17 / 15500 Results
  • October 23, 1994

    PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli FM Peres hold Supreme Liaison Comm. mtg. in Cairo; agree to resume talks, continue implementing of peace accord; appoint comm. to discuss PNA role at border...

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  • October 1, 1994

    Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2...

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  • September 22, 1994

    Syria rejects Israeli calls to raise level of peace negotiations from the ambassadorial level to higher diplomatic level. (WT 9/23; MM 9/29)

    PM Rabin freezes Jewish Agency's plan to...

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  • September 8, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin publicly outlines timetable for early withdrawal fr. Golan for 1st time: proposes initial "very slight" pullback for 3 yrs. (preserving all settlements) in exchange for full...

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  • August 8, 1994

    TIPH observers leave Hebron, saying Israeli-Palestinian tensions have subsided.  Hebron Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha says observers "did not achieve their main goal" of restoring normal life to Hebron...

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  • July 25, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin, Jordan's King Hussein sign "Washington Declaration" ending state of belligerency at White House ceremony with U.S. Pres. Clinton as witness.  Declaration says sides "recognize...

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  • July 22, 1994

    Secy of State Christopher meets Syrian Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, returns for U.S., noting "significant gaps" btwn. Israel and Syria, says he does not expect "any dramatic breakthrough in the nr....

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  • July 17, 1994

    Palestinian workers waiting to enter Israel riot at Erez checkpoint, Gaza Strip.  Palestinian police, IDF exchange fire in 1st such incident since 5/4 Gaza-Jericho agreement.  2 Palestinians...

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  • June 5, 1994

    Palestinians clash with IDF in Hebron, Ramallah.  (WT 6/6)

    IDF closes 4 entrances to Nur Shams r.c., nr. Tulkarm.  (UNRWA News 6/15)

    Nabil Shaath says world community "moving...

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  • May 17, 1994

    Secy of State Christopher visits Jericho, commends "skill and efficiency" of Palestinian self-rule area.  After mtg. local admin., Christopher is escorted by Faisal Husseini on tour of Hisham...

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  • May 16, 1994

    IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip.  250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation...

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  • April 28, 1994

    U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Israeli FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat meet in Cairo, announce breakthrough on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Reportedly size of Jericho, duties...

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  • March 17, 1994

    2 IDF guards at Haram al-Ibrahimi tell commission of inquiry they fired into door leading to mosque, contradicting officers' testimony and confirming accounts by Palestinians that soldiers fired...

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  • February 27, 1994

    Israeli cabinet orders some settlers disarmed, 1,000 Palestinian prisoners released in response to Hebron massacre, establishes commission of inquiry to investigate massacre. Govt. orders...

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  • February 26, 1994

    IDF kills 3 Palestinians-1 each in Jerusalem, Tulkarm, and Gaza Strip-protesting Hebron massacre. 50 Palestinians wounded. Demonstrations throughout o.t. and in Israeli-Arab towns of Jaffa, Ramla...

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  • February 17, 1994

    Current round of Israel-PLO talks in Taba ends, both sides reporting progress.  PM Rabin says talks held in a "good atmosphere."  Security comm. divides into subcomms. on police, prisoners.  PLO...

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  • January 18, 1994

    Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)

    Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal...

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PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli FM Peres hold Supreme Liaison Comm. mtg. in Cairo; agree to resume talks, continue implementing of peace accord; appoint comm. to discuss PNA role at border crossings, free movement btwn. Gaza, Jericho; discuss methods of curbing Hamas. (WP, WT 10/23; MENA, QY 10/24 in FBIS 10/24; WT 10/24)

FM Peres meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, discusses peace process, movement on Syrian track, upcoming Casablanca economic summit. (IDF Radio, MENA 10/23 in FBIS 10/24)

Israeli cabinet approves bringing in 19,000 new foreign workers to compensate for labor shortage caused by closure of the territories. (MM 10/24; JP 11/5)

Palestinian, Nidal Tamimi, is killed in confrontation with IDF at Hebron checkpoint. Amateur video tape is released showing wounded, unconscious Tamimi being shot in head by soldier. Tape ignites furor. (WP 11/4; WT 11/16)

Islamic Jihad dismisses Sec. Gen. Fayiz al-Aswad, divests him of all powers, elects Shaykh Husayn Anbar as new leader. (RMC 10/23 in FBIS 10/24)

Israel says it has arrested 50 Hamas mbrs. in West Bank since bus bombing 10/19. (MM, NYT 10/24; WP 10/25)

Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; CSM, NYT 10/3; WJW 10/6; JP 10/8)

Syrian FM al-Shara` says Gulf states partial lifting of Israeli boycott "was not timely and does not serve the Arab negotiators' interests." (WT 10/2; SARR 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; MM 10/3)

IDF closes primary school in West Bank indefinitely, saying children threw stones at passing IDF vehicle; causes embarrassment for PNA which technically controls West Bank education. (MEI 10/7)

Curfew on Hebron is lifted. (MEI 10/7)

Syria rejects Israeli calls to raise level of peace negotiations from the ambassadorial level to higher diplomatic level. (WT 9/23; MM 9/29)

PM Rabin freezes Jewish Agency's plan to establish 26 new settlements in Galilee to build up Jewish population there by 35,000, says he prefers expanding existing settlements. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 9/22 in FBIS 9/22)

1000's of Jewish settlers try to storm Tomb of the Patriarchs during prayer rally to celebrate Sukkot. Israeli police prevent entry, arrest 10, injure several, place curfew on Hebron. (QY 9/22 in FBIS 9/23; WT 9/23)

PNA Econ. M Qurai` says he has resolved his differences with Arafat, withdrawn his resignation tendered 9/16; says Arafat agreed to allow more experts to be involved in planning, implementing econ. policy, but did not say he would reduce his authority over financial matters. (JP 9/22)

DFLP opens its general conference in Damascus. (RMC 10/1 in FBIS 10/3)

9 Labor MK's hold mtg. with hunger strikers in Gamla, 5 sign document drafted by Golan settler leaders "pledging allegiance to the Golan." JP reports that, to date, over 10,000 people have visited the 13 hunger strikers. (JP 9/22 in MM 9/22; HA 9/23 in FBIS 9/26) (see 9/10)

Israeli PM Rabin publicly outlines timetable for early withdrawal fr. Golan for 1st time: proposes initial "very slight" pullback for 3 yrs. (preserving all settlements) in exchange for full normalization of relations, inc. exchange of ambs. Syrian FM al-Shara` replies Syria is ready for a "warm peace," but long period of withdrawal is unacceptable. (MM 9/8; ITV 9/8 in FBIS 9/14; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/9; JP 9/17)

IDF says it will change patrol routes in southern Gaza after study shows 1 soldier wounded in earlier attack was shot accidently by Palestinian police. New roads will be built for IDF use only; joint patrols will "only meet at junctions." (HA 9/8 in FBIS 98)

Arafat meets with Hamas leaders for 1st time, says PNA will give financial aid to Islamic University in Gaza, a Hamas stronghold. (AFP 9/8 in FBIS 9/9; JP 9/17)

Israeli FM Peres says Orient House is open for political meetings with diplomats, contradicting previous government statements. (Al-Hamishmar 9/8 in FBIS 9/8)

IDF arrests 1 settler fr. Qiryat Arba, 1 fr. Hebron on charges of harassing Arabs. (IDF Radio, QY 9/8 in FBIS 9/9; MM 9/9)

Hizballah fires on IDF patrol in Marj `Uyun in southern Lebanon, kill 1 soldier. 2 hrs. later, 2 Lebanese civilians wounded by IDF retaliatory fire. (ITV 9/8 in FBIS 9/9; WP 9/9; WJW 9/15)

Palestinian police release 10 Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested 9/6. (QY 9/8 in FBIS 9/9)

American Jewish Comm. release survey showing 77% of American Jews approve of Israel's handling of peace negotiations; 53% believe PLO's true intent is to destroy Israel; 44% believe Palestinians are interested in "lasting peace." (Near East Report 9/19)

TIPH observers leave Hebron, saying Israeli-Palestinian tensions have subsided.  Hebron Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha says observers "did not achieve their main goal" of restoring normal life to Hebron.  (NYT, WP 8/9)

Palestinian-Israeli "early empowerment" talks resume in Cairo.  (MENA 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; CSM 8/9)

Israeli PM Rabin, Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan preside at ribbon-cutting of border crossing btwn. Aqaba, Jordan, and Eilat, Israel.  Rabin becomes 1st Israeli govt. head to officially visit Jordan.  King Hussein hosts Rabin, FM Peres, and Secy of State Christopher at luncheon.  Christopher returns to Israel with Rabin, Peres for more mtgs.  Crossing is initially for use of 3d-country nationals, including Israelis with foreign passports.  Following his mtg. with Peres, Christopher announces that he will not return to Syria as planned.  (Jordanian TV 8/8 in FBIS 8/8, 8/9; MM 8/8; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/9; MM 8/11)

"Source" says that Argentine judge has evidence linking Iranian diplomats to 7/18 Buenos Aires bombing.  (NYT, WT 8/9)

Israeli PM Rabin, Jordan's King Hussein sign "Washington Declaration" ending state of belligerency at White House ceremony with U.S. Pres. Clinton as witness.  Declaration says sides "recognize their right and obligation to live in peace with each other."  Agreement mandates direct telephone connections, linking of electrical grids, and immediate opening of 2 border crossings.  Declaration also recognizes Hussein's "historic role" in safeguarding Muslim holy places in Jerusalem. Clinton calls Syrian Pres. al-Asad after ceremony, saying opportunity exists for progress in Israel-Syria talks.  Later, Rabin and Hussein attend state dinner in their honor. (MM 7/25; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/26)

Israeli, Palestinian negotiators meet in Norway to discuss sharing of water resources.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; WT 7/26)

PLO Chmn. Arafat swears in Judge Qusay al-Abadlah as PNA chief justice and head of supreme court.  (Algiers VOP 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)

Kach movement holds paramilitary summer camp for youths at Qiryat Arba, including prayer at grave of Hebron killer Baruch Goldstein.  Organizers avoid direct connection to Kach, outlawed after 2/25 massacre.  (JP 7/25 in FBIS 7/27; WT 7/26)

Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in southern Lebanon, killing 1 officer and wounding 13 soldiers.  IDF tank unit pursues guerrillas to Yuhmur village.  (RL 7/25, Qol Yisra'el 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; MM 7/26; WT 7/27)

UNSG Butrus Butrus-Ghali, in report to UNSC on renewal of UNIFIL mandate, orders study of how to reduce UNIFIL's 5,244-mbr. force.  (WT 7/27)

Argentine officials blame Iran for 7/18 bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish center as confirmed death toll reaches 80.  (NYT 7/26)

Israeli High Court of Justice accepts petition fr. Tsomet party to bar Yi'ud party fr. joining cabinet.  Yi'ud made up of frmr. Tsomet mbrs.  (MM 7/25)(see 7/12)

Secy of State Christopher meets Syrian Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, returns for U.S., noting "significant gaps" btwn. Israel and Syria, says he does not expect "any dramatic breakthrough in the nr. future."  Christopher says Asad "seemed relaxed" about upcoming Israeli-Jordanian summit.  (SARR 7/22 in FBIS 7/22; MM 7/22; NYT, WP, WT 7/23)

Israel reopens Erez crossing, Gaza Strip, after 5-day closure.  10,000 Palestinians enter Israel for work; another 10,000, most mbrs. of opposition groups, hold rally in Gaza City in support of 7/17 rioters.  (NYT 7/23)

IDF shoots Palestinian dead in Nablus, wounds 13.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/22 in FBIS 7/25; NYT 7/23)

Palestinian killed in Yatta village, nr. Hebron, when bomb left by IDF at firing range explodes.  (TJT 7/29)

Palestinian ambushes IDF patrol nr. settlement in Gaza Strip, wounds 1 soldier in attack claimed by Islamic Jihad.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/22 in FBIS 7/22; MM 7/22; WT 7/23)

3 bombs explode in Hebron; no casualties reported.  Clashes btwn. Palestinians, police erupt after explosions; 17 Palestinians wounded.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/22 in FBIS 7/22; MM 7/22; NYT, WT 7/23)

Israeli intelligence tells Argentine authorities "Followers of God" (NYT--"Partisans of God") group claims responsibility for 7/18 bombing of Jewish center in Buenos Aires, 7/19 bombing of commuter plane in Panama.  Death toll in Buenos Aires bombing now around 100--43 confirmed, 60 still missing.  Group known only fr. communiqué issued 3 mos. earlier in Sidon, Lebanon, pledging "all-out war" against Israel.  (NYT, WT 7/23)

Palestinian workers waiting to enter Israel riot at Erez checkpoint, Gaza Strip.  Palestinian police, IDF exchange fire in 1st such incident since 5/4 Gaza-Jericho agreement.  2 Palestinians killed, 98 wounded, including 5 police officers; 17 Israelis also wounded, including 1 Border Guard in critical condition.  Gas station, 120 Israeli buses destroyed.  Each side blames other for incident; PLO Chmn. Arafat calls for deployment in Gaza of international observers.  Secy of State Christopher, en route to region, calls riot a "tragedy."   Clashes occur in Ramallah, Hebron as news of riot spreads.  (CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/18)

Secy of State Christopher starts tour of Middle East to prepare for 7/25 White House summit of Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's PM Rabin.  Trip will include mtgs. in Syria.  (NYT 7/18)

Palestinians clash with IDF in Hebron, Ramallah.  (WT 6/6)

IDF closes 4 entrances to Nur Shams r.c., nr. Tulkarm.  (UNRWA News 6/15)

Nabil Shaath says world community "moving very, very slowly" on aid to Palestinian self-rule areas, PLO needs "bridging measures."  $7 m. received of $2.4 b. in aid pledged, according to Shaath.  (Qol Yisra'el 6/5 in FBIS 6/6; WT 6/8)

GCC foreign ministers issue statement "welcom[ing]" 5/4 Cairo Agreement as "positive step" toward "comprehensive" solution to Arab-Israeli conflict.  (Saudi TV 6/5 in FBIS 6/6)

Conservative Labor MKs form "3d Way" lobby group to limit amount of o.t. land ceded to Palestinians.  Group includes Agriculture M Yaacov Tsur, Dep. DM Mordechai Gur, 19 of 44 Labor MKs.  Lobby opposes Palestinian state, return to 1967 borders.  Group's outline of future o.t. settlement resembles "Allon Plan" of 1970s.  (WT 6/6; WJW 6/9)

Official Lebanese sources say Syria, Iran pressuring Hizballah to cease firing katyushas at Israel.  Reports follow 6/4 visit of Iranian FM Ali Akbar Velayati to Damascus.  (WT 6/6)

Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference condemn recent Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon.  (MENA, SPA 6/5 in FBIS 6/6)

Russian Chief of Staff Col. Gen. Mikhail Kolesnikov opens 3-day visit to Syria. (WT 6/21)

Secy of State Christopher visits Jericho, commends "skill and efficiency" of Palestinian self-rule area.  After mtg. local admin., Christopher is escorted by Faisal Husseini on tour of Hisham Palace.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP, WT 5/18; TJT 5/20)

Christopher meets twice with PM Rabin, discusses Israel-Syria negotiations.  "Officials" report 3-stage Israeli withdrawal plan, to take place over 5-8 yrs.  National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, in Washington speech, says U.S. seeks "real peace" btwn. Israel and Syria, will "participate in the security arrangements" reached by the parties. (NYT 5/18, 5/19)

IDF formally turns over Gaza Strip civil admin. to Palestinians in exchange of papers at Erez checkpoint btwn. Israel, Gaza Strip.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP 5/18; Yediot Aharonot 5/18 in FBIS 5/18)

Israeli motorist kills Palestinian when he fires on stone-throwers in Nablus.  (TJT 5/20)

2 settlers killed, 1 wounded when their car ambushed nr. Bet Hagai settlement, south of Hebron.  Hamas claims responsibility for attack.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP, WT 5/18; JP 5/28)

Israel Radio broadcasts recording of 5/10 speech by PLO Chmn. Yasir Arafat to Muslim congregation in Johannesburg, South Africa, in which Palestinian leader calls for "jihad to liberate Jerusalem."  PM Rabin calls speech "a clear violation" of PLO commitments under 5/4 agreement.  (MM, WP, WT 5/18)

IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip.  250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) `Ayn Jalut brigade take over al-Saraya complex.  (MM 5/16; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17)

Palestinian police cmndr. in Jericho, PLA Maj. Gen. Hajj Isma'il, says settlers may enter Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue but may not be armed.  (MM 5/16; NYT, WP 5/17)

Settlers, Palestinians clash in Hebron after 30 armed settlers marching on `Ali Baka mosque rough up 2 Palestinian women and Palestinian crowd stones settlers.  Settlers open fire, wound 9 Palestinians.  2 settler yeshiva students arrested.  Palestinians also clash with IDF; IDF gunfire wounds 10 Palestinians.  IDF orders Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) observers to leave scene, declares area closed military zone.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17; WP 5/18; TJT 5/20; JP 5/28)

Secy of State Warren Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara`, delaying for 6 hrs. departure for Israel, then meets Israeli PM Rabin in Jerusalem, presenting Syrian reply to Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Golan Heights.  (MM 5/16; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 5/17)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Israeli FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat meet in Cairo, announce breakthrough on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Reportedly size of Jericho, duties of Palestinian police at border crossings, telephone and postal service remain to be resolved. Arafat and PM Rabin are to meet in Cairo 5/3 to resolve outstanding issues, sign self-rule accord 5/4. Christopher agrees to extend stay in region until signing, proceeds to Tel Aviv to discuss Israeli negotiations with Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria with PM Rabin. (MM 4/28; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/29)

Jerusalem District Court finds settler guilty of premeditated murder in 3/93 killing in Susia settlement nr. Hebron of Palestinian. Victim was bound hand and foot; settler shot him 9 times at point-blank range. Settler is sentenced to life in prison. (NYT 4/29, WT 5/4)

PFLP-GC figure Mustafa Khamis announces formation of "PFLP-Islamic General Command." (al-Sharq al-Awsat 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)

2 IDF guards at Haram al-Ibrahimi tell commission of inquiry they fired into door leading to mosque, contradicting officers' testimony and confirming accounts by Palestinians that soldiers fired on worshippers fleeing massacre. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/18)

Dep. DM Mordechai Gur visits Beit Hadassah, Qiryat Arba settlements toreassure Hebron settlers of govt. commitment to their safety. (CSM 3/18)

PLO accepts U.S. proposal, made in a telephone call by talks coordinator Dennis Ross, for 3/19 mtg. btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres to explore resumption of negotiations. Arafat, PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Samir Ghawsha say talks' resumption contingent on passage of UNSC resolution condemning Hebron massacre. (MM 3/17; WP, WT 3/18)

Pres. Clinton telephones Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Syrian Pres. al-Asad to brief them on his talks with Israeli PM Rabin. Clinton seeks Syrian commitment to rejoin Arab-Israeli peace talks even if PLO stays out. (NYT, WP 3/18)

Senate passes "sense of the Senate" amendment to banking bill urging Clinton admin. to veto any UNSC resolution that "states or implies that Jerusalem is 'occupied' territory." Resolution follows letter to Pres. Clinton signed by 82 senators criticizing UNSC draft resolution on Hebron massacre. (NYT 3/19)

PM Rabin meets Pope John Paul I1 in Rome as Vatican special envoy Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran meets PLO Chmn. Arafat in Tunis. (MM, NYT 3/18)

IDF kills 3 Hizballah guerrillas infiltrating "security zone" in southern Lebanon; later, 2 IAF planes rocket Hizballah base at Mlita, killing 2 guerrillas. (MM 3/17; MEI 4/15)

Israeli cabinet orders some settlers disarmed, 1,000 Palestinian prisoners released in response to Hebron massacre, establishes commission of inquiry to investigate massacre. Govt. orders administrative detention of 5 Kach mbrs., but apprehends only 1 as well as 2 low-level activists. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls Israeli moves "hollow and superficial," reiterates demand for international protection of Palestinians ino.t. Settlers' council "rejects out of hand the proposals ... to confiscatehe weapons of Jews." (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/28)

Rioting against Hebron massacre continues in o.t., Israel, spreading to Negev. 3 Palestinians killed in demonstrations, including 1 Israeli Arab, bringing casualty totals to 65 dead, 360 wounded since 2/25. (WP, WT 2/28; CSM, NYT 3/1)

PLO Chmn. Arafat charges that "some elements of the Israeli army" assisted Baruch Goldstein in Hebron massacre. IDF Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom counters that soldiers fired into air, all 111 cartridge cases recovered at crime scene fired fr. Goldstein's rifle. (NYT, WP, WT 2/28)

Funeral of Hebron attacker Baruch Gold.. stein draws 300 mourners for procession fr. Jerusalem to Qiryat Arba. Mourners denounce journalists covering event as "Nazis"; Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, giving eulogy, proclaims "1 m. Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." (NYT, WP, WT 2/28)

Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria withdraw negotiators fr. Washington talks with Israel in solidarity with PLO. (RMC 2/28 in FBIS 2/28; NYT, WP, WT 2/28)

UN Sec. Gen. Butrus Butrus-Ghali suggests sending international monitors to protect Palestinians in o.t. U.S. mission to UN calls offer not "particularly helpful or useful." Statement notes DoP provides for "temporary" international presence, but says UN should not "prejudge" Israel-PLO discussions. Russia supports Butrus-Ghali's position. (NYT 2/28)

Bomb made of 2 82mm mortar shells explodes in Sayyidal-Naja Maronite Church in Zuq Mika'il, nr. Juniya, Lebanon, killing 9 and wounding 60. PM Hariri calls bombing "a plot ordered fr. abroad." Info M Michel Samaha, Damascus Radio, and Maronite Bishop Bishara Rai blame Israel. (RL 2/27 in FBIS 2/28; SARR 2/27 in FBIS 3/1; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/28)

IDF kills 3 Palestinians-1 each in Jerusalem, Tulkarm, and Gaza Strip-protesting Hebron massacre. 50 Palestinians wounded. Demonstrations throughout o.t. and in Israeli-Arab towns of Jaffa, Ramla, and Nazareth and in Galilee villages. 40 Israeli Arabs arrested in Nazareth, 10 in Ramla. Closure imposed on West Bank Palestinians and total curfew on Hebron; IDF guards posted at entrance to Qiryat Arba settlement. Qiryat Arba settlers travel under IDF escort. (Qol Yisra'el 2/26 in FBIS 2/28; NYT, WP, WT 2/27; WP 2/28)

PLO Chmn. Arafat demands international protection for Palestinians in o.t. Israel-PLO talks in Cairo, Taba postponed pending decision of PLO leaders. Arafat recalls PLO negotiators fr. Cairo, Paris, and Washington for consultations, emergency mtg. of PLO Exec. Comm. Israeli FM Peres accepts Pres. Clinton's invitation to shift talks to Washington, but rejects international presence in o.t. (MENA 2/26, 2/27 in FBIS 2/28; NYT, WP, WT 2/27)

UNSC debates Hebron massacre for 5 hours, takes no action. PLO, Organization of the Islamic Conference request international protection for Palestinians. U.S. delegation opposes monitors. (NYT, WP 2/27; NYT 2/28)

Demonstrations against Hebron massacre in Palestinian r.c.s throughout Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. King Hussein declares 3 days of mourning. (NYT 2/27)

Current round of Israel-PLO talks in Taba ends, both sides reporting progress.  PM Rabin says talks held in a "good atmosphere."  Security comm. divides into subcomms. on police, prisoners.  PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath says draft agreement on Palestinian police force reached.  (MENA, IDF Radio 2/17 in FBIS 2/18; MM 2/17)

During 2d day of bilateral Arab-Israeli talks in Washington, Israeli negotiators Uri Lubrani, Itamar Rabinovich complain to Lebanese delegate Suhail Shammas, Syrian amb. Muwaffaq al-Allaf over 2/16 katyusha incident.  Meanwhile, Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi, Syrian Pres. al-Asad meet in Damascus to discuss tensions in southern Lebanon.  (Qol Yisra'el 2/17 in FBIS 2/17; MM 2/17; SARR 2/17 in FBIS 2/18)

Israel-Jordan-U.S. economic talks in Washington end, Jordanian side expressing reluctance to pursue joint projects with Israel until Israel-Syrian talks achieve progress, Israeli-Jordanian disputes over refugees, water, Arava region resolved.  (Qol Yisra'el 2/18 in FBIS 2/18).

Israeli PM Rabin blames 2/16 katyusha attack on "Black September 13" group, notes "our understandings with Syria regarding Hizballah remain in effect."  (Qol Yisra'el 2/17 in FBIS 2/18; MM 2/18)

Anwar Rashid Tahir Qtait, 24, killed by IDF at checkpoint in Saris [Misilyah??] village, nr. Janin in West Bank, when he makes a "threatening gesture."  In Halhul, IDF shoots and seriously wounds at least 4 Palestinians protesting 2/16 killing of Najwan al-`Izza.  (MM 2/17; IDF Radio 2/17 in FBIS 2/17)

Israeli Yuval Golan, stabbed in Hebron 12/29/93 by Palestinian, dies of wounds, becoming 201st Israeli killed by Palestinians during intifada according to AFP figures.  1,179 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire in same period.  (AFP 2/17 in FBIS 2/18)

Hamas's `Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigade issues statement offering "protection and weapons" to Palestinian collaborators who kill their Shin Bet control officers.  (AFP 2/17 in FBIS 2/18)

MK `Abd al-Wahab Darawsha (Arab Democratic party) announces Syrian govt. has allowed him to visit Damascus at head of 31-mbr. delegation to pay condolences on death of Basil al-Asad.  Visit will be 1st official trip by Israeli Arab allowed by Syria.  PM Rabin calls trip a "positive step." (MM, WP 2/18; WT 2/19; NYT 2/20)

Congolese Int. M Martin Mberri confirms Brazzaville has signed $50 m. contract with Israeli company for training, equipping Congolese army.  Officials say 40 Israelis training presidential guard unit, 20 more to come.  Mberri says France will train regular army and police.  Congo armed forces fighting guerrillas loyal to frmr. dictator Denis Sassou-Nguesso for 8 mos.  (WP 2/18)

Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)

Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal of his name, citing opposition to his nomination by Sen. Bob Dole, NYT columnist William Safire. Inman says Safire motivated by his 1981 decision as dep. director of CIA to restrict U.S. satellite intelligence provided to Israel after Israeli bombing of Iraqi nuclear reactor. Inman says then-Israeli DM Ariel Sharon complained about limitation to Secy. of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who supported Inman. (NYT, WP, WT 1/19)

PM Rabin says peace btwn. Israel and Syria may require Israel to pay a "painful price," notes he "expected more" fr. al-Asad but would "make do" and negotiate on basis of al-Asad's 1/16 Geneva statements. Rabin echoes calls for national referendum on Golan withdrawal. AP reports opposition by Likud, govt. coalition to plans for Israeli referendum on withdrawal fr. Golan. (MM 1/18, 1/19; NYT, WT 1/19)

IDF clashes with Palestinian stonethrowers at Hebron college. 7 Palestinians shot and wounded. (NYT 1/20)