After 3 days of debate, both houses of Congress vote to give Pres. Bush authority to go to war against Iraq. Senate approves use of military force by 52-47 vote; House vote is 250-183 [NYT, LAT,...
January 12, 1991
January 2, 1991
NATO announces that Germany, Belgium, and Italy will send 42 jet fighters with at least 470 support personnel to Turkey to reinforce that nation's border with Iraq [WP, LAT, NYT 1/3].
January 1, 1991
New York Times reports Iraq is encountering increasingly serious shortages in the gov't. food rationing program; declines of 25% to 50% in amount of basic food items are reported [NYT 1/2...
December 4, 1990
Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT,...
November 22, 1990
Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].
Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia,...
November 16, 1990
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17]....
October 2, 1990
Sec. Baker says U.S. will release $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet Jewish immigrants as a result of Israeli assurances [JDS 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/3].
August 16, 1990
Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].
Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "...
August 9, 1990
UN Sec.Council unanimously declares Iraq's annexation of Kuwait "null and void" [WP, NYT 8/10].
Arab leaders postpone Cairo summit for one day to reach solution to Iraqi delegate's refusal...
After 3 days of debate, both houses of Congress vote to give Pres. Bush authority to go to war against Iraq. Senate approves use of military force by 52-47 vote; House vote is 250-183 [NYT, LAT, WP 1/13; WT 1/14].
UN Sec.-Gen Perez de Cuellar arrives in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis, says he is not carrying "any specific proposals" [INA 1/12 in FBIS 1/14; NYT, LAT, WP 1/13].
Meeting with Sec. Baker in Damascus, Pres. Asad calls on Saddam Hussein to leave Kuwait immediately, so Arab world can close ranks and confront Israel. Asad also says if Iraq withdraws and is later attacked, Syria will fight alongside the Iraqis; statement is repeated by Syrian F.M. [DDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14; NYT, WP 1/13; MEM 1/14]; Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo [MENA 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Diplomats in Ankara say that despite giving no political signs of opening 2d anti-Iraq front, Turkish troop strength has steadily increased to at least 120,000 soldiers near the Turkish-Iraqi border [NYT 1/13].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad for talks with Iraqi officials, including Tariq Aziz [AFP 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Peace Now rally calling for peace between Israel and Palestinians is attended by "many thousands" including many MKs [JDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Anti-war protests occur in Washington and Bonn [WP 1/13].
State Dep't. orders expulsions of all but 4 Iraqi diplomats from embassy in Washington, saying action is taken to "reduce Iraq's ability to orchestrate terrorism" if war begins [WP 1/13].
NATO announces that Germany, Belgium, and Italy will send 42 jet fighters with at least 470 support personnel to Turkey to reinforce that nation's border with Iraq [WP, LAT, NYT 1/3].
After meeting with Saddam Hussein, Yasir Arafat indicates in interview that neither he nor Saddam is insisting that Israel withdraw from o.t. as requirement for Iraq to leave Kuwait [BADS 1/2 in FBIS 1/3; NYT 1/3].
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) releases letter signed by 127 law professors insisting Pres. Bush has constitutional obligation to "obtain prior express congressional authorization" before ordering U.S. troops into war in the Gulf [WP 1/3].
IDF troops shoot dead 30-year-old Palestinian, wound at least 16 others in Gaza clashes arising after curfew is lifted there [MEM 1/2; LAT 1/3].
Kuwaiti embassy in Washington reports about 500 Kuwaiti nationals in U.S. are being drafted by Kuwait's gov't.-in-exile for training as translators to be assigned with U.S. military units in the Gulf [LAT 1/3].
Foreign ministers of Egypt, Syria, and Libya meet in Cairo to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 1/2 in FBIS 1/2, 1/3; WT 1/3].
Jordan's King Hussein arrives in London for talks with British PM John Major [MEM 1/2; WT 1/3].
Arab League ass't. sec.-gen., Salah al-Mukhtar, resigns in protest of League's move to Cairo; he is replaced by Egyptian Ahamd 'Adil [INA, MENA 1/2 in FBIS 1/3].
Maj. Gen. Antoine Lahad, commander of Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army, reaffirms SLA independence of newly strengthened gov't. of Elias Hrawi until gov't. shows it is free of Syrian control [LAT 1/3].
New York Times reports Iraq is encountering increasingly serious shortages in the gov't. food rationing program; declines of 25% to 50% in amount of basic food items are reported [NYT 1/2].
4 Palestinians are killed in clashes with IDF as many defy curfews to celebrate 26th anniversary of 1st military operation of Fateh [JPD 1/2 in FBIS 1/2; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/2; LAT 1/3].
In New Year's speech, Pres. Mubarak warns Saddam Hussein that "the decision for peace rests in your hands" and that wrong decision would mean "sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children" [NYT 1/2]; Iraq rejects Mubarak's warning [LAT 1/2].
In Washington, American Civil Liberties Union and 51 other organizations call on Congress to adopt resolution to prevent Pres. Bush from starting war without congressional approval [LAT 1/2].
Arab League completes its move to permanent headquarters in Cairo (cf. 1/2) [KUNA 1/2 in FBIS 1/3].
Israeli Labor party doves propose initiative calling for unconditional withdrawal of Israel from Gaza Strip within 2 years after approval of plan; Gaza would be handed over to UN or local gov't. [MEM 1/2].
Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/5; INA 12/4 in FBIS 12/4].
After meeting in Cairo with Saudi and Syrian F.M.s, Pres. Mubarak urges creation of new Arab alliance grouping Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria as a "foundation to serve the Arab people." Tripartite statement is also issued. King Hussein of Jordan and Vice Pres. al-Beedh of Yemen fly to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein and Yasir Arafat [MENA 12/4 in FBIS 12/5; NYT, LAT, MEM 12/5; WP 12/6; AVP 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MET 12/18].
Kuwait's ambassador to U.S. says Bush admin. has assured his gov't.-in-exile that U.S. would make "absolutely no concessions" when it meets with Iraqi officials [NYT 12/5].
New York Newsday reports Kach party members mailed to a television reporter a "hit list," threatening lives of at least 8 supporters of Palestinian rights, including M.T. Mehdi, Arthur Hertzberg, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said, and Anthony Lewis. Threats are aimed at avenging assassination of Kach founder Meir Kahane [WT, WP, MEM 12/5].
In Brussels, 12-country EC agrees that It- aly, current holder of EC presidency, could hold talks with Iraqi F.M. Aziz if Aziz first meets with Pres. Bush [MEM 12/5].
Responding to growing fear over rash of Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis, police broaden surveillance of Arab workers in Israel with spot check searches and new roadblocks along W. Bank [NYT, MEM 12/5].
Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].
Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, says they may have to face "some pain now to avoid even worse pain later," then flies to Cairo [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; MET 12/4].
D.M. Tom King says Britain will send 14,000 more troops and additional tanks, aircraft, and ships to the Gulf by the end of the year, bringing total number of British troops there to more than 30,000 [NYT, LAT, MEM 11/23].
Visiting Sanaa, Yemen, Sec. Baker is rebuffed in efforts to persuade Yemen, only Arab country on UN Sec. Council, to support resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. Pres. Saleh criticizes buildup of foreign forces in Gulf [SDS 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; SDS 11/23 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 11/23]; Baker then flies to Jeddah [SPA 11/22 in FBIS 11/23].
PLO leader Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad, says he strongly supports Saddam Hussein's assertions that Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait must be tied to overall settlement of conflicts in region; adds there is no alternative to negotiations between Iraq and U.S. [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/26].
D.M. Moshe Arens instructs IDF to expand enlistment of Bedouins into its ranks [MAA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23].
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and E. Jerusalem Arabs praise Jerusalem district planning committee's decision to build 7,500 new apartments for Palestinians northwards from French Hill junction towards Ramallah [JPD 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; MEM 11/23; JPI 12/1].
Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile extends $550 million medium-term loan to the Soviet Union on favorable terms; "observers" point to "political aspect" of loan [MEM 11/23].
Soviet Union and Israel sign agreement on scientific cooperation and exchanges of scientific information [TASS 11/22 in FBIS 11/28].
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17].
Soviet envoy Alexander Belonogov meets in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak to discuss Gulf crisis; Belonogov then leaves for Saudi Arabia [MENA 11/16, CDS 11/17 in FBIS 11/20].
Ultra-Orthodox Agudat Israel party joins P.M. Shamir's ruling coalition; belated agreement increases Likud majority from 62 Knesset seats out of 120, to 66 seats [JDS 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; NYT, LAT 11/17; CSM, MEM 11/19; JPI 11/24; MET 11/27].
Arab and nonaligned nations introduce Sec. Council resolution calling for UN observer force in occupied territories (o.t.) and for conference of 164 signators of Fourth Geneva Convention [LAT 11/17; MEM 11/19].
Iran and Iraq announce agreement on series of steps to end major disputes lingering from 8-year war; Iranian F.M. Velayati says he detects willingness by Iraq to end crisis by withdrawing from Kuwait [NYT 11/17].
700 members of U.S. Council of Jewish Federations pass without dissent resolution backing Bush admin. policy in Gulf, but say they will fight U.S. plans to sell weapons to Saudia Arabia [NYT 11/17].
IDF bars Gaza Strip and West Bank residents from Jerusalem as preventive measure against anticipated protests following prayers on Haram al-Sharif [FJ 11/19].
Israeli Immigration Minister Yitzhak Peretz ignites political row by calling for curbs on Soviet immigration, saying 4 of 10 newcomers are not Jewish [MEM 11/1].
Sec. Baker says U.S. will release $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet Jewish immigrants as a result of Israeli assurances [JDS 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/3].
Joint resolution expressing Congress' approval of Pres. Bush's handling of Gulf crisis passes Senate by vote of 96-3 [WP, LAT, NYT, WT 10/3].
Soviet Union complains Iraq is delaying exit visas for Soviet specialists whose contracts have expired and who want to return home [LAT 10/3].
Senate Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations approves admin. proposal to forgive Egypt's $7 billion military debt; also authorizes Israel to redirect up to $200 million of U.S. economic assistance to "defense purposes" during the Gulf crisis [CDS 10/3 in FBIS 10/5; WP 10/3].
Chief of Soviet General Staff, Gen. Mikhail A. Moiseyev, says economic sanctions against Iraq are working and that no force should be used in Gulf unless it is approved by the UN [NYT 10/3].
Addressing UN Gen. Assembly, Saudi F.M. Prince Saud al-Faisal urges Iraq to leave Kuwait in order to strengthen rights of Palestinians [NYT, MEM 10/3].
Bethlehem University reopens, becoming the 1st university to open after 30 months [IDF 10/2 in FBIS 10/2].
Japanese P.M. Toshiki Kaifu arrives in Cairo for meeting with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; WT 10/3].
IDF troops shoot dead 3 W. Bank Palestinians, another dies from wounds received last week, in one of the highest single-day death tolls in recent months [MEM 10/3].
Jordan reopens its borders to Gulf-bound trucks; ban had interrupted flow of Lebanese, Syrian, and Turkish produce and meat to Gulf states. Jordan says it lifted ban to "test the good intentions" of Saudi gov't, implying ban would be reimposed if trucks were not given passage through Saudi Arabia; Saudis claim Jordan "caved in" to Syrian pressure [MEM 10/3].
Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].
Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "intercepting" commercial shipping to or from Iraq and Kuwait to enforce UN sanctions [WP 8/17].
King Hussein of Jordan meets with Pres. Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine to discuss Gulf crisis [MEM 8/16; ADS 8/17 in FBIS 8/17; NYT, WP 8/17].
"Troika" foreign ministers from Italy, Luxembourg, and Ireland arrive in Amman and meet with Crown Prince Hasan to discuss crisis [ADS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17].
2d contingent of Egyptian military forces leaves Cairo for Saudi Arabia [MENA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16].
Special UNLU "Leaflet No. 1-the U.S. Invasion of Arab Lands" is distributed; it expresses unequivocal support for Iraq and attacks Pres. Mubarak [YA 8/17 in FBIS 8/17].
Hundreds of Palestinians hold pro-Iraq demonstration in Nablus; police disperse crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets [MEM 8/16; JDS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17]; fearing political repercussions, PLO leadership is seen as trying to distance itself from Iraq, but has been unable to ignore growing grassroots support of Palestinians for Saddam Hussein [WP 8/17].
Contradicting earlier Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood statement, group's leader Muhammad Hamid Abunnasar issues communique denouncing Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and calling for return of Kuwait's "legitimate gov't." [MEM 8/17].
UN Sec.Council unanimously declares Iraq's annexation of Kuwait "null and void" [WP, NYT 8/10].
Arab leaders postpone Cairo summit for one day to reach solution to Iraqi delegate's refusal to participate in summit with Kuwaiti delegate, saying Kuwait is part of Iraq [CDS, MENA 8/9, BVL 8/10 in FBIS 8/10; LAT, WP, NYT 8/10].
Arafat meets in Baghdad with Saddam Hussein to discuss Gulf crisis [INA 8/9 in FBIS 8/10].
P.M. Shamir sends message to Pres. Bush in effort to upgrade U.S.-Israel contacts during Gulf crisis; Ma'ariv notes that Bush has not consulted with Shamir as he has with other leaders in the region [MAA 8/10 in FBIS 8/10].
Israel successfully test-launches Arrow missile designed to intercept incoming rockets; U.S. funds 80% of Arrow program as part of Washington's SDI initiative; Arrow will not be fully operational for 5 years [DS 8/9 in FBIS 8/13; LAT, NYT, WP, WT 8/10; JPI 8/18].
Palestinian injured on 8/7 dies; he was injured as Jewish mobs avenging deaths of 2 Israeli boys overturned his car [WP 8/10]. Amal movement reports its troops attacked Israeli positions in S.Lebanon, wounding 3 [BDS 8/9 in FBIS 8/13].