IDF begins redeployment fr. Janin, 60 surrounding villages. 1st 10 Palestinian policemen arrive in Janin to crowds of Palestinian well-wishers. (MM 10/25; VOP 10/25 in FBIS 10/25; NYT, WP 10/26;...
October 25, 1995
October 30, 1994
Government, business leaders fr. 80 countries meet in Casablanca for 3-day Middle East-North Africa Economic Summit to discuss regional stability, investment, development. Secy. of State...
October 20, 1992
In joint interview with al-Hayat and Le Monde, PM Rabin says there are "better chances" for peace with Syria than with the Palestinians because in that country "there is somebody who can take...
September 6, 1992
PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)
PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers,...
July 13, 1992
PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy....
August 17, 1990
U.S. warships in Gulf halt but do not board 2 Iraqi cargo vessels in 1st test of naval blockade; allow vessels to sail on after ascertaining ships carried no cargo [NYT 8/18].
State Dep't...
December 4, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's...
July 31, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin offers to trade Shayk 'Ubayd, other Shia prisoners for Western hostages and Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon [WP 8/1]....
July 13, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority,...
June 19, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military...
February 16, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit...
December 15, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Minister of Industry and Trade Ariel Sharon moves into apartment in Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City; merchants close shops in...
November 27, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense...
October 9, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of...
August 24, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]....
August 6, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are...
April 21, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin announces Cabinet decision to withdraw completely from Lebanon by early June; also indicates possible continued IDF presence in...
March 26, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers...
March 21, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In visit to settlers in Katif, DM Rabin asserts Gaza "must remain an inseparable part of the state of Israel" [JTA 3/22].
February 14, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Citizens' Rights Movement presents report to DM Rabin citing discrimination in Occupied Territories, outlining proposals for improvement...
January 16, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police,...
July 21, 1982
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6,...
IDF begins redeployment fr. Janin, 60 surrounding villages. 1st 10 Palestinian policemen arrive in Janin to crowds of Palestinian well-wishers. (MM 10/25; VOP 10/25 in FBIS 10/25; NYT, WP 10/26; MEI 11/3)
1st of 7 new West Bank district liaison and coordinating offices begins operating in Janin. (HA 10/27 in FBIS 11/1)
In Washington, PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton, Defense Secy. Perry. Later in the day, Congress holds official reception on Capitol Hill to mark Israel's Jerusalem 3000 celebration, commemorating the establishment by King David of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. PM Rabin, Jerusalem Mayor Olmert, Senate Majority Leader Dole (R-KS), Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD), House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-MS) attend. Knesset sends Congress telegram congratulating them on the U.S. embassy vote. (QY 9/5 in FBIS 9/5; MM, NYT 10/25; MM, WT 10/26; MM 10/27)
Jordan, Israel sign trade agmt. (QY 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)
Libya's Qaddafi temporarily halts expulsion of Palestinians for 3-6 mos to allow Arab states time to prepare for the eventual deportation of all Palestinians to the self-rule areas. (NYT, WT 10/26)
IAF begins using infrared night-vision security system on the border with Lebanon. (JP 10/25 in FBIS 10/27)
Government, business leaders fr. 80 countries meet in Casablanca for 3-day Middle East-North Africa Economic Summit to discuss regional stability, investment, development. Secy. of State Christopher encourages Arab states to end boycott of Israel, set up regional trade block. Lebanon, Syria boycott conference. (WT 10/30; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 10/31)
Israeli PM Rabin, Arafat meet in Casablanca, agree to station Palestinians at crossing points, reach no agmt. on elections. Rabin says IDF will hit Hamas in autonomous areas if Arafat does not, borders will reopen soon. Asked if reopening ends Rabin's "national separation" plan (see 10/19), spokesman Uri Dromi says "separation is easier said than done, and you can't do it overnight." (WT 10/30; NYT, WP, WT 10/31; VOP 10/31 in FBIS 11/1)
3,000 Palestinians rally to protest Israel-Jordan agmt. in Gaza. King Hussein reiterates that he is not competing for territorial control over West Bank, Gaza; says he will give control of religious site in East Jerusalem to Arafat when PNA is "ready to take up such responsibilities." (WT 10/31)
In joint interview with al-Hayat and Le Monde, PM Rabin says there are "better chances" for peace with Syria than with the Palestinians because in that country "there is somebody who can take decisions." He stresses that an agreed-upon PISGA does not foreclose the Palestinian "right to negotiate the permanent solution on the basis of Resolutions 242 and 338." (MM 10/20; Le Monde 10/21 in FBIS 10/22)
Two Fateh officials are killed and 2 wounded in attack on cafe in Sidon, Lebanon. Fateh-FRC (Abu Nidal) violence has claimed 21 lives over the last 3 months. (VOL 10/20 in FBIS 10/20, 10/21)
New Lebanese parliament holds opening sessions, elects pro-Syrian Amal leader Nabih Birri parliament speaker by vote of 105 to 14. (Former speaker Hussein Husseini had resigned 8/24.) (Radio Lebanon 10/20 in FBIS 10/20; NYT 10/21)
King Hassan 1I of Morocco embarks on tour of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, to promote Arab unity and the peace process. It is the first extensive tour of Arab states he has taken in 30 years. (MM 10/20)
PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)
PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers, refuses to declare that their settlements will not be hurt in an agreement with Syria, says importance of the Golan to Israel's security is not linked to settlements, "whether there are over 30 or half of that." (Qol Yisra'el 9/6, 9/7 in FBIS 9/8; Qol Yisra'el 9/10 in FBIS 9/10)
Annual Arab Economic Report (issued by Arab Monetary Fund, Arab League, and other orgs.) estimates that the Gulf crisis and war cost the Arab world $620 billion. (NYT 9/8)
Amal and Hizballah win 22 of 23 seats in 3rd round of Lebanese elections; Christians largely boycott the elections. (NYT, WP 6/9)
PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy. Yitzhak Shamir addresses Knesset, offers praise for old admin., warnings and criticism for the new. Knesset approves new cabinet by a vote of 67 to 53, 17 new cabinet mbrs. sworn in. Pres. Bush congratulates Rabin, invites him to Kennebunkport, Maine, announces Secy. of State. Baker will travel to the region to meet with Rabin, Arab leaders. (ITV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; NYT, WP 7/14)
Faisal Husseini, not considered part of the Palestinian negotiating team by PM Rabin because he is from Jerusalem, and therefore not among Rabin's 7/13 "invitees," offers counter-invitation fr Rabin to call him at home in Jerusalem. Husseini's position is seen as direct challenge to Syria, which sees Rabin as "carbon copy" of Shamir. (MM 7/14)
Fateh and Hamas sign new, more elaborate agreement to end violence in Gaza Strip as a result of NRC mediation (see 7/8, 10). Eightteen committees have been set up to enforce the agreement. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)
Israeli undercover unit disguised as Arabs infiltrate, join 20 Hamas marchers in Gaza city. Hamas activist attacks 1 soldier, IDF opens fire; in ensuing confusion, 1 Hamas activist dies (from IDF bullets) as Hamas reportedly believes undercover IDF are Fateh activists. (Qol Yisra'el 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/22)
Pres. Asad meets with Lebanese Pres. Ilyas al-Hirawi, joined later by VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam and FM Faruk al-Shara' in Damascus. (Syrian Arab TV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14)
SLA commander Antun Lahd categorically rejects Lebanese elections given current circumstances. (MM 7/14)
Israel, SLA shells Hizballah target, UNIFIL village of Yatar killing 1 civilian, in response to Islamic Resistance mortaring of "security zone" village of Bayt Lif. (MM 7/13; Radio Lebanon 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; WP 7/14)
U.S. warships in Gulf halt but do not board 2 Iraqi cargo vessels in 1st test of naval blockade; allow vessels to sail on after ascertaining ships carried no cargo [NYT 8/18].
State Dep't reports Iraqi officials have moved 35 Americans from Baghdad hotel to another hotel where communications with U.S. diplomats have been cut off [NYT 8/18].
1,000 Iranian prisoners, held by Iraq since Iraq-Iran war, are released under supervision of Red Cross [INA 8/17 in FBIS 8/17].
Citizen's Rights Movement MK Yossi Sarid, who supports Palestinian state in O.T., writes in HaAretz: "If it is permissible to support Saddam Hussein, who murdered tens of thousands of 'opponents of the regime' . . . perhaps it is not so terrible to back the policies of Shamir, Sharon, and Rabin. In comparison with Saddam Hussein's crimes, the Israeli government's sins are as white as the driven snow" [MEM 8/17; WP 9/1].
Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog, speaking on Israeli radio, charges that the world has overfocused on Arab-Israeli conflict, and lost sight of more dangerous issues in the Middle East; he blames media for ignoring "bloodshed in the Arab world" [MEM 8/17].
PLO's Salah Khalaf says in interview that PLO is not pro-Iraqi, but pro-Arab, and seeks an Arab solution to the problem [MEM 8/17].
Israeli troops shoot dead 2 guerrillas in Israel's self-declared "security zone" in S. Lebanon [MET 8/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's defense budget [NYT 12/5].
Arab World: Jordan's P.M. Zeid bin Shaker resigns and is replaced by Mudar Badran, who has held the office twice before. King Husayn asks Badran "to work with the PLO" and support the intifada [NYT, WP 12/5].
Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon concludes 2-day Riyadh meeting, issues communique calling on all parties involved to abide by Taif agreement [FBIS 12/5].
Other Countries: Arab nations at UN ask U.S. not to threaten UN with financial sanctions in future, and to allow PLO observer's seat to be placed near observer nations; in return Arabs will drop campaign to recognize Palestinian statehood [NYT, WP 12/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2 Israeli army reserve units made up of W. Bank settlers are deployed in Jericho and Ma'radah in W. Bank [FBIS 12/5].
General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 12/7].
Arab World: SLA and Amal forces exchange artillery fire in S. Lebanon [NYT 12/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin offers to trade Shayk 'Ubayd, other Shia prisoners for Western hostages and Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon [WP 8/1].
Other Countries: Bush administration deplores killing of Col. Higgins, states that Israel is not responsible [NYT 8/1]. Senate Republican leader Robert Dole accuses Israel of endangering U.S. lives [WP 8/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burayj camp soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian. Troops shoot, kill 12-year-old Palestinian in Balatah camp. At least 16 Palestinians are shot in Gaza Strip [FJ 8/7].
Arab World: Organization of the Oppressed of the World states that it has hanged U. S. Lt. Colonel William Higgins because Israel has refused to release Shaykh 'Ubayd; Another Lebanese group threatens to kill second American hostage [NYT 8/1, MET 8/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority, according to Ha'Aretz [JPS 7/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 2 Palestinian teenagers die from wounds sustained earlier in the uprising [FJ 7/17]. Troops destroy 2 homes, seal 4 others on the W. Bank [NYT 7/14, FJ 7/17]. In Ramallah and al-Birah troops use rubber bullets, live ammunition to break up demonstrations [FJ 7/17]. Rabin says army will not be able to purchase all weapons it had planned this year because of cost of uprising [NYT 7/14].
Arab World: Previously unknown Palestinian group, Organization of the Martyrs of the Popular Revolution of Palestine, claims responsibility for 11 July attack on Greek tourist ship; spokesman for Fateh condemns the attack [NYT 7/14]. The Islamic Resistance Movement attacks Israeli, SLA positions in S. Lebanon near Kawkaba, 3 Islamic fighters and 1 Israeli soldier are killed [7/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military governor of the W. Bank meets with merchants from Ramallah trying to find ways to improve commerce [LAT 6/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot, wound 21-year-old man near Nablus [LAT 6/20, FJ 6/26]. Soldiers uproot 5 dunums of olive trees in Salim [FJ 6/26].
Arab World: The New York Times reports that PLO forces in southem Lebanon have doubled in the past six months [NYT 6/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit on amount of money that can be brought into W. Bank from Jordan [NYT 2/17]. Maj. Gen. Ehud Barak, Israel's deputy chief of staff and Def. Min. Rabin confirm soldiers buried 4 Palestinians alive 2/5 [WP 2/17]. Rabin announces his intention to establish military appeals court in occupied territories [CSM 2/17]. In Tel Aviv, 800 attend conference organized by Israeli intellectuals demanding Israeli government begin peace talks with Palestinians [NYT 2/18]. Israeli High Court upholds army order banning distribution of al-Quds newspaper in occupied territories [FJ 2/21]. Jewish settlers raid 'Azzah refugee camp near Bethlehem, shoot and wound 1 youth [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: UNRWA announces the suspension of all activities in Lebanon requiring intemational staff, and transfer of operations from Lebanon to Syria [FJ 2/21].
Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir ends 2-day visit to Italy [WP 2/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli riot police halt bus carrying Palestinian high school students from Haifa to Umm al-Fahm; several students are beaten. At least 1 Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash with Israeli soldiers in Jenin. In Qabatiyyah, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded when soldiers open fire on demonstrators [WP 2/17]. Army seizes 3 school buildings for military posts in Nablus [FJ 2/21]. Palestinian demonstrators bum tires and throw stones at entrance to Gush Qatif settlement in Gaza. In Rafah camp 4 are wounded in clash with soldiers [FJ 2/21]. In Sura and Majd villages, near Hebron, protesters bum Israeli buses. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstration in Fawwar refugee camp, wounding 9. Protests are held in Jenin refugee camp, Duhayshah camp and Bani Na'im village [FJ 2/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Minister of Industry and Trade Ariel Sharon moves into apartment in Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City; merchants close shops in protest [LAT 12/16]. Complete commercial strike closes stores in E. Jerusalem, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, al-Birah, and other W. Bank towns [FJ 12/20]. Israel bans distribution of al-Sha'b in W. Bank and Gaza Strip for 12 days [FJ 12/20]. Khan Yunis youth shot 12/12 by Israeli soldiers dies in Barzali Hospital [FJ 12/20]. Palestinian journalists from occupied territories hold sit-in at Arab Journalists' Association's Jerusalem office to protest administrative detention of Radwan Abu 'Ayyash [FJ 12/20]. Israeli police announce capture of 2 Palestinians charged with murder of Israeli soldier [FJ 12/20].
Arab World: Arab League calls for emergency session to discuss Israeli actions in occupied territories [CSM 12/16].
Other Countries: Trial of Ibrahim Khalid, only survivor of 4-man team that attacked Leonardo da Vinci Airport in 1985, opens in Rome. Abu Nidal and Rashid Hamida are being tried in absentia [LAT 12/16]. U.S. calls for Israeli restraint in handling disturbances in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [NYT 12/16]. Israeli Def. Min. Rabin meets with U.S. congressional leaders in Washington [WP 12/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF soldiers fire on Palestinian demonstrators at Gaza's Shifa Hospital, killing at least 2, wounding more than 11. Dozens are arrested. Palestinians at hospital attack Western journalists. UN reports 2 Palestinians are shot, killed: 1 at Bayt Hanun, in northern Gaza Strip, and 1 at Dayr al-Balah refugee camp. Palestine Press Service reports another demonstrator is killed by soldiers during protest march from Beach refugee camp to Shifa Hospital [LAT, NYT 12/16]. In W. Bank, demonstrations are reported in Nablus, Bir Zeit, Abu Dis village near Jerusalem, and Qalandiya, Am'ari, and Jalazun refugee camps [FJ 12/20].
Arab World: With tank and helicopter support, Israeli troops move north of S. Lebanon security zone, raid Shi'i villages of Maydun and Kafr Hunah. Lebanese sources report 6 fighters are wounded, 20 captured [NYT 12/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Director-General of Israeli For. Ministry David Kimche, and Israeli businessmen Al Schwimmer and Ya'akov Nimrodi, both involved in the nation's arms industry [WT 11/27]. Israeli officials state that Kimche and Amiram Nir, Peres' adviser on terrorism, are willing to cooperate in American investigation of the arms deal [LAT 11/28]. Former Armenian Bishop Shahe Ajamyan, accused of attempting to bribe the Jerusalem district commissioner, is released after 21 days in detention [FJ 12/5]. Social Improvement Association is established to protect Jerusalem's Arab residents [FJ 1/2].
Arab World: Saudi Arabian government denies 'Adnan Khashoggi organized U.S. shipment of arms to Iran [PI 11/28].
Other Countries: W. Germany expels 2 Syrian diplomats and 2 military attaches, delays replacing its ambassador to Damascus, but maintains diplomatic ties [WSJ 11/28].
Military Actions
Arab World: Israeli jets attack Palestinian bases near Sidon, killing at least 4 and wounding 3. (The Los Angeles Times reports 11 killed and 20 wounded in the raid.) Palestine National Salvation Front and Amal representatives rportedly have agreed to 9-point plan to end the fighting which has so far left 131 dead and 351 wounded [WP, LT 11/27; LAT 11/28]. PLO fighters in Lebanon reject the agreement [FJ 12/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of regular, border and military police" were charged with offenses against detainees and 17 were subsequently sentenced. Report also notes use of various forms of ill treatment and torture of detainees by Israeli forces in both the occupied territories and S. Lebanon, as well as extensive use of town arrest orders [JP 10/9]. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states 5 Palestinians recently captured or killed in Hebron hills received assistance from PLO headquarters in 'Amman [JP 10/10]. Palestinian students at al-Najah U. go on 1-day hunger strike in solidarity with administrative detainees' hunger strike inside prisons [FJ 10/11].
Arab World: Four hijackers of Achille Lauro surrender in Egypt. Yasir Arafat asks that the 4 be tumed over to the PLO for trial [NYT 10/10]. The 4 hijackers leave the ship after negotiating with PLO representatives. The agreement to let them go was based on early reports that no hostages had been harmed [WP 10/10]. Italy then announces American passenger Leon Klinghoffer, confined to a wheelchair, is missing, his body believed to have been thrown overboard [NYT 10/10]. Palestinian source in Cyprus says the 4 originally intended to "go to Israel and carry out some tasks there," and disobeyed orders by hijacking the ship [WP 10/10].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council unanimously condemns hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 10/10]. Draft resolution to invite Yasir Arafat to address UN General Assembly during 40th anniversary celebration is circulated at UN [BG 10/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin warns Amal that Israel will not allow it to carry out attacks across the northern border [MG 8/25]. The Washington Post reports Knesset Internal Affairs Committee voted 7-4 to block construction of the Mormon Center on Mount of Olives [WP 8/24]. A new memorial, called the Center for Special Studies in the Memory of the Fallen of Israel's Intelligence Community, opens in Tel Aviv [NYT 8/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Andre Alush, 40, is shot and killed by lone gunman in Tulkarm. Curfew is imposed [WP 8/25]. Avi Oved, of Tiberias, is shot three times in the marketplace of Jenin. His condition is serious. Curfew is immediately imposed [WP 8/25]. Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon falls in northern Israel, causing no casualties [WP 8/25].
Arab World: IDF carry out large-scale search operations in 3 south Lebanese villages: Qabrikha, Majd al-Salim, and Shaqra. Search follows firing of a katyusha into the Galilee earlier in the week. Several arrests are made and a variety of weapons seized [MG 8/25]. The Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims suicide bomber killed or wounded 60 at a SLA checkpoint; Israel's army radio says one Lebanese Christian soldier was killed and 2 others wounded [MG 8/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are local leaders of Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP [FJ 8/9]. Nine Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are served with deportation notices. Army states they can be deported because they cannot prove residency before original detentions. The 9 are from a group of 31 (out of the 1,150 ex-prisoners released 5/20) who do not have West Bank or Gaza IDs. They had all been told upon release they must leave when their residency permits expire this week. Some have nowhere to go. The Red Cross is looking into their cases [CT 8/7].) The High Court orders a delay in the deportation of one of the ex-prisoners, 'Abd al-Mujid Rudad, who argued that his whole family lives in Tulkarm and that during his 17 years of detention he repeatedly expressed regret for his political activities [WP 8/7]. The defense minister and the military govemor of the Tulkarm area have 45 days to explain why they should not prevent his deportation [JP 8/7]. Defense Min. Yitzhak Rabin justifies recent security measures; says Israel will use "whatever means are effective" tomaintain order [LAT 8/7]. Israeli govemment inaugurates new settlement, Adura, near Hebron, first since Peres took office [PI 8/7]. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports announcement by Austrian-Arab Society in Vienna that Hospice Hospital will reopen as a full-scale hospital afterenovation. Agreement was reportedly worked out between Franz Cardinal Koenig, archbishop of Vienna, and Tahir Kan'an, Jordanian minister for the occupied territories [JTA 8/7]. Israel Radio announces that none of the security officers involved in storming of Israeli bus hijacked by Palestinians last year will be charged in the deaths of two of the four hijackers [NYT 8/7]. Reuters reports that Rabbi Meir Kahane is giving 60 youths paramilitary training in a summer camp in the West Bank [TS 8/6]. Thirty-member delegation including Texas and Oklahoma oilmen and 6 U.S. congressmen arrives in Israel on fact-finding mission organized by Council for a Secure America, group established last year to support U.S. legislation aimed at promoting domestic production of oil and gas [JP 8/6]. New U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering presents credentials to President Chaim Herzog, reiterates U.S. opposition to new security measures, emphasizes U.S. support for Israel [CT 8/7].
Arab World: Seventeen representatives of Arab League member states assemble in Casablanca for Arab summit meeting [NYT 8/7]. Half the states attending are not represented by their heads of state [FT 8/7]. Fifteen pro-Syrian Muslim, Druze opposition leaders, and Greek Orthodox figures meet in Shtawra under Syrian sponsorship; proclaim National Unity Front to demand changes in Lebanon's system of political representation, now favoring the Maronites; call for a "democratic and secular" state with wide-ranging constitutional and electoral reforms [WP 8/7].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide bomber riding a mule kills himself, the animal, and wounds at least one other in Hasbayya. Bomber is identified as Jamal Sati, 23, Sunni Muslim student and local Communist party chief [LAT 8/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin announces Cabinet decision to withdraw completely from Lebanon by early June; also indicates possible continued IDF presence in S. Lebanon, even outside proposed security zone, if "necessary" [NYT 4/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF impose restrictions against travel to Jordan for residents of Beit Hanina, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Qalandiya, Shu'fat; measure is apparently collective punishment for 4/19 slaying of Israeli taxi driver [FJ 5/3].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 2 civilians trying to cross Litani River into Israeli-held territory [JP 4/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers Union calls on members to create delays in W. Bank military courts by refusing to enter guilty pleas, refusing to accept prisoner testimonies until determining admissibility of confessions; aim is to protest recent heavy sentences imposed by IDF courts [FJ 3/29]. Jewish underground defendant Dan Be'eri indicatesettler leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger was present at meeting to discuss blowing up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem [FJ 3/29].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disperse student demonstrators at Hittin school, Jenin, with tear gas after students allegedly threw stones; 2 arrested [JP 3/27].
Arab World: SLA, IDF raid Jabaa, 'Ain Buswar; unreported number arrested. Bombs explode near IDF vehicles near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, Jwaiyeh; no casualties [JP 3/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In visit to settlers in Katif, DM Rabin asserts Gaza "must remain an inseparable part of the state of Israel" [JTA 3/22].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan indicates US willingness to meet with joint PalestinianJordanian delegation (as proposed by Pres. Mubarak) as long as it contains no PLO members; reiterates opposition to direct US role in peace talks [WP, WSJ 3/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Car stoned in Nablus; no injuries [JP 3/22].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF cross 1st-stage withdrawal line, raid Humin al-Tahta, Jabaa, Sarba, Jal al- 'Arab, Rumin, Ankun, Kafr Malki, Kafr Fila; 23 killed, including CBS journalists Tawfiq Ghazawi, Bashir Matni (killed when IDF tank fired upon their car, marked as a camera car); 32 homes destroyed; resistance forces engage IDF; 1 Israeli wounded. IDF also raid Srifa, Janata. IDF soldier wounded 3/8 dies [NYT, JTA, WP 3/22, NYT 3/23]. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles near Ma'roub, 'Arab Salim, al-Bazouriya; no injuries. SLA patrol fired upon near Jarjoura; no casualties [JTA 3/22].
Other Countries: Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines offices in Rome, Athens, Nicosia bombed; 5 employees injured; Black September claims responsibility [TS 3/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Citizens' Rights Movement presents report to DM Rabin citing discrimination in Occupied Territories, outlining proposals for improvement; cites as example of discrimination 4,000 phone lines in Kiryat Arba as opposed to 700 in Hebron UP 2/14]. DM Rabin states no settlement will be erected on Tal Rumeida, Hebron; Cabinet Min. Ne'eman insists previous Likud govt. approved such proposed settlement [JP 2/15].
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat leaves for Rumania. PLO Political Dept. Head Farouq Qaddoumi, Fateh second-in-command Salah Khalaf insist PLO set up own independent state, have sole right to represent Palestinians at any peace talks [WP 2/15]. DFLP, PFLP criticize Arafat-Hussein accord [JP 2/15]. Lebanese security forces indicate over 1,000 SLA members have deserted since Israel announced withdrawal plans [LAT 2/16].
Other Countries: US State Dept. report on human rightsituation in Israel, Occupied Territories generally favorable [JP 2/14].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kills 11 resistance fighters, captures 9 in firefight along the Awali River [NYT 2/15]. IDF raid Burj Rahhal after bomb explodes near convoy; 150 questioned, 60 detained; 1 man killed, another wounded; 3 homes, community center bulldozed; IDF, French UNIFIL troops engage in fistfight as French try to stop demolition of homes [WP 2/15, LT 2/28]. IDF troops fire upon car of NBC news correspondent Bonnie Anderson at Awali River bridge near Sidon; no injuries [WP 2/15, NYT 2/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police, prison guards use tear gas to suppress inmates [JP 1/17, FJ 1/18]. Over 2,000 E. Jerusalem merchants return their municipal tax bills to protest 670% increase in taxes [FJ 1/18].
Other Countries: White House spokesman Sims confirms US, USSR agree in principle to meet together on Middle East [see 1/13] sometime in the future [WP 1/17]. New York jury in Sharon libel case (11/12) determines that Time magazine defamed Sharon in 1982 article on Sabra-Shatila; must yet decide on 2 other points [NYT 1/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha fired from Jordan lands in Jordan Valley; no injuries or damage. DM Rabin warns Jordan to stop such attacks or else Israel will [JP 1/17].
Arab World: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli television team, IDF escort in Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 1/17]. S. Lebanon Civil Guard member wounded by gunfire in Nabatiya [JP 1/17].
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6, 2 guerrillas captured; IDF troops trade fire with PLO south of Beirut; IDF jets fly more mock raids over Beirut; reports of IDF build-up east and south of the city; IDF artillery barrages resume late tonight; IDF ammunition trucks sighted along coastal road, as well as dozens of rocket launchers.
Several hundred Muslims march through W. Beirut up to Green Line demanding an end to the siege; 5 IDF soldiers killed, 8 wounded in PLO ambushes near Tyre and in the Bekaa.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon rules out temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon; official expresses strong disapproval of any US recognition of the PLO on whatever basis; Begin is briefed by US Ambassador Lewis on Reagan's meeting with Saud and Khaddam; Avneri tells press conference that PLO initiative to gain US recognition started before invasion, says Haig personally involved; Foreign Affairs Committee discusses "serious erosion" in US determination to oppose recognition of PLO; Yitzhah Rabin warns of possible "war of attrition" developing in the Bekaa valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam meets with Arafat, calls for Arab summit to resolve problem of where PLO guerrillas are to go; Habib meets with Sarkis to report on Reagan meeting; PLO officials optimistic on talks with Reagan, but fear new fighting with IDF.
Arab Governments: Iran-Iraq conflict escalates, deflects attention from Lebanese conflict.
US and Other Countries: US cautiously explores new plan with other governments; USSR criticizes Arab countries for failing to act in unison over the Lebanese crisis; Mayor Andrew Young of Atlanta calls Israeli invasion "unjustified."