216 / 15479 Results
  • January 28, 1999

    PM Netanyahu creates a U.S.-style National Security Council to coordinate military, intelligence, civilian geopolitical strategy; appoints fmr. gen., defense establishment veteran, David Ivri, as...

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  • January 26, 1999

    King Hussein designates Prince Abdallah as heir to the throne. (JT 1/25 in WNC 1/26; JTV, Petra-JNA 1/25, 1/26 in WNC 1/27; NYT, WP, WT 1/26; Petra-JNA, RJ 1/26, RJ 1/27 in WNC 1/28; NYT 1/27; MEI...

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  • January 25, 1999

    King Hussein designates Prince Abdallah as heir to the throne. (JT 1/25 in WNC 1/26; JTV, Petra-JNA 1/25, 1/26 in WNC 1/27; NYT, WP, WT 1/26; Petra-JNA, RJ 1/26, RJ 1/27 in WNC 1/28; NYT 1/27; MEI...

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  • January 21, 1999

    U.S appoints career diplomat Frank Ricciardone as "special representative for transition in Iraq" to coordinate the opposition to Saddam Hussein as mandated under the ILA. U.S. says it is prepared...

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  • January 7, 1999

    Senate opens impeachment trial against Pres. Clinton. (NYT, WP, WT 1/8)

    IDF scuffles with 100s of Palestinians protesting the continued closure on Hebron. (WP 1/8)

    The IDF demolishes...

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  • January 6, 1999

    In his 1st policy address, Israeli PM candidate Shahak stakes out a left-of-center line, favoring resumption of negotiations with the PA, Syria. He says that a Palestinian state is inevitable, but...

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  • November 13, 1998

    UN Secy. Gen. Annan sends letter to Saddam Hussein asking him to resume immediate cooperation with the UN. Some sources claim that Annan set the letter on his own, despite protests from the U.S.,...

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  • November 12, 1998

    U.S. continues preparations for strike on Iraq, including deployment of stealth, B-52 heavy bombers. Regarding a diplomatic resolution, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart says "We have made clear...

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  • July 21, 1998

    PM Netanyahu says that he wants PA-Israeli negotiations to be expanded to include issues other than FRD. PA says that it entered the latest round of talks with the understanding that they would...

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  • June 17, 1998

    At a speech to the Asia Society in New York, Secy. Albright unveils a new policy initiative on Iran that could lead to normalized relations. Sanctions will remain in place for now, but U.S. plans...

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  • March 26, 1998

    In Jerusalem, U.S. special envoy Ross meets with PM Netanyahu, who rejects U.S. proposal for 13.1% FRD. (PR, WP, WT 3/27; JP 4/4)

    Lebanese PM Hariri meets with...

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  • March 10, 1998

    Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan, Israeli PM Netanyahu meet in Tel Aviv, hail "new beginning" to Jordan-Israel relations, announce full restoration of security cooperation. (MM 3/10; ITV...

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  • February 23, 1998

    Pres. Clinton accepts in principle the new terms of the agmt. reached btwn. the UN and Iraq, but reserves "the unilateral right to respond" if Iraq does not adhere to requirements. U....

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  • February 19, 1998

    In last effort to achieve a "diplomatic solution" preventing a U.S. airstrike, UN Secy. Gen. Annan leaves for Baghdad for weekend of talks with Iraqi officials. U.S. warns that it...

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  • February 18, 1998

    In Tel Aviv, Israel, Jordan hold talks on water, Jordan Valley development. (RJ 2/19 in WNC 2/24; Globes [Internet] 2/22 in WNC 2/26; JP 2/28)


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  • February 16, 1998

    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with...

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  • February 11, 1998

    EU Pres. Santer arrives in Damascus for 2 days of talks on the peace process, meets with Syrian pres. Asad. (SANA 2/11 in WNC 2/12; SATN 2/11 in WNC 2/15)

    IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes...

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  • February 10, 1998

    In Washington, Israeli, PA teams hold separate follow-up talks on the peace process with State Dept. Dep. Special Coordinator for Arab-Israeli Negotiations Aaron Miller, special envoy Ross. No...

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  • February 5, 1998

    In Cairo, Egyptian FM Musa, PA Planning M Shaath discuss peace process, Mubarak mtg. with Albright 2/3. (MENA 2/5 in WNC 2/6)

    Turkey's Gen. Kivrikoglu meets with DM Mordechai. (IGPO 2/5)...

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  • February 4, 1998

    EU special envoy Moratinos discusses peace process with PA Local Government M Erakat. (al-Ra'i 2/5 in WNC 2/11)

    Arafat arrives in Spain for 2-day visit, to be followed by trip to the...

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  • February 3, 1998

    Secy. of State Albright travels to Bahrain, Egypt to discuss Iraq issue. Bahrain agrees to allow U.S. forces to stage strikes fr. its air bases if necessary. Both Bahrain, Egypt call for...

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  • February 2, 1998

    In Cairo, Mubarak adviser Baz is briefed by Israeli Cabinet Secy. Nave, Netanyahu adviser Uzi Arad on Netanyahu's mtg. with Secy. of State Albright and, separately, by PA Local Government M Erakat...

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  • February 1, 1998

    Secy. of State Albright meets with Arafat to follow up on 1/22 mtg. with Clinton, urges him to consider the U.S. FRD proposal. After mtg., Albright announces that Arafat, Netanyahu have agreed to...

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  • November 20, 1997

    In East Jerusalem, unidentified gunmen fire on 2 rabbinical students, killing 1, seriously injuring the other. (MM, NYT 11/20; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/21; WJW 11/27; PR 11/28; JP 11/29)


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  • August 29, 1997

    Secy. of State Albright says that she will leave for the Middle East 9/9. She will travel to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, the PA self-rule areas, Saudi Arabia, Syria, possibly Lebanon. (MM 8/29; NYT, WT...

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  • July 27, 1997

    As the 8/12 expiration date of the Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (MEPFA) approaches, key congressmen say that they doubt an extension can be approved before Congress goes into recess 8/1. If...

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  • June 26, 1997

    Donors hold Local Aid Coordination Comm. in Gaza. (UN Special Coordinator's Office [UNSCO] press release 6/26)

    Damascus Declaration states close 2-day mtg. in Latakia, Syria; issue final...

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  • June 19, 1997

    Iranian pres. Rafsanjani sends Health M Ali Reza Mirandi to Iraq to invite Saddam Hussein to attend the 12/97 Organization of the Islamic Conference mtg. in Tehran. Mirandi also brings a message...

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  • June 9, 1997

    In Amman, King Hussein discusses peace process with Labor Chmn. Barak. In Petra, Arafat meets with PM Majali. (JTV 6/9 in WNC 6/11; MM 6/10)

    World Bank offers Jordan a $100 m. loan for...

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  • January 28, 1997

    In Jerusalem, PA negotiator Erakat, Netanyahu adviser Molho exchange lists of negotiators on the 8 subcomms. that will continue talks on implementing issues outstanding fr. Oslo II. (ITV 1/28 in...

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PM Netanyahu creates a U.S.-style National Security Council to coordinate military, intelligence, civilian geopolitical strategy; appoints fmr. gen., defense establishment veteran, David Ivri, as head. (IDF Radio 1/28 in WNC 1/29; NYT, WT 1/29; MM 2/2; JP 2/5, 2/12)

U.S. Secy. of State Albright files to Amman to congratulate Jordan's new crown prince, Abdallah; asks Jordan to aid in overthrowing Iraq's Saddam Hussein. (MM 1/28; RJ 1/28 in WNC 1/29; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/29; WT 2/3; RJ 2/3 in WNC 2/5; JP 2/5) (see 1/27)

Testifying before Congress, Gen. Anthony Zinni, cmdr. of U.S. forces in the Gulf, warns that the U.S.'s new policy of supporting Iraqi opposition groups in hopes that they will overthrow Saddam Hussein could be "very dangerous" if handled improperly. (MM, NYT 1/29; WT 12/30; MM 2/1, 2/5; see also WP, WT 10/22/98)

The Israeli daily Yedi'ot Aharonot claims that the Israeli Health Min. is keeping a specimen of the lethal variola virus despite a World Health Organization ruling in the late 1970s to destroy all specimens, vaccinations in light of the disease's global eradication. Health Min. says only that "no work is being done with the variola virus" in its laboratories. (YA 1/28 in WNC 1/29)

IDF demolishes a Palestinian home in East Jerusalem. (LAW 2/1)

King Hussein designates Prince Abdallah as heir to the throne. (JT 1/25 in WNC 1/26; JTV, Petra-JNA 1/25, 1/26 in WNC 1/27; NYT, WP, WT 1/26; Petra-JNA, RJ 1/26, RJ 1/27 in WNC 1/28; NYT 1/27; MEI, PR 1/29; al-Dustur 1/30 in WNC 2/2; CSM 2/2; WT 2/3; WJW 2/4) (see 1/22)

PM Netanyahu wins Likud primary over Arens. (Netanyahu takes over 75% of the votes, but only 30% of Likud mbrs. participate) Fmr. DM Mordechai announces that he will challenge Netanyahu for the premiership as leader of an emerging centrist party that includes fmr. IDF chief of staff Shahak, fmr. Finance M Meridor, fmr. Tel Aviv mayor Roni Milo. Shahak, Meridor drop their bids for PM. (MM 1/25; CSM, WP, WT 1/26; WJW 1/28, 2/4) (see 1/24)

Britain says that it is not party to U.S. attempts to overthrow Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein, it will not assist the Iraqi opposition militarily. (MENA 1/25 in WNC 1/26) (see 1/21)

U.S. planes strike antimissile batteries in n., s. no-fly zones for 3d straight day. In Basra, 1 or more U.S. missiles goes astray, killing 11 Iraqi civilians, wounding 59. The U.S. recently expanded its strikes to include security infrastructure as well as missile batteries, radar stations; says that containing Saddam Hussein through low-visibility, sustained, reactive bombing is the only military action politically acceptable to Arab states. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/26; MENA 1/26 in WNC 1/27; JT 1/28 in WNC 1/29; MEI 1/29; NYT, WP 2/3; WP 2/13) (see 1/21)

SLA releases 16 detainees fr. al-Khiyam prison for humanitarian reasons. (VOL 1/25 in WNC 1/26)

IDF drops airborne commando unit into Wadi al-Hujayr in s. Lebanon to set up an ambush on road btwn. al-Ghanduriyya and Burj Qalawayh. Results in 4-hr. combat with Hizballah, including IDF air support. IDF allegedly aborts 2d drop. (RL 1/25 in WNC 1/26)

King Hussein designates Prince Abdallah as heir to the throne. (JT 1/25 in WNC 1/26; JTV, Petra-JNA 1/25, 1/26 in WNC 1/27; NYT, WP, WT 1/26; Petra-JNA, RJ 1/26, RJ 1/27 in WNC 1/28; NYT 1/27; MEI, PR 1/29; al-Dustur 1/30 in WNC 2/2; CSM 2/2; WT 2/3; WJW 2/4) (see 1/22)

PM Netanyahu wins Likud primary over Arens. (Netanyahu takes over 75% of the votes, but only 30% of Likud mbrs. participate) Fmr. DM Mordechai announces that he will challenge Netanyahu for the premiership as leader of an emerging centrist party that includes fmr. IDF chief of staff Shahak, fmr. Finance M Meridor, fmr. Tel Aviv mayor Roni Milo. Shahak, Meridor drop their bids for PM. (MM 1/25; CSM, WP, WT 1/26; WJW 1/28, 2/4) (see 1/24)

Britain says that it is not party to U.S. attempts to overthrow Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein, it will not assist the Iraqi opposition militarily. (MENA 1/25 in WNC 1/26) (see 1/21)

U.S. planes strike antimissile batteries in n., s. no-fly zones for 3d straight day. In Basra, 1 or more U.S. missiles goes astray, killing 11 Iraqi civilians, wounding 59. The U.S. recently expanded its strikes to include security infrastructure as well as missile batteries, radar stations; says that containing Saddam Hussein through low-visibility, sustained, reactive bombing is the only military action politically acceptable to Arab states. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/26; MENA 1/26 in WNC 1/27; JT 1/28 in WNC 1/29; MEI 1/29; NYT, WP 2/3; WP 2/13) (see 1/21)

SLA releases 16 detainees fr. al-Khiyam prison for humanitarian reasons. (VOL 1/25 in WNC 1/26)

IDF drops airborne commando unit into Wadi al-Hujayr in s. Lebanon to set up an ambush on road btwn. al-Ghanduriyya and Burj Qalawayh. Results in 4-hr. combat with Hizballah, including IDF air support. IDF allegedly aborts 2d drop. (RL 1/25 in WNC 1/26)

U.S appoints career diplomat Frank Ricciardone as "special representative for transition in Iraq" to coordinate the opposition to Saddam Hussein as mandated under the ILA. U.S. says it is prepared to contain Hussein with missiles, sanctions for yrs., while it tries to win acceptance for surrogate Iraqi exile armies that might eventually be able to overthrow the regime; will solicit cooperation fr. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, possibly Iran to host exile armies. Turkey says it hopes Ricciardone will not operate fr. Ankara. (MM 1/21; WP, WT 1/22; HUR 1/22, Sabah 1/25 in WNC 1/26; WT 1/26; WP 1/29; MM 2/1; CSM 2/16) (see 1/15)

Senate opens impeachment trial against Pres. Clinton. (NYT, WP, WT 1/8)

IDF scuffles with 100s of Palestinians protesting the continued closure on Hebron. (WP 1/8)

The IDF demolishes 15 Lebanese homes in Arnun, n. of the self-declared security zone, claiming they were used as staging grounds for Hizballah attacks; expels 25 Lebanese civilians, including 16 children, fr. Shab`a village in s. Lebanon. (RL 1/7 in WNC 1/8; RL 1/8 in WNC 1/11)

To fulfill vows to end government corruption, Pres. Lahoud, PM Huss fire 19 top-ranking officials; reshuffle the diplomatic corps; liquidate Ogero, the inefficient state-run telephone maintenance company, whose employees were once paid bonuses by fmr. PM Hariri personally. Hariri calls actions "political revenge." Government says that reform of the 230,000-strong state bureaucracy will last at least 6 mos. (MM 1/13; MEI, MM 1/29)

An Iraqi antiaircraft battery turns radar on U.S. planes flying in the n. no-fly zone. U.S. fires missile at battery in response. 2 Iraqi jets also violate the n. zone. (NYT, WT 1/8)

An Iraqi opposition group, the Center for Human Rights, reports that Iraq has executed 81 political detainees, including army officers, who plotted to kill Pres. Saddam Hussein. (NYT, WT 1/8; see GIU 1/5, 1/6)

In his 1st policy address, Israeli PM candidate Shahak stakes out a left-of-center line, favoring resumption of negotiations with the PA, Syria. He says that a Palestinian state is inevitable, but Jerusalem should never be divided; Netanyahu is "dangerous for Israel." Polls show decline in Shahak's popularity after the address. (MM 1/6; IDF Radio 1/6 in WNC 1/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/7; YA 1/7 in WNC 1/8; JP 1/15)

Tensions over Hebron closure continue, with IDF shooting, killing 1 Palestinian protester. (NYT 1/7) (see 1/4)

Confirming long-standing Iraqi accusations, U.S. officials admit that for 3 yrs., U.S. spies using diplomatic cover/false identities worked undercover on UNSCOM teams but denies that the U.S. directed UNSCOM intelligence efforts. Officials say eavesdropping devices ("bugs") supplied to UNSCOM inspectors by Washington provided the U.S. with information used to undermine Saddam Hussein; the idea of using bugs was 1st suggested by fmr. UNSCOM cheif inspector Ritter in talks with Israeli intelligence. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/7; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/8; al-Dustur 1/9, YA 1/10 in WNC 1/12; MM 1/13; MEI 1/15, 1/29) (see 1/5)

UNICEF, World Food Program releases the 1st independent report on the effect of U.S.-led attack on Iraq 12/16-19, showing that at least 12 schools and hospitals, a Bagdad water system supplying 300,000 persons, storehouse containing 2,600 tons of rice were hit. (NYT 1/7; WP 1/8)

In the 7th wk. of government crisis, PM-designate Erez gives up his bid to form a coalition after failing to form a government excluding Islamist parties. Ecevit will try again. (ATL 1/6 in WNC 1/7; CSM, WP 1/7) (see 12/23)

UN Secy. Gen. Annan sends letter to Saddam Hussein asking him to resume immediate cooperation with the UN. Some sources claim that Annan set the letter on his own, despite protests from the U.S., citing an unnamed U.S. official as saying that Annan "went completely off on his own. We adamantly opposed the letter." (MM 11/13; NYT, WP, WT 11/14; WT 11/17)

After several delays, U.S. envoy Ross arrives in Israel to oversee Wye implementation, meets with PM Netanyahu. (MM 11/13; WP 11/14)

Israel gives the PA the names of Israeli negotiators to sit on the various comms. created by the Wye agmt. (AP [Internet] 11/13)

Israel authorizes paving of 13 roads to Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which will require the confiscation of large tracts of Palestinian land. (AP [Internet] 11/13)

IDF imposes curfew on Palestinian residents of Israeli-controlled Hebron after an unidentified assailant throws a grenade at an IDF outpost, causing no injuries. (AP [Internet] 11/13)

U.S. continues preparations for strike on Iraq, including deployment of stealth, B-52 heavy bombers. Regarding a diplomatic resolution, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart says "We have made clear this is no time for negotiations." Damascus Declaration states (Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE) issue statement saying that Saddam Hussein alone bears responsibility for consequences of his refusal to cooperate with the UN. (MM 11/12; MENA, Radio Qatar, al-Rayah, RE, SANA, SATN 11/12 in WNC 11/13; NYT, WT 11/13)

Israel begins accepting bids for settlement construction at Har Homa/Jabal Abu Ghunaym in East Jerusalem. (MM 11/12; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/13; MEI 11/16)

At Rafah airport, Israeli, PA teams practice security procedures for checking passengers. (WT 11/13)

Italian police arrests PKK leader Ocalan when he arrives in Rome on flight fr. Russia. Turkey asks for his extradition. (WP 11/14; WP 11/15; NYT, WP 11/17) (see 11/4)

PM Netanyahu says that he wants PA-Israeli negotiations to be expanded to include issues other than FRD. PA says that it entered the latest round of talks with the understanding that they would address 2 issues only: FRD, the PLO charter. No progress has been made in the talks thus far. (ITV 7/21 in WNC 7/23; WT 7/22)

Arafat, Israeli DM Mordechai separately consult Egypt's Pres. Mubarak regarding the latest round of negotiations. (MENA, RE 7/21 in WNC 7/23; WT 7/22; NYT 7/23)

EU special envoy Moratinos meets with Israeli FMin. officials. (WJW 7/23)

King Hussein announces that tests fr. his last visit to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, on 7/14 indicate that he has lymphatic cancer. (RJ 7/21, 7/22 in WNC 7/23, WT 7/22; RJ 7/22 in WNC 7/24; MM, WP 7/23; MEI 7/31)

At Rep. Gingrich's invitation, a PA delegation led by PC Speaker Qurai` arrives in Washington to meet with congressmen. This is the 1st time that Palestinian lawmakers have been invited to Capitol Hill since the PC was elected in 1/96. (WT 7/21; MM 7/23)

The Senate proposes same reductions in Egyptian, Israeli aid as the House did 7/15. Debates on the House and Senate versions will not be completed until 9/98 at the earliest. (WJW 7/23)

U.S. Principal Dep. Secy. of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch returns fr. leading delegation (including Turkish officials) on 5-day trip to n. Iraq to attempt to reconcile the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. The U.S. hopes to unite the 2 groups to increase pressure on Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. (GIU 7/17; MM 7/20, 7/30) (see 6/17)

Amal, Hizballah meet to discuss ways of coordinating their actions against the IDF, SLA in s. Lebanon. (RL 7/22 in WNC 7/23)

In s. Lebanon, an SLA convoy triggers a roadside bomb, killing 1 mbr., wounding 2. (VOL 7/21 in WNC 7/23) (see 5/10)

At a speech to the Asia Society in New York, Secy. Albright unveils a new policy initiative on Iran that could lead to normalized relations. Sanctions will remain in place for now, but U.S. plans to make confidence building gestures. (NYT, WP, WT 6/18; CSM, MM 6/19; ITV 6/21 in WNC 6/23; MEI 7/3)

Cyprus terminates contract with an Israeli company to replace the security system protecting the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, saying it has learned that several technicians working on the project are fmr. Mossad agents. Israel calls accusations baseless. (Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation Radio 6/17, O Filelevtheros 6/18 in WNC 6/19; I Simerini 6/24 in WNC 6/25)

After 2 days of talks, Iran, Turkey sign border security agmt. (IRNA 6/17 in WNC 6/18; IRNA 6/18 in WNC 6/19)

Jordanian PM Majali ends 2-day visit to Morocco after signing several agmts. including a free trade agmt., protocols on building cultural, social, economic ties; leaves for Libya. (JTV 6/17, JT, SA 6/18 in WNC 6/19; JANA [Tripoli] 6/19 in WNC 6/22; RJ 6/20 in WNC 6/23)

After 2 days of talks in Baghdad, Egypt, Iraq agree to expand trade relations. Trade M Ahmad Gueily's visit is the 1st to Iraq by an Egyptian official since the Gulf War. (WP 6/18)

State Dept. says that it is planning new effort funded by Congress to build up opposition to Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein by working with 73 opposition groups outside Iraq. (WP 6/18) (see 2/18)

2 Israeli teenagers fr. settlement nr. Hebron are jailed for killing a Palestinian farmer by hitting him with a wooden pole fr. a passing van. (MM, NYT 6/18; PR 6/19)

IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Bayt Hanina, n. of Jerusalem, for being built without a permit in an area zoned as "open space." (LAW 6/17) (see 6/15)

Israeli court convicts Israeli businessman Nahum Manbar, arrested 3/27/97, of selling chemical weapons equipment to Iran fr. 1990 to 1995. (WP 6/18; WT 6/19; IRNA 6/19 in WNC 6/23; JP 6/27)

In Jerusalem, U.S. special envoy Ross meets with PM Netanyahu, who rejects U.S. proposal for 13.1% FRD. (PR, WP, WT 3/27; JP 4/4)

Lebanese PM Hariri meets with Austrian Chancellor Viktor Klima to discuss Lebanon's stand on Israel's proposal for conditional implementation of UN Res. 425. (RL 3/26 in WNC 3/27)

For the 1st time, UNSCOM successfully searches 1 of 8 the "presidential sites" that Saddam Hussein agreed to open after his 2/22 agmt. with the UN. (NYT, WP 3/27) (see 3/5)

Brig. Gen. Dov Tzedaqa becomes Israel's new head of the Civil Administration in the West Bank. (MA 3/27 in WNC 3/30)

In s. Lebanon, 2 Lebanese civilians are wounded during IDF shelling. (VOL 3/26 in WNC 3/27)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan, Israeli PM Netanyahu meet in Tel Aviv, hail "new beginning" to Jordan-Israel relations, announce full restoration of security cooperation. (MM 3/10; ITV, QY, RJ, RMC 3/10 in WNC 3/11; JTV 3/10 in WNC 3/12; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/11; SA 3/14, JT 3/16 in WNC 3/17; JTV 3/15 in WNC 3/17; JP 3/21) (see 3/8)

Jordan, Iran hold talks on allowing academic, collegiate exchanges btwn. their countries. (IRNA 3/10)

Nr. Hebron, IDF soldiers open fire on van of Palestinian laborers, killing 3, wounding 5. Israel arrests 2 soldiers, then releases them, claiming that they "followed regulations" when van tried to "crash through the roadblock," run them over. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/11; IDF Radio 3/11 in WNC 3/12; PR 3/13; al-Ayyam, al-Quds al-Arabi 3/13 in WNC 3/16; CSM 3/18; PR 3/20; JP 3/21; MEI 3/27)

Based on classified testimony fr. the FBI that cannot be viewed by lawyers, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service orders 6 Iraqis who aided the CIA in failed attempts against Saddam Hussein be deported because they pose "a danger to the national security." (NYT 3/11)

Pres. Clinton accepts in principle the new terms of the agmt. reached btwn. the UN and Iraq, but reserves "the unilateral right to respond" if Iraq does not adhere to requirements. U.S. will maintain current level of forces in the region indefinitely. Although Joint Chiefs chmn. Gen. Henry Shelton says the military is pleased "to see the cup pass. . . . We had a tough time seeing where this thing was going to take us." Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), who has led the call in Congress for a military overthrow of Saddam Hussein, accuses Clinton of having "subcontracted" U.S. foreign policy to the UN. (MM 2/23; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/24; JT 2/24 in WNC 2/26; WT 2/25; NYT, WT 3/2)

PM Netanyahu proposes Israel, the PA hold Camp David-style summit under U.S. auspices to discuss "core issues" in the stalled peace process. (WT 2/24; La Libre [Brussels] 2/25 in WNC 3/3)

PISMC cochairs meet in Jericho. (IGPO 2/23; WJW 2/26; PR 3/6) (see 2/18)

Federal judge in Manhattan jails Abdelhaleem Ashqar, a Palestinian in the U.S. on a student visa, for refusing to testify before a secret grand jury investigating Hamas fundraising in the U.S. No further information is available as all documents in the case are sealed. (NYT 4/18)

1 SLA mbr. is injured in a clash with Hizballah in s. Lebanon. (IDF Radio 2/23 in WNC 2/26)

In last effort to achieve a "diplomatic solution" preventing a U.S. airstrike, UN Secy. Gen. Annan leaves for Baghdad for weekend of talks with Iraqi officials. U.S. warns that it will challenge any agmt. that does not allow unrestricted access to all Iraqi sites, including 8 "presidential palaces," which Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein has deemed off-limits to inspectors as symbols of national sovereignty. (CSM, MM, WP, WT 2/19; MM 2/20)

Pres. Clinton calls on the UN to set a deadline for Iraqi compliance; orders VP Al Gore, Defense Secy. Cohen to cancel trip to South Africa set to begin 2/23 to keep them in Washington. (NYT, WT 2/20)

Secy. of State Albright travels to Tennessee State University to give 2d televised briefing on Iraq to some 200 hand-picked honors students, coached by the school's administration to "give the opposite impression that was given at Ohio State" 2/18. Before Albright arrives, campus security removes all demonstrators fr. camera view. The secy. then heads to University of South Carolina for 3d, similarly controlled briefing. (NYT, WP 2/20)

UN begins evacuating staff fr. Iraq. All personnel should be out of the country by 2/21. (WP 2/19)

U.S. sends 10s of Patriot missiles to Israel as part of an "emergency aid" package. (MM 2/19; YA 2/19 in WNC 2/21)

Opponents of military action against Iraq stage demonstrations outside the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Belarus, British PM Tony Blair's residence in London. Palestinians hold similar demonstrations in Dura, Bayt `Umar. (RE 2/19 in WNC 2/24; WT 2/20; PR 2/27)

Jordanian "popular delegation" heads to Baghdad to show solidarity with the Iraqi people. Reps. fr. all Jordanian political parties and professional organizations and fr. each governorate have agreed to make staggered trips to Baghdad over the next wk. (al-Dustur 2/19 in WNC 2/24)

Swiss police catch 5 Mossad agents in the process of installing a wiretap in a "foreigner's" house in Bern. For unknown reasons, 4 agents are released, only 1 is detained. No mention of the incident is made public. (ITV 2/25 in WNC 3/3; MM, NYT, WT 2/26; MM, NYT, WT 2/27; WT 3/16)

Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin arrives in Egypt to undergo surgery for bone infection. (MENA 2/19 in WNC 2/24; WP 2/20)

In Tel Aviv, Israel, Jordan hold talks on water, Jordan Valley development. (RJ 2/19 in WNC 2/24; Globes [Internet] 2/22 in WNC 2/26; JP 2/28)

Palestine-Israel Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) cochairs meet at U.S. Amb. to Israel Edward Walker's home. (IGPO 2/18; WJW 2/26; JP 2/28)

Syrian VP `Abd al-Halim Khaddam, FM Faruq al-Shara` leave Cairo after 2 days of talks on peace process, Iraq crisis with Pres. Mubarak, FM `Amr Musa. (MENA, SATN 2/18 in WNC 2/21)

U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, Defense Secy. William Cohen, National Security Adviser (NSA) Sandy Berger hold 90-min. "town meeting" at Ohio State University on potential strike on Iraq, which is broadcast globally on CNN. Audience heckles official and asks pointed questions on U.S. policy, some saying no military action should be taken, others questioning why goals do not include ousting Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein. After mtg., Berger warns Hussein that he should not misinterpret the audience reactions because "Ultimately there's only one man who decides, and he decides not based on the polls . . . but on our national interest." (CSM 2/18; NYT, WP, WT 2/19; WT 2/20; al-Ahram 2/21 in WNC 2/26)

PA Information Min. orders all 34 television, radio stations to obtain licenses fr. the Information Min. as well as Interior Min.; closes 9 West Bank stations that do not have such licenses. (LAW 2/19; NYT, PR 2/20; MEI, PR 2/27) (see 2/16)

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum forces its director, Walter Reich, to resign. Mishandling of Arafat invitation to visit the museum (see 1/23) is cited as precipitating factor ending troubled tenure. (NYT 2/19)

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with Netanyahu adviser Yitzhak Molho. (QY, YA 2/17, YA 2/18 in WNC 2/21; IGPO 2/18)

Israel's Ciechanover Comm., charged with investigating Mossad's attempted assassination of Hamas mbr. Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25/97, reports its findings to PM Netanyahu. (MM, WP, WT 2/16; ITV 2/16, JT 2/17 in WNC 2/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 2/17; IGPO 2/17 in WNC 2/24; NYT 2/18; WJW 2/19; JP 2/21)

Jordan announces arrest of 5 Hizballah mbrs. who infiltrated fr. Syria, allegedly to carry out attacks on Israeli, U.S. targets in Amman. (MM 2/17)

PA police in Bethlehem force closure of Shepherds Television station for airing report on pro-Iraqi demonstrations in West Bank. (LAW 2/19; NYT 2/20; IGPO 3/1) (see 2/14)

Israeli, Palestinian activists hold demonstration outside U.S. consulate in Jerusalem to protest U.S. threats to strike Iraq. (PR 2/20)

Following talks with UK and France 2/14, U.S. cabinet mbrs. draw up guidelines to limit any diplomatic compromise UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan might offer Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. U.S. Amb. to the UN Bill Richardson carries U.S. position to the UN, where Annan holds 3d mtg. with UN Security Council (UNSC) permanent mbrs., who fail to reach consensus on substance of the message that Annan should carry to Iraq. Meanwhile, U.S. envoy David Newton arrives in Cairo on 1st leg of regional tour to explain the U.S. position on Iraq; he will also visit Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. (MM 2/16; MENA 2/16 in WNC 2/21; MM, NYT 2/17; MM 2/19)

EU Pres. Santer arrives in Damascus for 2 days of talks on the peace process, meets with Syrian pres. Asad. (SANA 2/11 in WNC 2/12; SATN 2/11 in WNC 2/15)

IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes nr. Hebron to make way for expansion of Israeli quarries. (LAW 2/17)

Ultraorthodox Jew is stabbed to death in East Jerusalem. Israel suspects Palestinian militants. (NYT, WP 2/12, PR 2/20)

In Amman, Jordanian police arrest youth attempting to throw molotov cocktail at British embassy to protest potential military strike on Iraq. (RJ 2/11 in WNC 2/12; MM 2/12; JT, SA 2/12 in WNC 2/15)

Iraq offers U.S. a Russia-brokered compromises for inspections at 8 presidential palaces over 2-mo. period. U.S. rejects plan, saying it is not up to Iraq to set conditions for inspections, Iraq must agree to inspections of all sites for indefinite period. (MM 2/11; WP 2/12; JTV 2/12 in WNC 2/17)

In Kuwait, GCC states hold emergency mtg. on Iraq crisis, say they prefer diplomatic to military solution. (U.S. Defense Secy. Cohen, who is in Bahrain today, says that all 6 states have agreed that Saddam Hussein should bear all responsibility for an attack if he does not fully comply with UN requirements.) (MM 2/11, 2/12)

In Washington, Israeli, PA teams hold separate follow-up talks on the peace process with State Dept. Dep. Special Coordinator for Arab-Israeli Negotiations Aaron Miller, special envoy Ross. No progress is made. Israeli team is led by Cabinet Secy. Nave, Netanyahu foreign policy adviser Uzi Arad. PA team is led by Local Government M Erakat; PLO Washington rep. Hassan `Abd al-Rahman also attends. (JT 2/10 in WNC 2/12; WP 2/10; MM, WJW 2/12; PR 2/13)

In Amman, EU Pres. Santer discusses peace process with Jordanian PM Majali. (RJ 2/10 in WNC 2/11)

In Amman, PA, Jordan open 3 days of talks on expanding cooperation in health-related fields. (JT 2/10 in WNC 2/11; JT 2/11 in WNC 2/12)

Russian special envoy Posuvalyuk delivers message to Israeli PM Netanyahu fr. Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein, saying that Iraq has "neither the intention nor the ability" to attack Israel. (WT 2/11; CSM 2/18)

After PM Netanyahu demands halt to Palestinian pro-Iraq demonstrations, PA's Gaza police chief Brig. Gen. Ghazi Jabali issues order preventing all marches, protests, flag burnings in area A. Human rights groups say order undermines right to peaceful assembly. (LAW 2/10; IDF Radio, ITV 2/10 in WNC 2/11; NYT 2/11; PR 2/13)

Jordan bans all demonstrations "for any reason," citing preservation of national security given the "delicate" regional situation. (JTV 2/10 in WNC 2/11; JTV 2/11, JT 2/12 in WNC 2/15; JTV 2/12 in WNC 2/17)

Defense Secy. Cohen says that Oman has given the U.S. permission to station support planes in Oman for an attack on Iraq; combat units will be station in Bahrain, Kuwait, Germany, Spain, Diego Garcia. (MM 2/10; CSM , MM 2/11)

In Cairo, Egyptian FM Musa, PA Planning M Shaath discuss peace process, Mubarak mtg. with Albright 2/3. (MENA 2/5 in WNC 2/6)

Turkey's Gen. Kivrikoglu meets with DM Mordechai. (IGPO 2/5)

Iranian Majles speaker Nateq-Nuri arrives in Lebanon for 2-day visit, talks on cultivating trade ties. (RL 2/5 in WNC 2/6; IRNA 2/5, RL 2/6 in WNC 2/10)

Saying that it "retains its right to self-defense and will operate according to its security interests," Israel rebuffs U.S. request to not retaliate against Iraq should it target Israel as a result of U.S. air strikes. (MM 2/5; MM, WP 2/6; WJW 2/12)

Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein orders release of all 1,200-1,300 Arab prisoners in apparent move to win sympathy in his dispute with the U.S. (NYT, WP 2/6; al-Aswaq [Amman], MENA 2/12 in WNC 2/15)

13 mbrs. of the Israeli Islamic Movement hold quiet demonstration against potential U.S. attack on Iraq in front of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv. (IDF Radio 2/5 in WNC 2/6)

SLA mbrs. block road in s. Lebanon in attempt to prevent French delegation fr. reaching ILMG mtg. UNIFIL intervenes, reopens road. (RL 2/5 in WNC 2/6; RL 2/6 in WNC 2/10)

EU special envoy Moratinos discusses peace process with PA Local Government M Erakat. (al-Ra'i 2/5 in WNC 2/11)

Arafat arrives in Spain for 2-day visit, to be followed by trip to the Netherlands. (PALDEV Digest [Internet] 2/4)

In Cairo, Egypt, PA sign custom exemption agmt. (MENA 2/4 in WNC 2/6) (see Peace Monitor)

Netanyahu spokesman Bar-Ilan says that government will override Interior Min.'s 1/22 approval of "Jewish sector" construction plans for Ras al-Amud. (MM, NYT, WP 2/5)

Palestinians living nr. Efrat settlement protest Israeli plans to confiscate their land to build road for local settlers. (PR 2/13)

Jordan's Interior Min. announces it has approved establishment of new Jordan Labor Party, which advocates building relations btwn. Jordanian, Israeli peoples but opposes polices of current Likud government. (JT 2/4 in WNC 2/6; JT 2/10 in WNC 2/11)

Congress debates resolution allowing Pres. Clinton to launch attack on Iraq. White House prefers diplomatic solution with resort to targeted attack on military facilities, sites of suspected violations if there is no progress. Mbrs. of Joint Chiefs of Staff say list of targets belies lack of strategy, White House is only interested in "putting on a show"; recommend concentrated attacks on Republican Guard, facilities housing security details, mbrs. Saddam Hussein's inner circle. Conservative lawmakers--including Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS), Rep. Steven Solarz (D-NY)--say attack should aim to remove Saddam Hussein fr. power. (WT 2/4; NYT, WP, WT 2/5)

Secy. of State Albright travels to Bahrain, Egypt to discuss Iraq issue. Bahrain agrees to allow U.S. forces to stage strikes fr. its air bases if necessary. Both Bahrain, Egypt call for diplomatic solution but agree to U.S. phrasing that if the U.S. attacks Iraq it would be Saddam Hussein's fault. (MM 2/3; MENA 2/3 in WNC 2/4, 2/6; MM, WP, WT 2/4; MEI 2/13) (see 2/2)

Turkey's army chief Gen. Hussein Kizriko_lu begins 4-day visit to Israel to discuss military cooperation. (WT 2/4; see also MM 1/12)

Iran's Majles speaker Ali Akbar Nateq-Nuri arrives in Syria for 3-day visit; discussions on developing economic, commercial ties. (IRNA, SATN 2/3 in WNC 2/4; IRNA 2/3, IRNA, SATN 2/4, IRNA 2/5 in WNC 2/6; IRNA 2/5 in WNC 2/6)

To mark end of Ramadan, PA grants pardons or early releases to 31 Palestinian prisoners, including 2 convicted in connection with the 1/22/95 Beit Lid bombing that killed 21 Israelis. Israel similarly releases 23 Palestinian prisoners. (WP 2/4; JP 2/7)

In the West Bank, Palestinians protest Israel plans to confiscate land for expansion of Modi'in settlement. (PR 2/13)

In Cairo, Mubarak adviser Baz is briefed by Israeli Cabinet Secy. Nave, Netanyahu adviser Uzi Arad on Netanyahu's mtg. with Secy. of State Albright and, separately, by PA Local Government M Erakat on Arafat's mtg. with Albright. Erakat then heads to Amman to brief Jordanian FM Tarawnah. (JTV, MENA, RE 2/2 in WNC 2/4; IGPO 2/3)

In Damascus, EU special envoy Moratinos, Syrian FM Shara` discuss peace process. (SATN 2/2 in WNC 2/4)

Palestinian Nasir al-Hurub dies in PA custody just hours after his arrest. He is at least the 16th Palestinian to die in PA custody. (LAW 2/3; WT 2/4; MEI, PR 2/13)

Palestinian clashes with IDF continue at entrance to Bethlehem. (NYT 2/3)

After 7 hrs. of talks with Secy. of State Albright, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdallah agrees only to say that if the U.S. strikes Iraq, it would be Saddam Hussein's fault. (MM, NYT, WP 2/3; MEI 2/13)

UN Secy. Gen. Annan asks the UNSC to raise to $5.2 b. fr. $2 b. the amount of oil Iraq is allowed to sell in the next 6 mos. of the oil-for-food program. (NYT 2/8) (see 1/31)

UN extends mandate of UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for 6 mos. (RL 2/2 in WNC 2/4)

Secy. of State Albright meets with Arafat to follow up on 1/22 mtg. with Clinton, urges him to consider the U.S. FRD proposal. After mtg., Albright announces that Arafat, Netanyahu have agreed to send envoys to Washington in 1 wk. to try to break impasse. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/2; CSM, NYT 2/3; MEI 2/13)

Netanyahu asks Secy. of State Albright for 2+n3 days advance warning of a U.S. attack on Iraq, immediate defensive measures against an Iraqi biological attack. Albright probes Israel's intentions on the manner, scale of its reprisal should Iraq strike Israel. (WP 2/2; MM 2/3; WT 2/5)

After mtg. with Arafat, Netanyahu, Secy. of State Albright heads to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia to gauge support for strike on Iraq. Kuwait supports use of force as last resort. Saudi Arabia says that U.S. may not stage attack on Iraq fr. its territory but will consider allowing U.S. planes to use its airspace. Arab League, France, Jordan, PA, Russia, Turkey send envoys to Iraq to persuade Saddam Hussein to abandon opposition to UNSCOM inspection of palaces. Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Syria warn attack would increase regional tensions. (NYT, WT 2/2; MM, WT 2/3; WP 2/4)

PM Netanyahu orders halt to preliminary negotiations (initiated by Infrastructures M Sharon) with Iran regarding repayment of Israelis $1.2 b. debt to Iran. (Globes [Internet] 2/1 in WNC 2/4) (see 9/20/97)

At entrance to Bethlehem, Palestinians clash with IDF for 3d straight day, leaving 6 Palestinians injured. During clash, IDF troops, PA police train weapons on each other but do not fire. (WT 2/2) (see 1/30)

Lebanese army eases siege on Britel to allow 10,000 Lebanese to hold funeral for Shaykh Khudr Tlays, Tufayli's right hand man who was killed in clash 1/30. Tufayli is still on the run. (MM, WT 2/2; MM 2/9; MEI 2/13)

3 civilians are wounded during IDF bombardment of Mashghara village in s. Lebanon. (RL 2/2 in WNC 2/4)

In East Jerusalem, unidentified gunmen fire on 2 rabbinical students, killing 1, seriously injuring the other. (MM, NYT 11/20; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/21; WJW 11/27; PR 11/28; JP 11/29)

Citing lack of evidence to convict, Israel's State Attorney's Office, IDF decide not to prosecute the 3 PA policemen arrested 7/14. They will be held as administrative detainees. (IDF Radio 11/20 in WNC 11/25)

Following talks with Russia, Iraq announces it will allow UNSCOM inspectors to resume their search for weapons of mass destruction. Pres. Clinton says he will "wait and see whether [Saddam Hussein] does, in fact, comply." Russia promises Iraq it will push for easing of sanctions. (MM, WP 11/20; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/21; al-Dustur 11/21 in WNC 11/27) (see 11/18)

Secy. of State Albright says that she will leave for the Middle East 9/9. She will travel to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, the PA self-rule areas, Saudi Arabia, Syria, possibly Lebanon. (MM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30)

On his way home fr. Asia, PM Netanyahu stops in Azerbaijan to discuss possible oil purchase. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow] 8/29 in WNC 9/2; NTV [Moscow] 8/29 in WNC 9/4)

Following IDF fatalities in s. Lebanon 8/28, Labor Chmn. Barak urges swift negotiations for a gradual withdrawal fr. Lebanon. (IDF Radio 8/29 in WNC 9/4; NYT 8/30)

IDF demolishes 1 Palestinian home in East Jerusalem. (PHRIC 10/21)

Jordan announces it will spend $244 m. over the next 4 yrs. to improve infrastructure in 13 Palestinian refugee camps in the kingdom. (JT 8/31 in WNC 9/4)

In preparation for 11/97 elections, King Hussein issues decree dissolving Jordan's Lower House of parliament effective 9/1. (RJ 8/29, JTV 8/31 in WNC 9/4)

In New York, a federal grand jury indicts Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mayzar, Lafi Khalil (arrested 7/31) for allegedly plotting to bomb in the New York City subway. (WT 8/30)

In Los Angles, 8 Iraqi mbrs. of CIA-backed resistance groups who say that they have been wrongly accused by the U.S. of spying for Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein are ordered deported for failure to hold valid visas, work permits. The 8, who fear that Hussein will execute them for being U.S. spies, may still apply for political assylum. (WT 8/30)

As the 8/12 expiration date of the Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (MEPFA) approaches, key congressmen say that they doubt an extension can be approved before Congress goes into recess 8/1. If no extension is passed then aid to and contacts with the PLO must be cut off at least temporarily. (WP 7/27; MM, WT 7/29; WJW 7/31; JP 8/2; WP 8/13)

A 3-day exhibition of Syrian pharmaceutical companies hosted by Iraq opens in Baghdad. Around town, portraits of Syria's Pres. Asad appear next to pictures Iraq's Pres. Saddam Hussein. (RMC 7/27 in WNC 7/29; MM 7/28) (see 7/24)

The Arab Land Party, the Jordanian Arab Socialist Ba'th Party, the Jordanian Communist Party, the Pan-Arab Action Front Party, the Popular Unity Party, the Progressive Arab Ba'th Party announce that they will boycott 11/97 elections unless Jordan suspends the new press law, stops all official normalization with Israel, ensures the right of parties to equal use of all mass media, halts violations of public freedoms and democracy, treats parties as national institutions. (al-Ra'i 7/28 in WNC 7/29) (see 7/26)

In. s. Lebanon, 1 SLA mbr. is wounded by Hizballah shelling. (VOL 7/28 in WNC 7/29)

Donors hold Local Aid Coordination Comm. in Gaza. (UN Special Coordinator's Office [UNSCO] press release 6/26)

Damascus Declaration states close 2-day mtg. in Latakia, Syria; issue final statement calling for Israeli withdrawal fr. all occupied territories, denouncing 6/10 House decision on Jerusalem, suggesting formation of an Arab common market, taking no firm position on the Doha economic summit. (MM 6/26; SATN 6/26 in WNC 6/27; MM 6/30; MEI 7/11)

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah leaves Syria for 3-day visit to Lebanon. (MM 6/26; RL 7/1 in WNC 7/2)

In hope of redirecting, unifying U.S. political, intelligence policy on Iraq, retired CIA agent Warren Marik goes public with the details of the U.S. operation, which he directed, to overthrow Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. (WP 6/26; MM 7/2; al-Urdun 8/2 in WNC 8/5)

Iranian pres. Rafsanjani sends Health M Ali Reza Mirandi to Iraq to invite Saddam Hussein to attend the 12/97 Organization of the Islamic Conference mtg. in Tehran. Mirandi also brings a message asking Hussein to make a good-will gesture by releasing some of the 5,000 Iranian POWs taken during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. (MM 6/20)

In Amman, PM Majali receives Iraqi PM Tariq `Aziz for talks on bilateral relations. (RJ 6/19 in WNC 6/24)

Labor party leaders hold strategy session, decide not to form unity government with Likud "under any conditions," agree to maintain continuous contact with other Knesset factions so as to exploit the rift within the Likud. (ITV 6/19 in WNC 6/23)

U.S. investigators report that 2 Hasidic Jews fr. New York, suspected of laundering huge quantities of drug money for a Columbian drug cartel, recently purchased millions of dollars worth of land nr. the settlements of Mahseya, Zanoah in the Jerusalem corridor. The atty. who represented the Hasidim in the land deals is Shlomo Deri, brother of Shas's Arye Deri. (YA 6/19 in WNC 6/20)

Turkey pulls more troops out of n. Iraq, says military action against the PKK will continue. (MM 6/19) (see 6/14)

In s. Lebanon, residents of Jazzin appeal to the government, ILMG investigate the 6/18 explosion; ILMG says it will do so 6/23. Later, the SLA raids Jazzin, arresting civilians on charges of collaborating with Hizballah. (RL 6/19 in WNC 6/20; RL 6/20 in WNC 6/23; MM 6/26, 6/27)

10 Jordanian opposition parties, not incl. the Islamic Action Front (IAF), announce they are forming a united list for the 11/97 elections. (Star 6/12 in WNC 6/13)

In Amman, King Hussein discusses peace process with Labor Chmn. Barak. In Petra, Arafat meets with PM Majali. (JTV 6/9 in WNC 6/11; MM 6/10)

World Bank offers Jordan a $100 m. loan for energy, social security projects. (JT 6/9 in WNC 6/10)

In Beirut, 5 suspected Japanese Red Army mbrs. go on trial on charges of passport forgery, illegal entry into Lebanon. (NYT, WP 6/10; MEI 6/27) (see 4/3)

Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein's son Uday leaves a Baghdad hospital 6 mos. after an assassination attempt against him. According to government media reports, his leg has not fully healed, but he has no signs of paralysis. Opposition press says he is partially paralyzed, cannot walk. (WT 6/10, 7/2, 7/10) (see 1/28)

In Jerusalem, PA negotiator Erakat, Netanyahu adviser Molho exchange lists of negotiators on the 8 subcomms. that will continue talks on implementing issues outstanding fr. Oslo II. (ITV 1/28 in WNC 1/30; PR 1/31)

Arafat makes brief trip to Jordan to meet with King Hussein. (RJ 1/28 in WNC 1/29; JTV 1/28 in WNC 1/30)

Syrian VP Khaddam, FM Shara` arrive in the UAE for talks with Pres. Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayat. (MM 1/29, SATN 1/29 in WNC 1/30)

Belgium increases its 1997 allocation to the PA by $710,000 (to $9.29 m.) to fund a project to supply 380 villages around Nablus with electricity. (Libre Belgique 1/29 in WNC 1/31)

Lawyers for Hamas political leader Musa Abu Marzuq say he is dropping his extradition fight in order to emphasize unjust, illegal Israeli and U.S. judicial practices. (MM 1/28; WP, WT 1/29; WP 1/30; AFP, RMC 1/30 in WNC 1/31; PR 1/31; CSM 2/4; WJW 2/6; MEI 2/7) (see 10/9/96)

IDF demolishes 4 Palestinian homes nr. Ramallah, in area C, for having no permits. (LAWE 2/13) (see 1/23)

Chief of the U.S. Central Command Gen. J.H. Binford Peay says that Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein has placed his 1st wife, Sajida Talfah, and 2 daughters under house arrest, because of disputes over the murder of Saddam's 2 sons-in-law (2/23/96). Saddam's son Uday may lose a leg, be paralyzed as a result of the 12/12 assassination attempt. 600 people, incl. 20 senior military officers, have been arrested in connection with the shooting. (WP 1/29; AFP 2/1 in WNC 2/4; WT 2/5; WP 2/10) (see 1/19)