Israeli soldiers surround al-Najah University in Nablus. Some 3,000-4,000 students and others refuse to submit to searches; IDF imposes curfew on Nablus and 4 nearby refugee camps. (WP 7/16; NYT 7...
July 15, 1992
January 11, 1990
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D.M. Rabin leaves for Washington and meetings with Baker [FBIS 1/12; MET 1/23].
Military reopens all Gaza Strip schools...
December 30, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 15,000 Jews and Palestinians form human chain for peace 2.5 miles long around walls of Jerusalem's Old City. At several points...
July 29, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank including E. Jerusalem protesting imprisonment of women [LAT 7/30].
October 14, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in...
October 10, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus...
October 7, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts blackout on 10/6 shoot-out between IDF patrol and Palestinians in Gaza Strip [FJ 10/11]. District court in Jerusalem...
October 4, 1987
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli P. M. Yitzhak Shamir meets with 7 pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians; the Palestinians later meet with Shmuel Goren, Israeli...
April 7, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports...
March 20, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers close road near Rafah in retaliation for damage caused by Palestinian demonstrators [FJ 3/27].
Arab World: PLO spokesman...
December 1, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir...
November 29, 1986
Social/Economic/Political Other Countries: Convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard says he feels abandoned by Israeli govemment and acted only out of "Zionist commitment to Israel" [JP 11/29]....
November 27, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense...
March 22, 1986
Arab World: PLO announces in Sidon that 4 Israeli soldiers and 4 PLO fighters were killed in 7.5-hour clash near northern Israeli settlement of Zarit a few days...
November 17, 1983
Military Action:
French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut;...
June 14, 1982
Military Action:
Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda;...
Israeli soldiers surround al-Najah University in Nablus. Some 3,000-4,000 students and others refuse to submit to searches; IDF imposes curfew on Nablus and 4 nearby refugee camps. (WP 7/16; NYT 7/17)
PLO Exec. Comm. issues statement criticizing Rabin's "iron fist policy," and calling for int'l. action to lift the siege. (Algiers VOP 7/15 in FBIS 7/16)
Construction and housing min. Benyamin Ben-Eliezer "cancel[s] endorsement" of approved but unsigned contracts for 3,000 housing units in the o.t. Council of Jewish Settlements of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza considers this a "declaration of war." (Qol Yisra'el, IDF Radio 7/15 in FBIS 7/16)
Fateh official Abu-Nidal al-Asmar narrowly escapes death as a bomb destroys his car in Sidon. (AFP 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)
Israeli undercover unit shoots dead Hamas-'Izz al-Din al-Qassim faction mbr. in Gaza City. (MM 7/16)
Amal claims an attack on an SLA patrol in al-Qantara, S. Lebanon, kills 6 Israeli soldiers and 1 Amal militiaman. SLA responds by shelling "security zone" border villages of al-Qantara, al-Qabrikha. (VOL 7/15 in FBIS 7/15; Radio Lebanon 7/15 in FBIS 7/16)
PM Rabin "rules out" Palestinian legislative elections as outlined in Camp David Accords. (WP 7/16)
Pres. Herzog leaves for 2-day visit to Turkey, firstrip to Turkey by an Israeli president. (Qol Yisra'el 7/15 in FBIS 7/16)
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D.M. Rabin leaves for Washington and meetings with Baker [FBIS 1/12; MET 1/23].
Military reopens all Gaza Strip schools except al-Tuffah secondary school, 4 days earlier than anticipated [FJ 1/22].
Arab World: Egypt and USSR sign trade agreement increasing volume of trade between the 2 nations [FBIS 1/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Abu Fadi, PLO commander of Fateh force located near Sidon, Lebanon threatens to retaliate against Lebanese Shi'a Muslim militiamen for overnight clash in which a Fateh commando is killed, 3 others wounded [FBIS 1/11; NYT 1/12; MET 1/23].
Israeli army reinforces positions in S. Lebanon "security zone" with additional troops. Fateh has also reinforced positions due to increased hostilities between Hizballah and Amal [FBIS 1/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 15,000 Jews and Palestinians form human chain for peace 2.5 miles long around walls of Jerusalem's Old City. At several points police try to break up crowds by firing water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets. At least 50 are arrested, 70 wounded [NYT, WP 12/31; FBIS 1/3; FJ 1/8].
Military Action
Arab World: At Arafat's instruction, PLO militiamen south of Sidon take up positions to prevent clashes between Hizballah and Amal from spreading to PLO-controlled areas [NYT 12/31; FBIS 1/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank including E. Jerusalem protesting imprisonment of women [LAT 7/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Abu Daif, 24- year-old Palestinian dies of wounds sustained 7/20 [LAT 7/30, FJ 7/31]. Troops use tear gas, rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators in 'Aidah refugee camp. In Nusayrat authorities destroy 3 homes. In Husan, 40 people are arrested. In Gaza, 2 border policemen are injured [FJ 7/31]. Throughout the territories curfews keep 145,000 people in their homes [LAT 7/30].
Arab World: Near Sidon, PLO fighters clash with Amal militia [FJ 8/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in Gaza is released from detention [FJ 10/18]. Travel ban on Gaza residents is reinstated [FJ 10/18].
Arab World: Amal and PLO officials announce new agreement to end fighting around Sidon camps [CSM 10/15].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces PIO has been granted 6-week extension to comply with order closing the office [CSM 10/16].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians throw stones at IDF troops in E. Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers use tear gas to disperse demonstrating schoolgirls in Ramallah [LAT 10/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus Gate [WP 10/11; MET 10/24]. Caller allegedly from Force 17 later claims responsibility, charges Shahaf was Mossad agent [FJ 10/18]. Arab World: In speech to Jordanian Parliament, King Hussein blames Likud for dimmed prospects for peace conference, announces postponement of elections for lower house of Parliament for at least 2 years [WP 10/11]. PLO Executive Com. Chairman Yasir Arafat holds talks with Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi in Tunis [FBIS 10/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 3d consecutive day of violence in Gaza Strip, Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse stonethrowing demonstrators at Gaza's Islamic University, injuring at least 3 students. In separate Gaza City incident, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops firing live ammunition and tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators [WP 10/11; FBIS 10/13].
Arab World: Hospitals near Sidon report 7 are killed, 10 wounded in daylong battles between Amal and Palestinian forces around 'Ayn al-Hilwah [WP 10/12]. IDF fighter planes strike PFLP target in Biqa' Valley [NYT 10/11; FBIS 10/13]. Lebanese fighters claim to down IDF helicopter during Biqa' raid; IDF denies allegation [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts blackout on 10/6 shoot-out between IDF patrol and Palestinians in Gaza Strip [FJ 10/11]. District court in Jerusalem upholds 6- month administrative detention order for Faysal Husayni, director of the Arab Studies Society [FJ 10/11]. Birzeit University students protest expulsion of Zakaria al-Nahhas, a graduate of BZU [FJ 10/11]. Military officials declare Gaza coast a closed military area, prohibiting fishermen from going to sea [FJ 10/11]. Sabah Hindi, brother of girl who died while in police custody, is released from prison [FJ 10/11]. Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai warns of clampdown on activities of Islamic Jihad [FBIS 10/8].
Arab World: PLO Central Com. ends 2-day meeting in Tunis [FJ 10/11]. Nabih Birri meets with Algerian Ambassador Hadi Missa'ud, requests Algerian intervention to enforce cease-fire in camps war [FBIS 10/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian fighters battle Amal forces in Maghdushah, Jinsnaya, and Baysur near Sidon [FBIS 10/7].
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli P. M. Yitzhak Shamir meets with 7 pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians; the Palestinians later meet with Shmuel Goren, Israeli coordinator for W. Bank, to discuss economic problems of the territory [FJ 10/11; MET 10/17]. Al-Fajr reports former Hebron Mayor Mustafa Natshah and Gaza attorney Fayiz Abu Rahmah have been denied permission to attend conferences abroad [FJ 10/4]. Abu Dis College of Science employees launch strike to protest ban on establishment of union [FJ 10/11]. Woman charged with attempting to stab Israeli border guard 10/2 is ordered back into custody [FJ 10/11]. Hebron University reopens after 2-week military-ordered closure [FJ 10/11]. Gaza taxi drivers file suit against city police department for excessive ticketing near Eretz crossing [FJ 10/11]. Palestinian youth wounded by IDF bullet dies in hospital [FJ 10/11]. Davar reports Irael and Nigeria have agreed to restore low-level diplomatic relations severed in 1973 [CSM 10/5].
Arab World: PLO accuses Amal of shelling Shatila refugee camp in attempt to undermine Sidon cease-fire agreement [FBIS 10/6].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA patrol attacks UNIFIL position, killing 1 Nepalese soldier [MET 10/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports of protests in Jalazun, Am'ari, Balatah, and Dahayshah refugee camps [FJ 4/12]. Students hold hunger strike at Bethlehem U. in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners [FJ 4/12]. Hebron's Polytechnic Institute is closed for 8 days after army finds "inciting material" at the school [FJ 4/12]. Student demonstration forces U.S. Consul General Morris Draper to suspend his visit to Birzeit University [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: In Washington, Jordan's P. M. Zayd Rifa'i urges U.S. Sec. of State Shultz to support King Hussein's plan for international Middle East peace conference. King Hussein also promotes proposal with EEC members during meetings in Brussels [NYT 4/8]. Israeli F. M. Peres joins Palestinian and Soviet representatives at Rome meeting of Socialist International's Middle East Study Group discussion of possibilities for an international Middle East peace conference [WT 4/8]. W. German Chancellor Kohl meets with Israeli Pres. Herzog, expresses W. Germany's commitmento insuring Israel's security [LAT 4/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian forces enter Shatila refugee camp in S. Beirut, ending 5-month Amal militia siege of camp; Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), sec. of Palestine National Salvation Front, meets with other PLO leaders in Sidon to discuss PLO pullout from positions in the area [WP, NYT 4/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers close road near Rafah in retaliation for damage caused by Palestinian demonstrators [FJ 3/27].
Arab World: PLO spokesman denies American reports quoting Chairman Arafat as stating PLO would not have to participate in international conference [FJ 3/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Amal fighters shoot at group of women leaving Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp for supplies; 1 woman is killed, 1 injured [FJ 3/27]. Israeli fighter jets strike Palestinian base south of Sidon [FJ 3/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court rules that authorities cannot legally discriminate against converts to Judaism [BG 12/2; LAT 12/3]. P.M. Shamir denies Israel knowingly helped channel funds to Nicaraguan rebels [NYT 12/3].
Other Countries: W. German reports indicate 2 Arabs found guilty of bombing at W. Berlin club in March may have been double agents working for Israel [WP 12/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops, attempting to control demonstration at UNRWA Teachers Training Center in Ramallah, shoot and wound a student in the head. At least 15 others are arrested in protests in the W. Bank 11/30 and 12/1 marking anniversary of the 1947 Palestine partition plan. Four colleges are ordered closed for a week [FJ 12/5].
Arab World: Amal, Sixth Lebanese Army Brigade, and Syrian commandos unite to launch major offensive against Shatila refugee camp. Palestinian forces hold off attackers [FJ 12/5]. Forty-six are killed, 111 wounded in heavy fighting between PLO and Amal forces in Beirut and S. Lebanon. One-day general strike in Sidon protests the on-going battle in that city [BG 12/2]. The Amal and the PNSF are reported to reach agreement on cease-fire in S. Lebanon [JP 12/2].
Social/Economic/Political Other Countries: Convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard says he feels abandoned by Israeli govemment and acted only out of "Zionist commitment to Israel" [JP 11/29].
Military Action
Arab World: The PLO establishes hold on village of Maghdushah near Sidon. Amal militia claim heavy PLO fire in W. Beirut killed 3 civilians, wounded 29. At least 36 people have been reported killed, 269 wounded since a cease-fire was supposed to have gone into effect at 3 p.m., 11/28 [BG, WP 11/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Director-General of Israeli For. Ministry David Kimche, and Israeli businessmen Al Schwimmer and Ya'akov Nimrodi, both involved in the nation's arms industry [WT 11/27]. Israeli officials state that Kimche and Amiram Nir, Peres' adviser on terrorism, are willing to cooperate in American investigation of the arms deal [LAT 11/28]. Former Armenian Bishop Shahe Ajamyan, accused of attempting to bribe the Jerusalem district commissioner, is released after 21 days in detention [FJ 12/5]. Social Improvement Association is established to protect Jerusalem's Arab residents [FJ 1/2].
Arab World: Saudi Arabian government denies 'Adnan Khashoggi organized U.S. shipment of arms to Iran [PI 11/28].
Other Countries: W. Germany expels 2 Syrian diplomats and 2 military attaches, delays replacing its ambassador to Damascus, but maintains diplomatic ties [WSJ 11/28].
Military Actions
Arab World: Israeli jets attack Palestinian bases near Sidon, killing at least 4 and wounding 3. (The Los Angeles Times reports 11 killed and 20 wounded in the raid.) Palestine National Salvation Front and Amal representatives rportedly have agreed to 9-point plan to end the fighting which has so far left 131 dead and 351 wounded [WP, LT 11/27; LAT 11/28]. PLO fighters in Lebanon reject the agreement [FJ 12/5].
Arab World: PLO announces in Sidon that 4 Israeli soldiers and 4 PLO fighters were killed in 7.5-hour clash near northern Israeli settlement of Zarit a few days ago [BG 3/23]. Nabih Birri, head of Amal, states Israeli weapons and military personnel have been sent to Christian districts in Beirut to assist militia forces there in their confrontation with Muslims [NYT 3/24]. Iraq displays Israeli-made weapons and equipment it says was captured in recent battles with Iran [JP 3/23].
Other Countries: Spanish Foreign Minister Francisco Fernandez Ordonez says Spain will grant full diplomatic status to the PLO [WP 3/23; MG 3/24].
Military Action:
French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut; fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb; pockets of Fateh loyalists continue to resist on fringes of Baddawi, shells fall in Tripoli; roadside bomb hits IDF patrol south of Sidon; US Marines begin 4 day rotation, 1400 new troops, veterans of Grenada invasion, to come ashore.
Lebanese police say 39 killed, 150 wounded in Baalbek air raid, several buildings destroyed; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded in Sidon explosion; Air France cancels Beirut flights until further notice; wave of arrests of civilians by IDF reported in South Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 2 students wounded by IDF during Gaza demonstration; 4000-6000 dunums confiscated from Beit Ula near Hebron.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says no one can liquidate the PLO, it is not a military base, his forces will fight to defend Tripoli against Syrian plan of conquest.
Arab Govements: Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari officials meet in Damascus with FM Khaddam, seek to mediate cease-fire in Tripoli.
US and Other Countries: France says air attacks are necessary to prevent new terrorist actions against French forces in Lebanon by intervening first; US says it had advance notice of French air raids.
Military Action:
Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda; Beirut radio says IDF, with Phalangist support, moves to coast north of Beirut; Israeli navy closes Beirut port; Sharon visits Beirut for meetings with Phalangist leaders.
PLO leaders tour camps, hospitals, troop positions in Beirut; fighting flares between IDF and Syrians near highway; Phalangist officers, dressed in Israeli uniforms, are seen giving directions to Israeli tanks.
Reports from Tyre indicate no buildings untouched by shrapnel (Israeli military governor estimates only 30 percent of buildings destroyed); Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital in Sidon reports many patients dismem-bered in fighting (only one doctor remains to tend 58 patients after Israelis arrest Canadian, Norwegian, Palestinian doctors); all Sidon men aged 17-55, required to report to IDF for permits, many are arrested after going to IDF headquarters; 90 busloads of Palestinians reportedly taken away for questioning; Lebanese police report 9,583 killed, 16,608 wounded since Israeli air raids began 11 days ago (dead in Beirut estimated at 750); Israel now controls about half of Lebanon; Nabatiyeh reported "sanitized" by IDF before foreign correspondents allowed in; Israelis report 170 Israelis killed, 700 wounded, 10 captured, and 6,000 Palestinian guerrillas and 60 Syrians held; UK embassy advises nationals to leave.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defense Minister Sharon says IDF has "no intention" of taking Beirut; General Eitan says IDF mission is to smash PLO's political and military nerve center; Begin leaves for the US; Israeli agencies plan relief for Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO vows to stand and fight; Lebanese President Sarkis, meeting with 10 Cabinet ministers at Presidential Palace (Israeli tanks 200 metres away), calls for setting up a Council of National Salvation; 3 appointees to Council, however, refuse to attend; Habib delivers Israeli withdrawal terms to Sarkis, and US Ambassador Dillon sends limousine to fetch Walid Jumblatt; Jumblatt demands wider representation of Lebanese leftists on Council-other members are Gemayel (Maronite Phalangist), Berri (Shiite Amal), Maalouf (Catholic), Foreign Minister Butros (Greek Orthodox), Prime Minister Wazzan (Sunni), and Presi-dent Sarkis (Maronite); Christians in Baabda reportedly welcome Israelis, guide them; Bashir Gemayel reportedly pushed as future president of Lebanon (election of new Lebanese president by Parliament scheduled for late August); Haddad tours southern Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Egypt relays Palestinian request for cease-fire in Beirut area to Israel; Mubarak meets with Saudi King Fahd (first contact since 1973 peace treaty signed).