U.S. announces that both Jordanian and Palestinian delegates will each be able to deliver a 45-minute opening speech at peace conference. Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria will also talk for 45...
October 28, 1991
October 23, 1991
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial...
May 8, 1991
Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh begins trip to Middle East, arriving in Damascus and assuring Syrian leadership that Moscow remains "a strong supporter of the Arab cause." Bessmertnykh is also to visit...
February 20, 1991
U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all...
July 12, 1990
Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used...
April 20, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High...
April 18, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: King Hussein has frozen all West Bank funds in Jordanian banks and has suspended all aid to public institutions in the territories,...
October 30, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...
July 24, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26...
March 13, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5th American Jewish Kach settler arrested in connection with shooting of Arab bus passengers (3/4/84) and other "TNT" activities. 6...
December 13, 1983
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance...
May 4, 1983
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
February 14, 1983
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad...
January 17, 1983
Military Action:
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...
September 20, 1982
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...
July 4, 1982
Military Action:
IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward...
July 1, 1982
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and...
June 28, 1982
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF...
U.S. announces that both Jordanian and Palestinian delegates will each be able to deliver a 45-minute opening speech at peace conference. Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria will also talk for 45 minutes. Israel protests to Washington that this violates conditions for Israeli attendance by treating the Palestinians as a separate delegation. (NYT 10/29)
London-based Mideast Mirror publishes list of Syrian delegates (MEM 10/28)
Demonstrators for, against peace conference clash at anti-conference rally in Amman. (MEM 10/29)
West Bank gunmen open fire on a bus carrying Israeli settlers from Shilo to an anti-peace conference rally in Tel Aviv, killing two and injuring five, bringing total number of Israelis killed since beginning of intifada to 74. (NYT, WP 10/29)
German authorities state police in Hamburg discovered 14 Soviet T-72 tanks aboard an Israeli ship destined for Israel. The tanks, formerly belonging to the E. German army and subsequently handed over to the German secret service BND, were to be delivered to Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, which sought to learn more about the tanks' design. (NYT, WP 10/29)
Israeli, South Lebanon Army forces launch artillery barrages directed at area surrounding Nabatiyya, S. Lebanon. Attacks continue into early morning hours of 10/29. (MEM 10/30)
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial level," a diplomatic phrase usually interpreted to mean participation by officials holding rank of foreign minister or below. (NYT 10/24)
Arab foreign ministers representing Syria, Egypt, Jordan, along with representative of Lebanon's foreign ministry and head of PLO political department meet in Damascus to discuss strategies for peace conference. They were later joined by foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, representing the Gulf states, and Morocco, representing North African states (except Libya). (MEM 10/23)
Strike called for 10/22 by three groups in o.t. partially observed in E. Jerusalem, elsewhere in West Bank, but not in Nablus, Jenin. Residents of Gaza city observe strike, but not those in the refugee camps. (MEM 10/25)
Members of the Jewish Ateret Cohanim seminary move into a house in the Muslim quarter of E. Jerusalem. Group claims the house was owned by Jews driven out by Palestinian rioting in 1929. Settlers occupying a building in Silwan seized 10/9 from Palestinian residents petition Israeli high court of justice to allow them to remain. Group also seeks permission to move into four other buildings from which they had been evicted by police. (MEM 10/24)
European Community official announces EC, Israel have reached agreement over long-standing dispute over status, place of residence of EC official who will be sent to monitor EC economic aid to Palestinians in the o.t. EC had sough to post the official in the territories; Israel objected, seeking to place the representativen Tel Aviv instead. The EC has set aside $100 million in aid for Palestinians in the o.t. (MEM 10/24)
Human rights organization Middle East Watch issues report on condition of 18,000-20,000 stateless Palestinians in Kuwait. The Palestinians, who were either born in Gaza during the British Mandate, during the period of Egyptian administration of Gaza (1948-67), or who are descendants of those born there, have lived in Kuwait for decades but do not hold citizenship in any country. They do not carry Israeli Gaza identity cards but merely hold Egyptian travel documents, and are thus unable to legally live anywhere. According to the report, Kuwait intends to expel these persons to Iraq 11/15. (MEM 20/24)
Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh begins trip to Middle East, arriving in Damascus and assuring Syrian leadership that Moscow remains "a strong supporter of the Arab cause." Bessmertnykh is also to visit Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt, where he is expected to meet with Sec. Baker [MEM 5/8; WP, NYT 5/9; DDS 5/8 in FBIS 5/8, 5/9].
Pres. Mubarak announces decision to pull the nearly 40,000 Egyptian troops out of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; media debates whether announcement signals the end of Damascus agreement made on 3/5 that provided for postwar security arrangements built around Syrian and Egyptian troops [MEM 5/9; MENA 5/8 in FBIS 5/8; WP 5/11].
Sec. Cheney visits Muscat, Abu Dhabi, and Doha to discuss U.S.-Arab military agreements [WAKH 5/8 in FBIS 5/8].
Head of Israeli Civil Administration in West Bank grants 31 permits for establishment of businesses with policy of providing employment to hundreds of laborers [IGP 5/8 in FBIS 5/9].
U.S. and Britain tell Moscow that they find Soviet's 2/18 cease-fire proposal unacceptable because it lacks tight timetable for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and does not compel Iraq to accept all UN Sec. Council resolutions on the crisis [NYT 2/21; CSM 2/22]; Washington urges Moscow to stiffen cease-fire conditions on Iraq [WP 2/21].
After month of often bitter negotiation, U.S. releases $400 million loan guarantee to Israel for housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants (cf. 2/21) [IDF 2/20 in FBIS 2/21; NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/21].
Israeli authorities begin allowing 400 Palestinians per day to cross bridges from Jordan back to West Bank; "security concerns" had prompted Israel to reduce number allowed to cross river from 1,000 per day to 50 per day; at least 30 Palestinians lose their residency permits because of delay in crossing [JTE 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; MET 3/5].
Israeli air force planes bomb alleged PFLP base in Al Izzah village, about 40 miles east of Beirut; 5 people are reported injured [IDF, BDS, AFP 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; NYT 2/21; JPI 3/2; MET 3/5].
Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used by gov't. against rebel guerrilla armies [WJW, WT 7/12; NYT 7/13, 7/14]; Washington Jewish Week says classified congressional memorandum confirms that Israel has supplied Ethiopia with cluster bombs, military trainers, etc. as part of deal [MEM 7/13; JDS 7/13 in FBIS 7/13].
Israeli Labor party's 150-member leadership bureau abandons its 7/5 position of not taking sides in party leadership struggle, backs Yitzhak Rabin over Shimon Peres on major issues; Labor's 1,400-member central committee will reach final decisions at 7/22 meeting [JDS 7/12 in FBIS 7/13; NYT, WP, WT 7/13].
West Bank settlers have set up "foreign office," called Foreign Relations Forum of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, whose task is to explain to foreign and domestic gov't. and media personalities the "needs and rights" of settlers [JPD 7/12 in FBIS 7/12].
Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Israel, meets with D.M. Moshe Arens [JDS 7/ 12 in FBIS 7/13].
In Moscow, Soviet-Arab dialogue continues as Soviet officials host delegation from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia [IZV 7/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High Court judge, issues recommendations that call for resignation of governor of Israel's state bank and the top executives of the country's 4 leading commercial banking chains within 30 days [FT, NYT, WSJ 4/21]. P.M. Peres states Jordan is determined not to lose its stake in the Gaza Strip and that an autonomy plan for Gaza could be combined with plans for autonomy on the West Bank; Perestates Egypt has a "lack of political interest" in establishing an interim Israeli-Egyptian "condominium" in Gaza [JP 4/21].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat reportedly met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in East Berlin on 4/18; sources also say Arafat met secretly with Gorbachev in Moscow last February [JP 4/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: King Hussein has frozen all West Bank funds in Jordanian banks and has suspended all aid to public institutions in the territories, according to a report in 'Al Hamishmar [JP 4/18]. Inspectors of income tax and VAT departments, assisted by a strong force of police, raid Palestinian villages of Kafr Qasim, Jaljuliyyah, and Kafr Bara to collect debts; they impound TV sets, furniture, and 2 motor vehicles [JP 4/21].
Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo broadcasts that Yasir Arafat has notified Jordan that Amman-based Fateh military officer Abu Za'im has been relieved of his duties and that Jordan should suspend all contact with him [JP 4/18].
Other Countries: A U.S. federal judge rules that PLO Permanent Observer to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi may travel from New York to Cambridge, Mass. for a debate with Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, despite State Department travel ban [PI 4/20]. UN Security Council votes to extend UNIFIL mandate in S. Lebanon an additional 3 months; Soviet Union concurs in vote for first time since UNIFIL's creation, states it will begin contributions to UNIFIL budget [NYT 4/19; WP 4/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].
Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].
Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26]. P. M. Peres says Israel should not give up part of Golan Heights in deal with U.S.S.R. for emigration of Soviet Jews UP 7/25]. Kiryat Arba's new nine-member local council - pledged to firing its Arab employees, pressing private businesses to do likewise, and to preventing economic ventures with Arab investors - is formally installed; dozens of secular residents enter building to protest [JP 7/25]. Israeli civil administration governing the occupied territories announces high school matriculation exam results improved on West Bank this year; schools were closed less than in the past; 64 percent of West Bank students passed their exams this year, compared with 54 percent last year [JP 7/25].
Arab World: Jordanian diplomat Ziad Sati, 40, is assassinated in Turkey; Islamic Jihad takes credit [CSM 7/26, NYT 7/25].
Other Countries: Reagan administration presents Middle East arms transfer study to special closed session of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee as basis for request to sell new arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Congressional supporters of Israel warn administration against pursuing the arms sale, saying it would provoke an "enormously divisive" debate [WP 7/24, 25, JTA 7/25, BG 7/26].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel frees 74 Lebanese Shi'a, 6 Lebanese Sunnis, and 20 Palestinians held at Atlit prison since April, when Israel transferred 1,200 detainees from its Ansar prison in south Lebanon to Israel. Three hundred are still in detention. Any prisoner now detained in south Lebanon by Israel is sent to new prison run by SLA at Khiyam village, in the security zone [NYT 7/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5th American Jewish Kach settler arrested in connection with shooting of Arab bus passengers (3/4/84) and other "TNT" activities. 6 Israeli settlers tried in Jersualem for rioting and arson of Hebron market last year. Tel Aviv police unit leader Hafetz suspended for leaking information of "TNT" to press. Knesset defeats bill to declare "Hatikvah" Israel's national anthem, with its theme of a historic Jewish yearning for the "land of Israel." National Com. of Arab Town Councils urges adoption of national anthem that expresses the notion of two nations living in a single country. Returning from 3-day visit to Cairo int'l. trade fair, Israeli Industry & Trade Minister Patt reports no improvement in Israel-Egypt relations in sight; says 50% decrease in exports to Egypt since 1982 linked to poor political relations. US Marine commander Gen. Kelley begins 2-day official visit with IDF and DM Arens. At Jerusalem rally PM Shamir claims USSR refused renewed relations with Israel because of its hatred of the Jewish people. Members of Makuya sect of Japanese Christian zealots conduct pro-Israel march in Jerusalem.
Arab World: Beirut cease-fire called by leaders at reconciliation talks in Lausanne.
Other Countries: French Minister of Industry Fabius and Israeli Trade Minister Patt agree to further cooperation in commerce and industrial research. Pres. Reagan defends proposed arms package to Jordan before United Jewish Appeal. Added to his recent refusal to assist in obtaining Israel's permission for West Bank delegates to attend PNC session, Reagan refuses to support or withhold veto on Jordan's draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements in occupied territories as illegal. 4 JDL members arrested for criminal trespass and possession of noxious chemicals, and held in suspicion of bomb threat at Greensburgh, NY Town Hall showing of Russian architecture film. [JDL seeks severance of all US relations with USSR until all Soviet Jews permitted to emigrate freely.]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance of agreement; Israel DM communique blames error in ICRC/Israel coordination for reversal of Abu Ain's release. Patron of Birkat Avraham yeshiva remanded for 4 days for disregarding gov't. order to remove illegal structure. Trial begins for 10 Palestinians charged with harassment of Jewish settlers in Galilee and organizing demonstrations. Israel Bonds Organization announces total of $475,434,250. raised in 1983 (compared with $502,144,500. in 1982); total since 1951 more than $6.5 billion.
Arab World: Jordan Cabinet confirms 12 Jordanians of Palestinian origin given death sentences in absentia by special military court for selling West Bank land to Israel.
Other Countries: Gemayel in London for 2 days of talks with PM Thatcher. Responding to reports that Israel asked US for Pershing 11 missiles, Shamir sends message to USSR that Israel would not acquire missiles capable of hitting Russia. UN Gen. Assembly adopts resolution calling for peace conference inviting all parties, including US, USSR and PLO on equal footing [124-4, 15 abstentions].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abdullah Ahmed Musa, worker from Bir al-Basha/Jenin, found dead near Akka; family fears killed by Israeli vigilantes.
Arab World: US and Israeli navies launch simultaneous but separate attacks on Syrian and Palestinian positions, respectively, near Lebanese coast. Grenade thrown at IDF patrol near Sidon, 2 Israeli patrol soldiers wounded; Israeli truck driver wounded by grenade attack south of Zahrani River.
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
6 IDF soldiers wounded in Baabda attack, 3 in Ein Zahlata; Lebanese police report 3 Palestinians killed in two attacks on IDF positions in South Lebanon; stray machine gun fire by IDF penetrates US Marine base after Baabda attack, no injuries; UNRWA officials report escalation in attacks on Palestinians in Sidon, said to coincide with arrival there of Phalange officer Elie Hobeika, armed and masked men of Guardians of Cedars threatening Palestinians, 4 killed, 2 wounded since April 28.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shultz returns to Jerusalem, meets with Begin, Shamir, Arens; Begin says he will call Cabinet meeting to decide on draft troop withdrawal agreement; Ministry of Absorption reports that only 11 of the 114 Jews leaving the Soviet Union last month came to Israel; Elon Moreh settlers fire on Nablus youths when stones are thrown at their car, 13 students arrested, school closed; window of Israeli truck broken by stones near Kalandia camp; 400 students hold sit-in demonstration at Tireh UNRWA Training Center.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says the danger of signing an agreement with Israel without obtaining the withdrawal of Syria, the PLO and some Iranians is that Israel will not withdraw and the agreement will have no value; PLO seeks guarantees for security of Palestinians in Lebanon as precondition for withdrawal of PLO forces, Saudi information minister to intervene with Lebanese officials this week on issues of murders of Palestinians, threats to refugees, bombings of shops, expulsions, detention, attacks by Lebanese Army on Palestinian women crossing into East Lebanon to visit husbands and fathers with PLO forces.
Arab Governments: Jordan considering limitations on export of West Bank produce to East Bank, restrictions on entry of West Bank students to University of Jordan, holding of elections on East Bank only.
US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Beirut, then returns to Jerusalem; Reagan says PLO council was never elected by the Palestinian people, referendum on alternative leadership might not be practical; French foreign minister meets PLO official, asks PLO to cancel UN conference on Palestine scheduled for UNESCO's Paris headquarters in August.
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad declares he has taken control of 25-mile zone of South Lebanon, establishes garrison post in Sidon, says purpose is to help legitimate authorities to restore sovereignty throughout the country; 150 French soldiers added to French MNF contingent, now numbers 2,200; Lebanese Cabinet decree places police at disposal of military commander, gives army right to arrest and try people threatening national security; IDF says it will increase patrols in Sidon in response to requests from Wazzan.
45 thefts of autos from Palestinians in South Lebanon reported by police.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells visiting members of European Parliament that their support for Reagan plan is destructive; Begin announces appointment of Moshe Arens to replace Sharon as Defense Minister; Parliament votes 61 to 56, with 1 abstention, to approve Sharon remaining in Cabinet without portfolio; Sharon receives ceremonial farewell with full military honors at Tel Aviv Defense Ministry; Israel reportedly plans to increase air force strength from 19 to 24 combat squadrons, deploying 600 high performance aircraft, by mid-1990s; Kalandia refugee camp and its UNRWA school, al-Amari camp, and the old Nablus market are placed under curfews; bus window smashed near Dheisheh camp, windows of Israeli cars broken in Ramallah; tires burned near Ramallah; one IDF soldier, one civil administrator injured by stones in Ramallah; Bethlehem Mayor Freij says Palestinians have only two months to prevent Israeli takeover of West Bank and Gaza from becoming an established fact.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 16th session of Palestine National Council opens in Algiers, 360 members from 90 countries present, 180 from West Bank and Gaza absent; PLO Executive Committee reportedly will make following recommendations: Reagan plan is insufficient but not rejected, closer ties with progressive and democratic elements in Egypt, special link with King Hussein, confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan, PLO members to participate with Jordanians in any negotiations, endorsement of Arab League resolution at Fez, PNC to decide on question of contacts between PLO leaders and Israelis; Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiators at Khalde end 15th round of talks, announce they are putting into writing points of agreement reached so far.
US and Other Countries: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky says Reagan plan represents a change of attitude but as for solving the concrete questions, he is doubtful; US aerospace companies such as Northrop oppose use of Foreign Military Sales credits by Israel for development of the Lavie fighter, expected to compete in export market with such aircraft as General Dynamics F-16 and Northrop F-20; Defense Secretary Weinberger has talks with outgoing Israeli Ambassador Arens; Habib travels to Israel from Beirut; State Dept. expresses concern over murders of Palestinians in Sidon area.
Military Action:
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.
US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.
Military Action:
IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.
Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.
Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.
US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.
Military Action:
IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward Burj al-Barajneh; all traffic barred except for Lebanese doctors, police, as water and food intercepted; IDF fires at buildings, apartment complexes in Lailake and camp areas; joint IDF/Phalange checkpoints along coast as Phalange takes over security operations; IDF officers tell UN up to 1000 PLO guerrillas are at large in South Lebanon.
WAFA releases names of 381 IDF killed in war (100 higher than Israeli government figures)-compiled from private death notices published in 2 Israeli newspapers; ICRC recalls Lebanese delegate and sends temporary replacement (dispute over casualty estimates); 2 senior Fateh commanders killed recently in Sidon; 2 IDF wounded near Lake Karoun by mine.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet rejects peace proposal allowing any future political role for PLO in Lebanon, but will allow more negotiating time; Peres says Labor Party will support continuing negotiations after briefing by Begin; D. Kimche reports to Cabinet on weekend trip to Beirut (first time Israel has become directly involved in negotiations); Cabinet says it will ignore anti-war protests organized by Peace Now and Mapam; team appointed to assess whether Avnery meeting with Arafat was a brelch of state security; Agriculture Minister asks Sharon to investigate, prosecute IDF officers who engage in Peace Now activities while on active duty; West Bank Palestinians stage general strike to protest Beirut siege (9 injured, some by IDF gunfire); 2 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded in clashes near Ramallah between villagers protesting invasion and Israeli-backed Village League members; marches in Nablus and Ramallah against the war; headquarters of the Federation of Pales-tinian Working Women, observing a two-day strike to protest the invasion, raided by Israeli soldiers, 7 arrested, cultural exhibits damaged and confiscated.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan threatens to boycott negotiations unless siege lifted, refuses to cross checkpoint manned by IDF; Salam says Israeli rejection of PLO withdrawal proposal is prelude to thrust on Beirut.
Arab Governments: Morocco reportedly rejects PLO transfer to Algeria, fearing their support for the Polisario; Libyan leader Qaddafi says PLO should fight to the death in Beirut (provokes Arafat rebuke of Qaddafi's "despair" and a failure to support PLO); Syria strengthens its forces in eastern Lebanon (new observation posts set up); Mubarak receives Reagan's letter.
US and Other Countries: Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda visit IDF position to watch shelling of Beirut after visiting IDF soldiers (Hayden says invasion justified by PLO refusal to recognize Israel); USSR officials meet with PLO Kaddoumi and Arab League officials.
UN: Security Council approves resolution asking Israel to allow shipment of essential items to West Beirut (US votes for proposal by Jordan).
Military Action:
Israeli jets overfly Beirut, making mock bombing raids with flares and smoke bombs; Israeli arming of Phalangists and Haddad forces undermining role of Lebanese Army and government officials.
Former MK and "dove" Arie Eliav confirms UNRWA estimate of damage to Lebanese refugee camps, calls for refugee aid scheme; trash piles mount in W. Beirut (main shopping area desolate, filled with debris); Sharon instructs IDF to ensure safety of Druze from Phalange attacks in Israeli-controlled areas.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin says Haddad should be a member of the Lebanese government; Interior Minister Burg says, in radio interview, Lebanese invasion might create better conditions for autonomy talks by discrediting PLO; Sharon reported to support future overthrow of Jordan's Hussein to make way for Palestinian state in Jordan; Cabinet plans Sunday meeting to assess progress in negotiations; (postpones meeting at request of US envoy); Peace Now sends letters to all government ministers except Sharon urging no entry into Beirut; West Bank unions issue statement supporting PLO, condemning invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib reportedly wants leftist allies of PLO in Beirut disarmed, but not Phalange forces in E. Beirut (rejected by Wazzan, Jumblatt, Berri); Muslims now reportedly support PLO demands; Gemayel flies to Saudi Arabia, meets Arab League representatives; negotiations slow down; Phalangist adviser Pakradouni rejects any future PLO political role in Lebanon, says only one-third of current number of Palestinian refugees should remain; senior PLO official sent to Cairo for talks.
Arab Govemments: Egyptian minister Ghali says US gave Israel a "green light" for inva-sion; over 100 faculty at American University in Cairo condemn invasion in petition to US Ambassador in Cairo; Canadian and Norwegian only missions left in West Beirut (Canadians celebrate Canada Day).
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, in Jerusalem, confers with Begin, Sharon, Shamir, asks and gets postponement of Cabinet meeting; USSR calls for Arab countries to use oil weapon against US/Israel; Arab students occupy offices of Arab League in Dallas, Texas; as Butros of Egypt meets with French officials, Foreign Minister Cheysson stresses political indispensability of PLO; Amnesty International appeals to Israeli government to account for all prisoners, citing reports they are being held incommunicado.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF reconnaissance flights over Beirut continue; Syrian Army withdrawing from western parts of highway (some tanks commandeered by Phalangists).
IDF says 269 Israelis killed, 1255 wounded; 4 IDF soldiers injured east of Damour; captured Israeli pilot, in interview from Beirut, asks Israel not to invade Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government says only few days will be allowed to see if PLO will accept its offer of safe passage from Beirut; military spokesman of northern command says IDF used cluster bombs; government bans video transmissions originating in West Beirut via Israeli facilities; Israeli soldiers demonstrate against war in Jerusalem (some of their relatives sign peace petitions); IDF soldiers skeptical of their own military news, reportedly increasingly listen to Lebanese radio; land confiscation near Bethlehem brings protests; Jewish Agency announces 10 new settlements in West Bank, 5 in Gaza Strip, 4 in Golan and 4 in Jordan Valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Political negotiations continue as diverse proposals exchanged (key issues: removing PLO presence, number that would leave, status of remaining Palestinian refugees); senior Israeli officials hold discussions with Phalange leaders in Beirut (wariness, some distrust reportedly growing between Israelis, Phalangists); PLO leaders reportedly pleased that Israeli government demands Sunday seemed addressed to PLO directly; Arafatr eportedlyd emands US/ USSR/ Gemayel guarantees of safe passage, continues to insist on IDF pullback; officers of Haddad's army complain Israel is ignoring their enclave in discussing future of Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: UK closes embassy in West Beirut.