Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow,...
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahamd Yasseen opens amid tight security in Gaza. Yasseen is accused of ordering deaths of suspected...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces it has granted visas for first official Soviet visit since 1967 war [WP 6/19]. Israeli government condemns Pope John...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports...
Arab World: Two Muslim Americans in Beirut to negotiate for release of American hostages leave country after militiamen ransack, rob their hotel rooms [NYT 2/20]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to...
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
Military Action:
Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir denies press reports that Israel will let US troops man surveillance stations in South Lebanon, saying Israeli crews will cooperate...
Military Action:
IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-...
Military Action:
IDF shelling and blockade maintained for fifth day as negotiations deadlocked; water and electricity are partially restored; IDF artillery and gunboats blast Palestinian...
Military Action:
IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food,...
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Military Action:
IDF enters Phalange-held areas of Beirut; Israeli jets make reconnaissance flights over city for first time in 3 days; sporadic fighting around Sidon; Israeli Cabinet...
Military Action:
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy...
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow, despite commercial agreement of 2 months ago [NYT 2/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes 3 schools in the Hebron area for stone throwing at IDF vehicles [FJ 2/12].
IDF arrests at least 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area in 24-hour sweep [FJ 2/12].
Arab World: At least 25 people are killed in intra-Christian fighting in Beirut. [NYT 2/4].
Israeli and Palestine Liberation Front forces clash on S. Lebanon; each side claims to have killed several of the other [FBIS 2/5; MET 2/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahamd Yasseen opens amid tight security in Gaza. Yasseen is accused of ordering deaths of suspected collaborators [MET 1/16].
Science Minister Ezer Weizman leaves for USSR on official visit [MET 1/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Beirut Domestic Service reports heavy Israeli troop movement in S. Lebanon [FBIS 1/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in Lebanon for fear it may endanger the lives of the hostages held in Beirut [LAT 5/20].
Arab World: Egyptian foreign minister 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid arrives in Moscow; is expected to sign a major, five-year economic and trade agreement with the U.S.S.R. [WT 5/20].
Military Actio
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews in 'Anabta and Tulkarm enter sixth day, army prevents food, medical supplies from entering [FJ 5/22]. In the village of Salim, IDF uproots almond and olive trees along the main road [FJ 5/22]. In Hebron P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir says that Israel was on the way to restoring "anormal situation" in the occupied territories UP 5/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces it has granted visas for first official Soviet visit since 1967 war [WP 6/19]. Israeli government condemns Pope John Paul II's decision to receive Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim, accused of participation in Nazi persecutions during W.W. II UP 6/19].
Arab World: Unknown gunmen kidnap American journalist Charles Glass, 'Ali 'Usayran, son of Lebanese defense minister, and their driver south of Beirut [CSM 6/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and Tulkarm camps [FJ 4/12].
Arab World: Reports charge Jordanian Minister of Occupied Territories Affairs Marwan Dudin was involved in disappearance of funds [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuit challenging use of McCarran-Walter Act in case of 7 Palestinians arrested by INS 1/26 [CSM 4/9]. Israeli F. M. Peres concludes 3 days of talks with Soviet representatives in Rome [NYT 4/10]. King Hussein and members of Jordanian government meet with British P. M. Thatcher to discuss possibility of Middle East peace conference [IN 4/10]. Israeli Pres. Herzog on state visit to W. Germany asks Bonn not to sell submarines to Saudi Arabia [LAT 4/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities impose curfews on 2 towns and 2 refugee camps on W. Bank after demonstrations in support of prison hunger strike [CSM 4/10].
Arab World: Four Israeli helicopters attack PLO positions in 'Ayn al-Hilwah in S. Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 6 [NYT 4/10]. Syrian troops reinforce their posts around Beirut's Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps; 47 wounded Palestinians are evacuated from Burj al-Barajinah [NYT, IN 4/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports of protests in Jalazun, Am'ari, Balatah, and Dahayshah refugee camps [FJ 4/12]. Students hold hunger strike at Bethlehem U. in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners [FJ 4/12]. Hebron's Polytechnic Institute is closed for 8 days after army finds "inciting material" at the school [FJ 4/12]. Student demonstration forces U.S. Consul General Morris Draper to suspend his visit to Birzeit University [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: In Washington, Jordan's P. M. Zayd Rifa'i urges U.S. Sec. of State Shultz to support King Hussein's plan for international Middle East peace conference. King Hussein also promotes proposal with EEC members during meetings in Brussels [NYT 4/8]. Israeli F. M. Peres joins Palestinian and Soviet representatives at Rome meeting of Socialist International's Middle East Study Group discussion of possibilities for an international Middle East peace conference [WT 4/8]. W. German Chancellor Kohl meets with Israeli Pres. Herzog, expresses W. Germany's commitmento insuring Israel's security [LAT 4/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian forces enter Shatila refugee camp in S. Beirut, ending 5-month Amal militia siege of camp; Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), sec. of Palestine National Salvation Front, meets with other PLO leaders in Sidon to discuss PLO pullout from positions in the area [WP, NYT 4/8].
Arab World: Two Muslim Americans in Beirut to negotiate for release of American hostages leave country after militiamen ransack, rob their hotel rooms [NYT 2/20]. SLA commander Lahad rejects plan to swap Arab prisoners for foreign hostages, states willingness to swap them for Israeli soldiers [WP 2/20].
Other Countries: Israeli P. M. Shamir, on visit to U.S., says he will accept an international Middle East peace conference if U.S.S.R. and "militant" Arab states are excluded [PI 2/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas to break up group of stone-throwing demonstrators in Ramallah; use tear gas and live ammunition against protestors blockading streets in Rafah, Khan Yunis, and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, wounding at least 3 [FJ 2/27].
Arab World: Police in S. Beirut report "de facto truce" around Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps [LAT 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are arrested and placed under 6-month administrative detention, without being charged or tried [FJ 8/8]. Egyptian-Israeli talks on Taba open [NYT 8/11].
Other Countries: Reagan administration says 8 Israeli officials in New York are contesting subpoenas issued in investigation of whether Israel illegally exported cluster bomb technology to Israel [NYT 8/5]. Soviet Union announces it will start discussions with Israel this month on the opening of consulates [NYT 8/5].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian and Lebanese soldiers deploy in Shi'ite suburbs of Beirut [NYT 8/5]. Bomb kills 2, wounds 28 in East Beirut cafe [BG 8/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to protest brutal actions by guards. Mothers and relatives of Asqalan prisoners continue their hunger strike at the Gaza Red Cross office; Israeli army threatens to disband their sit-in strike by force [FJ 10/4]. Al-Fajr daily prints obituary for Lt. Col. Muhammad al-Ghoul, the chief of security for the Tunis headquarters of the PLO killed in the 10/1 raid. Other reports mention death of Abu al-Tayyib, leader of Force 17, Arafat's bodyguard unit [BG 10/5].
Arab World: Tunisian civilians killed in 10/1 Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis have been quietly buried to avoid anti-American backlash, Tunis announces; 60 died in the raid, including 12 Tunisian civilians [WP 10/5]. Tunisian police are deployed to prevent opposition parties from marching on the U.S. embassy [FT 10/5].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council passes, by vote of 14-0 (with the U.S. abstaining), resolution condemning Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, urging member countries to "take measures to dissuade Israel from resorting to such acts," stating Tunisia's right to reparations. PLO rep. to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi accuses U.S. of "collusion" in the raid [LAT 10/5; NYT 10/6]. Two Palestinians and 1 Briton accused of the 9/25 murder of 3 Israelis in Lamaca appear before Cyprus court. Israel says the 3 are members of Fateh's Force 17, but Force 17 officials in Tunis deny they ordered the executions [DT 10/4]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev states Russia may reestablish diplomatic ties with Israel if there is movement toward overall settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict [TS 10/5]. State Dept. announces MK Meir Kahane's U.S. citizenship has been revoked because of his membership in the Israeli Knesset [WP 10/5; JP 10/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of an Israeli, Haim Falah, who had been shot in the head, is found in the Galilee [MG 10/7]. Anonymous caller phones Western news agency in Jerusalem and claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh's Force 17 for killing 2 other Israelis near Jerusalem; their bodies have not yet been found [MG 10/7].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad organization delivers message and Polaroid photo to 2 Beirut newspapers stating they have executed William Buckley, political officer at the U. S. embassy held hostage since March 1984, in retaliation for Israel's 10/1 air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, in which they said the U.S. was involved. Buckley's body has not been found, and the claim is unconfirmed [LAT 10/4; LT 10/5].
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
6 IDF soldiers wounded in Baabda attack, 3 in Ein Zahlata; Lebanese police report 3 Palestinians killed in two attacks on IDF positions in South Lebanon; stray machine gun fire by IDF penetrates US Marine base after Baabda attack, no injuries; UNRWA officials report escalation in attacks on Palestinians in Sidon, said to coincide with arrival there of Phalange officer Elie Hobeika, armed and masked men of Guardians of Cedars threatening Palestinians, 4 killed, 2 wounded since April 28.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shultz returns to Jerusalem, meets with Begin, Shamir, Arens; Begin says he will call Cabinet meeting to decide on draft troop withdrawal agreement; Ministry of Absorption reports that only 11 of the 114 Jews leaving the Soviet Union last month came to Israel; Elon Moreh settlers fire on Nablus youths when stones are thrown at their car, 13 students arrested, school closed; window of Israeli truck broken by stones near Kalandia camp; 400 students hold sit-in demonstration at Tireh UNRWA Training Center.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says the danger of signing an agreement with Israel without obtaining the withdrawal of Syria, the PLO and some Iranians is that Israel will not withdraw and the agreement will have no value; PLO seeks guarantees for security of Palestinians in Lebanon as precondition for withdrawal of PLO forces, Saudi information minister to intervene with Lebanese officials this week on issues of murders of Palestinians, threats to refugees, bombings of shops, expulsions, detention, attacks by Lebanese Army on Palestinian women crossing into East Lebanon to visit husbands and fathers with PLO forces.
Arab Governments: Jordan considering limitations on export of West Bank produce to East Bank, restrictions on entry of West Bank students to University of Jordan, holding of elections on East Bank only.
US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Beirut, then returns to Jerusalem; Reagan says PLO council was never elected by the Palestinian people, referendum on alternative leadership might not be practical; French foreign minister meets PLO official, asks PLO to cancel UN conference on Palestine scheduled for UNESCO's Paris headquarters in August.
Military Action:
Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab Deterrent Force closed, premises handed over to Lebanese Army.
Lebanese doctor shot and killed at roadblock by Fiji UNIFIL soldier in South Lebanon; 3 killed, including Syrian soldier, 6 wounded in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Land Day demonstrations in Israel, West Bank, Gaza, 3,000 extra police on duty; 10-20,000 make Land Day march from Sakhnin to Deir Hanna; tear gas fired at demonstrators in Sakhnin; Peace Now demonstrates outside government exhibition in Tel Aviv of residential construction and housing finance opportunities for Jews on the West Bank; Labor Party chairman Peres says position of Haddad forces must not be infringed by troop withdrawal agreement, Israel should not submit to any preconditions, such as settlement freeze, prior to peace talks with Hussein; Habib meets Arens and Shamir who reject notion that Lebanese Army, without Haddad, can provide effective security on northern border; 7 year-old boy killed, 2 children wounded in Shefar Am when hand grenade they find explodes; commercial strike in East Jerusalem; IDF shoots, kills 18 year-old in Tarqumiya, near Hebron, during demonstration; curfews imposed in Nablus, 4 refugee camps; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 grenades thrown at IDF vehicles in Gaza; 13 persons injured by stones; Al-Fajr editor-in-chief arrested; director of West Bank public health services says clinical symptoms of 53 girls from Arraba, taken ill on March 21, point to something more than a case of mass hysteria.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Damascus, tells rally he rejects Reagan plan, and Fez summit resolutions are only basis for solution to Palestine problem.
US and Other Countries: Soviet Union accuses Israel of planning a piratic strike against Syria, warns it would be playing with fire.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir denies press reports that Israel will let US troops man surveillance stations in South Lebanon, saying Israeli crews will cooperate with the Lebanese Army, keeping a temporary presence until a peace treaty is signed, or for a defined number of years; Shamir continues discussions with Habib, with members of IDF participating; Sharon visits Zaire's Shaba province to inspect 12,000-man Kamanyola brigade; High Court issues order nisi to Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir to show why he does not prosecute Matti Peled for treason for holding press conference with PLO in July; Zamir replies he will not prosecute for there are no grounds to show that Peled intended to aid the PLO; military tribunal in courtmartial of Major David Mopaz presented documents showing that West Bank Commander Col. Yaacov Hartabi and Chief of Staff Eitan ordered harassment and harsh treatment of Palestinians, including punitive action against parents, heads of villages, collective punishment; Histadrut delegation ends visit to Scotland and England, finds British trade unionists hostile to Israel's West Bank policy; Civil Administration sets up roadblocks around Birzeit University to check for foreign passports, orders 30 foreign teachers at Birzeit, 4 at Islamic University in Hebron to stop teaching or sign work permit with anti-PLO pledge.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Foreign Minister Elie Salem says future relations with Israel should be governed by 1949 Armistice Agreement, that Lebanon is not willing to sign peace treaty and have normal relations with Israel, that Syria and the PLO have given assurances that they will withdraw; Lebanese Forces (Phalange) expanding its presence in South Lebanon, now has standing militia of 6,000 with 15,000 reservists and $189 million annual budget from taxes through illegal ports, reported to have bought $15 million worth of captured Palestinian arms from Israel, including 50 tanks, APCs, howitzers, 130mm and 155mm artillery.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger and Italian Defense Minister Lelio Lagorio meet in Washington, agree to maintain peacekeeping force in Beirut as long as necessary and in accordance with the desire of the Lebanese Government; Arthur Goldberg says he personally will assure provision of necessary $100,000 for 2 years to continue American Jewish Commission of the Holocaust, disbanded on Jan. 3; Zaire President Mobutu announces Israeli military advisers will undertake a 5 year plan to restructure Zaire's armed forces; USSR paper lzvestia responds to State Department comment on SA-5s, saying US has sham concern for peace, only wants Israeli military superiority.
Military Action:
IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-Barajneh to Lailaki; fighting continues in Bab Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli.
9 killed in Tripoli; 40-50 detained by Lebanese Army.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli, Lebanese and US negotiators meet at Kiryat Shemona, fail to agree on draft agenda proposed by US delegate Draper; Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Soviet SA-5 missiles in Syria are not a military threat, but of major political significance, as could be manned by Soviet personnel, and confirms that Syria is undergoing intense military expansion to have 2 additional armored divisions by 1984, all its artillery self-propelled, most tanks to be T-72s, more commando battalions; President Navon in Washington, says consensus within Israel is opposed to Palestinian state and returning to 1967 borders; Yesh Gvul ("There's A Limit") demonstration in front of Defense Ministry demands rights for conscientious objectors and freedom for those in jail; Costa Rican Minister of Public Security Angel Edmondo Solano Calderon and wife visit Israel as guests of Defense Minister Sharon; Kiryat Arba local council tears down 4 electricity poles providing electricity to 25 Palestinian families, claiming land is allocated to Givat Harsina settlement; military authorities close Nablus technical school for I week; American Principal of Ramallah Friends Girls School summoned by military governor, but refuses (along with 4 US teachers) to sign work permit containing anti-PLO clause.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says in interview he will set up government in exile once the US recognizes the Palestinians' right to self-determination; Lebanese militia and political leaders meet in Tripoli to try to stop fighting.
US and Other Countries: Actress Elizabeth Taylor in Israel on a mission of peace and understanding decides not to go to Lebnon as Lebanese Government cannot guarantee her security, but Saad Haddad goes to Tel Aviv to meet Taylor.
Military Action:
IDF shelling and blockade maintained for fifth day as negotiations deadlocked; water and electricity are partially restored; IDF artillery and gunboats blast Palestinian neighborhoods, setting fires, with high casualties (other non-Palestinian areas hit); evening gunner duels mark IDF attempts to advance; IDF officers say IDF broke fifth cease-fire in retaliation for deaths of 5 IDF soldiers the night before; shells fall on US Ambassador's residence in Yarze; IDF shell hits nylon factory, igniting long fire and explosions; Israeli jets zoom over Beirut.
Beirut police estimate 22 killed, 38 wounded in the night (Beirut casualties now 2633 killed, 3612 wounded); appeals made for blood; 2 IDF soldiers found killed (armored personnel carrier hit near Tyre); even after water turned on again in West Beirut, so much of the pipeline is damaged, many residents still must get water in pails; one 23-ton shipment of foodstuffs by World Vision allowed in (no explanation of why others kept out); some Palestinians being allowed to return to camps in the south (mostly women and children, most men are in detention); 7000 new refugees reportedly have fled to Baalbek; 25-30,000 Shiites reportedly returning to Nabatiyeh area; water is still problem in South Lebanon (IDF destroyed water pumping station serving 120 villages in Tyre area, repairs to take 3 months); in Beirut, despite 5 centers for potable water distribution set up by UN, problem is dwindling gasoline for water trucks; IDF damage to Zahrani refinery will take 3 months to repair; ICRC estimates needs for next 3 months at $18 million, says 75 doctors/medical technicians have arrived to aid Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) and Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS); doctors say they are dealing with injuries hitherto unseen (dead to wounded ratio normally 1-5, now 50-50).
PLO displays to reporters extensive IDF anti-personnel weapons, most with US markings, including cluster bombs, canisters of hydrogen cyanide used against Syrians and in Burj al-Barajneh camp and neighborhood (other weapons used in Sabra and Shatila camps and Shia suburb of Ouzai); displayed also is slab of nougat with Hebrew markings, part of car bomb found in Beirut port area.
Israeli Cabinet spokesman Meridor says 331 Lebanese civilians killed, says IDF told him 1200 PLO "terrorists" and civilians killed in fighting in refugee camps (claims not much international aid needed, that international bodies agree with Israeli government figures, that Israeli ambulances sent to help wounded have come back to Israel as not needed); detention camps set up by IDF in southern Lebanon (fences, guard towers, earth embankments at Ansar, west of Nabatiyeh); Meridor says detainees will be treated as criminals, not POWs.
UN High Commission for Refugees, in Vienna, says IDF invasion has set back work in Lebanon by 32 years, destroying schools, camps, warehouses, clinics, leaving 175,000 of 237,000 registered refugees in urgent need of aid.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet hints PLO might be allowed to stay in Tripoli; government accepts only 7 of 9 points of reported US plan; Cabinet allows more time for negotiations; aide to Begin insists all PLO members must leave Beirut; Cabinet hears report from Sharon; Abba Eban disagrees with government rejection of political role for PLO; Kimche meets with Habib, who then calls Wazzan to contact Arafat; Mayor of Gaza warned that he and other elected town council members may be dismissed if they continue to refuse to cooperate with Israeli civil administration; IDF soldiers surround Bir Zeit campus, use tear gas, arrest 100 students in fourth day of protests against invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib informs Wazzan that US will not send US Marines until PLO leaves Beirut (Wazzan reported shocked, asks what good are troops at that point); PLO still insisting on some political presence in Beirut, armed units attached to Lebanese Army; Lebanese landowners who rented to Palestinians after 1948 are asking IDF governor of Sidon to evict Palestinians; in Tyre, Lebanese landowners are evicting Palestinian residents, forcing them to live on beaches, in groves.
US and Other Countries: US fears troops may get caught in crossfire and changes plan not to allow Marines to be sent until after PLO evacuates; US Congressional resistance to use of US troops grows; Jewish Affairs magazine issues public statement demanding removal of IDF troops, ending of US aid to Israel; US position reportedly is no PLO troops should remain, but political/informational office is OK; USSR warns US against military intervention in Lebanon; Pakistan president sends telegrams to Reagan, other members of the UN Security Council asking them to force IDF to withdraw; Turkey calls for IDF withdrawal, but reportedly cooperates with Israel on captured Turks and Armenians fighting with the PLO.
UN: UN Secretary General says UN must rethink "peacekeeping" role in wake of IDF invasion (and Cyprus incident several years ago).
Military Action:
IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food, gasoline, medical shortages and brings negotiations to a halt; Wazzan says all water, electricity cut and all roads into W. Beirut closed; IDF tanks try to move on airport (4 vehicles hit in fierce PLO resistance); 2 shells land near Presidential Palace at Baabda; Lebanese officials say IDF forces 3 engineers to remove key piece of pumping machinery from water works serving West Beirut; fifth cease-fire called at 4 PM by IDF, though shelling continues beyond deadline (last cease-fire June 25); IDF forces advance to edge of airport runways; IDF only advances block by block against fierce PLO resistance (despite pleas, no PLO members surrender); now an estimated 90,000 IDF troops in Lebanon; Phalange cuts off port road on IDF orders.
Four cars of ICRC and convoy of 14 food trucks turned back from W. Beirut; residents of city line up at stores in panic buying of food; gasoline scarce; American University Hospital has only 2 days of oxygen; gunfights at gasoline stations reported; few of W. Beirut's estimated 200,000 Lebanese and Palestinian residents leave; ICRC protests lack of protection for and access to prisoners; severe housing shortage develops at Nabatiyeh as refugees arrive from north.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: BenPorat of Telem joins Cabinet; Sharon, Kimche, Habib reportedly meet; Mapam Secretary-General calls for end to water and food blockade (joined by Labor Party's Yossi Sarid); special regulations passed around June 9 reportedly allow for 3 months detention with no provisions for legal counsel or informing detainees' families; 6 wounded outside Hebron by Village League members; Vatican-sponsored Bethlehem University reopens (closed since June 11 after student protests of invasion).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Groundswell of Lebanese resentment of IDF and support for Wazzan reported; PLO reported to send contribu-tion to Nicaragua for children affected by May floods; Lebanese officials protest IDF cutoff of water.
Arab Governments: Egypt accepts Iraq's invitation to summit meeting in September (after 3-year total isolation); Egypt says US role in Lebanon vital, that Israeli invasion is under-mining peace process and stability of region; PLO, Moroccan, Kuwaiti leaders meet USSR leaders; Syrian President Assad returns after talks with Saudi King Fahd; only Algeria and Syria reportedly willing to take PLO.
US and Other Countries: US officials say cease-fire essential to negotiations, pressures IDF to ease pressure on Beirut, following strong message from Saudi Arabia; USSR Foreign Minister Gromyko rules out military involvement in Lebanon; Arab women begin silent vigil outside White House; Nicaragua says it is sending solidarity mission to Beirut.
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.
Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.
Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Hundreds live in Beirut parks, lacking food, water, medicine and basic hygiene; garbage piles up in West Beirut streets (most trucks are in East Beirut); more shops close throughout city as fear of IDF attack grows; Baalbek now has 35,000 refugees; Palestinian refugees reportedly receive less aid than Lebanese; Israeli unsubsidized prices for sales to Lebanon about 3 times Lebanese prices.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Israeli military intelligence, in US, says casualty figures inflated; Israeli Knesset debate ends with Likud/Labor parties agreeing not to vote against each other's resolutions, only to vote for their own; Begin offers to let PLO leave with personal weapons (claims Reagan said USSR might intervene if there were a war with Syria); Sharon says he informed Haig, Weinberger that IDF invasion of Lebanon was virtually inevitable 2 weeks before actual invasion; Sharon announces 271 Israelis killed, 1470 wounded, 13 missing; government charges UN schools used by PLO for training, as arsenals; reports that IDF used new anti-tank weapon similar to US Sadarm; Sharon speaks at Knesset on scope/aims of war (Peres strongly opposes any entry into Beirut); government officials accuse Habib of false optimism; Israeli Cabinet ratifies June 27 ultimatum, but softens departure possibilities (by land or sea); 4 reservists call on Sharon to resign, call on other released soldiers to join their vigil; 600 demonstrate in favor of war; 30 protest effect of war on the poor in Israel; petition with signatures of 40 who fought in Lebanon printed opposing war; Supreme Islamic Council of Jerusalem states support for PLO, denounces silence of Arab regimes.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Wazzan, Butros; Lebanese disagree on whether PLO leaders can return to Lebanon to visit; Lebanese papers attack USSR, accusing it of complicity with US; Druze leader Jumblatt expects attack on Beirut within 24- 36 hours, predicts coexistence of Muslims, Christians in Lebanon is finished; Bashir Gemayel predicts Israel and Syria will have full-scale war; reports of de facto strike in Sidon area following Israeli mistreatment; Phalangists reject plan to incorporate PLO units into Lebanese Army, Phalangist troops enter Aley, threaten to kill 12 Druze (Druze leader is killed by Phalange members, allegedly mistakenly); PLO stiffens demands as talks deadlocked over timing and method of PLO withdrawal (PLO seeks own police in refugee camps, PLO units attached to Lebanese Army); Arafat addresses PLO rally; Fateh Central Committee reportedly says no more concessions.
Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia reportedly explores flying PLO out of Lebanon; Egypt sends Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ghali to Paris for talks.
US and Other Countries: US expressed satisfaction with cease-fire; former US envoy to Lebanon, Dean Brown, says US blessed IDF invasion, that Reagan does not know much about the Mideast and "probably does not want to know"; EEC calls for PLO to be involved in peace negotiations, asks immediate IDF withdrawal (arms sales informally suspended to Israel); Austrian Jewish group presents open letter to Israeli Ambassador decrying invasion, asking for peace negotiations with Palestinians; International Socialist delegation, headed by former Portuguese prime minister Soares, visits mayor of Bethlehem; EEC refuses to sign £22 million financial protocol with Israel (does not agree on trade sanctions); Habib requests formal guidance from Washington for negotiations, Haig drafts 9-point proposal in response.
Military Action:
IDF enters Phalange-held areas of Beirut; Israeli jets make reconnaissance flights over city for first time in 3 days; sporadic fighting around Sidon; Israeli Cabinet agrees to extend 48-hour cease-fire requested by Habib; Syrians/PLO abandon airport terminal to shorten lines; PLO takes journalists on tour of defenses near airport; tension high in Beirut; Syrians reposition artillery near Lake Karoun.
In Sidon, main shopping district was oblit-erated and one quarter of city totally destroyed; bodies remain buried under rubble; still no electricity; water only 1 hour per day; Lebanese government says 1,100 killed in Sidon; IDF use Sidon informants to identify potential PLO suspects (suspicious Lebanese marked with black X on back, suspected PLO members with white, some Lebanese charge old grudges being settled by informants); many Palestinian refugees remain on Sidon beaches as they have nowhere to go; Tyre reported two-thirds destroyed, with port damage heavy.
Israel explores reviving bank, rail links in Lebanon; Israeli Trade Minister says 3 proposed banking and customs centers would aid Israeli exports to Lebanon; 4 Norwegians, 1 Canadian doctor released by Israel; Israel offers to help repair Sidon refinery.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: 4 Israeli professors attack invasion, ask Israeli soldiers to refuse to serve beyond Green Line in Beirut; Israel says invasion is open-ended and excludes negotiations with the PLO; Begin calls for international peacekeeping force in Lebanon with US troops; Sharon says Israeli aims will not be met until PLO headquarters in Beirut are eliminated; Begin says participants in multilateral force would have to make detailed, individual agreements with Israeli, Lebanese governments.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Lebanon's National Salvation Council, in first meeting, makes no progress-Gemayel, Sarkis, Wazzan, Butros reportedly demand PLO surrender, Jumblatt rejects; PLO asks for IDF pull-back, guarantees of PLO safety in return for allowing Lebanese Army to enter West Beirut.
Arab Governments: Syria rejects Sarkis' request for troop withdrawal, saying it is made under duress, instead suggests joint US/USSR peacekeeping force under UN auspices to get Israelis out; Iraq announces unilateral withdrawal from Iranian territory, following June 10 unilateral cease-fire; South Yemen demands strong Arab stand against US support for Israel; Mubarak supports idea of PLO government in exile, would allow it temporary home in Egypt, if it restricted itself to political activities; Kaddoumi in Geneva, says Egyptian offer not being considered now.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger says US investigating possible violations of US law by Israelis using US arms in Lebanon; Greeks show support for Palestinians with strike, protests, blood donations; Greece is the only EEC member to offer diplomatic recognition to the PLO.
Military Action:
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon continues, as Tyre residents are told via air-dropped leaflets to go to beaches to avoid bombings, city is shown in flames; 15,000 people try to enter city from countryside, saying they have no food; Israelis move 100 tanks into mountains east of PLO stronghold of Damour; Israeli shells re-portedly destroy a Red Cross center on the edge of Sidon; tank battles near Jezzine, and Israelis reportedly aim to cut highway to Syria; Israeli planes blast road 2 miles south of Beirut airport; fierce fighting between Israeli and Syrian troops on edge of Beirut; Israelis capture Lebanese president's summer residence at Beiteddine; third attack on Beirut sports complex.
Syrians engage Israelis on southern edges of Beirut, along Beirut-Damascus highway; major Syrian-Israeli tank battle shaping up in Chouf region, stronghold of PLO ally and Lebanese National Movement (LNM) leader Walid Jumblatt (temporarily out of country).
Fierce resistance from PLO units continues in Tyre and Sidon; a few PLO-fired rockets fall on northern Galilee, from enclave controlled by Syria; PLO and Lebanon accept UN call for a cease-fire.
Beirut residents stockpile goods and Palestinian suburbs almost deserted as residents fan out into city; Red Cross center in Sidon destroyed by Israeli shelling; thousands of refugees pour into Beirut from southern Lebanon; 10,000 people placed under Red Cross care in Tyre alone.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin lays out 4 conditions for withdrawal from Lebanon, including removal of all Syrian and PLO forces from Lebanon, creation of a 40 km demilitarized zone north of the Israeli border; Knesset defeats no-confidence vote, 94-3; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets with Deputy Secretary of State Stoessel, Defense Secretary Weinberger and Senator Percy as a former Israeli general meets the US press; Begin calls on Assad not to engage Israeli troops; UN reports continue to be censored; about 40 demonstrators opposed to the invasion are attacked in Tel Aviv.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Arafat meets with USSR Ambassador; Lebanese president appeals to Arab League to hold a meeting; Lebanon's UN Ambassador says casualties run into thousands, mostly civilians.
Arab Governments: Iranian volunteers reported arriving in Lebanon via Syria, as well as Palestinian volunteers from Jordan and Kuwait; Arab diplomats from Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrein, Jordan and Algeria ask the US to pressure Israel to withdraw immediately, accept cease-fire; Syria rejects any troop withdrawal from Lebanon, reacting to reports of new Israeli conditions for a withdrawal.
US: Reagan, in London, appeals for an end to hostilities; Haig later says US would not deny Israel the "right of legitimate self-defense."
UN: Lebanon and the PLO accept the UN call for a cease-fire; Israel rejects the Security Council demand for withdrawal. Lebanon circulates a petition condemning Israel, threatening sanctions if it does not withdraw. UNIFIL General Callaghan makes first offi-cial protest of the invasion to Israel.