Military Action:
Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.
Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration...
Military Action:
Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.
Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration...
Military Action:
IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa...
Druze leaders ask government to restore electric power to Chouf region, blacked out for past 3 weeks; 6 IDF prisoners held by Fateh in Lebanon appear in Dutch TV program...
Military Action:
Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.
Military Action:
After day of quiet, renewed artillery exchanges in Tripoli, coastal road cut 20 miles south of city; IDF announces 4 Katyusha rockets found in South Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars...
Military Action:
IDF seals off Ein al-Hilweh camp near Sidon, detaining 70 Palestinians, after informer working for IDF ambushed; US Marines land M-60 tanks on beaches near airport after...
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...
Military Action:
IDF chief Eitan and northern commander Drori meet with Phalange commanders in Beirut at 3:30 AM; IDF invades major parts of West Beirut in 6-pronged thrust starting at 5:30...
Military Action:
IDF concentrates tanks near Museum, Galerie Semaan, port crossings into West Beirut as armor inches closer to Palestinian refugee camps on southern outskirts of city (PLO...
Militrary Action:
IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese...
Military Action:
IDF armored troops seal off West Beirut as Israeli and Palestinian gunners trade artillery, machine-gun fire in southern suburbs, in first major clash in 8 days; IDF drops...
Military Action:
IDF begins broadcasts urging Syrians and Palestinians in W. Beirut to flee or surrender; Sharon, in E. Beirut, says IDF may resume battle, urges Phalangists to join IDF in...
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed...
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery...
Military Action:
Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli...
Military Action:
The Israeli Army invades Lebanon, with over 250 tanks and thousands of infantrymen rolling past UNIFIL forces at 11 AM; Sidon is bombarded, the coastal road cut, the...
Military Action:
Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.
Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration for 6 hours when IDF unit enters camp for inspection; Lebanese Army destroys Palestinian houses in Burj al-Barajneh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 29 Jews placed under house arrest, fined IS5,000 in connection with Temple Mount incident; Cabinet agrees to share military intelligence from Lebanon war with US; 2 Bedouin arrested for breaking windows of tractors at planned Nevatim air force base near Tel Malhata, for which 700 families are being evacuated; Supreme Muslim Council calls for educational and commercial strike to protest March 1 1 Temple Mount incident; shops forced open by border police in Nablus; curfews in Halhoul and 4 refugee camps approach end of second continuous week; stone-throwing in Jerusalem, Hebron and 6 other West Bank towns; 32 school-children in Araba suffer unexplained illness; government announces plans to establish 15 military settlements, convert to civilian settlements 8 existing military posts in West Bank; Labor MK calls new settlement plans a tombstone for Middle East peace; 260 West Bank residents convicted of stone-throwing since January 1; Kiryat Arba resident detained on charge of firing shots at Hebron house on February 26, wounding 5 year-old girl.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US talks resume in Netanya.
US and Other Countries: US officials welcome Israeli decision to share military data from Lebanon war, will send 4-man US Air Force team to Israel next month to begin evaluation.
Military Action:
IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa in memory of Emil Grunzweig; 3 IDF, 3 Israeli civilians injured by stones in Tulkarm, Ramallah and Dahariya; 1 Palestinian youth shot by border police in Jerusalem; IDF officer hit in head by stone during demonstration in Halhoul, town placed under curfew; Hebron Polytechnic College closed after demonstrations; 2 tourists injured by stones near Dahariya; water cannon and tear gas used to disperse demonstration in Ramallah, two central squares placed under curfew; Ein Beit Alma camp under curfew; stone-throwing at al-Amari and Jalazon camps; US and Israeli flags burned in Gaza.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel sends former Prime Minister Saeb Salam as special personal envoy to US.
US and Other Countries: Shultz, with special envoys Habib and Draper, meets Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem in Washington, says it is time for King Hussein to make a decision about entering peace talks; former President Carter, ending 6-day visit to Israel, says Israel has not lived up to commitments made at Camp David, finds extent of Jewish settlement in West Bank discouraging; final communique of Non-Aligned summit includes condemnation of US support to Israel, calls for international tribunal on Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people; more British Jews reported to have settled in Israel in 1982 than in any year since 1948.
Druze leaders ask government to restore electric power to Chouf region, blacked out for past 3 weeks; 6 IDF prisoners held by Fateh in Lebanon appear in Dutch TV program broadcast in Israel, PLO says their mothers are welcome to visit them.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Stones thrown at car of Israel-appointed mayor of Jenin, who opens fire with his pistol; stone-throwing in Nablus, el-Bireh, Jalazon and al-Amari camps; shots fired from car passing Jalazon; curfews imposed on central Nablus and Ramallah; Hebron prison inmates start hunger strike; students hold protest strikes at Najah University, Hebron's Islamic University; bomb defused in Hebron school; 300 members of Israeli Committee for Solidarity with Birzeit distribute pamphlets and hold protest march in Hebron, call for disarming of West Bank settlers and dismantling of settlements.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Christian and Muslim leaders publicly demand disbanding of Amal militia and expulsion of Iranian Revolutionary Guards after yesterday's attack on Lebanese Army unit near Baalbek.
Arab Governments: President Mubarak, at rally of National Democratic Party, accuses PLO of inciting Egyptian people and army against government, warns the 40,000 Palestinians living in Egypt they can be deported, says he refused PLO request to operate radio station; Jordan bans all imports from Lebanon unless accompanied by proof they were made in Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: After 5 1/2 week trial, British court sentences three men, alleged members of Abu Nidal group, to 30-35 years for attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov in June 1982.
Military Action:
Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.
Government offices, banks, shops and many schools reopen in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials say Government is prepared to allow UNIFIL a 2 month extension, to operate around Palestinian refugee camps above 25 mile security zone, do not want UNIFIL within security zone; MK Yitzhak Rabin says war in Lebanon was illegal use of IDF for far-reaching political goals; Defense Ministry informs Umm al-Fahm residents that 15,000 dunums of their land is declared a military zone and cultivation must cease; troops raid Najah University, remove Palestinian posters and flags; military authorities close Kadri Tukan high school after border police injured by stones following celebration of 18th anniversary of Fateh in Nablus; all Nablus and neighboring Balata camp under undeclared curfew; Israeli traffic stoned in Ramallah and Bethlehem, with total of 5 settlers injured during week; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman Avraham Hoffmann says $150,000 promotion campaign will encourage Israelis to settle in West Bank, and provide clearing house for information on available housing, World Zionist Organization goal is 100,000 settlers by 1985, current number is 25,000.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with Jordanian Prime Minister Mudar Badran, holds press conference in Amman in which he praises the Reagan plan for calling for a settlement freeze, and criticizes plan for denying Palestinian right to independent state; Abu lyad says meeting of Fateh Central Committee in Kuwait on 6 January rejected the Reagan plan; Lebanese-Israeli-US talks held in Khalde deadlocked over agenda as US compromise proposals are unacceptable, but new proposals submitted.
US and Other Countries: US State Department confirms several encounters between IDF and Marines in Beirut; Special Envoy Habib confers with Reagan, Shultz and Bush before leaving for Middle East, amid growing Administration frustration that delay in Israeli and Syrian troop withdrawals impede Jordan's involvement in peace negotiations as proposed in Reagan Plan; B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League releases report that anti-Semitic violence in US decreased by 15% in 1982, to 829 incidents, mostly in New York, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts; New York City Mayor Koch presents key to city to President Navon, pledges support of Israel, Navon tells Yeshiva University students to settle in Israel; Italian Defense Minister Lelio Lagorio, in Beirut, announces Italy considering sending another battalion to Lebanon, bringing total troops to 4,000.
UN: Senegal, Fiji, Norway, Ireland, Holland, Ghana, Finland, France, Sweden and Italy will keep troops in UNIFIL; Nigeria will remove troops from UNIFIL.
Military Action:
After day of quiet, renewed artillery exchanges in Tripoli, coastal road cut 20 miles south of city; IDF announces 4 Katyusha rockets found in South Lebanon.
UNRWA asks IDF for protection from Palestinian refugees in Sidon protesting delay in distribution of kerosene heating stoves, cement and winter clothing; 16-tent school operating in Ain el-Hilweh; 625 building plots cleared and allocated by UNRWA, 590 plots cleared by refugees, 850 plots allocated in Tyre; 40 killed, more wounded, large sections of Tripoli without electricity, water, telephone and basic food, hospitals short of supplies, many civilians living in shelters.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF spokes-man announces Syria is building 2 bases for Soviet SA-5 missiles, warns USSR not to deploy missiles in Syria; President Yitzhak Navon begins 2 week visit to US, will meet Reagan with Shultz, Kissinger, AFL-CIO, Jewish groups; Mapam MK Elazar Granot introduces motion in Knesset that Sharon be removed as Defense Minister and be replaced in Lebanon negotiations because of his leak about a separate agreement with Lebanese leaders and distortion of the facts of the war from its beginning; Foreign Minister Shamir charges that Lebanese Muslim leaders opposed to normalization with Israel are agents of foreign interests, and reiterates commitment to Eretz Israel, calling on international convention delegates to invest all efforts in aliya; Moshavim Herut and Mismeret will close illegal camps for Arab workers who will have to return to Gaza to sleep; Yitzhak Rabin, touring settlements, says Labor Party firmly opposed to any withdrawal to 1948 green line, that Camp David accord includes change in frontier to incorporate Jerusalem and Jordan Valley; Peace Now distributes document of military government which says Science and Technology Minister Yuval Ne'eman and his assistant MK Hanan Porat helped establish supervisory teams of settlers to guard state lands and may be used to deport Palestinians; Peace Now charges that Kiryat Arba council intends to pressure and persuade Arab shop-owners to leave Hebron; at his courtmartial, IDF paratrooper and Deputy Commander of Judea District Major David Mofaz, one of seven defendants, excuses his beating of Palestinian students at Hebron's Islamic University by charging that District Commander Lt. Col. Shalom Lugassi instructed soldiers to beat, pester and break watches of demonstrators, that Sharon said Arab rioters should have their testicles ripped off; West Bank Military Commander Yaakov Hartabi testifies soldiers acted properly and according to written and oral orders.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan calls Syrian Prime Minister Abdel Raouf al-Kassem, appealing for security measures to end fighting in Tripoli; Rashid Karami goes to Damascus; local Tripoli leaders Mohammed Ali Dannawi of Muslim Salvation Front and Farouk Mokaddam of October 24 Movement call for withdrawal of Syrian troops from Tripoli.
US and Other Countries: US Special Envoy Philip Habib summoned from vacation to Washington as President Reagan prepares a new initiative to break Lebanon stalemate.
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars and artillery used; Druze leaders confer with Gemayel urging end to clashes; Palestinian refugee camps tense after reports of kidnappings of residents by armed men last night (Lebanese Army sources say Phalange intelligence supplying Army with names of Palestinian and LNM militia and helping in arms searches).
3 Druze women-killed in crossfire; water and electricity restored, streets cleaned in Beirut (official estimate of $12 billion for rehabilitation; AID to supply $110 m., EEC $100 m.); US AID head says tents for Palestinian refugees coming soon; 2 IDF wounded, one in Central Lebanon, one east of Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bethlehem Mayor Freij declares support for Reagan plan and for important Jordanian role in peace plan, Mayor Shakaa rejects plan as not recognizing Palestinian rights; pro-Jordanian forces' activities on West Bank include grants to crafts and unions, Friday sermons in mosques, increased travel to Jordan by West Bank personalities; Israeli Civil Administration delays imposing military control over West Bank universities; Cabinet, in 4-hour meeting, demands Lebanon sign security accord (as well as prior pullout by PLO, release of IDF soldiers captured by Syria and PLO precondition for pullback).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amal leaders say Wazzan promises to set up committee to seek solutions to squatter problems.
Military Action:
IDF seals off Ein al-Hilweh camp near Sidon, detaining 70 Palestinians, after informer working for IDF ambushed; US Marines land M-60 tanks on beaches near airport after mine clearing activities completed.
1 US Marine killed, 3 wounded by US-made cluster bomb near airport; Beirut airport opens for first commercial flight since June 6; Israeli Minister of Economic Cooperation Dan Meridor says Israel may prepare Palestinian refugee camps in South Lebanon for winter if UNRWA doesn't act soon; although raw sewage and garbage remains in streets in some areas, roads are being repaved.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: "There is a Limit" group of anti-war reservists and soldiers call for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon and present a petition with 1,000 signatures which states "there is no military solution to the Palestinian problem"; Village League associate in Hebron attacked; heads of Israeli Druze community demand that IDF prevent Phalange assault on Lebanese Druze (claim 3 Druze abducted, new Phalange roadblocks in Druze villages set up since Gemayel assassination); Shamir addresses UN (will meet US Jewish leaders this week, travel to Chicago and Los Angeles before October 14 meeting with Shultz).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amin Gemayel declares end to Green Line, in ceremony celebrating Beirut as reunified capital (traffic surges across line following ceremony); Lebanese police deny receiving complaints of IDF soldiers looting Lebanese houses; 100,000 Palestinians led by Arafat mourn Abu Walid.
Arab Governments: Habib meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassin Ali, assures him agreement on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon will be concluded within a couple weeks; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam meets with Shultz in New York, explains Syrian withdrawal conditions.
US and Other Countries: Senator Percy says Marines need to be out of Lebanon within 90 days unless Congress approves an extension; White House denies US knew of massacre one day before Begin says he knew; Shultz, at UN, affirms heart of Reagan plan is Israeli return of occupied territories; British Labor Party says PLO represents Palestinian people; meeting of British, Israeli foreign ministers in New York ends with "basic disagreements"; West Germany, at UN, stresses its support for participation by all parties, including the PLO, in peace settlement; Simon Weisenthal, in Vienna, says those responsible for massacre were "las guilty as the Nazis" and should bear same punishment.
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.
Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.
Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.
US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.
Military Action:
IDF chief Eitan and northern commander Drori meet with Phalange commanders in Beirut at 3:30 AM; IDF invades major parts of West Beirut in 6-pronged thrust starting at 5:30 AM, hours after Gemayel death officially announced; IDF request that Lebanese Army enter Palestinian refugee camps to "purge" them of PLO guerrillas refused twice as Lebanese Army deployments disintegrate; LNM militias knock out 2 IDF tanks; 14 Israeli gunboats take up positions and shell Ramlet el-Baida; by evening, IDF force of tanks, APCs and infantry has penetrated 2.5 miles into West Beirut, surrounded camps and set up control points; Phalange symbols found painted on signs and buildings near camps.
West Beirut residents panic amidst shellings; Phalange estimates 26 dead, 60 wounded in bomb blast that killed Gemayel; 2 IDF killed, 42 wounded by LNM attack in West Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, Sharon and Shamir meet in early morning, approve entry into West Beirut "to prevent bloodshed"; Israeli government states IDF advance taken to prevent anarchy after Gemayel's death; IDF command describes entry as a "police action"; Israeli radio claims Israelis assure Reagan of end to military moves in 24 hours; Peres calls for re-entry of multinational force into Beirut; Peace Now calls for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; Draper holds talks with Begin; Israel expresses "shock" at Pope receiving Arafat, condemns meeting.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: West Beirut Muslim leaders meet in emergency session at Salam's home, appeal urgently to Reagan and Fahd to "curb the Israeli invasion of our capital"; Lebanese of diverse factions pay respects to Gemayel family.
Arab Governments: Egypt rejects Reagan plan for "self-governing" Palestinian entity federated with Jordan, insists on IDF pullback from Beirut as precondition for continuing autonomy talks.
US and Other Countries: Arafat meets Pope at Vatican following lunch with Italian President Pertini and an address to international Inter-Parliamentary Union (membership from 98 countries).
Military Action:
IDF concentrates tanks near Museum, Galerie Semaan, port crossings into West Beirut as armor inches closer to Palestinian refugee camps on southern outskirts of city (PLO accuses IDF of breaking cease-fire with tank movements made under cover of artillery fire; entire IDF armored brigade stationed at Museum crossing; IDF exchange artillery fire with PLO units in Burj al-Barajneh, Lailake, Hayy al-Sollom); IDF commander Drori warns West Beirut residents to "leave before it is too late"; fears of all-out IDF assault rise as IDF stops work in port, orders dockers to go home (reports suggest IDF may try to cut PLO forces in two with thrust from Museum area to port area); IDF takes Mreigi, parts of Hayy al-Sollom; only 50 yards separate IDF/ PLO units along coastal road south of city; IDF asks ICRC to sponsor, assist evacuation of babies, pregnant women from West Beirut (Meridor says Israel has received no reply); PLO fires 5 rockets at Jounieh; PLO ambush near Litani River; light fire directed at IDF positions near Lake Karoun (IDF restricts movements of Mansoura villagers, claiming some cooperate with PLO).
Casualties estimated by Lebanese police at 238 dead, about 480 wounded (PLO says only 20-30 guerrillas killed; police-monitored death toll since June 4 now put at 3,541 for Beirut and 11,050 for all of Lebanon); Lebanese gendarmerie says 963 Palestinians and Lebanese killed, 2,013 wounded during July, most of them civilians; Fakhani area devastated; poor Palestinians, Lebanese unable to buy excessively-priced food; fuel running low; Berbir Hospital hit again (has lost 75 percent of staff); fires burn out of control; hospitals overcrowded (staff asks patients able to walk to leave right after being treated to make room; many linger as they have no homes to return to); most streets impassable; IDF claims 7,400 "terrorists" captured since start of war (ICRC says it has visited only 490 at Ansar camp); 2 IDF soldiers wounded in PLO ambush near Litani.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials assert PLO will only leave Beirut if military pressure applied; Begin meets with US Assistant Secretary of State Morris Draper to discuss progress of negotiations (after meeting, Israeli officials claim there is still no firm PLO commitment to evacuate Beirut); Meridor (Israeli official in charge of humanitarian programs in southern Lebanon) says Israel will object to any Palestinian refugee camps within 25 miles of the Israeli border, suggests Palestinian refugees be dispersed throughout the country; Israel delays acceptance of UN resolution on cease-fire observers (PLO states willingness to cooperate).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib confers with Sarkis, later with Lebanese general on withdrawal timetable, general later confers with PLO negotiator; Salam expresses anger at US, Reagan after touring damaged areas, decries IDF use of phosphorus bombs, destruction of pine forest in center of city; Jumblatt, touring Fakhani district, expresses fear Lebanon will be destroyed; PLO leader Hassan says PLO will leave Beirut, urges informal PLO-US dialogue to achieve overall peaceful settlement.
US and Other Countries: Reagan, in meeting with Shamir, bids Israel end fighting and allow food and medical supplies into Beirut; Shultz also meets with Shamir; Greece offers Arafat open invitation to live in Greece on temporary basis; Canadian ambassador to Beirut ordered to leave West Beirut by his government (last Western diplomat remaining in Beirut); Brezhnev sends personal message urging Reagan to halt Israeli attacks.
Militrary Action:
IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese territory; although shooting broke out between IDF and PLO soldiers manning checkpoints at the port about 300 yards from each other, cease-fire generally holds.
Hundreds of W. Beirut residents flee, fearing new outbreak of fighting; UN officials say IDF units daily patrol villages regarded as hostile; all mention of interrogation or detention of Palestinians censored from dispatches from Israel; electricity restored to many parts of Tyre for first time since war broke out; Canadian surgeon tells Congressional committee he saw Palestinian prisoners beaten to death; mayor of Sidon claims most arrests "arbitrary," involving innocent people.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Hijazi of Dir Dibwan on the West Bank is dismissed from his post making eighth such dismissal since March for staging a municipal work slowdown; officials indicate IDF goal is to eliminate all Palestinian refugee camps within 25-mile buffer zone along Israeli border; top aide to Meridor, Gravinsky, says Israeli government opposed to providing even temporary housing for Palestinians who lost their homes in the fighting, fearing they will become the nuclei of new camps; leaders of Nablus refugee camps write UNRWA of willingness to adopt orphans from Lebanese war; faction of Gush Emunim Amnah sets up new settlement near Hebron; Sharon extends state of alert in Israel for another week; Tehiya Party votes to join Likud coalition (strengthening proinvasion forces in Likud).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign troops and assistance of a multinational force to oversee the evacuation of the PLO guerrillas, also asks Israel to comply with UN resolution and withdraw its invasion force; Hani al-Hassan praises Shultz statement referring to legitimate needs of the Palestinian people; Arafat reportedly tells Syria the PLO would like to move to Syria if an evacuation agreement can be reached.
Arab Governments: King Hussein calls for urgent meeting of Arab leaders to discuss Lebanon, Iran/Iraq wars.
US and Other Countries: Shultz, in second day of Senate nomination hearings, refers to legitimate needs and problems of the Palestinian people; Reagan, in meeting with Congres-sional leaders, says key condition for sending US troops is official request by Lebanon to do so; 4 British MPs visit W. Beirut; Reagan letter to King Fahd urges Saudis to help find haven for PLO.
Military Action:
IDF armored troops seal off West Beirut as Israeli and Palestinian gunners trade artillery, machine-gun fire in southern suburbs, in first major clash in 8 days; IDF drops concealment, openly sets up armored units for first time inside city at the Green Line; IDF and Phalange jointly patrolling crossing points; Israeli planes drop red flares over Palestinian refugee camps, as loudspeakers advise residents to move out; IDF digs out positions for tanks in hillsides above Beirut; IDF begins blockade, stopping all traffic coming into W. Beirut; IDF artillery in Sofar exchanges barrages with Syrians; 400 IDF tanks, 110 artillery pieces ring Beirut; Phalange radio reports IDF advances toward Burj al-Barajneh camp.
Arafat expects IDF attack with 3 divisions and planes, gunboats; PLO units maintain grenade, small arms attacks on IDF rear units.
Fires reported in vicinity of airport and in Burj al-Barajneh camp following fierce artillery duels; IDF units inwceased in Chouf area following killing of 3 Christian villagers by Druze militia-men (following week of violence against Druze villages by Phalange forces).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says Israel may not demand a multinational force along the border if some agreement can be reached; Shamir denies difference between political/ military actions of PLO, says IDF will not wait too much longer before assault on Beirut; Eitan suggests smaller military actions rather than all-out attack may be used; 270 IDF killed, 1270 injured; IDF says reservists in combat units may serve 60-90 days; 50- 70,000 people protest war in Tel Aviv, including reservists, as thousands of others attend exhibit of captured PLO and Syrian weapons; Justice Minister Nissim, Attorney General, and other officials meet tomorrow to consider legal action against Avnery for meeting Arafat.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam charges IDF broke cease-fire twice during day; agreement reached on deployment of multinational force alongside Lebanese Army, but not on continuing PLO presence in Lebanon; Lebanese government says PLO still refuses to offer formal set of proposals; Arafat later signs detailed document that PLO will evacuate Beirut (many Lebanese fear Israel will reject; Wazzan says only some progress, no agreement reached with PLO); Arafat hails "Paris Declaration" by 3 prominent Jews as "positive initiative toward a just ... peace"; Sarkis meets with French envoy Gutmann.
Arab Governments: Syria, Egypt, Jordan debate number of PLO members they are willing to take.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with Sarkis; Ambassador Lewis meets Begin, reportedly asks more time for negotiations.
UN: UN mission heads for Lebanon to assess relief needs.
Military Action:
IDF begins broadcasts urging Syrians and Palestinians in W. Beirut to flee or surrender; Sharon, in E. Beirut, says IDF may resume battle, urges Phalangists to join IDF in war against PLO; cease-fire holds despite IDF overflights of Beirut in morning and evening; PLO fortifies positions around camps and along coasts.
PLO, in press conference, charges wide-spread IDF use of cluster bombs; observers report no IDF effort to restore services to Palestinian refugee camps, only to nearby Lebanese towns, villages; Begin promises Israeli Druze leaders to protect Lebanese Druzes from Phalange harassment.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, during tour of troops in Beirut, says Camp David process will be helped by elimination of PLO; Uri Avnery (former Sheli MK) meets Arafat and Israeli pilot POW in W. Beirut; General Eitan says invasion planned in its "final ver-sion" 1 year ago; Sharon reiterates opposition to any remaining PLO presence in Lebanon; Shamir tells French diplomats invasion will help autonomy talks, asks French to stay out of Lebanese negotiations; opinion poll says 93 percent of Israelis think invasion justified (98.5 percent of Likud, 90.7 percent of Labor), that Likud and Begin popularity surging up; government says US ammunition sold to Saudi Arabia turned up in Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations stalled on issues of PLO retention of arms and future political role in Lebanon (Arafat, in meeting with Wazzan, reportedly proposes 2 units under Lebanese Army command that would leave only after all Syrian and Israeli troops leave Lebanon; Saudi plan reportedly has no provision for eventual removal); reports that PLO Executive Committee agrees to military pullout over 8-week period (other reports say meeting rejected all Israeli government demands); Salam, after meeting Arafat, says PLO seeks diplomatic role as it has in other Arab countries; Gemayel returns to Lebanon, indicates no compromise reached (Phalange issues statement saying IDF invasion "defensive" move to wipe out PLO, endorses Sharon statement on Jordan as place for a Palestinian state); Habash rejects Israeli terms.
Arab Governments: Egyptian foreign ministry officials say PLO, if it came to Egypt, would have to proclaim "temporary government in exile" and restrict itself to political activity; Arab League ends meetings in Saudi Arabia, failing to resolve differences (PLO proposals reportedly accepted by all but Gemayel); Egypt says strong political PLO essential.
US and Other Countries: In Paris, 3 leading Jewish figures (Nahum Goldmann, Philip Klutznick, Pierre Mendes-France) issue joint declaration asking for mutual recognition by Israel and the PLO (hailed by PLO as pro-gram to lead out of the Lebanese crisis; strongly criticized by mainstream US Jewish groups, Israel).
UN: France and Egypt call on UN Security Council to intervene without formally asking body to meet; seek resolution to preserve PLO political role in the Mideast (part of draft resolution resembles one vetoed June 27; part assures Palestinians of their right to self-determination).
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed); Muslim/Christian conflicts around Tripoli; 2 Israeli generals visit Jumblatt's center, demand that his forces surrender artillery and mortars; Phalange moves into Chouf and Sidon, replacing Lebanese gendarmerie; Israeli jets hold mock battles over Beirut, dropping flares over Palestinian refugee camps; PLO bolsters positions inside W. Beirut; Phalange shoot from behind IDF lines.
Israeli government developing plans for security of southern Lebanon not involving international help (arms and uniforms given to villagers); observers report more physical damage in Tyre than Sidon (where casualties higher); Lebanese bankers protest IDF attempt to violate bank secrecy in Sidon; IDF asks Druze/Phalange leaders to stop fighting between followers (Phalange reportedly using arms against Druze; IDF caught in cross-fire); villages of Jumblatt refuse to be disarmed (Druze Likud Knesset member asks Sharon to restrain Phalangists "who draw their strength from the Defense Minister").
UNRWA reports that 50 percent of houses in 6 Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon/Tyre are destroyed, 40 percent of refugees have fled, UNRWA convoy scheduled to leave Jerusalem for Tyre today (draws on stocks in Gaza and West Bank); two-thirds of two camps near Tyre destroyed (no clear report on third camp); Ain el-Hilweh reportedly "virtually wiped out," Rashidiyeh suffers less damage; 200,000 tons of aid from France, West Germany, Denmark waiting in Cyprus for IDF permission to ship; Canadian physician who worked in Sidon says 50 percent of 10,000 killed by IDF invasion were children under 13 (his hospital was bombed 4 times, he saw pellet bombs dropped on refugee camps, and saw Palestinian prisoners beaten with clubs and metal-tipped whips).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin disagrees with message from Haig that PLO should be allowed token political presence in Lebanon if Lebanon agrees (says that despite his statement in the US that Israel had no intention of entering Beirut, with IDF on Beirut's periphery "it was another matter," and urges Beirut residents to "flee for your lives"); Israeli Cabinet agrees to give negotiations more time, extends "deadline"; officials indicate Saudi plans for airlift might be acceptable; Foreign Ministry condemns EEC call for involvement of PLO in negotiations; Labor Alignment resolution opposing military action in Beirut gets 47 votes (Likud resolution gets 60, reference to multinational policing of 28-mile zone conspicuously absent); cost of war put at $2.5 billion for Israel ($1 b. in direct costs, $1.5 b. in indirect costs from resultant economic slowdown; equals 10-15 percent of GNP); IDF service extension for those essential for war effort being discussed; officials claim PLO takes advantage of peace negotiations; 200 protest Israeli invasion near Prime Minister's office (including 15 reservists back from Lebanon, who say they have signatures of 200 soldiers opposed to the war); trial of 20 Palestinian youths for guerrilla actions begins in Lydda and Ramal-lah; Israeli Druze leader asks Begin to restrain Phalange attacks on Lebanese Druze.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange party plans to nominate Bashir Gemayel for Lebanese President; negotiations stall as no Arab countries indicate willingness to accept all PLO fighters; Lebanese continue to flee Beirut, leaving streets deserted; Wazzan puts civilian deaths at 15,000 (IDF Colonel Kadar says deaths number only a few thousand-in excess of 440 civilian deaths cited by Begin last week); Wazzan, after meeting with Habib, rejects Israeli conditions; PLO forces in Tripoli vow to fight on regardless of any settlement in-volving PLO forces in Beirut; PLO privately reiterates willingness to leave Lebanon (form of evacuation and surrender of arms left un-resolved); PLO meets with Salam.
Arab Govemments: Saudis reported active diplomatically; Arab League representatives meet in Taif to continue discussion of common approach to IDF invasion (includes Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, PLO, Algerian and Kuwaiti envoys).
US and Other Countries: Reagand enies giving Israel "green light" for invasion, says it resulted from PLO rocket attacks on Israel; Senator Percy says IDF invasion of W. Beirut would be "unacceptable" because of civilian casualties; State Department official warns of risk of renewed fighting if PLO and Lebanon do not come to terms soon; Haig sends message saying PLO should be allowed some political presence in Lebanon if Lebanese authorities agree; French Foreign Minister Cheysson, after meeting with Egyptian envoy Ghali, speaks of PLO as representing Palestinian people; Greek Ministry of Culture supervises huge concert in Athens to aid Palestinian children; Nigerian parliament passes resolution condemning Israel; protests held in cities in USSR; USSR accuses Israelis of using chemical weapons in Lebanon supplied by US.
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery shells Syrian positions above town; 10 miles of Damascus highway reportedly in IDF hands; jets fly missions throughout the day before new 8 PM cease-fire called by IDF; Syrian brigade north of highway retreating eastward; IDF sources report Lebanese Phalangists join battle, capturing Jamhur; IDF jets, gunboats, artillery wage non-stop barrage of W. Beirut, heaviest since invasion; estimated 100,000 IDF troops inside Lebanon; Syria takes security measures around Palestinian refugee camps near Damascus; big IDF build-up on outskirts of Beirut (500 tanks, 1200 armored personnel carriers, 60 howitzers); Israeli and Phalangist forces coordinate actions via special phone system, as Israeli officers seen frequently visiting Phalangist headquarters; UK embassy, American University of Beirut hit by IDF fire.
ICRC looking after 12,000 refugees in Bekaa; Israel changes mind, says relief efforts will be for both Palestinians and Lebanese; thousands of refugees flee south along coastal road, creating huge traffic jams; Lebanese po-lice estimate 100 killed, 250 injured in day-long barrage; 30 Israelis killed, over 200 wounded in fighting along highway.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories:S haron says IDF coming close to total elimination of PLO and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon; Israel bans satellite broadcast of all footage from Lebanon by 3 US TV networks; Jerusalem Post raises issue of what Israeli war aims are; Abba Eban questions why war was not ended when original 25-mile goal reached; Sharon predicts IDF will stay in Lebanon beyond 10 weeks.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan, denouncing new fighting, resigns (calls IDF attacks a form of "blackmail," accuses Habib of collusion with Israel in attempting to force PLO into unconditional surrender); two other Muslim Cabinet ministers also resign as Lebanese government close to collapse; Jumblatt announces withdrawal from Council, says withdrawing from political life (accuses Sarkis of wanting to finish PLO, says there is a plan to install Bashir Gemayel as Lebanese President); Gemayel, Arafat speak by phone; PLO supports French proposals at UN.
Arab Governments: Saudis exert strong pressure on US to halt Israelis, reportedly considers oil shutoff, opening relations with USSR if W. Beirut attacked.
US and Other Countries: Several sources indicate US is sending somewhat contradictory diplomatic signals to Riyadh and to Habib, the Lebanese and PLO; General Haig resigns as US Secretary of State, replaced by George Shultz (disagreement within the Administration over Lebanon reportedly a major factor); Indians ransack US library in Calcutta to protest US support for Israel.
UN: Security Council debates French proposal; Secretary General appeals for cease-fire; General Assembly debates resolution condemning Israeli invasion.
Military Action:
Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli and Syrian jets; Israeli troops converge on Sidon from 3 directions after airdropping leaflets to residents asking them to leave their homes within 2 hours; three waves of Israeli planes bomb and strafe southern Beirut; Begin and Ariel Sharon tour Beaufort Castle; Tyre is finally captured, in house-to-house combat, though pockets of resistance remain; UN re-ports 57 Israeli sorties flown over Lebanon; Israeli armored column pushes to within 12 miles of Beirut; assault on Jiye power plant cuts electricity to Beirut.
Two Syrian jets shot down over northern Israel, .2 in northern Lebanon; Israeli jets bomb and strafe Syrian positions at jezzine, east of Sidon (at least 5 Syrian soldiers killed); fierce battles fought with Israeli jets over Beirut; Syrian peacekeeping units in Beirut move equipment and ammunition to positions guarding highways to Bekaa valley.
PLO units resist in heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon and at Saadiyat, 12 miles south of Beirut; Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) says 45,000 Israeli troops involved apd 400 killed since the invasion began; claim 45 Israeli tanks and 45 armored cars knocked out; personal security headquarters for Arafat reported hit; PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israel in failing to counter invasion; Lebanese National Move-ment militias take positions near seafront to guard against Israeli invasion of Beirut.
Apartment buildings and structures at Arab University hit, hospitals report at least 60 wounded; refugees stream into Beirut; electricity cut off to Beirut; Israelis estimate Palestinian casualties at 2500; radio reports say hundreds of bodies litter streets of Sidon; fierce firefight on edge of Sidon reported, as fires rage on hillsides. Israel reports 25 killed, 7 missing, 1 captured, 96 wounded; PLO estimates Israeli casualties at 400.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Begin turns over Beaufort Castle to Major Haddad, meets with Habib, rejects US call for restraint; Army Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says taking of Beaufort Castle pushes guerrillas out of range of all Galilee settlements except near Golan Heights; blackout on news of troop movements maintained; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israeli aims go beyond pushing the PLO away from the border to "the PLO's final destruction as a terrorist and political factor"; Israel reportedly pressuring Haddad and the Phalange to join in attacks on the PLO (Bashir Gemayel resists); Peres and Rabin (Labor Party) meet with Begin over remarks of Sharon, and Peres calls for speedy end to the conflict; Mapam demands a halt to Israeli air attacks and a return to the cease-fire; Knesset meets to consider no-confidence motion introduced by Democratic Front for Peace & Equality; 60 left-wing students demonstrate near prime minister's of-fice; 150 march to Mt. Scopus campus. Israeli military police tighten border patrols to prevent goods looted from Lebanese homes coming into Israel.
Palestinians/Lebanese: PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israelis; Bashir Gemayel resists Israeli pressure to attack PLO; WAFA reports Israeli troops number 60,000.
Arab Governments: High-level Iranian delegation, including heads of Iranian army and revolutionary guards, visits Syria.
US: Pentagon sends 5 US warships to the eastern Mediterranean in case the 4,000 Americans in Lebanon need to be evacuated.
UN: UN resolution calls for unconditional and immediate Israeli withdrawal and an end to all military activity within Lebanon and across its border with Israel (Israel's Ambas-sador says Israel will not comply); ABC reports UNIFIL officer received orders from UN headquarters not to resist Israeli forces.
Military Action:
The Israeli Army invades Lebanon, with over 250 tanks and thousands of infantrymen rolling past UNIFIL forces at 11 AM; Sidon is bombarded, the coastal road cut, the Lebanese oil refinery at Zahrani bombed, setting oil storage tanks afire; a bridge spanning the Litani, north of Tyre, is blown up; balloons are used to neutralize heat-seeking missiles. Israeli troops move, in three columns, to close in on Tyre, to take Nabatiyeh and Beaufort Castle, and to move from the Golan Heights towards Chebaa. Israeli troops land near the Zahrani river, in an attempt to cut off Palestinians retreating northward. Amphibious vehicles land near Rashidiyeh refugee camp while Israeli paratroopers land at another camp north of Tyre. Israeli planes drop Arabic language leaflets warning Tyre's 50,000 residents not to harbor PLO guerrillas. Thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians fleeing up the coastal road are bombarded.
Several PLO outposts reported taken along the 33-mile front, but Palestinian resist-ance reported fierce; PLO antiaircraft batteries shoot down Skyhawk jet near Nabatiyeh (pilot is captured), another near Sarafand, and 2 helicopters; PLO rocket attacks continue on western Galilee and the Haddad-controlled enclave; PLO claims to have destroyed 42 Israeli armored cars; resistance in Tyre is fierce, leading Israelis to bypass it on their northward sweep; fighting intense around Beaufort Castle.
Syrian artillery opens fire on Israeli forces following Israeli shelling of Syrian positions; Syrian army battling near Hasbaya, 10 miles north of the border.
Several UNIFIL units come under fire; UNIFIL troops at Khardali Bridge, below Beaufort Castle, come under fire but prevent Israeli troops from crossing bridge; UNIFIL protests use of incendiary artillery shells by Israelis in attacking Tyre; UN and Lebanese troops come under heavy Israeli fire near Tyre.
More than 300 people are reported killed June 4 and 5, over 500 wounded; Palestinians estimate 200 Israeli casualties; thousands fleeing towns of southern Lebanon are bombed by Israeli jets along the coastal road; casualties from June 4 bombing of Beirut estimated at 60 killed, 30 wounded. Norwegian UNIFIL soldier killed.
Rocket attacks on northern Galilee result in 3 deaths, 15 wounded, but property damage is extensive, Qiryat Shemona is hit badly; captured Israeli pilot shown at Beirut press conference.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Ambassador to US, Moshe Arens, claims aim is to push PLO out of artillery range of northern Israel; Begin sends letter to Reagan asserting the same; Israeli Cabinet says Syrian forces will only be attacked if they engage Israeli troops; Yitzhak Rabin (Labor Party) calls on Israelis to support the government; Cabinet calls operation "Peace for Galilee"; Israeli Reserve Generals reported to plan visit to US and Europe to put Israeli case; extensive mo-bilization of Israeli reserves reported as over 1000 public buses mobilized to transport troops (the largest war call-up since 1978); Israel asserts it has no territorial claims on Lebanon.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Lebanese government holds emergency meeting, asks for immediate summit of 22-member Arab League; Lebanese media claim Israelis have used cluster and fragmentation bombs, warning civilians not to touch anything on the ground; President Sarkis summons ambassadors of US, USSR, France and the UK to the palace for a meeting; Arafat flies back to Beirut.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Cabinet and President Mubarak denounce Israeli invasion as aggression (strongest language since 1977); Saudi Arabian King Khalid sends messages to Reagan, other world leaders calling for "quick intervention" to halt Israeli ''massacre. "
US and Other Countries: Reagan joins 6 other leaders at Versailles urgently appealing for a cease-fire in Lebanon; Reagan urges "restraint" in letter to Begin; UK Prime Minister Thatcher says "hit list" of targets found on suspects arrested in Argov shooting include name of PLO London representative; USSR denounces Israel for launching fifth war against the Arabs.
UN: Security Council seeks a resolution acceptable to the US and Arab governments.