3289 / 15493 Results
  • August 26, 1991

    PLO, Hamas officials meet in Amman to discuss Hamas participation in upcoming PNC meeting. Hamas demands 40 seats in council. (AFP 8/26, in FBIS 8/27; MEM 8/27)

    Israeli police question...

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  • July 16, 1991

    At economic summit in Britain, Group of Seven leaders (U.S., Canada, France, Italy, Britain, Japan, and Germany) endorse U.S.-led peace efforts, call for end to both Arab boycott of Israel and...

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  • July 15, 1991

    Israel refuses to alter position on peace talks in response to 7/14 Syrian decision to accept compromise position suggested by U.S. (WP 7/16)

    PLO committee meets in Tunis to discuss...

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  • June 18, 1991

    Elections for membership in Hebron Chamber of Commerce result in election of six candidates affiliated with Hamas, five PLO candidates, one independent. Elections were first of any kind in...

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  • May 18, 1991

    King Hussein meets with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus to discuss recent U.S., Soviet peace initiatives. Both countries agree that goal should be settlement based on land for peace. (WP 5/...

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  • May 17, 1991

    Israeli authorities deport Ahmad Muhammad 'Ajaj from Jabal al-Mukabar refugee camp in Jerusalem to Jordan for five years for alleged security violations (FJ 5/20)

    Hizballah-led Islamic...

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  • March 7, 1991

    U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

    En route to Saudi Arabia as part of...

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  • February 10, 1991

    In 1st speech in about 2 weeks, Saddam Hussein praises what he calls Iraqi strength and steadfastness in face of allied bombing [INA 2/10 in FBIS 2/11; LAT, NYT, WP, MEM, WT 2/11].


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  • December 27, 1990

    Military officials, acting on CIA warnings that Iraq has developed biological weapons, is planning to begin vaccinating American military personnel in Gulf [NYT 12/28; LAT, WP 12/29].


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  • December 25, 1990

    GCC ends 4-day summit in Doha with statement and communique warning Iraq that war is only alternative unless Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; drops usual reference to PLO as "sole legitimate...

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  • December 16, 1990

    Iraq is delaying departure of 2,300 Soviet advisers working at oil and military installation, saying Baghdad will impose economic penalties on Moscow for breaching contracts; high-level Soviet...

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  • December 15, 1990

    Iraq's Information Minister says Baghdad still wants "deep dialogue" with U.S. despite differences over dates for direct talks; also says F.M. Aziz will not travel to Washington on 12/17 [INA 12/...

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  • September 27, 1990

    Israeli F.M. Levy is reportedly told by Sec. Baker that any Iraqi attack against Israel would provoke vigorous U.S. response [NYT, MEM, WP 9/28; JPI 10/6].

    Iraqi information minister offers...

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  • September 19, 1990

    Facing rising congressional opposition, White House backs off from plan to sell Saudi Arabia over $20 billion in military hardware; legislative support appears possible for fraction of total sale...

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  • September 9, 1990

    At Helsinki summit, Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev issue strongly-worded statement declaring unconditional support for economic and political sanctions against Iraq [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, CSM 9/10];...

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  • September 6, 1990

    Pres. Bush accepts offer from Baghdad to speak on Iraqi television, says 10-15 minute speech would provide "real opportunity" to explain why he has sent U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia [LAT, WP 9/7...

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  • August 29, 1990

    White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8...

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  • August 15, 1990

    Italian F.M. De Michelis, meeting with Israeli F.M. Levy, says PLO made a "mistake" by supporting Iraq and warned that if Arafat doesn't change position "we will have to revise our attitude...

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  • August 13, 1990

    New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over...

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  • June 20, 1990

    Pres. Bush announces he is suspending 18-month U.S.-PLO dialogue because of PLO's failure to condemn 5/30 attempted raid on Israel. Bush says suspension was "not an easy call," and "though we are...

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  • March 18, 1990

    Jimmy Carter arrives in Jerusalem after visits to Syria and Jordan; says Pres. Asad is willing to enter into peace talks with Israel at international conference [NYT, WP 3/19].

    Iran's First...

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  • March 8, 1990

    Israeli housing minister David Levy calls for building 2,000 new W. Bank apartments this year to house Jewish immigrants (cf. 3/12) [WT 3/9].

    Ruth Kaminker of Jerusalem's City Planning...

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  • March 3, 1990

    In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6...

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  • February 25, 1990

    Chrmn. Arafat arrives in Baghdad on official visit; will meet with Pres. Saddam Hussein [BVP 2/25 in FBIS 2/27].

    PLO envoy Hakam Balawi meets with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert...

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  • February 22, 1990

    Labor Party votes to give Shamir and Likud 2 weeks to accept Labor's 4-point compromise formula for starting talks between Israel and Palestinians, or face dissolution of gov't. [NYT, WP, LAT 2/23...

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  • February 14, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Separate leaflets distributed in the O.T. by Hamas and UNLU (Call number 52) call for attacks on Jewish settlers, saying the influx of...

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  • January 26, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elections to the Engineering Association in Gaza are held, Hamas wins 5 of 9 seats, pro-PLO bloc wins 3. [FBIS 2/1].

    Arab World:...

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  • January 25, 1990


    Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis [FBIS 1/29].

    In a press interview, Yasir Arafat says that PLO cadres and Palestinian masses are...

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  • January 18, 1990

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court identifies Faisal Husayni as a supporter and financial backer of the socalled Palestine Popular Army. Court has not charged...

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  • January 17, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: With Soviet Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel at rate of more than 1,000 per week, Israeli officials acknowledge they do not have...

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PLO, Hamas officials meet in Amman to discuss Hamas participation in upcoming PNC meeting. Hamas demands 40 seats in council. (AFP 8/26, in FBIS 8/27; MEM 8/27)

Israeli police question Hanan Ashrawi, Faisal Husseini on their recent meetings in London with Palestinian officials to determine if they violated Israeli law banning contact with PLO. (MEM 8/27)

After heated debates, Lebanese parliament approves amnesty for war crimes committed during Lebanese civil war. (NYT 8/27)

Hizbullah admits it holds two Israeli prisoners. (WP 8/27)

Israeli housing min. Ariel Sharon details major plan to expand Israeli settlements. Plan would expand settlements in Jerusalem area to link them with large settlement of Ma'ale Adumim, which itself would be expanded to reach Jericho, cutting the West Bank in half. Thousands of new homes would be built. (MEM 8/27, 8/29)

Israeli cabinet agrees to equal funding of Arab, Jewish municipalities following 10- day sit-in by Arab mayors. Mayors indicate they will take their protest to the Israeli labor federation, the Histadrut, to protest unfair practices by that body, which is dominated by the Labor party. (MEM 8/27)

Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq issues report on increased Jewish settlement in o.t. Places number of settlers in W. Bank, Gaza at 104,000 along with 127,700 in E. Jerusalem. (MEM 8/27)

Soviet, Ethiopian Jewish immigrants clash in Jerusalem hotel where they live; four injured. Soviets have complained of preferential treatment extended to Ethiopians. (MEM 8/27, 8/29)

At economic summit in Britain, Group of Seven leaders (U.S., Canada, France, Italy, Britain, Japan, and Germany) endorse U.S.-led peace efforts, call for end to both Arab boycott of Israel and Israeli settlement-building. Prime Min. Shamir reacts to linkage of two issues with "disgust." (LAT 7/17; WP 7/20)

Fateh central committee mbr. Khalid al-Hasan criticizes PLO leadership for supporting Iraq in recent Gulf war, urges formation of provisional government comprised of Palestinian independents. He urged restoration of Palestinian-Arab relations. (MEM 7/17)

Hizballah fighters ambush Israeli troops in Kufr Huna, north of Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon. Three Israelis killed, including two officers; four others were wounded. One Hizballah fighter died. Clash was most lethal for Israeli troopsince Nov. 1990. Israel has recently begun dispatching patrols north of the "security zone" to engage anti-Israeli forces before their arrival in zone. (WP, MEM 7/18)

Lebanese Def. Min. Michel al-Murr accuses PLO of hiding medium and heavy weapons in refugee camps near Tyre, vows continued blockade of camps until weapons are surrendered. PLO denies it holds such weapons. Issue centers on definition of "medium" weapon: Lebanese army considers rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) as medium weapons; PLO does not. Lebanese army now has some 10,000 troops deployed in S. Lebanon. (MEM 7/16, 7/18)

PLO committee meeting in Tunis agrees to convene Palestine National Council (PNC) within three months, urges PLO executive committee to seek rapprochement with Hamas, Palestinian National Salvation Front groups, which boycotted the meeting after PLO invited only those PNSF groups which had membership in the Palestine National Council before 1983 to participate. PNSF, Islamic Jihad, Fateh-Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal) later call on committee to "reconsider" call for convening PNC in order to preserve "unity of Palestinian ranks." Committee also urged greaterepresentation from occupied territories within PNC. PNC currently has 637 seats, including 186 allocated to representatives from the occupied territories. PNC meeting would be first since August 1988, when it declared existence of independent Palestinian state, accepted U.N. Security Council resolution 242. (MEM 7/18, 7/26)

Egyptian-Syrian commission agrees to formulate joint foreign policies between the countries. (LAT 7/18)

Meeting of 6 March Damascus Declaration signatoriesnds. The eight states indicate "total agreement" about amendments to declaration but refuse to state what they are. Observers see move as signalling the effective end of the Syrian-Egyptian-led Gulf security plan. (MEM 7/17)

Israel refuses to alter position on peace talks in response to 7/14 Syrian decision to accept compromise position suggested by U.S. (WP 7/16)

PLO committee meets in Tunis to discuss convening session of Palestine National Council. Hamas boycotts meeting, complains that PNC membership should be determined by elections in occupied territories and in exile. Groups comprising Palestinian National Salvation Front also boycott meeting after PLO invited only those PNSF groups which had membership inthe Palestine National Council before 1983. (MEM 7/16, 7/26)

Representatives of the eight Arab states (6 Gulf Cooperation Council members, Egypt, and Syria) party to the 3/6 Damascus Declaration, which created an Arab security force led by Syrian, Egyptian troops, for deployment in the Gulf region, begin meeting in Kuwait to discuss possible changes to the Declaration. Move comes in wake of reservations by some Gulf states about permanent SyrianEgyptian force in region, Egyptian concern that Gulf states intend to include Iran in Gulf security proposals. (MEM 7/16) 

Elections for membership in Hebron Chamber of Commerce result in election of six candidates affiliated with Hamas, five PLO candidates, one independent. Elections were first of any kind in occupied territories since 1976. Some PLO factions had opposed holding elections. (MEM 6/19; NYT 6/20)

King Hussein meets with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus to discuss recent U.S., Soviet peace initiatives. Both countries agree that goal should be settlement based on land for peace. (WP 5/19)

Israeli warplanes attack Amal base in Shabriha, S. Lebanon, killing four and wounding 15. Attack is response to 5/17 bombing in Nabatiya carried out by Islamic Resistance Movement, which operates in newly-established alliance with Amal after years of rivalry. (NYT 5/19)

Four alleged members of Fateh deported from Gaza, taken to Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon by helicopter and released, bringing total to 69 Palestinians deported since intifada began in 1987. Deportees were: Jalal Yasin Abu Habbal, Mu'in Muhammad Musallim, Hasan Muhammad 'Ali Dahlan, Jamal 'Abd Rabbuh Abu'l-Jidyan. (NYT 5/19; MEM 5/20)

Israeli troops kill Jenin youth after confrontation in al-Masahiliyya village. (Radio Israel 5/18)

Israeli authorities deport Ahmad Muhammad 'Ajaj from Jabal al-Mukabar refugee camp in Jerusalem to Jordan for five years for alleged security violations (FJ 5/20)

Hizballah-led Islamic Resistance Movement claims responsibility for two bomb attacks in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon, which kill four, including member of Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army. (NYT 5/18, 5/19)

U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

En route to Saudi Arabia as part of 11-day Middle East tour, Sec. Baker says he will propose series of "confidence-building measures" between Israel and Arab states to open path to broader peace talks [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

In Kuwait, at least 2 Palestinians have been shot dead and 5 others hospitalized from beatings and shootings, as Palestinians raise concerns about reprisals against their community in Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP 3/8].

Israeli gov't. rejects Pres. Bush's call for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict that includes trading land for peace; F.M. David Levy says attempts to pressure Israel are not welcome [LAT, WT 3/8; JDS, IDF, PDS 3/7, MAA 3/8 in FBIS 3/8]; in separate statements, PLO and Egypt welcome what they call "positive elements" in Pres. Bush's 3/6 speech [AVP, MENA 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; MEM 3/7].

Palestinian journalist Taher Shriteh, jailed without charge on 1/28/91, is freed on bail after international campaign to gain his release (cf. 3/11) [NYT, MEM 3/8; AFP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

House of Representatives votes to authorize $15.8 billion to pay for Gulf war, and also $650 million for Israel, and warns other nations that Congress "may consider appropriate action" if promised payments are not made [NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar selects Switzerland's ambassador to Washington, Edouard Brunner, asspecial Middle East envoy to begin new high-priority search for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict [WP 3/8].

Palestinian leaders representing Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP, but not Hamas, meet in Jerusalem with visiting EC "troika" representatives including Italian F.M. Gianni de Michelis; EC ministers also meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir and D.M. Arens, then depart for Jordan [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; FJ 3/11; MET 3/19].

Border policeman in Nablus is stabbed, wounded; attacker escapes and army imposes curfew on Nablus and adjacent refugee camps [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8]; 30 Palestinians are detained in Jerusalem after IDF opens fire on demonstrators [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/11].

Syria and Saudi Arabia sign wide-ranging cooperation agreement which both nations say was sign of desire to foster closer relations [MEM 3/8].

Italian F.M. de Michelis is quoted as calling for "internal revolt in the Palestinian [resistance] movement" now that PLO has "ruled itself out" of peace negotiations [MEM 3/7].

In 1st speech in about 2 weeks, Saddam Hussein praises what he calls Iraqi strength and steadfastness in face of allied bombing [INA 2/10 in FBIS 2/11; LAT, NYT, WP, MEM, WT 2/11].

King Hussein says his 2/6 speech was misunderstood and did not indicate a shift towards Iraq [JTE 2/11 in FBIS 2/11; LAT, MEM 2/11].

Israeli military announces that it has ar- rested 350 Palestinian activists in broad crackdown on Hamas [LAT, MEM 2/11].

Allied command says it believes bombing raids have so severely damaged communications systems in Iraq that it take 24 hours for Saddam to send orders to front lines by reasonably secure means [NYT 2/11].

Headland on Saudi coast has slowed oil slick, which is moving south toward vital water and industrial plants; environmentalists hope they can contain slick before it reaches Jubail [NYT 2/11].

Military officials, acting on CIA warnings that Iraq has developed biological weapons, is planning to begin vaccinating American military personnel in Gulf [NYT 12/28; LAT, WP 12/29].

Saddam Hussein sends his ambassadors back to their posts in Western and foreign capitals with message that Iraq wants "serious and constructive" dialogue with U.S. [NYT, LAT, WT 12/28].

Israeli Supreme Court temporarily bars expulsion of 4 Palestinians suspected as leaders of Hamas until Court completes its deliberations [NYT, LAT, WP 12/28].

Palestinian doctor, his sister, and her child are shot and wounded by sniper south of Jerusalem. Unknown group named Zionist Avengers claims responsibility for attack (cf. 1/1) [JDS 12/28 in FBIS 12/28; NYT 12/29].

GCC ends 4-day summit in Doha with statement and communique warning Iraq that war is only alternative unless Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; drops usual reference to PLO as "sole legitimate representative of Palestinians" [NYT, LAT, WP 12/26; CSM 12/27].

In annual Christmas message, Pope John Paul II calls for negotiations to end Gulf crisis, but seems to hint Iraq should leave Kuwait, saying "the inalienable rights of people and nations" must be respected. John Paul also calls for solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one that acknowledges "the legitimate expectations" of each side [LAT 12/25, 12/26; NYT, WT, WP 12/26].

USSR's 1st consul in Israel since 1967 presents his credentials in Jerusalem while Israel's 1st consul does likewise in similar ceremony in Moscow [LAT, WP 12/26; JPI 1/5].

Military panel in Jerusalem rejects appeals of 4 Palestinians slated to be deported for membership in Hamas [LAT, WT 12/26; FJ 12/31].

Spokesman says DFLP is ready to launch attack at Israel in event of U.S. aggression against Iraq [INA 12/25 in FBIS 12/26].

Fateh's Central Committee opens meeting in Tunis under Chrmn. Arafat [DUS 12/25 in FBIS 12/27]. 

Iraq is delaying departure of 2,300 Soviet advisers working at oil and military installation, saying Baghdad will impose economic penalties on Moscow for breaching contracts; high-level Soviet delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss situation [NYT 12/17; CSM 12/18].

Three DFLP fighters are killed, 3 Israeli soldiers are wounded in gunfight in S. Lebanon [IDF 12/16 in FBIS 12/18; NYT, MEM 12/17].

Sec. Baker says he still hopes Washington and Baghdad could agree on dates for direct talks; reiterates he would go to Iraq anytime between 12/20 and 1/3 [NYT, LAT, WP 12/17].

U.S. agrees to sponsor UN Sec. Council resolution condemning Israel's deportation notices to 4 Palestinians, asking for international protection for Palestinians, and giving qualified support for international peace conference to settle Palestine question [NYT 12/18].

Israeli D.M. Moshe Arens pledges to deport more Palestinians from o.t., renewing policy that draws criticism from U.S. [NYT, WT, WP 12/17].

Hamas issues pamphlet claiming responsibility for 12/14 killings in Jaffa; police arrest at least 300 additional Palestinians [NYT 12/17].

Iraq's Information Minister says Baghdad still wants "deep dialogue" with U.S. despite differences over dates for direct talks; also says F.M. Aziz will not travel to Washington on 12/17 [INA 12/15, ATS 12/16 in FBIS 12/17; NYT 12/16; MET 12/25].

In Damascus, Algerian Pres. Benjedid opens talks with Pres. Asad on ways of finding Arab solution to Gulf crisis [DDS 12/15, APS 12/17 in FBIS 12/17; MET 12/25]; Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman for talks on Gulf crisis with King Hussein [ADS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17].

Egypt expresses to Israel its "extreme anxiety" over reports that Temple Mount Faithful will tour Haram al-Sharif on 12/17 [MENA 12/15 in FBIS 12/18].

EC ends summit conference in Rome with 2 resolutions on Middle East, one warning Saddam Hussein that peace in Gulf is his responsibility, the other calling for international peace conference on the Middle East [MEM 12/17].

Still searching for 2 Palestinians suspected in 12/14 stabbings, Israeli police arrest hundreds of Palestinians in o.t. Palestinians claim 800 are detained. Gaza is placed under curfew (cf. 12/16) [JDS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17; NYT, LAT 12/16; MET 12/25].

Israel issues deportation notices to 4 Gaza Strip Palestinians described by IDF as members of Hamas. Notices are given to Fadel Zaabut, Imad al-Alami, Mustapha al-Lidani, and Shaykh Mustafa Knuah (cf. 12/16, 12/18, 12/20, 12/25, 1/7, 1/8) [JDS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17; NYT, WP, CSM 12/17; JPI 12/22].

Israeli F.M. Levy is reportedly told by Sec. Baker that any Iraqi attack against Israel would provoke vigorous U.S. response [NYT, MEM, WP 9/28; JPI 10/6].

Iraqi information minister offers what amounts to apology for 9/22 diplomatic note implying Iraq might execute diplomats who sheltered Western citizens in their Baghdad embassies; says the incident is "misunderstanding," and that Iraq still "confirms full respect" for diplomats and their privileges [NYT, WT, WP, CSM 9/28; MET 10/9].

Hamas leaflet calls for jihad against Zionism and Western world, favors self-determination for Kuwaitis [JDS 9/27 in FBIS 9/27].

Emir of Kuwait gets standing ovation for UN Gen. Assembly speech asking for UN action to help reclaim Kuwait [KUNA 9/27 in FBIS 10/1; WP 9/28].

Facing rising congressional opposition, White House backs off from plan to sell Saudi Arabia over $20 billion in military hardware; legislative support appears possible for fraction of total sale (cf. 9/20) [WP 9/20].

Bush admin. promises to deliver additional F-15 fighters and Patriot missiles to Israel, but defers action on Israel's request for more than $1 billion in new military aid [WP 9/20]; Israeli D.M. Moshe Arens raises questions about whether U.S. is honoring its commitment to maintain Israel's military advantage in Middle East [NYT 9/20].

Bush admin. officials say they are satisfied with Soviet cooperation in isolating Iraq; note with enthusiasm Soviet overtures toward Israel, Saudi Arabia [NYT 9/20].

In move reflecting impatience with stance of newly-unified Yemen, Saudi Arabia abolishes "exemptions" governing residence requests for expatriates, a move affecting 2.2 million Yemenis in Saudi Arabia hitherto exempted form many tight restrictions affecting other foreign workers [MEM 9/20; MET 10/2].

Jordanian gov't makes strong public plea for international financial aid, warning that unless it is compensated for enforcing embargo against Iraq, its economy may collapse [NYT 9/20].

Argentina becomes 1st Latin American nation to join U.S.-led multinational force in Middle East, sending 2 warships [NYT, CSM 9/20; WP 9/23].

Iraq announces it has impounded assets of nations that had frozen Iraqi money and property abroad and is withholding payments on its debts; Revolutionary Command Council decrees says order applies to gov'ts, companies, banks, and institutions [MEM 9/19; LAT, WP, CSM 9/20].

Searching for "Arab solution" to Gulf crisis, King Hussein, King Hassan, and Pres. Benjedid meet in Rabat [NYT 9/21].

Hamas and Fateh issue joint communique calling for end to conflict between the 2 groups and for future coordination in activities [FT 9/24; QUD 9/22 in FBIS 9/24; MET 10/2].

At Helsinki summit, Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev issue strongly-worded statement declaring unconditional support for economic and political sanctions against Iraq [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, CSM 9/10]; Pres. Bush drops longstanding opposition to Soviet involvement in Middle East peace process [NYT, WT, WP 9/11].

Israeli gov't is reported to have won court order temporarily blocking Canadian publication of Victor Ostrosky and Claire Hoy's book By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad [NYT 9/10; JPD 9/10 in FBIS 9/10].

Israeli police investigators recommend placing 9 police officers on trial for torturing Palestinians at Jerusalem's main jail, but high-ranking officials request review of evidence before charges are filed [NYT 9/10].

Saudi officials say their country will continue to support the Palestinians until they achieved an independent state, despite Palestinian support for Iraq [WT 9/10; MET 9/18].

More than 300 American women and children evacuated from Kuwait leave Amman to U.S. [WP 9/10; ADS 9/9 in FBIS 9/10].

'Abd-al-'Aziz Rantisi, a founder of Hamas, calls on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, urging Saddam to act according to Muslim law rather than according to personal likes and dislikes; Rantisi also calls for removal of U.S. troops from region [HAA 9/10 in FBIS 9/11].

Palestinians in O.T. observe general strike to mark beginning of 34th month of intifada [FJ 9/17].

After 3 days of fierce gun battles in S. Lebanon, Fateh troops loyal to Arafat over-run last stronghold of forces loyal to Abu Nidal; 18 people are reported dead [BDS 9/9 in FBIS 9/10; NYT, WP 9/10; WT 9/11; MET 9/18].

Pres. Bush accepts offer from Baghdad to speak on Iraqi television, says 10-15 minute speech would provide "real opportunity" to explain why he has sent U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia [LAT, WP 9/7].

Iraq acquiesces to U.S. demand that U.S. consular be given access to American wounded by Iraqi gunfire in Kuwait [LAT, WP 9/7].

Jewish and Roman Catholic leaders, meeting in Prague, agree to forge closer relationship and combat anti-Semitism in E. Europe [LAT 9/7].

UN acknowledges shortcomings in its relief efforts for tens of thousands of refugees who fled Kuwait and Iraq for Jordan [LAT 9/7].

Saudi Arabia announces it will cover virtually all of the hundreds of millions of dollars in monthly operating costs of U.S. forces; Saudis will also contribute several billion dollars in aid to Middle East nations that have joined the coalition against Iraq [NYT, WP 9/7; MET 9/18].

Several nations, including China, India, and Tunisia, say they are considering sending emergency food and medicine to Iraq despite embargo [NYT 9/7].

Britain announces it will send additional forces to the Gulf region, and will provide about $4 million in aid to refugee relief organizations [NYT, WP 9/7].

Pres. Bush telephones Pres. Asad to discuss Gulf crisis; Asad also meets with delegation from European Parliament [DDS 9/6 in FBIS 9/7].

Qatar deports 15 additional Palestinians; this is 3d group of deportees [RAY 9/9 in FBIS 9/10].

Sec. Baker meets in Jeddah with King Fahd to discuss Gulf crisis [WP 9/7; RTS 9/7 in FBIS 9/10].

Ending 2-day meeting in Saudi Arabia to discuss crisis, foreign ministers of 6-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) demand immediate Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait [SPA, RIDS 9/5 in FBIS 9/6; MET 9/18].

General strike called by Hamas is observed in Gaza Strip; commercial strike is observed in parts of W. Bank [FJ 9/10].

White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8/29; LAT, CSM 8/30; WT 8/31; MET 9/11].

On tour of Gulf states, British defense secretary Tom King says he's sending 4 additional warships - 3 mine-hunters and 1 destroyer - to the Gulf [LAT 8/30].

U.S. C-5 military transport aircraft carrying supplies to Gulf troops crashes shortly after takeoff in W. Germany, killing 12 soldiers [MEM 8/29; NYT, LAT, WT, CSM, WP 8/30].

10 of 13 OPEC nations, meeting in Vienna, endorse temporary production increase to make up for supplies lost because of Gulf crisis; Iran opposes agreement, Libya and Iraq are absent [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP 8/30; CSM 8/31].

21-member World Islamic Council denounces Saudi Arabia for inviting "anti-Islamic U.S. troops" into Middle East [INRA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Speech read on behalf of Yasir Arafat to meeting of UN nongovernmental organizations in Geneva says PLO does not take sides in Gulf crisis, links Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait to other "occupied" lands-Lebanon, Golan, and Palestine [AVP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Qatar has expelled 20 PLO officials since beginning of Gulf crisis, according to Yasir Abd Rabbo [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30]; Abd Rabbo also states that breaking the economic blockade against Iraq is an Arab responsibility [RAY 8/30 in FBIS 8/31].

Hamas distributes leaflet in O.T. calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Kuwaiti self-determination; UNLU also issues leaflet continuing its demand for withdrawal of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and calls for strike on 9/26 "in solidarity with the Iraqi people" [JPD 8/30 in FBIS 8/30].

Japan unveils aid package to help finance international effort against Iraq, but package  draws criticism from U.S. because of absence of tangible aid to military buildup. Japanese program offers loans to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan; sending 100 doctors, refrigeration equipment, and water to region (cf. 8/31) [MEM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30].

Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij says he supports UN formula for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, believing it to be the only way to head off a new disaster for Palestinians [WP 8/301.

Italian F.M. De Michelis, meeting with Israeli F.M. Levy, says PLO made a "mistake" by supporting Iraq and warned that if Arafat doesn't change position "we will have to revise our attitude towards the PLO" [WP 8/17].

Palestinians in O.T. issue statement, reportedly agreed to by all 4 local PLO factions, calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and "restoration of Kuwaiti selfdetermination" [WP 8/17].

Strike called for by Hamas is observed throughout O.T. [WP 8/17].

Washington Post reports that Israel's sideline role in Gulf crisis (requested by Washington) has prompted Israeli concern that its place as premier U.S. military ally in the region is being undermined [WP 8/16].

GCC holds emergency meeting in Jeddah to discuss Iraqi threat [RIDS 8/15 in FBIS 8/16].

Egyptian authorities have reportedly closed the Rafah border to Palestinians in view of sympathy Gaza Strip residents have shown for Iraq [YA 8/15 in FBIS 8/ 16].

U.S. federal appeals court clears way for Palestinian-American Mahmoud Abed Ahmad to be extradited to Israel; Ahmad is accused of taking part in machine-gun attack on Israeli bus in W. Bank; court rejects Ahmad's argument that the crime was political act not covered by extradition treaty with Israel [WT, WP 8/16]

New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over PLO's "very negative" image in Gulf states [NYT 8/14]; Los Angeles Times reports PLO "may have written themselves out of the diplomatic script" by supporting Iraq, stance will make it nearly impossible for resumption of U.S.-PLO dialogue [LAT 8/14].

Gulf crisis has strengthened P.M. Shamir's gov't., political right seen as gaining supporters in Israel; many Israelis are purchasingas masks in event of Iraqi chemical attack. Israeli official says "the mood of Israelis is that there is no point negotiating with Palestinians who support a leader like Saddam Hussein, who wants to wipe us off the face of the earth" [LAT 8/13].

U.S. ass't. sec. of state, John Kelly, meets in Cairo with F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 8/ 13 in FBIS 8/13]; then Kelly flies to Damascus to meet with Syrian officials [SANA 8/13 in FBIS 8/14].

Hamas leaflet distributed in O.T. calls on Palestinians to take their battle to Israeli soil, and for Baghdad to attack Tel Aviv if Iraq is attacked by Western powers [WT 8/14]. 

Pres. Bush announces he is suspending 18-month U.S.-PLO dialogue because of PLO's failure to condemn 5/30 attempted raid on Israel. Bush says suspension was "not an easy call," and "though we are specific in calling for the condemnation of this particular terrorist attack, once that is done we can resume talks." [KUNA 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; NYT, WP, LAT, WT, MEM 6/21; ADS 6/21 in FBIS 6/21].

In Jerusalem, World Zionist Organization defeats resolution opposing settlement of Soviet Jews in O.T.; P.M. Shamir speaks to group before vote, warns that Arabs are trying to sabotage immigration with threats of war [LAT, WT 6/21]; Shamir also calls on USSR not to curtail immigration UDS 6/20 in FBIS 6/21].

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee meets with FBI officials to discuss unsolved 1985 assassination of Alex Odeh; ADC accuses Israel of sheltering the killers, urges U.S. pressure on Israel to solve case [WT 6/21].

Worsening economic conditions in Gaza have created new political extremism and rise in influence of Hamas, other Islamic groups [CSM 6/21]. 

Jimmy Carter arrives in Jerusalem after visits to Syria and Jordan; says Pres. Asad is willing to enter into peace talks with Israel at international conference [NYT, WP 3/19].

Iran's First Dep. For. Min., Moham med Ali Besharati, says chances for freedom for Western hostages in Lebanon have never been brighter, predicts they will be freed within 10 months [NYT 3/ 19].

General strike called for by Hamas is observed in W. Bank, E. Jerusalem; masked Palestinians wielding axes and knives enforce strike in Hebron [NYT 3/ 19].

Fateh Revolutionary Council closes extraordinary and ordinary sessions [SVP 3/21 in FBIS 3/23].

Israeli housing minister David Levy calls for building 2,000 new W. Bank apartments this year to house Jewish immigrants (cf. 3/12) [WT 3/9].

Ruth Kaminker of Jerusalem's City Planning Board says city gov't. has plans to build new Jewish neighborhood in Mount Homa area of E. Jerusalem, despite U.S. opposition [WT 3/9].

In interview with Le Figaro, King Hussein blames U.S. for helping facilitate Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [ADS 3/8 in FBIS 3/9].

Pres. Asad denounces political changes in E. Europe as beneficial to Israel [NYT, WP 3/9]; says U.S. is encouraging Soviet Jewish emigration, pledges to continue war against Israel "for as long as time" (cf. 3/9) [LAT 3/10].

Attacking what he calls Arafat's "strategy of compromise," PFLP leader George Habash calls for "mobilizing all our energies" to foil proposed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations [NYT 3/9].

Hamas issues statement explaining it does not intend to join national leadership in O.T., nor any Palestinian-Israeli dialogue; says it is not part of PLO, therefore PNC resolutions are not binding on Hamas [JTS 3/8 in FBIS 3/12].

PLO advisor Nabil Sha'ath says it is important the U.S.-PLO dialogue continue, and that PLO keep all channels open [RAY 3/9 in FBIS 3/9].

Pentagon officials say U.S. will sell to Israel (at a cost of over $200 million) sophisticated new weapons system capable of shooting down tactical ballistic missiles [LAT 3/9].

Israeli forces outside self-imposed "security zone" in S. Lebanon shoot dead 5 Arabs, allegedly members of Hizballah [IDF 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; NYT, LAT 3/9].

In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6].

Shamir discusses Mideast peace process with Likud ministers amid reports he has decided to support U.S.-backed plan to convene Israeli-Palestinian talks in Cairo [WP 3/4].

Israel is requesting more than $1 billion in loans, gifts, and donations from American Jews and U.S. gov't. to help pay for resettling Soviet Jews [NYT 3/3].

Hamas has sent letter to Chrmn. Arafat and PLO leadership, stating Palestinian state is objective of intifada; Hamas also urged PLO to discontinue contacts with U.S. [BAY 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].

King Hussein spends day in Iraq holding talks with Pres. Saddam Hussein [ADS, ATS 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].

Chrmn. Arafat arrives in Baghdad on official visit; will meet with Pres. Saddam Hussein [BVP 2/25 in FBIS 2/27].

PLO envoy Hakam Balawi meets with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau [TDS 2/26 in FBIS 2/28].

General strike called for by Hamas is observed in O.T. [HAD 2/26 in FBIS 2/ 27].

Israeli Employment Services tells representatives of UN International Labor Organization (ILO) that unemployment in O.T. is 4.5% compared to 9% inside green line [MAA 2/26 in FBIS 2/27].

Labor Party votes to give Shamir and Likud 2 weeks to accept Labor's 4-point compromise formula for starting talks between Israel and Palestinians, or face dissolution of gov't. [NYT, WP, LAT 2/23; IDF 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].

Christian Science Monitor reports growing concern among Sephardic Jews that funding for new immigrants will come at expense of Sephardics [CSM 2/22].

During telephone conversation with Pres. Bush, P.M. Shamir insists Israel is not directing Soviet Jews to live in O.T. [JDS 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].

Security sources report core of Hamas movement has moved from Gaza to Nablus and Tulkarm. Same sources say Hamas leaflets now on high-quality paper and computerized, indicating Israeli Arab involvement [HAA 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].

Pres. Bush and Sec. Baker suggest Israeli gov't. stop delaying implementing of its own peace plan, and make necessary compromises to open negotiations [NYT 2/23].

U.S. House Foreign Affairs internal operations subcommittee holds hearing on proposed VOA transmitter to be built this summer in the Negev; environmentalists testify against what would be the world's largest radio transmitter [WP 2/ 22].

Soviet Union announces it will not permit any commercial air flights between USSR and Israel, concerned that Soviet Jews are being resettled in O.T. [WP 2/ 23].

Israeli troops confine some 250,000 W. Bank Palestinians to their homes to counter call for unrest on DFLP's 21st anniversary [HAA 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; MET 3/6-12].

Israeli warplanes bomb military camps east of Sidon, wounding at least 3 [JDS 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; MET 3/6-12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Separate leaflets distributed in the O.T. by Hamas and UNLU (Call number 52) call for attacks on Jewish settlers, saying the influx of Soviet Jews endangers the survival of the Palestinian people [WP 2/15; FBIS 2/16].

Other Countries: West German cabinet committee approves sale of anti-missile system to Saudi Arabia and 2 submarines to Israel [NYT 2/16].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF, SLA forces shoot, kill 1 unidentified fighter, capture 3 others in the "security zone" in S. Lebanon [FBIS 2/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elections to the Engineering Association in Gaza are held, Hamas wins 5 of 9 seats, pro-PLO bloc wins 3. [FBIS 2/1].

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Cairo for third meeting this month with Pres. Mubarak [FBIS 1/29; MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tax collectors seize 150 automobiles in al-Zawiyeh village, near Nablus, in attempt to force Palestinian owners to pay taxes [FJ 2/5].

Al-Fajr reports that Jewish settlers set fire to a Burin village mosque [FJ 2/5].

At least 6 Palestinians in O.T. are shot, injured in clashes with IDF [FJ 2/5].

Arab World: Israeli patrol in S. Lebanon is ambushed, DFLP claims responsibility, says its fighters killed 6 Israelis; Israel says no one was injured, and that the attackers fled when fired upon [MET 2/6; FBIS 1/ 26].


Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis [FBIS 1/29].

In a press interview, Yasir Arafat says that PLO cadres and Palestinian masses are increasingly pressuring PLO leaders to resort to the use of weapons in the O.T., but that orders remain not to use weapons [FBIS 1/26].

Other Countries: European Parliament recommends that the 12-nation EC suspend scientific cooperation with Israel until it opens Palestinian universities in the O.T; recommendation remains unbinding until accepted by EC's ministerial committee UP 1/27; FJ 1/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: General strike, called by Hamas, is observed in O.T. to protest the flow of Soviet Jews to Israel [NYT 1/28; FJ 2/5; MET 2/6].

IDF exchanges fire with unidentified person across Jordanian border near Kibbutz Neve Ur [FBIS 1/26; MET 2/6].

Arab World: Israeli fighter jets bomb Fateh Revolutionary Council base in Lebba, Lebanon. 5 people are wounded [FBIS 1/25; NYT 1/26; MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court identifies Faisal Husayni as a supporter and financial backer of the socalled Palestine Popular Army. Court has not charged Husayni with any crime, and Husayni says allegations are false [NYT 1/19].

Israeli military demolishes apartment building in Bani Suhaylah in Gaza; destroys 4more in Hebron area. Army seals house in Anabta and another in Ain Arik. Imam al-Shafi'i Elementary School is reopened after 3 days of closure [FJ 1/29].

Hamas says it is not responsible for 1/17 leaflet attacking Arafat, says it is a forgery [FBIS 1/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: With Soviet Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel at rate of more than 1,000 per week, Israeli officials acknowledge they do not have plan to handie the immigration, and new housing construction is months away [NYT 1/18].

Israeli political and military leaders react with alarm to Senator Robert Dole's suggestion that some U.S. aid to Israel be reapportioned to E. Europe [WP, LAT 1/ 18].

Arab World: In 2 interviews, Arafat expresses frustration over slowness of peace process. Arafat says to Cairo weekly Al Mussawar if peace efforts stop he will "immediately announce [his] resignation." Speaking in Baghdad, Arafat accuses Arabs of "impotence" vis-a-vis Israel, decries Arabs more concerned with events in Lebanon than in O.T., and criticizes Shamir's plan to resettle Soviet Jews in W. Bank [NYT 1/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police announce that it has removed police officer from his post for "committing brutalities" during the 12/30 Peace Now rally in Jerusalem [FJ 1/29].

General strike called for by UNLU is observed in O.T. Leaflet attributed to Hamas sharply attacks Arafat for his willingness to recognize Israel [FBIS 1/171.

At least 2 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF troops in O.T. [FBIS 1/ 18].