In Oslo, Norway opens ceremonies honoring slain Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin, attended by PA's Arafat, Israeli PM Barak, U.S. Pres. Clinton, Russian PM Vladimir Putin. On the sidelines, Clinton meets...
November 1, 1999
November 4, 1995
PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits...
October 11, 1995
PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries...
June 20, 1995
In Cairo, PA, Israel open 3 days of talks on transfer of authority, focus on electricity, communications, water, public works. PA says it will accept phased Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank within...
April 9, 1995
U.S. special coordinator Ross flies to Cairo to brief Pres. Mubarak on talks with PM Rabin, Pres. al-Asad, then returns to Tel Aviv for scheduled mtg. with PM Rabin, which Rabin cancels. Israeli...
March 23, 1995
PM Rabin tells VP Gore Israel will not discuss a Middle East nuclear-free zone until it has peace agmts. with all its neighbors, Iran; hints Israel will not meet 7/1 deadline on elections talks...
January 15, 1995
Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. meets at Erez checkpoint, agrees that Palestinians who visit Gaza fr. abroad may now stay for 7 mos. (as opposed to 3 mos. previously). (QY 1/16 in FBIS 1...
October 19, 1994
23 killed, 48 wounded when Hamas suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv. PM Rabin seals Gaza, West Bank indefinitely; vows hit suspects, their families; promises legislation permitting greater...
August 12, 1993
PLO Exec. Comm. rejects resignations of negotiators Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, and Sa'eb Erakat, appoints them and 4 other mbrs. of delegation to official PLO steering committee. (NYT, WP, WT...
February 16, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit...
August 24, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]....
October 28, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet approves DM Rabin's plan for negotiated "political-military" solution & IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 2nd Natl. Conference of...
In Oslo, Norway opens ceremonies honoring slain Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin, attended by PA's Arafat, Israeli PM Barak, U.S. Pres. Clinton, Russian PM Vladimir Putin. On the sidelines, Clinton meets separately with Arafat and Barak, with no aides present; urges them to move swiftly toward a final status agmt. Toward midnight, Arafat, Barak hold private mtg. (MM 11/1; AFP, ITAR-TASS, SA, XIN 11/1 in WNC 11/2; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/2; AYM, al-Quds 11/2 in WNC 11/4; WJW 11/4)
In Oslo, Israeli negotiator Eran, PA negotiator `Abid Rabbuh, UN special envoy Larsen discuss final status talks, agree that 1st negotiating session to draft framework agmt. will be held on 11/8, not 11/7 as planned on 10/29. (MM 11/1)
2 of 4 Jewish settler families are evacuated fr. Mitzpe Hagit, 1 of 10 settlements ordered removed by Barak. (WP 11/3)
In a compromise agmt. btwn. Israel's Chief Rabinate (an umbrella group of municipal rabbis) and Israel's tourism industry, Christians celebrating millennial holidays in Israel will have to confine their festivities to closed-off hotel halls to preserve the Jewish character of public places, particularly in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv. The ban includes displaying Christmas trees, which the Chief Rabinate claims "defile Judaism and undermine Israel's Jewish character." (WT 11/3)
At the close of 4 days of mtgs. in New York, 300 INC delegates elect a 65-mbr. central council, 7-mbr. leadership team (including "independents," Kurds, an Islamist, and a monarchist). (MM 11/1; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/2)
In s. Lebanon, 4 civilians are injured, 2 by IDF shelling, 2 by an IDF land mine. (RL 11/1 in WNC 11/2, 11/3)
PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits to shooting, says he acted alone. Amir is also a reserve soldier in the elite Golani brigade, frmr. emissary to Russia for immigration affairs at the Jewish Agency, and an a mbr. of Eyal--a right-wing settler group, known for violence against Arabs, protesting expanded Palestinian self-rule by setting up makeshift encampments in the West Bank. Security officials say Rabin's bodyguards mistook Amir for a limousine driver. (NYT, WP, WT 11/5; FBIS special supplement, NYT, MM, WP, WT 11/6; WJW 11/9; JP 11/11)
Arab leaders (excl. Libya's Qaddafi, Iran's Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani condemn Rabin's assassination. In the territories, Palestinians generally express respect for Rabin, concern over his death, fear for the future of the peace process and their safety fr. settlers. In s. Lebanon, Palestinian refugees, Hizballah mbrs. celebrate Rabin's death. (WT 11/5; CSM, FBIS supplement, MM, NYT, WT 11/6)
In the West Bank, Palestinians clash with IDF troops after Jewish settler apparently kills a Palestinian boy. (NYT 11/5)
In Gaza, 1000s of Palestinians stage rally in commemoration of Shiqaqi. (HA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)
Following the assassination, IDF order the closure of the West Bank, Gaza. (QY 11/5 in FBIS 11/6; NYT 11/7)
Portuguese Pres. Mario Soares meets with Pres. Weizman in Israel; requests Portugal's forgiveness fr. Jewish people for the Inquisition. (IL 11/7)
PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries that Kach activists are too well acquainted with Rabin's schedule. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/12)
IDF withdraws fr. West Bank villages of Qabatiyya, Yatta, Kharbata. (MM 10/11; QY, VOP 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; WP, WT 10/12; JP 10/21)
Zalman Shoval, director of Likud foreign relations, initiates campaign to have 100,000 Israelis sign a petition calling on the Pres. Clinton to support Dole bill on moving the U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (MA 10/11 in FBIS 10/11)
PSF sentences 6 security agents to jail terms btwn. 2 wks and 6 mos for mistreating prisoners in PA custody. (VOP 10/12 in FBIS 10/13; JP 10/21)
Immediately after his release fr. prison, Palestinian Sa'id Kalbani is detained, shot in the knees by a group of Fatah Hawks. (JP 10/21)
In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacks IDF position, wounding 1 IDF soldier. IDF, SLA retaliate, killing 1 Hizballah mbr., wounding 2. (MM 10/11; QY, VOL 10/11 in FBIS 10/11; Rl 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; JP 10/21)
In Cairo, PA, Israel open 3 days of talks on transfer of authority, focus on electricity, communications, water, public works. PA says it will accept phased Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank within framework of agmt. that includes specific timetable. (MENA 6/20 in FBIS 6/21)
Multilateral Working Group on Water meets in Amman, then convenes joint mtg. with working group on environment. Syrian, Lebanese representatives reportedly meet with Israeli delegate behind scenes. (IGPO 6/19; QY 6/30 in FBIS 7/5; MBC 7/15 in FBIS 7/17)
Under terms of 10/26 Jordan-Israel treaty, water pipeline fr. Lake Tiberias to Israel begins operating. (RJ 6/20 in FBIS 6/28; NYT 6/21)
PM Rabin, FM Peres, Environment M Sarid, IDF officers tour West Bank n. of Jerusalem to view plans for redeployment of IDF troops outside Palestinian towns. (QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/21)
Israeli FMin. deems PA's 1st "active" year "reasonably successful," Arafat "a dominant and indispensable figure" who successfully handled his opposition. (MA 6/20 in FBIS 6/20)
East Jerusalem Municipal Council, formally reactivated by Arafat 6/12, holds 1st mgt. (HA 6/26 in FBIS 6/27) (see 5/30)
House approves antiterrorism bill similar to that passed in the Senate 6/7 by vote of 23-12. Differences between the two must be worked out in committee. (WT 6/21) (see 8/4)
256 mbrs. of Congress send letter to Secy. of State Christopher in support of moving U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Letter is a companion to the one sent by 93 senators 3/95. Christopher sends letter to Dole dissuading him fr. voting for bill. (Near East Report 7/3)
U.S. special coordinator Ross flies to Cairo to brief Pres. Mubarak on talks with PM Rabin, Pres. al-Asad, then returns to Tel Aviv for scheduled mtg. with PM Rabin, which Rabin cancels. Israeli Amb. Rabinovitch says Syria's insistence on "equality" is preventing progress in talks. (ITV, MENA 4/9 in FBIS 4/10; MM 4/10; WJW 4/13)
In 2 separate incidents nr. Jewish settlements in Gaza, suicide bombers drive explosive-laden cars into bus, military jeep, killing 8 (incl. 1 American), wounding 46 (incl. 3 Americans). Islamic Jihad takes credit for 1st bombing, Hamas for 2d. Both are apparently in response to 4/2 explosion for which both groups blame Israel. PM Rabin credits closure with preventing attacks fr. occurring inside Israel, says he will not let attacks halt negotiations. Pres. Weizman calls for halt to talks.(IDF Radio, QPAR, QY, SARR, SATN, VOP 4/9 in FBIS 4/10; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/10; CSM, WP 4/11; MEI, WJW 4/14)
Secy. of State Christopher sends Arafat message that he must take stronger measures to ensure those attacking Israelis are found, shut down. (MM 4/10)
IDF says 2 main Gaza roads will be permanently closed to Palestinians following bombings. Closing the roads--used by 1000s of Palestinians, 10s of Israelis daily--is meant to curb "terrorists' . . . freedom of action." (IDF Radio, HA 4/10 in FBIS 4/10; MM 4/11)
PM Rabin's settlement review comm. announces mtg. to consider 6,000 new housing units around Jerusalem, quickly calls it off when FM Peres, Communications M Shulamit Aloni, Justice M David Libai protest expansion. (NYT 4/10; WJW 4/13)
Hizballah tanks shell SLA patrol nr. Marja'uyun in s. Lebanon, killing 5 SLA mbrs. (WP 4/10)
PM Rabin tells VP Gore Israel will not discuss a Middle East nuclear-free zone until it has peace agmts. with all its neighbors, Iran; hints Israel will not meet 7/1 deadline on elections talks with PA (see 3/9) if Arafat does not prevent incidents like 3/19 shooting, 3/21 truck incident. PA Planning M Shaath says he "never believed that date in the first place." (MM 3/23; QY 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; IDF Radio, QY 3/23, HA 3/24 in FBIS 3/24; MM 3/24; NYT, WP 3/25; MEI 3/31; JP 4/1)
Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak meet in Cairo to discuss peace process, asks him to relay message to Pres. Clinton regarding impediments to implementing DOP. Arafat then meets with U.S. Foreign Relations Council delegation, discusses economic aid. (MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MENA, VOP 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Syrian FM al-Shara`, Egyptian FM Musa meet in Cairo to discuss Syrian-Israeli negotiations. (MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; SATN 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Arab League passes resolution supporting indefinite NPT renewal but saying 22 mbr.-states are free to vote how they will; does not link renewal with Israel's joining NPT. U.S. official says "if the Egyptians were lobbying [against renewal], the Arab League resolution would never have passed." (AFP 3/22, 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/24; WT 3/31)
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert says PA has violated Israeli authority over the city by taking control of all 20 Waqf schools (previously run by Jordan). PA funding for schools is part of $27 m. raised by Arafat advisor Husseini fr. Saudi Arabia. Remaining money is slated for Jerusalem housing (see 3/13). (JP 3/24 in FBIS 3/27; JP 4/1; WJW 5/5; JP 5/13)
To date, 93 senators have signed on to Sen. Alfonse D'Amato and Sen. D. Patrick Moynihan's letter, calling on the pres. to move the U.S. embassy in Israel fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (WJW 3/23) (see 2/3)
IDF, Hizballah exchange fire in s. Lebanon, leaving 1 civilian dead, 1 wounded. (AFP, RL 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. meets at Erez checkpoint, agrees that Palestinians who visit Gaza fr. abroad may now stay for 7 mos. (as opposed to 3 mos. previously). (QY 1/16 in FBIS 1/17)
Jordanian-Israeli joint comms. on security, transportation, trade, water meet in Jordan to discuss implementation of treaty, following mtg. btwn. King Hussein, PM Rabin 1/13. (JTV 1/15 in FBIS 1/18)
IDF makes 13 air strikes against PFLP-GC camps 10 miles south of Beirut, Lebanon, killing 3 Lebanese, wounding 4, forcing temporary closure of Beirut airport. (IDF Radio, QPAR, VOL 1/15 in FBIS 1/17; MM, NYT, WT 1/16; MEI 1/20)
Jordan, Israel agree to build railroad linking Irbid, Haifa and Aqaba, Elat. EU will help finance construction. (QY 1/15 in FBIS 1/18; MM 1/16)
House Speaker Gingrich, on visit to Israel, says he "strongly favor[s]" moving U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, says "it's the right of Israel to define its capital, and we as an ally should . . . be responsive." State Dept. rejects idea. (MM 1/16; WT 1/16, 1/17; VOP 1/18 in FBIS 1/18)
PM Rabin orders all construction in o.t. to be suspended for 1 wk., until cabinet can meet to discuss settlements 1/22. (QY 1/15 in FBIS 1/17)
In Safa, West Bank, Palestinians plant 100s of trees to prevent land's confiscation for expansion of Kfar Rut, Maccabbim settlements. Similar plantings are held across West Bank. PA says Israel has confiscated 27 sq. mi. of land since signing of DOP; PM Rabin admits 450 acres have been taken to build bypass roads for settlers. (NYT 1/16; MEI 1/20)
23 killed, 48 wounded when Hamas suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv. PM Rabin seals Gaza, West Bank indefinitely; vows hit suspects, their families; promises legislation permitting greater pressure in interrogations, wider use of collective punishment; suggests "national separation" of Palestinians, Israelis. (QY 10/18, 10/19 in FBIS 10/19; MM 10/19; QY 10/19 in FBIS 10/20; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/20; MM 10/21; NYT 10/24; JP 10/29)
FM Peres says all negotiating tracks will continue despite bus attack, says Hamas's goal is to derail talks and there is "no way on earth" that will happen. (NYT 10/20)
Round of Israeli-Palestinian talks on elections concludes in Cairo, working papers exchanged, no decisions reported. (MENA 10/19 in FBIS 10/20)
U.S. officials report intense debate over whether Clinton should visit Syria on trip to Middle East 10/26. Clinton wants to see Pres. al-Asad to jump start peace talks, advisors say al-Asad has not offered enough concessions to warrant presidential visit. (WT 10/20)
IDF, SLA kill 7 Lebanese in shelling of Nabatiyeh hours after bus bombing. UN protests Israeli escalation of tensions, IDF use of tank shells packed with steel darts. (NYT 10/21; NYT, WP, WT 10/22; NYT 10/23)
PLO Exec. Comm. rejects resignations of negotiators Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, and Sa'eb Erakat, appoints them and 4 other mbrs. of delegation to official PLO steering committee. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13)
U.S. and Russia issue invitations for 11th round of Arab-Israeli peace talks, to be held in Washington at end of August. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13)
Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa, at press conference, claims there has been unfair criticism by Palestinians of Egyptian "interference" with Palestinian response to U.S. document, warns if it continues Egypt will reveal details of Palestinian dealings with Israel. PLO delivers message to Musa saying "Egypt did not exert any kind of pressure on the Palestinian leadership." Meanwhile, al-Sharq alAwsat publishes purported excerpts from Palestinian delegation's meeting before going to Tunis for consultations with PLO. "Excerpts" claim delegation protested PLO leadership's decision-making monopoly and "interference in everything," Egyptian "tutelage over the PLO leadership." Delegation spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi denies reports, saying "We have never criticized the Egyptian position." (MM 8/12; Cairo Voice of the Arabs 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)
Syrian Pres. al-Asad, in interview with al-Safir, says "there was no deal" to end "Operation Accountability." He maintains there was "no sellout of the [Lebanese] resistance," and asserts the necessity "to preserve the resistance and to protect it." (MM 8/12)
Pres. Clinton, in meeting with Pope John Paul II in Denver, CO, expresses his "commitment and his support for full diplomatic relations" between the Vatican and Israel, according to U.S. amb. to Vatican Raymond W. Flynn. (WP 8/13)
Israeli settlers wind up 5 days of demonstrations against Rabin govt. with rally in Tel Aviv attended by "several thousand." Settlers' slogans include "Giving up the territories means katyushas on Tel Aviv," and "We won't move from the Golan." (JP 8/21)
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit on amount of money that can be brought into W. Bank from Jordan [NYT 2/17]. Maj. Gen. Ehud Barak, Israel's deputy chief of staff and Def. Min. Rabin confirm soldiers buried 4 Palestinians alive 2/5 [WP 2/17]. Rabin announces his intention to establish military appeals court in occupied territories [CSM 2/17]. In Tel Aviv, 800 attend conference organized by Israeli intellectuals demanding Israeli government begin peace talks with Palestinians [NYT 2/18]. Israeli High Court upholds army order banning distribution of al-Quds newspaper in occupied territories [FJ 2/21]. Jewish settlers raid 'Azzah refugee camp near Bethlehem, shoot and wound 1 youth [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: UNRWA announces the suspension of all activities in Lebanon requiring intemational staff, and transfer of operations from Lebanon to Syria [FJ 2/21].
Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir ends 2-day visit to Italy [WP 2/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli riot police halt bus carrying Palestinian high school students from Haifa to Umm al-Fahm; several students are beaten. At least 1 Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash with Israeli soldiers in Jenin. In Qabatiyyah, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded when soldiers open fire on demonstrators [WP 2/17]. Army seizes 3 school buildings for military posts in Nablus [FJ 2/21]. Palestinian demonstrators bum tires and throw stones at entrance to Gush Qatif settlement in Gaza. In Rafah camp 4 are wounded in clash with soldiers [FJ 2/21]. In Sura and Majd villages, near Hebron, protesters bum Israeli buses. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstration in Fawwar refugee camp, wounding 9. Protests are held in Jenin refugee camp, Duhayshah camp and Bani Na'im village [FJ 2/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin warns Amal that Israel will not allow it to carry out attacks across the northern border [MG 8/25]. The Washington Post reports Knesset Internal Affairs Committee voted 7-4 to block construction of the Mormon Center on Mount of Olives [WP 8/24]. A new memorial, called the Center for Special Studies in the Memory of the Fallen of Israel's Intelligence Community, opens in Tel Aviv [NYT 8/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Andre Alush, 40, is shot and killed by lone gunman in Tulkarm. Curfew is imposed [WP 8/25]. Avi Oved, of Tiberias, is shot three times in the marketplace of Jenin. His condition is serious. Curfew is immediately imposed [WP 8/25]. Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon falls in northern Israel, causing no casualties [WP 8/25].
Arab World: IDF carry out large-scale search operations in 3 south Lebanese villages: Qabrikha, Majd al-Salim, and Shaqra. Search follows firing of a katyusha into the Galilee earlier in the week. Several arrests are made and a variety of weapons seized [MG 8/25]. The Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims suicide bomber killed or wounded 60 at a SLA checkpoint; Israel's army radio says one Lebanese Christian soldier was killed and 2 others wounded [MG 8/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet approves DM Rabin's plan for negotiated "political-military" solution & IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 2nd Natl. Conference of Jewish-Arab Committee Against Racism meets at Nahmani Theater, Tel Aviv. Kahane pelted with tomatoes at speech in Bir al-Sab'a, praising "brave Jews" for rocket attack on Arab bus; Kach and Peace Now followers exchange blows; police intervene, arresting 1 Peace Now & 2 Kach members. MK Miari proposes national service program to counter discrimination against Palestinians for not serving in IDF. MK Peled calls for defense budget cuts & cancellation of Lavi program.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab bus attacked in S. Jerusalem with 66 mm anti-tank rocket; 1 Sa'ir man killed, 10 injured; attackers leave weapon with note identifying selves as "Avengers"; 3 Jews held for questioning. Students stone Israeli jeep from Bethlehem U. campus; troops disperse throng with tear gas, shoot 1 student in leg, continue siege till nightfall.
Arab World: 1 IDF soldier wounded by land mine near Amik, E. Lebanon; another in shoot-out near Lake Karoun.