Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian exprisoner Khalid Tantash is deported across Wadi 'Araba to Jordan in almost total media blackout; Tantash was awaiting High...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities bar delegation of 13 prominent West Bank and Gaza Palestinians from crossing into Jordan to discuss PLO's stance on...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following Israeli promises to meet their demands, Palestinian political prisoners suspend hunger strike [FJ 12/20]. Israeli contractor...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mahmud 'Abdallah Ida'is, from Bani Na'im, and Yunis Salem Rajub, from Dura, both released in 5/20 prisoner exchange, are deported from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Paestinian political prisoner Jibril Rajub, from West Bank, enters third week of hunger strike to protest his detention without charge...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities serve deportation order against Mahmud 'Abd al-Hafiz Dis of Bani Na'im, near Hebron, saying he is a senior member of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets in Jerusalem with 9 leading Palestinians from the occupied territories in what is described as...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities appoint Palestinian Zafir al-Masri mayor of Nablus, the first new West Bank mayor since elections were held in 1976...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Meron Benvenisti publishes study update stating number of Israelis living in West Bank and East Jerusalem may be as high as 140,000,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lod military court sentences 2 West Bank Palestinians to life for murder of Jewish couple near Jerusalem [WP, TS 11/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset committee Israel has agreed to substitution by U.S. of condition that PLO recognize Israel's right to exist...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military destroys house in Jaba village of alleged member of guerrilla cell responsible for several attacks in Hebron area,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yuval Ne'eman, head of the Tehiya party, claims to have seen and copied secret documents outlining power-sharing between Jordan and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof'...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's High Court upholds the deportation orders against 11 West Bank Palestinians on the grounds they failed to prove residency. The...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials state they have uncovered underground political cell in Golan town of Majd al-Shams responsible for attacks ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military forces destroy homes of 2 suspected members of underground resistance cell allegedly uncovered in the West Bank village...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Citizens' Rights Movement holds press conference, claims it has evidence that dozens of signatures of West Bank landowners have been...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ziad Abu 'Ain is rearrested and held in solitary confinement in Hebron prison without charges under six-month administrative dtention...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside Jerusalem. Police say grenade found near body indicates cause of death; al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora states 'Abd al-Halim was murdered for researching story on West Bank land fraud [MG 12/21; JP 12/22; FJ 1/3]. Jerusalem Post reports Ziyad Abu 'Ayn was charged in military court with sedition and planning terrorist atacks. (Abu 'Ayn was extradited from U.S. in 1981, sentenced, released in 5/20 prisoner exchange) [JP 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports 13 more Palestinians are placed under administrative detention, bringing total to over 100 since September [FJ 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports Israeli troops closed al-Najah University 5 out of 8 days during the past week [FJ 12/20]. U.S. State Dept. announces Israel has dismantled unit which handled Jonathan Pollard, has returned all documents Pollard supplied, has taken action "to prevent any repetition of such activities"; intelligence sharing between U.S.and Israel will resume [NYT, WP 12/21].
Military Action
Other Countries: Three gunmen who took hostages during robbery trial in France surrender to police; police state they belong to Abu Nidal faction [NYT 12/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian exprisoner Khalid Tantash is deported across Wadi 'Araba to Jordan in almost total media blackout; Tantash was awaiting High Court review of his appeal. (25 Palestinians have been deported since September) [FJ 1/3]. Israeli authorities close al-Najah University, saying measure is to prevent symposium on armed struggle; university spokesman Sa'eb Erakat states action is to prevent student council elections [NYT 12/18; BG 12/19]. Jerusalem Post reports investigation begins into unsolved murders of some 20 Palestinians; police believe murders are connected to West Bank land sales [JP 12/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities bar delegation of 13 prominent West Bank and Gaza Palestinians from crossing into Jordan to discuss PLO's stance on UN resolutions 242, 338 with Yasir Arafat [LAT, WP 12/16; FJ 12/20]. Avi Tzur, former aide to former Agriculture Min. Michael Dekel, is charged with issuing false documents, accepting more than $50,000 in bribes. (Tzur is first Israeli official charged with fraud in land sales) [WP 12/17; OB 12/15]. Pro-Fateh student lists win elections at Birzeit and Hebron universities [FJ 12/20].
Other Countries: UN General Assembly votes 86-23, with 37 abstentions, to condemn Israel for committing "war crimes," to isolate it completely because it is "not a peaceloving state [PI 12/17; NER 12/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following Israeli promises to meet their demands, Palestinian political prisoners suspend hunger strike [FJ 12/20]. Israeli contractor Avraham Gindi is charged in Tel Aviv district court with fraud and theft in West Bank land scandal case, attempts to jump out 6-story window [NYT 12/14].
Other Countries: U.S. customs officials make highly publicized raids on 3 Napco Inc. factories, probing Israel's acquisition of electroplating technology for tank cannon barrels, say Israel had no permit to export the technology; Israel issues denials [WP, NYT 12/14; JP 12/22]. New York Times reports new director of UNRWA, Commissioner General Georgio Giacomelli, has stated agency is $20 million short of $191 million budget, the minimum needed to maintain services at 1985 levels [NYT 12/13]. A Briton and 2 Palestinians are convicted of murdering 3 Israelis aboard a yacht in Lamaca, Cyprus in September; they are sentenced to life imprisonment [NYT, WP 12/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mahmud 'Abdallah Ida'is, from Bani Na'im, and Yunis Salem Rajub, from Dura, both released in 5/20 prisoner exchange, are deported from West Bank to Jordan, after refusing to appeal to High Court on grounds they would not get a fair trial. (Total deported is now 24) [FJ 12/13, 1/3]. Eight Israeli soldiers die in fire of unknown origin that destroyed their barracks in West Bank military base. Three Palestinian organizations claim credit; claims are dismissed by Israeli army area commander [NYT, WP 12/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Paestinian political prisoner Jibril Rajub, from West Bank, enters third week of hunger strike to protest his detention without charge or trial [FJ 12/6]. Pres. Chaim Herzog pardons 2 members of Jewish underground convicted of conspiring to blow up Dome of the Rock [NYT, WP, JP 12/9].
Arab World: National Catholic Reporter reports SLA and Israeli army hold hundreds of prisoners-mostly Shi'a, but including some Palestinians-in S. Lebanon detention center at Khiam; detainees are tortured, held without charge, denied access to lawyers [NCR 12/6].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz describes Syria as being of "key importance," indicates U.S. is trying to persuade Damascus to join M.E. peace process [JP 12/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities serve deportation order against Mahmud 'Abd al-Hafiz Dis of Bani Na'im, near Hebron, saying he is a senior member of Fateh in the Hebron area. Dis' lawyer, Lea Tsemel, begins appeal [JP 12/6]. Two West Bank Palestinians are found shot to death in orchard of Moshav Sdot Micha [JP 12/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets in Jerusalem with 9 leading Palestinians from the occupied territories in what is described as "routine" discussion of peace prospects. The 9 include Zafir al-Masri, Rashad al-Shawa, lliyas Furayj, and Hanna Siniora [JP, JTA 12/5; FJ 12/6]. Israeli authorities issue deportation order against Yunis Jabir Rajub from Dura village, near Hebron, stating he has been working for Abu Musa faction of Fateh since his release in 5/20 prisoner exchange [JP 12/5]. Avi Tzur and Claude Malka, former aides to former Agriculture Min. Michael Dekel, are arrested in connection with investigation into fraudulent West Bank land sales [JP 12/5]. Pres. Chaim Herzog addresses Israeli Communist party convention in Haifa, the first Israeli president to do so [LT 12/5].
Arab World: Boston Globe reports PLO leadership decided in last week's meeting that fighting units must now seek approval from PLO military council before conducting any operations; attacks will only be carried out in Israel and occupied territories [BG 12/4].
Other Countries: World Jewish Congress launches global campaign to persuade Vatican to give formal diplomatic recognition to Israel [JTA 12/5; WP 12/7]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities appoint Palestinian Zafir al-Masri mayor of Nablus, the first new West Bank mayor since elections were held in 1976. (Nablus has been run by Israeli mayor since dismissal of elected council in 1982.) Al-Masri is chairman of Nablus Chamber of Commerce [CSM, NYT 11/27; FJ 11/29]. Two leading Israeli newspapers name Rafael Eitan, former adviser on terrorism to P.M. Menachem Begin, as the man who purportedly handled Jonathan Pollard's spying for Israel [NYT, LAT 11/27].
Other Countries: The Guardian reports Pres. Reagan signs into law a compromise Senate resolution postponing $1.9 billion in arms sales to Jordan until 3/1/86 unless King Hussein starts directalks with Israel [MG 11/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide bomber Hamziyyah Mustafa drives car with explosives into SLA checkpost, killing herself. Pro-Syrian Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims responsibility [LAT 11/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Meron Benvenisti publishes study update stating number of Israelis living in West Bank and East Jerusalem may be as high as 140,000, compared to 930,000 Palestinians in the same area [NYT 11/25; CSM, JTA 11/26].
Arab World: Central Committee of the Palestine National Council convenes in Baghdad [JP 11/25]. Jordanian Parliament selects 4 new deputies to fill vacancies left by deaths of members from West Bank, where elections have not been held since 1967 [JP 11/25].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz states Soviet Union cannot be considered part of M.E. peace process until it restores diplomatic ties with Israel, improves policy on emigration of Soviet Jews [JTA 11/25]. California state legislator Tom Hayden promises P.M. Peres to help raise money in U. S. to train South African blacks in Histadrut programs in Israel; U.S. Democratic party will cooperate with Israeli Labor party in program [JP 11/25].
Military Action
Arab World: After hijackers throw 5 bodies out of hijacked plane in Malta, 80 Egyptian army commandos storm plane. Hijackers detonate grenades; about 60 people, including all but one hijacker, die in resulting blaze [NYT, WP 11/25; JTA, NYT, WP 11/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lod military court sentences 2 West Bank Palestinians to life for murder of Jewish couple near Jerusalem [WP, TS 11/22].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat and top aides, meeting in Baghdad, reiterate rejection of UN resolutions 242 and 338 [TS 11/22; MG 11/23].
Other Countries: Jonathan Jay Pollard, counterintelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, is arrested by FBI on charges of spying and selling classified code information to Israel [NYT, WP 11/22].
Military Action
Arab World: Transmitters of the Christian Missionary Middle East Television station in S. Lebanon are blown up for second time in several months [JTA 11/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset committee Israel has agreed to substitution by U.S. of condition that PLO recognize Israel's right to exist with the condition that PLO agree to direct negotiations with Israel (1 of 3 U.S. conditions for PLO participation in talks; others are renunciation of terrorism and acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338) [JP 11/19]. P.M. Peres states Israel would agree to Soviet participation in intl. M.E. peace conference if Moscow would allow free emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [CT 11/19]. Former head of Israeli civil administration on the West Bank Menachem Milsen urges U.S. Jewish groups to establish aid programs for West Bank Palestinians to encourage moderate leaders there [JTA 11/19]. Israeli High Court rejects petition by MK Meir Kahane that he be allowed to table two bills which would limit rights of non-Jews and ban sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews [JP 11/19].
Other Countries: Four Palestinians accused of hijacking Achille Lauro are convicted, along with 5th man arrested in Genoa before the ship sailed, on preliminary charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives [WP, LAT 11/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military destroys house in Jaba village of alleged member of guerrilla cell responsible for several attacks in Hebron area, according to military sources [JP 11/18]. Military seals homes of 3 Palestinians in Sa'ir village who allegedly fired at civilian and military vehicles in the West Bank, according to military sources [JP 11/19]. 9 Palestinians are arrested in Aylut village, near Nazareth, in confrontation with Israeli authorities over attempt to confiscate their land [FJ 11/22]. Israeli Cabinet sends message to Reagan-Gorbachev summit meeting asking them to agree on allowing Soviet Jews to emigrate [LT, CT 11/18].
Arab World: King Hussein and Pres. Mubarak arrive in Oman for talks [FT 11/18]. Syrian Vice Pres. Abd al-Halim Khaddam states the Jordanian-PLO peace plan of last February is "dead" [JP 11/17]. Toronto Star reports Yasir Arafat has appealed to Syria to join the Jordanian-Palestinian M.E. peace initiative, welcomed Syria's rapprochement with Jordan [TS 11/17; WP 11/18]. Shi'ite Muslim group the "Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth" states it will hold 4 Lebanese Jews hostage until more than 300 Arab prisoners held at Khiam prison camp in S. Lebanon are released [PI 11/18]. Israeli military states SLA maintains Khiam camp, not Israel [JP 11/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yuval Ne'eman, head of the Tehiya party, claims to have seen and copied secret documents outlining power-sharing between Jordan and Israel over control of the West Bank; Ne'eman claims the working paper gives control of West Bank cities and the Old City of Jerusalem to Jordan. Peres denies existence of such a document [CT, LAT, JP 11/1]. Energy Min. Moshe Shahal of Labor party states Jordan has offered to supply electricity to the W. Bank, Israel is considering the proposal. Most of the area now is hooked up to the Israeli electric grid [CT, LAT 11/1]. High Court rules MK Meir Kahane may introduce bills containing racist language in the Knesset despite Knesset Presidium attempts to bar him. Kahane introduces 2 bills: one states only Jews may become citizens of Israel; other bans marriages between Jews and non-Jews [JTA 11/1; JWP 11/8].
Arab World: Der Spiegel reports PLO's financial assets top $6 billion, states PLO controls 70% of Jordan's economy [JP 10/31].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli warplanes stage mock raids over suspected Palestinian and Druze bases in Shuf Mountains east of Beirut, drawing heavy anti-aircraft fire but doing no damage [CT 11/1]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].
Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].
Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control the West Bank in the event of a peace settlement. Peres denies the existence of such an agreement [CT, LAT 11/1]. London Times reports Israeli disciplinary court has cleared 2 Shin Bet agents in the beating death of 2 Palestinians who hijacked a bus in the Gaza Strip last April; govt. inquiry said it could not establish who struck the fatal blows which killed the 2 during interrogation following their arrest [LT 10/29].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds press conference in midst of meetings with Jordanian officials, states Jordan and the PLO agree to set up permanent joint committee to coordinatefforts in M.E. peace efforts [LT 10/30]. Arafat rejects U.S. conditions for his participation in M.E. peace negotiations, defends armed resistance against Israel as legitimate activity against occupying power [NYT, BG 10/30]. Two top Fateh officials arrive in Cairo for talks aimed at healing rifts over Achille Lauro hijacking, prepare for upcoming visit by Yasir Arafat [FT 10/31].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces Wat Cluverius, U.S. consul general in Jerusalem since 1983, has been named senior advisor to Asst. Sec. of State for M.E. Affairs Richard Murphy. Cluverius is replaced by Morris Draper, former deputy to former M.E. envoy Philip Habib [WP, LAT 10/30]. U.S. Sen. Appropriations Subcommittee approves fiscal foreign aid program which includes $531 million to ease high interest charges facing Israel on past U.S. loans [WSJ 10/30].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports unidentified gunmen apparently infiltrated from Egyptian territory and attacked IDF patrol last week near moshav in the Negev; no injuries reported UP 10/29].
Arab World: Jordanian jets accidentally overfly Israel and Syria, drawing Syrian missile fire, return unharmed. Israeli military describes it as "a local incident, simply a mistake" [WP 10/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of "piracy" in interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers, says action could obstruct the M.E. peace process [NYT, WP 10/13]. Thousands of rock-throwing demonstrators clash with police outside Cairo University [WP, BG 10/13]. All 4 members of joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation have arrived in London for talks with British Foreign Ministry. They are: Jordanian Deputy P.M. 'Abd al-Wahab al-Majali; Jordanian For. Min. Tahir al-Masri; PLO delegate Bishop Iliyas Khuri; and former West Bank Mayor Muhammad Milham [LT 10/13]. Beirut newspaper publishes photo which Islamic Jihad group claims is corpse of kidnapped American William Buckley. Jihad offers to turn body over in exchange for release of 100 Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Jihad claims it executed Buckley on 10/4 in retaliation for Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis [NYT 10/13].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan orders federal bomb experts to investigate bombing of ADC office in Santa Ana, Calif. which killed Alex Odeh [BG 10/13]. Muhammed (Abu) al-'Abbas and another unidentified PLO official are reported to leave Italy for Yugoslavia after U.S. officials issue warrant for 'Abbas' arrest [NYT 10/13]. FBI Dir. William Webster states 2 "crack teams" of agents have been sent to Italy to monitor prosecution of hijackers, FBI is increasing surveillance of several pro-Palestinian groups in the U.S. to "guard against possible retaliation" [BG 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof' that Yasir Arafat "knew about this [the Achille Lauro] operation before it was to begin" [WP, LAT 10/11]. Jerusalem Post reports arrest of members of alleged Fateh cell said to be responsible for recent spate of bombings in and around Jerusalem [JP 10/10]. Jerusalem Post cites report in al-Mithaq stating some Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are asking for special consideration in their applications to West Bank universities; Najah U. has agreed to admit some despite low grades, while other universities have agreed to give them special entrance exams [JP 10/11]. Jerusalem shops close in general strike to protest "iron fist" policy in occupied territories which since its imposition in August has resulted in over 6 deaths, 21 deportations, over 80 administrative detentions without trial. Similar strike in Ramallah is forcibly ended by Israeli troops. Students at Birzeit and Bethlehem U. also strike [FJ 10/11].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan tells reporters it would be "all right" for the PLO to try the 4 hijackers if Arafat has "kind of a national court set up, like a nation that they can bring them to justice." Later in the day, Nat. Sec. Adv. Robert McFarlane tells reporters Reagan "meant that he wants the PLO to tum these hijackers over to competent authorities for trial" [WP 10/11]. Sec. of St. George Shultz appeals to Senate Foreign Relations Committee to approve the proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan, calling it an "absolute necessity" for success in the M.E. peace process [CT, TS 10/1 1].
Military Action
Other Countries: U.S. Navy F-14 fighter jets intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers and force it to land in Sicily; Italian authorities arrest the 4. White House spokesman Larry Speakes says the Egyptian plane was destined for Tunisia, but Tunisia had denied it landing rights. Speakes "categorically denies any deal" between the U.S. and Egypt on the interception. Speakes says the hijackers are in Italian custody but the U.S. will seek extradition [NYT, LAT 10/11]. Bodies of 2 men believed to be missing Israeli soldiers are found in Barcelona, Spain. Anonymous caller to Westem news agency claims the 2 were "Zionist sailors from the Zionist ship California" and that Fateh's Force 17 executed them on 10/5 [NYT 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's High Court upholds the deportation orders against 11 West Bank Palestinians on the grounds they failed to prove residency. The 11 were among 600 prisoners released in the West Bank in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/13]. Administrative detention orders are issued against 7 more Palestinians, bringing the total to 70 [JP 9/13]. Two-week-old curfew on Hebron marketplace is lifted [JP 9/13]. The Palestinian who sold the apartment to Israeli settlers in Hebron's old market where MKs recently squatted has asked the military governor of Hebron to have his flat returned if the settlers' ownership is not recognized. The Palestinian, Muhammad Yunis Ja'abari, has been hiding in Rabbi Moshe Levinger's home to avoid retaliation [JP 9/13].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz tells group of Jewish congressmen the administration plans to go ahead with projected arms sale to Jordan. Jabotinsky Foundation announces former U.S. Amb. to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick and "Operation Moses," which brought 10,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel, are corecipients of the 1985 Jabotinsky Prize-Defender of Jerusalem Award, worth $100,000 [JTA 9/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rafat Subuh, 20, and Muhammad Rimawi, 20, both from Gaza, are shot by army patrol [FJ 9/20]. Israeli soldier opens fire on Palestinian bus north of Jerusalem wounding 5 passengers. Police question the soldier [JP 9/13; FJ 9/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]. In the last 6 weeks there have been 26 attacks on Israelis inside the green line and in the occupied territories, with 6 Israelis killed [BG 9/8]. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis attend antiracism rally in Afula, scene of riots one month ago when 2 local schoolteachers were found murdered. Rally ends peacefully, despite counterrally staged by the Kach movement [JP 9/8]. Israeli censors ban a play at the Haifa municipal theater which depicts brutality by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank [LT 9/7].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports PLO spokesmen in Tunis claim responsibility for the 9/6 bomb in the Israeli market in Jerusalem [JP 9/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A hand grenade is thrown at the military govt. building in Mas'ada in the Golan Heights; no injuries are reported [JP 9/9]. Settlers attack the house of Zuhira al-Atrash, 65, widow and mother of 5, mistaking it for the house of an ex-prisoner released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and vetoes another suggested Palestinian delegate Nabil Sha'th. Peres expresses confidence in King Hussein's desire for peace, says Israel wants to open negotiations with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation immediately [JP 9/6]. Negev Bedouin given o.k. to elect 15-member delegation to the soon-to-be-established regional committee on Bedouin affairs [JP 9/6].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S. administration is considering sending Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy to meet with Jordanian-Palestinian delegation that would include Nabil Sha'th, a close personal advisor to Arafat. Israel vehemently protestshe proposal [WP 9/3, 9/7]. Jerusalem Post reports Reagan administration iformed Congress in July in classified 17-page report that Israel's "qualitative" military edge over the Arabs is "secure and likely to grow stronger, under present policy, at least through the rest of this decade" [JP 9/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli truck driver Moshe Fitusi, 28, is critically stabbed in Gaza City; Israeli settlers torch Palestinian home in the West Bank in retaliation. Gaza City sealed off and 500 residents reportedly detained by army for questioning. Home of Palestinian exprisoner freed in 5/20 prisoner exchange set afire in Dura village by Israeli settlers, home of another painted with threatening slogans and its windows smashed in Balata refugee camp near Nablus. Groups of armed settlers reported roaming streets of Ramallah and Nablus. Israeli authorities briefly detain 9 Tehiya members who squat at Tel Rumeida in Hebron [CSM, PI, NYT, JP 9/6; JTA 9/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West Bank Palestinians against deportation orders issued against them a week ago. They are expected to appeal to Israeli High Court [FT 9/4]. Shafiqa Abu Sitteh, 25, "accidentally" shot by Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip last week, dies from her wounds in Beersheba Hospital [FJ 9/6]. Israeli army spokesman reports Iraeli navy seized another yacht, the Gandha, off the coast of southern Lebanon on 8/31, arresting 2 Palestinians, a Greek, and a Briton who were aboard. Spokesman states Palestinians confessed to being members of Fateh and to planning attack against targets inside Israel. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states Israeli navy will intercept vessels anywhere in the Mediterranean to prevent attacks on Israeli targets [LT, CT, MG, JP 9/3]. Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Levy tours Golan Heights and declares 2-kilometer-wide strip along demarcation line a closed military zone. Army is reportedly building new fortifications and strengthening forces in the Golan [FJ 9/6]. Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports a Modi'in Ezrachi poll shows 60% of Israeli adult public favor amnesty for imprisoned members of Jewish underground; 34% oppose it UTA 9/3].
Other Countries: New York Times reports U.S. administrations discussing convening a meeting of Western European states to sponsor direct Arab-Israeli negotiations as alternative to the international conference which King Hussein and PLO insist on, which would include the Soviet Union [JP 9/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at bus stop at Gilo settlement, south of Jerusalem, wounding 6; 11 Palestinians are arrested [JP 9/3]. Abu Musa faction of Fateh reportedly claims responsibility [MG 9/3]. Unidentified people ambush settler's car in Gaza Strip; Israeli police say several bullets hit the car. Several Palestinians detained by police [Fl 9/6]. Stones thrown at Egged bus smash its windshield near Ramallah; 3 Palestinian youths detained and released [Fl 9/6].
Arab World: Gunmen seriously wound Hussayn al-Hayabi, 50, Palestinian guerrilla official loyal to Arafat, after storming his home in 'Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. Hayabi is 7th Arafat loyalist attacked since July in 'Ain al-Hilweh, and only one to survive [BG,WP,MG 9/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials state they have uncovered underground political cell in Golan town of Majd al-Shams responsible for attacks against IDF and civilians during the past 6 months [JTA 8/28]. Latest poll by Modi'in Ezrachi shows that if elections were held, Kach would be third largest party in the Knesset, getting 11 seats in the 120-seat parliament. Labor would get 51 seats and Likud 24 [PI, USN 8/28]. Curfews continue in Tulkarm and Jenin while investigations are conducted into 8/24 attacks on Israelis. [JP 8/28]. Chicago Tribune reports more than 70 Israeli-owned West Bank land offices are under investigation in unfolding land fraud scandal. Among those questioned are former senior officials in Agriculture Ministry involved in settlement activity, ex-officials in the West Bank military government, police authorities, and several land brokers, 4 of whom have been arrested [CT 8/27]. P. M. Peres says Chairman Afarat is directly responsible for attacks against Israelis, and Israeli govemment has evidence to prove it. He says 'Amman has been wamed of the consequences of letting the PLO station itself in 'Amman [DT 8/28]. Isramco, U.S. oil company with oil and gas interests in Israel, announces it is launching expanded program for oil and gas production in the Negev. Company plans to spend between $5-6 million by the end of the first quarter of 1986 UC 8/27].
Other Countries: First International Christian Zionist Congress convenes in Basel, Switzerland for three days, gathering 500 Christian lay leaders and theologians, active supporters of Israel. Congress is organized by the Intemational Christian Embassy in Jerusalem [JTA 8/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian in Qalqilya is shot as he tries to flee IDF patrol attempting to detain him and 2 others [JP 7/28]. The wounded man was hospitalized and the 2 arrested.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military forces destroy homes of 2 suspected members of underground resistance cell allegedly uncovered in the West Bank village of Anabta. A third home is sealed. Military sources claim cell has been active since 1983, men were responsible for 2 shooting incidents involving a military jeep and a bus in which 2 people were wounded [JP 8/25]. Deputy P. M. David Levy and Trade and Industry Minister Ariel Sharon call for capital punishment in cases of politically motivated attacks resulting in murder, and deportation for Palestinians suspected of inciting anti-Israeli violence [PI 8/26]. Israel and Egypt initial agreement to further tourist traffic between the two [JTA 8/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Third katyusha in 48 hours lands inside Galilee panhandle, causing no injuries or damage [JP 8/26]. Artillery barrages break shaky Syrian-sponsored ceasefire in Beirut [PI 8/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Citizens' Rights Movement holds press conference, claims it has evidence that dozens of signatures of West Bank landowners have been forged on land sale documents. A letter from the CRM and the contents of their file on the topic have been handed over to Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir. An unpublished section of the State Comptroller's 1983 annual report said as much as 12,500 acres in the West Bank may have been acquired illegally [PI 8/23]. Israeli Cabinet decides to proceed with development and production of the Lavi jet fighter [JP 8/23]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin states Israel is actively looking for American partner to help produce the plane UP 8/22]. The Bank of Israel announces Irael's foreign debt decreased by $690 million between September 1984 and March 1985 UP 8/22].
Arab World: Egypt vows to "spare no effort" in its search for the assassins who killed an Israeli diplomat yesterday [CT 8/22]. Several suspects are arrested. Security at the Israeli embassy istightened [JP 8/22].
Other Countries: Spain announces it will establish formal diplomatic relations with Israel before autumn 1986 [JTA 8/23]. The Daily World reports on the New Jewish Agenda conference held in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the end of July, states it took a strong stand on "mutual recognition by Israel and the Palestinian people of the rights of each to national self-determination" [DW 8/21].
Military Action
Arab World: Shelling in Beirut continues; Syria indicates readiness to take provisional steps toward achieving a cease-fire. At least 42 are reported killed; Beirut airport is closed because of shelling [WP, NYT 8/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality of eviction to the High Court [NYT 8/21]. Inspector General David Kraus, Plia Albek, a senior Justice Ministry official responsible for land registration, ad Bank of Israel Governor Moshe Mandlebaum appear before Knesset State Comptroller Committee for largescale investigation into land fraud cases begun by police after upsurge in complaints following arrest of several West Bank judges early in summer on bribery charges [JP 8/21]. Ahmad Odeh, wealthy West Banker, was arrested last week on charges of involvement in illegal land sales. Al-Fajr reported he contributed $30,000 to the Likud election campaign last year [JP 8/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Booby-trapped car is detonated minutes before it explodes at central bus station in Netanya. Police round up 100 Palestinians in the vicinity. A telephone caller claims responsibility for Fateh's Force 17 [FJ 8/23].
Arab World: Israeli diplomat Albert Atrakchi, 30, an administrative attache, is killed and 2 embassy employees wounded when 3 men spray their car with kalashnikov assault rifles in Cairo. "Egypt's Revolution" takes responsibility, threatens attacks until all "Israeli colonialists" leave Egypt [NYT, WP, JP 8/21]. Amal militia and the sixth brigade of the Lebanese army attack Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila with heavy bombardments; 24 refugees are injured [FJ 8/25]. Unidentified jets raid Hazerta village in the Biqa' Valley. Israel denies responsibility [JP 8/21]. Car bomb explodes in Tripoli, killing 44 and wounding 90. Caller claims responsibility on behalf of the Revolutionary Christians of the Cedars [NYT 8/21]. In Beirut, 40 are reported killed and 143 wounded in round-the-clock fighting between Christian and Muslim militias [NYT 8/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3 days, why order should not be cancelled [MG 8/12]. The Israeli coordinator of govemment activities in the occupied territories, Shlomo Goren, advises Israelis to be armed and accompanied whenever entering heavily populated Palestinian areas [JP 8/12]. Jerusalem Post reports Israeli Ministry of Labor has asked IDF civil administration in south Lebanon to find Lebanese workers for manual labor in the Galilee for fruit picking and hotel jobs during high tourist season. Few Lebanese have responded. IDF reports estimate 550 Lebanese come into Israel every day to work. Some stay overnight [JP 8/11]. Israeli High Court upholds the right of a Lebanese to appeal to it for redress for the Israeli army's seizure of property during the invasion of Lebanon [JP 8/12]. The Israeli Cabinet officially and "unconditionally" condemns apartheid for the first time, but ministersay the government will make no move to end the commercial and arms trade with South Africa [WP, JP 8/12]. Absorption Minister Ya'acov Tsur presents "Master Plan for Ethiopian Jewish Absorption" to Prime Minister Peres; 84 housing units have been made available to Ethiopian Jews in West Bank; Tsur says no immigrants will be forced to relocate there [JP 8/12].
Other Countries: U.S. Sen Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) says he will initiate adefense agreement between Israel and the U.S. to include air strips, joint research and development, and cooperation in other fields. Helms is on a private visit to Israel, along with Sen. Chick Hecht of Nevada [JP 8/12]. Members of the Hispanic Caucus of the U.S. Congress leave Jerusalem for Madrid to urge government there to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. The thirteen-member caucus was visiting Israel as guests of the Anti-Defamation League UP 8/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues in Beirut; 6 are killed, more than 47 wounded. The 7/16 Syrian-backed security plan fails to halt the fighting [NYT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are local leaders of Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP [FJ 8/9]. Nine Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are served with deportation notices. Army states they can be deported because they cannot prove residency before original detentions. The 9 are from a group of 31 (out of the 1,150 ex-prisoners released 5/20) who do not have West Bank or Gaza IDs. They had all been told upon release they must leave when their residency permits expire this week. Some have nowhere to go. The Red Cross is looking into their cases [CT 8/7].) The High Court orders a delay in the deportation of one of the ex-prisoners, 'Abd al-Mujid Rudad, who argued that his whole family lives in Tulkarm and that during his 17 years of detention he repeatedly expressed regret for his political activities [WP 8/7]. The defense minister and the military govemor of the Tulkarm area have 45 days to explain why they should not prevent his deportation [JP 8/7]. Defense Min. Yitzhak Rabin justifies recent security measures; says Israel will use "whatever means are effective" tomaintain order [LAT 8/7]. Israeli govemment inaugurates new settlement, Adura, near Hebron, first since Peres took office [PI 8/7]. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports announcement by Austrian-Arab Society in Vienna that Hospice Hospital will reopen as a full-scale hospital afterenovation. Agreement was reportedly worked out between Franz Cardinal Koenig, archbishop of Vienna, and Tahir Kan'an, Jordanian minister for the occupied territories [JTA 8/7]. Israel Radio announces that none of the security officers involved in storming of Israeli bus hijacked by Palestinians last year will be charged in the deaths of two of the four hijackers [NYT 8/7]. Reuters reports that Rabbi Meir Kahane is giving 60 youths paramilitary training in a summer camp in the West Bank [TS 8/6]. Thirty-member delegation including Texas and Oklahoma oilmen and 6 U.S. congressmen arrives in Israel on fact-finding mission organized by Council for a Secure America, group established last year to support U.S. legislation aimed at promoting domestic production of oil and gas [JP 8/6]. New U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering presents credentials to President Chaim Herzog, reiterates U.S. opposition to new security measures, emphasizes U.S. support for Israel [CT 8/7].
Arab World: Seventeen representatives of Arab League member states assemble in Casablanca for Arab summit meeting [NYT 8/7]. Half the states attending are not represented by their heads of state [FT 8/7]. Fifteen pro-Syrian Muslim, Druze opposition leaders, and Greek Orthodox figures meet in Shtawra under Syrian sponsorship; proclaim National Unity Front to demand changes in Lebanon's system of political representation, now favoring the Maronites; call for a "democratic and secular" state with wide-ranging constitutional and electoral reforms [WP 8/7].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide bomber riding a mule kills himself, the animal, and wounds at least one other in Hasbayya. Bomber is identified as Jamal Sati, 23, Sunni Muslim student and local Communist party chief [LAT 8/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures include deportation of "persons who constitute a security risk," indefinite "administrative detention" without charges for Palestinians suspected of security offenses, an increase in prison capacity in the West Bank, and closing Palestinian newspapers that violate censorship regulations [LAT 8/5]. Forty-three Palestinian local councils in Israel and their employees hold rally outside Israeli prime minister's office to protest government failure to provide promised funds to alleviate their financial difficulties. They demand budgets equal to those of Israeli local councils. The 43 councils have an accumulated debt of $10 million; some have not been able to pay employees for 3 months [FJ 8/2, 8/9]. Public opinion poll by Pori Research Institute published in Ha'Aretz shows 10.6 percent of those who voted for Likud in last Knesset elections would now vote for Kach. Another poll by the Modi'in Ezrachi Institute shows Kahane would increase his Knesset seats to 5 if elections were held now [JTA 8/5].
Arab World:The Sunday Times reports testimony of British doctor on conditions in the 3 Beirut refugee camps besieged 2 months ago. According to Dr. Swee Chai Ang, over 1,500 Palestinians are missing, feared to have been kidnapped or killed. Palestinians are still being killed, although war of the camps technically ended in June and the camps of Sabra, Shatila, and Burj al-Barajinah are now protected by Lebanese army and internal security forces [LT 8/4]. Libya, which had threatened toboycott Arab summit, sends senior official [WSJ 8/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petrol bomb hurled at a border police patrol outside 'Ain Beit al-Ma', near Nablus injures 2 policemen. Curfew is imposed [JP 8/5]. Another petrol bomb incident is reported in Azzariya, near Jerusalem; no injuries reported [JP 8/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ziad Abu 'Ain is rearrested and held in solitary confinement in Hebron prison without charges under six-month administrative dtention order. Abu 'Ain begins a hunger strike [WP 8/2]. Nablus remains under curfew as search continues for killer of Albert Buchris. Residents are allowed two-hour reprieve to shop [JTA 8/2]. Israeli military censor orders printing press of al-Sha'ab newspaper closed for 3 days for publishing stories 7/30 on the death of 2 Nablus residents; censor said stories harmed investigation [JP 8/2]. Arab Journalists Association in the West Bank and the International Association of Journalists condemned closure order. Israel Press Association did not comment [FJ 8/9]. Israeli police break into site of planned Palestinian heritage festival in Tireh, confiscate IDs of 5 volunteers [FJ 8/9]. Arab local councils in Israel and their employees go on a one-day warning strike to protest government failure to provide promised funds to ease their financial problems [FJ 8/2, 8/9]. Jewish Press reports Egypt will lower the price of fuel sold to Israel by up to $2 a barrel, a savings of $100 million annually for Israel [JP 8/1]. The Washington Post reports Israeli government plans to entice estimated 175,000 Israeli emigrants living abroad back to the country by offering lucrative job contracts to the highly skilled, free shipping of household goods, and free air fares to Israel [WP 8/1].