63 / 15500 Results
  • December 31, 1992

    Israel offers to allow back 10 Palestinians mistakenly deported. The 10 say they would like to return immediately, but that the only crossing point has been mined by Israel. Israel offers to allow...

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  • December 29, 1992

    Palestinian deportees issue statement to UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali, vowing that they will stay in no man's land between Israeli and Lebanese-controlled territory in southern Lebanon until UN "...

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  • December 28, 1992

    Israel announces that 10 of the 415 Palestinians were mistakenly expelled and may return to Israel for possible trial. (Qol Yisra'el 12/29 in FBIS 12/30; WP 12/29)

    UN special envoy James...

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  • December 26, 1992

    Lebanon asks U.S. to pressure Israel to allow aid to reach 415 Palestinian deportees, and refuses deportees' request to admit their sick and wounded to Lebanese hospitals. PLO reiterates support...

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  • December 24, 1992

    FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, PLO, conclude meeting in Cairo, issue statement urging UN to give Israel a deadline to repatriate 12/17 Palestinian deportees, imply peace talks in jeopardy...

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  • December 21, 1992

    Deported Palestinians attempt to cross back south into Israeli-controlled territory, SLA fires warning shots and mortars, injuring 3. Deportees issue statement calling for continued Lebanese...

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  • December 17, 1992

    Israel expels 415 suspected Muslim activists, 251 from the West Bank, 164 from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon. High Court of Justice temporarily blocks the expulsions, then votes 5 to 2 to permit them...

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  • December 14, 1992

    Israel seals o.t. (the 7th day for the Gaza Strip), conducts massive manhunt for kidnapped policeman, demands proof that he is still alive, arrests 1,000 suspected Islamic activists. (Qol Yisra'el...

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  • November 25, 1992

    Israel shells Kafr Rumman area, Lebanon. (HaAretz 11/26 in FBIS 12/1)

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  • November 19, 1992

    Seventh round of peace talks ends in Washington. Palestinian delegation presents Israeli delegation with memorandum of responses to Israeli autonomy plan. (WP 11/20; al-Sha'b 11/20 in FBIS 11/23...

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  • November 10, 1992

    UN Development Program announces it will invest $20 million in W. Bank and Gaza Strip projects in the coming year, "hopefully" to be increased to $35 million the following year. Activities are to...

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  • November 9, 1992

    Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can...

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  • November 8, 1992

    PLO officials led by Faruq al-Qaddumi and Syrian officials led by Faruq al-Shara' meet in Damascus, discuss U.S. election, Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda, upcoming round of negotiations. (RMC 11/7...

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  • November 1, 1992

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. meet with Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir, request (and receive) explanations of 2 points on the tentatively agreed Israeli-Jordaniangenda for talks-whether or not East...

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  • October 31, 1992

    PLO pol. dept head Faruq al-Qaddumi says PLO and Arab states must carefully examine the proposal to hold next round of multilateral refugee talks in Tunis. Israel accepted the Tunisian offer,...

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  • October 29, 1992

    Bilateral talks in Washington adjourn until 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

    Two-day multilateral conference on economics opens in Paris, with World Bank suggesting establishment of...

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  • October 28, 1992

    Israel and Jordan agree on draft agenda for negotiations with a formal peace treaty as the eventual goal, within the framework of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement. This first mutual written...

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  • October 27, 1992

    Palestinian delegation presents Israel with lengthy memo detailing human rights violations in the o.t., issuing 12 demands: closing Ansar III prison, lifting Gaza nighttime curfew, halting illegal...

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  • October 26, 1992

    Israel unleashes over 1,000 shells and bombs on Hizballah target villages north of "security zone," S. Lebanon, killing at least 13 civilians and forcing evacuation of villages. Israeli gunboats...

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  • October 13, 1992

    Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal meets with Palestinian lawyers, agrees to minor concessions on prisoner demands (see 10/11), rejects the prisoners' major demands, including closure of some...

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  • October 4, 1992

    French FM Roland Dumas meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, then meets separately with PM Rabin and FM Peres in Jerusalem. The U.S. has reportedly sent word to Israel that the Dumas initiatives,...

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  • September 23, 1992

    PLO rejects all statements favoring permanent settlement of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and reaffirms applicability of UNGA Res. 194. (Algiers VOP 9/23 in FBIS 9/25)

    Palestinians stage...

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  • September 6, 1992

    PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)

    PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers,...

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  • September 2, 1992

    Israeli and Arab delegations agree to adjourn negotiations from 9/4 to 9/14, to reconvene then until 9/24. (MM 9/2; GPO 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

    Israeli delegation presents Palestinian delegation...

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  • August 30, 1992

    Lebanon holds 2nd round of elections in the central part of the country, heavily boycotted by Christians; Muslims register heavy turnout. (NYT, WP 8/31)

    SLA unit clashes with Hizballah...

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  • August 24, 1992

    Delegations from Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan convene in Washington for 6th round of peace talks, to last over a month. Palestinian delegation meets with French for. min. officials in Paris,...

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  • August 23, 1992

    PM Rabin announces early release of 800 Palestinian prisoners who completed over 2/3 of their sentences and whose crimes did not claim casualties. Rabin also pledges to gradually reopen some...

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  • August 12, 1992

    PM Rabin and Secy. of Defense Cheney meet, agree to transfer $700 million worth of surplus U.S. military hardware to Israel, including training aircraft, attack and transport helicopters. Rabin...

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  • August 9, 1992

    Reporting an interview with FM Peres in the Italian paper II Messaggero, Deputy FM Yossi Beilin announces that Rabin gov't. will ask the Knesset in October to legalize meetings with the PLO, as...

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  • August 4, 1992

    IDF patrol on Jordanian border shoots, kills 3 armed infiltrators from Jordan. Israel "holds Jordan responsible" for the unauthorized border crossing (Jordan denies); Hizballah-Palestine claims...

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Israel offers to allow back 10 Palestinians mistakenly deported. The 10 say they would like to return immediately, but that the only crossing point has been mined by Israel. Israel offers to allow an intl. org. to escort them back through 1 of 3 Lebanese-controlled crossing points. (NYT 1/1; Qol Yisra'el 12/31 in FBIS 12/31, 1/4)

Lebanon rejects 12/30 French proposal to place the deported Palestinians under the provisional care of UNIFIL in Lebanese-controlled territory. PM Rafiq al-Hariri meets with Russian then U.S. amb. to Lebanon. (NYT 12/31; VOL 12/31 in FBIS 1/4)

Al-Quds reports that the Palestinian delegation to peace talks has unanimously rejected PM Rabin's 12/27 invitation to an informal meeting. (al-Quds 12/31 in FBIS 1/5)

Four Palestinian factions (PFLP, DFLP-Hawatima faction, PPSF, PLF) issue statement criticizing Palestinian leadership's 12/27 statement for its lack of a plan of political action to counter the 12/17 deportations. (QPAR 1/2 in FBIS 1/4)

PLO advisor and Palestinian delegation steering comm. head Nabil Shaath says the deportations and the peace process are "two battles which have to be led separately," and the Palestinians may have to "bring it [the deportations] to the table of negotiations." (AFP 12/31 in FBIS 1/4)

Ha'Aretz reports that the o.t. security service Shin Bet initially gave PM Rabin a list of 6 Hamas leaders to be deported, and came up with 1 more name when asked to expand the list. Shin Bet was later surprised at the scope of expulsions the IDF was then ordered to carry out. (WP 1/1; Ha'Aretz 12/31 in FBIS 1/4)

Palestinian deportees issue statement to UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali, vowing that they will stay in no man's land between Israeli and Lebanese-controlled territory in southern Lebanon until UN "forces Israel" to take them back. (NYT 12/30)

Lebanese PM Rafiq al-Hariri meets with UN special envoy James Jonah in Beirut, rejects Israeli offer to allow Red Cross to provide aid to the 12/17 Palestinian deportees. (NYT 12/30)

Gaza Strip civil admin. closes Islamic and al-Azhar Universities indefinitely. (ITV 12/29 in FBIS 12/30

Israel announces that 10 of the 415 Palestinians were mistakenly expelled and may return to Israel for possible trial. (Qol Yisra'el 12/29 in FBIS 12/30; WP 12/29)

UN special envoy James Jonah meets with Palestinian delegation mbrs., rejection front and Hamas reps. in East Jerusalem. (IDF Radio 12/28 in FBIS 12/29)

Lebanon bars UN special envoy James Jonah from passing through its territory to visit the Palestinian deportees. (WP 12/29)

Survey finds 46 MKs favor direct talks with PLO, 67 are against, with 2 abstaining. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 12/28 in FBIS 12/29)

Lebanon asks U.S. to pressure Israel to allow aid to reach 415 Palestinian deportees, and refuses deportees' request to admit their sick and wounded to Lebanese hospitals. PLO reiterates support of Lebanese stance. (NYT 12/27)

Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawshah strongly denounces Chmn. Arafat's 12/24 statement implying Israel should have executed the killer of the border policeman (Sawt al-Sha'b 12/27 in FBIS 12/28)

Israeli radio announces that 30 out of 44 Labor MKs support negotiations with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 12/26 in FBIS 12/28)

IDF shoots dead 15-year-old Palestinian during clashes in Shati' camp, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 12/26 in FBIS 12/28)

SIA patrol clashes with Palestinian gunmen in the "security zone," southern Lebanon, killing 1. (Radio Lebanon 12/27, VOL 12/26 in FBIS 12/29)

FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, PLO, conclude meeting in Cairo, issue statement urging UN to give Israel a deadline to repatriate 12/17 Palestinian deportees, imply peace talks in jeopardy. (NYT 12/25)

Chmn. Arafat says "I would have caught the murderer of the soldier [kidnapped 10/13 by Hamas and found dead 10/15] and killed him!" in interview on deportations, peace talks. (Davar 12/27 in FBIS 12/28)

Palestinian-Israeli delegation including MKs and local council heads, makes deportees-solidarity visit to Red Cross HQ in Gaza, which turns into large demonstration. (ITV 12/24 in FBIS 12/30)

Deported Palestinians attempt to cross back south into Israeli-controlled territory, SLA fires warning shots and mortars, injuring 3. Deportees issue statement calling for continued Lebanese refusal to admit the deportees, comprehensive Arab withdrawal from the peace talks, and intl. pressure on Israel. Meretz mins. call on govt. to allow deportees to enter "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 12/21, al-Rajv 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; MM 12/21; NYT 12/22)

HADASH MK Hashim Mahamid informs Labor party that his party's 3 MKs will no longer supporthe govt. in upcoming votes, to protest the deportation decision. (Qol Yisra'el 12/22 in FBIS 12/22)

Lebanon bars all intl. relief agencies from supplying the deportees. (VOL 12/21 in FBIS 12/21)

10-year-old Palestinian boy killed by IDF during clashes in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 12/21 in FBIS 12/23; NYT 12/22)

Israel expels 415 suspected Muslim activists, 251 from the West Bank, 164 from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon. High Court of Justice temporarily blocks the expulsions, then votes 5 to 2 to permit them. UNIFIL forces try to block buses carrying deportees from traveling through their territory. Lebanese army blocks the deportees from entering govt.- controlled territory, leaving them stranded between Israeli and Lebanese checkpoints. (WP 12/17, 12/18; Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon, VOL 12/17, 12/18 in FBIS 12/18; NYT 12/18)

Eighth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks ends. Arab parties boycott 12/17 meetings to protest deportations. PLO announces talks suspended until deportees allowed back. (Tunisian Republic Radio 12/17 in FBIS 12/18; NYT, WP 12/18)

Pres. Bush meets separately with all delegations involved in peace talks for 20-25 minutes each; he meets with Palestinians and Jordanians together, then with Jordanians alone for 15 minutes. (Radio Jordan 12/17 in FBIS 12/18)

Hamas denounces the expulsions as "total war"; their legitimate targets, previously limited to soldiers, now include "every Zionist in Palestine." Arab MKs condemn deportation ruling, threaten to withdraw support of governing coalition. UNLU issues supplement to call no. 90 condemning the deportations. (IDF Radio 12/17 in FBIS 12/18; AFP 12/17, Sanaa VOP 12/18 in FBIS 12/21)

U.S. State Department "strongly condemns the action of deportation". Pres.-elect Bill Clinton is critical, though not condemnatory of the expulsion. UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali asks Israel to "rescind the expulsion order." (NYT 12/18

Israel seals o.t. (the 7th day for the Gaza Strip), conducts massive manhunt for kidnapped policeman, demands proof that he is still alive, arrests 1,000 suspected Islamic activists. (Qol Yisra'el 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM, NYT, WP 12/15; WP 12/16)

Israeli delegation presents Palestinian delegation with 19-page document on interim self-rule, affirming UNSCR 242 and 338 as the basis for negotiation, asserting "inner linkage" of interim and final phases. Appearing for the first time in writing is the proposal for tripartite land management in the interim phase: autonomy for Palestinian lands, Israeli management of lands used by IDF and settlers, and joint management of other lands. (HaAretz 12/15 in FBIS 12/15; MM 12/15)

Pres. Asad makes major speech on peace process to federation of trade unions. (MM 12/14; SARR 12/14 in FBIS 12/16; HaAretz 12/16 in FBIS 12/16)

Lebanon rejects Israel's 11/27 proposal to set up joint military working group (HaAretz, Radio Lebanon 12/15 in FBIS 12/15)

Israel shells Kafr Rumman area, Lebanon. (HaAretz 11/26 in FBIS 12/1)

Seventh round of peace talks ends in Washington. Palestinian delegation presents Israeli delegation with memorandum of responses to Israeli autonomy plan. (WP 11/20; al-Sha'b 11/20 in FBIS 11/23)

IDF undercover unit shoots dead wanted Black Panther near Janin. (MM 11/23)

Islamic Resistance attacks SLA personnel in Jazzin and points south in Lebanon. Israel, SLA shell, strafe region. (VOL 11/19 in FBIS 11/20)

UN Development Program announces it will invest $20 million in W. Bank and Gaza Strip projects in the coming year, "hopefully" to be increased to $35 million the following year. Activities are to be coordinated with Israel. (MM 11/10)

IDF kills Palestinian gunman in Gaza Strip. (MM 11/10)

Hamas calls for "days of escalation" on 11/19 (date of 1935 death of Shaykh 'Izz al-Din al-Qassim), 11/22 (25th anniv. of UNSC 242), 11/25 and 27, general strike on 11/29 (date of 1947 UN partition res.). (QPAR 11/10 in FBIS 11/10)

Israel overflies, drops flares over S. Lebanon all night, shells targets, amasses armor and artillery along northern border, concentrates positions in eastern "security zone" overlooking Nabatiyya and Jazzin. Hizballah fires rockets into "security zone" and Israel, attacks Israeli patrol in Jazzin, 10 mi. north of "security zone." SLA detains Lebanese Army sergeant in Khiyam prison. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon, VOL 11/10 in FBIS 11/10)

IDF confirms 11/4 UN findings of Syrian disengagement violations, choosing, as they have in the past, to turn a"blind eye" to these longstanding violations. (Hadashot 1 1/1 1 in FBIS 11/13)

Jordan sentences 2 Muslim Brotherhood MPs to 20 years hard labor, 2 shopkeepers to 10 years hard labor, for membership in outlawed, Iranian-backed dissident orgs. (MM 11/10; NYT, WP 11/11

Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can make life "intolerable on your side of the border as well." Several Katyusha rockets land in the Galilee, bringing the 2-day total to about 50, and prompting Israeli shelling of targets north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/10 in FBIS 11/10; WP 11/10)

U.S. President-elect Bill Clinton tells PM Rabin he wants "no delay" in peace talks, would not object to a last-ditch mission to the region by James Baker to revive the talks. Rabin phoned his congratulations to the pres.-elect. (Qol Yisra'el 11/9 in FBIS 11/10; NYT 11/10)

PLO officials led by Faruq al-Qaddumi and Syrian officials led by Faruq al-Shara' meet in Damascus, discuss U.S. election, Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda, upcoming round of negotiations. (RMC 11/7, SARA 11/8 in FBIS 11/9)

PFLP and DFLP (Hawatima wing) issue joint statement rejecting Israeli-Jordanian agenda. (MM 11/9)

Chmn. Arafat issues "strict instructions" forbidding the killing, kidnapping, or threatening of any person in o.t., for whatever reason. (al-Sha'b 11/9 in FBIS 11/10; NYT 11/10)

Knesset subcomm. dealing with o.t. Civil Admin. matters tours Gaza Strip, meets with PLO officials and settlers. Opposition MKs boycott the tour because of its emphasis on meetings with Palestinian inhabitants. (Qol Yisra'el 11/8 in FBIS 11/9)

Israeli warplanes attack Hizballah base in Lebanon, killing 7, prompting Islamic Resistance to fire rockets into "security zone" and northern Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 11/9 in FBIS 11/9; NYT 11/11)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. meet with Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir, request (and receive) explanations of 2 points on the tentatively agreed Israeli-Jordaniangenda for talks-whether or not East Jerusalem is included in the term "occupied territories" (it is), and how UN resolutions, the Palestinian right of return, and refugees in other countries factor into a solution of "the bilateral aspects of the refugee problem" (they will). PLO emerges "comfortable" with the agenda. (MM 11/2; RMC 11/2 in FBIS 11/4)

PM Rabin tells cabinet that the term "withdrawal" inlatest proposal to Syria applies to IDF forces, not to settlements on the Golan Heights, and that distinction has been made clear to Syria. (ITV 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

Israel announces that Israeli and Jordanian negotiators have agreed to place the water issue at the top of the agenda when the talks reconvene 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/6)

Head of Israeli delegation to talks with Lebanon, Uri Lubrani, announces that in the latest round Israel offered Lebanon an increased civilian govt. presence in the "security zone," and proposed bilateral talks between military officers. Lebanon has not accepted nor rejected either proposal. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

Itamar Rabinovich, head of the Israeli negotiating team with Syria, is appointed ambassador to the U.S., to take over in the coming months. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 11/1 in FBIS 11/3; NYT 11/2)

Israel shells eastern edges of "security zone," injuring 5 Lebanese civilians. (VOL 11/1 in FBIS 11/3)

Al-Hayat reports that Russia will sell Syria 36 fighter aircraft, 300 T-72 and T-74 tanks, and some Sa-10 and Sa-16 missile batteries (equivalents of the U.S. Patriot anti-missile system) as part of a 1991 $2 billion weapons accord. (WT 11/3)

PLO pol. dept head Faruq al-Qaddumi says PLO and Arab states must carefully examine the proposal to hold next round of multilateral refugee talks in Tunis. Israel accepted the Tunisian offer, which he says is a "U.S. demand" (see 10/22). (SANA 10/31 in FBIS 11/2)

IDF kills Hamas mbr. in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. Demonstrations erupt throughout Strip. (al-Fajr 11/9)

Lebanese PM-designate Rafiq al-Hariri meets with Pres. Asad, other Syrian officials in Damascus, then returns to Beirut to announce new govt. Chamber of Deputies speaker Nabih Birri criticizes the new cabinet, will travel to Damascus for consultations. (Radio Lebanon, VOL 10/31 in FBIS 11/2)

Hizballah mbr. is killed after exploding a roadside bomb near SLA patrol inside "security zone." Israel shells villages north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 10/31, Voice of the Oppressed 11/1 in FBIS 11/3)

In interview with Middle East Insight magazine, Pres. candidate Bill Clinton says Arab states should end boycott against Israel. (WT 11/12)

Bilateral talks in Washington adjourn until 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Two-day multilateral conference on economics opens in Paris, with World Bank suggesting establishment of Middle East reconstruction bank modeled on similar European bank. Dr. Fayiz al-Tarawina, head of the Jordanian delegation, says the Arab states will reject any joint projects with Israel before withdrawal from the o.t. Syria and Lebanon boycott, London-based businessman Zayn Mi'asi heads the Palestinian team, and Bank of Israel gov. Ya'akov Frenkel heads the Israeli delegation. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29; MM 10/30)

Chmn. Arafat sends Madrid conf. anniversary messages to leaders of U.S., Russia, China, France, Japan, Austria, Great Britain and Sweden urging them to help remove Israeli obstacles to progress in peace talks. (Akhbar al-Usbu' 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Hani al-Hassan issues statement praising Saudi Arabia's support of the Palestinian cause and the kingdom's treatment of its Palestinian community. (Saudi Arabian TV 10/29 in FBIS 10/30)

King Hassan of Morocco meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus. (MM 10/30)

Israel shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, western Biqa' regions, overflies Sidon and surrounding refugee camps. SLA soldier is wounded in bomb attack north of "security zone," southern Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Israel and Jordan agree on draft agenda for negotiations with a formal peace treaty as the eventual goal, within the framework of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement. This first mutual written agreement between Israel and the Arab side includes discussion of the Jordanian territorial demand, and construction of the "Red-Dead canal" between the two seas (see 10/22). (Jordan Times 10/29 in FBIS 10/29; WT 10/30; Educational TV [Israel], ITV 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; NYT 10/29, 11/2)

SHAS withdraws demand for Ed. Min. Shulamit Aloni's ouster, calling instead for her apology and pledge to abstain from religious exhortation, as well as expanded powers for its own dep. ed. min. MAPAM demands 4th cabinet portfolio for Meretz coalition, of which it is a part, calls for no capitulation to SHAS demands. (IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el 10/28 in FBIS 10/29)

Israeli district court orders govt. to pay $62,000 in damages to family of unarmed Palestinian killed in 1988 by undercover IDF unit, $20,000 to family of Palestinian wounded in same incident. Precedent-setting ruling "basically" rejected Shin Bet claim that soldiers were on a military operation, an act of state with no liability. (WT 11/6; al-Fajr 11/9)

Knesset comm. decides not to revoke the parliamentary immunity ofMKs Naomi Chazan (Meretz), 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha and Taleb al-Sana (Arab Democratic Party), and Hashem Mahamid (HADASH) for meeting with top PLO officials recently, by vote of 8 to 6. (IDF Radio 10/28 in FBIS 10/29; WP 10/29)

"Tens of thousands" of Palestinians in Syria and Jordan demonstrate against the peace talks (see 10/26). (QPAR 10/28 in FBIS 10/29, 10/30)

King Hassan of Morocco meets with King Hussein in Amman. (MM 10/29)

Lebanese UN rep. lodges complain to UNSC over recent Israeli attacks, calls for implementation of UNSC Res. 425. (Radio Lebanon 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Palestinian delegation presents Israel with lengthy memo detailing human rights violations in the o.t., issuing 12 demands: closing Ansar III prison, lifting Gaza nighttime curfew, halting illegal tax collection, granting free travel to Jerusalem and around the W. Bank and Gaza, among others. (al-Dustur 10/28 in FBIS 10/28)

Hizballah fires Katyusha rockets into "security zone," killing 2 Lebanese, and into northern Israel, killing a 14-year-old recent Russian immigrant in Kiryat Shimona. Israel retaliates with air strikes and shelling of Hizballah, DFLP targets north of "security zone" and in Biqa' Valley, killing 4. Israel amasses tanks in "security zone" for possible advance north. (IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el, VOL 10/27 in FBIS 10/27, 10/28; MM, NYT, WP 10/27, 10/28)

Palestinian gunmen shoot, wound Israeli couple in Janin, W. Bank. Palestinian attacks Israeli farmer with an axe in Gaza Strip settlement. (Qol Yisra'el 10/27 in FBIS 10/29; NYT, WP 10/28)

MKs Benyamin Netanyahu (Likud) and Rafael Eitan (Tsomet) call for suspension of peace talks due to violence in S. Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el 10/27 in FBIS 10/27)

One thousand settlers stage angry protest outside PM Rabin's residence. (WP 10/28)

Israel unleashes over 1,000 shells and bombs on Hizballah target villages north of "security zone," S. Lebanon, killing at least 13 civilians and forcing evacuation of villages. Israeli gunboats shell Nahr al-Barid and al-Baddawi Palestinian refugee camps, 110 mi. north of Israeli border. Three SLA militiamen are wounded in Hizballah bomb attack in Jazzin, east of Sidon. Israeli farmer is wounded in firebomb attack in W. Bank and taken to hospital by local Palestinians. (MM 10/26; Qol Yisra'el, VOL 10/26, 10/27 in FBIS 10/27; NYT, WP 10/27, 10/28)

Palestinian delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi affirms UNSC 242 as basis for negotiations, noting linkage of transitional and final stages as an "inseparable single unit." (al-Quds 10/26 in FBIS 10/27)

Ten Palestinian rejectionist factions (see 9/18, 10/15) organize mass protest of peace talks in Damascus, issue statement calling for "day of rage" on 10/28, the anniversary of the convening of the Madrid conference, consisting of marches, demonstrations, and sitins throughout o.t. (QPAR 10/26 in FBIS 10/27; MM 10/28)

Multilateral talks on the environment open in the Hague, Holland. (Qol Yisra'el 10/26 in FBIS 10/27)

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal meets with Palestinian lawyers, agrees to minor concessions on prisoner demands (see 10/11), rejects the prisoners' major demands, including closure of some solitary confinement wards. Israel reports 240 prisoners are still on strike at Nafha jail; Palestinians claim figure is higher and that strike is still on at other jails. (Qol Yisra'el 10/13 in FBIS 10/14)

Dozens of settlers from Kiryat Arba try to break into structures at "Giv'at Haharsina," a settlement they tried to establish 8/9 in defiance of IDF orders. IDF and Border Police seal roads to the site, declare "Judea district" a closed military zone, detain about 20 settlers. Hebron rabbis call on settlers to disobey army orders. (ITV 10/13 in FBIS 10/14)

Palestinian gunman is killed, IDF soldier wounded in shootout in Khan Yunis. 13- year-old boy wounded in 10/10 clashes dies in Tel Hashomer hospital. Curfew remaining in force in most of Gaza Strip since 10/11 brings some quiet. (Qol Yisra'el 10/13 in FBIS 10/14; MM 10/15)

"Heavily armed" 3-man DFLP (Hawatima wing) squad is captured by IDF forces as they approach the Israeli border at the far eastern end of the "security zone" in southern Lebanon. (MM 10/14; Qol Yisra'el 10/14 in FBIS 10/16)

Rockets are fired into the air to celebrate arrival of PLO official Ahmad Mansur 'Azzam in 'Ayn al-Hilwa camp, Sidon, Lebanon, who is on a mission to quell FRC-Fateh violence in the camps. Bombs explode outside the homes of 2 Palestinians in Sidon, 1 of whom is an FRC official. (VOL, Radio Lebanon 10/13 in FBIS 10/14)

French FM Roland Dumas meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, then meets separately with PM Rabin and FM Peres in Jerusalem. The U.S. has reportedly sent word to Israel that the Dumas initiatives, centered on arranging a Rabin-Asad summit, do not advance the peace process. Palestinian and Jordanian sources are "suspicious" of Dumas' efforts, as he has made no effort to meet with the PLO, and appears to be working toward only a partial settlement. (Ha'Aretz al-Quds, al-Dustur 10/5 in MM 10/5)

Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that Chmn. Arafat has solicited the help of Pres. Mubarak in curbing Syrian support of oppositionist Palestinian factions. Ten such orgs. signed a statement attacking the peace process 9/18 in Damascus. Mubarak reportedly promised to speak to Pres. Asad on the matter. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 10/4 in FBIS 10/8)

Hizballah gunmen attack Bayt Yahun crossing point in central "security zone," S. Lebanon, kill SLA security chief Hussein 'Abd al-Nabi, 1 other SLA militiaman. Hizballah loses 2 in the fighting. Israel shells and strafes the area. (Radio Lebanon, AFP 10/4 in FBIS 10/5; al-Nahr 10/5 in MM 10/5

PLO rejects all statements favoring permanent settlement of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and reaffirms applicability of UNGA Res. 194. (Algiers VOP 9/23 in FBIS 9/25)

Palestinians stage general strike in o.t. to protest autonomy talks. Strike widely honored, in o.t., but response is strongest in Gaza Strip, Syria, and Lebanon; weaker in E. Jerusalem and W. Bank, negligible in Jordan. (MM 9/24; WP 10/14)

FM Shimon Peres and UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Butrus Ghali meet in New York, agree to raise UN from observer to participant status in multilateral negotiations. They also discuss the "extraneous and bizarre resolutions that the UN reaffirms year in and year out"; Butrus Ghali promises to help Israel "strike those... .off the agenda." (ITV 9/24 in FBIS 9/25)

In meeting with acting U.S. Secy. of State Eagleburger, Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara' refers to "total peace" in exchange for total Israel withdrawal from Golan Heights. (IDF Radio 9/23, SARR 9/24. in FBIS 9/24; MM 9/24)

Israeli education min. Shulamit Aloni says PM Rabin is prepared to return the entire Golan Heights in exchange for a peace agreement with Syria. Speaking to Golani settlers, PM Rabin refers to private "red lines" concerning the Golan, rules out leasing Golani territory, as that would concede its sovereignty to Syria. (MM 9/24; NYT 9/26; Yedi'ot Aharonot 9/25 in FBIS 9/25; Hadashot 9/25 in FBIS 9/28)

Test flight of Israeli Arrow antiballistic missile is deemed successful. (IDF Radio 9/23 in FBIS 9/24; MM 9/24)

Fateh mbr. Nimr Dib Shibli (Abu Kayyid) is assassinated in Sidon, Lebanon. (Radio Lebanon 9/23 in FBIS 9/25)

PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)

PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers, refuses to declare that their settlements will not be hurt in an agreement with Syria, says importance of the Golan to Israel's security is not linked to settlements, "whether there are over 30 or half of that." (Qol Yisra'el 9/6, 9/7 in FBIS 9/8; Qol Yisra'el 9/10 in FBIS 9/10)

Annual Arab Economic Report (issued by Arab Monetary Fund, Arab League, and other orgs.) estimates that the Gulf crisis and war cost the Arab world $620 billion. (NYT 9/8)

Amal and Hizballah win 22 of 23 seats in 3rd round of Lebanese elections; Christians largely boycott the elections. (NYT, WP 6/9)

Israeli and Arab delegations agree to adjourn negotiations from 9/4 to 9/14, to reconvene then until 9/24. (MM 9/2; GPO 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

Israeli delegation presents Palestinian delegation with 6-point discussion agenda, proposes establishment of 2 working groups on human rights, legal issues. (Qol Yisra'el 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

Palestinian delegation tries to admit East Jerusalem lawyer Raja Shehadeh to the talks as legal advisor, says his inclusion would have no symbolic value vis-a-vis status of Jerusalem. Israel refuses, citing Madrid framework for delegation membership. (MM 9/3; IDF Radio 9/3 in FBIS 9/3)

Acting Secy. of State Eagleburger meets separately with heads of Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian delegations. (VOL 9/3 in FBIS 9/4)

Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza dispute housing min.'s 6/1 figures, claim 296 units have been sold in the o.t. since 7/20. Official ministry reaction stands by original figure of 2 units sold. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 9/3 in FBIS 9/4)

Jerusalem policy planning unit issues report on potential building in Jerusalem: 39,880 units in Jewish neighborhoods, 15,260 in "non-Jewish" neighborhoods. (Ha'Aretz 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

PM Rabin says Israel must find a solution to "the problem of the Gaza Strip," because it is not going to "sink into the sea," in remarks to Washington Institute for Near East Policy conference in Jerusalem. Palestinians "can forget about" Israel changing its policy. "We are in control of the territory, and we will not move an inch." (MM 9/3; Ha'Aretz, Davar 9/3 in FBIS 9/3)

Palestinian-Israeli council heads end 11- day protest outside PM Rabin's office, agree to open schools in response to grant of NIS 70 million for development budgets, NIS 10 million for schools. Ethiopian immigrants clash with police in Jerusalem. (MM 9/2; Qol Yisra'el 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

PM Rabin announces Israel will not actively oppose U.S. sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia. (WP 9/3)

Senior PLO officer Lieut. Col. Hani Zuhayr al-Dubayky is assassinated in Beirut. (VOL 9/2 in FBIS 9/3; NYT 9/4)

Lebanon holds 2nd round of elections in the central part of the country, heavily boycotted by Christians; Muslims register heavy turnout. (NYT, WP 8/31)

SLA unit clashes with Hizballah fighters in S. Lebanon "security zone"; bomb is exploded under an SLA patrol; Israel shells Litani river basin, Zawtar region north of "security zone." (VOL 8/30 in FBIS 8/31)

Delegations from Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan convene in Washington for 6th round of peace talks, to last over a month. Palestinian delegation meets with French for. min. officials in Paris, then travels to Washington. (WP 8/25; France Inter Radio 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)

Head of Israeli negotiating team with Syria Itamar Rabinovich expresses acceptance of "all parts" of UNSC 242 as applicable to Israeli-Syrian negotiations. (IDF Radio 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

PM Rabin cancels 1/2/92 deportation orders for 11 Palestinians, places them under 6 months admin. detention (see 7/21, 7/30). (Qol Yisra'el 8/24 in FBIS 8/25; WP 8/25)

Seven right-wing MKs lead march in Jerusalem to protest govt. opposition to Jewish settlement in the Muslim quarter and East Jerusalem. (JP in MM 8/25)

PM Rabin announces early release of 800 Palestinian prisoners who completed over 2/3 of their sentences and whose crimes did not claim casualties. Rabin also pledges to gradually reopen some closed streets and houses sealed before the intifada, and to allow Arab workers over 50 to enter Israel without a permit, down from the age of 60. (NYT, WP 8/24)

Palestinian delegation crosses to Jordan with U.S. assurance that no members would be forced to sign documents. (Qol Yisra'el 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)

Lebanon holds first day of 3-day polling in the north and east, with most Christians boycotting. (NYT, WP 8/24)

James Baker officially takes over as White House chief of staff; Lawrence A. Eagleburger sworn in as acting secy. of state. (NYT 8/24)

PM Rabin and Secy. of Defense Cheney meet, agree to transfer $700 million worth of surplus U.S. military hardware to Israel, including training aircraft, attack and transport helicopters. Rabin later meets with Democratic candidates Clinton and Gore. Rabin expresses his opposition to proposed U.S. sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia. (MM, WP 8/13; MM 8/14)

Israeli housing min. halts all govt. purchase, renovation, and settlement of properties in East Jerusalem; private purchase is still allowed. (NYT 8/13; Qol Yisra'el 8/12 in FBIS 8/12)

Israeli fin. min. announces that loans raised with U.S. guarantees will be deposited in special bank account, will not be used to augment regular budgets. (Qol Yisra'el 8/13 in FBIS 8/13)

Settlements in occupied outskirts of Jerusalem-Ma'ale Adumim, Giv'at Ze'ev, Etzion Bloc, Efrat, Betar, Kfar Adumim, and Adamorganize "Greater Jerusalem" forum to safeguard their interests, encourage govt. to annex greater Jerusalem area to Israel. (Davar 8/13 in FBIS 8/13)

MK 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha leads delegation of Arab Democratic Party to Egypt to express FM Peres' desire to visit Egypt, negotiate lifting of Arab boycott. (MM 8/12)

Israel reports that Syria test fired 2 North Korean Scud-C missiles recently. (IDF Radio 8/12 in FBIS 8/13; WP 8/14)

Fateh mbr. Hamzah Mubarak is assassinated in 'Ayn al-Hilwa camp, Lebanon. (VOL 8/12 in FBIS 8/13)

IDF shells, overflies Iqlim al-Tuffah region, S. Lebanon. (VOL 8/13 in FBIS 8/13)

Reporting an interview with FM Peres in the Italian paper II Messaggero, Deputy FM Yossi Beilin announces that Rabin gov't. will ask the Knesset in October to legalize meetings with the PLO, as long as they are not considered harmful to Israel. Rabin promised during the campaign to change the 1986 law. (Qol Yisra'el 8/9 in FBIS 8/10; NYT, WP 8/10)

Settlers attempt to build new house in defiance of partial settlement freeze, clash with IDF over its construction near Kiryat Arba, W. Bank. With police protection, 15 Jewish families occupy, claim legal ownership of 7 houses in Muslim quarter of Old City of Jerusalem. Rabin criticizes actions of settlers at both sites. (IDF Radio 8/9 in FBIS 8/10; NYT, WP 8/10)

Masked men kill 2 suspected collaborators in Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 8/10 in FBIS 8/11)

Fateh-affiliated candidate defeats Hamas candidate for leadership of o.t. Union of Engineers, but Hamas candidates win local branches in Janin, Hebron. (Qol Yisra'el 8/9 in FBIS 8/12)

Fateh Revolutionary Council concludes 2-day meeting in Tunis, issues final statement. (Algiers VOP 8/12 in FBIS 8/12)

Israel shells central S. Lebanon "security zone" and targets north. (VOL 8/9 in FBIS 8/10)

IDF patrol on Jordanian border shoots, kills 3 armed infiltrators from Jordan. Israel "holds Jordan responsible" for the unauthorized border crossing (Jordan denies); Hizballah-Palestine claims responsibility. Israeli navy fires on, kills 4 "terrorists conducting naval training" off Lebanese coast north of Beirut. Islamic Jihad Org. claims operation. (Qol Yisra'el 8/4 in FBIS 8/4; Radio Free Lebanon, Radio Monte Carlo 8/4 in FBIS 8/5; MM 8/4; Qol Yisra'el 8/6, VOL 8/7 in FBIS 8/7)

Detained and interrogated in a W. Bank jail 8/3, Mustafa Mahmud Abdul Hadi Barakat dies of an asthma attack "brought about by conditions in detention" according to an American examiner present at the Israeli army autopsy. (NYT 8/11)

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal orders Ateret Cohanim mbrs. to move out of 2 East Jerusalem houses settled 18 months ago. (Qol Yisra'el 8/4 in FBIS 8/4)

Israeli Radio announces formation of new radical Palestinian-Israeli group, the National Front for the Struggle Against Zionism, which calls for separating the Arab population from Israeli administration and infrastructure, eventually liberating all lands from Zionist control. (Qol Yisra'el 8/4 in FBIS 8/4)

Red Eagles (close to the PFLP) and Black Panthers (close to Fateh) issue joint communique in o.t. (Algiers VOP 8/4 in FBIS 8/5)

Malta, historically in solidarity with Arab nations, lifts its economic boycott on Israel and South Africa. (Qol Yisra'el 8/4 in FBIS 8/4)

PM Rabin appoints Housing Min. Benyamin Ben-Eliezer to serve also as labor and social affairs min., Tourism Min. Uzi Baram to serve also as religious affairs min. (Qol Yisra'el 8/4 in FBIS 8/4)