17 / 15493 Results
  • December 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs....

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  • December 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].

    Arab World: Arab League...

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  • November 30, 1986


    Other Countries: The Sunday Times (London) reports retired U.S. Air Force general, working in London, arranged sale of arms to Iran [LT 11/30].


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  • October 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).


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  • October 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).

    Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day...

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  • October 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres, in last days of term as P.M., says coalition government will fall if he is prevented from pursuing peace initiatives when he...

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  • September 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30)....

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  • August 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Energy Minister announces plan for "resolving difficulties" of Arab-owned Jersualem Electric Co. (JP 9/1).

    Arab World:...

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  • August 10, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and...

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  • July 25, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Vice Pres. Bush arrives in Jerusalem to meet P.M. Peres as start of M. E. tour [WP 7/26].

    Arab World: King Hassan II quits...

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  • May 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Rabin rejects P.M. Thatcher's call for free elections in occupied territories, says EEC should contributeo...

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  • April 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military...

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  • February 21, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2...

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  • February 17, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad...

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  • February 5, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 3 more Palestinians to Jordan: Mahmud Fa'anun, from the West Bank; and Hasan Muhammad Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz...

    Read more
  • January 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds...

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  • January 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports 4 more Palestinians have been served deportation orders: Hasan Mahmud Ahmad al-'Amudi and...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs. No arms found; 1 man is arrested [PI 12/20]. Israeli military court in Gaza sentences 7 members of an "armed cell" to long prison terms [FJ 12/25]. After numerous charges of abuse, "Ansar II," a makeshift detention center in Gaza, is closed. Most detainees are released [FJ 12/25].

Arab World: Egyptian authorities arrest 6, accusing them of plotting to kill Israelis in the al-Ma'adi suburb of Cairo [FJ 12/25].

Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan names Lawrence Walsh as independent counsel to investigate the arms sales to Iran and diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan contras [PI 12/20].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal continue their fight around Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps [GU 12/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].

Arab World: Arab League foreign ministers begin emergency meeting in Tunis to discuss Amal-PLO fighting in Lebanon.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill 12-year-old Palestinian boy, wound 6 [FJ 12/12; WP 12/9]. Preliminary reports indicate shot which killed the Balatta camp youth was not from army issue gun [FJ 12/12]. Shops closed in E. Jerusalem for third straight day [LAT 12/9]. Students at Hebrew University condemn the use of tear gas to disperse demonstrators, call for release of arrested students. Authorities close al-Najah University and old campus of Birzeit University. Al-Najah will reopen 12/16. Old BZU campus will open after Christmnas holiday [FJ 12/12].

Arab World: Continuing clashes between PLO and Amal forces at Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps leave 2 dead, 8 wounded. PLO holds off Amal attack at Maghdushah. Syrian, Iranian, and Libyan mediators urge PNSF to call for acease-fire [LAT 12/9]. Cease-fire is broken less than 24 hours after going into effect, but Fateh announces 4-point plan to end fighting [BG 12/9]. 


Other Countries: The Sunday Times (London) reports retired U.S. Air Force general, working in London, arranged sale of arms to Iran [LT 11/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound Ramallah student [FJ 1/2].

Arab World: PLO forces halt Amal offensive in Beirut and advance in S. Lebanon. More than 100 are killed, 269 wounded in the two battle areas. The PLO in Tunis calls for Arab League meeting to discuss fighting [WSJ, GU 12/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).

Other Countries: Le Monde reports that Syria helped France reach "truce" with group believed to have exploded bombs in Paris. "Truce" will last until February when Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah is to stand trial. Meanwhile, Saudi newspaper publishes interview with French interior minister saying Syrian and French secret services were involved in "real cooperation" to prevent terrorist bombings (NYT, WP 10/30).

Military Action

Arab World: In Lebanon, Palestinian Amal rocket and artillery battles spread to Beirut suburb Burj al-Barajinah, which has been quiet since the summer when 200 were killed in Palestinian camps. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt warns Palestinians against using south Lebanon for "military adventurism." AP reports UN and Palestinian sources estimate 3,500 Palestinian guerrillas have returned to refugee camps in Lebanon in past six months (NYT, WP 10/30). Syria begins formation of joint leftist force to fight Fateh in the Lebanese camps. Force would comprise fighters from Druze Progressive Socialist party, Lebanese Ba'th, Syrian Social Nationalist party, and Lebanese Communist party (JP 10/30).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).

Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day meeting, 86th ordinary session, in Tunis in presence of nine foreign ministers; condemns Hasan-Peres meetings; agrees to hold first summit meetings in four years (date and place to be set). Council decides member states will sever diplomatic ties with Ivory Coast to protest opening of Ivorian embassy in Jerusalem (FBIS, WP 10/20; AFP 10/19).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF confirm Israeli fighter pilot, shot down 10/16, is being held by Amal (NYT 10/20).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres, in last days of term as P.M., says coalition government will fall if he is prevented from pursuing peace initiatives when he becomes F.M. (WP 10/5).

Arab World: Former Jordanian P.M. Ahmad 'Ubaydat resigns from Jordanian senate (FBIS 10/6). Middle East International reports 'Ubaydat's resignation was requested by King Hussein and P.M. Rifa'i after 'Ubaydat sent letter embarrassing to Hussein to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak (MEI 10/12). Al-Kayed says Jordan has begun issuing three-year passports to displaced persons from Gaza and Beersheba who live in Jordan (MEI 10/12).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30). Jordanian government recognizes Israeli-appointed mayors of Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Birah, but Amman-based Zuhdi Sa'id, deputy director of PLO Department of Occupied Territories, denounces the appointments, and calls for elections in West Bank. In Damascus, PFLP leader Dr. George Habash issues "death sentence" for the three mayors (JP 9/30).

Other Countries: In interview at UN, Syrian F.M. Faruq Shar' says world should expect continuing terrorist attacks against American targets until U.S. stops backing Israel occupation of West Bank, Golan Heights, and S. Lebanon (WP 9/30). Also at UN, PLO political director Faruq al-Qaddumi meets Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze (Fl 10/3).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Energy Minister announces plan for "resolving difficulties" of Arab-owned Jersualem Electric Co. (JP 9/1).

Arab World: Soviet delegation arrives in Damascus. Lebanese P.M. Rashid Karami, Salim al-Huss, Amal leader Nabih Birri, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt meet Syrian V.P. Khaddam in Damascus. Jordanian P.M. Rifa'i travels to Egypt in effort to draw Jordan into upcoming Egypt-Israel summit (JP 9/1).

Military Action

Arab World: SLA attacks village of Qabrika, near Tyre, wounds five, kills one girl, destroys ten houses (JP 9/1; FBIS 9/2).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and demarcation of boundaries of 700-meter beach [NYT, WP 8/11].

Arab World: In Baghdad, PLO Executive Committeends 2-day meeting with statement condemning U.S., Israeli, and jordanian plans to improve conditions in West Bank and Gaza as attempts to perpetuate Israeli occupation, calls for unity among all Palestinian factions [NYT 8/11; FJ 8/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF conducts military exercises on Golan Heights [JTA 8/11].

Arab World: IDF helicopter gunships attack Fateh and Abu Musa faction positions at 'Ain al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh refugee camps in S. Lebanon following rocket attacks from S. Lebanon into Galilee [NYT, WP 8/111. Rivals for control of the Christian militias in Lebanon strike each other: Lebanese Forces rebel against leader Samir Ja'ja' and seize control of East Beirut [PI 8/11], hold it for 24 hours [LT 8/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Vice Pres. Bush arrives in Jerusalem to meet P.M. Peres as start of M. E. tour [WP 7/26].

Arab World: King Hassan II quits post as Arab League conference chairman over criticism for Peres meeting [NYT 7/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Rabin rejects P.M. Thatcher's call for free elections in occupied territories, says EEC should contributeo material improvement of territories [BG, MG 5/27]. P.M. Thatcher later meets 8 Palestinian leaders at British consulate in Jerusalem [CT 5/27], including Bethlehem Mayor Ilyas Furayj, Rashad al-Shawwa, and Hanna Siniora [CT, LT 5/27], who give her memo. Israeli Attomey General Zamir asks police to examine evidence in case involving Shin Bet head [NYT 5/27]. Zamir will proceed with prosecution of Shin Bet head Avraham Shalom [MG 5/27].

Arab World: King Hussein travels to Baghdad to meet Iraqi President Sadam Husayn [LAT 5/27]. Al-Ahram reports Syrian plot to assassinate PLO Chairman Arafat [MG 5/27] and replace him with Syrian-backed Khalid al-Fahum, former chairman of PNC. PLO Chairman Arafat meets in Tunis with Dutch Foreign Minister Hans van den Broek, president of EEC Council of Ministers, despite Israeli protests. Hafiz al-Asad, on official visit to Greece, condemns terrorism.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military authorities order Hebron Polytechnic closed for 2 weeks following riots at the campus on 4/14 [FJ 4/18]. Foreign Minister Shamir states P.M. Peres spoke as the leader of the Labor party, and not as the leader of the country, when he last week called for recognition of the Palestinian nation [JP 4/17]. Students at al-Najah U. protest U.S. attack on Libya; Palestinian students at Ben-Gurion U. in Beersheba and Hebrew U. in Jerusalem also protest the attack [JP 4/17; FJ 4/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian running away from a bus at which he is said to have thrown something [JP 4/17]. West German tourist isshot and injured by unidentified gunman in Jerusalem's Old City [JP 4/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: General Secretary of the DFLP Nayif Hawatmah issues public appeal to Yasir Arafat to abrogate 11 February agreement reached last year with King Hussein; representatives of DFLP and Arafat's Fateh organization are reported to have met in Prague during past week to discuss healing rift in PLO [NYT 2/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thirteen Israelis, including 5 soldiers, were wounded in at least 7 bombing incidents in the occupied territories and Israel last week [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: Israel calls off 6-day military operation north of its "security zone" in S. Lebanon, states it will still try to find 2 missing soldiers [BG 2/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad initial grant of $50,000 [JTA 2/19]. P.M. Peres announces Israel's willingness to allow residents ofoccupied territories greater authority in running municipal affairs and to appoint mayors for al-Birah, Ramallah, and Hebron [JP 2/17]. List of 7 willing to run al-Birah was submitted to civil administration; Ibrahim al-Far, head of Ramallah Chamber of Commerce, also submitted his candidacy. In al-Birah, opponents of the plan held a meeting on 2/12, led by former Mayor Ibrahim al-Tawil [JP 2/17]. Tel Aviv contractor Avraham Gindi pleads not guilty to charges of fraudulent West Bank land sales, breach of trust, tampering with evidence, attempts to suborn witnesses [JP 2/18]. Central Bureau of Statistics announces inflation rate for January was negative (-1.3%) for first time in 14 years [JC 2/18; DT 2/19].

Arab World: King Hussein holds talks with top Egyptian official Usama al-Baz on yesterday's Arafat-Mubarak talks [JP 2/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six people were injured when bomb exploded on Petah Tikva-Tel Aviv bus on 2/14 [JTA 2/18].

Arab World: Lebanese guerrillasmbush Israeli army patrol in S. Lebanon "security zone," capturing 2 soldiers; Islamic Resistance Front claims responsibility. Israeli army immediately sweeps through more than 10 Shi'ite Muslim villages in S. Lebanon, looking for the missing [NYT, LAT 2/18; GU 3/5]. Two SLA militiamen are killed during the ambush [WP 2/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 3 more Palestinians to Jordan: Mahmud Fa'anun, from the West Bank; and Hasan Muhammad Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz Hashim 'Azizi, both from the Gaza Strip. Military sources state they were affiliated to the PFLP [JP 2/6; FJ 2/7]. The 3 refused to appeal to the High Court, believing they would not get a fair trial [FJ 2/7]. Deputy head of the Red Cross delegation in Israel, jean Jacques Fresard, sharply criticizes Israeli govt. for deporting Palestinians from the occupied territories to Jordan, termsuch actions "completely illegal" [JP 2/6].

Arab World: King Hussein and Yasir Arafat begin new round of talks in Amman [BG 2/6]. Arafat reportedly gives Hussein 3- point plan whereby PLO would accept UN resolution 242 in return for firm measures calling for Palestinian state; PLO was in return given countersuggestion that originated with U.S. officials [JP 2/11]. Egypt, Israel begin 2 days of talks on Taba border dispute [BG 2/6]. Ahmad Jibril, head of PFLP-GC, states passengers on U.S., Israeli commercial airliners may become targets for reprisals for Israel's interception of Libyan jet [TS 2/6].

Military Action

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Paris sporting goods store, wounding 9 [WP, LAT 2/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds they cannot expect a reasonable decision [NYT 1/31]. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu proposes erecting a synagogue on the Haram al-Sharif [JTA 1/31].

Arab World: Talks break down between Yasir Arafat, King Hussein after 5days of discussion on how to secure role for PLO in M.E. peace process; PLO will accept UN resolutions 242, 338 only if the U.S. recognizes Palestinian righto self-determination within context of Jordanian-Palestinian confederation, and if U.S. guarantees effective peace conference [WP, BG 1/31]. Arab League condemns U.S. economic, military pressures against Libya, rejects Libya's demand for economic retaliation [WP, LAT 1/31]. Anonymous phone caller claims responsibility on behalf of Abu Nidal group for 1/29 killing of 2 Israeli soldiers in West Bank [BG 1/31].

Other Countries: U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution stating "provocative" visit by Israel MKs "violated the sanctity of the Haram al-Sharif" in Jerusalem; vote is 13-1, with 1 abstention [NYT 1/31; JTA 2/3]. Reagan administration postpones indefinitely proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan [LAT 1/31; NYT, WP 2/1]. United Jewish Appeal announces its 1985 campaign raised total of $637 million, a $51. 1 million increase over the year before [JTA 1/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two gunmen open fire from a moving car outside Jerusalem's Old City, killing an Israeli undercover police detective investigating drug cases, injuring 2 others; 4 Palestinians are arrested [WP, NYT 1/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports 4 more Palestinians have been served deportation orders: Hasan Mahmud Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz Hisham 'Azayzah, both from Gaza, and Mahmud Fanun, from the West Bank, are charged with working for the PFLP; Adnan Ghanim, from Hebron, is charged with infiltrating from Jordan [JTA 1/28]. Bank of Israel announces Israel's foreign debt totalled $23.915 billion at end of last September [JP 1/28]. Kalandiya refugee camp residents attack soldier, try to steal his weapon after he hits a woman, girl with army vehicle while dodging stones thrown at him; police launch investigation into incident [JP 1/28].