested hundreds of gunmen [WP 7/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinian nationalists in Gaza Strip end fighting after general meeting of representatives at the Lawyer's Union office in Gaza [FJ 7/11].

Military Action

Arab World: Truce is declared between Amal and Palestinians in Beirut's 3 refugee camps as part of the security plan for Beirut declared in Damascus between Lebanese Muslim religious and political figures and Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam 6/3; fighting has killed over 160, injured several hundreds in camps [WP 7/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli civil administration bans distribution of al-Fajr for three days for violations of censorship [JP 6/20]. Al-Fajr reports Israel continues to detain Musa Mahmud Daramneh although he has completed his 15.5-year sentence for infiltration and Fateh membership; Israel wants to deport him but Jordan has refused to accept him [FJ 6/20].

Other Countries: 2 French hostages released in Beirut.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF erects roadblocks at al-Najah University at Nablus to prevent entry after 6/3 raid [MG 6/5].

Other Countries: Former U.S. Navy intelligence officer Jonathan Jay Pollard and wife Anne Henderson Pollard plead guilty to spying for Israel in U.S. [NYT 6/5].

Military Action

Arab World: In West Beirut, Amal leader Nabih Birri claims victory over Sunni February 6 militia, allied with the PLO [TS 6/4], fighting eases [NYT 6/5], then Amal resumes attack on Palestinian camps in southern Beirut [WP 6/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel Emanuel Wald, former head of IDF planning, had accused the army on Israel TV of having buried his 700-page report on IDF weaknesses. Four men and 2 women, all of Nablus, are indicted by military court for kidnap-murder of Israeli soldier David Manos and membership in Fateh. Ibrahim 'Abdallah of Dayr Ballut is named ringleader [JP, JTA 5/21]. Italian Foreign Minister Andreotti meets deposed Hebron Deputy Mayor Mustafa Natshah, Gaza lawyer Fayez Abu Rahmah, deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa, and al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora [FJ 5/23].

Arab World: King Hussein orders arrest of leadership of Jordanian Communist party [NYT 5/21].

Military Action

Arab World: In suburban Beirut, Amal militiamen fight Palestinians for control of Burj al-Burajinah refugee camp, killing 2 and wounding 33. (Camp population: 11,000) [CSM 5/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations the 40th anniversary of Syria's independence; busloads of sympathizers from the occupied territories areturned back at roadblocks [JP 4/18].

Other Countries: Ecuador, a member of OPEC, recently repaid a $5 million debt to Israel in oil despite an embargo by OPEC on sales to Israel, according to a report in Ha'Aretz [JC 4/17].

Military Action

Arab World: Bodies of 1 kidnaped American, Peter Kilburn, and 2 kidnaped Britons, Philip Padfield and John Leigh Douglas, are found near Beirut with note stating they were killed in retaliation for Britain's role in the U.S. bombing raids on Libya; note is signed by "Arab Fida'iyyin Cells" [NYT, WP, FT 4/18; LT. 4/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tension between Jews and Muslims over control of the Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount) flares as Jerusalem police block an attempt by the Waqf (Islamic trust) to seal off a courtyard leading to the area [JP, JTA 4/4].

Arab World: PLO closes another of its offices in Amman; the Office of Popular Organization maintained contact with and files on Palestinians living in Jordan, especially refugee camps; no reason is given for the closure [JP 4/4].

Military Action

Arab World: Fighting continues between Amal and Palestinian fighters in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut; nearly 30 people have been killed, 60 wounded in 6 days of fighting [MG 4/4]. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military spokespersons tell reporters armed attacks in the northern West Bank have nearly doubled in the past year, while attacks in the Bethlehem-Hebron area have declined by 11% [JP 3/27]. Students at Bethlehem U. stone cars and pedestrians following Land Day demonstration, unfurl Palestinian flag, throw makeshift gasoline bombs at Israeli soldiers, set up roadblocks; Israeli troops fire in air to disperse them [JP 3/27].

Arab World: Car bomb explodes near Phalange party office in East Beirut, killing 10, wounding 80; 2 hours earlier, 6 were wounded by bomb outside another Phalange party office [NYT, WP 3/27].