24 / 15444 Results
  • July 28, 2009

    The IDF makes a brief incursion into Gaza e. of Gaza City to level land nr. the border fence. The UN reports that 9 Palestinians were killed and 16 injured in tunnel collapses in the previous wk....

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  • April 2, 1997

    U.S. secy. of state Albright meets with King Hussein, speaks twice by phone with Arafat. Later, the king meets with Defense Secy. Cohen. (AFP, RJ 4/2 in WNC 4/4; WT 4/3)

    At the UN, fmr....

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  • March 5, 1997

    In Cairo, Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Israeli PM Netanyahu hold tense, inconclusive talks, marked by disagreement over Israeli settlement plans. (MM 3/5; RE 3/5 in WNC 3/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/6; ITV 3...

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  • May 10, 1995

    White House sends warning to 3 Democratic senators (Daniel Inouye, cosponsor of Dole bill, D. Patrick Moynihan, Joseph Lieberman) that moving U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem  would have "a...

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  • May 19, 1994

    U.S. Amb. to Israel Edward Djerejian resigns after 6 mos. in office to direct Baker Institute at Rice University, named for frmr. Secy of State James Baker.  Djerejian had been asst. secy of state...

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  • November 9, 1992

    Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can...

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  • October 23, 1992

    Palestinian delegation announces its consent that UNSC 242 "not be applied in the negotiations in the transitional phase," but insisted that it be applied in the final settlement stage of talks. (...

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  • October 1, 1992

    Israeli FM Shimon Peres invites Pres. Asad to meet with PM Rabin in speech to UN General Assembly. Rabin says summit is very desirable, but premature atthis point. (IDF Radio 10/1 in FBIS 10/2;...

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  • September 24, 1992

    Sixth round of Arab-Israeli negotiations ends in Washington. (NYT, WP 9/25)

    White House Chief of Staff James Baker meets with leaders of the Conference of Presidents of Major American...

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  • August 23, 1992

    PM Rabin announces early release of 800 Palestinian prisoners who completed over 2/3 of their sentences and whose crimes did not claim casualties. Rabin also pledges to gradually reopen some...

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  • August 13, 1992

    Pres. Bush announces that James Baker will leave his post as secy. of state 8/23 to become chief of staff at the White House. Baker will bring his 4 closest aides with him, will continue to direct...

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  • June 24, 1992

    Chmn. Arafat, PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, advisor Nabil Shaath meet with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA 6/24 in FBIS 6/25)

    Jordan formally rejects U.S. "Aqaba Plus" plan to...

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  • May 16, 1991

    U.S. Secy. of State James Baker departs Israel for Washington after talks with Israeli leadership, which still rejects U.N. role in proposed Middle East peace talks. Two sides reportedly agreed to...

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  • August 14, 1990

    King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].

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  • June 21, 1990

    Sec. of State James Baker tells reporters there can be no dialogue between Israel and Palestinians from O.T. without "acquiescence" of PLO, as evidenced by Israel's vain attempts to find PLO...

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  • June 13, 1990

    Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying...

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  • June 12, 1990

    Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack...

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  • May 23, 1990

    Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24...

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  • May 16, 1990

    Egypt's Pres. Hosni Mubarak meets with U.S. Sec. of State James Baker in Egypt's embassy in Moscow to discuss Middle East events [CDS 5/16 in FBIS 5/ 17; MEM 5/17].

    Palestinian leaders from...

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  • October 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli...

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  • July 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Balatah camp enters 8th day; Khan Yunis, Nusayrat camps remain under curfew for 5th consecutive day [FJ 7/17].


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  • March 15, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers erect 3 prefabricated houses on W. Bank hilltop near Ramallah [NYT 3/16]. Israel, World Zionist Organization say they do not...

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  • February 16, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel cuts medical spending in O.T. by 33% in response to tax strike [MET 2/28]. MK 'Abd alWahab Darawshah announces that he met with...

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  • February 11, 1989


    Arab World: Arafat tells Italian newspaper that Israel and the PLO are in contact through secret channels [NYT 2/12].

    Other Countries: U.S. sec. of state...

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The IDF makes a brief incursion into Gaza e. of Gaza City to level land nr. the border fence. The UN reports that 9 Palestinians were killed and 16 injured in tunnel collapses in the previous wk. In the West Bank, the IDF conducts late-night arrest raids, house searches nr. Tulkarm. Jewish settlers evicted fr. Inbalim on 7/27 set up 3 new mobile homes in Givat Egoz outpost nr. Talmon settlement, also nr. Ramallah. An Israeli court reverses its 7/27 temporary injunction on construction at the Farhan-Hijazi properties in Shaykh Jarrah, ruling that Jewish settlers may keep building and living on the site until the next court session to discuss the case on 9/23/09. Meanwhile, Israeli police raid 2 other Palestinian homes in Shaykh Jarrah (the Ghawi and Hanun properties) where ownership is contested by Jewish groups, ordering residents to vacate the homes by 8/10/09 or face expulsion; settlers attempt to occupy the Hanun home but are fended off by the family; both families immediately file an appeal to the Israeli High Court. Timed with Mitchell’s visit (see 7/26), Jewish settlers, as a protest message to Obama, set up 11 new unauthorized settlement outposts, symbolizing the 11 settlements established by Zionists in the Negev in 1946 in defiance of British prohibition. The settlers hold a press conference inaugurating the new outposts in Neria settlement, established in 1991 to protest a visit by Secy. of State James Baker who was then pressuring Israel to halt settlement construction. (NYT 7/29; OCHA, PCHR 7/30; OCHA 8/18)

U.S. NSA Jones and his chief Middle East adviser Dennis Ross begin a 3-day trip to Israel, with talks focused on Iran. (WP 7/27; NYT 7/29)

U.S. secy. of state Albright meets with King Hussein, speaks twice by phone with Arafat. Later, the king meets with Defense Secy. Cohen. (AFP, RJ 4/2 in WNC 4/4; WT 4/3)

At the UN, fmr. Secy. of State James Baker III criticizes the U.S. for vetoing recent UNSC resolutions on Israeli settlements, especially after having publicly criticized Israeli settlement decisions; says the vetoes send a mixed signal, Israel's Har Homa construction makes "a mockery of Resolutions 242 and 338." (WP, WT 4/3)

Israeli government acknowledges that DM Mordechai recently approved construction of 1,000s of housing units in West Bank settlements. (ITV 4/2 in WNC 4/3; NYT, WP, WT 4/3; JP 4/12)

Nr. Nablus, 2 settlers, who claim to have been attacked by Palestinian stone throwers, kidnap a disabled Palestinian youth, beat him, take him to their settlement. IDF soldiers at nearby checkpoint, informed by Palestinian witnesses, enter the settlement, free the youth, arrest the settlers. (PR 4/11)

Israel prevents 20 Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs. fr. leaving Gaza to preform the haj although they had already obtained Israeli permission to do so. (al-Ayyam 44 in WNC 4/7)

Nr. Jalazun r.c. in the West Bank, an unidentified assailant throws a firebomb at an IDF truck, injuring 13 soldiers; IDF puts a curfew on Jalazun. In a nearby village, Israeli motorists beat a Palestinian they accuse of stoning their car, dump him at an army camp. (NYT, WP, WT 4/3)

Islamic Jihad leader Shaykh `Abbullah al-Shami denies Islamic Jihad was responsible for the 4/1 bombings in Gaza. Meanwhile, PA police detain 30 suspected Islamic Jihad mbrs. in connection with the explosions. 13 are released after questioning. (ITV 4/2 in WNC 4/7; CSM, NYT, WP 4/3; NYT 4/4)

In Cairo, Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Israeli PM Netanyahu hold tense, inconclusive talks, marked by disagreement over Israeli settlement plans. (MM 3/5; RE 3/5 in WNC 3/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/6; ITV 3/7 in WNC 3/13; WJW 3/13; MEI 3/21)

After New York, Arafat heads to Georgia to meet with fmr. Pres. Jimmy Carter and Houston to meet with fmr. Pres. George Bush, fmr. Secy. of State James Baker III before returning to Gaza. (MM, NYT 3/6; WT 3/7)

UNSC begins debate on Israel's Har Homa plan. (MM, WT 3/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/6; MEI 3/7; WJW 3/13)

After 4 days of talks in Tehran, Jordan, Iran sign memorandum of understanding on health issues, medicine, medical training. (IRNA, VIRI 3/2 in WNC 3/4)

White House sends warning to 3 Democratic senators (Daniel Inouye, cosponsor of Dole bill, D. Patrick Moynihan, Joseph Lieberman) that moving U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem  would have "a devastating impact on the peace process." (WT 5/15)

Frmr. Secy. of State James Baker calls on Clinton administration to take "more assertive role" in peace process to break impasses, says U.S. should commit now to stationing troops in Golan, opposes moving embassy to Jerusalem. (MM 5/11)

Jerusalem's Waqf authorities say site leased by U.S. as possible embassy location has been Waqf land for 200 yrs. U.S. officials say they doubt documentation supporting claim exists. (NYT 5/11; JP 5/20)

Final vote on NPT is postponed hours before it is to be held because of proposal submitted by Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen to single out Israel's undeclared nuclear program for mention. U.S. counters by threatening to call open vote on Egyptian proposal which would surely be defeated. Egypt, U.S. reach agmt. to include general appeal to all nations with undeclared nuclear programs to adhere to NPT. (MM 5/10; NYT, WP, WT 5/11)

Israeli gunboat fires at, detains, searches Lebanese civilian cargo ship of coast of Tyre, s. Lebanon, as naval blockade continues. (RL 5/10 in FBIS 5/10)

IDF soldier is killed by friendly fire during night operation in s. Lebanon. (QY 5/11 in FBIS 5/12)

U.S. Amb. to Israel Edward Djerejian resigns after 6 mos. in office to direct Baker Institute at Rice University, named for frmr. Secy of State James Baker.  Djerejian had been asst. secy of state for Near East affairs, amb. to Syria. (WP, WT 5/20)

PM Rabin calls Arafat's explanation of "jihad" remarks "far-fetched," denies Arafat's claim of Israeli letter of assurances on Jerusalem.  (Qol Yisra'el 5/19 in FBIS 5/19; MM 5/19; NYT 5/20)

Independents and Fateh figures, including Central Comm. mbrs. Hani al-Hasan and `Abbas Zaki, announce plans to form "Palestinian National Independence Party" to contest Palestinian elections.  (TJT 5/27)

PLO security official Amin al-Hindi, barred fr. earlier PLO-Israel talks because of his role in 1972 murder of Israeli Olympic athletes, enters Gaza Strip at Rafah border crossing.  (Qol Yisra'el 5/19 in FBIS 5/20)

U.S., Israel sign authorization for Israeli purchase of 21 F-15I Eagle fighter-bombers fr. McDonnell Douglas. Deal is worth $2 b.  (JP 5/28)

Jordan's King Hussein, Israeli PM Rabin meet secretly in London.  (NYT 7/31)

Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can make life "intolerable on your side of the border as well." Several Katyusha rockets land in the Galilee, bringing the 2-day total to about 50, and prompting Israeli shelling of targets north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/10 in FBIS 11/10; WP 11/10)

U.S. President-elect Bill Clinton tells PM Rabin he wants "no delay" in peace talks, would not object to a last-ditch mission to the region by James Baker to revive the talks. Rabin phoned his congratulations to the pres.-elect. (Qol Yisra'el 11/9 in FBIS 11/10; NYT 11/10)

Palestinian delegation announces its consent that UNSC 242 "not be applied in the negotiations in the transitional phase," but insisted that it be applied in the final settlement stage of talks. (ITV 10/23 in FBIS 10/26)

Arab Democratic Party MK 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha returns from 2-day visit to Egypt and Tunis, brings with him Chmn. Arafat's offer to meet with PM Rabin "anywhere, any time." (Qol Yisra'el 10/23 in FBIS 10/23; HaAretz 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)

Pope John Paul 11 meets with Israeli FM Shimon Peres at the Vatican, accepts invitation to visit Israel. (NYT 10/24)

Faisal Husseini, other Palestinian officials meet with Vatican FM in Rome. (Algiers VOP 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)

U.S. Senate agriculture comm. releases 11/9/89 message from Secy. of State James Baker to Iraqi FM Tariq Aziz stating approval of grain credits for Iraq, and requesting Pres. Saddam Hussein's help in persuading Palestinians to take part in peace talks with Israel. Allegations that Iraq diverted the credits to purchase weapons are currently being investigated. (NYT 10/26)

Israeli FM Shimon Peres invites Pres. Asad to meet with PM Rabin in speech to UN General Assembly. Rabin says summit is very desirable, but premature atthis point. (IDF Radio 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; WSJ 10/2)

IDF shoots, kills Palestinian youth near Janin, and wounds 2 trying to disperse demonstration of 1,500 Palestinians at Gaza military HQ. Strikes, protests, marches, and sit-ins throughout the o.t. have been staged and expanded since 9/27 in solidarity with 5,000 prisoners on hunger strike in 10 Israeli jails. Faisal Husseini says PLO discouraged the strike. (Qol Yisra'el 10/1 in FBIS 10/8; MM 10/1, 10/2)

Acting U.S. Secy. of State Eagleburger sends letter to Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations announcing arenewed U.S. campaign to end the Arab boycott againstrade with Israel, to be coordinated with similar European efforts. Letter follows 9/24 meeting between Conference leaders and White House Chief of Staff James Baker (see 10/11). (WP 10/12)

Qatar suspends 1965 border agreement with Saudi Arabia, reports that Saudi forces have seized the disputed border post of al-Khafus. Saudi Arabia denies seizure. (MM 10/1; SPA, AFP, Radio Qatar 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 10/2)

Sixth round of Arab-Israeli negotiations ends in Washington. (NYT, WP 9/25)

White House Chief of Staff James Baker meets with leaders of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations to discuss efforts to end the Arab boycott against Israel, part of confidencebuilding strategy to promote the peace process (see 10/1, 10/11). (WP 10/12)

Yuval Ne'eman resigns as head of Tehiya party. (Qol Yisra'el 9/25 in FBIS 10/6)

King Hussein returns to jubilant welcome of 1 million supporters in Amman. (Jordan Times 9/25 in FBIS 9/25)

Fateh Revolutionary Council (FRC) mbr. Jihad Rashid is critically injured as bomb explodes in his car in Sidon, Lebanon. (RFL 9/24 in FBIS 9/25)

Syrian forces begin withdrawal, redeployment maneuvers in areas of southern Lebanon. (VOL 9/25 in FBIS 9/25)

PM Rabin announces early release of 800 Palestinian prisoners who completed over 2/3 of their sentences and whose crimes did not claim casualties. Rabin also pledges to gradually reopen some closed streets and houses sealed before the intifada, and to allow Arab workers over 50 to enter Israel without a permit, down from the age of 60. (NYT, WP 8/24)

Palestinian delegation crosses to Jordan with U.S. assurance that no members would be forced to sign documents. (Qol Yisra'el 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)

Lebanon holds first day of 3-day polling in the north and east, with most Christians boycotting. (NYT, WP 8/24)

James Baker officially takes over as White House chief of staff; Lawrence A. Eagleburger sworn in as acting secy. of state. (NYT 8/24)

Pres. Bush announces that James Baker will leave his post as secy. of state 8/23 to become chief of staff at the White House. Baker will bring his 4 closest aides with him, will continue to direct the peace process, and will leave Lawrence S. Eagleburger as acting secy. of state. (WP 8/14)

In private meeting with top AIPAC executives, PM Rabin sharply criticizes the lobby for steering Israel toward an unneeded confrontation with the U.S. over the loan guarantees. According to the New York Times, Rabin said the organization "should not pursue their own initiatives, but rather take instructions from the Israeli embassy in Washington." (WP 8/16; NYT 8/22)

IDF shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, Litani River regions, overflies Nabatiyya and Sidon, S. Lebanon. (VOL, Radio Lebanon 8/13 in FBIS 8/13)

Chmn. Arafat, PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, advisor Nabil Shaath meet with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA 6/24 in FBIS 6/25)

Jordan formally rejects U.S. "Aqaba Plus" plan to station UN inspectors in the Gulf of Aqaba and along the Jordanian-Iraqi border to monitor compliance with UN sanctions against Iraq. (MM 6/25; Jordan Times 6/25 in FBIS 6/25)

Asst. Secy. of State Edward Djerejian delivers first official U.S. reaction to Israeli elections, addresses other topics in testimony before House subcomm. on Europe and the Middle East. Secy. of State James Baker calls for quick resumption of peace talks once the Labor-led govt. takes power. (MM, NYT 6/25)

Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad invites PM Mahmud al-Zu'bi to form new govt. after accepting resignation of current govt. (MM 6/25)

Israeli jets overfly Sidon, nearby camps at low altitude in S. Lebanon. (VOL 6/24 in FBIS 6/24)

U.S. Secy. of State James Baker departs Israel for Washington after talks with Israeli leadership, which still rejects U.N. role in proposed Middle East peace talks. Two sides reportedly agreed to include Palestinian participants in negotiations through joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation comprised of Palestinians living in Jordan. The trip is Baker's fourth to region within two months. (NYT, WP 5/17)

PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Lebanese For. Min. Faris Buwayz in Cairo over PLO disarmament in S. Lebanon as directed by Lebanese government. Al-Qaddumi, while stating PLO will cooperate with government in establishing state's sovereignty, noted that PLO will not disarm, offering instead formation of Palestinian brigade which could coordinate with Lebanese army command. Buwayz rejected proposal. (MEM 5/17; NYT 5/18)

Al-Qaddumi also meets with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' in Cairo to discuss U.S., Soviet peace initiatives. (MEM 5/17)

King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].

U.S. admin. officials disclose Pres. Bush has secretly approved future transfer of $1 billion worth of sophisticated fighter aircraft and anti-tank missiles to Egypt; approval still must come from Congress [WP 8/15].

In Damascus, U.S. ass't. sec. of state John Kelly meets with Pres. Asad to discuss Gulf situation [DDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/ 15].

Israel's ambassador to U.S., Moshe Arad, meets with Sec. of State James Baker at Arad's request to talk about Gulf crisis [JDS 8/15 in FBIS 8/15; WP 8/16].

Bethlehem mayor Elias Frayj strongly criticizes U.S. action in Gulf, saying that Palestinians and Arabs will not allow Iraqis to starve [JDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/14].

Rabbi Moshe Levinger, Jewish settler leader, is released from prison after serving 13 weeks of sentence for killing W. Bank Palestinian in 1988 [LAT 8/15].

Sec. of State James Baker tells reporters there can be no dialogue between Israel and Palestinians from O.T. without "acquiescence" of PLO, as evidenced by Israel's vain attempts to find PLO alternative for 22 years [MEM 6/22].

Arab League issues statement saying suspension of U.S.-PLO dialogue was not in best interests of Middle East peace, adds that U.S. will be held responsible for deterioration of situation inside O.T. [KUNA 6/21 in FBIS 6/22].

Jean-Claude Amie, UN special envoy, arrives in Israel to begin fact-finding mission [MEM 6/21; JDS 6/22 in FBIS 6/ 25; MET 7/3].

In television interview, Nelson Mandela describes Yasir Arafat as "a comrade in arms" and says it would be "a grave mistake" to change his view of Arafat "on the basis of the interests of the Jewish community" [WP 6/22].

PLO Exec. Committee, meeting in Baghdad, issues statement saying U.S. decision to end dialogue constitutes "a challenge" to Arab League, calls on Arab states to implement resolutions adopted at Baghdad summit in May [WP, LAT 6/22; BVP 6/21, DUS 6/22 in FBIS 6/22]; further Arab reaction is mixed [NYT, LAT 6/22].

French Pres. Francois Mitterrand tells reporters that U.S. should display same firmness with Israel as it has with PLO: "One must be able to speak to Israel and the PLO at the same time. . .If steps were taken that would permit speaking to Israel with the same firmness, that would be a good thing" [WP 6/22].

Senate Foreign Relations Committe unanimously approves commendation of Pres. Bush for suspending U.S.-PLO dialogue; entire Senate is expected to approve commendation soon [WP, WT 6/ 22].

New York Times reports of emergence of "tent towns" in Israel; mass immigration has driven up rent prices and housing is in such short supply that rents are beyond reach of young Israeli families, who are forced to live in tents. Soviet immigrants receive gov't. subsidies and are more able to afford higher rents [NYT 6/22].

Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying Israel will not negotiate with any Palestinian who opposes limited autonomy for O.T.; new gov't.'s guidelines also stipulate no role for E. Jerusalem Palestinians in any part of peace process [MEM 6/ 13; WP, NYT, LAT 6/14; LAT 6/16].

New Israeli police minister Roni Milo says Sec. James Baker's formula for talks is "no longer relevant" to his gov't. [NYT 6/14]; while F.M. David Levy says Baker plan had "distorted" the Israeli peace initiative it was to implement; calls for U.S. to "get back to basics" with Israel. Agriculture minister Rafael Eitan calls for deportation of Palestinian intifada leaders [WP 6/14].

Speaking before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker expresses impatience at peace process and especially with Israel, implying that if positive moves are not forthcoming quickly, U.S. will disengage from Middle East peace process: "When you're serious about peace, call us," he says, giving out White House telephone number [NYT, WT, WP, LAT, MEM 6/14; MET 6/19].

Shamir, responding to Arab requests, authorizes UN fact-finding mission to O.T.; move prompts harsh rebuke from far right-wing supporters of Shamir's gov't. [JDS 6/13 in FBIS 6/13; NYT 6/ 14].

Immigration min. Yitzhak Peretz says that 50,000 Jews, over 90% from USSR, have immigrated to Israel in 1990; nearly 200 have settled in O.T. [MET 6/ 26].

New D.M. Moshe Arens spends day visiting 2 largest Jewish settlements in W.Bank; says he is making a statement about his priorities [NYT 6/14; MET 6/ 26].

Israeli army jails for 10 days soldier who threw tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza. 66 infants were treated for gas inhalation in 6/12 incident [WT 6/14; MET 6/26].

Beirut radio reports of skirmish in S.Lebanon between Israeli and SLA troops and Shiite militias; no injuries [BVL 6/13 in FBIS 6/13]. 

Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack has "fallen short of the mark." Baker reports that "an extraordinarily large number" of allies has urged Washington not to move too quickly or rashly [WT, WP 6/13]; Baker also says that at least 7 nations including Egypt and USSR have agreed to urge PLO to save its dialogue with U.S. [LAT 6/13]; Pres. Bush reiterates his call for PLO to roundly condemn 5/30 attempted attack [WP 6/13].

Officials in Bush admin. and Congress say Israel has emerged as leading supplier of advanced military technology to China, despite U.S.'s clearly expressed opposition to Israeli-Chinese military cooperation [LAT 6/13].

IDF soldier throws tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza Strip; 66 infants are treated for gas inhalation. IDF says soldier acted contrary to orders, and legal steps would be taken. IDF was responding to stonethrowing incident around the clinic (cf. 6/13, 6/14) [JDS 6/12 in FBIS 6/14; WT, WP, LAT 6/13; FJ 6/18]. 

Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24; MEM 5/25].

European Community's exec. commission grants emergency aid of 500,000 ECU ($600,000) for Palestinian victims of violence in O.T. [MEM 5/24].

Israeli Maj. Gen. Matan Vilna'i, commander of Southern Command, orders stricter firing regulations in Gaza to reduce casualties; new orders give only senior commander of each sector authorization to allow firing of plastic or rubber bullets [MAA 5/24 in FBIS 5/25].

Mideast Mirror reports thousands of Palestinian workers have stayed away from their jobs since 5/20 killings, and renewal of communal tensions [MEM 5/ 23].

Pres. Bush telephones Pres. Mubarak to discuss recent events, especially Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [MENA 5/ 23 in FBIS 5/24; MENA 5/25 in FBIS 5/ 25].

Ambassadors to Tunisia from France, Italy, and Ireland, and European Community meet with Arafat to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

General strike is observed in Lebanon; banks, other businesses, are closed in solidarity with Palestinians condemning 5/20 killings; demonstrations are held in Beirut [BDS 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Arab foreign ministers conclude presummit working session begun 5/22 in Baghdad, adopt agenda for 5/28 summit [INA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Scattered anti-Israel demonstrations take place in and near Amman refugee camps; some 200 protestors are dispersed at Ministry of Interior [JTE 5/24, 5/25 in FBIS 5/25]; at least I person is killed, several injured [MEM 5/24].

Egypt's Pres. Hosni Mubarak meets with U.S. Sec. of State James Baker in Egypt's embassy in Moscow to discuss Middle East events [CDS 5/16 in FBIS 5/ 17; MEM 5/17].

Palestinian leaders from O.T. present Israel with list of 17 demands aimed at creating atmosphere conducive to negotiations [YA 5/17 in FBIS 5/18].

Israeli peace activist Abbie Nathan, returning to Israel after meeting with Yasir Arafat in Tunis, is arrested for violating law prohibiting meeting PLO members. Nathan was released from jail last February after serving 6 months for previous meeting with Arafat (cf. 5/17) [MEM 5/16, 5/18].

Asharq al-Awsat, citing Palestinian sources, reports PLO has begun regrouping its military forces. Last week, 1,600- 1,800 fighters began move from Jordan to Iraq, while some units in Algeria and Sudan will move to Libya and North Yemen [MEM 5/16].

Israel Central Bureau of Statistics reports economic slowdown for 1st quarter of 1990; cites more unemployment, fewer exports, increased imports, and growing consumption as reasons UPD 5/17 in FBIS 5/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli officials claim having letter that shows PLO is hiring local Palestinians for assassinations and "terrorist actions" [NYT 10/ 24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike in Nablus and Tulkarm; 1 Palestinian is shot, killed, another is wounded by IDF gunfire. 2 Israeli cars are torched in E. Jerusalem [FBIS 10/25]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Balatah camp enters 8th day; Khan Yunis, Nusayrat camps remain under curfew for 5th consecutive day [FJ 7/17].

Other Countries: Secretary of State James Baker states that U.S. may back international peace conference if Israel makes election plan for O.T. impossible for Palestinians to accept [NYT 7/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah camp Israeli soldiers open fire, kill 20-year-old Palestinian, wound 4 more. In Burayj camp at least 3 Palestinians are injured during clashes with Israeli troops. At least 4 Palestinians are injured throughout W. Bank [FJ 7/17]. Palestinian known for collaboration, drug dealing is shot, killed in O.T. [FBIS 7/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers erect 3 prefabricated houses on W. Bank hilltop near Ramallah [NYT 3/16]. Israel, World Zionist Organization say they do not have money to pay for settlement; Gush Emunim declares that it will finance settlement UP 3/25].

Other Countries: Sec. of State James Baker states Israel may have to talk to the PLO [FJ 3/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Near Rafah 2 Palestinians cross border, attack IDF positions; the guerrillas are injured, there are no Israeli injuries [FBIS 3/15, WP 3/16]. At least 13 Palestinians are wounded during clashes with Israeli troops in O.T. [FBIS 3/16, FJ 3/20]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel cuts medical spending in O.T. by 33% in response to tax strike [MET 2/28]. MK 'Abd alWahab Darawshah announces that he met with PLO leader Yasir Arafat in Cairo in January [FBIS 2/17].

Arab World: In Baghdad, Egypt, Jordan, North Yemen, Iraq form Arab Cooperation Council, an economic union [NYT 2/17].

Other Countries: U.S. sec of state James Baker says time is not right to push for Arab-Israeli negotiations [LAT, NYT 2/ 17]. F.M. Moshe Arens meets with British officials in London [FBIS 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill 25-year-old Palestinian in Nablus; 8 others are wounded. In Jerusalem 4-year-old Palestinian dies from burns received 2/13 from unknown device [LAT 2/17]. At least 6 other Palestinians are shot, wounded in Gaza [FBIS 2/17].


Arab World: Arafat tells Italian newspaper that Israel and the PLO are in contact through secret channels [NYT 2/12].

Other Countries: U.S. sec. of state James Baker announces U.S. will not break off talks with PLO as a result of attempted PFLP border infiltration, warns PLO against such actions [NYT, WP 2/12].