8 / 15500 Results
  • December 2, 1991

    Palestinian delegates finally join Jordanians in leaving for peace talks in Washington after 10-hour delay at Amman airport during which negotiations continued between Palestinians and U.S....

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  • November 19, 1991

    Israeli state attorney recommends that Israel take no action against Hanan Ashrawi for her alleged contacts with PLO officials, as had been recommended by Israeli police. Israeli attorney general...

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  • April 25, 1991

    Soviet Union announces that it is prepared to cosponsor Middle East peace conference with U.S., as F.M. Bessmertnykh meets with Sec. Baker in Kislovodsk, USSR [NYT, WP, LAT 4/26].

    While Sec...

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  • April 8, 1991

    European Community leaders, including P.M. Major, call on UN to create safe haven in northern Iraq where Kurdish refugees could be protected from further repression. EC offers $180 million in...

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  • April 5, 1991

    Under intense pressure to help Kurdish refugees fleeing Iraqi anny, Pres. Bush orders Air Force transports to begin, on 4/7, dropping food, blankets, and clothing to refugee stations along...

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  • February 26, 1991

    In radio address, Saddam Hussein makes public his commitment to withdraw from Kuwait. Pres. Bush says promise is inadequate, presses for virtual surrender, and orders allied forces to continue...

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  • February 20, 1991

    U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all...

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  • January 28, 1991

    More than 80 Iraqi planes have now sought refuge in Iran, according to U.S. officials [LAT, WT 1/29].

    In television interview with CNN, Saddam Hussein says Iraq has won "the admiration of...

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Palestinian delegates finally join Jordanians in leaving for peace talks in Washington after 10-hour delay at Amman airport during which negotiations continued between Palestinians and U.S. officials over whether or not certain PLO officials would be allowed visas to enter U.S. along with delegation. Palestinians eventually dropped the matter and left for Washington. (Jordan Times 12/3 in FBIS 12/3)

American hostage Joseph Cicippio released in Beirut by Revolutionary Justice Organization. (NYT 12/3)

Arafat holds talks with King Hussein in Amman. Usama Baz, advisor to Pres. Mubarak and most senior Egyptian leader to visit Jordan since Gulf war, also arrives for talks. Arafat later flies to Damascus. (MM 12/2)

IDF establishes Rachelim, a paramilitary Nahal camp, at site where two settlers were ambushed and killed 10/28. (MM 12/5)

UN Secy. Gen. Perez de Cuellar calls for UNIFIL troops to replace Israeli, SLA forces at certain locations in S. Lebanon to avoid future clashes like 11/15 incident in which Irish UNIFIL soldier died in a clash between UNIFIL, SLA. (MM 12/3)

Israeli state attorney recommends that Israel take no action against Hanan Ashrawi for her alleged contacts with PLO officials, as had been recommended by Israeli police. Israeli attorney general must now decide Ashrawi's fate. (MM 11/19)

Jerusalem chief of police apologizes for 11/18 raid on Islamic court offices in E. Jerusalem (but does not return documents) as some 100 Palestinians, including members of the Islamic Higher Council, demonstrate against the raid in E. Jerusalem. Merchants in Hebron joined with those in the old city in strike to protest the raid. (MM 11/19)

E. Jerusalem, Hebron merchants strike ends. Nablus merchants strike 11/18 death of imam shot by IDF. (MM 11/19)

Labor party opens national convention in Jerusalem, struggles to develop a new election program to attract voters. (MM 11/19, 11/20)

European Commission announces EC will donate $61 million in aid to Palestinians in o.t. to help overcome economic effects of Gulf war. Grant is first expenditure from a $280- million assistance package established by EC in March 1991. (MM 11/19)

PM Shamir declares Israel will not release more Lebanese prisoners until it receives its missing servicemen. FM Levy calls on UN, Western countries to avoid "discrimination" during prisoner-hostage release negotiations, a reference to increased Israeli concern that such talks are focusing solely on Western hostages and ignoring Israeli demands for information on its servicemen missing in Lebanon. Israeli negotiator Uri Lubrani travels to New York for talks with UN Secy. Gen. Perez de Cuellar to push for progress on releasing airman Ron Arad, only Israeli hostage believed to be alive. Reversing earlier UN policy seeking a multilateral release, Perez de Cuellar states that he now accepts separating question of Western hostages from that of Israeli captives. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19; WP 11/21)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states that as long as Israel refuses to implement UN Sec. Council Resolution 425, calling for Israeli withdrawal from S. Lebanon, he cannot stop attacks by anti-Israeli resistance forces. (MM 11/19)

Soviet Union announces that it is prepared to cosponsor Middle East peace conference with U.S., as F.M. Bessmertnykh meets with Sec. Baker in Kislovodsk, USSR [NYT, WP, LAT 4/26].

While Sec. Baker is en route to Israel from Soviet Union, Israelis move 7 additional mobile homes to new West Bank settlement of Talmon Bet [NYT 4/26]. Gush Emunim group brings 16 additional mobile homes to new settlement of Revava; IDF stops convoy from setting up homes, claiming move was not approved by gov't. [JDS 4/25, YA 4/26 in FBIS 4/26].

In 90-minute news conference with Iraqi and foreign journalists, Iraqi P.M. Saadun Hamadi says his country is moving toward democracy, wants better relations with West, and will abide by UN terms for lifting economic sanctions [NYT, WP 4/26; INA 4/25 in FBIS 4/26].

Palestinian notable Radwan Abu Ayyash, who met with Sec. Baker, is given green ID card, barring him from Israel without special permission from Israeli gov't. [MEM 4/25; JDS 4/25 in FBIS 4/25].

53 senators sign letter to King Fahd urging Saudi Arabia to participate in proposed Arab-Israeli peace talks; letter calls Saudi involvement "indispensable" [MEM 4/26].

European Community leaders, including P.M. Major, call on UN to create safe haven in northern Iraq where Kurdish refugees could be protected from further repression. EC offers $180 million in humanitarian aid to help Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT 4/9].

Sec. Baker visits Iraq-Turkish border to witness plight of refugees; spending just 7 minutes there, Baker speaks with refugees, says it is up to international community and not just U.S. to help Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT, CSM 4/9].

Palestine National Salvation Front, loose alliance of PFLP-GC, Fateh Uprising, and Saiqa factions based in Damascus, put forward Syrian-backed initiative for reconciliation with mainstream PLO after 8-year split. Move is seen by analysts as continuing effort on part of Pres. Asad to strengthen his influence over PLO [NYT, LAT 4/9].

Israeli Defense Ministry announces it will free more than 1,000 of approximately 14,000 Palestinian prisoners. Those to be released are Palestinians who were not involved in intifada violence and who have served most of their sentences. Official says timing has to do with end of Ramadan rather then Sec. Baker's upcoming visit (cf. 4/10) [NYT, WP, LAT 4/9; JDS 4/8, JPD 4/9 in FBIS 4/9].

First major element-about 100,000 troops-of U.S. Army's VII Corps in southern Iraq begins withdraw back into Saudi Arabia; move is expected to take weeks [NYT 4/9].

Kurdish leaders say U.S. used Voice of Free Iraq radio station to incite anti-Saddam rebellion [WP 4/9].

Kuwaiti opposition leaders refuse to sign on to new interim gov't., saying emir is not committed to speedy restoration of parliament [LAT, CSM 4/9].

Kuwait reports that 628 people, including high-ranking Iraqi officers, will stand trial soon on charges of war crimes [AFP 4/8 in FBIS 4/9; LAT 4/9; MET 4/16].

Yasir Arafat is quoted as saying Palestinian fighters in Lebanon should be allowed to keep their weapons to defend refugee camps in defiance of Lebanese gov't. order to disarm [MEM 4/8].

Israeli Army Col. Yehuda Meir is convicted of ordering his soldiers to break the bones of Palestinians during early days of intifada [MET 4/16; JPI 4/20]. 

Under intense pressure to help Kurdish refugees fleeing Iraqi anny, Pres. Bush orders Air Force transports to begin, on 4/7, dropping food, blankets, and clothing to refugee stations along northern border. Bush says he expects Iraq to "permit this effort to be carried out without interference." Other aid is promised by Bush to Turkey and Iran (cf. 4/7) [NYT, WP, LAT 4/6].

Iraq offers 1 week of amnesty for Kurds and army deserters (cf. 4/11) [MEM 4/5; NYT, WP 4/6; MET 4/16].

Taking up issue of rebels in Iraq, UN Sec. Council votes 10-3, with 2 abstentions to condemn Saddam Hussein's oppression of Kurds and other civilians, and to ask Sec.- Gen. to investigate their plight. Cuba, Zimbabwe, and Yemen vote against resolution, while China and India abstain [NYT, WP, LAT 4/6].

GCC nations, laying groundwork for aid program for Egypt and Syria that will tie the countries economically, allocates $5 billion as initial installment; GCC officials say as much as $15 billion could be spent [WP 4/6].

IDF shoots dead Nablus youth during stone throwing clash; 3 Gazans are wounded in separate clash [LAT 4/6; MEM, FJ 4/8].

In radio address, Saddam Hussein makes public his commitment to withdraw from Kuwait. Pres. Bush says promise is inadequate, presses for virtual surrender, and orders allied forces to continue attacks [BADS 2/26 in FBIS 2/26; MEM 2/26; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/27; MET 3/12].

Allied forces enter Kuwait City, as Iraqi troops are reported in headlong retreat across Kuwait; fighting continues at Kuwait City airport; U.S. troops reach Euphrates River in Iraq, cutting off escape routes for Republican Guards; other allied forces are closing off additional escape routes for Iraqi troops; 25 to 30 mile long column of Iraqi tanks, personnel carriers, and trucks heading north on road to Basra is repeatedly attacked by U.S. warplanes [MENA 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; NYT, LAT, WP, WT, CSM 2/27].

SCUD missile lands in uninhabited area of Qatar, another is destroyed over Bahrain [MEM 2/26].

Emir of Kuwait declares martial law, says it will last for 3 months, in 1st step toward reestablishing his rule [NYT, WP, WT 2/27; MET 3/12].

U.S. command revises death toll in 2/25 SCUD attack on barracks, saying missile killed 28 U.S. soldiers and wounded more than 100 [NYT, WP 2/27; MET 3/12].

Military law specialists say "rules of war" clearly permit allies to attack retreating Iraqis until they law down their arms; claim definite distinction between retreat and surrender [NYT, WP 2/27].

Egypt, Kuwait, Soviet Union, and European members of coalition say Saddam Hussein must accept all 12 UN Sec. Council resolutions before war can end [KUNA 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; NYT, WP 2/27]; PLO calls on UN Sec. Council to bring about immediate ceasefire [TDS 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; AVP 2/27 in FBIS 2/28].

Allies effectively stop counting Iraqi POWs because so many have been taken since ground war began. Officials stop count at 26,000 but estimates are up to more than 30,000 [LAT, WP 2/27].

P.M. Shamir vows to resist concessions in postwar Middle East peace effort [IDF 2/26 in FBIS 2/27; MEM 2/26; WP, WT 2/27].

Yasir Arafat meets in Algiers with Pres. Benjedid; Arafat says U.S. aims to destroy Iraq [AGS, AFP 2/26, APS 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; APS 2/27 in FBIS 3/1].

European Community announces it is freezing contacts with PLO in light of Arafat's pro-Iraqi stand. EC statement says, however, that the decision "in no way calls into question the role of the PLO or the rights of the Palestinian people" [MEM 2/26].

Jordanian Cabinet issues statement accusing allies of exceeding UN mandate [MEM 2/27].

U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all UN Sec. Council resolutions on the crisis [NYT 2/21; CSM 2/22]; Washington urges Moscow to stiffen cease-fire conditions on Iraq [WP 2/21].

After month of often bitter negotiation, U.S. releases $400 million loan guarantee to Israel for housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants (cf. 2/21) [IDF 2/20 in FBIS 2/21; NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/21].

Israeli authorities begin allowing 400 Palestinians per day to cross bridges from Jordan back to West Bank; "security concerns" had prompted Israel to reduce number allowed to cross river from 1,000 per day to 50 per day; at least 30 Palestinians lose their residency permits because of delay in crossing [JTE 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; MET 3/5].

Israeli air force planes bomb alleged PFLP base in Al Izzah village, about 40 miles east of Beirut; 5 people are reported injured [IDF, BDS, AFP 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; NYT 2/21; JPI 3/2; MET 3/5]. 

More than 80 Iraqi planes have now sought refuge in Iran, according to U.S. officials [LAT, WT 1/29].

In television interview with CNN, Saddam Hussein says Iraq has won "the admiration of the world" for employing only conventional arms in war; Saddam warns that SCUD missiles can still be fitted with nonconventional warheads [BADS 1/28 in FBIS 1/29; LAT, WT 1/29].

Military officials say U.S. bombing raids at oil facilities in Kuwait have stopped oil spilling into Gulf, but not before 11 million barrels had entered the water [LAT, WT 1/29].

For 1st time in 20 years, no one protests outside Soviet embassy in Washington, demonstrating on behalf on Jews trying to emigrate from USSR; Kremlin's relaxed policies lead Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington to suspend daily 15-minute protests that began in December 1970 [LAT, WT 1/29].

Patriot missiles destroy incoming SCUD missiles aimed at Saudi Arabia; parts of SCUD land in Palestinian villages in West Bank; additional Patriot missile systems arrive in Saudi Arabia [SPA, IDF 1/28 in FBIS 1/29; LAT, WT 1/29].

Baghdad claims that some captured pilots have been injured in air raids by allied planes; in letter to UN leader Perez de Cuellar, Iraq says 345 civilians have been killed, 450 wounded, in air raids [LAT 1/29].

Prominent Israeli authors and peace activists Amos Oz, A.B. Yehoshua, Yoram Kaniuk, and Yael Dayan speak out in favor of war in Gulf, saying anti-war protests amount to appeasing Saddam Hussein [LAT 1/29].

One-day strike called in support of Iraq by Morocco's 3 major trade unions shuts down most economic activity [LAT 1/29].

UN Sec. Council rebuffs calls by several Arab nations for open debate on Gulf war; Council elects to continue informal consultations behind closed doors [LAT 1/29].

Bombs explode in Greece and Turkey, no one is injured in attacks that may be linked to U.S. role in war [LAT 1/29].

American Civil Liberties Union assails FBI assertion that Arab-American civic and business leaders will suffer no consequences if they refuse to be interviewed about potential terrorism [LAT 1/29].