Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres, in Washington, announces Israel is prepared to extend "the hand of peace" to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/18]. Peres begins high-level...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities detain 14 more Palestinians under administrative detention orders. Forty-six Palestinians have been put under...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Peres meets secretly with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj and ex-speaker of Jordanian Parliament Hikmat al-Masri of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20,000 demonstrate at Peace Now gathering in Tel Aviv, demand immediate withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon [JP, JTA 3/17]. MK Meir Cohen-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. gives no official response to news of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord, but PM Peres skeptical [JTA 2/13]. Tel Aviv contractor Avner...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Haifa District Court sentences members of PFLP-GC group convicted (1/20) for attempted bombing of Shalom Tower, Tel Aviv to terms...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian Charge d'Affaires presents $10,000 to Jaffa Waqf Administration for Hassan Bek mosque renovation after Israeli govt., Tel Aviv...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Proposed state budget denominated in US dollars instead of shekels for 1st time [JP 1/21]. 1 Lebanese, 5 Galilee Palestinians convicted...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of Israelis from poor Tel Aviv neighborhoods demonstrate outside Knesset protesting 1/10 decision to build new settlements...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]. Boston Globe reports over 70 military operations have been carried out against Israeli and SLA troops in S. Lebanon security zone in first 2 weeks of November; Israel recently staged 10-day blockade on port of Tyre, shelled Tyre and 6 other villages north of security zone with heavy artillery and tank fire on 11/18 [BG 11/19; WP 11/21].
Other Countries: U.S. officials deny U.S. has changed position on PLO recognition of Israel's right to exist before it may participate in M.E. peace talks [JP 11/20]. Italian magistrates identify 16 Palestinians sought in hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 11/20].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli fighter jets on routine flight over Lebanon shoot down 2 Syrian MIG-23s in Syrian air space after they try to approach the Israeli aircraft, according to commander of Israeli air force [NYT, WP, JP 11/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK Geula Cohen states P. M. Shimon Peres has told her of a plan to return Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for Soviet permission to let 20,000 Soviet Jews emigrate [DT 11/2]. Al-Fajr reports formal charges of "incitement" have been filed against Ziad Abu 'Ain, who has been detained for 3 months under administrative detention order [FJ 11/1]. Kach movement sent threat letters to several Palestinian restaurant owners in Tel Aviv last week; Progressive List for Peace received similar threats by phone at their Tel Aviv office last week [FJ 11/1]. Israel's balance of payments deficit this year is expected to reach $5 billion, the same as last year [FT 11/7]. Eilat opens new duty-free port in efforto revive town's economy [LT 11/2].
Arab World: Jewish Week reports Israeli factory has marketed almost $12 million worth of agricultural machinery to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Iraq, and the oil-producing emirates of the Persian Gulf; according to the reporthe Arab govts. are aware of the transactions but choose not to take official notice [JW 11/1]. Jewish Week reports Sudan's former first Vice President Maj. Gen. 'Umar al-Tayyib went on trial last week, accused of conspiring with Israel and the U.S. to fly 10,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in Operation Moses; if found guilty, al-Tayyib could be hanged. Former Pres. Ja'far Numayri is named as coconspirator in the case [JW 11/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli patrol in Gaza Strip; 2 soldiers lightly wounded [JTA 11/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].
Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].
Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres, in Washington, announces Israel is prepared to extend "the hand of peace" to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/18]. Peres begins high-level talks with U.S. officials to convince them the PLO must be kept out of the peace process, Jordanians and "moderate" Palestinians should be drawn in instead [MG 10/18]. Four Palestinians from the Gaza Strip are jailed for up to 7 years for allegedly planning agrenade attack on the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv last year [NYT 10/18]. Israeli officials announce Israel will partly restore ties with Poland, broken off 18 years ago, by opening diplomatic interest section in Warsaw. Poland will do the same in Tel Aviv [CT, LT 10/18]. Al-Bayader al-Siyassi is banned from distribution for 2 weeks following publication of an interview with Yasir Arafat [FJ 10/25]. "Arab Culture in Israel Week" begins in various cities under auspices of Min. of Education [JP 10/17].
Other Countries: U.S. Justice Dept. issues arrest warrants and announces $250,000 reward for information leading to arrest of 3 men charged with murder and piracy in June hijacking of TWA Flight 847 [NYT, WP 10/18]. Italian prosecutors say they lean toward the theory that the hijackers' original target was in fact the Achille Lauro [NYT, WP 10/18]. Aide to Italian P.M. Bettino Craxi says U.S. has still failed to prove Abu 'Abbas masterminded the hijacking, says transcript of radio conversation is unsufficient proof and the U.S. claim is "completely ridiculous at times" [WP 10/18].
Military Action
Arab World: Four suicide bombers attack and demolish fundamentalist Christian Voice of Hope radio station in S. Lebanon, killing 2 workers there and themselves. The Lebanese Communist party takes responsibility for the attack [WP, NYT, LT 10/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing people in Israel" [JP 9/9]. Soldiers fire rubber bullets and tear gas on a group called An End to Occupation as they demonstrate in Ramallah to protest Israeli deportation and administrative detention practices; 21 protesters are detained. Army declares the area a closed military zone [GU 9/18]. Ariel Sharon begins suit against Time magazine in a Tel Aviv court. Under Israeli law, Sharon need not prove malice to substantiate his claim [JP 9/9]. Charges have been filed against Israeli joumalist Amnon Kapeliouk for visiting Jordan in March and April. Under the 1948 Emergency Defense Regulations, Kapeliouk could receive up to a year in prison for entering acountry in a state of war with Israel [JP 9/8].
Other Countries: New York Times reports the Soviet Union has begun a new campaign to encourage Palestinians to reject American-sponsored efforts at Arab-Israeli peace talks. In recent weeks George Habash, Nayef Hawatmeh, Khaled al-Fahoum, and close Arafat aide Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) have visited Moscow. Soviet leaders have expressed "total opposition" to the 11 February accord between Arafat and King Hussein [NYT 9/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues for the 6th straight day between 2,500 Palestinian fighters inside Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp and Amal militiamen outside [NYT 9/9]. Lebanese officials meet with Syrian Vice Pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Damascus to ask for Syrian military intervention to stop the fighting [LT 9/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities detain 14 more Palestinians under administrative detention orders. Forty-six Palestinians have been put under administrative detention since 8/28. No charges or evidence brought against any of the detainees [NYT 9/2]. Administrative detention and deportation policies were reinstated 8/4 as part of Israel's new security measures. Free trade agreement between Israel and the U.S. goes into effect, cutting U.S. tariffs on Israeli imports and Israeli tariffs on U.S. products in four stages. All trade tariffs between the 2 countries will be eliminated by 1/1/95. The U.S. Commerce Dept. will open Is, rael Information Center in Washington, D.C. to assist companies seeking to do business in Israel; 20 trade seminars are scheduled [JP 9/1; BG 9/2]. Tel Aviv magistrate's court rejects police request and releases 3 suspects in the land fraud case on bail after 45 days of detention [JP 9/2]. Jerusalem Post reports 5,000 Palestinians and Israelis gathered in Umm al-Fahm village in the Galilee 8/31 to protest racism and mark occasion a year ago when MK Meir Kahane tried to enter the village [JP 9/1, NYT 9/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Fateh statement blames American-Zionist agents for 8/30 killing of Mustafa Qasim Khalifa, Palestinian guerrilla leader loyal to Arafat, and says proand anti-Arafat Palestinian groups will meet in effort to head off showdown [NYT 9/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin warns Amal that Israel will not allow it to carry out attacks across the northern border [MG 8/25]. The Washington Post reports Knesset Internal Affairs Committee voted 7-4 to block construction of the Mormon Center on Mount of Olives [WP 8/24]. A new memorial, called the Center for Special Studies in the Memory of the Fallen of Israel's Intelligence Community, opens in Tel Aviv [NYT 8/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Andre Alush, 40, is shot and killed by lone gunman in Tulkarm. Curfew is imposed [WP 8/25]. Avi Oved, of Tiberias, is shot three times in the marketplace of Jenin. His condition is serious. Curfew is immediately imposed [WP 8/25]. Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon falls in northern Israel, causing no casualties [WP 8/25].
Arab World: IDF carry out large-scale search operations in 3 south Lebanese villages: Qabrikha, Majd al-Salim, and Shaqra. Search follows firing of a katyusha into the Galilee earlier in the week. Several arrests are made and a variety of weapons seized [MG 8/25]. The Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims suicide bomber killed or wounded 60 at a SLA checkpoint; Israel's army radio says one Lebanese Christian soldier was killed and 2 others wounded [MG 8/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede with negotiations is "whether it would help promote direct Arab-Israeli negotiations" [WP 7/19]. East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds publishes list of 7 names for proposed joint delegation: Khaled al-Hasan, head of the PNC's foreign affairs committee; Fayez Abu Rahmeh, ex-head of Gaza Bar Association; Hatim al-Husseini, professor at Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C.; Salah al-Ta'amari, member of the PLO's Supreme Military Council; Nabil Sha'th, PNC member; Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper; and Muhammad Subayh, PNC member. Henry Cattan, Paris-based lawyer and historian, is also mentioned as alternate [NYT 7/19, LAT 7/19]. Modi'in Ezrahi poll finds 12.7 percent of Israelis favor peace talks, regardless of which Palestinians participate; 33 percent oppose talks with any Palestinians [JP 7/19]. U.S. military delegation headed by Undersecretary of State William Schneider and General Philip Gast begins annual talks in Tel Aviv on scope of future U.S. military aid to Israel [JTA 7/19]. Orthodox Jews hold mass pray-in at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City to protest construction of Mormon center they fear will be used to convert Jews. Israel's two chief rabbis endorse the event [LAT 7/19].
Arab World: Office of Arab Boycott of Israel, at biannual meeting in Damascus, removes Ford, Bayer, Colgate Palmolive, and 6 companies and individuals from other countries from its blacklist; 28 new companies added [FT, LAT 7/19].
Other Countries: Bomb explodes, wrecking house and car of the PLO's acting chief representative in Cyprus, Malath 'Abdu; no injuries reported [WP 7/18]. The Guardian reports 2 Palestinians were arrested by police in Madrid last week while allegedly planning to blow up Syrian embassy and assassinate ambassador. Suspects allegedly belong to Fateh's Force 17; police discovered TNT, arms, ammunition, a detonator, and a time fuse when they raided a flat in connection with the arrests [MG 7/19].
Other Countries: Soviet spokesman denies Moscow would make deal with Israel on increased Jewish emigration to Israel [DT 7/19]. Israel Radio reports Soviets want emigration guaranteed to Israel, not to other countries; want anti-Soviet propaganda stopped in the West [CT 7/21]. Moscow states goal as progress on Golan Heights [NYT 7/20]. U.S. officials state U.S. would welcome Soviet resumption of ties with Israel as constructive behavior in Middle East [LT 7/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Peres meets secretly with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj and ex-speaker of Jordanian Parliament Hikmat al-Masri of Nablus. Furayj describes meeting as "a general discussion" [LT 7/18]. Israel Radio reports Israeli Amb. to France Ovadia Sofer met secretly in Paris with Soviet Amb. Yuli Varontsov [NYT 7/19, LT 7/20]. Six hundred Ethiopian Jews march from Afula to Tel Aviv to protest the process of ritual immersion to verify their Jewishness [NYT, LT 7/17]. Bethlehem U. Student Council publishes statement in al-Mithaq denouncing Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj's attendance at university's 7/13 graduation ceremonies; withdraws recognition of Furayj as head of the board of trustees for the university [FJ 7/26]. All-night negotiations between Israeli government and Histadrut labor federation avert general strike. Government foregoes emergency decrees to implement austerity program [LT 7/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to tentative ME peace talks three weeks ago. 9 are: Walid Khalidi, Harvard U. political science professor; Edward Said, Columbia U. English professor; Hisham Sharabi, of Georgetown U.; Rashid Khalidi, visiting fellow at Washington's Wilson Center; Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj; Hikmat al-Masri, former speaker of Jordanian Parliament; Rashad Shawwa, deposed Gaza mayor; Anwar Nusseibeh, former Jordanian minister and head of East Jerusalem Electric Co.; and Ahmad Sidqi al-Dajani, former senior official in PLO executive committee, now living in Cairo. PLO spokesman says [AP 6/5] PNC speaker 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih is also under consideration.
Arab World: IDF and SLA (Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army) raid 2 Shi'ite villages, arrest about 40 men and destroy 5 homes in Majd al-Salim as punishment for hiding weapons or shielding fighters [LAT 6/4].
Other Countries: Foreign Min. Shamir, in England, tells P. M. Thatcher and Foreign Min. Geoffrey Howe that Israel opposes Jordanian scheme for peace talks. Thatcher supports Jordanian plan [LT 6/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF bulldozes ten houses in villages near Hebron; expels residents [AF 6/7]. Security forces announce arrest of 9 in connection with killing of Rafah Mayor 'Abd al-Hamid Kishta, 65, in September; of Isma'il al-Khatib, 38, head of the al-Azhar Islamic College in Gaza in November; and with grenade attack on bus near market in Tel Aviv [JP 6/4]. Arrests of 9 Palestinians and Israelis were made "several months ago" in Gaza. Others were arrested for supplying 9 with weapons stolen from IDF. IDF uproots 1,300 olive trees, illegally planted in army firing area near Bethlehem [JP 6/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20,000 demonstrate at Peace Now gathering in Tel Aviv, demand immediate withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon [JP, JTA 3/17]. MK Meir Cohen-Avidov, supporters disrupt opening of Jewish-Palestinian anti-occupation art exhibit in Haifa [FJ 3/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: After stones were thrown at Israeli vehicle in Ramallah, IDF seals off central part of city. IDF set up roadblocks on way to Bir Zeit U. to prevent demonstrations against 3/8 closing of part of campus. Stone thrown at Israeli car in Nablus injures passenger [JP 3/17].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 3, wound 3 during raid on Toura [FJ 3/22]. IDF raid Burj Rahhal; 5 arrested. RPGs fired at IDF unit near Hmairi; no injuries reported [NYT 3/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. gives no official response to news of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord, but PM Peres skeptical [JTA 2/13]. Tel Aviv contractor Avner Ehrlich urges Fed. of Contractors & Builders in Israel to boycott Dheisheh camp construction workers; refers to camp as "terror base" [JP 2/13]. 25 women prisoners at Neve Tertza begin hunger strike for better conditions [Fl 2/22].
Arab World: Arafat-Hussein agreement (2/11) condemned by DFLP, PFLP, Popular Struggle Front, al-Sa'iqa in Damascus. Chrmn. Arafat leaves Amman for Tunis to convene meeting of Fateh Central Committee [LAT 2/13].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Toura; 1 villager killed, 2 wounded, 5 arrested UP 2/13]. RPG's, shots fired at IDF post near Ruman; 6 wounded. Gunfire wounds SLA officer at roadblock in Sila [JP 2/14]. SLA withdraws from Sidon [FT 2/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Haifa District Court sentences members of PFLP-GC group convicted (1/20) for attempted bombing of Shalom Tower, Tel Aviv to terms ranging from 9-20 yrs. [JP 1/24]. Kach, Tehiya supporters disrupt meeting featuring MK Muhammad Mi'ari, harass him afterwards [FJ 2/1]. IDF destroy 40 dunums of grapevines in Gaza Zaytun bloc; part of steps [see 1/21] to expropriate 5,000 dunums of land south of Gaza city [FJ 2/15].
Arab World: Jordanian parliament amends passport law; Jordanian passport holders seeking to renew passports from abroad now must have applications sent to Amman for screening; authorities there will decide on approval, may require recall of applicant to Jordan; aimed at politically active individuals, especially on W. Bank [FJ 1/25].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA officer dies in booby-trapped car, Kafr Hula, S. Lebanon [JP 1/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian Charge d'Affaires presents $10,000 to Jaffa Waqf Administration for Hassan Bek mosque renovation after Israeli govt., Tel Aviv municipality delay funding of reconstruction [JP 1/22]. Haifa U. files complaint against Arab Students Committee after 1/17 fight between Jews and Palestinians during speech by MK Eitan; students maintain they only protested Eitan's racist statements [JP 1/22]. IDF, Border Police confiscate over 200 dunums of land in Gaza Valley [FJ 1/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense sources indicate 610 IDF combat deaths in Lebanon since 6/82; 376 killed in Israel during same period from training & road accidents, suicide, etc. [JP 1/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Proposed state budget denominated in US dollars instead of shekels for 1st time [JP 1/21]. 1 Lebanese, 5 Galilee Palestinians convicted on terrorist charges in Haifa; group arrested in August 1983 on charges of plotting to blow up Shalom Tower in Tel Aviv as agents of PFLP-GC [JP 1/21].
Arab World: IDF begin first of 3-stage withdrawal from Lebanon as vehicles leave Sidon area; no troops scheduled to leave until 2/18 [JP 1/21].
Other Countries: US intelligence sources indicate Libyan leader Qadhafi has created pro-Libyan commando group, "Palestinian Arab Revolution Committees," in Beqaa Valley [NWK 1/21].
Military Action
Arab World: According to IDF sources, S. Lebanon resistance carried out over 900 attacks against IDF during 1984 [NYTM 1/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of Israelis from poor Tel Aviv neighborhoods demonstrate outside Knesset protesting 1/10 decision to build new settlements while failing to assist urban poor [MEI 1/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha fired into N. Israel from Jordan; no damage or injuries [LAT 1/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides on 2 sites in N. portion of W. Bank (Migdalim, Avnei Hefetz), 1 near Hebron (Asael), 1 near Jerusalem (Neot Adumim), 1 in Jordan Valley (Peles) and 1 in Gush Etzion (Beitar, alternatively called Tzoref); financing not yet approved [NYT 1/11, JP 1/11]. Jerusalem Post reports PM Peres, Min. Weizman agree on need to reform Israel's policy towards Palestinians within Israel [JP 10/10]. Palestinian and Israeli artists open anti-occupation exhibit in Tel Aviv [FJ 1/18].
Military Action
Arab World: 5 IDF troops wounded when bomb explodes as patrol passes near alDaloun, S. Lebanon [JP 1/11].