15 / 15500 Results
  • September 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    Battle for Souq al-Gharb continues, LAF positions under artillery attack throughout day; Marine position at airport hit by mortar rounds; new contingent of 2000 Marines...

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  • September 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy fighting continues for 7th day in Chouf; PSP forces attack Deir al-Qamar, move toward cutting coastal road; LAF positions around Beirut come under artillery fire;...

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  • September 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery and machine gun battles continue between rival militias in Chouf, PSP captures Beiteddine, retakes Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall on West Beirut; French MNF...

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  • August 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery and rocket duels spread to a dozen Chouf villages over Saturday night; IDF line across South Lebanon will consist of string of static forts, within eye contact of...

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  • June 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery fire between rival militias in Chouf mountains.


    General strike in most Muslim-dominated areas of Lebanon marks first anniversary of...

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  • January 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing...

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  • January 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...

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  • January 2, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF attacked twice in Sidon; fighting continues in Tripoli.


    Tripoli death toll for weekend is 17.

    Political Responses:


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  • December 15, 1982

    Military Action:

    Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but...

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  • December 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....

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  • November 14, 1982

    Military Action:

    Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


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  • October 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad...

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  • July 10, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland...

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  • June 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed...

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  • June 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    48 Israeli air strikes are reported in the areas of Nabatiyeh, Beaufort Castle, Arnoun, Hasbaya and Aichiye; Israeli jets and gun-boats bomb and strafe several dozen...

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Military Action:

Battle for Souq al-Gharb continues, LAF positions under artillery attack throughout day; Marine position at airport hit by mortar rounds; new contingent of 2000 Marines arrives offshore Beirut, US forces now total 14,000 marines and sailors on shore or aboard 12 ships, with approximately 100 aircraft.


3 US Marines wounded by mortar fire; reports of refugees from Chouf region intensify, Beirut radio says 7846 families have fled, Israeli radio says many seek to cross from Lebanon into Israel; first IRC relief convoy reaches refugees in Deir al-Qamar.

Political Responses:

Palestinian/ Lebanese: Cease-fire talks continue, McFarlane meets Gemayel, then flies to Saudi Arabia; Lebanese officials describe current fighting as foreign invasion, not civil war.

US and Other Countries: Reagan authorizes aggressive self-defense measures for Marines, including pre-emptive air and naval strikes; administration official says US will not stand by and let places of vital interest, like Souq al-Gharb, be overrun; draft resolutions to bring US participation in MNF under War Powers Act introduced in Senate and House.

Military Action:

Heavy fighting continues for 7th day in Chouf; PSP forces attack Deir al-Qamar, move toward cutting coastal road; LAF positions around Beirut come under artillery fire; Beirut radio reports PLO Yarmouk Brigade has joined battle against LAF at Suq al-Gharb.


50-64 Christians reportedly killed in al-Bireh, 250 flee to town of Jezzine, PSP denies massacre.

Politicial Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Cease-fire proposals, mediated by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, under discussion with Jumblatt and Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam in Damascus.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says US and other MNF states have rejected Gemayel request to increase troop commitment, move into Chouf, occupy positions abandoned by IDF.

Military Action:

Artillery and machine gun battles continue between rival militias in Chouf, PSP captures Beiteddine, retakes Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall on West Beirut; French MNF position hit, 2 French Super Etendard fighters reconnoiter mountain artillery positions; rockets, mortars fall near US Marines; US accelerates shipments of ammunition, other supplies to LAF; Britain moves 6 RAF Buccaneer long-range strike aircraft to Cyprus; IDF armored column enters village of Jalalya, 5 km north of Awali River.


1 French soldier wounded; Berberi Medical Center in Beirut damaged by shelling; 25-40,000 Christian refugees under siege by PSP forces in Deir al-Qamar reportedly running short of food, water.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: McFarlane holds talks with Christian, Muslim groups and with Gemayel, reportedly moving toward cease-fire and political dialogue involving Syria and Saudi Arabia; Lebanese government says it will begin censorship of newspapers on Saturday; Jumblatt gives assurances of safety to Christian refugees in Deir al-Qamar.

Military Action:

Artillery and rocket duels spread to a dozen Chouf villages over Saturday night; IDF line across South Lebanon will consist of string of static forts, within eye contact of each other, supplemented by look-out posts, roadblocks, mobile patrols, and sophisticated electronic equipment.


Car bomb at entrance to fruit and vegetable market in Baalbek kills 33, injures 125, 15 buildings damaged or destroyed, Front for Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners claims responsibility; demonstrations against continuing IDF occupation occur in dozens of villages in Sidon area; Lebanese security officials estimate that 400-500 people, mostly civilians, have died in car bombings and other random violence since end of last summer's invasion; total IDF killed since June 1982 now 506.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 7 more Birzeit students sentenced to prison for 18 months, one for 24 months for participating in July 27 demonstration; Arens meets six prominent Palestinians in Hebron.

Arab Governments: Assad has 6-hour meeting with McFarlane, Syrian position unchanged; McFarlane travels to Saudi Arabia.

Military Action:

Artillery fire between rival militias in Chouf mountains.


General strike in most Muslim-dominated areas of Lebanon marks first anniversary of Israeli invasion; demonstrations in Nabatieh and Rashidieh camp; one man killed in exchange of fire between townships south of Beirut; detainees at Ansar continue protest, burn 20 tents.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor Party calls for judicial inquiry into government's handling of Lebanon war; Deputy PM Ehrlich says Sharon gave inaccurate information to Cabinet to justify military operations.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh rebels want formation of provisional committee, election of new leaders; Arafat meets Saudi leaders in Jeddah; Habash seeks support for end to armed confrontations, settlement of Fateh dispute by Central Committee and senior PLO leaders; Lebanese FM travels to Washington for talks with Reagan, Shultz.

Arab Governments: Syrian official says Shultz will not be welcome in Damascus; efforts to mediate PLO dispute made in Damascus by Algerian President Benjedid and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.

Military Action:

IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing to 100 total casualties in 9 weeks in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says Israelis will not become involved in any fighting while in Zaire, Israel hopes to expand ties with Zaire to include economy, diplomatic cooperation and agriculture; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai announces planned 800 megawatt hydro-electric plant at Dead Sea will be postponed, but construction of Med-Dead canal will continue, that Israel plans coaland nuclear-powered plants in the Negev; security forces arrest Najah University lecturer Sami Kilani, still hold 9 student council members, impose curfew on Nablus market area after protests over effective closure of Najah by daily roadblocks.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with King Hassan in Marrakesh; Lebanese Government agrees to US troops in surveillance stations in South, seeks to end current border anarchy of Israeli goods entering Lebanon; Saad Haddad tells Lebanese press he's willing to withdraw if it's in best interests of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Syrian Chief of Staff Gen. Hikmat Chehabi goes to Saudi Arabia with message from Assad for King Fahd; Syrian budget reportedly $4.6 billion, of which 54% or $2.6 billion goes to Ministry of Defense; President Mubarak, Prime Minister Kamal Hassan Ali, Undersecretary Osama el-Baz meet with Habib in Cairo; King Fahd meets with Habib in Riyadh.

Military Action:

Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.

US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.

Military Action:

IDF attacked twice in Sidon; fighting continues in Tripoli.


Tripoli death toll for weekend is 17.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet discusses fighting in Chouf, is briefed on Lebanese negotiations by Foreign Minister Shamir and David Kimche, hears of new security measures to be taken to reduce Israeli casualties in Lebanon; 3 members of Committee Against the War in Lebanon on trial for breach of peace after distributing leaflets in Haifa; Government agrees to 12% wage increase for public employees, averting general strike; official statistics show GNP did not increase in 1982, while real wages declined 3%; Begin's adviser on Arab Affairs Ben-yamin Gur-Arye says Begin will see if evacuation of Negev Bedouin families can be postponed; Bedouin township of Rahat forms labor council, the first in the Negev; Commission of Inquiry completes hearing of testimony, allowing Sharon to submit written answers instead of appearing for questioning; Moshe Reich, Israeli builder on West Bank, acquitted of blackmail, assault and threatened assault based on charges by Palestinians that he tried to force them to sell land; Jenin military governor warns Attorney Zuhair Jarrar not to complain to press about December 29 cut off of his electricity and water ordered by Israeli-appointed mayor Shihab Sanouri; Theodore Mann, chair of National Conference on Soviet Jews, announces 2,600 exit visas issued in 1982; PM Begin meets with relatives of Israeli prisoners, promises them no withdrawl of IDF from Lebanon until release of prisoners; Jerusalem police report series of raids on Jerusalem bookstores, seizing Palestinian flags, cassettes, T-shirts and other pro-PLO material.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Rashid Karami appeals to Syria to send envoy to stop fighting in Tripoli.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia says British Foreign Secretary Pym not welcome to visit after Thatcher government refuses PLO representative in Arab League delegation; Iraq announces that Saddam Hussein told Congressman Stephen Solarz (D-NY) on August 25, he accepts Israelis' need for security.

Military Action:

Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but reestablished after IDF arrives; IDF truck carrying ammunition goes up in flames near Deir al-Qamar; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam visits Tripoli, negotiates immediate cease-fire after 4 hour meeting with local leaders.


IDF planning to reopen former PLO school at el-Mahshuk, near Tyre (many refugees still live in other schools, preventing reopening); students on strike in Chouf area; 2 killed, 25 wounded in Chouf; 3 IDF soldiers wounded in truck explosion.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon declines to testify again before Commisison of Inquiry; Chief of Staff Eitan, Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, head of Mossad, and Sharon's civilian aide Dudai all decide to give additional evidence or to cross-examine witnesses; Shamir meets with Argentine president and foreign minister to discuss Lebanese war, Malvinas, "disappeared" Israeli citizens, ends visit amid indications Argentina will seek large arms purchases; majority of World Zionist Congress vote for resolution, proposed by Labor Party, calling for peace settlement based on "territorial compromise," but parliamentary maneuvering blocks formal adoption.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with former World Jewish Congress president Philip Klutznik in Tunis; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem meets with Reagan, asks for more troops, also says Colombia, Brazil and Portugal have been asked to donate troops; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Draper to discuss US proposal of partial withdrawal as first step to create momentum; to seek solution to disagreement on venue of peace talks; Draper departs to join Habib in Israel; Gemayel telephones Assad following meeting.

Arab Governments: Syria sends two high-level delegates to Tripoli port to try to end fighting.

US and Other Countries: Presidential adviser Edwin Meese says US will sell arms to Jordan without demanding its participation in peace talks, says issues unrelated; Honduran foreign minister denies arms deal with Israel but expects agreement on economic and technical assistance; Habib arrives in Israel; Britain postpones trade envoy's visit to Saudi Arabia in wake of tensions from postponing visit by Arab League delegation including PLO representative.

Military Action:

IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.


One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.

Political Responses:

lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.

US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.

Military Action:

Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


One killed, 4 wounded in Aramoun, brings to over 50 total killed in Chouf incidents in past two weeks; Tyre curfew lifted and road to Israeli border reopened; PLO protests to ICRC over treatment of prisoners in South Lebanon detention camps.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's 62-year old wife dies and Begin leaves US for Israel to begin 30-day mourning period, postponing indefinitely meeting with Reagan; 47 Israeli victims of Tyre explosion buried; General Meir Zorea, head of military inquiry, reports to Cabinet that explosion not caused by a bomb, and Energy Minister Modai says it was probably caused by leaking cooking gas; Deputy Prime Minister Ehrlich chairs Cabinet meeting devoted to mourning Aliza Begin and Tyre victims; Shamir reports on meetings with Draper and lack of Lebanese response to Israeli proposals on format/ content of proposed talks; Modai proposes IDF unilaterally withdraw from parts of Lebanon to get talks going and to test Syrian/Lebanese intentions; al-Hamishmar demands withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon and resignation of Sharon in wake of Tyre disaster; IDF source indicates Defense Ministry postponed plans to raze abandoned Ein Sultan refugee camp north of Jericho on night following Beirut massacres (razing reportedly related to efforts to build more Jewish settlements in area); three Nahal settlements of Elisha, Beit Arava, Tzurif currently being "civilianized"; at Commission of Inquiry, senior IDF officer and Eitan aide Ze'ev Zecharin contradicts Sharon and Begin, says Sharon spoke of Phalange entry into camps September 14 (not September 15 as Sharon asserted), says Eitan told him Saturday morning, September 18, that Begin had requested information on Gaza Hospital in Sabra camp (denied by Begin), says Eitan instructed IDF to restrict artillery support to minimize civilian casualties, to impose a curfew on all areas of Lebanon under IDF control, to ask Phalange to mobilize forces to take camps regardless of timing of IDF advance into West Beirut, says Eitan flew to Beirut Wednesday, September 17, to detail IDF plans to Phalange but Phalange asked for 24-hour delay to get organized, and agreed that Mossad officer not IDF would act as liaison with Phalange, says Sharon ordered Phalange to enter camps after Wednesday morning arrival at IDF Beirut divisional command post, says no Phalange irregularities raised and no questions asked in Eitan's meeting with Phalange commanders Friday afternoon, says Phalange, during Sunday morning meeting with Eitan, admitted killing civilians but said "We won't go with this to the media, that we did it, because it will hurt us in the Presidential elections"; Zecharin's testimony curtailed at IDF request after contradiction with Dudai testimony highlighted; Foreign Ministry official Ariel Kenet testifies that two inquiries from ministry's Beirut representative Friday afternoon noted US envoy Draper's concern at seeing Phalange inside camps and Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan's report of patients being killed at Gaza Hospital, asserts he alerted David Kimche, who instructed him to notify Defense Ministry.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Nassir says Palestine National Council meeting may not occur before January; Arafat attends Brezhnev funeral in Moscow; Amin Gemayel and Wazzan arrive in Riyadh for 2 days of talks with King Fahd, seeking Saudi help in rebuilding Lebanon, support for withdrawal of PLO and Syrian forces; Wazzan, before departing, says Lebanon wants Israel out of Lebanon, is uninterested in direct negotiations.

US and Other Countries: Reagan phones condolences to Begin; State Department indicates it hopes Israel will not retaliate for Tyre explosion; fears raised that Begin's return to Israel is setback for Reagan peace plan.

UN: UNRWA says by next June, $43.4 million will have been spent on emergency aid to Lebanon but only $31 million has been raised to date.

Military Action:

Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad militia's area of operation, prompting exchange of gunfire; IDF attacked by bazooka and light weapons east of Doha and at IDF roadblock near Sil, south of Beirut; Syrian radio reports IDF reinforcing armor units in Bekaa, a few miles south of Beirut-Damascus highway.


One IDF soldier wounded by bazooka fire east of Doha; 300 West Beirut residents spontaneously protest rumor of Lebanese Army withdrawal from their neighborhood.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir returns from 3-week visit to US; Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arens says US approved Israeli weapons, spare parts sales to Iran in attempt to make contacts in Iranian military that could be used to bring down Khomeini government; Israel reportedly agrees to provide arms and counter-insurgency training to Costa Rica; former Mossad head Meir Amit says net results of invasion are negative ("We've encouraged anti-Semitism,... highlighted the Palestinian problem instead of solving it" and by hitting PLO too hard, increased Arab solidarity); IDF mental health unit report indicates high mental illness rate among Israelis fighting in Lebanon (23 percent of total Israeli wounded are suffering psychiatric injuries, double "normal" wartime rate; 78 percent of 600 affected men are reservists).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel returns home, calling trip a success (government announces US has agreed to equip 7,500 of 28,000-man Lebanese Army, France has pledged $86 million in military equipment); Salam, in interview, accuses Sharon of arming Phalange and Druze to promote sectarian tension in Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation headed by Moroccan King Hassan (with Foreign Ministers of Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia) meets with Reagan for 3 hours and later with State Department, stresses only PLO agreement will enable Jordan to play negotiating role for West Bank; US officials refuse to meet with PLO representative Khalid al-Hassan who is accompanying Arab League delegation.

US and Other Countries: Reagan urges Arab League delegation to begin direct negotiation with Israel to achieve Palestinian rights; Shultz tells delegation simultaneous Israeli-PLO recognition" moot as Israel totally rejects idea; Hassan's use of word "coexistence" seen by US officials as implying Arab recognition of Israel; Jewish medical team, back in Britain after visiting 4 refugee camps. in Lebanon, says Palestinians want to be more self-reliant but Israelis are preventing them from rebuilding homes, reorganizing health services.

UN: Britain blocks move to bar Israel from UN-sponsored International Telecommunications Union at Nairobi meeting; Arab states at UN agree to postpone efforts to expel Israel from General Assembly.

Military Action:

IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland resort hotel, damages embassies of Kuwait, Iran, Iraq and UAE; PLO shells injure guard at presidential palace, land near residence of US Ambassador; IDF jets drop flares; 8 IDF shells hit Beirut racetrack; Phalangists resume blockade of food and fuel from West Beirut after IDF eased blockade yesterday; IDF units report capture of 600-700 PLO fighters, mainly in the Chouf mountains in the past week; IDF soldiers patrol villages in the area to prevent violence between Druze and Christian villagers.


Nine IDF soldiers reportedly wounded in past 24 hours; private Lebanese radio station reports 12 Palestinians killed, 18 wounded; Israeli Economy Minister Meridor, heading aid program in southern Lebanon, claims only 10 Sidon buildings damaged beyond repair (Sidon's mayor says hundreds); 50-60 people are being arrested each week in the Sidon area alone on suspicion of being PLO members/ sympathizers; ICRC still denied access to IDF's "civilian detainees" except for 18 injured being held in an Israeli hospital; refugee estimates of civilian dead in Ain el-Hilweh run to "thousands"; despite reports by IDF Druze unit which attacked camp with little PLO resistance, large areas of camp were devastated, hundreds buried under the rubble; death toll for Beirut alone since June 4 put at 2,683.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel reportedly sent Reagan documents indicating "mercenaries" from Asia/Africa fought with PLO and that M-16 rifles sold by the US to Saudi Arabia were found in southern Lebanon; Sharon says all PLO and Syrian forces must leave Lebanon before IDF will withdraw; Israel rejects use of multinational force as "buffer" between IDF and PLO forces; Foreign Ministry official Kimche and Israeli military intelligence officer Saguy meet with Habib in Beirut; several cabinet ministers opposed to IDF assault on Beirut even if negotiations fail; 300 IDF reservists in Tel Aviv call for an end to the war in Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations make little headway as PLO insists on political concessions, protection for Palestinian refugees in return for evacuation; PLO also reported to insist on retaining heavy as well as light weapons; Habib meets with Wazzan, Sarkis, Butros; Salam accuses Sharon of ordering Friday bombardment to sabotage talks; Wazzan insists US and other peacekeeping troops be deployed in W. Beirut before the PLO evacuation to protect Muslims from possible reprisals by Phalangists; Habib suggests PLO evacuation by sea using French, Canadian, Belgian or Greek navy escort; PLO's Khalaf predicts IDF will take Beirut "bit by bit."

Arab Governments: Syria continues to refuse to accept more than PLO leadership.

US and Other Countries: France agrees "in principle" to send peacekeeping troops to Beirut if all parties to the conflict and the UN agree; Draper, in Syria, fails to persuade it to accept PLO guerrillas; White House officials say the US "would welcome" use of French troops in Lebanon; USSR warns France not to submit to Washington's "dangerous plans"; Habib sets August 1 as date to begin PLO evacuation; Greece offers ships to facilitate PLO evacuation; Pope sends message to president of Israel urging honorable treatment of defeated Palestinians.

UN: UNIFIL spokesman says the number of persons in the UNIFIL area has doubled with the influx of refugees fleeing fighting in the north, many with no roof over their heads.

Military Action:

Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed); Muslim/Christian conflicts around Tripoli; 2 Israeli generals visit Jumblatt's center, demand that his forces surrender artillery and mortars; Phalange moves into Chouf and Sidon, replacing Lebanese gendarmerie; Israeli jets hold mock battles over Beirut, dropping flares over Palestinian refugee camps; PLO bolsters positions inside W. Beirut; Phalange shoot from behind IDF lines.


Israeli government developing plans for security of southern Lebanon not involving international help (arms and uniforms given to villagers); observers report more physical damage in Tyre than Sidon (where casualties higher); Lebanese bankers protest IDF attempt to violate bank secrecy in Sidon; IDF asks Druze/Phalange leaders to stop fighting between followers (Phalange reportedly using arms against Druze; IDF caught in cross-fire); villages of Jumblatt refuse to be disarmed (Druze Likud Knesset member asks Sharon to restrain Phalangists "who draw their strength from the Defense Minister").

UNRWA reports that 50 percent of houses in 6 Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon/Tyre are destroyed, 40 percent of refugees have fled, UNRWA convoy scheduled to leave Jerusalem for Tyre today (draws on stocks in Gaza and West Bank); two-thirds of two camps near Tyre destroyed (no clear report on third camp); Ain el-Hilweh reportedly "virtually wiped out," Rashidiyeh suffers less damage; 200,000 tons of aid from France, West Germany, Denmark waiting in Cyprus for IDF permission to ship; Canadian physician who worked in Sidon says 50 percent of 10,000 killed by IDF invasion were children under 13 (his hospital was bombed 4 times, he saw pellet bombs dropped on refugee camps, and saw Palestinian prisoners beaten with clubs and metal-tipped whips).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin disagrees with message from Haig that PLO should be allowed token political presence in Lebanon if Lebanon agrees (says that despite his statement in the US that Israel had no intention of entering Beirut, with IDF on Beirut's periphery "it was another matter," and urges Beirut residents to "flee for your lives"); Israeli Cabinet agrees to give negotiations more time, extends "deadline"; officials indicate Saudi plans for airlift might be acceptable; Foreign Ministry condemns EEC call for involvement of PLO in negotiations; Labor Alignment resolution opposing military action in Beirut gets 47 votes (Likud resolution gets 60, reference to multinational policing of 28-mile zone conspicuously absent); cost of war put at $2.5 billion for Israel ($1 b. in direct costs, $1.5 b. in indirect costs from resultant economic slowdown; equals 10-15 percent of GNP); IDF service extension for those essential for war effort being discussed; officials claim PLO takes advantage of peace negotiations; 200 protest Israeli invasion near Prime Minister's office (including 15 reservists back from Lebanon, who say they have signatures of 200 soldiers opposed to the war); trial of 20 Palestinian youths for guerrilla actions begins in Lydda and Ramal-lah; Israeli Druze leader asks Begin to restrain Phalange attacks on Lebanese Druze.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange party plans to nominate Bashir Gemayel for Lebanese President; negotiations stall as no Arab countries indicate willingness to accept all PLO fighters; Lebanese continue to flee Beirut, leaving streets deserted; Wazzan puts civilian deaths at 15,000 (IDF Colonel Kadar says deaths number only a few thousand-in excess of 440 civilian deaths cited by Begin last week); Wazzan, after meeting with Habib, rejects Israeli conditions; PLO forces in Tripoli vow to fight on regardless of any settlement in-volving PLO forces in Beirut; PLO privately reiterates willingness to leave Lebanon (form of evacuation and surrender of arms left un-resolved); PLO meets with Salam.

Arab Govemments: Saudis reported active diplomatically; Arab League representatives meet in Taif to continue discussion of common approach to IDF invasion (includes Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, PLO, Algerian and Kuwaiti envoys).

US and Other Countries: Reagand enies giving Israel "green light" for invasion, says it resulted from PLO rocket attacks on Israel; Senator Percy says IDF invasion of W. Beirut would be "unacceptable" because of civilian casualties; State Department official warns of risk of renewed fighting if PLO and Lebanon do not come to terms soon; Haig sends message saying PLO should be allowed some political presence in Lebanon if Lebanese authorities agree; French Foreign Minister Cheysson, after meeting with Egyptian envoy Ghali, speaks of PLO as representing Palestinian people; Greek Ministry of Culture supervises huge concert in Athens to aid Palestinian children; Nigerian parliament passes resolution condemning Israel; protests held in cities in USSR; USSR accuses Israelis of using chemical weapons in Lebanon supplied by US.

Military Action:

48 Israeli air strikes are reported in the areas of Nabatiyeh, Beaufort Castle, Arnoun, Hasbaya and Aichiye; Israeli jets and gun-boats bomb and strafe several dozen targets along a 25-mile corridor from Tyre to Naameh (8 miles south of Beirut); Israeli bombardment of the Chouf region (a Lebanese left stronghold) is reported; Israeli tanks move into Haddad-controlled enclave in southern Lebanon and heavy artillery batteries move into Marjayoun 6 miles inside Lebanon; Damour area attacked for two hours as Israeli helicopters conduct reconnaissance flights.

Syria's estimated 30,000 troops inside Lebanon remain uninvolved, and no Syrian aircraft engage Israeli jets.


PLO sources claim 130 killed, 250 wounded and 3 Israeli jets shot down yesterday; Lebanese and Palestinian sources report many civilian casualties; the Rashidiyeh refugee camp near Tyre hit; thousands of civilians jam northern road as Sidon and other southern Lebanese towns empty in fear of an Israeli attack.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Military censors UN accounts of fighting inside Lebanon; Labor party urges government to "control" Lebanese action and seek to restore cease-fire, complains about lack of prior consultation; 2000 protest in Tel Aviv against Israeli hostilities and criticize Israeli policies in the "occupied territories."

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Saudi Arabia to mediate Iran/Iraq war, says PLO will respond strongly; Lebanese Foreign Minister Butros, noting lack of response from Arab world, asks "confrontation states" to stop being spectators, provide concrete solidarity and confrontation.

US: Secretary of State Alexander Haig, in Versailles, calls Israeli bombing of Lebanon "very serious," announces Philip Habib will seek to restore July 1981 cease-fire.

UN: Security Council meets in emergency session and issues unanimous call for cease-fire in Lebanon.