87 / 15500 Results
  • October 1, 1994

    Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2...

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  • September 27, 1994

    Arab League "strongly denounces" Israeli PM Rabin's decision to build new housing in West Bank settlement, calling it a "flagrant violation" of the DOP. (MENA, RE 9/27 in FBIS 9/28)


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  • September 26, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is...

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  • September 16, 1994

    Palestinian econ. report is released, shows PNA has received only $90 m. of $2.4 b. allocated by donor countries; PNA will need $11.2 b. to finance autonomous areas until 2000. (TJT 9/16 in FBIS 9...

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  • September 15, 1994

    Palestinian military delegation arrives in Moscow for wk.-long stay, signs agmt. with Russian DMin. for delivery of 45 BT-82 armored personnel carriers, spare parts, ammunition for use by...

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  • September 12, 1994

    U.S. Secy. of State Christopher cancels plans to visit Middle East this wk. due to Haiti invasion, should arrive after 9/20. (MM 9/12)

    U.S. VP Gore announces U.S. will loan Palestinian...

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  • September 1, 1994

    Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office...

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  • August 30, 1994

    Israel rejects PNA election proposal, says a 100-mbr. legislative council is too large, Israel needs more time to see how PNA runs depts. already transferred. (IDF Radio 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; QY 9/4...

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  • August 24, 1994

    PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli negotiator Maj. Gen. Danny Rothschild initial early empowerment accord in Cairo giving PNA control of education, health, welfare, taxes, tourism; ability to amend...

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  • August 22, 1994

    PM Rabin postpones "safe passage" btwn. Gaza, Jericho citing lack of PNA action toward recent Hamas attacks. (MEI 8/26)

    Jordanian-Palestinian talks end in Amman. Joint comm. is formed to...

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  • August 18, 1994

    Israeli FM Peres, PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath conclude talks in Egypt, announce 1st agmt. to expand PNA control to education, cultural affairs in the West Bank before end of August. Talks continue...

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  • August 17, 1994

    Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European...

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  • August 16, 1994

    Israel, Jordan conclude economic agmt. permitting Jordan to export up to $30 m. of goods to West Bank through Palestinian merchants licensed by PNA. (QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; NYT 8/17; JP 8/27)

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  • August 15, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin visits Gaza, says self-rule will not be expanded until the PNA makes "a serious effort" to curb attacks on Israelis. He also postpones scheduled introduction of free passage...

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  • August 10, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin hold 90-minute summit  mtg. at Erez crossing, Gaza Strip.  Israel agrees to open safe passages btwn. Gaza and Jericho, permit 6,000 more Palestinian workers...

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  • August 2, 1994

    Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab is told he can no longer publish for al-Quds under his own byline after he organized a petition campaign protesting Arafat's closing of al-Nahar...

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  • July 28, 1994

    PNA bans distribution of al-Nahar newspaper, Akhbar al-Bilad magazine,  causing al-Nahar to cease publication.  Both publications regarded as pro-Jordanian; PNA says al-...

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  • July 27, 1994

    Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians continue, Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath saying progress made on extending self-rule in West Bank.  (WT 7/28)

    PNA official Nabil Shaath...

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  • July 13, 1994

    Israel expels fr. Gaza 4 frmr. PLO guerrillas, including 2 linked to 1974 Maalot massacre, for past attacks on Israelis.  Officials charge PLO Chmn. Arafat tried to infiltrate them with his 13-mbr...

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  • July 11, 1994

    Israeli, PLO negotiators open talks in Cairo on "early empowerment" of Palestinians in West Bank, expansion of self-rule area, redeploying IDF, elections.  Israeli side headed by IDF Maj. Gen...

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  • July 7, 1994

    Arafat, Rabin end 2 days of mtgs. in Paris, both sides agreeing to continue talks on expanding Palestinian self-rule.  Talks to resume 7/11 in Cairo.  2 sides plus Jordan and Egypt to organize...

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  • July 4, 1994

    IDF seals off Jericho, settlers threaten to block roads to West Bank Palestinians preparatory to PLO Chmn. Arafat's visit to Jericho, set for 7/5.  (WT 7/5)

    Arafat adviser Nabil Shaath says...

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  • July 1, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat returns to Palestine, entering Gaza Strip at Rafah border crossing and proceeding to Gaza City.  3,000 Palestinian police detailed to provide security for 3-day visit.  Arafat...

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  • June 28, 1994

    PLO-Israel autonomy talks resume, PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath saying PLO Chmn. Arafat to come to Jericho in mid-7/94, Israelis saying they are ready to discuss expanding Palestinian self-rule in...

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  • June 19, 1994

    PLO official Nabil Shaath meets Israeli negotiator Amnon Shahak at Gaza-Israel border to discuss "all unfinished business fr. the Gaza-Jericho agreement," PLO Chmn. Arafat's arrival in Jericho. ...

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  • June 17, 1994

    Israel issues revised prisoner-release figures, saying a total of 3,400 Palestinians released under 5/4 accord with PLO.  1,300 kept in prison for refusing to renounce violence.  320 released 6/16...

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  • June 7, 1994

    IDF shoots and wounds 3 Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza Strip, after youths stone IDF post in Rafah, fled into self-rule area where IDF pursued and fired.  (WP 6/8)

    IDF declares Wadi Shubash,...

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  • May 24, 1994

    Israel closes off Jericho self-rule area for 1 day after Palestinian police disarm 2 settlers.  Closure ostensibly to allow Palestinian police to organize.  (Qol Yisra'el 5/24 in FBIS 5/24; MM 5/...

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  • May 10, 1994

    157 Palestinian police cross into Gaza Strip fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, greeted by 1,000s of Gaza residents. IDF uses water cannon, rubber bullets to restrain crowds. PLO and Israeli officials...

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  • April 13, 1994

    Suicide bomb explodes in bus in Hadera, Israel, killing 6, including bomber, and wounding 28, including 2 Israeli Arabs and 18 IDF soldiers. Hamas claims responsibility. PM Rabin redeploys IDF to...

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Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; CSM, NYT 10/3; WJW 10/6; JP 10/8)

Syrian FM al-Shara` says Gulf states partial lifting of Israeli boycott "was not timely and does not serve the Arab negotiators' interests." (WT 10/2; SARR 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; MM 10/3)

IDF closes primary school in West Bank indefinitely, saying children threw stones at passing IDF vehicle; causes embarrassment for PNA which technically controls West Bank education. (MEI 10/7)

Curfew on Hebron is lifted. (MEI 10/7)

Arab League "strongly denounces" Israeli PM Rabin's decision to build new housing in West Bank settlement, calling it a "flagrant violation" of the DOP. (MENA, RE 9/27 in FBIS 9/28)

Israeli FM Peres meets with Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem in New York, asks him to help arrange mtg. btwn. PM Rabin, Syrian Pres. al-Asad. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)

Jordan renounces religious links to West Bank, reaffirms spiritual authority in Jerusalem in move to avoid conflict with PLO. PNA says it will assume administrative, financial duties for West Bank religious institutions next mo. (JTV 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; NYT 9/28; MM 9/28; QY 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; AFP 9/28 in FBIS 9/29; MEI 10/7; JP 10/8)

Hamas calls on its mbrs. to avoid clashes with Palestinian police. (VOP 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; WT 9/28) (see 9/24)

Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is only 7 mi. wide before talks on permanent peace begin in 1996. PLO releases strong condemnation. (MM 9/26; HA 9/26 in FBIS 9/27; WP, WT 9/27)

PNA Planning M Shaath returns fr. official visit to Australia; says prospects are strong for increased Australian assistance, investment, participation in multilateral force. (MENA 9/25 in FBIS 9/26)

Baruch Marzel, head of Kach who was arrested after Hebron massacre, is released fr. jail to 3-mo. house arrest, meets with Kach activists. Marzel's men waiting outside Hebron jail threaten Palestinian family at gun point, stone Palestinian's car. (QY 9/26 in FBIS 9/30; MM, WT 9/28)

DFLP's Hawatmeh says dialogues are underway btwn. DFLP, Gulf states, he will visit Gulf shortly. (Al-Ra'y 9/26 in FBIS 9/26)

Palestinian econ. report is released, shows PNA has received only $90 m. of $2.4 b. allocated by donor countries; PNA will need $11.2 b. to finance autonomous areas until 2000. (TJT 9/16 in FBIS 9/20)

PNA Local Affairs M Erakat says Israel has blocked preparations for elections by not releasing population records for West Bank, halting survey to determine polling locations. (WP 9/16)

PNA Econ. M Qurai` tenders resignation citing dissatisfaction with Arafat's economic approach, refusal to delegate authority. Arafat does not accept the resignation. (ITV, QY, VOP 9/16; FT, NYT, WP 9/17)

UNRWA announces following donations: Luxembourg, $1.2 m. for 2 medical centers in Gaza; Netherlands, $840,000 for women's centers in Gaza; Australia, $179,055 for 2 health centers in Gaza. (UNRWA News 9/21)

Benjamin Kahane, head of Kahane Chai, says 150 of his U.S. supporters will leave for Jordan to set up a settlement on the East Bank. Jordanian FMin. asks Israeli govt. to curb group. (IDF Radio 9/16, QY 9/17 in FBIS 9/19)

Israeli Police M Moshe Shahal announces Israeli police want to question PSF's West Bank head Col. Jibril Rajub about charges 10 PSF mbrs., inc. 3 of his bodyguards, kidnapped a Jordanian national in Jerusalem 9/9 and are detaining him in Jericho. (QY 9/16 in FBIS 9/16; JP 10/8)

IDF Lt. Oren Edri, arrested 9/2 for "anti-Arab activities," is formally charged with illegally holding and transferring arms, passing classified information on locations IDF arms depots to settlers. (MM 9/16; JP 9/17)

2 settlers fatally shoot Palestinian nr. Hebron, claiming he threw stones at their car. Court releases the pair on bail, saying they shot in self-defense. (JP 9/24)

Palestinian military delegation arrives in Moscow for wk.-long stay, signs agmt. with Russian DMin. for delivery of 45 BT-82 armored personnel carriers, spare parts, ammunition for use by Palestinian police. (MM 9/15; Al-Hayat 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)

UNRWA approves $250 m. worth of projects for Gaza, West Bank to be implemented over the next 2 yrs. (UNRWA News 9/21)

Libya's Pan-Arab Unity Min. releases statement saying Palestinian autonomy "must be fought," bringing Palestinian-Libyan relations to new low. (MM 9/15)

Arab League FM's meeting in Cairo reject Israeli steps to give Jordan distinguished religious role in Jerusalem; pledge they will not sign NPT unless Israel signs in move planned by Syria to pressure Israel to adhere to NPT, open installations to inspection. (AFP 9/15, VOP 9/16 in FBIS 9/16) (see 8/31)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher cancels plans to visit Middle East this wk. due to Haiti invasion, should arrive after 9/20. (MM 9/12)

U.S. VP Gore announces U.S. will loan Palestinian private sector $87 m. for 9 projects planned to create 1,800 temporary and permanent jobs in Gaza, West Bank. (MM 9/13; JP 9/24)

At Labor Party caucus, PM Rabin says if Knesset passes law requiring special majority for withdrawal fr. Golan, it will torpedo talks with Syria, divert money fr. welfare to defense; calls proposal "racist move, aimed at minimizing . . . the Arab vote." Most Labor hawks defer to Rabin. Likud Party chmn. Moshe Qatzav says Likud will not honor withdrawal agmt. if national referendum is not held. (ITV 9/11 in FBIS 9/13; MM 9/12; QY 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; JP 9/17; MM 9/21; JP 9/24) (see 9/7)

Israeli-Palestinian Security Comm. meets to discuss release of Palestinian detainees, safe passage, joint patrols. No agmts. reached. (QY, VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13)

Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat meets Arafat in Gaza, gives PNA $5 m. in VAT taxes on goods imported to the self-rule areas via Israeli ports, says Israel will speed up transfer of tax funds as goodwill gesture. (IDF Radio, QY, VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; MM 9/13; JP 9/24)

Jordanian-Israeli talks on borders, water, security, energy, environment, tourism, economy continue in Tiberias. Jordan-Israel-U.S. trilateral comm. continues talks on development of Jordan Rift. (RJ 9/11 in FBIS 9/12; MM 9/12)

Israel PM Rabin, Pres. Clinton hold joint teleconference with American Jews at 70 sites around U.S.; discuss peace process, threat from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran. (MM, WP, WT 9/13; QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/13)

2d IDF officer arrested in connection with illegal extremist right-wing organization. Lt. Qobi Pino, settler fr. Qiryat Arba, is 10th arrested for anti-Arab activity. (IDF Radio 9/12 in FBIS 9/14)

Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office in Gaza, but diplomatic contacts with PNA will still go through Tunis. (MM 9/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/2; NYT 9/4; WJW 9/8)

Israeli FM Peres tells Arafat that Pakistani PM Bhutto may enter Gaza after all. Pakistan say it is too late to reschedule visit. (MM 8/31; QY 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; JP 9/10)

Schools open for classes in West Bank under PNA control. (NYT, WT 9/2)

Palestinian police release last 4 Hamas mbrs. being held for 8/14 attack. (AFP 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)

Israel rejects PNA election proposal, says a 100-mbr. legislative council is too large, Israel needs more time to see how PNA runs depts. already transferred. (IDF Radio 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; QY 9/4 in FBIS 9/6; WP 9/16) (see 8/20)

Egyptian FM `Amr Musa arrives in Israel for talks with FM Peres, relays Arafat's concerns about delays at Erez checkpoint, work permits, Palestinian prisoners, economic and security issues. (MM 8/30; HA 8/31 in FBIS 9/1)

Col. 'Adil Salih, head of Arafat's presidential guard, resigns over "power struggle" btwn. various PNA security branches over who will patrol Tulkarm area. Col. Jibril Rajub, head of PSF in West Bank, accuses Salih of enlisting collaborators in his forces, cooperating with Jordanian intelligence. (QY 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; MM 9/1; JP 9/10)

Lebanese PM Hariri says his cabinet rejected the principle of resettlement of Palestinians in Lebanon. A committee under Dep. PM Michel al-Murr will be formed to study how to improve Palestinians conditions. (RL 8/30 in FBIS 8/31; MM 8/30, 8/31)

Jordan cancels $30 m. trade deal with Israel under pressure fr. PNA (see 8/16, 8/17); agrees to give Palestinian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) 2 helicopters, train CAA workers in maintenance, surveillance. (HA 8/30 in FBIS 9/1; Al-Dustur 8/31 in FBIS 9/9)

Results of Syrian national elections held 8/24-25 released. Pres. Hafiz al-Asad's Ba'ath party gains 61% majority. (MM 8/30)

3rd Kach mbr. released after serving 6-mo. administrative detention following Hebron massacre. (IDF Radio 8/30 in FBIS 9/2) (see 8/27)

PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli negotiator Maj. Gen. Danny Rothschild initial early empowerment accord in Cairo giving PNA control of education, health, welfare, taxes, tourism; ability to amend related laws subject to Israeli veto. All schools to be turned over by 8/29, other responsibilities by 9/12, provided financing is confirmed at mtg. of donor countries in Paris 9/9. Arafat asks for immediate $9.5 m. for running schools. Israel agrees to pay teachers' 1st-mo. salaries. Safe-passage corridor opens. (NYT, WP, WT 8/24; CSM 8/25; MENA, QY 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)

Pres. Clinton tells B'nai B'rith convention that U.S. will compensate Israel for any strategic advantages it relinquishes for peace. (QY 8/24 in IL 8/25; MM 8/26)

IDF announces it has begun evacuating some West Bank outposts in the Nablus area as part of the early empowerment agmt. (JP, MM 8/24)

Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri meets with Hamas delegation to discuss elections, conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Lebanese Refugee Affairs M Walid Junblat says new houses to be built for Palestinian refugees in al-Quray'ah with help from UNRWA. (RL 8/24 in FBIS 8/25; Al-Safir 8/25 in FBIS 8/30; Al-Safir 8/30 in FBIS 9/1)

Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto announces she will visit Gaza Strip 8/28 to meet with Arafat, but not visit Israel. (QY 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)

Israeli Finance, Interior Mins. reach agmt. with Israeli-Arab municipalities ending 39-day strike by heads of Arab towns. (HA 8/25 in IL 8/25)

Shin Bet, IDF arrest 10 mbrs. of Fateh Hawks accused of killing collaborators. (ITV 8/24 in FBIS 8/25; JP 9/3)

PM Rabin postpones "safe passage" btwn. Gaza, Jericho citing lack of PNA action toward recent Hamas attacks. (MEI 8/26)

Jordanian-Palestinian talks end in Amman. Joint comm. is formed to meet monthly, discuss economic, political, administrative issues. Plans for Palestinian currency suspended, Jordanian dinar to be primary currency of PNA areas for 3-yr. period. (JTV 8/22, MM 8/23; VOP 8/23 in FBIS 8/23; RJ 8/23 in FBIS 8/24; Al-Dustur 9/3 in FBIS 9/7)

171 Palestinian figures, inc. 82 mbrs of PNC, PLO Central Council, PLO Executive Comm. issue statement criticizing Arafat; reject calls for PNC mtg. in Gaza, amendment of charter; denounce DOP. (MM 8/23; Al-Dustur 8/23 in FBIS 8/24; CSM 8/25; MEI 8/26)

Curfew on Rafah is lifted. (QY in FBIS 8/22)

IDF detains 15 Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs. in Janin. (QY 8/22 in FBIS 8/23)

Palestinian prisoners released 8/19 hold press conference to protest Israel's demand they remain in Gaza, Jericho for remainder of their sentences, criticize Arafat. (ITV 8/22 in FBIS 8/23)

Israeli PM Rabin promises NIS 16 m. to build new road in West Bank so settlers can bypass Jericho. (QY 8/22 in FBIS 8/23)

Israel shells villages in Iqlim al-Tuffah, Jabal Abu Rashid southern Lebanon in response to 8/18 Hizballah attack. (WT 8/24)

New Palestinian group calling itself Palestinian National Liberation Movement-Fateh Soldiers of Right (jund al-haq) issues leaflet in o.t. saying it will "remove injustice, fight corrution, and restore Fateh's past status." (Al-Ra'y 8/22 in FBIS 8/23)

Israeli FM Peres, PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath conclude talks in Egypt, announce 1st agmt. to expand PNA control to education, cultural affairs in the West Bank before end of August. Talks continue over health care, tourism, taxation. (MENA 8/18 in FBIS 8/18; WP 8/19)

2 IDF soldiers, 3 Hizballah gunmen killed in bombing attack on IDF post in Marj 'Uyun in southern Lebanon. (NYT 8/19; MEI 8/26)

Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European countries. Palestinians to man Gaza, Jericho crossing pts. Israel to issue 35,000 new work permits to Gaza Palestinians. (MENA 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; JP 8/27)

Israel freezes plans for IDF withdrawal fr. o.t., ties extension of self-rule to a halt in Hamas attacks on Israelis. PM Yitzhak Rabin calls current steps by PNA to curb Hamas a publicity stunt. 5 of 40 Hamas mbrs. arrested by Palestinian police 8/15 still held. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; NYT 8/18)

Jordan's Tourism M Muhammad Al-Idwan arrives in Israel for joint talks, 1st high-level Jordanian official to publicly visit Israel. (Near East Report 8/22)

IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Ehud Barak meets Defense Secy. William Perry, JCS Chmn. Gen. John Shalikashvili, National Security Advisor Anthony Lake in Washington; stresses Israel should hold onto all of Golan for security purposes. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; WT 8/19)

PNA M of Trade and Econ. Ahmad Qurai` protests to Jordan that its trade agmt. with Israel (see 8/16) violates existing agmts. btwn. Israel, PLO. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18)

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP issue leaflet saying Arafat's recent crackdown on Hamas is pushing Palestinians to "the edge of civil war." (AFP 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; MM 8/22)

IDF kills Palestinian trying to enter Israel fr. Gaza nr. Rafah. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; UNRWA News 8/24))

Israel, Jordan conclude economic agmt. permitting Jordan to export up to $30 m. of goods to West Bank through Palestinian merchants licensed by PNA. (QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; NYT 8/17; JP 8/27)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` briefs Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak on U.S. Secy. of State Warren Christopher's visit to Damascus. Shara` reports Israel willing to withdraw fr. Golan in 2 yrs; Syria wants withdrawal within months. (WT 8/17)

Jordan's King Hussein cancels trip to Jerusalem to attend Mulid al-Nabi prayers. (MEI 8/26)

Monsignor Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo takes up his position as 1st Vatican amb. to Israel. (WT 9/6)

PNA announces it will begin disarming civilians. Civilians have 2-wk. grace period to obtain gun permits. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 8/16 in FBIS 8/17)

Palestinian police arrest 3 Hamas mbrs. in connection with 8/14 shooting. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/17)

DFLP Central Comm. dismisses 10 Politburo, Central Com. mbrs. for urging front to join PNA as "constructive opposition." (WT 8/17; al-Sharq al-Awsat 8/16 in FBIS 8/17)

U.S. demands Israel end any secret contacts with Iraq after learning Israeli Lebanon coordinator Uri Lubrani had met with Iraqi officials. (WT 8/17)

3 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbrs. killed by Hizballah in ambush in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA shell Hizballah targets. (MEI 8/26)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Gaza, says self-rule will not be expanded until the PNA makes "a serious effort" to curb attacks on Israelis. He also postpones scheduled introduction of free passage between Gaza and Jericho.  PNA denounces 8/14 Hamas attack, detains 35 Hamas mbrs. for questioning.  200 Hamas supporters protest the crackdown in front of the police headquarters in Dayr al-Balah.  (NYT, WP, WT 8/16)

Bolivia, Dominican Republic, and Paraguay announce they will move their diplomatic offices to Jerusalem to keep Israel from closing its embassies in their countries.  Israeli F Min. states "We won't close embassies in countries that move their embassies to the Jerusalem area."  (WT 8/16)

International terrorist "Carlos" (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez) flown to France after arrest in Sudan previous night.  France sought his extradition for 1975 Paris killing of 2 French agents investigating failed rocket attack on an El Al plane.  Sanchez most widely known for 1975 Vienna kidnapping of OPEC oil ministers in which 3 killed, 11 wounded. Israel announces it will not attempt to extradite him.  (NYT, WP, WT 8/16)

Israeli and PLO negotiators say they are nearing an agreement on the expansion of Palestinian authority in the West Bank.  (WSJ 8/15)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin hold 90-minute summit  mtg. at Erez crossing, Gaza Strip.  Israel agrees to open safe passages btwn. Gaza and Jericho, permit 6,000 more Palestinian workers into Israel.  Both sides agree to pursue negotiations on expanding West Bank self-rule.  Israel puts off discussion of Jerusalem, criticizes PLO Political Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi's remarks on attacks on Israelis.  (Qol Yisra'el 8/10 in FBIS 8/11; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/11)

World Bank announces establishment of field office in Gaza.  (World Bank release 8/10)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan meets 98-mbr. United Jewish Appeal delegation in Amman, says Jordan and Israel should coordinate economic policies before 10/94 Casablanca economic conference.  (MM 8/11)

Argentine Pres. Carlos Menem threatens to expel Iranian amb. over Tehran's alleged role in 7/18 bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish center.  Embassy had protested issuing of warrants for arrest of 4 Iranian diplomats in case.  (NYT, WT 8/11)

Senate approves foreign-aid bill 88-12, sending $13.8 b. measure to Pres. Clinton for signature.  Legislation, passed by House 8/4, includes $99 m. "down payment" on Jordanian debt relief, $3 b. in economic and military aid to Israel.  (WP 8/11)

Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab is told he can no longer publish for al-Quds under his own byline after he organized a petition campaign protesting Arafat's closing of al-Nahar, a pro-Jordanian daily.  (MM 8/3; JP 8/13)

Israel allows 1st shipment of Palestinian produce under economic provisions of 5/4 Cairo agreement.  Israeli farmers will be compensated fr. $83 m. govt. fund for losses due to Palestinian competition.  (Qol Yisra'el 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; CSM 8/4; TJT 8/5)

Israeli Labor M. Ora Namir decides to allow 5,000 more Gaza workers into Israel.  ( Al-Hamishmar 8/3 in FBIS 8/4)

Al-Nahar newspaper applies for distribution permit fr. PNA officials in Gaza and Jericho.  (Israel TV 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

Jordanian, Israeli experts meet at Wadi al-`Araba to establish border crossing.  (RMC 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen begins week-long visit to Gaza, West Bank, and Jordan, including mtgs with PLO Chmn. Arafat in Gaza and PECDAR Dir. Ahmad Qurai`.  (UNRWA News 8/10)

PNA bans distribution of al-Nahar newspaper, Akhbar al-Bilad magazine,  causing al-Nahar to cease publication.  Both publications regarded as pro-Jordanian; PNA says al-Nahar advocates "line that contradicts the national interests of the Palestinian people."  Pretext for banning al-Nahar is that it had not renewed circulation permit.  Akhbar al-Bilad publisher Nasr al-Din Nashashibi, calls PNA move "intellectual terrorism."  (Qol Yisra'el 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; CSM, WP, WT 7/29; NYT, WT 7/30; JP 8/6)

PLO, Israeli negotiators reach draft agreements to give PLO control of education, health, and taxation in West Bank.  PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath denies reports that Janin will be next self-rule area, saying "it's all the West Bank."  (Qol Yisra'el, MENA 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; CSM 7/29)

Gaza municipal council holds 1st mtg.  Municipality head Awn Shawa says main task is preparing for municipal elections.  (Algiers VOP 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; TJT 7/29)

Secy of State Christopher, testifying to House FA Comm., criticizes PLO Chmn. Arafat's admin. of Gaza, saying he feels "frustration" with him and that Arafat failed to comply with international donors' requirements.  (WT 7/29)

U.S. announces VP Al Gore will visit Israel, Jordan 9/94 to promote Syria-Israel talks.  (MM 7/28)

Syrian govt. newspaper al-Ba`th criticizes Jordan for signing Washington Declaration, calling pact a "surprise" and a "violation" of Arab position in peace process.  (NYT 7/29)

Jordanian M of State Jawad Anani, speaking to Washington Institute for Near East Policy, says Amman favors Dead Sea-Red Sea canal project with Israel, Aqaba-Eilat free-trade zone.  (WT 7/31)

Lebanese PM Hariri orders military to prepare for possible Israeli strikes in retaliation for 7/18 bombing in Argentina  blamed on Hizballah.  Civilians in southern Lebanon flee north in anticipation of Israeli incursion.  (NYT, WSJ 7/29)

WJC Pres. Edgar Bronfman says Argentina warned UK of potential bombings in London; UK denies advance warning.  Argentine govt. official says Iranian diplomats suspects in 7/18 bombing. (NYT, WP, WT 7/29; JP 8/6)

Israeli intelligence agencies reach agreement with unspecified other countries on counterterrorism cooperation.  (Ha'Aretz 7/29 in FBIS 7/29)

Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians continue, Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath saying progress made on extending self-rule in West Bank.  (WT 7/28)

PNA official Nabil Shaath criticizes Washington Declaration clause on Jerusalem, asking "Who gave Israel the right to decide who has rights in the Islamic institutions in Jerusalem?"  Shaath says Palestinians will seek Arab League affirmation of Arab character of Jerusalem.  (WT 7/28)

3 Palestinian immigrants plead guilty to racketeering charges in St. Louis.  The 3 were charged with plotting murder of Jewish Americans, bombing Israeli embassy on behalf of FRC ("Abu Nidal" organization).  (NYT 7/28)

Car bomb explodes outside London building housing Jewish and Israeli groups, including Joint Israel Appeal, injuring 5.  British Foreign Office says Hamas claims responsibility; Hamas rep. in Jordan Muhammad Nazzal denies involvement.   Israel, U.S. say evidence in Argentina, Panama, and U.K. bombings points to Iran, Hizballah.  Security strengthened at Israel's U.S. embassy, UN mission, and 9 U.S. consulates.   Argentine authorities question 2 Iranians in 7/18 Buenos Aires bombing.  (WP, WSJ, WT 7/27; CSM, NYT, WSJ, WT 7/28)

Israel expels fr. Gaza 4 frmr. PLO guerrillas, including 2 linked to 1974 Maalot massacre, for past attacks on Israelis.  Officials charge PLO Chmn. Arafat tried to infiltrate them with his 13-mbr. entourage 7/12.  A 5th is sought; Israel bars entry of further PNA officials until he is found.  Israel closes Gaza-Egypt, West Bank-Jordan crossings; Gaza-Israel, Jericho-Israel crossings remain open.  (MM 7/13; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/14; TJT 7/15)

PLO, ICRC sign memorandum of understanding on ICRC role in Palestinian self-rule areas.  MOU, signed by PLO Political Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi and ICRC Pres. Cornelio Sommaruga, permits ICRC to visit prisoners held by Palestinian police.  (ICRC release 7/13; MM 7/14)

Multilateral talks steering comm. completes 6th mtg. in Tabarka, Tunisia.  (Jordan TV 7/14 in FBIS 7/15)

Federal District Court in NY sentences Jordanian Bilal Alkaisi, 5th and final defendant in 2/93 World Trade Center bombing, to 20 mos.' imprisonment for lying to immigration officials.  (NYT 7/14)

Israeli, PLO negotiators open talks in Cairo on "early empowerment" of Palestinians in West Bank, expansion of self-rule area, redeploying IDF, elections.  Israeli side headed by IDF Maj. Gen Danny Rothschild, PLO by PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath.  Separate talks on settling issues remaining fr. 5/4 agreement, including borders of Jericho area, resume.  (MENA 7/11, 7/12 in FBIS 7/12; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

IDF kills 2 Hamas mbrs. in Nablus after firing anti-tank missles at house they were hiding in.  The 2 had been wanted for a year.  Several buildings in area destroyed.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/12; MM 7/12; TJT 7/15; JP 7/23)

Qiryat Arba settlers vacate Hebron apartments occupied 7/8 in compromise with Housing M.  (MM 7/12)

PLO Chmn. Arafat departs Tunis for Cairo on way to take up permanent residence in Gaza Strip.  Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Beilin to discuss early empowerment of Palestinians in o.t. before his departure.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/12; NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Israeli PM Rabin accepts King Hussein's offer for a public summit mtg.  (MM 7/11; WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Israeli FM Peres announces he will meet Secy of State Christopher, Jordanian PM and FM `Abd al-Salam al-Majali in Jordan 7/20 in 1st public visit of an Israeli official to Jordan.  Israeli-Jordanian bilateral talks to resume 7/18 at Ein Evrona, southern Israel.  Jordanian spokesman says emphasis in talks will be on border, water issues.  (MM 7/11; MM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Jordan receives over $900,000 fr. UN for claims by Jordanian families for losses in 1990-91 Gulf war.  (WSJ 7/12)

IAF raids Hizballah positions in Biqa` Valley.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/11)

Arafat, Rabin end 2 days of mtgs. in Paris, both sides agreeing to continue talks on expanding Palestinian self-rule.  Talks to resume 7/11 in Cairo.  2 sides plus Jordan and Egypt to organize conference on 1967 refugees.  Arafat pledges to convene PNC in Gaza "in the very near future" to repeal PLO charter provisions calling for Israel's elimination.  (MM 7/7; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/8)

17-yr.-old Israeli girl killed, father wounded by Palestinian gunmen in drive-by shooting nr. Hebron; IDF soldier found shot, stabbed to death in Kufr Aqab, West Bank, north of Jerusalem, in separate incident.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/8; JP 7/16)

IDF seals off Jericho, settlers threaten to block roads to West Bank Palestinians preparatory to PLO Chmn. Arafat's visit to Jericho, set for 7/5.  (WT 7/5)

Arafat adviser Nabil Shaath says the PLO chmn. will return to o.t. "for good" after mtg. in Paris with Israeli PM Rabin.  (CSM 7/5)

Palestinian exiles in Jordan protest not being allowed to return.  PLO estimates there are 1,260 Palestinians exiled by Israel since 1967; only 110 have been allowed to return since Israel-PLO accord.  (WT 7/5)

2 IDF soldiers killed, 2 wounded in clash with Hizballah in southern Lebanon's "security zone."  (MM 7/4; WP 7/7; JP 7/16)

Knesset defeats no-confidence motions submitted by Likud, NRP, and Tsomet.  (MM 7/5)

PLO Chmn. Arafat returns to Palestine, entering Gaza Strip at Rafah border crossing and proceeding to Gaza City.  3,000 Palestinian police detailed to provide security for 3-day visit.  Arafat addresses crowd of 30-100,000 in Gaza City's Square of the Unknown Soldier, honoring intifadah casualties, Arab states, declaring intention to expand Palestinian self-rule in West Bank.  Arafat vows to seek release of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin.  (MM 7/1; NYT, WP, WT 7/2; JP 7/9)

WSJ reports that Bethlehem is now Muslim, and mosques in once-predominantly Christian city fr. 5 to 70 since 1970.  (WSJ 7/1)

East Jerusalem Palestinian found shot to death.  "Sword of David" group claims responsibility, citing revenge for killing of Israeli, opposition to Arafat visit.  (NYT 7/3)

JP publishes poll showing 33.8 % of Israelis oppose all settlements, 25.2 % support them.  Poll also shows 59 % support continued talks with PLO.  (MM 7/1)

PLO-Israel autonomy talks resume, PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath saying PLO Chmn. Arafat to come to Jericho in mid-7/94, Israelis saying they are ready to discuss expanding Palestinian self-rule in West Bank.  (MM 6/28; CSM, NYT, WSJ 6/29)

"Fateh official" in Tunis says 1st elections in self-rule areas to be held 10/94.  (WT 6/29)

PM Rabin quoted as recommending increase in defense budget if no agreement reached with Syria in 3 yrs.  (WT 6/29)

PLO official Nabil Shaath meets Israeli negotiator Amnon Shahak at Gaza-Israel border to discuss "all unfinished business fr. the Gaza-Jericho agreement," PLO Chmn. Arafat's arrival in Jericho.  Talks are to include extension of Palestinian self-rule throughout West Bank.  (MM, WP, WSJ 6/20)

PLO Econ. Dept. head and PNA Finance M Muhammad al-Nashashibi arrives in Jericho, 1st PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. to return to self-rule areas. (MET 6/27-7/3)

Israeli cabinet approves additional 10,000 work permits for Palestinians seeking jobs in Israel.  (WSJ 6/20)

IDF reseals "terrorist's" home in al-`Izzariya, nr. Jerusalem, opened 6/18 by PCSNV.  IDF vows legal action against unsealing campaign.  (WT 6/22)

IAF rockets Hizballah bases nr. Mlita, southern Lebanon.  No casualties reported.  Raids do not disturb observances in Nabatiya of `Ashura.  (WT 6/20)

Israel lifts arms embargo on South Africa, following cancellation of UN military embargo.  (WT 6/20)

Israel issues revised prisoner-release figures, saying a total of 3,400 Palestinians released under 5/4 accord with PLO.  1,300 kept in prison for refusing to renounce violence.  320 released 6/16, 229 of them going home, 91 transferred to Palestinian custody.  100 "criminals" opt to stay in Israeli prison rather than Palestinian jails in Gaza.  (WT 6/18)

IDF shoots and wounds 4 Palestinians, arrests 5 in clashes in Hebron.  (WT 6/18)

Palestinian Center for the Study of Non-Violence (PCSNV) starts campaign to reopen Palestinian homes sealed by Israel.  Group opens 40 homes in West Bank, denounces sealing as a "cruel and evil policy."  (WT 6/22; CSM, MEI, TJT 6/24)

PLO Chmn. Arafat complains to U.S. Amb. to Tunisia John McCarthy that $42 m. allocated by international donors for establishing Palestinian admin. is an inadequate "pittance."  (WT 6/22)

Likud cofounder and frmr. Irgun mbr. Yohanan Bader, 93, dies in Jerusalem.  (NYT, WP 6/18; JP 6/25; WJW 6/30)

Klausenberg Rebbe, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Halberstam, 90, dies in Netanya, northern Israel.  (NYT, WP 6/20)

IDF shoots and wounds 3 Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza Strip, after youths stone IDF post in Rafah, fled into self-rule area where IDF pursued and fired.  (WP 6/8)

IDF declares Wadi Shubash, nr. Janin, closed military area, sealing off 32,000 dunams (approx. 7907 acres) of farmland belonging to West Bank villages of Maghir, Raba.  (TJT 6/17)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets U.S. Amb. to Tunisia John McCarthy, discusses international aid to Palestinians.  (Algiers VOP 6/7 in FBIS 6/8)

U.S.-Jordanian-Israeli Trilateral Economic Comm. concludes mtg. in Washington, opening negotiations on boundaries, cooperation in economics, tourism, and civil aviation.  Jordan and Israel also agree in principle to build highway to link Aqaba, Eilat, and Taba, Egypt, establish joint cultural park on common border.  U.S. agrees to consolidate Israeli, Jordanian plans for Jordan Valley development.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/8; JP 6/18)

Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, head of 25,000-mbr. NY-based anti-Zionist Hasidic sect that considers State of Israel sinful, arrives in Jerusalem on 14-day visit.  Teitelbaum, who arrives with 2,000 followers, is greeted by 10s of 1,000s.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/8; JP 6/18)

Fateh gains 43.6%, Hamas 42.3% of vote in student council elections at al-Najah University in Nablus.  Vote gives Hamas 11 seats on council.  (MM 6/8)

Israel closes off Jericho self-rule area for 1 day after Palestinian police disarm 2 settlers.  Closure ostensibly to allow Palestinian police to organize.  (Qol Yisra'el 5/24 in FBIS 5/24; MM 5/24; NYT, WP, WT 5/25)

PM Rabin tours Gaza Strip to inspect IDF redeployment, new security fence.  IDF Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak tells Knesset comm. Rabin has ordered IDF to draft contingency plans in event agreements with PLO are broken.  (Qol Yisra'el 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MM 5/24, 5/25)

East Jerusalem Arabic newspapers publish decree by PLO Chmn. Arafat reinstating pre-1967 laws in areas under Palestinian control.  Decree signed in Tunis 5/20.  Israeli F Min Legal Adviser Joel Singer calls decree violation of Gaza-Jericho agreement. (al-Quds 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; CSM, MM, WP 5/24)

PLO appoints Morgan Stanley Asset Management to manage foreign aid for development and admin. of West Bank and Gaza Strip.  (Algiers VOP 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MM 5/24; NYT 5/27)

Israeli FM Peres arrives in Washington for 2-day working visit, including talks with VP Gore, Secy of State Christopher, National Security Advisor Lake, EPA Director Browner, and AFL-CIO officials.  (WT 5/24)

U.S. District Court in NY sentences 3 Palestinians, 1 Egyptian to 240-yr. prison terms in 2/23/93 bombing of World Trade Center.  (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/25)

157 Palestinian police cross into Gaza Strip fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, greeted by 1,000s of Gaza residents. IDF uses water cannon, rubber bullets to restrain crowds. PLO and Israeli officials meet in Jericho to discuss entrance of police, transfer of power. Israeli National Parks Authority instructed to turn over 3 Jericho archaeological sites to Palestinians, including Hisham Palace and Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue. (MM 5/10; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/11)

PLO, Jordan open economic talks in Amman to reconcile 1/7 PLO-Jordan "letter of intent" with 4/29 Israel-PLO economic protocol. PLO delegation led by Ahmad Qurai'. (MM 5/10)

Gunmen attack settler bus nr. Beit El settlement, West Bank, wounding 3. (WT 5/11)

IAF fires rockets on PFLP-GC bases nr. Naamah, Lebanon. Lebanese police say at least 2 killed, 8 wounded. (MM 5/10; NYT, WT 5/11)

Suicide bomb explodes in bus in Hadera, Israel, killing 6, including bomber, and wounding 28, including 2 Israeli Arabs and 18 IDF soldiers. Hamas claims responsibility. PM Rabin redeploys IDF to protect Israeli cities, rejects opposition calls to end talks with PLO. PLO Chmn. Arafat, speaking to Council of Europe in Strasbourg, condemns violence, faults Israeli collective punishments against Palestinians acontributing to violent atmosphere. U.S. State Dept. receives Arafat letter in which he "regretted and strongly rejected" violence against Israel. (MM 4/13; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/14; WP 4/17)

Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran named officer in command of IDF Central Command, including West Bank. Biran to take office 4/17, replacing Acting OC Central Command Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom, appointed temporarily to replace Maj. Gen. Nehemia Tamari, killed in helicopter crash 1/94. (MM 4/13)