Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D. M. Yitzhak Rabin leaves for talks in Washington about Israel's peace plan, now considered by some Israeli leaders as "...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D. M. Yitzhak Rabin leaves for talks in Washington about Israel's peace plan, now considered by some Israeli leaders as "...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report issued by 6 Israeli doctors concludes IDF should stop using high velocity bullets that have left 15 people fully or partially...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir makes unannounced visit to Gaza [JP 6/26]. Reports indicate armed Palestinian cell in Balatah camp has been discovered and...
Arab World: Two Muslim Americans in Beirut to negotiate for release of American hostages leave country after militiamen ransack, rob their hotel rooms [NYT 2/20]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Shamir's office denies Shamir is to be questioned in connection with Shin Bet investigation (FBIS 9/1).
Other Countries:...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports two other Shin Bet members have implicated Shamir in scandal (FBIS 8/28). Al-Nahar reports $10...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres says Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon no longer contingent upon simultaneous Syrian withdrawal.
Arab World: Jordan and...
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
Military Action:
Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir denies press reports that Israel will let US troops man surveillance stations in South Lebanon, saying Israeli crews will cooperate...
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D. M. Yitzhak Rabin leaves for talks in Washington about Israel's peace plan, now considered by some Israeli leaders as "moribund, if not dead." The U.S. is the only nation to have endorsed Shamir's plan [NYT 9/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several Soviet-built rockets are fired at Israel in first missile attack from Jordan in 20 years. No damage caused. [NYT 9/8; JP 9/14; MET 9/19]. Troops open fire on stonethrowers in Jenin area, killing 11-year-old Palestinian and wounding 6 others [MET 9/19].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T. involved in demonstrations, political activity as well as those who have not paid their taxes will be denied permits to work in Israel [MET 3/7].
Arab World: Palestinian sources state that Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze has invited Arafat, Hafiz al-Asad to Moscow in order to mend fences [FBIS 2/24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus soldier is killed by cinder block dropped by Palestinian [FBIS 2/24, WP 2/25]. In Gaza at least 9 Palestinians are wounded by soldiers [WP 3/25].
Arab World: SLA troops shoot, kill UNIFIL soldier in Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 2/24]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report issued by 6 Israeli doctors concludes IDF should stop using high velocity bullets that have left 15 people fully or partially paralyzed. Report also accuses the army of misusing tear gas. Faysal al-Husayni is released after 9 months without charge or trial [WP 6/10, LAT 6/12]. Ya'akov Orr, military commander of the Gaza Strip, states that 25% of the 200 Palestinian police that resigned during the uprising have returned to work [WP 6/9].
Arab World: At Arab summit, Arab states pledge to support Palestinian uprising with "all possible means," refuse to state dollar amount of support. Arab leaders also refuse to dismiss George Shultz' peace plan, while reaffirming the PLO's position as sole representative of the Palestinian people [WP 6/10, LAT 6/10].
Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir and Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meet for 2 hours at the UN, announce that planned visit of Israeli consular team to Moscow will take place in July. Shevardnadze also states diplomatic relations between the 2 will not be restored until Israel agrees to international peace conference [NYT 6/10]. At meeting of the Socialist International in Madrid the Palestinian intifadah is called a response to "the unbearable social conditions existing in the territories occupied by Israel" [FJ 6/12].
Military Occupied
Palestine/Israel: Demonstrations in honor of the 6-month anniversary of the uprising erupt on the W. Bank leaving 2 Palestinians dead, at least 4 more injured. In Sebastiya a 16-year-old isshot dead while trying to hurl a rock at soldiers [WP 6/10, FJ 6/12]. 18-year-old male and 12-year-old girl are shot during demonstrations in Tulkarm. Shopowners observe a strike in the territories, including East Jerusalem [LAT 6/12]. Afternoon demonstrations erupt in Gaza City. One of the injured claims soldiers tied him up and dragged him behind a jeep [WP 6/9]. Two IDF officers are slightly injured when their jeep is attacked with Molotov cocktails [WP 6/10]. In Gaza, soldiers order a man out of his house and then demolished with a bulldozer; army says the man had tried to burn down a local government building [NYT 6/10]. Demonstrations in Bayt Furik leave 27 Palestinians injured [FJ 6/12]. In Balatah 100 Palestinians are arrested [FJ 6/121
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in Lebanon for fear it may endanger the lives of the hostages held in Beirut [LAT 5/20].
Arab World: Egyptian foreign minister 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid arrives in Moscow; is expected to sign a major, five-year economic and trade agreement with the U.S.S.R. [WT 5/20].
Military Actio
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews in 'Anabta and Tulkarm enter sixth day, army prevents food, medical supplies from entering [FJ 5/22]. In the village of Salim, IDF uproots almond and olive trees along the main road [FJ 5/22]. In Hebron P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir says that Israel was on the way to restoring "anormal situation" in the occupied territories UP 5/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir makes unannounced visit to Gaza [JP 6/26]. Reports indicate armed Palestinian cell in Balatah camp has been discovered and its members arrested [FJ 6/28]. Israeli authorities seal homes of 3 Jericho families, leaving 46 homeless [FJ 7/5]. Israel sends accounts of financial transactions connected with the Iranian arms sales to U.S. congressional com. investigating the affair [NYT 8/1].
Other Countries: U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, chairman of Senate com. investigating Iran-contra affair, reveals Israel has agreed to provide chronologies of its role in the arms sales to Congress [CSM 6/26]. U.S.S.R. invites PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to Moscow [BG 6/26].
Arab World: Two Muslim Americans in Beirut to negotiate for release of American hostages leave country after militiamen ransack, rob their hotel rooms [NYT 2/20]. SLA commander Lahad rejects plan to swap Arab prisoners for foreign hostages, states willingness to swap them for Israeli soldiers [WP 2/20].
Other Countries: Israeli P. M. Shamir, on visit to U.S., says he will accept an international Middle East peace conference if U.S.S.R. and "militant" Arab states are excluded [PI 2/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas to break up group of stone-throwing demonstrators in Ramallah; use tear gas and live ammunition against protestors blockading streets in Rafah, Khan Yunis, and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, wounding at least 3 [FJ 2/27].
Arab World: Police in S. Beirut report "de facto truce" around Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps [LAT 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Shamir's office denies Shamir is to be questioned in connection with Shin Bet investigation (FBIS 9/1).
Other Countries: Representatives of DFLP, Palestinian Communist party, and Fateh meet in Prague to repair differences (FBIS 9/3). PLO Deputy Chairman Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) tells al-Qabas (Kuwait) joint Soviet-Algerian mediation effort with Palestinian factions to hold PNC meeting was a success (FBIS 9/3). Eighth nonaligned movement conference opens in Harare, with representatives of 101 nations participating. PLO is represented by Chairman Arafat, who speaks at opening session (Fl 9/5).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports two other Shin Bet members have implicated Shamir in scandal (FBIS 8/28). Al-Nahar reports $10 million is to be paid to Musa al-'Alami project near Jericho (Fl 8/28).
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak arrives in Jordan for unannounced one-day working visit. King Hussein meets Soviet First Deputy Foreign Minister and Soviet delegation in Amman (FBIS 9/2).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres says Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon no longer contingent upon simultaneous Syrian withdrawal.
Arab World: Jordan and Egypt announce resumption of full diplomatic relations; US and Israel claim the move is a victory for Camp David process; Syria and Libya denounce it, call for boycott of Egypt.
Other Countries: Israeli FM Shamir meets with Soviet FM Gromyko at UN in New York.
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
6 IDF soldiers wounded in Baabda attack, 3 in Ein Zahlata; Lebanese police report 3 Palestinians killed in two attacks on IDF positions in South Lebanon; stray machine gun fire by IDF penetrates US Marine base after Baabda attack, no injuries; UNRWA officials report escalation in attacks on Palestinians in Sidon, said to coincide with arrival there of Phalange officer Elie Hobeika, armed and masked men of Guardians of Cedars threatening Palestinians, 4 killed, 2 wounded since April 28.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shultz returns to Jerusalem, meets with Begin, Shamir, Arens; Begin says he will call Cabinet meeting to decide on draft troop withdrawal agreement; Ministry of Absorption reports that only 11 of the 114 Jews leaving the Soviet Union last month came to Israel; Elon Moreh settlers fire on Nablus youths when stones are thrown at their car, 13 students arrested, school closed; window of Israeli truck broken by stones near Kalandia camp; 400 students hold sit-in demonstration at Tireh UNRWA Training Center.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says the danger of signing an agreement with Israel without obtaining the withdrawal of Syria, the PLO and some Iranians is that Israel will not withdraw and the agreement will have no value; PLO seeks guarantees for security of Palestinians in Lebanon as precondition for withdrawal of PLO forces, Saudi information minister to intervene with Lebanese officials this week on issues of murders of Palestinians, threats to refugees, bombings of shops, expulsions, detention, attacks by Lebanese Army on Palestinian women crossing into East Lebanon to visit husbands and fathers with PLO forces.
Arab Governments: Jordan considering limitations on export of West Bank produce to East Bank, restrictions on entry of West Bank students to University of Jordan, holding of elections on East Bank only.
US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Beirut, then returns to Jerusalem; Reagan says PLO council was never elected by the Palestinian people, referendum on alternative leadership might not be practical; French foreign minister meets PLO official, asks PLO to cancel UN conference on Palestine scheduled for UNESCO's Paris headquarters in August.
Military Action:
Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab Deterrent Force closed, premises handed over to Lebanese Army.
Lebanese doctor shot and killed at roadblock by Fiji UNIFIL soldier in South Lebanon; 3 killed, including Syrian soldier, 6 wounded in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Land Day demonstrations in Israel, West Bank, Gaza, 3,000 extra police on duty; 10-20,000 make Land Day march from Sakhnin to Deir Hanna; tear gas fired at demonstrators in Sakhnin; Peace Now demonstrates outside government exhibition in Tel Aviv of residential construction and housing finance opportunities for Jews on the West Bank; Labor Party chairman Peres says position of Haddad forces must not be infringed by troop withdrawal agreement, Israel should not submit to any preconditions, such as settlement freeze, prior to peace talks with Hussein; Habib meets Arens and Shamir who reject notion that Lebanese Army, without Haddad, can provide effective security on northern border; 7 year-old boy killed, 2 children wounded in Shefar Am when hand grenade they find explodes; commercial strike in East Jerusalem; IDF shoots, kills 18 year-old in Tarqumiya, near Hebron, during demonstration; curfews imposed in Nablus, 4 refugee camps; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 grenades thrown at IDF vehicles in Gaza; 13 persons injured by stones; Al-Fajr editor-in-chief arrested; director of West Bank public health services says clinical symptoms of 53 girls from Arraba, taken ill on March 21, point to something more than a case of mass hysteria.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Damascus, tells rally he rejects Reagan plan, and Fez summit resolutions are only basis for solution to Palestine problem.
US and Other Countries: Soviet Union accuses Israel of planning a piratic strike against Syria, warns it would be playing with fire.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir denies press reports that Israel will let US troops man surveillance stations in South Lebanon, saying Israeli crews will cooperate with the Lebanese Army, keeping a temporary presence until a peace treaty is signed, or for a defined number of years; Shamir continues discussions with Habib, with members of IDF participating; Sharon visits Zaire's Shaba province to inspect 12,000-man Kamanyola brigade; High Court issues order nisi to Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir to show why he does not prosecute Matti Peled for treason for holding press conference with PLO in July; Zamir replies he will not prosecute for there are no grounds to show that Peled intended to aid the PLO; military tribunal in courtmartial of Major David Mopaz presented documents showing that West Bank Commander Col. Yaacov Hartabi and Chief of Staff Eitan ordered harassment and harsh treatment of Palestinians, including punitive action against parents, heads of villages, collective punishment; Histadrut delegation ends visit to Scotland and England, finds British trade unionists hostile to Israel's West Bank policy; Civil Administration sets up roadblocks around Birzeit University to check for foreign passports, orders 30 foreign teachers at Birzeit, 4 at Islamic University in Hebron to stop teaching or sign work permit with anti-PLO pledge.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Foreign Minister Elie Salem says future relations with Israel should be governed by 1949 Armistice Agreement, that Lebanon is not willing to sign peace treaty and have normal relations with Israel, that Syria and the PLO have given assurances that they will withdraw; Lebanese Forces (Phalange) expanding its presence in South Lebanon, now has standing militia of 6,000 with 15,000 reservists and $189 million annual budget from taxes through illegal ports, reported to have bought $15 million worth of captured Palestinian arms from Israel, including 50 tanks, APCs, howitzers, 130mm and 155mm artillery.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger and Italian Defense Minister Lelio Lagorio meet in Washington, agree to maintain peacekeeping force in Beirut as long as necessary and in accordance with the desire of the Lebanese Government; Arthur Goldberg says he personally will assure provision of necessary $100,000 for 2 years to continue American Jewish Commission of the Holocaust, disbanded on Jan. 3; Zaire President Mobutu announces Israeli military advisers will undertake a 5 year plan to restructure Zaire's armed forces; USSR paper lzvestia responds to State Department comment on SA-5s, saying US has sham concern for peace, only wants Israeli military superiority.
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.
Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.
Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.