Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Gaza Trade Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers defy Israeli ban, vote in first union election in Gaza in 20 years [...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Gaza Trade Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers defy Israeli ban, vote in first union election in Gaza in 20 years [...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin defends Israel's involvement in Iran arm shipments, states Israel participated with U.S. encouragement and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Radio announces Israeli occupation authorities have appointed fourth Arab mayor, Tahir Hijazi, as mayor of 'Anabta municipality...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities drop distribution of Arabic daily al-Fajr for seven days for censorship violations (JP, FBIS 10/2). ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports F.M. Shamir knew that Shin Bet chief approved killing of two men arrested in April 1984 bus attack (JP 9...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports two other Shin Bet members have implicated Shamir in scandal (FBIS 8/28). Al-Nahar reports $10...
Other Countries: King Hussein, in U.S. for twin daughters' college graduation, meets President Reagan: "climate for progress is not good" for M.E. peace [NYT 6/10...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 2 more Palestinians to Jordan: 'Adnan Ghanim and A. 'Abd al-Majid Radad, both West Bankers released in the 5/20/85...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports family of 1 of 3 Israeli soldiers reported missing in action during Lebanon war received information...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports nearly 2 dozen Nablus Palestinians have been detained, questioned for 2 weeks without charges on...
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Twenty-one Palestinian ex-prisoners file petition with High Court for order nisi forbidding their possible deportation (in wake of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian exprisoner Khalid Tantash is deported across Wadi 'Araba to Jordan in almost total media blackout; Tantash was awaiting High...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Press carries report stating P.M. Peres and King Hussein have met secretly to discuss M.E. peace prospects [JWP 11/22]. ...
Arab World: Yasir Arafat meets for 4 hours in Baghdad with Vladimir Poliakov, undersecretary of Soviet Foreign Ministry [WP 11/21].
Other Countries: ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof'...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of...
Arab World: Jerusalem Post quotes Arafat in al-Akhbar interview as saying he would negotiate with Israel only under UN auspices [JP 9/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jamal 'Awad, 18, dies of wounds sustained 9/18 when Israeli soldiers fired at him for reportedly refusing to stop at a checkpoint [FJ 9/...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of demonstrators attempt to disrupt Kach rally addressed by MK Meir Kahane [JP 9/20]. Jerusalem Post reports...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The 10-member inner cabinet deadlocks on a proposed compromise to end the Taba border dispute with Egypt, leaving the issue unresolved;...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six settlers demonstrate outside offices of al-Fajr newspaper in Jerusalem demanding it be shut because "it serves the PLO" [JP...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Gaza Trade Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers defy Israeli ban, vote in first union election in Gaza in 20 years [NYT 2/22; FJ 2/27]. Jerusalem Post cites reports Israel has doubled size of forces in Lebanon to almost 3,000 UPI 2/21]. Meir Ya'ari, one of the founders of Hashomer Hatzair Zionist youth movement and a long-time leader of Mapam party, dies at age 90 UPI 2/28].
Other Countries: Head of PLO Political Dept. Faruq al-Qaddumi ends 3-day official visit to Rome [FJ 2/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200 students participate in protest in Ramallah, throw stones at Israeli soldiers [FJ 2/27].
Arab World: Advance party of Syrian troops and tanks arrives in S. Beirut; 4,500 Syrian and Lebanese soldiers are expected to enter W. Beirut 2/22. Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil, returning from 10-day trip to European capitals, terms Syrian plan "illegal and unconstitutional" [WP 2/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin defends Israel's involvement in Iran arm shipments, states Israel participated with U.S. encouragement and approval [WP 2/16].
Arab World: Representatives of PLO and Jordan meet in Amman to discuss reactivating joint committee for W. Bank and Gaza development [WP 2/16]. Kidnappers release advisor to Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil after 4days as hostage [BG 2/16].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports Jonathan Pollard supplied U.S. reconnaissance data on PLO headquarters in Tunisia, assessments of operations planned by the PLO, and related information to Israel [WP 2/15]. Jerusalem Post cites reports that Israel has doubled forces in Lebanon to nearly 3,000 in effort to support SLA [JP 2/15].
Military Action
Arab World: Police report at least 8 injured, 1 killed in heavy fighting near Beirut's Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps. In W. Beirut, 4 are killed, 9 wounded in clash between Amal and Lebanese Communist party [BG 2/16]. Amal allows 30 families to leave Burj al-Barajinah; UN still unable to bring supplies into camp. Amal also allows some refugees to leave Tyre's Rashidiyyah camp and return with food and medicine [WP 2/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Radio announces Israeli occupation authorities have appointed fourth Arab mayor, Tahir Hijazi, as mayor of 'Anabta municipality in Tulkarm district (FBIS 10/24). Jerusalem Post reports total of four Palestinians have been arrested in connection with 10/15 Jerusalem bombing (JP 10/22).
Arab World: In Lebanon, kidnappers release Lebanese Christian AUB professor after five month detention (NYT 10/23).
Other Countries: Car bomb in Athens kills high-ranking PLO official Munthir Abu Ghazalah (NYT 10/22).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities drop distribution of Arabic daily al-Fajr for seven days for censorship violations (JP, FBIS 10/2). Jerusalem Post reports occupation authorities in West Bank are blocking distribution of new Arabic evening paper for territories, al-Masa', wanting paper to take a pro-Jordanian editorial line. Publisher Mahmud Abu Zuluf says paper is independent (JP 10/1).
Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of State Shultz meets Syrian F.M. Faruq al-Shar' in New York to discuss Syrian help in releasing U.S. hostages in Lebanon; al-Shar' in UN speech reiterates Syrian denials of involvement in terrorism and declares readiness to assist international efforts against terrorism (WP 10/2).
Military Action
Arab World: Shi'i militiamen ad Palestinians continue fighting around Rashidiyyah camp near Tyre (CSM 10/2).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports F.M. Shamir knew that Shin Bet chief approved killing of two men arrested in April 1984 bus attack (JP 9/6).
Other Countries: Two gunmen kill 22 during prayers in Istanbul's Neve Shalom synagogue, wound three, then kill themselves (NYT 9/6). In Prague, DFLP, Fateh, and PCP publicly announce PLO withdrawal from 11 February 1985 pact with Jordan (FJ 9/12).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports two other Shin Bet members have implicated Shamir in scandal (FBIS 8/28). Al-Nahar reports $10 million is to be paid to Musa al-'Alami project near Jericho (Fl 8/28).
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak arrives in Jordan for unannounced one-day working visit. King Hussein meets Soviet First Deputy Foreign Minister and Soviet delegation in Amman (FBIS 9/2).
Other Countries: King Hussein, in U.S. for twin daughters' college graduation, meets President Reagan: "climate for progress is not good" for M.E. peace [NYT 6/10]. PLO official Khalid Nazal shot dead in Athens street [NYT 6/11]. Greek security sources reportedly blame Mossad agents [FJ 7/20], PLO blames CIA and Mossad. Jerusalem Post identifies victim as a DFLP official [JP 6/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8 Israelis; most of the suspects are said to belong to Fateh cells active in the Jerusalem and Ramallah areas, to have been responsible for series of bombings since last September [JP, JTA 3/24].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat repeats PLO offer to trade acceptance of UN resolutions 242 and 338, and therefore acceptance of Israel, in return for guarantees by the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council of the Palestinians' rights to selfdetermination [BG 3/25]. Morocco's King Hasan proposes a summit conference between a chosen Arab leader and P.M. Peres to hear Israel's views on the Fez peace plan [JP 3/25].
Other Countries: U.S. is reportedly pressuring Israel to sell arms to Iraq, including Israeli "drone" reconnaissance aircraft and Soviet weapons captured by Israel during past wars with Arab neighbors [DT 3/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Lebanese state radio reports Israeli forces shelled Nabatiyyah, killing 3 civilians and wounding 22 [NYT 3/25]. Jerusalem Post reports the SLA shelled Nabatiyyah in response to 12 katyusha rockets that landed in "security zone" in early morning [JP 3/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 2 more Palestinians to Jordan: 'Adnan Ghanim and A. 'Abd al-Majid Radad, both West Bankers released in the 5/20/85 prisoner exchange. Ghanim was brutally tortured during his detention since 12/22/85, suffering severe head injury [FJ 2/14]. Peres proposes "devolution" of local, municipal affairs into hands of occupied territories residents states he is not advocating "unilateral autonomy" [JP 2/11]. Israelis, Palestinian leaders in occupied territories reject unilateral autonomy [MG, JP 2/11].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 2 leading Palestinian diaspora leaders, Prof. Walid al-Khalidi, of Harvard University, and Hassib al-Sabbagh, Geneva-based financier, visited Amman last week to participate in negotiations between King Hussein, Yasir Arafat [JP 2/10]. Al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora and Gaza lawyer Fayiz Abu Rahmah also participated in negotiations between Wat Cluverius and Yasir Arafat [JTA 2/10].
Military Action
Other Countries: Newsweek reports U.S. 6th Fleet jets have secretly been practicing precision attacks in the Negev desert for over 3 months [NWK 2/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports family of 1 of 3 Israeli soldiers reported missing in action during Lebanon war received information their relative was alive, imprisoned by Syrians; families are being briefed in Paris. Israeli Army, Foreign Ministry deny knowledge of the report [JP 1/21]. Jerusalem city inspectors tell Knesset Interior Committee allegations of unlicensed construction on the Haram al-Sharif have been investigated, are baseless [JP 1/21]. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu and Deputy Prime Minister David Levy inaugurate settlement in Dabboya building in heart of Hebron (where settlers have squatted since 1979) to provide permanent homes for dozens of settler families [JP 1/21; FJ 1/24].
Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets with P.M. Peres at The Hague, then shuttles back to London where King Hussein is staying [WP 1/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports nearly 2 dozen Nablus Palestinians have been detained, questioned for 2 weeks without charges on suspicion of involvement in land fraud scandal [JP 1/10]. Al-Fajr reports Israel's Land Administration and Green Patrol uprooted 6,000 olive and almond trees near Qattaneh village in past week; villagers are appealing to High Court for compensation [FJ 1/10].
Other Countries: British P.M. Thatcher states retaliatory or preemptive strikes to punish or prevent terrorism are "against international law" and a policy which could lead to "much greater chaos" [WP, LAT 1/11]. Jewish Week reports Jerry Falwell's new group, the Liberty Federation, advocates strong support for Israel, moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem [JW 1/10]. W. German Interior Minister Karl Blecha states 2 forged passports used in Rome and Vienna airport attacks were taken from Tunisian workers in Libya last year [MG 1/11].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport attack; PLO offered similar cooperation to Italian govt. [JP 1/5]. Arab League issues communique that "vigorously condemned" what it called U.S. military threats against Libya [NYT 1/6]. Egypt's official Middle East News Agency denies Fateh's Force 17 unit has moved its headquarters to Cairo [JP 1/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100 Palestinians are now under administrative dtention [NYT 1/2]. Demonstrations are held throughout Gaza Strip to mark 21st anniversary of founding of Fateh. Israeli troops use clubs, tear gas, water cannon, live ammunition to break up protests; curfew is imposed on entire Gaza Strip [FJ 1/3; DW 1/4]. One Palestinian is shot and wounded by Israeli troops in Nablus [FJ 1/3]. Israel completes switch to new shekel, equal to 1,000 of the old shekels [WP 1/2].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Fateh's Force 17 commando unit moved headquarters to Cairo last month. (Unit originally relocated to Amman in 11/85, was ordered out by King Hussein) [JP 1/1]. Col. Qadhdhafi warns any Israeli or American reprisal for the Rome and Vienna airport attacks would lead to full-scale war [NYT, WP 1/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Body of second Lebanese Jew killed by Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth is found, following group's statement he was killed in revenge for 12/31 SLA raid on S. Lebanese village of Kunin [WP, NYT 1/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside Jerusalem. Police say grenade found near body indicates cause of death; al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora states 'Abd al-Halim was murdered for researching story on West Bank land fraud [MG 12/21; JP 12/22; FJ 1/3]. Jerusalem Post reports Ziyad Abu 'Ayn was charged in military court with sedition and planning terrorist atacks. (Abu 'Ayn was extradited from U.S. in 1981, sentenced, released in 5/20 prisoner exchange) [JP 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports 13 more Palestinians are placed under administrative detention, bringing total to over 100 since September [FJ 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports Israeli troops closed al-Najah University 5 out of 8 days during the past week [FJ 12/20]. U.S. State Dept. announces Israel has dismantled unit which handled Jonathan Pollard, has returned all documents Pollard supplied, has taken action "to prevent any repetition of such activities"; intelligence sharing between U.S.and Israel will resume [NYT, WP 12/21].
Military Action
Other Countries: Three gunmen who took hostages during robbery trial in France surrender to police; police state they belong to Abu Nidal faction [NYT 12/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Twenty-one Palestinian ex-prisoners file petition with High Court for order nisi forbidding their possible deportation (in wake of Khalid Tantash deportation); appeal is rejected [FJ 1/10]. Zafir al-Masri is installed by Israeli authorities as mayor of Nablus, says municipal council will comprise former associates from Nablus Chamber of Commerce [CT 12/20]. Roadbocks are removed from al-Najah University [CT 12/20].
Arab World: One thousand demonstrators in Cairo demand release of Sulayman Khatir, Egyptian policeman facing trial for shooting 7 Israeli tourists in Sinai last October [JP 12/20].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports 2 Labor MKs needed police protection from JDL intimidation during recent 12-day speaking tour of U.S. for Peace Now; MKs are Ora Namir and 'Abd al-Wahab Darawsha [JP 12/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian exprisoner Khalid Tantash is deported across Wadi 'Araba to Jordan in almost total media blackout; Tantash was awaiting High Court review of his appeal. (25 Palestinians have been deported since September) [FJ 1/3]. Israeli authorities close al-Najah University, saying measure is to prevent symposium on armed struggle; university spokesman Sa'eb Erakat states action is to prevent student council elections [NYT 12/18; BG 12/19]. Jerusalem Post reports investigation begins into unsolved murders of some 20 Palestinians; police believe murders are connected to West Bank land sales [JP 12/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Press carries report stating P.M. Peres and King Hussein have met secretly to discuss M.E. peace prospects [JWP 11/22]. Jerusalem Post reports that Bir Zeit Municipal Council has elected new mayor, 'Isam Rabi'a, and asked the authorities to recognize him, after 3 years of refusing to cooperate with the civil administration. (Rabi'a is an engineer and member of the council) [JP 11/22].
Other Countries: Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy reports to Israeli officials in Jerusalem on results of Geneva summit meeting, indicates M.E. given low priority, issue of Soviet Jews discussed. Murphy flies to Cairo for more talks [BG 11/23; JP 11/24].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat meets for 4 hours in Baghdad with Vladimir Poliakov, undersecretary of Soviet Foreign Ministry [WP 11/21].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports a Sri Lankan deputy minister recently confirmed for the firstime that Israel and Sri Lanka have bilateral trade relations, denied Israelis advise Sri Lankan police [JP 11/20].
Military Action
Arab World: Syria moves SAM-6 and SAM-8 anti-aircraft missile batteries into Lebanon [JP 12/18; MEP 12/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]. Knesset House Committee unanimously agrees to continue preparing amendment to house rules which would prevent introduction of racist or discriminatory legislation [JP 11/5]. Education Ministry orders youth weekly Hamtzan be barred from distribution in high schools after attorney general rules an article in it may constitute call to insurrection; article argues for need for "civil war for the sake of peace" [JP 11/10]. Two thousand demonstrators outside Knesset rally in favor of bill against racism [JP 11/5].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak [NYT 11/5]. Saudi Arabia denies Israeli claims made before UN that Saudi Arabia exports oil to S. Africa, states Saudi Arabia is firmly committed to total embargo against S. Africa [JC 11/4].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports pro-Israel PACs in U.S. gave more money to Republicans than Democrats in first 6 months of this year, a sharp break from previous contribution pattems [WP 11/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Haifa; no injuries [JTA 11/5]. Another bomb goes off in Ashkelon; no casualties [JTA 11/5].
Arab World: Suicide bomber 'Amir al-Aathar, 24, drives into SLA post in security zone, killing at least 3 in 2nd such attack in 24 hours; Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility [BG 11/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM 11/4].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Israeli military expels 4 leading Druze shaykhs from village of Hasbaya in security zone in S. Lebanon [JP 11/3]. Israeli settlers in the Golan Heights block bridges leading there, stage demonstrations against their poor financial situation; settlements there owe $20 million to Northern Moshavim Purchasing Association [JP 11/3; JTA 11/4]. Institute for Strategic Studies in London annual report, Survey of Military Balances, states that Syria has almost 3 times as many troops in regular army as Israel [JP 11/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Afula (5th in recent weeks); no injuries. Palestinians are rounded up for questioning [JP 11/4]. Bomb goes off at bus stop near French Hill; no injuries [JP 11/4]. Katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no casualties [JTA 11/4].
Arab World: Three people trying to smuggle explosives into 'Aysha village in S. Lebanon using a donkey are killed when SLA militiamen open fire on them, detonating the explosives [JP 11/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control the West Bank in the event of a peace settlement. Peres denies the existence of such an agreement [CT, LAT 11/1]. London Times reports Israeli disciplinary court has cleared 2 Shin Bet agents in the beating death of 2 Palestinians who hijacked a bus in the Gaza Strip last April; govt. inquiry said it could not establish who struck the fatal blows which killed the 2 during interrogation following their arrest [LT 10/29].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds press conference in midst of meetings with Jordanian officials, states Jordan and the PLO agree to set up permanent joint committee to coordinatefforts in M.E. peace efforts [LT 10/30]. Arafat rejects U.S. conditions for his participation in M.E. peace negotiations, defends armed resistance against Israel as legitimate activity against occupying power [NYT, BG 10/30]. Two top Fateh officials arrive in Cairo for talks aimed at healing rifts over Achille Lauro hijacking, prepare for upcoming visit by Yasir Arafat [FT 10/31].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces Wat Cluverius, U.S. consul general in Jerusalem since 1983, has been named senior advisor to Asst. Sec. of State for M.E. Affairs Richard Murphy. Cluverius is replaced by Morris Draper, former deputy to former M.E. envoy Philip Habib [WP, LAT 10/30]. U.S. Sen. Appropriations Subcommittee approves fiscal foreign aid program which includes $531 million to ease high interest charges facing Israel on past U.S. loans [WSJ 10/30].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports unidentified gunmen apparently infiltrated from Egyptian territory and attacked IDF patrol last week near moshav in the Negev; no injuries reported UP 10/29].
Arab World: Jordanian jets accidentally overfly Israel and Syria, drawing Syrian missile fire, return unharmed. Israeli military describes it as "a local incident, simply a mistake" [WP 10/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof' that Yasir Arafat "knew about this [the Achille Lauro] operation before it was to begin" [WP, LAT 10/11]. Jerusalem Post reports arrest of members of alleged Fateh cell said to be responsible for recent spate of bombings in and around Jerusalem [JP 10/10]. Jerusalem Post cites report in al-Mithaq stating some Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are asking for special consideration in their applications to West Bank universities; Najah U. has agreed to admit some despite low grades, while other universities have agreed to give them special entrance exams [JP 10/11]. Jerusalem shops close in general strike to protest "iron fist" policy in occupied territories which since its imposition in August has resulted in over 6 deaths, 21 deportations, over 80 administrative detentions without trial. Similar strike in Ramallah is forcibly ended by Israeli troops. Students at Birzeit and Bethlehem U. also strike [FJ 10/11].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan tells reporters it would be "all right" for the PLO to try the 4 hijackers if Arafat has "kind of a national court set up, like a nation that they can bring them to justice." Later in the day, Nat. Sec. Adv. Robert McFarlane tells reporters Reagan "meant that he wants the PLO to tum these hijackers over to competent authorities for trial" [WP 10/11]. Sec. of St. George Shultz appeals to Senate Foreign Relations Committee to approve the proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan, calling it an "absolute necessity" for success in the M.E. peace process [CT, TS 10/1 1].
Military Action
Other Countries: U.S. Navy F-14 fighter jets intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers and force it to land in Sicily; Italian authorities arrest the 4. White House spokesman Larry Speakes says the Egyptian plane was destined for Tunisia, but Tunisia had denied it landing rights. Speakes "categorically denies any deal" between the U.S. and Egypt on the interception. Speakes says the hijackers are in Italian custody but the U.S. will seek extradition [NYT, LAT 10/11]. Bodies of 2 men believed to be missing Israeli soldiers are found in Barcelona, Spain. Anonymous caller to Westem news agency claims the 2 were "Zionist sailors from the Zionist ship California" and that Fateh's Force 17 executed them on 10/5 [NYT 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of regular, border and military police" were charged with offenses against detainees and 17 were subsequently sentenced. Report also notes use of various forms of ill treatment and torture of detainees by Israeli forces in both the occupied territories and S. Lebanon, as well as extensive use of town arrest orders [JP 10/9]. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states 5 Palestinians recently captured or killed in Hebron hills received assistance from PLO headquarters in 'Amman [JP 10/10]. Palestinian students at al-Najah U. go on 1-day hunger strike in solidarity with administrative detainees' hunger strike inside prisons [FJ 10/11].
Arab World: Four hijackers of Achille Lauro surrender in Egypt. Yasir Arafat asks that the 4 be tumed over to the PLO for trial [NYT 10/10]. The 4 hijackers leave the ship after negotiating with PLO representatives. The agreement to let them go was based on early reports that no hostages had been harmed [WP 10/10]. Italy then announces American passenger Leon Klinghoffer, confined to a wheelchair, is missing, his body believed to have been thrown overboard [NYT 10/10]. Palestinian source in Cyprus says the 4 originally intended to "go to Israel and carry out some tasks there," and disobeyed orders by hijacking the ship [WP 10/10].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council unanimously condemns hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 10/10]. Draft resolution to invite Yasir Arafat to address UN General Assembly during 40th anniversary celebration is circulated at UN [BG 10/10].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post quotes Arafat in al-Akhbar interview as saying he would negotiate with Israel only under UN auspices [JP 9/26].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Refugee camps of Balata, 'Askar, and 'Ain Bayt al-Ma' are put under curfew while Israeli soldiers round up and harass male residents; several men are beaten and one injured by rubber bullets [FJ 9/271].
Other Countries: Three gunmen, identified as 2 Arabs and 1 Briton, named Ian Michael Davison, seize private Israeli yacht in Lamaca, Cyprus for 10 hours, demand release of 20 Palestinians captured by Israeli navy patrols in 2 recent incidents, kill 3 Israelis they hold as hostages. Anonymous phone caller in Jerusalem claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh's Force 17, but PLO denies responsibility for the action. PLO office in Nicosia denounces the killings [NYT 9/26; LT 9/27; CSM 10/9]. Bomb rips through British Airways terminal in Rome, wounding 14. Hasan 'Atab, 16, from Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon and a member of the Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims, is arrested and allegedly confesses to the deed [NYT 9/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jamal 'Awad, 18, dies of wounds sustained 9/18 when Israeli soldiers fired at him for reportedly refusing to stop at a checkpoint [FJ 9/27]. 'Umar Shihab, 5, of Gaza is critically wounded by bullets randomly fired by Israeli soldiers near where he is playing [FJ 9/27]. Marwan Jamjum, 20, is shot by Israeli soldiers in the center of Hebron [FJ 9/27]. Women relatives of Palestinian prisoners in Asqalan prison begin hunger strike at Gaza Red Cross offices topressure Israeli authorities into letting them know the condition of their relatives inside the prison [FJ 9/27]. Inquiry ordered by Israel's military chief of staff to investigate claims that Israeli soldiers ordered Palestinian to kiss donkey's backside, and other such harassments, finds the incidents to be "a few isolated cases" which will be dealt with by the commanding officers ofthe offenders [NYT, JP 9/24].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports Sierra Leone has established Israel Friendship Society, headed by deputy minister of transport and communications [JP 9/24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Meir Braverman shoots and kills mentally ill Hasan Husayn Mashara in Jerusalem after latter allegedly threatened Braverman's wife [JTA 9/27].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports PLO Executive Committee, meeting in Baghdad, agreed to accelerate armed struggle in occupied territories [JP 9/24]. Two katyusha rockets land in Galilee, causing slight property damage; rockets were fired from north of S. Lebanon security zone [JP 9/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of demonstrators attempt to disrupt Kach rally addressed by MK Meir Kahane [JP 9/20]. Jerusalem Post reports reduction of manpower in Israeli army to be "deep and widespread" due to defense budget cuts [JP 9/20].
Other Countries: Concluding 2-day visit to Jordan, British P.M. Thatcher announces Br. cabinet officials will soon meet Jordanian-Palestinian delegation, including PLO officials Muhammad Milham and lliyas Khuri, in support of recent Hussein-Arafat initiative. Israel denounces proposed visit [WP 9/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops in Gaza open fire on car in which father and son were travelling; 6-year-old Ayman Jundiyya dies; his father is injured in the shoulder [JP 9/22, 23; FJ 9/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The 10-member inner cabinet deadlocks on a proposed compromise to end the Taba border dispute with Egypt, leaving the issue unresolved; Labor and Likud are evenly divided [JTA 9/20]. Leading Jewish businessmen from various countries and top Israeli officials and executives end 4 days of talks within the framework of P. M. Peres' International Task Force for Economic Recovery, chaired by Detroit businessman Max Fisher [JTA 9/20]. Jerusalem Post reports Israel has recently opened embassy in Hong Kong to improve contacts with Far East [JP 9/19]. Five thousand ultra-Orthodox Jews protest construction of $15 million extension of Brigham Young Univ., fearing it would be used for proselytizing [LAT 9/20].
Arab World: Nabih Birri states Israel is setting up new prison camp in Khiam; claims Israel and SLA detaining 50 Lebanese. Israeli military denies charge but cannot speak for SLA [JP 9/20]. British P.M. Thatcher, visiting 'Amman, signs $360 million arms deal with Jordan which includes military vehicles, electronic warfare and field communications equipment, and tank ammunition and spare parts. Israel condemns the agreement [WP 9/20].
Other Countries: The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations issues statement calling on the administration to withdraw its proposed arms sale to Jordan [JTA 9/20]. P.M. Thatcher visits Palestinian refugee camp outside 'Amman and receives enthusiastic welcome [FT 9/20]. The British govt. defends its oil exporting policies in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg against charges they discriminate against Israel [FT, JTA 9/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Gasoline bomb thrown at Mt. Zion bus stop (2nd in one week); no injuries or damage reported [JP 9/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered closed for 2 months after Israeli car is stoned nearby [FJ 9/20]. Over 50 women stage sit-in protest at Nablus Red Cross offices protesting administrative detention and other restrictive measures [FJ 9/20].
Arab World: King Hussein arrives unexpectedly in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak on strategies for the M.E. peace process [LAT 9/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six settlers demonstrate outside offices of al-Fajr newspaper in Jerusalem demanding it be shut because "it serves the PLO" [JP 9/12; FJ 9/13]. Jerusalem Post reports the National Insurance Institute released study showing the number of wage-earning families living below the poverty level in Israel increased 25% last year; 1 out of every 10 breadwinners is now categorized as "the working poor" [JP 9/11]. Energy Min. Moshe Shahal announces Israel will drastically cut oil purchases from Mexico following Mexico's failure to buy an agreed $100 million worth of Israeli exports [JP 9/12].
Arab World: Washington Post reports a 20- member "fact-finding" delegation from the American Jewish Congress has met with Pres. Husni Mubarak and King Hussein in a fact-finding mission to the Middle East. Mubarak and Hussein suggesthe PLO "be put to the test" by the U.S. on the issue of publicly recognizing Israel's right to exist [WP 9/12]. The U.S. should do this by agreeing to meet a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation [LAT 9/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli guards storm prisoners in their cells at Gaza prison, using tear gas and clubs, seriously injuring 2. Personal belongings of some prisoners are confiscated. Food and water are denied the prisoners for the following 3 days, and family visits are cancelled [FJ 9/27].
Arab World: Suicide car bomber Mariam Khayr al-Din, 18, rams a checkpoint at Hasbaya, outside the security zone. Casualty reports vary: Israel radio says she killed herself and wounded two SLA militiamen; Syrian Social Nationalist party claims she killed 18 militiamen and 2 Israeli intelligence officers [NYT, LT, LAT 9/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is cited as a reason for the pardon [JWP 9/13]. Israel frees remaining 119 Lebanese and Palestinian detainees from Atlit prison near Haifa; they are released in Tyre, Lebanon. They are the last of the group of over 700 prisoners whose release was demanded by the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 in June [NYT, JP 9/11]. "Operation Independence," spearheaded by a group of businessmen from the U.S. and other countries, begins meetings in Jerusalem to plan ways for Israel to reduce its chronic trade deficit and reduce financial dependence on the U.S. by increasing Israeli exports by $500 million, and tourism revenue by another $500 million [WP 9/11].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports Britain has blocked a proposed Israeli sale of 16 U.S.-made Skyhawk jets to Argentina [JP 9/10].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian observers are deployed around Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp to monitor the 9/9 cease-fire; however, sporadic fighting continues. Palestinian residents are trapped inside the camp. Palestinian homes in mixed neighborhoods outside the camp are looted and burned [MG 9/12].