Military Action:
Heavy fighting in Burj al-Barajneh tapers off in afternoon; LAF resists attack on Souq al-Gharb; shelling resumes in Chouf during evening; shells fall on East Beirut...
Military Action:
Heavy fighting in Burj al-Barajneh tapers off in afternoon; LAF resists attack on Souq al-Gharb; shelling resumes in Chouf during evening; shells fall on East Beirut...
Military Action:
Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US...
Military Action:
1200 US Marines arrive in Beirut to relieve units deployed with MNF since February; IDF reinforces positions in Bekaa, keeps troops on special alert for 4th consecutive day...
Military Action:
4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter...
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
Military Action:
Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most...
Military Action:
Syrian forces in Bekaa valley have strengthened positions in anticipation of new Israeli offensive; Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners claims...
Military Action:
Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after...
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut,...
Military Action:
Fighting between Sunni and Shiite militias in Tripoli; Chouf region tense following more clashes, IDF surrounds Brih and Kfar Nabrakh to stop fighting; Phalange calls on...
Military Action:
IDF jets attack, destroy Syrian anti-aircraft missile battery in Dahr el-Baydar east of Bhamdoun; PLO leader Hawatmeh visits PLO forces in Bekaa; Gemayel visits...
Military Action:
Arafat checks front lines of PLO in Beirut, visits refugee camps, offices; PLO delegation arrives in Tunisia to prepare for PLO guerrilla arrivals; IDF position in Bekaa...
Military Action:
First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks...
Military Action:
Heavy fighting in Burj al-Barajneh tapers off in afternoon; LAF resists attack on Souq al-Gharb; shelling resumes in Chouf during evening; shells fall on East Beirut suburbs; US battleship New Jersey, equipped with 16-inch guns capable of firing 2700 pound shells a distance of 22 miles, arrives, bringing number of Sixth Fleet vessels off Beirut to 14.
2 civilians killed, 3 wounded in Beirut shelling; 3 US Marines wounded.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bomb explodes in central Nablus, 3 Palestinian civilians, IDF soldiers wounded.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following 3 weks of negotiations, Lebanese and Syrian governments announce that all parties to fighting in Lebanon have agreed to Saudi-American proposals for (1) cease-fire as of Monday morning supervised by neutral observers and implemented by committee drawn from LAF, Amal militia, LF and National Salvation Front, (2) national reconciliation talks between leaders of main religious and political factions, with Syrian and Saudi observers; 1000-1500 PLO loyalists, forced out of Beqaa, held under siege by Syrian forces in Jbab el-Homor Valley, ordered to hand over weapons.
Military Action:
Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US Marine positions near Beirut airport.
1 UNIFIL soldier killed, IDF denies Haddad's forces responsible; IDF casualty figures since last June show 490 killed, 2951 wounded.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: National Police HQdenies Army radio report that police want to use dogs to control West Bank demonstrations; 2000 attend rally outside Knesset to call for withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon, organized by Parents Against Silence group; Housing and Construction Ministry warns prospective purchasers of West Bank land to check ownership and registration.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones Fateh Revolutionary Council meeting, tours PLO positions in northern Lebanon.
Military Action:
1200 US Marines arrive in Beirut to relieve units deployed with MNF since February; IDF reinforces positions in Bekaa, keeps troops on special alert for 4th consecutive day; Lebanese TV reports exchange of artillery rounds across Syrian-Israeli lines in Bekaa; Israeli jets repeatedly break sound barrier over Bekaa during dozens of reconnaissance flights, encounter anti-aircraft fire from Palestinian positions in north Lebanon; Lebanese guerrillas attack IDF vehicles near Bhamdoun; grenade thrown at Israeli civilian truck in Nabatiyeh; grenade thrown at IDF vehicle in Beirut; IDF APC hits mine near Yanta; IDF position fired on from behind Syrian lines near Amik.
1 civilian killed, another wounded in Syrian-Israeli artillery exchange; 2 IDF soldiers killed, 3 wounded in Bhamdoun attack; IDF warns soldiers in Lebanon not to buy drinks or pita bread locally, due to recent incidents of booby-trapped food.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet approves continuation of military alert status; Peace Now march to get Israel out of the Lebanese quagmire begins at Rosh Hanikra on Lebanese border and heads for Tel Aviv; police arrest son of Rabbi Hirsh, leader of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish Neturei Karta movement, on charges of failing to register for military conscription; 20 West Bank sites advertised by private companies for construction of villas have not been approved by Ministerial Settlement Committee.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Abu Saleh, dissident Fateh officer, denies Libyan support, but says he would welcome it; PLO denies right-wing Lebanese radio report of assassination attempt on Arafat; Arafat tours PLO positions in Baalbek area; Gemayel speaks to largely Muslim rally in West Beirut, calls for Lebanese unity; mufti of Lebanon opposes Lebanese-Israeli agreement.
Military Action:
4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter carrying US Marine commander fired on, no injuries; artillery and rocket battles in Tripoli between pro- and anti-Syrian militias; Gemayel orders Lebanese Army and Air Force to attack and silence any positions firing on Beirut; IDF officers in Bekaa say Syrian military activity in the area is defensive, no signs of preparation for attack.
6-7 killed, 25-34 injured in artillery barrages in Chouf and Beirut; 1 IDF soldier killed, 9 injured by artillery shell near convoy; 1 killed, 4 wounded in Tripoli; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee resumes shipments of cement to assist in reconstruction of refugee camps in South Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials seek clarification of points in draft troop withdrawal agreement, special envoys Habib and Draper answer questions at Foreign Ministry; Chaim Herzog sworn in as president of Israel, says that political and ethnic tensions among Israeli Jews constitute a danger from within; 500 Arab college and high school students demonstrate in Nazareth against discriminatory recommendations for university tuitionfee policy; Nablus court issues 6 more injunctions preventing private company from preparing land for Elkana D settlement near Bidya; Jerusalem resident, beaten by yeshiva students while rescuing elderly woman last month, hospitalized in serious condition after being beaten again; physician and lawyer in Ramallah jailed after their offices searched by Israeli tax collectors seeking retroactive payment of value added tax, boycotted by West Bank professionals and merchants.
Arab Governments: Jordanian official says there are no prospects for the resumption of political dialogue between King Hussein and PLO Chairman Arafat on a joint stand to enter peace process; Syrian President Assad visits Riyadh, meets King Fahd; Ba'ath Party official says that after Syria's heavy sacrifices it has the right to discuss, take issue with and even oppose particular PLO action, criticizes Arafat for treating all Arab states alike.
US and Other Countries: US lifts unofficial ban on Navy ships visiting Israel, supply ship USS Savannah docks at Haifa to replenish stocks of Sixth Fleet ships anchored off Beirut; Jewish businessmen in Virginia form political action committee (PAC) to back pro-Israeli candidates; National Association of Arab Americans' spokesman says 24 PACs have been formed by pro-Israeli, Jewish American activists, NAAA considers forming PACs as well.
Military Action:
Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes in Beirut suburb of Baabda; IDF vehicle detonates mine near Ein Zahlata; IDF tank hits mine in Bekaa region.
6 IDF soldiers wounded in Baabda attack, 3 in Ein Zahlata; Lebanese police report 3 Palestinians killed in two attacks on IDF positions in South Lebanon; stray machine gun fire by IDF penetrates US Marine base after Baabda attack, no injuries; UNRWA officials report escalation in attacks on Palestinians in Sidon, said to coincide with arrival there of Phalange officer Elie Hobeika, armed and masked men of Guardians of Cedars threatening Palestinians, 4 killed, 2 wounded since April 28.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shultz returns to Jerusalem, meets with Begin, Shamir, Arens; Begin says he will call Cabinet meeting to decide on draft troop withdrawal agreement; Ministry of Absorption reports that only 11 of the 114 Jews leaving the Soviet Union last month came to Israel; Elon Moreh settlers fire on Nablus youths when stones are thrown at their car, 13 students arrested, school closed; window of Israeli truck broken by stones near Kalandia camp; 400 students hold sit-in demonstration at Tireh UNRWA Training Center.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says the danger of signing an agreement with Israel without obtaining the withdrawal of Syria, the PLO and some Iranians is that Israel will not withdraw and the agreement will have no value; PLO seeks guarantees for security of Palestinians in Lebanon as precondition for withdrawal of PLO forces, Saudi information minister to intervene with Lebanese officials this week on issues of murders of Palestinians, threats to refugees, bombings of shops, expulsions, detention, attacks by Lebanese Army on Palestinian women crossing into East Lebanon to visit husbands and fathers with PLO forces.
Arab Governments: Jordan considering limitations on export of West Bank produce to East Bank, restrictions on entry of West Bank students to University of Jordan, holding of elections on East Bank only.
US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Beirut, then returns to Jerusalem; Reagan says PLO council was never elected by the Palestinian people, referendum on alternative leadership might not be practical; French foreign minister meets PLO official, asks PLO to cancel UN conference on Palestine scheduled for UNESCO's Paris headquarters in August.
Military Action:
Three hours of machine gun and RPG battles in Tripoli between PFLP-GC and anti-Syrian Lebanese militia; Saad Haddad, accompanied by IDF, occupies Jubb Jannin, northern-most Israeli position in Bekaa valley; IDF increases patrols in Sidon area; IDF APC detonates mine near Khamed al-Luz in northern Bekaa, no injuries.
3 bodies found earlier this week in Sidon area; PLO says Israel has offered, through Austrian mediation, to release 800 prisoners for 8 IDF captured in Lebanon; IDF says it holds 293 Syrian prisoners, 5,099 Palestinians and Lebanese at Ansar.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir criticizes Reagan for use of word homeland with reference to resolution of Palestinian question, says it is not by accident that this term does not appear in the Camp David accords; 3 Israeli officers, including a Captain, and three soldiers are currently serving prison terms for refusing to serve in Lebanon; police detain 6 persons for harassing Peace Now demonstration on February 10; members of Ramallah area Village League to face charges of aggravated assault and illegal detention and interrogation as a result of complaints by Ramallah residents over incident occurring a year ago.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 18th session of Lebanese-Israeli-US talks in Khalde results in initial agreement on security arrangements; Habib meets with President Gemayel and other Lebanese leaders.
Arab Governments: Jordanian Foreign Minister, after talks in Beirut with President Amin Gemayel, says Israel must first withdraw from Lebanon and agree to settlement freeze before comprehensive negotiations can take place; Saudi Arabia, principal export market for Lebanon, bans all imports to prevent flow of Israeli goods.
US and Other Countries: Defense Secretary Weinberger denies Israeli reports that US Marines ordered not to have direct liaison with IDF, but says current system of liaison through a military council is satisfactory; Weinberger also says number of Marines in MNF may have to be increased if withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces is achieved; Shultz rejects Israeli position, reiterated yesterday by Arens, that a Palestinian state and homeland exists already in Jordan; US Gallup Poll taken in January 1983 finds American public sympathy toward Israel has returned to level of July 1981, following sharp drop after Beirut massacre.
Military Action:
Syrian forces in Bekaa valley have strengthened positions in anticipation of new Israeli offensive; Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners claims responsibility for car bomb that destroys PLO Research Center in West Beirut, and temporary quarters of Libyan embassy.
22 killed, 115 wounded by car bomb; Phalangists waging campaign of intimidation against middle class Palestinian families in Sidon area, with 7 murders reported in past week; Italian member of MNF seriously injured when cluster bomb explodes as he carries it to demolition experts.
Political Responses:
US and Other Countries: Pentagon officers suggest confrontations between IDF and US Marines are part of deliberate effort by Sharon to discredit MNF in Beirut.
Military Action:
Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after fourth encounter between IDF and Marines in 1 week, US Embassy in Beirut expresses concern; truce in Tripoli policed by PLO because Lebanese security forces refuse to patrol area so long as opposing forces maintain positions.
1 PLO member killed, 3 wounded in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Government rejects US-proposed compromise on agenda for Lebanon negotiations; at Cabinet meeting Begin promises Deputy Premier David Levy and Communications Minister Mordechai Zipori, both Herut Party critics of Sharon, that Cabinet will hold special debate on Lebanon; Young Guards of Labor Party elects as chairman Moshe Cohen, a political centrist who will seek to end leftward lurch of party, to terminate Labor's alignment with Mapam and a rapprochement with religious parties; all police units launch anti-terrorist drive following attack on bus, reveal several bomb incidents since summer, including 280 kg bomb in car in Negev defused, bomb under bench in Herzliya which wounded 4, 4.5 kg bomb in Jerusalem defused, security forces played down and withheld information on incidents; Israeli trade with Lebanon valued at $8 million each for November and December; Peace Now group demonstrates outside Prime Minister Begin's office; dozens of Palestinians arrested in Tel Aviv after yesterday's grenade attck, 2 molotov cocktails thrown at police station in Dheisheh refugee camp, no injuries, security forces seal area, search but no arrests; 10 Najah University students arrested, charged with incitement; Kiryat Arba residents pull down Hebron municipality electricity poles for second time, and Acting Mayor Mustafa Natshe says he received threatening letter from Kiryat Arba council demanding removal of the utility poles; Elon Moreh settlers fire shots into Nablus Dal al-Tafel kindergarten and its bus, military authorities seal off Nablus market area.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat holds talks with King Hussein in Amman, also attending are members of Joint Committee, as Hussein tells Arafat his talks with Reagan were positive and successful; Lebanese Director General of Internal Security Forces Hisham Shaar says conscription may be necessary to keep balance of Christians and Muslims in police force; reports circulating in Beirut that AUB President David Dodge, kidnapped during war, may be alive and held in Bekaa Valley; Internal Security Chief Hisham Shaar and Syrian Deputy Chief of Staff General Ali Aslan meet in Tripoli, agree to patrols there by Lebanese security forces.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak calls on Hussein and Arafat to negotiate on the basis of the Reagan plan, before US presidential elections and more settlements make it too late to reach agreement, says that only thing that bothers him about US foreign policy is US Congress' decision to increase aid to Israel; Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali says Egyptian ambassador to Israel will return to his post as soon as agreement is reached on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon; Saudi King Fahd holds series of meetings with Walid Jumblatt, Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohammed Boucetta, Fateh Executive Committee member Abu Mazen.
US and Other Countries: Senator Charles Percy (R-IL) states support for Israeli position that withdrawal from Lebanon should be accompanied by business-like relations; columnist Jack Anderson publishes opinion poll of the world's worst leaders with Menahem Begin ranking fifth after Khomeini, Qaddafi, Mobutu and Duvalier; 1,500 New York area Jews who have applied for aliya attend speech by Israeli President Navon in synagogue.
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut, despite anonynmous bomb threat phone call; Israeli Border Police company which lost 35 members in Tyre building collapse to return to normal duties in Tyre; IDF completes program to improve security of IDF vehicles on Lebanese highways.
Palestinian refugees in South Lebanon spurn Israeli-made prefab houses.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz and Jerusalem Post quote source close to Begin that he may call new elections if Commission of Inquiry faults him for negligence of duty; Commission spokesman clarifies that warnings are not interim findings but represent only "worst case" scenario, notes others may subsequently receive similar warnings; Habib presents new proposals to Begin on starting Lebanon-Israel peace talks; Jerusalem Post poll shows marked increase in Israeli opposition to Reagan plan; Israel and US sign agreement on exchanging lessons of Lebanon war; 16 Bethlehem organizations not receiving Jordanian subsidies join notables in signing statement rejecting US initiative and its "Jordanian" interpretation, seen as response to pro-Jordanian West Bank leaders' document urging PLO recognition of Israel and praising "positive elements" of Reagan proposals; Deputy Agriculture Minister lays cornerstone of Nofim, first Samaria settlement to be developed entirely by a private company.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat opens meeting of 66-member PLO Central Council seeking united stand on Reagan plan, adopts new membership roll for PNC expanding representation from occupied territories; PLO official denounces US refusal to allow Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish to enter US for UNICEF poetry festival in New York; Lebanese officials say proposals given Begin ask IDF and Syrian forces to withdraw nine miles from Beirut-Damascus highway as first phase, Israelis would then move back to 25- 31 miles from Israeli border as Syrians withdraw into Bekaa from central mountain areas; Lebanese government announces team to negotiate with Israelis to be headed by Gen. Hamdan, including UN Ambassador Ghassan Tueni and Gemayel aide Antoine Fattal; Lebanese government plans to draft men into army for first time.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak, at joint press conference with French President Mitterrand, urges PLO to recognize Israel without waiting for simultaneous Israeli recognition of PLO, says move would assist Reagan peace plan, allow PLO to dialog with US; Mitterrand says Israel should state mutual recognition of PLO.
US and Other Countries: US State Department denies Tuesday talks with West Bank Palestinian mayors is beginning of indirect talks with PLO; Italian Socialists reaffirm reciprocal, simultaneous recognition between Israel and PLO necessary for recognizing PLO.
Military Action:
Fighting between Sunni and Shiite militias in Tripoli; Chouf region tense following more clashes, IDF surrounds Brih and Kfar Nabrakh to stop fighting; Phalange calls on East Beirut residents to cooperate with Lebanese Army as it moves into center of East Beirut with support of French and Italian forces; US Marines postpone deployment into East Beirut; 6 Israeli Druze in IDF court-martialled for entering Lebanese Druze village without permission; Finland agrees to send 460-man battalion to replace Nepalese soldiers in UNIFIL in South Lebanon; grenade tossed at IDF vehicle in center of Sidon, following similar incidents along coastal road.
Estimates of 8 to 20 Lebanese killed, over 21 wounded in Chouf fighting; UPI reports death toll in Beirut massacre now estimated at 1,962; IDF concedes troops looted in Lebanon "in a number of isolated instances," but claims all looters were severely punished.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli foreign ministry official claims 2-3,000 PLO guerrillas have infiltrated into Bekaa since evacuation from Beirut in August, another 4-5,000 in camps around Tripoli; Shamir, in Knesset debate, defends Government policy in Lebanon against Labor Party attacks, says IDF will remain until "peace for Galilee" achieved, and berates Gemayel government for "negative tones"; aide Avi Dudai says Sharon personally gave order allowing Phalange to enter camp, in closed testimony before Commission of Inquiry; protests continue throughout Occupied Territories, leading to closure of Ramallah Teachers College; al-Fajr journalist Samaan Khoury gets one-year suspended sentence for possessing banned magazine; Jewish settlers hold emergency meeting to discuss growing attacks on settlers; Gush Emunim announces new yeshiva to be opened at site of Joseph's tomb in Nablus; Housing Minister David Levy announces plans for 5 more settlements on West Bank.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel meets with officials seeking to halt spread of fighting in Chouf; Wazzan says government has agreed on new measures to stop fighting.
Arab Governments: King Fahd visits King Hassan in Fez to discuss diplomatic campaign for peace settlement.
US and Other Countries: White House announces Begin to meet Reagan November 19 during "private" visit; Italian Prime Minister Spadolini, following meeting with Reagan in White House, says US and Italy exploring ways to increase presence in Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF jets attack, destroy Syrian anti-aircraft missile battery in Dahr el-Baydar east of Bhamdoun; PLO leader Hawatmeh visits PLO forces in Bekaa; Gemayel visits multinational troops in Beirut; 70 more weapons dumps confiscated by Lebanese Army in past two days.
Casualties: IDF says less than 3,000 people were killed in battle for Beirut (80 percent PLO guerrillas or other armed groups); French soldiers check for mines in old market of Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli parliament rejects Reagan proposals (Begin says US plan would repartition Israel, Shamir says US has disturbed peace process, Knesset votes 50-36 to endorse Begin's opposition to plan); Knesset debates conduct of war (Labor Party leader Bar-Lev says invasion was first war not essential to peace or Israeli security); Peace Now holds protest opposing war in front of Knesset.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO demands Israel supply list of its prisoners in return for allowing ICRC access to 8 IDF soldiers captured. Phalange surprised at and resents Sharon declaration that Israel will impose own special security arrangements on Lebanon if peace treaty not forthcoming; East Beirut celebrates exit of PLO forces; Lebanese deny plans for Gemayel to try Haddad for collaborating with Israelis; Gemayel advisers tell 4 Israeli Knesset members visiting Beirut that no early treaty with Israel possible (treaty raises fears of Arab boycott).
Arab Governments: Arab peace plan nears readiness at Fez talks (Syria pullout agreed if IDF forces withdrawn).
US and Other Countries: US expresses concern over IDF raid; Reagan and advisers meet over plans to seek removal of all foreign troops from Lebanon, announce Habib will return to Lebanon for Gemayel swearingin and that US Marines will be withdrawn beginning in 2 days.
Military Action:
Arafat checks front lines of PLO in Beirut, visits refugee camps, offices; PLO delegation arrives in Tunisia to prepare for PLO guerrilla arrivals; IDF position in Bekaa fortified; 177 wounded PLO fighters leave by ship for Greece; Syrian forces begin withdrawal from Beirut; 697 PLO guerrillas leave for North Yemen; second group of PLO guerrillas evacuated to Tartus; Italian troops and French reinforcements joined US Marines in overseeing evacuation.
1 IDF soldier dies of wounds from attack north of Tyre; 1 IDF solider killed by Phalangists when he and two other soldiers tried to break into jewelry shop in Aley; UNRWA says tents needed to house 30,000 Palestinian refugees through winter (Lebanese government reportedly opposes more permanent housing, relocation further northward); thousands of Lebanese jam crossings into West Beirut as services slowly restored.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon warns Syria, calls on Lebanese cabinet to cooperate with US (later at New York meeting with Jewish groups, he defends invasion as step toward Middle East peace; 100 demonstrators protest outside); Sharon meets Shultz, says Israel opposed to Palestinian state as it already exists in Jordan; Deputy Minister of Communications Dov Shilansky, in radio debate, says Israeli media encouraged the enemy during the war; IDF lifts 10-day ban on travel from Nablus area to Jordan; Begin says inquiry commission should probe opposition, not war; Jerusalem Post poll finds Likud Party surges in popularity.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Farouk Kaddoumi to lead PLO delegation to Arab Foreign Ministers meeting tomorrow; Habib meets Gemayel, asks Salaam to cooperate with Gemayel, assures Wazzan, Sarkis no Phalangists will be near overland evacuation.
Arab Govemments: Assad writes Reagan; Egypt sets three conditions for resuming autonomy talks in meeting with Israeli Ambassador (total IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; freeze on all further settlements in the occupied territories).
US and Other Countries: US Jewish leaders tell Shultz not to "rehabilitate" PLO.
Military Action:
First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks head north from Beirut; PLO, Syrians fortify positions in Bekaa; two PLO groups leave Beirut for Syria, Sudan following massive public farewells (PLO overland evacuation to Syria postponed again, for "technical reasons"); Sharon allows Syrians to send trucks to remove heavy vehicles from Beirut; US Marines land at Beirut and US officer meets with PLO leadership to discuss guarding port area; IDF forces "thinned" near Beirut.
Casualties: 1 IDF soldier dies after being shot by sniper in Galerie Semaan (333rd IDF soldier killed); mine kills 4 Lebanese villagers near Jouayeh; Bekaa front quiet; 9 civilians killed, 27 wounded accidentally in farewell fusillades by LNM forces.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Temritories: Sharon meets with West Bank Village League heads concerning their participation in "autonomy" talks (later states opposition to Palestinian state because "it already exists" in Jordan); grenade hurled at IDF vehicle in Gaza Strip (fourth such incident in Occupied Territories in one week); Union of Palestinian Women's Committees from West Bank visit Palestinian and Lebanese victims of Israeli invasion in Haifa hospitals; Begin calls for resumption of autonomy talks with Egypt, claims "war" with PLO in West Beirut over; government announces 7 more settlements planned for West Bank, Golan Heights; Sharon says he expects Lebanon to sign peace treaty with Israel; Peres calls for establishment of commission of inquiry to examine government conduct of Lebanese war.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Opposition to Gemayel presidency among Lebanese Muslims remains strong.
Arab Govemments: Syria warns Gemayel against signing peace treaty with Israel; Saudi Prince Saud meets Assad in Damascus (Saudis reportedly involved in negotiations with US on withdrawal of forces from Lebanon); Saudi King Fahd donates $500 m. to repair damage to Sidon.
US and Other Countries: Habib, in Tel Aviv, asks Sharon to allow French soldiers to safeguard section of Beirut-Damascus road during evacuation and to restrain Phalange attacks; 3 US congressmen meet Begin in Israel; Reagan assures Congress of Marines' noncombat role in Lebanon in notification required under War Powers Act.