12 / 15493 Results
  • October 17, 1990

    According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].


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  • September 10, 1990

    After 2 days of talks in Iran, Iraqi delegation under F.M. Aziz (1st high-level visit since 1979 revolution) announces it will restore full diplomatic ties [NYT, LAT 9/11].

    Sec. Baker calls...

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  • September 3, 1990

    Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

    Iraq refuses...

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  • September 1, 1990

    Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan says his country could not be used as staging ground for U.S. troops to rescue hostages or launch offensive strikes against Iraq: "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a...

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  • August 3, 1990

    Arab League foreign ministers, holding emergency meeting in Cairo, issue statement "condemn[ing] Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. . .reject[ing] any consequences resulting from such aggression," 7...

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  • May 17, 1990

    Swedish Save the Children organization releases 1,000-page report accusing IDF of systematic violence against Palestinian children in O.T. JDS 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; NYT, WT, LAT, CSM, MEM 5/ 17; FJ 5...

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  • April 24, 1990

    Responding to international criticism about secret gov't. funding of Jewish settlement in Jerusalem, Israeli foreign ministry issues statement: "It is the right of Jews to live everywhere, and to...

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  • March 10, 1990

    About 500 Palestinian and Israeli women march in Jerusalem to call for negotiations between Israel and Palestinians [WP 3/11; FJ 3/19].

    Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek says current gov't....

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  • February 5, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [...

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  • January 29, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Rabbi Baruch Abu-Hatzera, Sephardim Jewish leader, tells tens of thousands of followers that Israel should negotiate with the...

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  • January 16, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].


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  • January 15, 1990


    Arab World: Arab League Tripartite Committee on Lebanon opens meetings in Algiers to discuss ways to hasten resolution of Lebanese crisis [FBIS 1/16].


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According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].

Expressing concern that U.S. could go to war against Iraq while Congress was in recess, Senate Foreign Relations Committee demands Pres. Bush obtain congressional approval before taking military action. Demand is rebuffed by White House and Sec. Baker, who says the pres. will "consult" with Congress if need be [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/18].

For. Sec. Hurd says he failed to convince Israelis to accept UN team investigating Haram al-Sharif incident; 28 prominent Palestinians cancel scheduled meeting with Hurd after local press reports 10/16 comments; Hurd says papers misinterpreted his comments [MEM 10/17; NYT, WT 10/18; JDS 10/17 in FBIS 10/17, 10/18].

Egypt's most prominent newspaper Al-Ahram assails King Hussein as co-conspirator with Saddam, saying King Hussein acknowledged in an interview with New York Times he knew in advance of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Al-Ahram's version of the interview is at odds with the Times article, which says King Hussein knew of the invasion only at 6:00 am on 8/2 [NYT 10/18].

Arab League emergency session, called for by Palestine to discuss Haram al-Sharif shootings, opens in Tunis (cf. 10/18) [SPA 10/17 in FBIS 10/18].

After 2 days of talks in Iran, Iraqi delegation under F.M. Aziz (1st high-level visit since 1979 revolution) announces it will restore full diplomatic ties [NYT, LAT 9/11].

Sec. Baker calls on NATO members to send ground-based forces to join U.S. units in Saudi Arabia; announces he will visit Syria [LAT, NYT, WT, WP 9/11].

General Federation of Trade Unions in O.T. estimate 56,675 Palestinians have been deported from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, but urge them to try to return to their jobs as little work is available in O.T. [LAT, MEM 9/11; FJ 9/17].

In gesture to break embargo, Saddam Hussein offers free oil to developing nations that defy armada of international warships in the region [NYT, WT, MEM, WP 9/11; MET 9/18].

After much debate, foreign ministers of 12 of 21 Arab League members agree to move Arab League's headquarters to Cairo from Tunis (Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, Jordan, Yemen, and PLO boycott meeting); 5-member committee supervising relocation given 60 days to complete move [MENA 9/9 in FBIS 9/11; WT, MEM 9/11; CSM 9/12; FJ 9/17; MET 9/18]. 

Military sources report Syrian air force has issued orders to allow NATO spy planes leaving British bases in Cyprus to overfly Syria as they monitor Iraqi troop positions [AVP 9/10 in FBIS 9/11].

3-day meeting of International Islamic Conference opens in Mecca; King Fahd sends message to conference stating foreign troops will be asked to leave Saudi Arabia after the crisis has ended (cf. 9/12) [RTS 9/11, SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/13].

Trial of former IDF reservist Ami Popper, accused of murdering 8 Palestinians in Gaza on 5/20, opens in Tel Aviv [MET 9/18].

Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].

Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].

U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].

As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].

In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].

Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].

Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].

Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].

Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].

Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan says his country could not be used as staging ground for U.S. troops to rescue hostages or launch offensive strikes against Iraq: "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a theater for any action that is not defensive for Saudi Arabia" and "war will be the last option" [NYT, WP 9/2; MEM 9/3].

Pres. Bush, Pres. Gorbachev announce they will meet in Helsinki on 9/9 with the Middle East on the agenda [NYT, WP 9/2].

Arab League Council of Foreign Ministers (attended by 13 of 21 members) announces resolutions on Gulf crisis issued at 2-day meeting in Cairo that call for: Arab solution based on League charter; respecting civilians and property; foreign nationals to be allowed to leave; reopening of diplomatic missions in Kuwait; and compensation for Kuwait. Any peace initiative not coming from League is rejected, an implicit reference to efforts by Jordan, PLO etc. [MENA 9/1 in FBIS 9/4; WP 9/2; MEM 9/3; JPI 9/8].

PLO leadership meets in Tunis, issues formal statement accusing Mubarak of personal responsibility for anti-Palestinian campaign in semi-official Egyptian media [MEM 9/3; FJ 9/10].

Arab League foreign ministers, holding emergency meeting in Cairo, issue statement "condemn[ing] Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. . .reject[ing] any consequences resulting from such aggression," 7 League members-Jordan, PLO, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Djiboutido not endorse statement; Gulf Cooperation Council statement condemns invasion, and Egyptian foreign ministry calls for withdrawal of Iraqi troops [MENA 8/3 in FBIS 8/6; MEM 8/6].

UNLU allegedly sends cable of support to Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein: "You [Saddam] have taken the first step toward the liberation of Palestine" [INA 8/3 in FBIS 8/6; MEM 8/6].

Swedish Save the Children organization releases 1,000-page report accusing IDF of systematic violence against Palestinian children in O.T. JDS 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; NYT, WT, LAT, CSM, MEM 5/ 17; FJ 5/21].

Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog grants Yitzhak Shamir addtional 21 days to try to form gov't. [JDS 5/17 in FBIS 5/18; WP, NYT, WT 5/18; MET 5/29].

U.S. and Arab nations break off talks designed to reach compromise of text of a UN Sec. Council resolution criticizing Israeli settlement in O.T. [NYT 5/18].

Despite objections from U.S. and Israel, WHO passes resolution increasing direct assistance to Palestinians in O.T. [NYT 5/18].

Arab League Sec.-Gen. Chedli Klibi is handed memorandum from Bush admin. offering advice to Arab states on occasion of upcoming Arab League summit [MEM 5/23; INA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Washington Times reports American Jewish leaders have helped broker a deal between U.S., Israel, and Ethiopia that would allow some 3,000 Falashas to emigrate to Israel [WT 6/17].

Israel establishes new police unit, Gid'onim, to deal with security problems in Jerusalem; 30-man team, from IDF elite units, will "engage in intelligence missions, deal with hostile elements, thwart terrorist activities, and handle disturbances in Jerusalem" [JDS 5/17 in FBIS 5/18; MEM 5/18].

Jerusalem Magistrate Court will hear deliberations on Jewish settlement in St. John's Hospice; Judge Ya acov Betzalel reports that court sessions will begin in late October, status quo will remain in effect until then [JDS 5/17 in FBIS 5/18].

Abbie Nathan, arrested 5/16, is released on $5,000 bail after admitting he met Arafat in Tunis [MET 5/29].

Israeli police arrest Jewish man they describe as "mentally deranged" on suspicion of desecrating c.250 Jewish graves in Lod on 5/13 (cf. 5/27) [NYT, WT 5/17; WP 5/18]. 

Responding to international criticism about secret gov't. funding of Jewish settlement in Jerusalem, Israeli foreign ministry issues statement: "It is the right of Jews to live everywhere, and to purchase or rent property in all parts of the land of Israel, and especially in Jerusalem" [NYT 4/25].

UN spokesperson says Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar is deeply concerned over presence of Jewish settlers in Christian quarter of Jerusalem, and disturbed over Israeli officials' financial involvement [WP 4/25].

Through an emissary to interim P.M. Shamir, AIPAC exec. dir. Thomas Dine questions timing of Jewish settlement in Christian quarter of Jerusalem, criticizes Israeli gov't.'s secret financing of move (cf. 4/25) [NYT, WT 4/25].

Gov't of Greece has shelved its plans to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel until all settlers are evacuated from Greek Orthodox St. John's Hospice in Jerusalem [JPD 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].

Peretz Kidron of Yesh Gvul organization says at least 108 IDF reservists have gone to prison for refusing to serve in O.T. [MET 5/8-14].

Group called Islamic Jihad-Jerusalem threatens to kill Americans worldwide unless U.S. Senate repeals 3/22 resolution calling Jerusalem the capital of Israel [NYT 4/25].

U.S. House of Representatives votes 378 to 34 in favor of a nonbinding resolution affirming support for united Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Resolution, identical to one passed by Senate on 3/22, conflicts with official U.S. policy [WP, WT 4/25; FJ 4/30].

Syria's first ambassador to Egypt in 13 years, Isa Darwish, presents his credentials to Pres. Mubarak [MET 5/8-14].

Eight Arab states, including the State of Palestine, have agreed to Arab summit in Baghdad in late May (cf. 5/1) [KUNA 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].

Officials from PLO and Japan meet within framework of agreement reached last October, PLO to ask for assistance in creating jobs in O.T. [AVP 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].

Czechoslovakia's Pres. Havel says his country can serve as transit station for emigrating Soviet Jews [JDS 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].

Amid rumors that Israel will release captives held in S. Lebanon as payoffor release of U.S. hostage, Israeli officials say Israeli prisoners in Lebanon must be released as part of any deal [LAT 4/25].

About 500 Palestinian and Israeli women march in Jerusalem to call for negotiations between Israel and Palestinians [WP 3/11; FJ 3/19].

Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek says current gov't. crisis was brought on by Pres. Bush's 3/3 statement against E. Jerusalem settlements [NYT 3/11].

Arab League opens 93d ordinary session in Tunis; meeting is chaired by State of Palestine [TDS 3/9 in FBIS 3/12]. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [NYT, WP 2/6; MET 2/13].

PLO supporters in the O.T., including Sari Nusaybah, denounce 2/4 bus attack, say such attacks do not serve Palestinian interests and that the PLO is not responsible [FBIS 2/6].

Arab World: Islamic Jihad movement claims responsibility for 2/4 bus attack north of Cairo [LAT, NYT 2/6].

Egyptian officials express shock and embarrassment a2/4 bus attack, pledge to pursue peace efforts with Israel [WP 2/ 6].

Arab League, meeting in Tunis, decides to send 60-member high-level delegation to Washington, Moscow, and Dublin to argue that increased Soviet immigration to Israel will increase tensions and reduce the prospects for peace [NYT 2/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes boys secondary school in Baytunia [FJ 2/12].

15-year-old Palestinian dies after fall while fleeing IDF troops [FBIS 2/6; FJ 2/ 12].

Palestinians kill 3 people suspected of collaborating with Israeli officials [FBIS 2/7; MET 2/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Rabbi Baruch Abu-Hatzera, Sephardim Jewish leader, tells tens of thousands of followers that Israel should negotiate with the PLO to bring about peace. Speech angers Shamir [NYT 1/30; JP 2/3].

IDF reports an increase in the number of suicides among soldiers; 25 in the last 6 months, compared with 11 over the same period in 1988-89 [FBIS 1/29].

Arab World: Georges Saadeh, president of Lebanon's Phalangist Party, resigns from the Syrian-backed cabinet of Hrawi [NYT, WP 1/30; MET 2/6].

PLO Executive Committee holds emergency meeting in Baghdad to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 1/31].

Other Countries: UN Sec.-General Javier Perez de Cuellar asks UN Sec. Council to renew Unifil mandate in S. Lebanon [MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes in Hebron-area village of al-Samoa [FJ 2/5].

B'Tselem reports that 38 Palestinian homes have been demolished or sealed for security reasons this month, more than in any previous month, except for June 1989 [FBIS 1/29].

8 Palestinians are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Ramallah; 9 are reported wounded in Gaza clashes; 2 Israelis autos are torched in Jerusalem [FBIS 1/31]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].

Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid arrives in Washington, meets with Sec. Baker. Abd-al-Majid's trip coincides with Washington talks between Bush administration and Israeli D.M. Rabin [FBIS 1/16; NYT, WP 1/17].

Arab Cooperation Council opens meetings in Baghdad [FBIS 1/17].

Other Countries: New York Times op-ed piece by Senate minority leader Robert Dole suggests 5% of U.S. foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, and others be redirected to E. Europe and Panama [NYT 1/16, 1/17; WP 1/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military closes 6 Gaza Strip schools for rock throwing [FBIS 1/17].


Arab World: Arab League Tripartite Committee on Lebanon opens meetings in Algiers to discuss ways to hasten resolution of Lebanese crisis [FBIS 1/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 19-year-old Israeli soldier, Halit Avni, is stabbed in Jerusalem's Old City. Police detain 60 Palestinians for questioning [NYT 1/16; MET 1/23].

Arab World: Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon land in Upper Galilee but cause no damage or injuries [MET 1/23].