50 / 15500 Results
  • February 1, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. reopens after 3-month military-ordered closure and immediately receives new closure order [NYT 2/4]. Hebron Polytechnic...

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  • May 12, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab...

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  • May 7, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: F. M. Peres says he has no secret agreements with Jordan and has not discussed "any territorial questions" during recent talks; P. M....

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  • April 9, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and...

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  • June 10, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek visits nearby Shu'fat refugee camp and offers financial assistance to persuade residents to move to another...

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  • May 5, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar...

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  • April 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states in keynote speech opening Labor party convention that Israel recognizes the Palestinians "as a nation," states Israel...

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  • February 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports West Bank Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Balu to Jordan. (Balu was never released from jail following completion of his 16-...

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  • January 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court orders journalist Hamdi Farraj, 11 other Dheisheh refugee camp residents held since 2/1/85 without trial released...

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  • September 5, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation...

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  • April 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport...

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  • April 3, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to...

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  • March 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa...

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  • March 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian Army halts battle after Lebanese Army unit is ambushed by Amal militia and Iranian Revolutionary Guards near Baalbek; National Guard of 40 armed men formed at Ain el...

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  • February 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syria permits US helicopters to enter Syrian-held territory to aid in rescue of blizzard victims, with deaths now numbering 47.

    Political Response:


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  • February 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    MNF units assist Lebanese Army and civil defense forces in rescue operations for civilians trapped by severe blizzard, responsible for at least 38 deaths.


    Read more
  • February 14, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad...

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  • January 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


    5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

    Political Responses:

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  • September 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...

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  • July 17, 1982

    Military Action:

    Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.


    Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. reopens after 3-month military-ordered closure and immediately receives new closure order [NYT 2/4]. Hebron Polytechnic Institute and Hebron U. are closed indefinitely. Israel postpones indefinitely reopening of schools in Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarm [FJ 2/7]. In Nazareth, 50 Muslim, Christian, Druze, and Jewish leaders condemn Israeli measures in occupied territories, express support for uprising [FJ 2/7].

Arab World: Lebanese Shi'i coalition Islamic Resistance Front threatens to kill Israeli soldier held captive for 2 years [WP 2/2].

Other Countries: U.S. envoy Philip Habib meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Paris before returning to Washington [WSJ 2/2]. U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution setting forth UN role in Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations and calling on Israel to abide by Geneva Convention terms [WP 2/2]. In Rome, Jordan's King Hussein visits with Pope John Paul II, meets with Egyptian F. M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid [NYT 2/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In village of 'Anabta near Tulkarm, stone-throwing Palestinians attack army bus, settlers' cars, and police vehicle after blockading road. Israeli fires on demonstrators, killing 2, wounding 1. Officials are uncertain whether shots were fired by soldiers or settlers. Army patrol later disperses crowd with live ammunition, wounding 2 more. Settlers attack village during curfew, vandalizing houses, cars [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Crowds throw rocks, bottles and block roads in cities, villages, and camps throughout W. Bank; 3 Palestinians are wounded in Jenin, and 2 are injured by army gunfire in Hebron-region village of Bani Na'im; village is placed under curfew. Violent disturbances are also reported in E. Jerusalem [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Israeli authorities arrest 14 Palestinians during raid of Jerusalem's Thuri quarter [FJ 2/7]. More than 20 are arrested in early morning raid in Nablus [WP 2/2]. Balatah, new and old 'Askar, Duhayshah, Tulkarm, and Am'ari refugee camps and Nablus are under curfew [FJ 2/7]. In Gaza Strip, military imposes curfew on Burayj camp following violent stone-throwing demonstrations; curfew is lifted in Dayr al-Balah camp. Violent clashes are reported in Gaza Strip camps and cities; many Palestinians are injured by army gunfire and beatings [FJ 2/7]. At least 40 Palestinians have been killed since uprising began 12/9 [NYT 2/2]. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab workers in occupied territories [FJ 5/17]. Trial of 3 Palestinians charged with stabbing death of 3 Israelis and membership in Islamic Jihad opens under strict security [FJ 5/17]. Two members of Nablus municipal council resign [FJ 5/17].

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein meet in Cairo, discuss PNC reconciliation and international peace conference proposal [BG 5/14].

Other Countries: Reports indicate secret agreement between Jordan and Israel includes provision to restrict role of U.S.S.R. in Middle East peace conference [NYT 5/12]. U.S. government refiles charges against 7 Palestinians and 1 Kenyan; 2 are accused of subversion, 6 of visa violations [LAT 5/13].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: F. M. Peres says he has no secret agreements with Jordan and has not discussed "any territorial questions" during recent talks; P. M. Shamir calls for direct negotiations with King Hussein without the involvement of "distant lands" [JP 5/8]. Qalqiliyyah is again placed under curfew after 3 firebombs were thrown at Israeli car. Settlers rampage through town, vandalizing cars and shooting at houses [FJ 5/10]. Explosion in Kiryat Gat settlement injures 4 Israelis, 1 seriously [FJ 5/10]. Military authorities impose curfew on al-Qassabah quarter of Nablus after firebomb is thrown at army patrol [FJ 5/10].

Arab World: Reports indicate Jordan has informed U.S. that Syria will participate in peace talks with Israel under auspices of UN-sponsored international conference [WP 5/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli army patrol in S. Lebanon kills 2 Palestinian fighters, captures 3 others [WP 5/9; FJ 5/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and Tulkarm camps [FJ 4/12].

Arab World: Reports charge Jordanian Minister of Occupied Territories Affairs Marwan Dudin was involved in disappearance of funds [FJ 4/12].

Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuit challenging use of McCarran-Walter Act in case of 7 Palestinians arrested by INS 1/26 [CSM 4/9]. Israeli F. M. Peres concludes 3 days of talks with Soviet representatives in Rome [NYT 4/10]. King Hussein and members of Jordanian government meet with British P. M. Thatcher to discuss possibility of Middle East peace conference [IN 4/10]. Israeli Pres. Herzog on state visit to W. Germany asks Bonn not to sell submarines to Saudi Arabia [LAT 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities impose curfews on 2 towns and 2 refugee camps on W. Bank after demonstrations in support of prison hunger strike [CSM 4/10].

Arab World: Four Israeli helicopters attack PLO positions in 'Ayn al-Hilwah in S. Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 6 [NYT 4/10]. Syrian troops reinforce their posts around Beirut's Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps; 47 wounded Palestinians are evacuated from Burj al-Barajinah [NYT, IN 4/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek visits nearby Shu'fat refugee camp and offers financial assistance to persuade residents to move to another location; residents vehemently oppose idea [FJ 6/13].

Other Countries: King Hussein announces foreign ministers of Syria and Iraq will meet 6/13 [WP 6/11]. Italian prosecutors release report on Achille Lauro hijacking, say Muhammad 'Abbas planned it [NYT 6/10]. Israeli Palestinian Knesset member Muhammad Mi'ari meets in Tunis with PLO Chairman Arafat [MG 6/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar association was set up in Gaza for the lawyers working there) [JP 5/6]. Israeli military court in Lod sentences 2 Palestinians from inside the Green Line to 21 years imprisonment for planting bombs in Israeli neighborhoods, finds them guilty of membership in the PFLP [JP 5/6]. Nablus military court sentences another Palestinian to 21 years imprisonment for stabbing an Israeli soldier in the chest on 12/14/85 [JP 5/6]. Presidents of Uruguay and Israel issue joint statement affirming the friendship between their countries and support for the M.E. peace process [JTA 5/6].

Arab World: Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein, his first visit to Jordan in 6 years [NYT, WP 5/6].

Other Countries: The leaders of the 7 largest industrial democracies, meeting at the Tokyo summit, adopt a joint statement condemning terrorism as an international scourge that "must be fought relentlessly and without compromise"; Libya is specifically mentioned as a source of terrorism [NYT, WP 5/6]. U.S. State Dept. calls on Syria to expel Abu Nidal organization from territory under its control [NYT 5/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states in keynote speech opening Labor party convention that Israel recognizes the Palestinians "as a nation," states Israel is trying to "create interim conditions for an interim arrangement" in the occupied territories until their final status is resolved [DT 4/10]. Egyptian delegation headed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butrus-Ghali attends the convention, as well as delegations from 20 other countries [JP 4/9].

Arab World: Former chief of intelligence for the PLO, 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im), is reported to have been touring Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan delivering speeches critical of policies of Yasir Arafat and blaming him for the collapse of dialogue with King Hussein; Abu Za'im's statements have been given front-page coverage in Amman [JP 4/8; NYT 4/9]. Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Abba Eban arrives in Cairo for a visit [JP 4/9].

Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy, originally scheduled to accompany Vice Pres. George Bush on his M.E. tour, stops instead in Cairo and then proceeds to Israel; Bush tells press conference Murphy is investigating a new peace initiative [LAT, BG 4/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Firebomb is thrown at bus on northern edge of Jerusalem, injuring 9 Israeli passengers; police detain 17 Palestinians for questioning [LAT, WP 4/9]. A bomb explodes in Afula, injuring a soldier; WAFA, the Palestine News Agency, states the PLO is responsible for placing the bomb [WP, LAT 4/9].

Arab World: Suicide bomber drives car into checkpoint near Hasbayya, at edge of Israeli-declared "security zone," killing himself and injuring 3 SLA militiamen and 3 civilians; the pro-Syrian Lebanese Ba'th party claims responsibility [WP, NYT 4/9]. Car bomb in Christian port city of Juniyah kills 10, injures over 100; no one claims responsibility [WP, NYT 4/9]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports West Bank Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Balu to Jordan. (Balu was never released from jail following completion of his 16- year term; although Israelis offered to let him go abroad, he chose to complete his sentence and be reunited with his family) [FJ 2/14].

Arab World: Christian Science Monitor reports King Hussein demanded written acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338 from Yasir Arafat during last week's negotiations as basis for negotiating with Israel. Hussein had obtained 2 U.S. concessions in return: acceptance of intl. conference hosted by UN, including permanent members of Security Council, and direct negotiations with PLO (if it accepted 242, 338) [CSM 2/6].

Other Countries: U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel for intercepting Libyan jet [PI 2/7; JTA 2/10]. Hundreds of evangelical American Christian leaders attend 5th annual pro-Israel National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. [WP, JTA 2/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court orders journalist Hamdi Farraj, 11 other Dheisheh refugee camp residents held since 2/1/85 without trial released on grounds general prosecutor failed to prove charges against them [FJ 1/10].

Arab World: Christian Science Monitor reports King Hussein and Pres. Asad agree to restore diplomatic relations between their countries at ambassadorial level [CSM 1/2]. Egypt and U.S. sign agreement on $140 million in U.S. aid to Egypt, the second installment of $500 million grant approved by Congress last year [JP 1/2]. SLA releases 20 Shi'ite prisoners from Khiam detention center in S. Lebanon as New Year's gesture. (Red Cross has not been allowed to visithe Khiam center) [JP 1/3].

Other Countries: Austrian Interior Ministry states 3 Palestinians who attacked Vienna airport had instructions to take Israeli hostages, hijack El Al plane to Tel Aviv, blow up plane "in or over Tel Aviv" [DT, FT 1/3]. Peter Goldman, director of Americans for a Safe Israel, and Rabbi Avraham Weiss, coordinator of Americans Against Terrorism, announce start of nationwide campaign to remove PLO offices from U.S. [JTA 1/3]. Nadav Safran, director of Harvard U.'s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, will resign post in wake of discovery he accepted $152,000 from CIA for writing book, sponsoring conference on Islamic fundamentalism [DT, LT 1/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rocket fired from S. Lebanon damages property in Kiryat Shmona [BG 1/3]. Israeli taxi driver is found shot twice in head near Lod (second such incident in 2 days); 4 Palestinians are detained for questioning [FJ 1/10].

Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops shell targets in S. Lebanon in retaliation for shelling of Kiryat Shmona [TS 1/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and vetoes another suggested Palestinian delegate Nabil Sha'th. Peres expresses confidence in King Hussein's desire for peace, says Israel wants to open negotiations with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation immediately [JP 9/6]. Negev Bedouin given o.k. to elect 15-member delegation to the soon-to-be-established regional committee on Bedouin affairs [JP 9/6].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S. administration is considering sending Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy to meet with Jordanian-Palestinian delegation that would include Nabil Sha'th, a close personal advisor to Arafat. Israel vehemently protestshe proposal [WP 9/3, 9/7]. Jerusalem Post reports Reagan administration iformed Congress in July in classified 17-page report that Israel's "qualitative" military edge over the Arabs is "secure and likely to grow stronger, under present policy, at least through the rest of this decade" [JP 9/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli truck driver Moshe Fitusi, 28, is critically stabbed in Gaza City; Israeli settlers torch Palestinian home in the West Bank in retaliation. Gaza City sealed off and 500 residents reportedly detained by army for questioning. Home of Palestinian exprisoner freed in 5/20 prisoner exchange set afire in Dura village by Israeli settlers, home of another painted with threatening slogans and its windows smashed in Balata refugee camp near Nablus. Groups of armed settlers reported roaming streets of Ramallah and Nablus. Israeli authorities briefly detain 9 Tehiya members who squat at Tel Rumeida in Hebron [CSM, PI, NYT, JP 9/6; JTA 9/9].

Military Action:

IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport facilities at Sidon, fortified posts in Arkoub and Bekaa Valleys, logistics HQ near Marjayoun; Syrian forces and IDF exchange artillery fire in Bekaa; Haddad says he must formally be made military governor of South Lebanon.


9 suspects indicted for grenade attack that wounded 5 US Marines on March 16.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF seals 4 Dahariya homes of Palestinians who reportedly admitted to attacks in Hebron area, including stone-throwing that killed Israeli woman in January; IDF orders West Bank schools to remain closed until April 19, Jenin schools closed indefinitely; Umm Safa and Gibya residents report thousands of dunams seized for nearby Ateret settlement; molotov cocktail thrown at border police patrol in Bethlehem; Jerusalem Mayor Kollek warns civic and religious leaders of Shufat and Beit Hanina if they don't stop stone-throwing along road to Neve Ya'acov settlement then police and army will; Peace Now begins protests near site of proposed Upper Nablus settlement; court orders Ministry of Defense to pay compensation of IS2m. to family of Palestinian woman shot by Israeli soldier in April 1982, soldier given 5 months suspended sentence; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman offers 3,939 apartments and building plots in West Bank and Gaza, announces campaign to expand 68 settlements, increase Jewish population in occupied territories 30-50,000 in next 18 months; Chief of Staff Eitan, in farewell statement to Cabinet, says there should be 10 new Jewish settlements for each stone-throwing incident, when Israelis have settled the land all the Arabs will be able to do about it is scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle; 2 Likud MKs recommend that soldiers be instructed to aim higher if shooting at demonstrators' legs doesn't stop stone-throwing; Israeli Electric Corporation completes 4-year project to supply electricity to West Bank settlements and villages at cost of IS360m.; Association for Civil Rights says ban on section of '83 film is attack on freedom of expression, asks for its revocation.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO stresses importance of continuing relations and dialogue with Jordan; Habib participates for first time in troop withdrawal negotiations at Netanya.

Arab Governments: Mubarak says it is imperative PLO join Jordan to facilitate negotiations; Moroccan sources say proposed Arab summit later this week likely to be postponed; Jordan reportedly considering reducing ties to West Bank; King Hussein meets British Foreign Secretary; Syria says Hussein's refusal to enter talks shows US does not hold key to Middle East peace.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says there is no alternative to the Reagan plan, suggests PLO should lose its 1974 Arab League mandate as sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people if this authority is not exercised constructively; House Foreign Affairs subcommittee links sale of advanced US weapons to Jordan to commitment to recognize Israel and enter into direct negotiations with it, increases Reagan's requests for economic aid to Israel from $785m. to $850m., all grants, increases grant portion of military aid from $550m. to $850m. out of $1.7b. total, and approves same amount for FY 1985 in largest single legislative package of aid for Israel ever approved; CIA director Casey reportedly travelled secretly to Israel last week to convince Israelis that Lebanese Army can control South Lebanon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to return now that security prevails, government reportedly will not agree to setting precedent since estimated 50,000 Arabs in Israel might also demand return to their original homes; another outbreak of mass sickness on West Bank causes hospitalization of 164 girls from Tulkarm and Anabta, 240 in Yatta; results of International Red Cross investigation of illnesses, released by Israeli Health Ministry, indicate no evidence of poison or toxic material, conclude that epidemic is mass phenomenon devoid of danger; curfew imposed in Yatta, 6 other areas; 2 IDF soldiers, border policeman, and 2 Nablus residents wounded by hand-grenade in Nablus; Israeli bank ransacked during protest demonstrations in Tulkarm; Israeli targets stoned in other West Bank towns; 18 year-old boy shot in arm and stomach by settler driving past al-Arub refugee camp, police question settler and impound his rifle; 2 Israelis injured by stones in Qalqilya; 2 Arab youths injured when Israeli driver swerves his car into group throwing stones; 65 year-old Jerusalem woman hospitalized after being beaten and stabbed, members of Jewish religious school seeking to take over her property are suspected; IDF investigating 2 settler-related shooting incidents in Hebron and Nablus areas; Muslim religious leaders call students to hold protest gathering at Dome of Rock against last year's Easter attack by Israeli soldier; police use teargas to disperse demonstration near Damascus Gate, 8 arrested; police prevent group of 50 Jewish religious nationalists, including Meir Kahane, from entering Temple Mount, group then holds prayers outside gates; teenage nephew of Kahane arrested after firing Uzi at Palestinian demonstrators.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat and Hussein hold third round of talks, Arafat tells news conference he is still committed to Fez summit resolutions, Farouk Kaddoumi says Reagan plan is not a vehicle for negotiation, Abujihad says PLO is not giving a mandate to anyone.

Arab Governments: Mubarak, in Peking, urges PLO and King Hussein to enter talks on Reagan plan soon, before next US election campaign.

US and Other Countries: US diplomats in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem reportedly sceptical of official Israeli explanation of mass illnesses, point to fact that Israelis on West Bank displayed same symptoms.

Military Action:

IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa in memory of Emil Grunzweig; 3 IDF, 3 Israeli civilians injured by stones in Tulkarm, Ramallah and Dahariya; 1 Palestinian youth shot by border police in Jerusalem; IDF officer hit in head by stone during demonstration in Halhoul, town placed under curfew; Hebron Polytechnic College closed after demonstrations; 2 tourists injured by stones near Dahariya; water cannon and tear gas used to disperse demonstration in Ramallah, two central squares placed under curfew; Ein Beit Alma camp under curfew; stone-throwing at al-Amari and Jalazon camps; US and Israeli flags burned in Gaza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel sends former Prime Minister Saeb Salam as special personal envoy to US.

US and Other Countries: Shultz, with special envoys Habib and Draper, meets Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem in Washington, says it is time for King Hussein to make a decision about entering peace talks; former President Carter, ending 6-day visit to Israel, says Israel has not lived up to commitments made at Camp David, finds extent of Jewish settlement in West Bank discouraging; final communique of Non-Aligned summit includes condemnation of US support to Israel, calls for international tribunal on Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people; more British Jews reported to have settled in Israel in 1982 than in any year since 1948.

Military Action:

Syrian Army halts battle after Lebanese Army unit is ambushed by Amal militia and Iranian Revolutionary Guards near Baalbek; National Guard of 40 armed men formed at Ain el-Hilweh camp, led by Mossad-trained Palestinian Abdullah Nassar; fighting in Chouf maintains near Nabrah, IDF meets with rival leaders to restore 3 week-old cease-fire.


6 Lebanese Army soldiers killed, 12 wounded, 3 militiamen killed, 5 wounded in Bekaa Valley fight; villages in South Lebanon ordered by IDF and Haddad forces to pay thousands of Lebanese pounds for protection, and to obtain release of villagers held at Ansar detention camp; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says that 300,000 illegal aliens, mostly Palestinians, will eventually have to be removed from the country.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bomb found and dismantled at entrance of al-Aqsa mosque, 16 detained for questions, Jewish extremist group suspected; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israel will not freeze settlements as a condition for King Hussein's joining peace talks; Foreign Ministry denies reports that Israel signed agreement to sell arms to Ciskei bantustan; Israeli Journalists Association instructs members to boycott February 24 press conference on treatment of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners at Ansar camp, called by Israeli Committee Against the War in Lebanon; central Ramallah under curfew after stone-throwing incidents; 24-hour guard on deposed Nablus Mayor Bassam Shakaa lifted; 300 women representing Women's Work Committees on West Bank hold 2nd annual conference in Jerusalem; Village League and Civil Administration open private electricity generating system in Bil'in in violation of Jerusalem Electricity Company concession.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says if Lebanon errs in the area of normalization with Israel it could lose its existence, Lebanon will not close 22 frontiers to open one; special envoy Habib presents latest compromise proposals on Lebanese-Israeli negotiation to Foreign Minister Shamir, then leaves for US.

Arab Governments: Jordan announces it will not enter any peace negotiations without PLO approval.

US and Other Countries: Unnamed UK oil prospecting company to sign contract with Israel to carry out Mediterranean offshore exploration.

Military Action:

Syria permits US helicopters to enter Syrian-held territory to aid in rescue of blizzard victims, with deaths now numbering 47.

Political Response:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells visiting American Jews no Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon without adequate security arrangements, no halt to settlements, no deviation from Camp David, no independent Palestinian state; Foreign Minister Shamir says Reagan offer to guarantee security of northern border cannot replace a direct agreement between Israel and Lebanon, calls PNC meeting a deception and a fraud, repeats Israel's willingness to conduct negotiations with King Hussein only in framework of Camp David agreement, not in order to return Jerusalem to the PLO; one man remanded in custody by Jerusalem court in connectin with threats to life of Peace Now demonstrator; 500 Jews assemble near Dahariya village on West Bank to mourn death of woman hit by stones thrown at car, Rabbi Levinger of Kiryat Arba says there comes a moment for vengeance and the moment is now; Defense Minister Arens says Israel might resort to pre-emptive strike against Soviet SA-5 missiles based in Syria if build up continues and Israelis conclude they are faced with a mortal threat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PNC re-elects Arafat as Chairman of PLO Executive Committee, approves Political Committee recommendations, modifying one on Reagan plan to state that PNC refuses to consider it as sound basis for a just and lasting soution to the Palestine problem, authorizes Executive Committee to pursue contacts with Jewish progressive and democratic forces; Abu Iyad tells press conference that PLO would step aside and let West Bank mayors negotiate with US or Israel if Reagan recognized Palestinian right to self-determination and creation of a state; 17th session of Lebanese-Israeli-US talks takes place at Netanya.

Arab Governments: Syria says it will withdraw all its 30,000 troops from Lebanon after all 30,000 Israeli troops have left.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says King Hussein should be supported in efforts to set up a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to negotiate future of West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem, and that US is prepared to take all necessary measures to guarantee the security of Israel's northern borders in the aftermath of the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army; Weinberger tells House Foreign Affairs Committee agreement near on transfer of Israeli military and intelligence data from Lebanon war to US, says delay in shipment of 75 F-16s to Israel due to examination of whether Israel had used US supplied weapons strictly in self-defense, says Israel does not need to develop the Lavi jet except to promote exports.

Military Action:

MNF units assist Lebanese Army and civil defense forces in rescue operations for civilians trapped by severe blizzard, responsible for at least 38 deaths.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Secret Appendix B to Commission of Inquiry Report said to detail Sharon visit to Gemayel family after assassination of Bashir, including discussion on need for the Phalangists to take revenge; Jerusalem police arrest three men on charges of harassing Peace Now demonstrators during February 10 march.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in speech to PNC, supports endorsement of Fez plan, says Reagan plan is not enough but to turn it down flatly would deprive the PLO of its links with the US and of sources of badly needed financial aid; PNC Political Committee decides that Reagan plan is not acceptable as basis for just solution of Palestine problem, endorses Fez plan, gives no mandate to Jordan to negotiate on behalf of PLO, approves concept of eventual confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan, approves contacts with democratic and progressive forces in Egypt and with Mubarak government, and with democratic and progressive Israelis advocating establishment of an independent Palestinian state, decides to merge all PLO armed forces into single PNLA with unified command structure.

Arab Governments: Arab League mission to visit Britain around mid-March; King Hussein, in UK on private visit, has working lunch with Prime Minister Thatcher.

Military Action:

Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad declares he has taken control of 25-mile zone of South Lebanon, establishes garrison post in Sidon, says purpose is to help legitimate authorities to restore sovereignty throughout the country; 150 French soldiers added to French MNF contingent, now numbers 2,200; Lebanese Cabinet decree places police at disposal of military commander, gives army right to arrest and try people threatening national security; IDF says it will increase patrols in Sidon in response to requests from Wazzan.


45 thefts of autos from Palestinians in South Lebanon reported by police.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells visiting members of European Parliament that their support for Reagan plan is destructive; Begin announces appointment of Moshe Arens to replace Sharon as Defense Minister; Parliament votes 61 to 56, with 1 abstention, to approve Sharon remaining in Cabinet without portfolio; Sharon receives ceremonial farewell with full military honors at Tel Aviv Defense Ministry; Israel reportedly plans to increase air force strength from 19 to 24 combat squadrons, deploying 600 high performance aircraft, by mid-1990s; Kalandia refugee camp and its UNRWA school, al-Amari camp, and the old Nablus market are placed under curfews; bus window smashed near Dheisheh camp, windows of Israeli cars broken in Ramallah; tires burned near Ramallah; one IDF soldier, one civil administrator injured by stones in Ramallah; Bethlehem Mayor Freij says Palestinians have only two months to prevent Israeli takeover of West Bank and Gaza from becoming an established fact.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 16th session of Palestine National Council opens in Algiers, 360 members from 90 countries present, 180 from West Bank and Gaza absent; PLO Executive Committee reportedly will make following recommendations: Reagan plan is insufficient but not rejected, closer ties with progressive and democratic elements in Egypt, special link with King Hussein, confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan, PLO members to participate with Jordanians in any negotiations, endorsement of Arab League resolution at Fez, PNC to decide on question of contacts between PLO leaders and Israelis; Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiators at Khalde end 15th round of talks, announce they are putting into writing points of agreement reached so far.

US and Other Countries: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky says Reagan plan represents a change of attitude but as for solving the concrete questions, he is doubtful; US aerospace companies such as Northrop oppose use of Foreign Military Sales credits by Israel for development of the Lavie fighter, expected to compete in export market with such aircraft as General Dynamics F-16 and Northrop F-20; Defense Secretary Weinberger has talks with outgoing Israeli Ambassador Arens; Habib travels to Israel from Beirut; State Dept. expresses concern over murders of Palestinians in Sidon area.

Military Action:

Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Israel may face 100 years of terrorism, that in practice the war in Lebanon has not ended, and one cannot solve all the problems of terrorism in one war, that if the IDF remains in Lebanon for long it may have to mount an intensive campaign to root out terrorist cells as was done in the Gaza Strip after the 1967 war; Defense Minister Sharon flatly rejects any PLO participation in future peace talks with Jordan, and dismisses Iraq's declaration of recognition of Israel's security needs as merely effort to get US arms for war against Iran; Israeli Foreign Minister legal adviser Elyakim Rubenstein says the recall of Egypt's Ambassador to Israel is a violation of the Camp David accords; Avid Kedar, head of Foreign Ministry's Egypt Department, says contacts between Israel and Egypt frozen since Peace for Galilee Campaign; Sgan Nitzav Albert Hayut, new director of Beersheba prison announces 500 security prisoners to be moved to new maximum security prison, equipped with latest electronic monitors, near Nablus; attorney Nissim Shakar of the Committee for Jaffa's Arabs says they will appeal proposed law that non-Jews must close shops on Yom Kippur as well as own religious holidays, and not transport goods on Saturday and Jewish holidays; Israeli officials announce requests by Palestinians to visit relatives in Lebanon decline due to security situation, 5 Israeli Palestinians disappeared recently in Lebanon; bomb near Zedekiah's Cave outside Jerusalem's Damascus Gate critically wounds a Palestinian worker; military authorities surround Najah University, effectively closing the campus, prevent Israeli Association for Civil Rights representative from entering, detain 9 student council members; in Nablus students stone troops who use tear gas and close off market area; rock throwing incidents in Ramallah, al-Bireh aid Dheisheh camp, now defined as District of Binyamin, also in jenin where placards and leaflets are found attributed to National Liberation Movement denouncing as treasonous Arafat's and Hussein's attempt to reach accommodation with Israel.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat goes to Moscow; 5 Palestinian leaders and Lebanese Communist Party meet in Tripoli.

Arab Governments: King Hussein tells local leaders that he has a letter from Reagan commiting the US to pressure Israel to restore Arab rights in the occupied territories, and that time is running out for achieving a unified Arab approach by March; Moroccan Foreign Ministry announces agreement with Britain on Arab League delegation to include non-PLO Palestinian; Egyptian Socialist Labor Party poll of 1,486 persons shows 82% want Israeli ambassador expelled, 76To want to sever relations with Israel.

US and Other Countries: State Department says Israeli settlement promotion campaign is unfortunate and counterproductive; Administration officials say US is counting on King Hussein to declare his readiness to join talks on basis of Reagan plan if the PLO and Saudi Arabia support it, if progress is made on troop withdrawals from Lebanon, and if Israel temporarily halts settlement activity; Secretary of State Shultz meets for 2 hours with 14 members of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and leading Jewish Republicans, tells them of growing fears that Israel and Syria have tacit agreement to keep status quo in Lebanon, they tell him they want US to support Israel's demand for normalization of relations with Lebanon; delegation of Conservative MPs from Britain meet with Begin, give him message of support from Prime Minister Thatcher; European Parliament calls for establishment of a Palestinian state as a factor in a Middle East settlement, direct PLO-Israel dialogue, immediate halt to settlements in the West Bank, Israeli withdrawal from occupied territory, recognition of PLO as representative of Palestinian people if it drops from its charter all paragraphs calling for Israel's destruction, and sovereignty of all states in the region; Habib arrives in Israel.

Military Action:

IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.


Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.

Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.

US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.

Military Action:

Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.


Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for poorer Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; much of fresh produce is from Israel, resold to Lebanese middlemen; Phalangists at checkpoints bribed to let goods through; some vegetable prices have increased 300-400 percent; Baalbek refugee center in eastern Lebanon out of food; 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinians fled to Baalbek area to escape fighting elsewhere in Lebanon; relief supplies being sent by ICRC and other groups from Damascus; polio, measles, and scabies reported in region; IDF reportedly lifts blockade somewhat; ICRC officials scheduled to begin interviewing thousands of detainees at Israel's new Anzal prison; every third house in Rashidiyeh lies in ruins, as journalists allowed in for first time since invasion; 4 PLO members killed near Lake Karoun; 1 IDF soldier wounded near airport.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: David Kimche visits Habib in Beirut for briefing; Begin, at large pro-government rally in Tel Aviv, suggests possible Israeli confederation with Jordan, offers to meet with Hussein after peace treaty with Lebanon signed; Sharon offers temporary asylum to PLO guerrillas who renounce the PLO; Uri Avnery, in US, urges Reagan administration to recognize the PLO.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis wants "global and final" resolution to Palestinian issue in Lebanon, opposes temporary regroupment; Bashir Gemayel and Walid Jumblatt meet at presidential palace in effort to revive National Salvation Council, seen by some as part of Gemayel's effort to win Lebanese presidential election; Gemayel meets with Salam and Berri; Gemayel denouces PLO delay in leaving.

Arab Governments: Jumblatt visits Damascus to persuade Syrians to accept PLO evacuees.

US and Other Countries: Meeting of 69 Non- Aligned States' foreign ministers, called at Arafat's request, convenes in Cyprus, urges UN sanctions against Israel, forms peace committee to help resolve crisis.