435 / 15472 Results
  • September 15, 1990

    Responding to 9/14 Iraqi move against French embassy in Kuwait, Pres. Mitterrand orders additional 4,000 soldiers and dozens of helicopters and tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/16; CMS 9/17]....

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  • August 29, 1990

    White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8...

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  • August 26, 1990

    On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].

    Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S....

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  • November 15, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police ban gatherings of 10 or more in E. Jerusalem, threaten Palestinians that if they display the Palestinian flag they can receive 5...

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  • September 26, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police capture 3 Palestinians who escaped from Nafha Prison 9/21 [FJ 10/4].

    Arab World: Al-Wafd reports Egypt has...

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  • April 10, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque join demonstration after noon prayers; in Nablus, troops disperse demonstration, order al-Rawda College...

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  • December 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Justice Minister denies France's request to extradite William Nakash, convicted of 1983 murder of an Arab in France [FJ 12/12].


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  • November 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres defends Israel's role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/25]. Authorities demolish mosque and private Arab house in Galilee...

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  • November 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr, is charged with violating censorship laws related to a 1985 television interview and the 1986...

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  • November 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem branch of Israeli Journalists Union protests expulsion of al-Sha'b editor Akram Haniyyah (JP 11/7).


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  • September 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Birzeit University administration and employees reach agreement, end strike (FJ 9/12). Poll in West Bank and Gaza conducted by ...

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  • February 12, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres outlines plan to "devolve" Israeli control of health, education, welfare, municipal services to Palestinians in occupied...

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  • October 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for...

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  • July 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26...

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  • April 30, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 more suspects arrested (one Kiryat Arba security officer) in connection with bus bombing plot (4/27/84). When asked in interview if ...

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Responding to 9/14 Iraqi move against French embassy in Kuwait, Pres. Mitterrand orders additional 4,000 soldiers and dozens of helicopters and tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/16; CMS 9/17].

Pres. Gorbachev tells Italian F.M. De Michelis that Moscow would be willing to discuss Iraqi grievances against Kuwait, but only after Saddam withdraws [WP 9/16].

American officials say U.S. will postpone plans to seek repeal of UN resolution equat- ing Zionism with racism at this year's Gen. Assembly so as not to imperil Arab support for embargo against Iraq and U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia [NYT 9/16].

Three-day "Conference on Arab Popular Movements" opens in Amman; attended by about 3,000 including 120 representatives of political organizations from 9 Arab countries (Egyptian and Syrian delegations reportedly prevented by their gov'ts from attending) (cf. 9/16, 9/17, 9/18) [MEM 9/13, 9/17; JTE 9/15 in FBIS 9/17, 9/18; CSM 9/17].

Meanwhile 5-day conference ends in Amman of Islamist leaders from Jordan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Algeria, and Turkey; Egypt reportedly prevented 7 top-level Islamist leaders from attending. Conference decides to send mediation team to Saudi Arabia and Iraq [MEM 9/17].

W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announces $2 billion aid package to support multinational forces in Gulf; says German constitution prevents him from sending troops [WP 9/16].

U.S. Air Force chief of staff Gen. Michael Dugan says in event of hostilities, American forces would employ massive bombing raids against Baghdad that specifically target Saddam Hussein and family, military centers, and power systems (cf. 9/17) [WP 9/16; FJ 9/24].

White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8/29; LAT, CSM 8/30; WT 8/31; MET 9/11].

On tour of Gulf states, British defense secretary Tom King says he's sending 4 additional warships - 3 mine-hunters and 1 destroyer - to the Gulf [LAT 8/30].

U.S. C-5 military transport aircraft carrying supplies to Gulf troops crashes shortly after takeoff in W. Germany, killing 12 soldiers [MEM 8/29; NYT, LAT, WT, CSM, WP 8/30].

10 of 13 OPEC nations, meeting in Vienna, endorse temporary production increase to make up for supplies lost because of Gulf crisis; Iran opposes agreement, Libya and Iraq are absent [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP 8/30; CSM 8/31].

21-member World Islamic Council denounces Saudi Arabia for inviting "anti-Islamic U.S. troops" into Middle East [INRA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Speech read on behalf of Yasir Arafat to meeting of UN nongovernmental organizations in Geneva says PLO does not take sides in Gulf crisis, links Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait to other "occupied" lands-Lebanon, Golan, and Palestine [AVP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Qatar has expelled 20 PLO officials since beginning of Gulf crisis, according to Yasir Abd Rabbo [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30]; Abd Rabbo also states that breaking the economic blockade against Iraq is an Arab responsibility [RAY 8/30 in FBIS 8/31].

Hamas distributes leaflet in O.T. calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Kuwaiti self-determination; UNLU also issues leaflet continuing its demand for withdrawal of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and calls for strike on 9/26 "in solidarity with the Iraqi people" [JPD 8/30 in FBIS 8/30].

Japan unveils aid package to help finance international effort against Iraq, but package  draws criticism from U.S. because of absence of tangible aid to military buildup. Japanese program offers loans to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan; sending 100 doctors, refrigeration equipment, and water to region (cf. 8/31) [MEM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30].

Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij says he supports UN formula for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, believing it to be the only way to head off a new disaster for Palestinians [WP 8/301.

On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].

Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S. embassy in Kuwait to leave the country; 3 are turned back at Turkish border; Saddam meets with Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim and frees 96 Austrians [WT, LAT 8/27].

Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze demonstrates Moscow's continued reluctance to take military role in Gulf crisis, saying USSR would leave it up to other countries to enforce naval blockade of Iraq [LAT, WT, WP, NYT 8/27].

Israeli military says it will begin blocking exports of Palestinian-produced fruits, vegetables, and other products shipped through Jordan to Iraq [NYT 8/27]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police ban gatherings of 10 or more in E. Jerusalem, threaten Palestinians that if they display the Palestinian flag they can receive 5 years in jail, $10,000 fine. Curfew for the Gaza Strip enters 4th day. Closure of W. Bank schools is extended until end of November. Army cuts off electricity in Hebron and Nablus [WP 11/16].

Arab World: In Algiers PNC proclaims Palestinian state with Jerusalem as capital, accepts UN Resolution 242, and calls for "peaceful coexistence with all people for a durable and lasting peace" and for the convening of international peace conference [WP 11/16]. Several Arab countries recognize the State of Palestine - Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, North Yemen, South Yemen, Mauritania [NYT 11/16].

Other Countries: Turkey and Malaysia recognize the State of Palestine [WP 11/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police capture 3 Palestinians who escaped from Nafha Prison 9/21 [FJ 10/4].

Arab World: Al-Wafd reports Egypt has rejected Israeli bid to participate in Egyptian-Turkish project to produce spare parts for U.S. weapons [FBIS 10/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque join demonstration after noon prayers; in Nablus, troops disperse demonstration, order al-Rawda College closed until 4/24 [FJ 4/12]. Explosion causes extensive damage to new Sultan al-Atrash monument on the Golan Heights. Residents blame Israeli authorities [FJ 4/12].

Other Countries: Turkish police reporthey have foiled plan to kidnap Americans and Israelis living in Turkey and exchange them for 200 members of Islamic Jihad held in Israel [NYT 4/11].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian military observers escort delegation of Amal officials and pro-Syrian Palestinians to Sidon in S. Lebanon for peace talks. UNRWA delivers 4 truckloads of supplies donated by Australia to Shatila refugee camp [GU 4/11]. Hizballah fighters kill 9 Israelis, wound at least 2, during attack near Qantara, inside S. Lebanon "security zone" [FJ 4/19].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Justice Minister denies France's request to extradite William Nakash, convicted of 1983 murder of an Arab in France [FJ 12/12].

Other Countries: The Times (London) reports discovery of plot to kidnap British ambassador in Turkey and exchange him for arrested members of Abu Nidal organization [LT 12/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers firing to break up student demonstration kill 2 Palestinian students, wound at least 11 others outside Birzeit University. Demonstration was in response to an Israeli military roadblock [FJ, NYT 12/5].

Arab World: Police records reveal that the last two months of fighting between Shi'a and Palestinians in Lebanon have left 550 dead, 2,000 wounded, and large numbers dislocated [NYT 12/5]. Israeli gunboats attack Palestinian refugee camps in S. Lebanon, the third time Israeli military has supported Amal in the last 2 weeks of fighting. Druze and Amal leaders announce draft agreement for solution to camps war. Plan still requires Palestinian support [FT 12/5]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres defends Israel's role in the U.S.-Iran arms sales [WP 11/25]. Authorities demolish mosque and private Arab house in Galilee village of Kammani. Government does not recognize Kammani and claims mosque was built illegally [FJ 11/28].

Other Countries: Representatives of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, U.S., and Turkey meet to discuss U.S. policy on water resources in the Middle East at conference sponsored by Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies [WP 12/15].

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinians break through Amal lines near Sidon. At least 50 are killed, 85 wounded in the battle [WP, NYT 11/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr, is charged with violating censorship laws related to a 1985 television interview and the 1986 al-Fajr diary [FJ 11/21].

Other Countries: W. German government states it will not break diplomatic relations with Syria despite evidence that Syria was involved in terrorist activity in Germany [WP 11/20]. U.S. Congress begins inquiries into the arms sales to Iran [BS 11/20]. U.S. Pres. Reagan says U.S. never condoned Israeli arms shipments to Iran but later states a third country was involved in the "secret project" [WP, NYT 11/20]. The Washington Post reports Israeli arms dealer Ya'acov Nimrodi arranged the U.S.-Iran arms sale [WP 11/19]. Turkey allows Syrian intelligence agent implicated in assassination of a Jordanian diplomat in Ankara to leave the country quietly [IN 11/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Rival PLO factions unite to defend the Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp against Shi'i forces. Eight are killed, 38 wounded in the fighting near Beirut. The Lebanese pound hits a record low against foreign currencies [WT, NYT 11/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem branch of Israeli Journalists Union protests expulsion of al-Sha'b editor Akram Haniyyah (JP 11/7).

Other Countries: U.S. intelligence sources reveal that U. S. sent military spare parts to Iran in exchange for release of U.S. hostages in Lebanon, and persuaded Israel to do the same. Operation has been going on since 1985 (NYT 11/7). Turkish prosecutors accuse Abu Nidal group of 9/6 massacre at Istanbul synagogue (WP 11/7).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Birzeit University administration and employees reach agreement, end strike (FJ 9/12). Poll in West Bank and Gaza conducted by Newsday (US), al-Fajr, and Australian Broadcasting Corp. shows 93 percent of Palestinians favor PLO, while 78 percent favor "acts of force" in pursuit of Palestinian cause (NYT 9/9; WP 9/9). Israeli military censor threatens action against al-Fajr for not submitting poll results for censorship (FJ 9/12).

Other Countries: Turkey upgrades rank of its envoy to Israel. New representative is now ambassador in Turkish Foreign Ministry. In Paris, bomb explodes in post office at city hall, kills one, and injures 19; "Committee of Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners" claims responsibility. Group wants suspected terrorists released from French jails, including Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah, under investigation for assassination of U.S. military attache in 1982 (WP 9/9).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres outlines plan to "devolve" Israeli control of health, education, welfare, municipal services to Palestinians in occupied territories, says plan does not call for army withdrawal, would be temporary until negotiations began with Jordan [BG, NYT 2/13]. Israel and Ivory Coast formally renew diplomatic ties [BG, LT 2/13]. Thousands of demonstrators protest outside Kach party convention in Jerusalem [NYT, BG 2/13].

Other Countries: Forty-four U.S. senators ask Attorney General Edwin Meese III to indict Yasir Arafat for 4/2/73 murders of 2 U.S. diplomats in Sudan [WP, LAT 2/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military command announces Israeli patrol boat fired on Turkish vessel which refused to stop 2/10, killing captain [JC 2/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for case for 10/6 [FJ 10/4].

Arab World: King Hussein meets with key U.S. congressmen to discuss proposed U.S. arms sale to Jordan [WP 10/2].

Other Countries: Pentagon officials meet Israeli diplomats, ask for list of U.S. weapons used in Tunis air raid [DT 10/4]. EEC countries empower their president to meet a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation, following Britain's decision to invite the delegation, including 2 prominent PLO members, to London for talks [JP 10/2].

Military Action

Arab World: Israel bombs PLO headquarters in Tunis, claiming retaliation for Lamaca killings and W. Bank violence; 61 Palestinians and 12 Tunisians killed, over 100 injured. 8 U.S.-made F-15s and 8 F- 16s used in the attack, raising speculation Israel may have violated U.S. Arms Export Control Act. White House spokesman Larry Speakes describes attack as a "legitimate response" to "terrorist atacks" [NYT, JP 10/2]. Jordan and Egypt condemn raid, vow to continue peace process. Egypt suspends Taba discussions in protest [NYT 10/2]. Saudi Arabia calls for UN sanctions against Israel. England, Greece, Czechoslovakia, China, Rumania, France, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Jewish leaders condemn raid [NYT 10/2; MG, LT 10/3]. Washington claims no advance knowledge of the attack [NYT 10/2]. Three SLA soldiers killed by unidentified gunmen in the security zone [JP 10/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26]. P. M. Peres says Israel should not give up part of Golan Heights in deal with U.S.S.R. for emigration of Soviet Jews UP 7/25]. Kiryat Arba's new nine-member local council - pledged to firing its Arab employees, pressing private businesses to do likewise, and to preventing economic ventures with Arab investors - is formally installed; dozens of secular residents enter building to protest [JP 7/25]. Israeli civil administration governing the occupied territories announces high school matriculation exam results improved on West Bank this year; schools were closed less than in the past; 64 percent of West Bank students passed their exams this year, compared with 54 percent last year [JP 7/25].

Arab World: Jordanian diplomat Ziad Sati, 40, is assassinated in Turkey; Islamic Jihad takes credit [CSM 7/26, NYT 7/25].

Other Countries: Reagan administration presents Middle East arms transfer study to special closed session of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee as basis for request to sell new arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Congressional supporters of Israel warn administration against pursuing the arms sale, saying it would provoke an "enormously divisive" debate [WP 7/24, 25, JTA 7/25, BG 7/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel frees 74 Lebanese Shi'a, 6 Lebanese Sunnis, and 20 Palestinians held at Atlit prison since April, when Israel transferred 1,200 detainees from its Ansar prison in south Lebanon to Israel. Three hundred are still in detention. Any prisoner now detained in south Lebanon by Israel is sent to new prison run by SLA at Khiyam village, in the security zone [NYT 7/24]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 more suspects arrested (one Kiryat Arba security officer) in connection with bus bombing plot (4/27/84). When asked in interview if practice of demolishing homes of terrorists will be applied to Jews, DM Arens refuses comment, but admits existence of "legal anomoly."

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat tells Kuwait newspaper al-Qabas of hopes to establish base in Egypt. Lebanon announces formation of new national unity gov't.; Shi'ite leader Berri refuses to join cabinet, criticizing lack of important Druze and Shi'ite role.

Other Countries: Swiss Socialist Party issues May Day statement of full support and sympathy for the PLO and its struggle (as well as freedom movements in El Salvador, Turkey & for Polisario); Zionist MP Hurvitz resigns from Swiss parliament and Socialist Party in protest.