1416 / 15500 Results
  • October 31, 1991

    At Madrid peace conference, PM Shamir delivers first opening address of the day. He is followed by Jordanian FM Kamil Abu Jaber, chief Palestinian delegate Haydar Abd al-Shafi, Lebanese FM Faris...

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  • October 16, 1991

    Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa confirms Syria will attend peace conference but will not participate in subsequent talks on regional issues unless Israel displays willingness to withdraw from occupied...

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  • August 21, 1991

    Israeli def. min. Moshe Arens allows al-Najah University in Nablus to reopen. Al-Najah would be the fourth of six Palestinian universities reopened since their closure at the beginning of the...

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  • August 12, 1991

    UN Secy. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Israeli defense officials in Geneva over proposed comprehensive prisoner/hostage exchange. Israelis reiterate refusal to release any Lebanese held...

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  • August 6, 1991

    PLO Chmn. Arafat asserts his right to choose Palestinian delegates to peace conference, again rejects Israeli veto over delegation's composition. Arafat also indicates that Palestine National...

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  • July 4, 1991

    PLO-Lebanese army ceasefire takes hold in Sidon area after 73 killed, 200 wounded, mostly Palestinians. Under terms of ceasefire agreement, PLO agrees to move heavy weapons out of S. Lebanon,...

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  • July 3, 1991

    Fighting continues between Lebanese army, PLO forces near Sidon. (MEM 7/3; NYT 7/4)

    As compromise to Palestinians, Lebanese cabinet revokes long-standing presidential decree limiting...

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  • July 1, 1991

    Pres. Bush states U.S. aid to assist resettlement of Soviet Jews in Israel should not be linked with freeze in Israeli settlement building, but calls such building "counterproductive," adding that...

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  • April 1, 1991

    On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of...

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  • March 25, 1991

    White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon...

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  • February 20, 1991

    U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all...

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  • January 4, 1991

    In move to encourage Iraq to remove its troops from Kuwait, EC endorses French plan promising Baghdad that EC will work to resolve all problems in Middle East if Gulf crisis could be settled...

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  • October 21, 1990

    3 Israelis are stabbed to death allegedly by 19-year-old Palestinian, apparently in response to Haram al-Sharif violence near Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli spokesman blames UN for inciting attacks...

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  • October 8, 1990

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  • June 18, 1990

    P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO...

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  • February 1, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: The Jerusalem Post cancels publication of Essays on Human Rights, edited by Meron Benvenisti. Benvenisti sues to have...

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  • January 29, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Rabbi Baruch Abu-Hatzera, Sephardim Jewish leader, tells tens of thousands of followers that Israel should negotiate with the...

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  • January 19, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which...

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  • December 21, 1989


    Other Countries: American Joseph Gruss, billionaire investment banker, has established private $20 million fund to provide housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants to...

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  • October 12, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's...

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  • September 14, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot...

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  • July 27, 1989


    Arab World: Arafat meets with King Hasan II of Morocco [MET 8/8]. Arafat states that Jamil Tarifi's meetings with Shamir have approval of Palestinian leadership [...

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  • July 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyer Jamil Tarifi admits meeting with Shamir and informing PLO leadership in Tunis of details of meeting [NYT 7/26].

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  • July 13, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics states that 600 more people left Israel than arrived in 1988; overall population increasing at 1.6...

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  • June 28, 1989


    Other Countries: State Department official acknowledges that Robert Pelletreau, ambassador to Tunisia and only U.S. official authorized to meet with PLO, has met...

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  • June 22, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill 22-year-old Palestinian in Silwad, wound 2 others [FJ 6/26]. In Jerusalem a 64-year-old Israeli is found stabbed to...

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  • June 21, 1989


    Other Countries: UNESCO condemns closure of schools in O.T. [FJ 6/26]. The Socialist International calls on all parties in Middle East to participate in...

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  • May 31, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24 MKs denounce as racist Ariel's decision to make Arab workers wear badges [NYT 6/1]. Knesset Finance Committee approves NIS (new...

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  • May 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Letter from Baker to Arens implying that continued settlement of O.T. may lead to cut off of U.S. aid is made public [FBIS 5/30].

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  • May 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli...

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At Madrid peace conference, PM Shamir delivers first opening address of the day. He is followed by Jordanian FM Kamil Abu Jaber, chief Palestinian delegate Haydar Abd al-Shafi, Lebanese FM Faris Bouez, and Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa (NYT 11/1)

After hearing Abd al-Shafi's speech on the radio, hundreds of Palestinians march through Ramallah waving olive branches and shaking hands with Israeli security forces, who did not break up the demonstration. Similar marches took place in E. Jerusalem, throughout occupied territories. (MEM 10/31, 11/1)

In another move toward PLO-Saudi reconciliation, Fateh Central Comm. Mbr. and top aide to Chmn. Arafat Nabil Sha'th, who was appointed as behind-the-scenes PLO coordinator of Palestinian delegates at Madrid, meets with Saudi representative to talks, Prince Sa'ud bin Faysal, along with Palestinian delegates and members of the steering committee. (MEM 11/1)

Kuwaiti FM Shaykh Salim al-Sabah reiterates Kuwaiti hostility toward PLO, however, describing PLO position during the Gulf war as "shameful" while affirming Kuwaiti support for Palestinian cause. (MEM 11/1)

Israeli, South Lebanon Army forces continue shelling Nabatiyya area, other regions of S. Lebanon. (MEM 11/1)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa confirms Syria will attend peace conference but will not participate in subsequent talks on regional issues unless Israel displays willingness to withdraw from occupied Arab territories [see 9/26]. Al-Sharaa also states he will not shake hands with Israeli delegates at conference. (MEM, WP 10/17)

Tunisia, Morocco indicate they will take part in peace conference as observers. (MEM 10/17)

Secy. of State Baker travels to Jerusalem, holds discussions with PM Shamir, Palestinian negotiators. Talks with Palestinians centered on Palestinian delegation to peace conference. Two sides continue to disagree over Israeli demand that such a delegation not include Palestinians from East Jerusalem, a demand which Baker has urged Palestinian negotiators to accede to in order that the Palestinians not be left out of the peace process. (WP 10/17)

PLO delegation in Amman reportedly reaches agreement with Jordanian government over composition of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation under joint leadership of King Hussein and Chmn. Arafat. But Jordanian government states it has discussed the issue not with the PLO but "people from the occupied territories" in effort to stem Israeli objections to PLO role in choosing Palestinian delegates. (MEM 10/16; WP 10/17)

PLO Central Comm. meets in Tunis to discuss Palestinian participation in peace conference. (WP 10/17)

Clandestine al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio reports statement has been issued in o.t. by PFLP-GC, Hamas, Fateh-Revolutionary Council [Abu Nidal], Islamic Jihad, Mujahid Islamic Trend, and Fateh-Uprising [Abu Musa] rejecting "conference of humiliation." (al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 10/16, in FBIS 10/17)

Israeli military court sentences Shaykh Aimad Yasin, founder of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), to life imprisonment for ordering the deaths of several alleged Palestinian collaborators. Yasin was arrested in May 1989. (NYT 10/17)

Israeli def. min. Moshe Arens allows al-Najah University in Nablus to reopen. Al-Najah would be the fourth of six Palestinian universities reopened since their closure at the beginning of the intifada. Bir Zeit, Islamic University of Gaza remain closed. (NYT, WP 8/22)

Jewish settlers expand settlement for seminary students in Hebron by moving ten mobile homes (caravans) to bus station behind Beit Romano building. Bus station had been used as army base since its expropriation in 1983 after murder of Jewish seminary student. (NYT, MEM 8/22)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, Mahmud 'Abbas arrive in Cairo for talks with Egyptian leaders on peace conference. Move comes in wake of improved Egyptian-PLO relations. (MENA [Cairo] 8/21 in FBIS 8/22)

'Abd Rabbuh also expresses clarification of PLO position on Soviet coup in interview with Agence France Presse, stating PLO hopes Soviet crisis can be solved in such a way as to "preserve the democratic gains" made by the Soviet people under Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev and to work for peace and international legitimacy in the Middle East. Statement comes in wake of statements in support of Gorbachev's ouster throughout the Arab world. PFLP, PFLP-GC went on record as favoring Gorbachev's removal. (MEM. 8/21)

Israeli interior minister with 37 Arab mayor striking for budgetary parity between Arab, Jewish municipalities of similar size in Israel. (MEM 8/22)

UN Secy. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Israeli defense officials in Geneva over proposed comprehensive prisoner/hostage exchange. Israelis reiterate refusal to release any Lebanese held by Israel without release of Israelis held in Lebanon or information relating to them. Refusal comes in wake of increased Western pressure on Israel to release some Lebanese to further efforts to achieve prisoner-hostage exchange. De Cuellar has also been maintaining contacts with Iranian officials and representatives of groups holding hostages in Lebanon. (WP, LAT 8/13)

DFLP spokesman in Damascus states group holds remains of one of the seven Israelis, whom group claims died during an Israeli air raid against Lebanon. (WP 8/13)

Hizballah reportedly claims it holds two Israelis, Palestinian group holds a third. (WP 8/14)

Fateh Central Committee mbr. Khalid alHasan criticizes Arafat for "dictatorial" leadership, again calls for formation of provisional Palestinian government [see 7/16]. (MEM 8/13) 

PLO Chmn. Arafat asserts his right to choose Palestinian delegates to peace conference, again rejects Israeli veto over delegation's composition. Arafat also indicates that Palestine National Council will convene in Algeria next month to discuss peace initiative. (NYT 8/7)

In statement to U.S. press, King Hussein states not every city in occupied territories need be represented at peace conference, in reference to PLO insistence that E. Jerusalem Palestinians be allowed to participate in peace conference. (MEM 8/6)

Israeli press reports Prime Min. Shamir told Israeli cabinet he will walk out of peace talks if Syria demands return of Golan Heights. (LAT 8/7)

Israeli activists demonstrate at Eshkolot, Israeli settlement established 8/5. (MEM 8/6)

PLO-Lebanese army ceasefire takes hold in Sidon area after 73 killed, 200 wounded, mostly Palestinians. Under terms of ceasefire agreement, PLO agrees to move heavy weapons out of S. Lebanon, restrict remaining 5,000 fighters, armed only with light infantry weapons, to the 'Ayn al-Hilwa and al-Mi'a wa Mi'a refugee camps. Army agrees not to enter camps as long as cease-fire remains in effect. Government states discussions on civil and social rights of Palestinians in Lebanon will take place. Government also agrees to release PLO prisoners. In Tunis, PLO Chmn. Arafat backs accord, telephones approval. Fighting came as result of attempt by Lebanese government to disarm all armed group in Lebanon. Army control of area could limit attacks on Israeli-backed forces in the "security zone" in S. Lebanon. (MEM 7/5; NYT, LAT 7/6)

Hunger strike among Palestinian prisoners spreads to Tel Mond prison, the seventh prison now on strike. (MEM 7/8)

At press conference with Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan, PLO Chmn. Arafat declares willingness to have portions of Palestine National Charter which "threaten" Israel deleted as part of peace treaty in return for reciprocal Israeli measures. (MEM 7/5) 

Fighting continues between Lebanese army, PLO forces near Sidon. (MEM 7/3; NYT 7/4)

As compromise to Palestinians, Lebanese cabinet revokes long-standing presidential decree limiting Palestinian employment in certain fields. (MEM 7/5)

Hunger strike among Palestinian prisoners spreads to Ansar 3/Ketziot prison, the sixth prison now on strike. (MEM 7/8)

Guerrillas open fire at Israeli army post on Mt. Hermon, occupied Golan Heights, killing one soldier. Incident represents first Israeli death along Israeli-Syrian front since 1975. DFLP claims responsibility. (WP, MEM 7/4)

Pres. Bush states U.S. aid to assist resettlement of Soviet Jews in Israel should not be linked with freeze in Israeli settlement building, but calls such building "counterproductive," adding that U.S. is "not giving one inch on the settlements question." Statement comes in wake of continued controversy over Israeli refusal to halt settlement activity in face of American pressure. U.S. anxious to obtain Israeli pledge to cease building settlements prior to proposed peace conference. (NYT, MEM 7/2; WP 7/3)

Lebanese army moves into Sidon and surrounding area as scheduled, establishing its first presence in area since 1975. Army's action comes as continuation of central government policy of disarming militias and deploying army throughout Lebanon. Thousands of residents flee, fearing PLO army clash. PLO, army commanders confer near Sidon over ways to avoid conflict. PLO refuses to disarm as long as Israel still controls parts of S. Lebanon: also seeks discussions on Palestinians' rights in Lebanon. Government welcomes talks, but only after deployment of army in Sidon area. (MEM 7/1, 7/4)

Cmdr. of Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army Antoine Lahad states willingness to release 300 Lebanese prisoners held by SLA in return for Israelis held by Islamic, Palestinian factions. (NYT 7/4)

On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of Kurdish rebellion, Pres. Asad says it is "an intemal matter" [MENA 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; SANA 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; NYT, MEM 4/2].

Human rights groups working in Kuwait have turned up no proof to date that thousands of Kuwaitis were executed by Iraqis; Middle East Watch says that number is from 300 to 600. Also refuted is claim that Iraqi troops killed hundreds of premature babies by stealing incubators [WP 4/2].

Inquest by Jerusalem judge into Haram al-Sharif killings last October 8 turns up evidence that contradicts official Israeli gov't. version of events. Border officer testifies he saw other officers "shoot from the hip," in violation of regulations; another officer claims police fired on Palestinians who had sat down and begun to pray [WP, LAT 4/2].

U.S. officials disclose that Nat. Sec. Advisor Brent Scowcroft and senior White House aide Richard Haass made secret trip from 3/25 to 3/27 to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd [WP, MEM 4/2].

Six Kuwaiti opposition groups, 96 leaders in all, sign manifesto demanding democracy [LAT, MEM 4/2].

Lt. Gen. Ehud Baraq assumes position of Israeli chief of staff, replacing Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron [JDS 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/2; FJ 4/8; JPI 4/13].

UNLU issues call no. 69, praising Iraqi "steadfastness" in face of coalition, criticizes attempts to find alternative Palestinian leadership [AVP 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; MEM 4/2].

U.S. State Dep't. criticizes Israel's 3/31 restrictions on Palestinians in o.t., stating what is needed is "dialogue and trust ... not imposing new restrictions" [MEM 4/2].

About 20 mobile homes are set up in West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba to help meet growing housing needs of Soviet Jewish immigrants, around 400 of whom have moved to this settlement over the past year [MEM 4/3].

Israeli human rights group B'Tselem reports Israeli security forces killed 8 Palestinians during March; 5 in West Bank and 3 in Gaza Strip; 1 Israeli civilian was killed in o.t. during the month [FJ 4/8].

In defiance of Lebanese gov't. ban on private militias, PLO says it will not lay down its arms and that its fighters in southern Lebanon will continue to strike at Israel [NYT 4/2; RFL 4/1 in FBIS 4/2]. 

White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon calls for mass deportations of activists from o.t. [LAT, WT 3/26].

Iraq submits to UN detailed list of Kuwaiti gov't. property it took from the emirate, including $457 million in gold and $600 million in currency [LAT 3/26].

Bahraini F.M. says that overall "security arrangement" will be negotiated to insure permanent military presence by Western and friendly Arab nations in Gulf region [NYT 3/26].

In interview with Toronto Star, Yasir Arafat offers peace plan, says PLO would accept UN buffer zone on Palestinian side of border between Israel and future Palestinian state [WT 3/26; AFP, JDS 3/25, AGS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26].

Pres. Asad and King Hussein meet in Damascus as part of Arab fence-mending effort [WT 3/26; ADS, DDS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26; MET 4/2].

Israelis successfully test fire Arrow antiballistic missile; it is 2d test flight, and coordinated with American military [JDS 3/25 in FBIS 3/26].

U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all UN Sec. Council resolutions on the crisis [NYT 2/21; CSM 2/22]; Washington urges Moscow to stiffen cease-fire conditions on Iraq [WP 2/21].

After month of often bitter negotiation, U.S. releases $400 million loan guarantee to Israel for housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants (cf. 2/21) [IDF 2/20 in FBIS 2/21; NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/21].

Israeli authorities begin allowing 400 Palestinians per day to cross bridges from Jordan back to West Bank; "security concerns" had prompted Israel to reduce number allowed to cross river from 1,000 per day to 50 per day; at least 30 Palestinians lose their residency permits because of delay in crossing [JTE 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; MET 3/5].

Israeli air force planes bomb alleged PFLP base in Al Izzah village, about 40 miles east of Beirut; 5 people are reported injured [IDF, BDS, AFP 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; NYT 2/21; JPI 3/2; MET 3/5]. 

In move to encourage Iraq to remove its troops from Kuwait, EC endorses French plan promising Baghdad that EC will work to resolve all problems in Middle East if Gulf crisis could be settled peacefully; EC also invites F.M. Aziz to meet with 3 EC ministers on 10 January; Aziz declines [INA 1/5 in FBIS 1/7; NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz accepts invitation to meet Sec. Baker in Geneva on 1/9, despite "arrogant statements" he says accompanied U.S. offer; Aziz says he will press for "justice and fairness" for Palestinian cause; Pres. Bush says Iraq's acceptance of talks is "useful step," but insists no compromises will be made and that Sec. Baker will not go to Baghdad [INA 1/4 in FBIS 1/7; NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Bus driven by Palestinian collides with car, killing Israeli woman; bus driver is shot to death by Israeli near Gaza Strip. Palestinians and Israelis give entirely different versions of episode [IDF 1/4 in FBIS 1/4; NYT, LAT 1/5].

In nonbinding statement, UN Sec. Council formally rebukes Israel, deploring "recent acts of violence in Gaza" [MEM 1/4; NYT, WP 1/5]; Political circles in Israel criticize statement [JDS 1/4 in FBIS 1/4].

Seeking to avoid battle with Israel's supporters in Congress, Bush admin. postpones 2d part of large arms sale to Saudi Arabia, valued at $13 billion, until after Gulf crisis [NYT, LAT, WP 1/5].

Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO) says Operation Desert Shield will cost U.S. $30 billion this year even if no shots are fired [LAT 1/5].

Details of 12/31 conversation between Faisal Husseini and Mayor Teddy Kollek are published; status of Jerusalem is among topics discussed [MEM 1/4; LAT 1/5].

Washington Post reports that Palestinian fatalities in clashes with Israeli troops are rising sharply in o.t. as IDF steps up patrols and toughens its tactics [WP 1/5].

Secret agreement is reportedly reached in Islamabad between Iran and Turkey that neither will move against Iraq, effectively ruling out ground attack against Iraq from anywhere but Saudi Arabia [WP 1/16].

3 Israelis are stabbed to death allegedly by 19-year-old Palestinian, apparently in response to Haram al-Sharif violence near Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli spokesman blames UN for inciting attacks through its condemnation of Israel (cf. 10/22) [JDS 10/21 in FBIS 10/22; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/22; MEM 10/23].

Some 350,000 Yemenis, some having to sell businesses at distress prices, have already left Saudi Arabia as result of suspended residency privileges [NYT 10/22].

After 3-hour meeting with Saddam Hussein, Edward Heath, former British P.M., says that Iraq will release unspecified number of British hostages [NYT, LAT, WP 10/22].

About 2,000 angry Ethiopian Jews in Israel protest in front of P.M. Shamir's office, demanding gov't bring their impoverished relatives from Ethiopia to Israel [NYT, WT 10/22].

Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan raises possibility of allowing Iraq to have some Kuwaiti territory in exchange for peaceful resolution to crisis: "If a sister Arab nation has rights, we all agree these rights can be had, but not by force" (cf. 10/22, 10/24) [NYT, WP 10/24].

Egyptian servicemen are set to replace thousands of Jordanian military instructors and troops contracted to various Gulf armed forces. Reports say Bahrain has begun terminating without notice the contracts of some 7,000-8,000 Jordanians seconded to its armed forces [MEM 10/22].

At least 19 Palestinians are killed (as reported; cf. 10/15, 10/25), more than 100 are wounded by Israeli border police gunfire at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Israelis and Palestinians disagree on how violence erupted. In addition, 2 demonstrators are shot dead by IDF in Gaza, and areas of W. Bank and Gaza are placed under curfew. [RMC, JDS 10/8 in FBIS 10/9; MEM 10/8; NYT 10/9, 10/15; LAT, WP, WT 10/9; LAT 10/10].

Sec. Baker offers Washington's condolences to families of victims, urges Israeli restraint: "We don't have all the details yet about the violence, but . .. I do think it's fair to say that Israel needs to be better prepared and to exercise restraint in handling disturbances of this nature" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 10/9].

10 U.S. servicemen are believed killed in crashes of 3 military aircraft in worst day of casualties since U.S. military buildup in Gulf began [LAT, WP, WT 10/9].

Maj. Gen. Muhammad Ali Bilal, commander of Egyptian forces in Gulf region, is quoted as saying the 14,000 Egyptian troops there would only aid in defense of Saudi Arabia, not in attack of Iraq [MEM 10/8; WP 10/9].

Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani has warned Kuwaiti gov't not to accept any peace settlement that concedes islands of Bubiyan and Warba to Iraq [MEM 10/8; WP 10/9].

Pres. Benjedid of Algeria says in television interview that purely Arab solution to Gulf crisis is no longer possible and others have to be involved [MEM 10/9].

P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO dialogue [WP, NYT, LAT 6/19; JTS 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater says Pres. Bush has written "lengthy" letter sent to Shamir over past few days offering congratulations on new gov't. and discussing U.S.-Israeli relations [WP, WT 6/19; MEM 6/22 (details of letter in MEM 7/27)].

Tel Aviv court charges Israeli Ami Popper, 21, with the 5/20 murders of 7 Palestinians. Five-man psychiatric panel rejects notion that Popper is "derranged," as Israeli authorities had first claimed [IDF 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; LAT 6/ 19].

Cairo declines Shamir's 6/15 call for Israeli-Egyptian summit, saying Egypt expects "concrete actions towards peace and establishment of dialogue in Cairo with Palestinians and not mere messages conveying good intentions" [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

In letter to Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog released today, Theo Klein, former head (1983-89) of France's 700,000-strong Jewish community, says Israel should meet PLO [MEM 6/19].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: The Jerusalem Post cancels publication of Essays on Human Rights, edited by Meron Benvenisti. Benvenisti sues to have the book published as planned [LAT 2/2].

Israeli daily Ha'Aretz reports that a new settlement called Dugit will be established in the Gaza Strip by March 1990; it will be the 16th settlement in the Strip [FBIS 2/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes Bethlehem Boys and Girls Secondary Schools after students conduct strikes and sit-ins to protest high tuition costs [FJ 2/12]; 5 schools are closed in Gaza for stone throwing at IDF patrols [FBIS 2/2].

Israeli military vehicle strikes, kills, 6- year-old Palestinian [FJ 2/5].

Palestinians in Nablus demonstrate, smash windows of military and settler's cars [FJ 2/51.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Rabbi Baruch Abu-Hatzera, Sephardim Jewish leader, tells tens of thousands of followers that Israel should negotiate with the PLO to bring about peace. Speech angers Shamir [NYT 1/30; JP 2/3].

IDF reports an increase in the number of suicides among soldiers; 25 in the last 6 months, compared with 11 over the same period in 1988-89 [FBIS 1/29].

Arab World: Georges Saadeh, president of Lebanon's Phalangist Party, resigns from the Syrian-backed cabinet of Hrawi [NYT, WP 1/30; MET 2/6].

PLO Executive Committee holds emergency meeting in Baghdad to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 1/31].

Other Countries: UN Sec.-General Javier Perez de Cuellar asks UN Sec. Council to renew Unifil mandate in S. Lebanon [MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes in Hebron-area village of al-Samoa [FJ 2/5].

B'Tselem reports that 38 Palestinian homes have been demolished or sealed for security reasons this month, more than in any previous month, except for June 1989 [FBIS 1/29].

8 Palestinians are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Ramallah; 9 are reported wounded in Gaza clashes; 2 Israelis autos are torched in Jerusalem [FBIS 1/31]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which Husayni's name was mentioned [FBIS 1/19; NYT 1/20].

D.M. Rabin returns from Washington after talks, says he met a "sympathetic audience" [FBIS 1/19].

Fateh candidates win 9 of 11 seats in the Gaza physicians' association, the first of several upcoming trade union elections [FBIS 1/23].

Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid concludes talks in Washington, flies to New York for meeting with UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar [FBIS 1/19].

Other Countries: Bush administration condemns Israeli arrest of Husayni, saying "such actions discourage Palestinian confidence in the peace process" [NYT, WP 1/20].

United Jewish Appeal launches Operation Exodus, fund-raising effort designed to raise $420-$480 million from American Jews to help resettle Soviet immigrants to Israel [NYT, WP 1/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 500 Palestinian youths attack with stones and bottles a Gaza police station. Police use tear gas to break up crowd [FBIS 1/22].

At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T. [FBIS 1/22].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force attacks targets in S. Lebanon, killing 3 and wounding 18. Fighter-bombers attack PFLP positions near Sidon, and Hizballah strongholds in Iqlim al Toffah district [FBIS 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20].


Other Countries: American Joseph Gruss, billionaire investment banker, has established private $20 million fund to provide housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel [NYT 12/22].

Yugoslavia agrees to Ibrahim Asad's appointment as ambassador of Palestine to Yugoslavia [FBIS 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it will begin punishing parents of children who throw stones. Children under 12 cannot be jailed under Israeli law, so parents will have furniture confiscated and rooms of their houses sealed [FBIS 12/21; NYT, WP 12/22].

2 Palestinians from Bayt Furik near Nablus are killed, another is hospitalized in clash with IDF. Army places Bayt Furik under curfew [FBIS 12/22].

In Hebron, Israeli motorist is injured by thrown rocks hitting his car. In al-Bireh, 35-year-old Palestinian accused of collaboration is stabbed, wounded. In Gaza at least 23 Palestinians are wounded in clashed with IDF forces, 16 of them in Rafah [FBIS 12/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's Consul-General in O.T. Ivan Callan calls for investigation into reports that Israeli troops shot dead an Arab youth who had surrendered to security forces [MET 10/ 24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Nablus is lifted, soldiers shoot, kill 1 Palestinian, wound another in stone-throwing clash there; body of suspected collaborator is found in Nablus. 4 Palestinians are shot, killed; at least 4 are wounded, and 20 are arrested throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/13]. Army seals 2 Gaza houses [FBIS 10/17]. Arab World: Israeli troopshoot, kill DFLP guerrilla inside South Lebanon's "security zone" [MET 10/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot fleeing arrest [WP 9/15]. At least 10 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire in O.T. [FBIS 9/15].

Arab World: Soviet news agency Tass reports Israel fired a missile from a site near Jerusalem that landed 800 miles away in the Mediterranean north of Benghazi, Libya [\WP 9/20]. Israeli helicopter gunships fire rockets at two Abu Nidal guerrilla bases east of Sidon, Lebanon. Police report at least 3 people wounded [WP 9/15; MET 9/26].


Arab World: Arafat meets with King Hasan II of Morocco [MET 8/8]. Arafat states that Jamil Tarifi's meetings with Shamir have approval of Palestinian leadership [FBIS 7/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm Israeli soldiers shoot, kill 21-year-old Palestinian [NYT 7/28, FJ 7/31]. In Gaza 79-year-old Palestinian is hit and killed by Israeli vehicle [FJ 7/31]. In Khan Yunis Palestinian accused of collaboration is killed [NYT 7/28]. At least 15 Palestinians are injured in the Gaza Strip [FJ 7/31].

Arab World: SLA ambushes, kills 5 Palestinian guerrillas east of Sidon [FBIS 7/31, MET 8/8]. SLA expells 23 Lebanese policemen from south Lebanon's Israeliimposed "security zone" for refusing to cooperate with SLA, IDF [MET 8/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyer Jamil Tarifi admits meeting with Shamir and informing PLO leadership in Tunis of details of meeting [NYT 7/26].

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Mahmud Abbas tells Abu Dhabi-based newspaper, al-Bayan, that PLO accepts elections in O.T. as part of comprehensive settlement [FJ 7/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza 20- year-old Palestinian from Shabura camp dies from wounds received 7/23. In Ramallah troops shoot 2 Palestinians. In Gaza Strip 7 Palestinians are shot during demonstrations [FJ 7/31]. Israeli court imprisons 4 soldiers for stealing from Palestinians from Gaza while on duty [NYT 7/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics states that 600 more people left Israel than arrived in 1988; overall population increasing at 1.6% per year; Jewish population at 1.3%; Muslim population at 3.7%; total population is 4,476,800; 82% of population is Jewish; 14% Muslim [FBIS 7/13]. Yossi Beilin, aide to Labor leader Peres, states that Israel holds indirectalks with PLO [FBIS 7/13, LAT 7/14].

Arab World: PLO officials state that PLO and Israel have held indirect talks [LAT 7/14].

Other Countries: British F. M. Geoffrey Howe meets with Bassam Abu Sharif, aide to Arafat [FJ 7/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Stone throwing Palestinian from Hebron is shot, killed. In Khan Yunis soldiershoot, kill 18-year-old Palestinian [FBIS 7/13, FJ 7/17].

Other Countries: Land mine kills SLA soldier in Israeli-imposed "security zone" in south Lebanon [MET 7/25].


Other Countries: State Department official acknowledges that Robert Pelletreau, ambassador to Tunisia and only U.S. official authorized to meet with PLO, has met with Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), second in command of PLO [WP 6/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian accused of abducting American relief worker Christopher George is shot, killed by Israeli troops [FBIS 6/29]. At least 10 Palestinians are wounded during clashes with troops in W. Bank. At least 3 Palestinian homes are demolished in Gaza [FBIS 6/29]. Explosion at Ramle bus station wounds 4 Israelis [FBIS 6/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill 22-year-old Palestinian in Silwad, wound 2 others [FJ 6/26]. In Jerusalem a 64-year-old Israeli is found stabbed to death; police think he might have been killed by Palestinians [NYT 6/23]. In W. Bank 5 more Palestinians are shot, injured. In Gaza Strip Israeli troops shoot, wound 12 Palestinians [FJ 6/26]. American director of Save the Children Chris George is abducted in Gaza; kidnappers demand release of jailed members of Fateh, Hamas [MET 7.4]. Israel arrests 30 residents of Silwad [FBIS 6/22].

Other Countries: Secretary of State Baker says U.S. plans to sell military equipment to Saudia Arabia, other Middle East countries [LAT 6/23].


Other Countries: UNESCO condemns closure of schools in O.T. [FJ 6/26]. The Socialist International calls on all parties in Middle East to participate in international peace conference; Israel's Labor party boycotts meeting because PLO was invited to send observer [FJ 6/26, MET 7/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 50- year-old Palestinian suspected of collaboration is found dead [FBIS 6/21, MET 7/4]. At least 5 Palestinians are shot, injured during clashes in W. Bank. In Gaza Strip soldiers shoot 20 Palestinians during demonstrations [FJ 6/26].

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb PFLP-GC base 15 miles south of Beirut killing 1 Arab, wounding 6 [NYT 6/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24 MKs denounce as racist Ariel's decision to make Arab workers wear badges [NYT 6/1]. Knesset Finance Committee approves NIS (new Israeli shekels) 30 million for settlements, roads in O.T., NIS 10 million for Jewish Agency's settlement department [FBIS 6/ 1]. Bank of Israel reports that intifadah cost Israel's economy $650 million in 1988; Israel's trade surplus with O.T. dropped 76% to $42 million; overall exports fell 4.2%; tourism fell 15% [FBIS 6/2].

Other Countries: Amnesty International reports that Israel has detained 5,000 Palestinians without charge or trial since beginning of uprising [NYT 6/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire, kill 20-year-old Palestinian, wound 3 in Khan Yunis [LAT, NYT 6/1]. In Tel Aviv 18-year-old Palestinian from Nusayrat dies from wounds received 5/30; 15-year-old Palestinian dies from wounds received 2 weeks earlier [FBIS 5/31, NYT 6/1]. An additional 13 Palestinians are injured in Gaza; at least 4 Palestinians in W. Bank [FBIS 6/1]. Arab World: Israeli warplanes bomb Hizballah, Abu Nidal bases near Beirut; 5 guerrillas are killed, 3 injured [LAT 6/1]. IDF troops shoot, kill 3 guerrillas in south Lebanon, several members SLA reported killed [FBIS 5/31, MET 6/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Letter from Baker to Arens implying that continued settlement of O.T. may lead to cut off of U.S. aid is made public [FBIS 5/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Kifl Harith settlers shoot, kill 16-year-old Palestinian, wound 2, burn house. In Tall Palestinian is shot, killed while farming [FBIS 5/30]. In E. Jerusalem 18-year-old Palestinian from Hebron dies of wounds received 5/18. In Khan Yunis 37-year-old Palestinian suspected of collaboration is killed. At least 6 Palestinians are injured throughout O.T. [FBIS 5/31]. Guerrillas in S. Lebanon fire Katyusha rockets at Metulla, slightly injure Israeli baby [FBIS 5/30].

Arab World: In south Lebanon SLA, IDF patrol kills 2 guerrillas attempting to infiltrate Israel [FBIS 5/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli authorities have ordered them to stop exporting citrus from Gaza. Tel Aviv mayor Shlomo Lahat says that the city will no longer employ Palestinians for street cleaning, garbage collecting, sanitation work: "I don't want to discriminate and make them take only this kind of job, which has been the case up until now" [NYT 5/19]. Israel bans Druze leader from Galilee from entering O.T. for 1 year [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Jordan's king Hussein calls Israel's election proposal an attempt to "waste time" [LAT 5/19]. PLO calls on UN to take "practical measures to protect the residents of the West Bank and Gaza" [FBIS 5/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In E. Jerusalem 20-year-old Palestinian from Duhayshah dies from wounds received 2 weeks earlier. In Jamma'in troops open fire, kill Palestinian [FBIS 5/18]. IDF troops shoot, kill Palestinian youth from Nusayrat camp [FBIS 5/19]. At least 3 Palestinians are shot, injured in Tulkarm camp [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Soldiers of the Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army (SLA) wound 2 Irish UNIFIL troops in the Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 5/19].