10 / 15500 Results
  • November 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50%...

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  • November 12, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. orders Palestinian money-changers in Jerusalem stop trading in US dollars. Ramallah military court fines Fatmeh Ja'afari IS 20,...

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  • March 17, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: On anniversary of since-abrogated Israeli-Lebanese agreement, Lebanese Christian Agency (Phalange) opens semi-diplomatic mission in...

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  • February 29, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir reacts to Hussein-Arafat talks; says if Hussein wants peace, he should realize the address for talks in Jerusalem.

    Arab World:...

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  • February 22, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4 Israeli Cabinet ministers oppose continued IDF forays north of Awali River line at risk of Israeli involvement in factional fighting. DM Arens...

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  • February 21, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former chief of staff, Eitan heckled during visit to Beer Sheba U. on tour of Negev; declares Arab students have no business there, tells them...

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  • February 20, 1984


    Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital...

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  • February 16, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils in the Triangle and Galilee strike for 2 hours to demonstrate their severe fiscal problems. Ramallah lawyer Shukri Aboudi...

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  • February 7, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Karp report criticizing Israeli law enforcement practices toward Arabs in West Bank made public; report reveals Jewish settlers who kill West...

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  • February 6, 1984


    Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite and Druze leaders call for Pres. Gemayel's resignation.

    Other Countries: US Senate Finance Committee begins hearings on issue of...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50% below last year. Educ. Min. bans use of book Central Issues in Recent History of the State of the Nation by Amnon Haver for its reference to "Palestinian nation."

Other Countries: George Habash (PFLP) & Nayef Hawatmeh (DFLP) meet with Soviet officials in Moscow to discuss PLO reunification. US Senate Foreign Relations Com. publishes pessimistic report on Israeli economy, stating without current US aid (12% of GNP), balance of payment problem "unmanageable," and increased US aid will not "significantly ameliorate" these problems posing serious security threat to Israel. At Israel Bonds dinner in Los Angeles, American-Jewish oilman Armand Hammer announces project to search for oil in Israel. In New York libel trial, Sharon claims COS Eitan ordered Phalangists into Sabra & Shatila camps (9/82).

Military Action

Arab World: Pentagon orders US carrier Eisenhower totake position within range of Lebanon for possible "retaliatory strikes" there.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. orders Palestinian money-changers in Jerusalem stop trading in US dollars. Ramallah military court fines Fatmeh Ja'afari IS 20,000 for possessing "illegal literature" [purchased in Jerusalem]. DM Rabin meets with Mayor Freij, approves $700,000 Saudi grant for Bethlehem development projects. FM Shamir calls for creation of new UN including "only democratic countries." Nahal inaugurates 4 settlements: Rotem in Jordan Valley, Heahzut near Gush Etzion, Amitai & Ye'elon in Negev. Morechet Benyamin Co. dumps truckloads of rubble on jib village land, rendering it unusable for farming. FM Shamir expresses alarm to visiting US congressmen at apparent Jordanian-PLO rapprochement.

Arab World: PNC Chrmn. Khalid Fahoum declines to issue invitations to PNC mtg. called by Chrmn. Arafat pending further unity talks. Christians & Muslim unite in general strike through S. Lebanon to protest Israeli kidnapping of Amal Shi'ite leaders; Phalangist Joseph Ghanem sends letter of solidarity with demonstrators in Sidon.

Other Countries: 9th anniversary of UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. Special UN panel publicizes findings on Israeli activity in occupied territories; reports Israel continues to disregard Geneva Convention on civilian rights under occupation. In New York Federal Court, hearings begin for Ariel Sharon's libel suit against Time magazine.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew imposed on Dheisheh camp after Border Policeman hit with thrown rock; boys' school raided by Border Police; area declared closed military zone.

Arab World: 2 Israeli soldiers wounded by light arms fire in Jibsheet; 2 wounded by RPG fire in Ghaziya village, S. Lebanon.

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in El AL office, Vienna; no injuries.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: On anniversary of since-abrogated Israeli-Lebanese agreement, Lebanese Christian Agency (Phalange) opens semi-diplomatic mission in Jerusalem Hilton Hotel as liaison to Israeli gov't.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir reacts to Hussein-Arafat talks; says if Hussein wants peace, he should realize the address for talks in Jerusalem.

Arab World: Pres. Gemayel received with full honors in Damascus for mtg. with Pres. Assad; both leaders agree discussions fruitful.


Arab World: 6-man team of US artillery spotters at Beit Meri, guiding fire from US 6th Fleet offshore, comes under attack 6 miles east of Beirut; USS Sims fires 20 rounds into surrounding area. Israel reports 400 Phalangists join Haddad's army; press for Israel to appoint Haddad's successor.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4 Israeli Cabinet ministers oppose continued IDF forays north of Awali River line at risk of Israeli involvement in factional fighting. DM Arens sharply criticizes LAF performance against Druze and Shi'ite militias; justifies forays to north as defense against "terrorist infiltration." Representatives of Arab local councils meet in Shefa Amr; protest to gov't. and Histadrut increasing number of dismissal notices served Arab workers.

Other Countries: US suspends shipment of 130 armed personnel carriers to Lebanon, may not sell 35 tanks already planned. Israeli Industry and Trade Minister visits Bucharest for talks aimed at doubling Israeli exports to Rumania. US physicist Sam Cohen, veteran of Los Alamos atom-bomb project, proposes impregnable radiation barrier, or "nuclear wall" for Israeli borders to "end the tragedy of war in the Middle East." Reagan admin. clarifies stand against moving US-Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Arab World: Christian Phalange officers confirm Israel promised regular army patrols to aid in fighting back Druze and Shi'ites


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former chief of staff, Eitan heckled during visit to Beer Sheba U. on tour of Negev; declares Arab students have no business there, tells them: "This is our country, not yours."

Arab World: Syria presents Gemayel 4-point plan for Lebanon: abrogate May 17 accord, deal with Syrian military presence through Arab League, set up national unity with parity for all factions, convene national unity talks in Geneva. Christian Phalangist militia leader Fadi Frem cautions Gemayel his forces will not accept abrogation of May 17 agreement.

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz says Marine pull-out from Beirut will be complete in 2 weeks. Israeli firm, Elbit, announces $6 million deal to supply naval communications systems to undisclosed European government.


Arab World: US Marines begin formal withdrawal to 6th Fleet vessels off Beirut. Israel bombs alleged Palestinian targets in central mountain villages of Bhamdoun, Ain al-Jadida, Bikh Shtay and Mansuriya; sends armored column north within 12 miles of Beirut. 


Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital to Shi'ite welfare organization.

Other Countries: UN Human Rights Commission approves 2 resolutions: condemning Israel's West Bank policies of confiscation and demolition of Arab property, mass arrests and torture; calling on Israel to release Ziad Abu Ain; both resolutions passed with 11 (mostly Western) members abstaining; only US opposed. International Federation for Human Rights presents evidence to UN commission of Lebanese security forces and Phalangist militia abductions of more than 1,500 civilians in S. Lebanon in conjunction with IDF. Gen. Manager of Yuval Guitars, Katzrin settlement (Golan), reports sell-out of Israeli 'ouds marketed at World Music Festival in Frankfurt to Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian and Tunisian buyers.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils in the Triangle and Galilee strike for 2 hours to demonstrate their severe fiscal problems. Ramallah lawyer Shukri Aboudi fined IS50,000 and given 6-month jail term on charges of membership in illegal organization.

Arab World: Gemayel informs opponents he will annul May 17 agreement in exchange for their participation in reconciliation talks.

Other Countries: King Hussein flies to London for talks with PM Thatcher and FM Howe. Chairman Arafat nominated for post of rector of Glasgow University by students, election March 5.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish settlers break into home of 84-year-old Tulkarm man; chop off his finger when he refuses to sign over property to Israeli buyers.

Arab World: Advancing Druze militia discover 117 Druze corpses in Kfar Matta, S. Lebanon, massacred by Christian Phalange militia in 1983. Israeli tanks patrol north-coast highway to Damour demonstrating support for Phalangist takeover there. Israel-backed death-squad kills Shi'ite leader, Raghib Harb, while walking home in Jabsheet near Nabatiya.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Karp report criticizing Israeli law enforcement practices toward Arabs in West Bank made public; report reveals Jewish settlers who kill West Bank Palestinians enjoy high degree of immunity from police investigation. Israeli gov't. announces no intention of intervening to salvage Gemayel presidency in Beirut, in spite of reported pleas from Phalange emissaries. Interior Ministry official attacks Jerusalem Mayor Kollek for accusing political motives behind gov't. refusal to approve 5 replacement generators for Arab-owned Jerusalem Electric Co. Spokesman for Council of Jewish Settlements ("Judea & Samaria") reveals IDF commander Aluf Ori Orr instructed settlers not to cooperate with civilian police after attacks on Arabs. PM Shamir and US amb. Lewis meet for urgent talks on LAF setback. Gaza-Majdal Road checkpoints withdrawn by Israel, thereby removing only visible demarkation of 1948 border.

Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan announces plan to withdraw Marines from Beirut to warships offshore. European Parliament Pres. Dankert, speaking to Knesset, suggests Israel coordinate efforts with Morocco and Tunisia to protect agricultural exports to Europe if Spain and Portugal admitted to EEC. 


Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite and Druze leaders call for Pres. Gemayel's resignation.

Other Countries: US Senate Finance Committee begins hearings on issue of establishing free trade relations with Israel. US Sec. of State Shultz, in Brazilia, accuses Syria of "trying to dominate Lebanon by force." Pres. Reagan orders use of air and naval forces against anti-gov't. positions around Beirut. Late American journalist Fred Sparks' $25,000 bequest to PLO diverted to Red Cross for work with Palestinians; decision results from protest suit taken up by 3 American Zionist organizations. Speaking in Melbourne, former Pres. Carter calls for US withdrawal from Lebanon. European Parliament Pres. Dankert criticizes Israeli policy in Middle East before Knesset and in mtg. with PM Shamir.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nisreen Ahmed Shrouf, 5 years old, killed, 2 brothers and 2 sisters wounded in Bethlehem when grenade explodes in hand; grenade suspected planted by "TNT."

Arab World: Shi'ite and Druze forces take over most of West Beirut from LAF/Phalange; demand Gemayel's resignation. 2 Israelis wounded when grenades hit IDF patrols south of Zahrani River; grenade attacks on IDF patrols in Sidon and Nabatiya market. US gunships Garcia and JF Kennedy and A-6 Intruder bombers pound mountain positions near Beirut.