125 / 15500 Results
  • September 9, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close al-Manar press office in Jerusalem for 6 months, following raid on the office and seizure of documents....

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  • September 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]....

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  • September 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have...

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  • September 5, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation...

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  • September 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities detain 14 more Palestinians under administrative detention orders. Forty-six Palestinians have been put under...

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  • August 23, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Meron Benvenisti of the West Bank Data Base Project as stating only minute fraction of 130,000 dunums...

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  • August 11, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3...

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  • August 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the...

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  • July 31, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu...

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  • July 21, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres orders attorney general to investigate Kiryat Arba's plan to fire all Palestinian workers. [FT 7/21]. Al-Fajr journalist...

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  • June 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres proposes alternative peace plan to King Hussein's, based on "direct talks" with Jordanians and non-PLO Palestinians...

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  • May 2, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports port under construction at Ra's Naqoura in SLA-controlled "security zone" in S. Lebanon [JP 5/2]....

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  • January 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides...

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  • January 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Sakhnin residents received letters from Kach movement demanding they leave Israel "of their own free...

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  • December 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fire destroys 2 rooms in Nablus District court containing thousands of files, court documents dating from 1936; loss will make land...

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  • November 5, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects requests to allow West Bank & Gaza delegates to attend PNC mtg. in Amman and to early end to al-Najah U. closure....

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  • October 31, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Min. circulates draft bill banning racist incitement in Knesset. "Civil admin." orders 4-day closure of Bethlehem U. DM Rabin...

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  • October 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cntral Bureau of Statistics reports Israel's foreign trade deficit dropped by 21% in 1-9/1984. Price inspectors report 70% of Israeli...

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  • May 17, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taibeh's Palestinian Cultural Institute director Saleh Baransi disappears upon arrival from European visit. Zim Israel Navigation Co....

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  • April 16, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post poll shows support for Labor at 41%, Likud at 28%. In radio interview Yitzhak Rabin outlines plan for complete...

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  • March 9, 1984


    Occupied Palestine! Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports overall imports for Jan.-Feb., 1984 down 11% compared with same period in 1983; fuel imports down...

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  • January 2, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Galilee youths held since 9/27/83 sentenced to 6-15 mos. prison for participation in 1983 Land Day demonstration; lawyer says youths subjected...

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  • April 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    US Marines begin carrying loaded weapons after intelligence reports warn of attacks; IDF construction of airport near Damour reportedly completed; gunmen wearing uniforms...

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  • December 7, 1982

    Military Action:

    Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.


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  • November 25, 1982

    Military Action:

    Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut,...

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  • November 16, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to...

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  • November 12, 1982

    Military Action:

    In wake of Tyre blast, IDF and Syrian forces go on alert in Bekaa, IDF rounds up several hundred Palestinians and Lebanese, sets up new roadblocks; gunmen fire on Lebanese...

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  • October 15, 1982

    Military Action: After fourth consecutive day of fighting between Druze and Phalange, IDF moves in, as Druze charge IDF delayed for "political" reasons; Lebanese Army continues razing squatter...

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  • October 14, 1982

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues between Phalange and Druze in Chouf area (mainly Kfar Matta, Abey, Bahourta), including artillery exchanges but no shellings; IDF moves into area;...

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  • September 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close al-Manar press office in Jerusalem for 6 months, following raid on the office and seizure of documents. Israelis claim it serves as a front for the DFLP [JP 9/10; FJ 9/13]. Eleven Palestinians go on trial before a military court in Gaza, charged with killing 3 suspected "collaborators " [JP 9/10]. Knesset bill which would ban "unauthorized" meetings with PLO officials passes first reading [MG 9/10]. Settlers break open a passage between Hebron's main mosque and the marketplace. Israeli soldiers briefly detain the settlers and a press photographer [JP 9/10]. Talks begin between the U.S. Board of International Broadcasting and Israeli officials over the location of a high-powered radio transmitter for Voice of America to be built in Israel [JP 9/9].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 17 Egyptians, including 3 army officers, were arrested last week on suspicion of membership in "Egypt's Revolution," the previously unknown group which claimed responsibility for assassinating Israeli diplomat Albert Atrakchi. Submachine guns, automatic rifles, and ammunition were found in the home of one of the officers, and large quantities of pamphlets with others [JP 9/9].

Other Countries: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports a new lobbyingroup called Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) has opened offices in Washington, D.C. [JTA 9/10]. Japanese trade officials tell For. Min. Shamir due to changes in the "geopolitical situation," Japan is now willing to discuss economic cooperation with Israel [JP 9/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound 3 Palestinian youths in Hebron as they try to run away from ID check. A 12-year-old boy standing nearby is also seriously wounded by a stray bullet [NYT, JP 9/10]. Stones are thrown at an Israeli bus passing through Ramallah; no injuries reported. Ramallah is put under 2-hour curfew [NYT 9/10]. Stones are thrown at a foot patrol near Hebron, slightly wounding one soldier. Soldiers close and search the area. A curfew is imposed [JP 9/10]. A parcel bomb is discovered and defused in Gilo settlement, south of Jerusalem. A gasoline bomb is thrown at a bus stop in Jerusalem, causing no injuries [NYT 9/10].

Arab World: The cease-fire fails and fighting resumes over Burj al-Barajinah camp, called the "second war of the camps"; at least 53 have died and 250 been wounded in the week of fighting [LT 9/10, MG 9/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]. In the last 6 weeks there have been 26 attacks on Israelis inside the green line and in the occupied territories, with 6 Israelis killed [BG 9/8]. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis attend antiracism rally in Afula, scene of riots one month ago when 2 local schoolteachers were found murdered. Rally ends peacefully, despite counterrally staged by the Kach movement [JP 9/8]. Israeli censors ban a play at the Haifa municipal theater which depicts brutality by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank [LT 9/7].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports PLO spokesmen in Tunis claim responsibility for the 9/6 bomb in the Israeli market in Jerusalem [JP 9/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: A hand grenade is thrown at the military govt. building in Mas'ada in the Golan Heights; no injuries are reported [JP 9/9]. Settlers attack the house of Zuhira al-Atrash, 65, widow and mother of 5, mistaking it for the house of an ex-prisoner released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have allegedly confessed to the 9/5 stabbing of an Israeli truck driver in Gaza. Their families' tar-paper residences have been destroyed [LAT 9/7; FJ 9/13]. MK Meir Kahane's Kach movement forms new group "Hatzala" (Parents for their Children) to oppose Min. of Education's plans to sponsor meetings between Israeli and Palestinian children. Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef strongly opposed the Ed. Min.'s plan last week, saying he would urge religious parents to remove their children from the national religious school network if it is implemented [JWP 9/6].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 6 kidnapped members of the Lebanese Jewish community are being held by the Hizballah group [JP 9/61.

Other Countries: Congressional sources say administration has tentatively decided not to propose selling advanced F-15 fighter planes to Saudi Arabia. U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz announces U.S. is releasing the first $750 million of $1.5 billion in special economic aid approved last month by Congress for Israel. $250 million is going to Egypt, $53 million to Jordan, and $3 million is planned for aid to Palestinians in the occupied territories [WP 9/7]. Jewish Press reports the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC) in the U.S. called on major Jewish groups and federations to condemn MK Meir Kahane during his upcoming visit to the U.S. and is putting pressure on the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and television shows to cancel their invitations to Kahane to speak while here [JWP 9/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes seriously wounding the man trying to place it in an Israeli market; 20 Palestinians are detained [LAT 9/7].

Arab World: Palestinian and Shi'ite gunmen battle for the 4th straight day around Burj al-Barajinah camp in south Beirut; 23 killed and 70 wounded ovemight. Shi'ite militia is backed by Soviet T-54 tanks. The DFLP issues a statement from Damascus accusing Amal militia of executing 17 Palestinian civilians in the street. The Druze and Murabitun militias have joined forces with the Palestinians against Amal militia [NYT, DT, WP, LT 9/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres criticizes U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy's plan for preliminary meeting with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and vetoes another suggested Palestinian delegate Nabil Sha'th. Peres expresses confidence in King Hussein's desire for peace, says Israel wants to open negotiations with joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation immediately [JP 9/6]. Negev Bedouin given o.k. to elect 15-member delegation to the soon-to-be-established regional committee on Bedouin affairs [JP 9/6].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S. administration is considering sending Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy to meet with Jordanian-Palestinian delegation that would include Nabil Sha'th, a close personal advisor to Arafat. Israel vehemently protestshe proposal [WP 9/3, 9/7]. Jerusalem Post reports Reagan administration iformed Congress in July in classified 17-page report that Israel's "qualitative" military edge over the Arabs is "secure and likely to grow stronger, under present policy, at least through the rest of this decade" [JP 9/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli truck driver Moshe Fitusi, 28, is critically stabbed in Gaza City; Israeli settlers torch Palestinian home in the West Bank in retaliation. Gaza City sealed off and 500 residents reportedly detained by army for questioning. Home of Palestinian exprisoner freed in 5/20 prisoner exchange set afire in Dura village by Israeli settlers, home of another painted with threatening slogans and its windows smashed in Balata refugee camp near Nablus. Groups of armed settlers reported roaming streets of Ramallah and Nablus. Israeli authorities briefly detain 9 Tehiya members who squat at Tel Rumeida in Hebron [CSM, PI, NYT, JP 9/6; JTA 9/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities detain 14 more Palestinians under administrative detention orders. Forty-six Palestinians have been put under administrative detention since 8/28. No charges or evidence brought against any of the detainees [NYT 9/2]. Administrative detention and deportation policies were reinstated 8/4 as part of Israel's new security measures. Free trade agreement between Israel and the U.S. goes into effect, cutting U.S. tariffs on Israeli imports and Israeli tariffs on U.S. products in four stages. All trade tariffs between the 2 countries will be eliminated by 1/1/95. The U.S. Commerce Dept. will open Is, rael Information Center in Washington, D.C. to assist companies seeking to do business in Israel; 20 trade seminars are scheduled [JP 9/1; BG 9/2]. Tel Aviv magistrate's court rejects police request and releases 3 suspects in the land fraud case on bail after 45 days of detention [JP 9/2]. Jerusalem Post reports 5,000 Palestinians and Israelis gathered in Umm al-Fahm village in the Galilee 8/31 to protest racism and mark occasion a year ago when MK Meir Kahane tried to enter the village [JP 9/1, NYT 9/2].

Military Action

Arab World: Fateh statement blames American-Zionist agents for 8/30 killing of Mustafa Qasim Khalifa, Palestinian guerrilla leader loyal to Arafat, and says proand anti-Arafat Palestinian groups will meet in effort to head off showdown [NYT 9/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Meron Benvenisti of the West Bank Data Base Project as stating only minute fraction of 130,000 dunums purchased by Israelis in West Bank is properly registered. Most land is not registered but held on the basis of irrevocable powers-ofattomey granted by the sellers [JP 8/23]. Ram Ron, managing director of Israeli National Coal Supply Corporation, travels to London for talks about new five-year agreement with Britain to supply up to 500,000 tons of coal from the UK's National Coal Board to the Israeli electricity industry [Fl 8/23].

Arab World: Egypt's leading opposition party paper al-Sha'b reports Israeli Academic Center in Cairo is a front for Israeli and American espionage. Prof. Shimon Shamir, founder and the first director of the center, vehemently denies the charge [JP 8/23].

Military Action

Arab World: Shelling continues in Beirut but eases as Syrian-sponsored cease-fire is implemented. 21 are killed and 89 wounded. Beirut airport reopened after 2-day closure. [CT 8/23, LAT 8/24]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3 days, why order should not be cancelled [MG 8/12]. The Israeli coordinator of govemment activities in the occupied territories, Shlomo Goren, advises Israelis to be armed and accompanied whenever entering heavily populated Palestinian areas [JP 8/12]. Jerusalem Post reports Israeli Ministry of Labor has asked IDF civil administration in south Lebanon to find Lebanese workers for manual labor in the Galilee for fruit picking and hotel jobs during high tourist season. Few Lebanese have responded. IDF reports estimate 550 Lebanese come into Israel every day to work. Some stay overnight [JP 8/11]. Israeli High Court upholds the right of a Lebanese to appeal to it for redress for the Israeli army's seizure of property during the invasion of Lebanon [JP 8/12]. The Israeli Cabinet officially and "unconditionally" condemns apartheid for the first time, but ministersay the government will make no move to end the commercial and arms trade with South Africa [WP, JP 8/12]. Absorption Minister Ya'acov Tsur presents "Master Plan for Ethiopian Jewish Absorption" to Prime Minister Peres; 84 housing units have been made available to Ethiopian Jews in West Bank; Tsur says no immigrants will be forced to relocate there [JP 8/12].

Other Countries: U.S. Sen Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) says he will initiate adefense agreement between Israel and the U.S. to include air strips, joint research and development, and cooperation in other fields. Helms is on a private visit to Israel, along with Sen. Chick Hecht of Nevada [JP 8/12]. Members of the Hispanic Caucus of the U.S. Congress leave Jerusalem for Madrid to urge government there to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. The thirteen-member caucus was visiting Israel as guests of the Anti-Defamation League UP 8/12].

Military Action

Arab World: Fighting continues in Beirut; 6 are killed, more than 47 wounded. The 7/16 Syrian-backed security plan fails to halt the fighting [NYT 8/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [FJ 8/9]. The Jerusalem Post reports Gush Emunim has decided not to build new settlements but to expand existing ones, starting with Eli, on the Nablus-Ramallah road [JP 8/8]. Peres wams Jordan against continuing to harbor Palestinian fighters [JP 8/9]. P. M. Peres tells U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead Israel would like to start direct peace negotiations with Jordan and the Palestinians immediately. Foreign Min. Yitzhak Shamir stresses Irael's objections to any meeting between Murphy and the Palestinian delegates now proposed [JP 8/8]. Israeli authorities arrest Khalil Abu Ziad, bookstore owner from Azzariya, and announce they have issued a deportation order against him [MG 8/9]. Abu Ziad is charged with involvement in "subversive activities" and representing Fateh. Abu Ziad is appealing the order in Israeli court [NYT 8/9]. Israeli army reports arrest of several Palestinians suspected in the gasoline bomb attack on border guard patrol near Nablus [JTA 8/9]. Education Minister directs ministry's religious education division to ignore instruction of 8/7 forbidding social meetings between Israelis and Palestinians [JTA 8/9].

Other Countries: President Reagan signs $25.4 billion foreign aid bill, which provides $3 billion for the next two years to Israel, plus a one-time infusion of $1.5 billion in emergency economic aid. Egypt gets $2.1 billion for the next 2 years, plus $500 million in emergency economic aid [JP 8/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb is thrown at army truck on the outskirts of Tulkarm; no injuries or arrests are made [JP 8/9].

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb PFLP-GC base in the Biqa'; no casualty reports given [NYT, JP 8/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Administrative detention order is issued against ex-political prisoner Ziad Abu 'Ain, for allegedly planning to hijack Israeli bus. (Abu 'Ain spent less than 3 months at home following his release in the 5/20 prisoner exchange) [FJ 8/9]. Nablus remains under curfew following 7/30 murder of Albert Buchris. Five hundred police and a helicopter monitor his funeral [JTA 8/1]. Army enters al-Najah University and raids student council offices; preparations had been underway for student elections [JP 8/2]. Knesset passes bill requiring anyone running for Knesset to give up second citizenship [WP, PI, JTA 8/1]. Israeli police break into the site of preparations for the second annual Palestinian heritage festival in Tireh, order volunteers to stop work on the basis they do not have building permits [FJ 8/9]. Funeral is held in Afula for Israeli shot to death in West Bank. Riot police disperse crowd outside police station [PI 8/1]. Mayor Shalom Wach of Kiryat Arba cancels plan to dismiss all Palestinian workers employed by the municipality following Attorney General Zamir's ruling the plan is illegal UTA 8/1]. New American Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering assures P. M. Peres there has been no change in U.S. policy towards the PLO; U.S. will engage in talks with a Palestinian-Jordanian delegation only if convinced it will lead to direct talks with Israel; U.S. is ready, if requested, to help Israel and Egypt resolve Taba dispute [JTA 8/1]. The Jerusalem Post reports charges of corruption have been made against several Israeli companies and individuals operating in the black "homeland" of Ciskei; contracts with the trade commissioners in Israel have been terminated; all commercial relations with Israel have been cut [JP 7/31, JTA 8/5].

Military Action

Arab World: Suicide car bomb attack against an Israeli armored patrol in the security zone kills at least 3 Lebanese, including the driver, wounds unknown number of others, including Israeli soldiers. Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility, saying its member, 'Ali Ghazi Talib, 22, carried out the attack [NYT 8/1]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres orders attorney general to investigate Kiryat Arba's plan to fire all Palestinian workers. [FT 7/21]. Al-Fajr journalist Musa Jaradat receives fourth consecutive town arrest order, confining him to his town of Sa'ir, in the Hebron district, for another 6 months [FJ 7/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops in helicopter gunships and armoured personnel carriers storm south Lebanese villages of Qabrikha and Sejoud, both inside the security zone, kill at least one, arrest several others, bum and loot property during house-to-house searches following bomb attack by guerrillas on SLA armored vehicle in a nearby village [WP, PI 7/22]. Israeli army announces it confiscated several katyusha rocket launchers during the raid [WP 7/22, JTA 7/23]. The Jerusalem Post reports 6 SLA soldiers disappeared from their posts last week and have apparently deserted to Amal [JP 7/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres proposes alternative peace plan to King Hussein's, based on "direct talks" with Jordanians and non-PLO Palestinians, with U.S. participation [NYT 6/11]. Nablus village of Bidya and neighboring villages placed under curfew by IDF following hand grenade attack on Israeli military vehicle [FJ 6/14].

Arab World: SLA captures French colonel involved in negotiations for release of Finns; he's later released: Gen. Antoine Lahd calls seizure a "mistake" [NYT 6/10].

Military Action

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports IDF recently destroyed 8 homes of southem Lebanese thought to have fired rockets at IDF and SLA positions in security zone UP 6/10]. Last IDF combat battalion withdraws from Lebanon; undisclosed number of patrols, advisers, and observers remain [NYT 6/11]. Rockets hit settlements in northern Israel [LT 6/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports port under construction at Ra's Naqoura in SLA-controlled "security zone" in S. Lebanon [JP 5/2]. Israeli official states threat of IDF retaliation will create "balance of fear" for residents of "security zone" in S. Lebanon [TS, MG 5/3]. IDF dig trenches along border with Lebanon to prevent suicide car attacks; intend to guard border with elite troops, sophisticated electronic warning devices [LT 5/3, DT 5/4, MG 5/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF sentences Bethlehem U. student council president Jabara Shamali to 6 mo. house arrest following 4/19 raid which allegedly uncovered "seditious material" [LM 5/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides on 2 sites in N. portion of W. Bank (Migdalim, Avnei Hefetz), 1 near Hebron (Asael), 1 near Jerusalem (Neot Adumim), 1 in Jordan Valley (Peles) and 1 in Gush Etzion (Beitar, alternatively called Tzoref); financing not yet approved [NYT 1/11, JP 1/11]. Jerusalem Post reports PM Peres, Min. Weizman agree on need to reform Israel's policy towards Palestinians within Israel [JP 10/10]. Palestinian and Israeli artists open anti-occupation exhibit in Tel Aviv [FJ 1/18].

Military Action

Arab World: 5 IDF troops wounded when bomb explodes as patrol passes near alDaloun, S. Lebanon [JP 1/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Sakhnin residents received letters from Kach movement demanding they leave Israel "of their own free will" or face leaving "against their will" [JP 1/1]. Def. Ministry offers to allow burial of Fahd Qawasmeh [assassinated 12/29 in Amman] in W. Bank if 4 Israelis missing in Lebanon are repatriated [NYT 1/2]. IDF arrest 12 during mock funeral for Qawasmeh in Hebron [TS 1/2]. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: On 20th anniversary of founding of Fateh, bomb explodes near Jaffa Gate; police defuse bomb near Jerusalem City Hall; grenade thrown at Israeli vehicle in Gaza [JTA 1/2].

Arab World: Bomb explodes near IDF patrol in Sidon, S. Lebanon; 2 civilians injured. Shots fired at IDF patrol near Adousiya, SLA patrol near Jibsheet, S. Lebanon [JP 1/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fire destroys 2 rooms in Nablus District court containing thousands of files, court documents dating from 1936; loss will make land ownership more difficult to prove; criminal files left intact; arson suspected [FJ 1/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports 349 military actions, killing 5 Jews and wounding 108, occurred within Israel since 1/1/84 [JP 12/20].

Arab World: IDF outpost near Jezzine, S. Lebanon fired upon [JP 12/21]; Jerusalem Post reports 892 attacks against IDF in Lebanon since 1/1/84; 28 killed, 275 wounded [JP 12/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects requests to allow West Bank & Gaza delegates to attend PNC mtg. in Amman and to early end to al-Najah U. closure. West Bank military govt. bans journalist Raymonda Tawil from leaving Palestine. S. African FM Botha meets FM Shamir; tells Jerusalem Post there are "striking comparisons" between problems faced by S. Africa and Israel.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Min. circulates draft bill banning racist incitement in Knesset. "Civil admin." orders 4-day closure of Bethlehem U. DM Rabin says he agrees "in principle" to establishment of bank by Palestinians in West Bank.

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat heads Palestinian delegation to Algiers for anniversary celebration of Algerian Revolution.

Other Countries: US transfers $1.2 billion to Israel in largest single grant payment ever. Israel Bonds Pres. Halevy tells Jerusalem Post Bond sales dropped by 1/3 after US offered Israel moratorium on debt repayment.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cntral Bureau of Statistics reports Israel's foreign trade deficit dropped by 21% in 1-9/1984. Price inspectors report 70% of Israeli department stores and supermarkets selling at illegally inflated prices. Jerusalem Post reports IDF reservists already returned 5,000 grenades, 7 RPGs, 2 Maag machine guns, 52 mm mortar & 40 Kalashnikov assault rifles, various rifles, submachine guns, pistols, ammunition and bomb fuses since 1-mo. amnesty announced (9/30).

Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli PM Peres asks US for $700 million to $1 billion annual handout for next 3 yrs. to stem economic crisis.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taibeh's Palestinian Cultural Institute director Saleh Baransi disappears upon arrival from European visit. Zim Israel Navigation Co. reports loss of $49.2 million in 1983. Central Bureau of Statistics charts jobless rate from 10/83-4/84 at 43%.

Other Countries: U. of Pittsburgh Physics prof. Cohen tells Jerusalem Post Israel could earn $1 billion annually by burying America's nuclear waste in Negev.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli-armed "national guards" enter Ain al-Hilweh camp, shooting indiscriminately, 1 woman killed, 3 teen-age boys wounded; funeral procession that day broken up by IDF surrogates, shooting 5 or 6, killing 1 woman; 5 UNRWA personnel establish presence in camp; Arab states call for Security Council mtg. to consider Israeli responsibility.

Other Countries: Fateh delegation meets for 4-day talks with Soviet officials in Moscow. US Marine cpl. Griffin given bad-conduct discharge for conscientious objection to service in Beirut.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post poll shows support for Labor at 41%, Likud at 28%. In radio interview Yitzhak Rabin outlines plan for complete IDF withdrawal from Lebanon in 3-6 mos. with UNIFIL replacement. California-based National Semiconductor Inc. establishes $55 million Israeli gov't.- subsidized plant at Migdal Haemek.

Other Countries: As US Congress denies further CIA funds for Nicaraguan "Contras," Honduras-based rebel "Nicaraguan Democratic Force" meets with US intelligence officials to coordinate plans for alternative aid from Israel.


Occupied Palestine! Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports overall imports for Jan.-Feb., 1984 down 11% compared with same period in 1983; fuel imports down 9%, private car imports down 57%, diamonds up by 21%. On Israeli TV Sharon presents himself as candidate for premiership. 8 Arab men arrested in connection with Ashdod bus bombing (3/7/84).

Arab World: Chinese Pres. Li Xiannian meets King Hussein in Amman. Egypt's FM Ghali in Jerusalem Post interview reveals his delegation mtg. with Israeli Labor leaders (May 1982) was assured Labor would only support surgical strike in S. Lebanon along lines of 1978 Litani campaign.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestinle/Israel:Unknown dawn attackers fire at Umm al-Fahm homes for 3rd time in four weeks; no casualties. Arab World: 2 hand grenades thrown at IDF convoy outside Nabatiya; no casualties reported.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Galilee youths held since 9/27/83 sentenced to 6-15 mos. prison for participation in 1983 Land Day demonstration; lawyer says youths subjected to physical and psychological torture while in Jalameh and Akka prisons. Israeli Ministerial Economic Committee sets Friday deadline for gov't. dep'ts. to present budget proposals with 9% overall spending cut; DM Arens rejects notion of cutting budget for development of Lavi bomber. Jerusalem Post poll reports 72% favor cut in spending for West Bank settlements. Settlers from Yakir and Kedumim, bitter over arrest of 3 Israelis suspected of Nablus killings (12/8/83), return IDF-issued weapons to Israeli authorities.

Arab World: Rev. Jesse Jackson meets Pres. Assad in Damascus, appeals release of US airman downed 12/4/83.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Incendiary bomb thrown at Israeli military patrol at Balata refugee camp; no casualties.

Arab World: Israelis reopen Awali River crossings after 3 days.

Military Action:

US Marines begin carrying loaded weapons after intelligence reports warn of attacks; IDF construction of airport near Damour reportedly completed; gunmen wearing uniforms of Haddad's force stop Norwegian UNIFIL patrol, wound one, steal rifles and jeep.


Bomb destroys administrative offices of PLO production branch (Samed) in West Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir calls Reagan statement on F-16s regrettable, says US knew Israel entered Lebanon not to capture or occupy territory but to disperse and destroy PLO; Jerusalem Post public opinion survey on Kahan Commission, conducted among Israeli Jews, shows that 51.7% think conclusions too harsh, 31.4% just, 2.7% too lenient; Village League leader in Farhah, north of Jerusalem, found dead of bullet and stab wounds, the third Village League leader killed in 18 months; Israeliled local councils in Golan raise taxes by 200% following request from Interior Ministry.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Foreign Minister Salem says progress made in joint talks, other officials say gap has narrowed over extent of Israeli military involvement in South Lebanon after troop withdrawal.

US and Other Countries: US officials acknowledge there is no legal prohibition on transfer of F-16s (worth $2.7b and not due for delivery to Israel until 1985), as stated yesterday by Reagan, but approval of transfer now would violate spirit of the law and will be withheld until Israeli forces leave Lebanon; Senate sources make public text of July 15 State Dept. letter informing Congress that Israel's invasion of Lebanon may have involved substantial violations of Arms Export Control Act, which prohibits use of US supplied arms for offensive purposes; Secretary of State Shultz and senior State Dept. officials meet Habib to discuss US position on current status of Lebanon negotiations; State Dept. study shows Israel was most consistent backer of US in UN, voting 86.2% with US, UK second at 80.1 %; 8 prominent Soviet Jews issue statement critical of international Zionism for purporting to speak on behalf of Soviet Jews, call for formation of anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public, State Dept. calls announcement anti-Semitic diatribe; South African Jews, numbering 120,000, make highest per capita contributions to Israel, second in total amount to US Jews, have emigration rate to Israel 5 times higher per capita than US Jews.

Military Action:

Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.


8 killed, 10 injured in Tripoli; 2 Phalange soldiers killed, 3 wounded in Aley.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Begin and 8 other officials given additional week to amend Inquiry testimony; Begin, in letter to Commission, declines to reappear or cross-examine witnesses; 400,000 workers-one third of entire workforce-go on strike as Histadrut pressures for new wage agreement, closing schools, clinics, municipal offices, cancelling all but TV news programs, affecting embassies and consulates around the world; Jerusalem Post poll shows nearly half of Israeli population believes Israel's recent policies have caused a rise in anti-Semitism, three-quarters of Labor supporters blame government.

US and Other Countries: Vatican considers intervention in dispute over purges of foreign lecturers from West Bank universities.

UN: Syria asks UN to revoke 1949 resolution admitting Israel to UN; Egypt urges US dialogue with PLO.

Military Action:

Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut, despite anonynmous bomb threat phone call; Israeli Border Police company which lost 35 members in Tyre building collapse to return to normal duties in Tyre; IDF completes program to improve security of IDF vehicles on Lebanese highways.


Palestinian refugees in South Lebanon spurn Israeli-made prefab houses.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz and Jerusalem Post quote source close to Begin that he may call new elections if Commission of Inquiry faults him for negligence of duty; Commission spokesman clarifies that warnings are not interim findings but represent only "worst case" scenario, notes others may subsequently receive similar warnings; Habib presents new proposals to Begin on starting Lebanon-Israel peace talks; Jerusalem Post poll shows marked increase in Israeli opposition to Reagan plan; Israel and US sign agreement on exchanging lessons of Lebanon war; 16 Bethlehem organizations not receiving Jordanian subsidies join notables in signing statement rejecting US initiative and its "Jordanian" interpretation, seen as response to pro-Jordanian West Bank leaders' document urging PLO recognition of Israel and praising "positive elements" of Reagan proposals; Deputy Agriculture Minister lays cornerstone of Nofim, first Samaria settlement to be developed entirely by a private company.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat opens meeting of 66-member PLO Central Council seeking united stand on Reagan plan, adopts new membership roll for PNC expanding representation from occupied territories; PLO official denounces US refusal to allow Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish to enter US for UNICEF poetry festival in New York; Lebanese officials say proposals given Begin ask IDF and Syrian forces to withdraw nine miles from Beirut-Damascus highway as first phase, Israelis would then move back to 25- 31 miles from Israeli border as Syrians withdraw into Bekaa from central mountain areas; Lebanese government announces team to negotiate with Israelis to be headed by Gen. Hamdan, including UN Ambassador Ghassan Tueni and Gemayel aide Antoine Fattal; Lebanese government plans to draft men into army for first time.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak, at joint press conference with French President Mitterrand, urges PLO to recognize Israel without waiting for simultaneous Israeli recognition of PLO, says move would assist Reagan peace plan, allow PLO to dialog with US; Mitterrand says Israel should state mutual recognition of PLO.

US and Other Countries: US State Department denies Tuesday talks with West Bank Palestinian mayors is beginning of indirect talks with PLO; Italian Socialists reaffirm reciprocal, simultaneous recognition between Israel and PLO necessary for recognizing PLO.

Military Action:

IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to area, imposes curfew and cuts traffic between Chouf villages; IDF forces withdraw from Yarze area housing Lebanese Army command and home of US Ambassador Dillon.


UNRWA begins distributing cement and stoves in Ain el-Hilweh; 1 attacker killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in Shuweifat.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel will withdraw to 40 miles above border only after PLO and Syria withdraw troops and Israeli prisoners are returned, but will stay there until Lebanon signs security agreement allowing direct IDF involvement in security arrangements; Shamir tells US Jewish leaders in Israel that multinational peacekeeping force is unnecessary for ensuring safety of South Lebanon; Jerusalem Post poll shows Sharon support dropping since massacre; Commission of Inquiry interviews Yiram Yair, IDF commander in area of camps during massacre, behind closed doors; Statistics Bureau puts price rise at 106 percent since start of year, and inflation rate may reach 138 percent by end of year; two week old memo revealed which ordered Israeli military governors to "neutralize to the maximum" pro-Jordanian elements among West Bank Arabs and to step up support for Village Leagues, in apparent attempt to block options for peace settlement involving Jordan; Likud MK Dror Zeigerman says government initiative in issuing memo would imply plan for ultimate annexation of occupied territories, and warns such a plan would turn the West Bank into "Israel's Viet Nam"; Peace Now issues statement condemning Civil Administrator for implementing "corrupt colonialist policies"; heads of Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches in Jerusalem threaten to close holy places over Christmas unless expulsion order against Armenian Deputy Patriarch Karanjian is rescinded, but Interior Ministry refuses to reveal basis for decision to not renew visa; Tehiya Party, at annual meeting, demands that Israel annex West Bank and Gaza; Nahal plans five outposts, three settlements in West Bank in coming year; Bethlehem University student council leader put under town arrest for six months.

US and Other Countries: French President Mitterrand, in Paris meeting, tells Arab League delegation headed by King Hussein that Arabs and PLO should recognize Israel; State Department issues unusually strong 2 page statement that Israel's deportation of teachers from West Bank universities (which are partly funded by US foreign aid) undermines peace negotiations.

Military Action:

In wake of Tyre blast, IDF and Syrian forces go on alert in Bekaa, IDF rounds up several hundred Palestinians and Lebanese, sets up new roadblocks; gunmen fire on Lebanese Parliament Deputy Speaker Abu Fadel's car.


Death toll in Tyre explosion reaches 47 (32 Israelis, 15 Arabs), rises to 60 later in day, 50-60 still unaccounted for.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin arrives in Los Angeles to address Council of Jewish Organizations, is welcomed by Governor Brown, Mayor Bradley; Jerusalem Post poll continues to show strong Likud lead over Labor Party; four years after their founding, Village Leagues hold first public rally in Hebron (organized jointly with Israeli occupation authorities, who impose virtual curfew over Hebron as soldiers patrol streets, IDF and border police cars are positioned in hilly suburbs behind school where meeting is held, soldier patrols roof and armed Village League members act as guards and ushers, former Civil Administration chief Menahem Milson is guest speaker; League founder and head Mustafa Dudin stresses closer relations with Jordan, despite its having passed a death penalty for belonging to the Leagues, and calls on Israel to negotiate with the Leagues on autonomy for the occupied territories, speakers also express concern over taxation, destruction of illegal buildings, need to combat communism).

Arab Govemments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali accuses Israel of plans to annex occupied territories, urges US to open discussions with PLO following meetings with Reagan and Shultz in Washington, claims he brought proposal from PLO concerning involving Palestinians in peace process, announces Mubarak may visit US next year, expresses concern over lack of momentum following Reagan's peace proposals in September.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says failure to freeze settlements on West Bank is hindrance to peace process, refuses to rule out economic sanctions but says their discussion not helpful; Princess Anne visits Beirut for 10 hours to see medical clinic in Burj al-Barajneh funded by Save the Children.

UN: Arab countries reopen campaign in Security Council to halt Israeli West Bank settlements, but propose no resolutions in response to US pressure.

Military Action: After fourth consecutive day of fighting between Druze and Phalange, IDF moves in, as Druze charge IDF delayed for "political" reasons; Lebanese Army continues razing squatter buildings near airport and at Ouzai, and when protestors burn tires, Army sends in 2 APCs which fire on crowd.


Current estimates of 12 dead, 60 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting; 4 killed by Lebanese Army in squatter protest; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded, 1 Lebanese civilian killed by bomb in Bhamdoun.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir suggests international force, possibly with US troops, be deployed in East and South Lebanon, but opposes presence along Israeli border; 17 percent of Israelis now favor unconditional withdrawal from Lebanon in Jerusalem Post poll (up from 10.8 percent before massacre); Cabinet revealed to have vetoed Begin plan for full-scale attack on Syria following October 3 bus ambush.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel emphasizes importance of US role in resolving Lebanon's crisis; senior Lebanese official says IDF started fighting between Druze and Phalange by allowing flow of arms into area.

UN: UN Secretary General recommends UN troops remain in Lebanon because of danger of factional strife.

Military Action:

Fighting continues between Phalange and Druze in Chouf area (mainly Kfar Matta, Abey, Bahourta), including artillery exchanges but no shellings; IDF moves into area; atmosphere tense as Druze villagers express fear of another massacre; Information Minister Shikhani says Lebanese Army will not move into area as IDF still occupies it; Army takes up positions around Baabda presidential palace.


Lebanese Army reports 1,441 detained in 10 days, 23,000 forged identity papers. seized, 972 still detained, others released; explosion in Marjayoun market kills 3, wounds 19; 2 IDF soldiers wounded by sniper fire near Kfar Kuk in East Lebanon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials report Sharon sent letter to Weinberger inviting Pentagon team to examine captured Soviet weaponry; Jerusalem Post poll gives only 49 percent support for Begin policies; Commission of Inquiry appoints three investigators; dozens of Palestinian refugees allowed to visit Israel under special IDF permission refuse to return to Lebanon when their permits expire and are hiding in Arab villages.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Mounir Abu Fadel, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, appeals for multinational force or Lebanese Army to occupy Chouf area.

US and Other Countries: Shamir and Shultz meet for 4 hours, set up working group to consider withdrawal proposals (agree on need for early IDF withdrawal); Israel suggest US troops replace IDF in South Lebanon, White House rejects; Israel argues for strong Haddad role.

Military Action:

IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.


Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.

Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.

US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.