60 / 15500 Results
  • December 15, 1996

    Netanyahu phones Arafat to ease tensions over settlement issue. Arafat and Netanyahu atty. Yitzhak Molho meet in the first high-level PA-Israeli contact in weeks. (ITV 12/15 in WNC 12/16; MM, WP...

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  • December 13, 1996

    Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

    Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers....

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  • December 2, 1996

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) convenes in Lisbon. 54 mbr.-states attend. PM Netanyahu says that Israel will expand settlement construction in the West Bank;...

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  • November 17, 1996

    Israeli, PA negotiations on Hebron resume in Jericho. (RJ 11/18 in WNC 11/19)

    IDF eases closure, allowing 7,000 Palestinians fr. Gaza, 8,000 fr. West Bank into Israel to work, raising the...

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  • November 16, 1996

    Dore Gold, adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, meets with Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas, PA Information M Yasir `Abid Rabbu to discuss a memorandum of understanding or pledges concerning...

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  • October 9, 1996

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  • October 4, 1996

    Israel lifts closure on Janin, removes tanks surrounding Tulkarm, says closure will gradually be lifted if clashes do not erupt again. (NYT, WT 10/5)

    Hamas issues leaflet fr. Beirut calling...

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  • September 24, 1996

    PM Netanyahu arrives in London on 1st stop of 3-day EU tour to garner support for his hard-line attitude toward the peace process; meets with PM John Major. (MM 9/24; LPR 9/24 in WNC 9/27; MM, WP...

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  • September 10, 1996

    In Paris, Israeli FM Levy discusses peace process with Pres. Chirac, FM Hervé de Charette. (France-Inter Radio Network [Paris], ITV 9/10 in WNC 9/12; MM 9/11)

    In New York, Israeli PM...

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  • August 30, 1996

    Israel's Gold, PA's Abbas meet in Tel Aviv; no details are disclosed. (MM 8/30, 9/2)

    Rigid Israeli police cordon, continued closure of West Bank, Gaza keep turnout low at al-Aqsa Mosque. On...

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  • August 10, 1996

    IDF closes Bethlehem to Israeli traffic because 10s of Palestinians are demonstrating for the release of Hamas mbrs., jailed without trial since 3/96. (QY 8/10 in FBIS 8/12) (see 8/7)


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  • August 7, 1996

    Israeli FM Levy refuses to attend mtgs. with PM Netanyahu in protest over the PM's exclusion of FMin. officials fr. the Israeli delegation to Jordan 8/5; tendency to ignore the FMin.; failure to...

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  • August 6, 1996

    PC holds special session. PC Land and Settlement Comm. decides to form district comms. to direct antisettlement actions, confront land confiscations. (QY 8/5 in FBIS 8/6; NYT 8/7; MM 8/8; PR 8/16...

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  • August 3, 1996

    Jordan's King Hussein arrive in Damascus for 1st time in 2 yrs.; holds "very successful" reconciliation mtg. with Pres. Asad. (JTV, RJ, SARR 8/3, al-Dustur 8/4, JT 8/5 in FBIS 8/5; WP, WT 8...

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  • August 2, 1996

    EA, PLO Exec. Comm. hold weekly session in Jericho. (VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; VOP 8/3 in FBIS 8/5)

    Israeli cabinet unanimously decides to lift building restrictions in Jewish settlements but is...

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  • July 31, 1996

    Fmr. Israeli negotiator and Peres aide Yossi Beilin confirms Hirschfeld's 7/14 report. PA confirms Beilin's statement. (MM 7/31; QY 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; CSM, NYT, WT 8/1; QY 7/31, JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1...

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  • July 30, 1996

    PC weekly session opens 1 day early. (RMC 7/30, VOP 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; PR 8/2; SA 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; PR 8/9; JP 8/10)

    Palestinian prisoner in PA custody, Mahmud Jumayil, is left brain dead,...

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  • July 25, 1996

    In Latakiyya, PA's Arafat makes his 1st official visit to Syria since 1993, meets with Pres. Asad. (MM 7/25; VOA, VOP 7/25 in FBIS 7/25; al-Hayat, SARR, SATN 7/25, SARR 7/26 in FBIS 7/26;...

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  • July 7, 1996

    Israeli cabinet approves creation of Sharon's new Infrastructure Min., with duties as previously outlined (see 6/18, 7/4), incl. supervision of water negotiations with the PA, implementation of...

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  • July 4, 1996

    PM Netanyahu finalizes creation of infrastructure portfolio for Sharon. Among Sharon's new responsibilities are development in the s. Negev, n. Galilee; construction of homes outside cities;...

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  • July 3, 1996

    PC opens 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 7/5 in FBIS 7/5; PWR 7/7; PR 7/12)

    Israeli sources say formation of a cease-fire monitoring comm. for s. Lebanon is being held up by a disagreement...

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  • June 20, 1996

    PC ends 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; PR 6/28)

    Israel further eases closure, permitting Palestinian trucks to enter Israel for the 1st time in 3 mos., Palestinian...

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  • June 16, 1996

    PM Peres returns VIP cards to 3 senior PA officials (Sufyan Abu Zayida, `Abd al-Rahman Hamad, Intisar al-Wazir), which were revoked because the officials tried to bring Palestinian students into...

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  • June 10, 1996

    European Union (EU) FMs meet in Luxembourg to draft a policy statement, regarding the peace process, Middle East (HA 6/10 in FBIS 6/10)

    Hamas spokesman Zahhar says that halt on attacks has...

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  • June 3, 1996

    In his 1st public reaction to Netanyahu's win, Arafat demands the new Israeli government stick to the agmts. signed by fmr. PM Yitzhak Rabin, caretaker PM Peres, particularly by withdrawing fr....

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  • May 30, 1996

    With all regular ballots in the Israeli elections counted, Netanyahu is ahead by 21,399 votes (0.7 percent); Likud, Labor are losing Knesset seats; religious parties are gaining seats. 150,000...

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  • May 24, 1996

    In Gaza, Arafat discusses Hamas-PA relations with Hamas delegation headed by Zahhar, `Abd al-Fatah Dukhan, Shaykh Sayyid Abu Musamih. (al-Quds 5/26 in FBIS 5/29)

    In Jerusalem's Old...

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  • May 22, 1996

    In Gaza, PC opens weekly 2-day session. Palestinian journalists strike for 2 hrs., refusing to cover PC mtg., to protest PA intimidation, mistreatment, bureaucratic stonewalling of their attempts...

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  • May 21, 1996

    Calling it the hardest decision of his life, Israeli Arab political leader Ahmad Tibi withdraws his candidacy for a Knesset seat, endorses Peres for PM--despite the closure on the self-rule areas...

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  • May 19, 1996

    In Jerusalem, PA, Israel begin 4 days of talks on Rafah airport. (VOP 5/19 in FBIS 5/21; PR 5/24; NYT 8/15)

    Syrian, Lebanese FMs brief Syrian Pres. Asad in Latakiyya, Lebanese Pres. Ilyas...

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Netanyahu phones Arafat to ease tensions over settlement issue. Arafat and Netanyahu atty. Yitzhak Molho meet in the first high-level PA-Israeli contact in weeks. (ITV 12/15 in WNC 12/16; MM, WP 12/16; WP 12/17; MEI 12/20) (see 12/14)

PM Netanyahu says that his security services, specifically Shin Bet head Ami Ayalon, urged the opening of the archeological tunnel 9/24. Ayalon denies this. (ITV 12/15 in WNC 12/16; ITV 12/16, YA 12/17 in WNC 12/18; MM 12/17; HA, MA 12/18 in WNC 12/19)

PA security forces have detained 30 PFLP mbrs. since the 12/11 murder of 2 settlers. (MEI 12/20) (see 12/12)

PA military court sentences 2 Hamas mbrs. to death for killing 2 PA policemen a yr. ago. A 3d mbr. receives a life sentence for abetting the others. Since its establishment in 5/94, the PA has issued 12 death sentences of which 2 have been commuted, none carried out. (WT 12/16; PR 12/20)

Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers. The U.S. says the move is "troubling," "clearly complicates the peace process." (MM 12/13; MA 12/13 in WNC 12/16; IGPO 12/13, ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/17; LAWE, NYT, WP, WT 12/14; IGPO, WP 12/15; CSM, MM, WT 12/16; MEI, PR 12/20; JP 12/21)

In Gaza, 15,000 Palestinians attend antisettlement rally called by Hamas and approved by the PA. Hamas spokesman Mahmud Zahhar announces that Hamas soon will open political offices in Gaza (with PA permission) as a transitional step for "greater participation in public life"; West Bank offices are planned. (NYT 12/14; CSM 12/16; ITV 12/17 in WNC 12/19; MEI, PR 12/20; al-Quds 12/20 in WNC 12/26; JP 12/21)

After France drops its threat to veto him, UNSC chooses Ghana's Annan, current undersecy. gen. for peacekeeping operations, for secy. gen. The full UN General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to officially elect him 12/17. (NYT, WP, WT 12/14; CSM 12/16; MEI 12/20) (see 12/6)

Katayusha rockets are fired fr. s. Lebanon into n. Israel, in the first crossborder attack since the wide-scale Israeli-Lebanese fighting in 4/96. No one is injured, but a cow is killed. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Hizballah, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) deny responsibility. (RL 12/13, RL, RMC 12/14, RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/14; RMC 12/15 in WNC 12/16; RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/18; JP 12/21)

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) convenes in Lisbon. 54 mbr.-states attend. PM Netanyahu says that Israel will expand settlement construction in the West Bank; refuses Arafat's request to meet on sidelines of conference (Arafat does not attend mtg.); does meet with U.S. VP Al Gore, French Pres. Jacques Chirac. (MM 12/2; ITV 12/2, IDF Radio 12/3 in WNC 12/4; MM 12/3, 12/5)

PA releases Hamas's Shaykh Ahmad Nimr after a 9-mo. detention in Gaza Central Prison. (MEI, PR 12/13) (see 3/5)

Iranian FM `Ali Akbar Velayati arrives in Syria for talks on bilateral relations. Israel says it is concerned by the visit. (IRNA 12/2 in WNC 12/3; SATN 12/2, VIRI 12/3 in WNC 12/4; MA 12/5 in WNC 12/6)

Israeli, PA negotiations on Hebron resume in Jericho. (RJ 11/18 in WNC 11/19)

IDF eases closure, allowing 7,000 Palestinians fr. Gaza, 8,000 fr. West Bank into Israel to work, raising the total number of Palestinians allowed into Israel to 50,000. (WT 11/17)

Israel accuses Syria of developing with Russia nerve gas, other chemical weapons. (MM, WT 11/18)

In Ramallah, PA releases 3 Hamas mbrs. fr. jail to mark the 8th anniversary of the Palestine National Council's declaration of independence. (MM 11/18)

Shin Bet announces that it has detained Hamas mbr. Khadar Mubarak, is interrogating him on suspicion that has information that could prevent an attack. The detention is revealed after Mubarak's lawyer files a petition with the High Court, claiming that Mubarak is being tortured. (ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/19) (see 11/14)

PLO delegation led by Political Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi arrives in Beirut for 2-day talks on regional political developments. (RL 11/17, 11/19 in WNC 11/19)

Turkey inaugurates 2d bridge on the Turkish-Iraqi border at the al-Khubar border post. (Iraqi Television Network 11/17 in WNC 11/19)

Dore Gold, adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, meets with Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas, PA Information M Yasir `Abid Rabbu to discuss a memorandum of understanding or pledges concerning aspects of Oslo II that have not been implemented that Netanyahu would extend to Arafat as part of a Hebron deal. (ITV 11/16 in WNC 11/29; JP 11/23)

Arafat adviser Abbas heads to Amman to brief King Hussein on talks with Israel. (JTV 11/16 in WNC 11/19)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz tells PM Rafiq Hariri that, after his mtg. with U.S. Amb. Richard Jones 11/15, he is pessimistic that Israeli negotiations with Syrian will resume soon. (RL 11/16 in WNC 11/19)

Hamas mbr. Muhammad Assaf is killed in an explosion in Qabatiyya, West Bank. Israel claims that a bomb that he was preparing for a suicide attack in Israel went off accidentally. Palestinian Security Forces (PSF) arrest 5 men with ties to Assaf. (NYT, WP, WT 11/17; ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/19, 1/29; JP 11/23)

Israeli human rights group B'Tselem issues findings of investigation into 9/27 clash at al-Aqsa mosque. Report concludes that, contrary to Israel's claims, forensic evidence shows the IDF used live ammunition, fired rubber bullets fr. a lethal distance at Palestinians. In at least 1 incident, a Palestinian was killed by a rubber bullet to the head, fired at point-blank range. (WP 10/10)

Federal judge in Manhattan refuses to stop extradition to Israel of Hamas political leader Musa Abu Marzuq. (NYT 10/10; QPAR 10/10; al-Ra'i 10/11 in WNC 10/15; MBC 10/11, VIRI 10/14 in WNC 10/17; PR 10/18; al-Diyar 10/21 in WNC 10/25) (see 5/8)

Israeli gunboats off the coast of Tyre, Lebanon, detain cargo ship for search before allowing it into port. (RL 10/9 in WNC 10/11)

Israel lifts closure on Janin, removes tanks surrounding Tulkarm, says closure will gradually be lifted if clashes do not erupt again. (NYT, WT 10/5)

Hamas issues leaflet fr. Beirut calling for resumption of protests. Gazan Hamas leader Mahmud Zahhar says call should be ignored. PA holds intensive talks with Hamas's West Bank, Gaza representatives to encourage them to refrain fr. taking any actions against Israel. (WP, WT 10/5; al-Ahram [Cairo] 10/6 in WNC 10/15)

Turkish PM Erbakan arrives in Libya for 3-day visit. U.S. criticizes Turkey for visiting a nation that sponsors terrorism. (WT, MM 10/5)

PM Netanyahu arrives in London on 1st stop of 3-day EU tour to garner support for his hard-line attitude toward the peace process; meets with PM John Major. (MM 9/24; LPR 9/24 in WNC 9/27; MM, WP, WT 9/25)

Under heavy police guard, Israel undertakes a surprise predawn excavation to complete a long disputed archeological tunnel that runs along the al-Aqsa mosque compound. The 12-yr.-old project was completed only on the personal orders of PM Netanyahu, who intended it as a message to Palestinians that Israel is the sole sovereign in Jerusalem. PA denounces tunnel work, calls for general strike 9/25. During the day, Palestinians at the mosque clash with police, hurl stones at Jews at the Western Wall. Jordan's King Hussein is furious that Gold did not warn him of the tunnel opening in their mtg. 9/22. (MM 9/24; JTV, RJ 9/24 in WNC 9/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/25; WJW 10/3; MEI, PR 10/4; MM 10/9; WT 10/11)

In Hebron, IDF orders 6-mo. closure of 2 charity organizations allegedly linked to Hamas. Palestinians clash with IDF over reopening the central market (see 9/16). (HA 9/24 in IL 9/24; RMC 9/24 in WNC 9/27)

Following Israel's Yom Kippur holiday, ILMG reconvenes in Naqura to discuss complaints filed by Lebanon, Israel. (ITV, RL 9/24 in WNC 9/27; NYT, WT 9/25; JP 10/5) (see 9/22)

IDF, Amal clash in s. Lebanon, leaving 2 Amal mbrs. dead. (RL 9/24 in WNC 9/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 9/25; RL 9/25 in WNC 9/27; JP 10/5)

In Paris, Israeli FM Levy discusses peace process with Pres. Chirac, FM Hervé de Charette. (France-Inter Radio Network [Paris], ITV 9/10 in WNC 9/12; MM 9/11)

In New York, Israeli PM Netanyahu meets with mbrs. of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, visits Lubavitcher Hasidic spiritual leader Rebbe Menachem Schneerson's grave. (ITV 9/10 in WNC 9/12; MM 9/11; MA 9/11 in WNC 9/13; WJW 9/12, 9/19)

In implementation of cabinet decision 8/2, IDF Central Commander Maj. Gen Uzi Dayan signs order setting procedures for authorization of settlement construction, expansion in the West Bank, Gaza. The order requires local planning comms. to obtain permission of DM Yitzhak Mordechai at every stage of most construction projects. Settlers term procedures needlessly cumbersome. (HA 9/11 in IL 9/11)

Israel's Prime Minster's Office announces new "Israel 2000" program intended to make development towns and regions economically self-sufficient. Program will be implemented in 19 communities. Residents will be given housing subsidies, loans, stipends; municipal boundaries of these locations will be expanded. (HA 9/11 in IL 9/11)

In Hebron, Jewish settlers break into 4 Palestinians stores, confiscate their goods, occupy them. The IDF sealed the stores in the city center after the al-Ibrahimi mosque massacre in 2/94. (PR 9/20)

South Africa says it will not renew existing defense, economic contracts with Israel; though relations remain good, South Africa is adjusting to a peacetime domestic economy. (IDF Radio 9/10 in WNC 9/12)

Jordanian officials release al-Ahali editor Usama al-Rantisi after he is charged with "publishing material deemed as instigating public disorder" during the 8/16-17 riots. The 4 al-Bilad journalists detained 8/20, 1 fr. al-Majd, another fr. al-Aswaq are still in custody awaiting trial. ASB Secy. Gen. Tayseer Homsi is arrested for alleged involvement in the riots. (MM 9/11; JT 9/11 in WNC 9/12)

Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood (JMB) denounces self-described "West Bank JMB official" Sa'id Bilal for requesting that the PA license, and thereby legalize, JMB activities in the self-rule areas; says Bilal is not a JMB mbr. Hamas concurs, claims attempts to form a JMB branch in the territories is an attempt by the PA to divide the Islamist opposition. (al-Ra'i 9/10 in WNC 9/12; VIRI 9/16 in WNC 9/18)

U.S. publicly redefines its strategic interest in Iraq for the 1st time in 5 yrs., saying it is interested solely in containing Saddam Hussein's military operations nr. the Kuwaiti, Saudi oil fields, rather than curbing his influence in n. Iraq and assuring humanitarian aid to the Kurds. (NYT, WP 9/11) (see 9/9)

Iraqi delegation arrives in Ankara for 2 days of talks with PM Erbakan, FM Ciller regarding bilateral relations, establishment of "security zone" in n. Iraq. Iraq proposes instead that Turkey conclude a border security arrangement with the KDP to prevent PKK mbrs. fr. crossing into Turkey. (MM 9/10; INA [Baghdad], TDN 9/11 in WNC 9/13; Milliyet [Istanbul] 9/12 in WNC 9/17 MEI 9/20) (see 9/6)

Israel's Gold, PA's Abbas meet in Tel Aviv; no details are disclosed. (MM 8/30, 9/2)

Rigid Israeli police cordon, continued closure of West Bank, Gaza keep turnout low at al-Aqsa Mosque. On 8/28, Arafat called on Palestinians to rally at the mosque today in protest of Israel's delay of implementation, negotiation process. (MM 8/30; NYT 8/31; RE 8/31 in WNC 9/5; MEI, PR 9/6)

Israeli cabinet appoints the negotiations oversight comm. formulated by PM Netanyahu, FM Levy 8/18. Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon protests his exclusion fr. the comm. (NYT 8/31; ITV 8/31 in WNC 9/4; MM, NYT 9/2; JP 9/7)

U.S. detects Iraqi troop movements toward the Kurdish zone in n. Iraq, sends warning to Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein, orders troops to prepare for possible deployment to the Gulf. (NYT, WP 8/31) (see 8/29)

PA says it has released approximately 100 Hamas mbrs. in the past wk. (IDF Radio 9/3 in WNC 9/9)

IDF closes Bethlehem to Israeli traffic because 10s of Palestinians are demonstrating for the release of Hamas mbrs., jailed without trial since 3/96. (QY 8/10 in FBIS 8/12) (see 8/7)

In Ramallah, Palestinian Khalid Habal dies while in PA custody. PA says he committed suicide. (PR 8/23) (see 8/9)

Israeli FM Levy refuses to attend mtgs. with PM Netanyahu in protest over the PM's exclusion of FMin. officials fr. the Israeli delegation to Jordan 8/5; tendency to ignore the FMin.; failure to brief the FMin. on mtgs. (particularly those made by Gold) with foreign leaders (incl. an alleged secret overture to Morocco made recently by Gold). (MM 8/7; JP 8/7 in FBIS 8/7; ITV 8/7 in FBIS 8/8; MM, WT 8/8; NYT 8/9; WP 8/10)

Israeli DM Mordechai complains about how PM Netanyahu is conducting contacts with the PA, deliberations on Hebron; says Netanyahu is using private advisers, such as Gold, Cabinet Secy. Dani Nave, too much and the DMin. too little. (ITV 8/7 in FBIS 8/8)

Arafat orders release of 120 of Hamas mbrs. to allay tensions following protests in Nablus (8/1), Tulkarm (8/2). (QY 8/7 in FBIS 8/8; NYT 8/25) (see 8/3)

PC holds special session. PC Land and Settlement Comm. decides to form district comms. to direct antisettlement actions, confront land confiscations. (QY 8/5 in FBIS 8/6; NYT 8/7; MM 8/8; PR 8/16)

Shas, NRP agree to share religious affairs portfolio, alternate yrs. serving as religious affairs M. (QY 8/6 in FBIS 8/6) (see 7/1)

DFLP, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP issue joint statement calling on Palestinians to unite, work toward a democratic society, find alternatives to resolving differences by violence. (al-Bilad 8/7 in FBIS 8/9)

Nr. Hebron, Israel bulldozes Palestinian home to make way for bypass road; displaces 14-mbr. family. (PR 8/23)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah shells IDF post, killing 1, wounding 2. (IDF Radio 8/6 in FBIS 8/7; MM, WP, WT 8/7)

Jordan's King Hussein arrive in Damascus for 1st time in 2 yrs.; holds "very successful" reconciliation mtg. with Pres. Asad. (JTV, RJ, SARR 8/3, al-Dustur 8/4, JT 8/5 in FBIS 8/5; WP, WT 8/4; WP 8/6; WJW 8/8)

In wake of riot 8/2, Fatah holds pro-Arafat rally in Tulkarm, PA releases 23 Hamas mbrs. to stem anger. (QY 8/3 in FBIS 8/5; MM 8/5) (see 7/7)

In Jericho, PA military court sentences 3 PA police officers to prison terms for torturing Jumayil to death. 2 men are given 15-yr. terms, 1 is given 10 yrs. (VOP 8/3, AFP 8/4 in FBIS 8/5; NYT 8/4; CSM, Houston Chronicle, NYT 8/5; PR 8/9; MEI 8/16; WP 8/20) (see 8/1)

EA, PLO Exec. Comm. hold weekly session in Jericho. (VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; VOP 8/3 in FBIS 8/5)

Israeli cabinet unanimously decides to lift building restrictions in Jewish settlements but is vague about how much building it will permit. PA protests. Abolishing the ban on new construction also does away with the special ministerial comm. (formed 1/22/95) that had reviewed building requests, leaving approval of new construction to the DM alone. (MM 8/2; QY 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; ITV 8/2 in FBIS 8/5; VOP 8/2, 8/3 in FBIS 8/6; NYT, WT 8/3; CSM 8/5; WJW 8/8; PR 8/9; JP 8/10)

Netanyahu adviser Gold makes emergency trip to Washington to brief Secy. of State Christopher, special envoy Ross on the new settlement policy. (WT 8/3; ITV 8/3 in FBIS 8/5; WJW 8/8)

Nr. Tulkarm, PSF opens fire on 100s of Palestinian protesters who try to storm a West Bank jail, killing 1, wounding 30. Several inmates escape in the melee but surrender hrs. later. PA police arrest 200, put curfew on Tulkarm, say Hamas mbrs. hiding in the crowd are responsible for the shooting (though jail officials deny this). IDF seals the town, allowing no one in or out. (MM 8/2; AFP, QY, VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/5; WT 8/3; CSM, NYT 8/5; VOA 8/5 in FBIS 8/5; MM 8/15) (see 7/11)

Fmr. Israeli negotiator and Peres aide Yossi Beilin confirms Hirschfeld's 7/14 report. PA confirms Beilin's statement. (MM 7/31; QY 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; CSM, NYT, WT 8/1; QY 7/31, JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; CSM 8/2; WT 8/7; PR 8/9; JP 8/10)

Arafat says PA has reached agmt. with Israel for release of Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, is awaiting implementation. (QY 7/31 in FBIS 8/1)

Palestinian prisoner Mahmud Jumayil dies, becoming the 7th to die in PA custody. In Bethlehem at its weekly session, PC sets up comm. to investigate the death; Arafat says 3 officers already have been detained. (VOP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; VOP 8/1 in FBIS 8/2; MM, NYT, WT 8/2; Houston Chronicle 8/5; PR 8/9; MEI 8/16; WP 8/20) (see 7/30)

CIA tells Congress's Select Comm. on Intelligence that 6 countries (China, Cuba, France, Iran, Israel, Russia) are involved in industrial espionage against the U.S. Israel denies the charge. (ITV 7/31 in FBIS 8/1; WP 8/16)

Hizballah attacks IDF, SLA position in s. Lebanon. IDF, SLA return fire, killing 1 Hizballah mbr. (JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; VOL 8/1 in FBIS 8/2)

PC weekly session opens 1 day early. (RMC 7/30, VOP 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; PR 8/2; SA 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; PR 8/9; JP 8/10)

Palestinian prisoner in PA custody, Mahmud Jumayil, is left brain dead, with skull fractures and burn marks, after alleged torture by PA coastal police at Jneid prison nr. Nablus. Another Palestinian jailed with Jumayil is missing. (NYT, WT 7/31; JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; CSM, MM, PR 8/2; Houston Chronicle 8/5; PR 8/9; MEI 8/16; WP 8/20)

Acting on information provided by the PSF on Arafat's orders, IDF finds nr. Tel Aviv the remains of a soldier kidnapped, killed 7 yrs. ago by Hamas. (ITV, QY 7/30 in FBIS 7/31; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/31; QY 7/31 in FBIS 8/1)

In s. Israel, bedouin fr. the Tarabin al-Sana tribe, protesting the confiscation of their land for the expansion of the Jewish town of Omer, attack Israeli police with stones, slingshots, wounding 39 officers. 37 bedouin are arrested. (WT 7/31; PR 8/2)

PC mbr. Zaki is rearrested. (VOP 7/30 in FBIS 7/31; VOP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1) (see 6/25)

In Frankfurt, 2 Palestinian refugees fr. s. Lebanon turn themselves in to German authorities, say they were involved in the Iberia hijacking 7/26, ask for political asylum. (NYT 7/31)

In Latakiyya, PA's Arafat makes his 1st official visit to Syria since 1993, meets with Pres. Asad. (MM 7/25; VOA, VOP 7/25 in FBIS 7/25; al-Hayat, SARR, SATN 7/25, SARR 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; CSM, MM 7/26; al-Hayat, PBC, VOP 7/26, VOP 7/27 in FBIS 7/29; MEI 8/2)

Israeli police escort 100s of Temple Mount Faithful in pair to al-Aqsa courtyard for prayers; arrest 12 mbrs. of Hay Veqayam who try to enter the site. (QY 7/25, JP 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; MEI 8/2) (see 7/24)

In testimony before the House International Relations Comm., Philip Wilcox, State Dept. coordinator for counterterrorism, says the U.S. believes Syria provides save haven and logistical support to Arab and non-Arab "terrorist" groups (incl., Hamas, Hizballah, Islamic Jihad) but has no evidence of direct Syrian involvement in "terrorist" acts since 1986. Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-NY) called this session of the comm. despite the objections of the State Dept. that it would alienate Pres. Asad, further hinder resumption of Syrian-Israeli talks. (WT 7/26; WJW 8/1)

Israeli cabinet approves creation of Sharon's new Infrastructure Min., with duties as previously outlined (see 6/18, 7/4), incl. supervision of water negotiations with the PA, implementation of water agmts. with Jordan. (QY 7/7, MA, QY 7/8 in FBIS 7/8; MM, NYT 7/8; ITV, QY 7/8 in FBIS 7/9; JP 7/13)

PA releases 20 Palestinians arrested following the 2+n3/96 suicide bombings. Some 700 of the 900 Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested at that time are still in PA custody. (CSM 7/8) (see 7/3)

At the hearing to appeal his life sentence, Rabin assassin Yigal Amir says he is happy the PM is dead, killing him persuaded Israelis to vote for Netanyahu. (NYT, WT 7/8)

PM Netanyahu finalizes creation of infrastructure portfolio for Sharon. Among Sharon's new responsibilities are development in the s. Negev, n. Galilee; construction of homes outside cities; bypass roads; water; sewage; railroads. (MM, WP 7/4; QY 7/4 in FBIS 7/5; CSM, WP, WT 7/5) (see 7/3)

PSF arrests 4 Islamic Jihad mbrs. for Tahayna murder, blames Islamic Jihad infighting for his death. (QY 7/5 in FBIS 7/5) (see 7/3)

Shin Bet announces that, after 2 mos. of questioning, Hamas's Salameh recently "broke down" and admitted being trained in Iran (see 5/17); sees this as "further proof" Iran is behind terrorist activity; says it has been "unsuccessful" in extracting a similar confession fr. Husayn Maqdad, wounded 3-mos. ago in an East Jerusalem explosion (see 5/16). (YA 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)

PC opens 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 7/5 in FBIS 7/5; PWR 7/7; PR 7/12)

Israeli sources say formation of a cease-fire monitoring comm. for s. Lebanon is being held up by a disagreement btwn. Israel, U.S. over the assurances the U.S. promised Israel in a side letter accompanying the cease-fire agmt. (see 4/26). Based on the letter, which has never been made public, Israel demands comm. decisions be made by consensus, not by majority; freedom of movement in s. Lebanon; each country would be able to send inspectors to its own territory only. U.S. disagrees. (HA 7/3 in FBIS 7/3) (see 6/19)

Israeli FM Levy threatens to resign his post if PM Netanyahu does not finalize cabinet position for Sharon within 5 days. (MM 7/3; QY 7/3 in FBIS 7/3; NYT, WT 7/4) (see 6/19)

PA police find Islamic Jihad figure Salih Tahayna stabbed to death nr. al-Bireh. Tahayna was sentence by Israel to 30 yrs. in jail for firing at IDF soldiers, but escaped earlier this yr. during a prisoner transfer. Islamic Jihad blames Mossad, vows revenge. (AFP, QPAR, SARR 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)

PA begins releasing some of the 1,000 Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested after the series of suicide bombings 2+n3/96. (PR 7/12) (see 6/16)

PC ends 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; PR 6/28)

Israel further eases closure, permitting Palestinian trucks to enter Israel for the 1st time in 3 mos., Palestinian prisoners to receive visitors. (CSM 6/21) (see 6/5)

PSF, Israeli officials meet in Gaza. PSF head Muhammad Dahlan says he can prevent Hamas attacks during 1st 100 days of new Israeli government but is rapidly losing support on the street for the PA's continued crackdown on Hamas; after 100 days he can make no guarantees. (QY 6/21 in FBIS 6/21)

After talks with the PA, the Qassam Brigades offers Israel a freeze on military action "for a specific period, which is renewable," in exchange for a halt to Israel's crackdown on Hamas. (QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/20; AFP, JMCC 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/21)

State Dept. hands Israeli defense officials an intelligence report, containing classified CIA information, alleging Israel has transferred U.S. military avionics--incl. advanced radar-detection system, electronic warfare equipment--to China. Israel denies transaction. (WT 6/19; QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; WJW 8/22) (see 1/8/95)

PM Peres returns VIP cards to 3 senior PA officials (Sufyan Abu Zayida, `Abd al-Rahman Hamad, Intisar al-Wazir), which were revoked because the officials tried to bring Palestinian students into Israel with their entourages. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/19)

Israeli PM-elect Netanyahu releases vaguely worded government policy guidelines. PC Speaker Ahmad Qurai` and Justice M Frayh Abu-Madayn, condemn guidelines as declaration of war. Syria calls guidelines a "coup against the peace process." (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; NYT, WP, WT 6/17; IGPO 6/17, ITV, VOP 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; MM, WP, WT 6/18; SARR 6/18, 6/19 in FBIS 6/19; WJW, WT 6/20; CSM, PR 6/21)

In last stages of building a government, Israeli PM-elect Netanyahu signs several coalition agmts. with National Religious Party (NRP), Shas, Third Way, assuring support of 55 of the 120 MKs. All 3 parties support negotiations with the Palestinians, oppose compromise on the Golan. In contradiction to Israeli High Court rulings, these agmts. bar Reform, Conservative Jews fr. serving on religious councils controlling Israel's religious life. Discussion with United Torah Judaism (UTJ), Yisrael BaAliya continue. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; NYT, WT 6/17; NYT 6/18; JP 6/29)

Arafat personally releases top Hamas mbr. Jamal Mansour fr. custody, promises to release more Hamas prisoners in conciliation gesture. Mansour spent 80 days in solitary confinement in the PA's Nablus police station, following the 2-3/96 suicide bombings. (YA 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; WT 6/17)

In West Bank, unidentified gunmen fire on Israeli car, killing 1 man, wounding his wife. IDF places the nearby Palestinian village of Biddiyya under curfew, closes stores until further notice. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/19; CSM, NYT, WP 6/17)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacks SLA convoy, killing 1 soldier. (QY, RL 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; CSM 6/17)

European Union (EU) FMs meet in Luxembourg to draft a policy statement, regarding the peace process, Middle East (HA 6/10 in FBIS 6/10)

Hamas spokesman Zahhar says that halt on attacks has expired now that elections are over. (HA 6/11 in FBIS 6/12) (see 5/18)

In Gaza, PA police rearrest human rights activist Sarraj; order him detained for interrogation for 48 hrs.; raid his office at the Gaza Community Mental Health Program; confiscate papers, tapes; arrest his secretary. Sarraj's lawyers say they have been denied permission to see him, do not know where he is being held. (NYT 6/11; WT 6/12; PR 6/14; MEI 6/21) (see 5/27)

Israel says it has begun construction of 100s of housing units for a new settlement on Hazayit Hill, nr. Efrat settlement; expansion, renovation of Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem. (QY 6/10 in FBIS 6/10) (see 7/17/95, 7/31/95)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol, killing 5 soldiers, wounding 8. IDF responds by shelling Nabatiyya, killing 1 Lebanese solider, wounding 1 civilian. (MM 6/10; QY 6/10, 6/11 in FBIS 6/11; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/11; WJW 6/13)

In his 1st public reaction to Netanyahu's win, Arafat demands the new Israeli government stick to the agmts. signed by fmr. PM Yitzhak Rabin, caretaker PM Peres, particularly by withdrawing fr. Hebron. (MM 6/3)

After 3-hr. mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, Syrian Pres. Asad says resuming peace talks with Israel is impossible until the policies of the Netanyahu government become clear. Mubarak echoes his wait-and-see position. (MM 6/3; MENA, RE 6/3 in FBIS 6/4; NYT, WP, WT 6/4; SARR 6/4 in FBIS 6/5)

Amb. to Israel Martin Indyk says U.S. will make sure Netanyahu redeploys troops in Hebron. (CSM, WT 6/4)

U.S. special envoy Ross phones PM-elect Netanyahu, offers to fly to Israel to brief him on the negotiations. Netanyahu say mtg. would be premature. (NYT 6/7)

Likud's Sharon threatens to resign his Knesset seat if Netanyahu does not offer him a senior cabinet position. (IDF Radio 6/3 in FBIS 6/4; YA 6/5 in FBIS 6/5)

In Hebron, Palestinians clash with IDF after troops detain a number of PA policemen, search their vehicle. (MM, WP, WT 6/4)

In the West Bank, 4 Israeli phone company workers are slightly injured when a bomb explodes in an olive grove as they enter it to repair a phone line. (CSM, WP 6/4)

NISP says it is holding talks with Hamas to bring the two groups' positions closer together, calls on all factions to end armed operations. (al-Hayat al-Jadida 6/3 in FBIS 6/5)

In Lebanon, British FM Jeremy Hanley, Lebanese PM Hariri, FM Buwayz discuss European economic assistance to Lebanon for reconstruction, following Israel's 4/96 offensive. (VOL 6/3 in FBIS 6/4)

Political infighting prompts Turkish opposition to call for a no-confidence vote on PM Yilmaz that will likely topple his 3-mo.-old government. (WT 6/4; CSM 6/5)

With all regular ballots in the Israeli elections counted, Netanyahu is ahead by 21,399 votes (0.7 percent); Likud, Labor are losing Knesset seats; religious parties are gaining seats. 150,000 absentee and military ballots, which in the past have gone overwhelmingly to Likud, have yet to be counted. The Israeli stock market drops 5 percent, value of the shekel falls. (MM, WP 5/30; IDF Radio, QY 5/30 in FBIS 5/30; MENA, QY, SARR 5/30, JP, QY 5/31 in FBIS 5/31; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/31; MEI, PR 6/7)

Netanyahu says that if he wins he will work to strengthen peace btwn. Israel, "Arab states with whom Israel already has peaceful relations." (QY 5/30 in FBIS 5/31; NYT 5/31)

Aides describe Pres. Clinton as "crestfallen" over Netanyahu's probable win, believing it to be a setback to his image as a peacemaker. Yet, Clinton says that, whatever the results, the U.S. will continue its support for Israel. (MM 5/30; NYT, WP, WT 5/31) (see 5/28)

PA says it will deal with any election outcome; if Likud wins, it must still continue the peace process. (JMCC, ITV 5/30 in FBIS 5/31)

Hamas says Netanyahu win would be a declaration of war against Palestinians, Arabs. (QY, RMC 5/30 in FBIS 5/31; AFP 6/2 in FBIS 6/3)

In Tel Aviv, Labor's M Ehud Barak, Finance M Avraham Shohat, Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer meet to discuss party's future. Some see mtg. as an attempt to oust PM Peres from the party; others see it as an attempt to outflank Interior M Hayim Ramon's bid for party leadership, assuming Peres will resign. Peres is furious with Barak for holding the mtg. (IDF Radio, QY 5/30 in FBIS 5/30; IDF Radio, ITV 5/31, IDF Radio 6/1 in FBIS 6/3; NYT 6/4; IDF Radio 6/5 in FBIS 6/7)

Likud opens unofficial contacts with ultraorthodox parties regarding formation of a coalition government. PM Peres says he would not consider joining a Likud-led coalition; other Labor mbrs. say they would. (QY 5/30 in FBIS 5/31; WP 5/31)

Tsomet leader Rafael Eitan says Oslo agmts. must be reopened, because the winning camp's views differ from those of the previous government. PA denounces his statement. (IDF Radio 5/30 in FBIS 5/30) (see 3/12)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates 2 roadside bombs, killing 4 IDF soldiers, wounding 7 IDF soldiers, 2 journalists, 1 SLA mbr. (VOL 5/30 in FBIS 5/30; ITV, VOL 5/30 in FBIS 5/31; MM, NYT, WT 5/31; JP 6/8)

In Gaza, Arafat discusses Hamas-PA relations with Hamas delegation headed by Zahhar, `Abd al-Fatah Dukhan, Shaykh Sayyid Abu Musamih. (al-Quds 5/26 in FBIS 5/29)

In Jerusalem's Old City, 100s of Jewish worshipers attack Palestinians, damage Palestinian property. Israeli police say riot was unprovoked, they do not know what motivated it. (PR 5/31; JP 6/1)

In Gaza, PC opens weekly 2-day session. Palestinian journalists strike for 2 hrs., refusing to cover PC mtg., to protest PA intimidation, mistreatment, bureaucratic stonewalling of their attempts to gather news. (VOP 5/23 in FBIS 2/24; VOP 5/23 in FBIS 5/28; PR 5/31; JP 6/1)

Israeli FM Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says Israel is ready to resume negotiations with Lebanon, Syria; says if Lebanon comes to the table, Israel could withdraw fr. the s. in 2+n3 mos. (QY 5/22 in FBIS 5/22)

PM Peres approves construction of 450 houses in Tsamarot settlement in the West Bank; approves money for plan without convening the special ministerial comm. on settlements, as required; gives oral promise to Oranit settlers' council mbrs. that Oranit will be annexed to the Jerusalem municipality. (MA 5/28 in FBIS 5/29)

In Amman, Jordan, PLO discuss activating the special follow-up comm. on Jerusalem, which was formed during the extraordinary Arab parliamentary session held in Amman 12/95. (JTV 5/22 in FBIS 5/23)

PLO Exec. Comm. holds 1st mtg. in Gaza, appoints Mahmud Abbas to replace Jamil Surani as secy., meaning Abbas would succeed Arafat as PLO head were Arafat to be incapacitated. (VOP 5/22 in FBIS 5/22)

Hamas officials Sayyid Abu Musamih, Muhammad Shamaa meet with jailed spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin in an Israeli prison hospital, obtain his support for their moderate political stand, ask him to call for a halt to Hamas military operations. (MM 5/23; PR 5/31; JP 6/1)

Calling it the hardest decision of his life, Israeli Arab political leader Ahmad Tibi withdraws his candidacy for a Knesset seat, endorses Peres for PM--despite the closure on the self-rule areas, the 4/96 assault on Lebanon--in hopes of uniting Israeli Arab voters behind propeace candidates, against Netanyahu. United Arab List head `Abd al-Wahhab Darawshah also endorses Peres. (MM, NYT 5/21; QY 5/21 in FBIS 5/21; VOP 5/28 in FBIS 5/29)

In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. continue talks on cease-fire monitoring comm. Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz says parties have agreed the comm. will be security/military, not political. Issue of chairmanship, structure, decision making, cooling-off period following incidents still not resolved. (RL 5/21, 5/22 in FBIS 5/22; MM 5/22) (see 5/20)

U.S. Secy. of State Warren Christopher charges Iran with planing attacks in Israel before the Israeli election 5/29. (MM 5/22)

Based on information obtained fr. Hamas's Salameh, Israel arrests 19 suspected Hamas mbrs. in the West Bank. (CSM 5/22; PR 5/31) (see 5/17)

Lebanese army reports that Israel's 4/96 offensive targeted 147 Lebanese towns, villages; 11,000 civilians suffered material loss; direct damage to personal property (i.e., not incl. damage to infrastructure, public utilities) totalled $24 m. (MM 5/21)

Israel says its unofficial trade with Iraq is expected to increase significantly (to as high as $100 m./yr.) thanks to the 5/20 UN-Iraq deal. Israel currently sells $2 m. of food, medicine to Iraq. (JP 5/22 in FBIS 5/22; JP 6/1)

PA military court orders Sarraj, arrested 5/18, to be held for 15 days. (NYT 5/22; PR 5/24; NYT 5/28; JP 6/1)

In Jerusalem, PA, Israel begin 4 days of talks on Rafah airport. (VOP 5/19 in FBIS 5/21; PR 5/24; NYT 8/15)

Syrian, Lebanese FMs brief Syrian Pres. Asad in Latakiyya, Lebanese Pres. Ilyas Hrawi in Beirut on cease-fire monitoring group draft. Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri discusses the draft with French Pres. Jacques Chirac in Paris. (RL, SARR, VOL 5/19 in FBIS 5/20) (see 5/16)

In Beirut, Iranian FM Dir. Gen. for Middle East and North Africa Sayyid Muhammad Kazim Khonsari meets with Lebanese Speaker Nabih Birri to discuss ways Iran could assist with Lebanon's reconstruction. (IRNA [Tehran] 5/20 in FBIS 5/21)

Hamas issues leaflet, threatening to continue attacks against Israelis. (ITV 5/19 in FBIS 5/20) (see 5/18)

Hizballah attacks IDF targets inside the Israeli self-declared security zone, killing 2 soldiers, wounding 1. In response, Israel shells civilian areas in s. Lebanon for the 1st time since the 4/26 cease-fire agmt. took effect, injuring 1 woman. Syria accuses Israel of violating the agmt. Israel says Hizballah is to blame for operating fr. a "built-up area," withdrawing to a village. (IDF Radio, MBC, QY, RL 5/19 in FBIS 5/20; SARR 5/19 in FBIS 5/22; MM, NYT, WP 5/20)